2016-01-02 11:27:09 -08:00
2022-09-28 10:55:55 -07:00
"smartling" : {
"placeholder_format_custom" : "(\\$.+?\\$)" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"string_format_paths" : "icu: [*/messageformat]" ,
2022-09-28 10:55:55 -07:00
"translate_paths" : [
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"path" : "*/messageformat" ,
"key" : "{*}/messageformat" ,
"instruction" : "*/description"
} ,
2022-09-28 10:55:55 -07:00
"key" : "{*}/message" ,
"path" : "*/message" ,
"instruction" : "*/description"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddCaptionModal__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää viesti" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title of the dialog that allows you to add a caption to a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddCaptionModal__placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Viesti" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder text for textarea when adding a caption/message (we don't know which yet so we default to message)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddCaptionModal__submit-button" : {
"messageformat" : "Valmis" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Label on the button that submits changes to a story's caption in the add-caption dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää ryhmään" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Shown as the title of the dialog that allows you to add a contact to an group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__confirm-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisätäänkö uusi jäsen?" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Shown as the title of the confirmation dialog when adding a contact to a group, after having selected the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__confirm-add" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Shown in the affirmative button of the confirmation dialog when adding a contact to a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__confirm-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää {contact} ryhmään {group}" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Shown in the confirmation dialog body when adding a contact to a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__toast--user-added-to-group" : {
"messageformat" : "{contact} lisättiin ryhmään {group}" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Shown in toast after a user is added to an existing group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__toast--adding-user-to-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisätään {contact}…" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
} ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel" : {
2023-03-15 12:30:37 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Peruuta" ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"description" : "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
} ,
"icu:RecordingComposer__send" : {
2023-03-15 12:30:37 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Lähetä" ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"description" : "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupListItem__message-default" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {{count,number} jäsen} other {{count,number} jäsentä}}" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Shown below the group name when selecting a group to invite a contact to"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupListItem__message-already-member" : {
"messageformat" : "Jo jäsen" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Shown below the group name when selecting a group to invite a contact to, when the group item is disabled"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupListItem__message-pending" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsenyys odottaa" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Shown below the group name when selecting a group to invite a contact to, when the group item is disabled"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__sent-media-quality" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetettävän median laatu" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Title for the sent media quality setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sentMediaQualityStandard" : {
"messageformat" : "Vakio" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Label text for standard media quality option"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sentMediaQualityHigh" : {
"messageformat" : "Korkea" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Label text for high media quality option"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:softwareAcknowledgments" : {
"messageformat" : "Ohjelmistokiitokset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the about box for the link to software acknowledgments"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:privacyPolicy" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttöehdot ja tietosuoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the about box for the link to https://signal.org/legal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:appleSilicon" : {
"messageformat" : "Apple silicon" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the about box for Apple silicon product name"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:copyErrorAndQuit" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi virheilmoitus ja lopeta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the top-level error popup, allowing user to copy the error text and close the app"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unknownContact" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuntematon yhteystieto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the name of a contact if we don't have any displayable information about them"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unknownGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuntematon ryhmä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the name of a group if we don't have any information about it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:databaseError" : {
"messageformat" : "Tietokantavirhe" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a popup if the database cannot start up properly"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteAndRestart" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuhoa kaikki tiedot ja käynnistä uudelleen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a popup if the database cannot start up properly; allows user to delete database and restart"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mainMenuFile" : {
"messageformat" : "&Tiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label that is used for the File menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mainMenuCreateStickers" : {
"messageformat" : "Luo/lataa tarrapaketti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label that is used for the Create/upload sticker pack option in the File menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mainMenuEdit" : {
"messageformat" : "&Muokkaa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label that is used for the Edit menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mainMenuView" : {
"messageformat" : "&Näytä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label that is used for the View menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mainMenuWindow" : {
"messageformat" : "&Ikkuna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label that is used for the Window menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mainMenuHelp" : {
"messageformat" : "&Ohje" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label that is used for the Help menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mainMenuSettings" : {
"messageformat" : "Asetukset…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label that is used for the Preferences menu in the program main menu. This should be consistent with the standard naming for ‘ Preferences’ on the operating system."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:appMenuServices" : {
"messageformat" : "Palvelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Application menu item for macOS 'Services'"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:appMenuHide" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilota" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Application menu command to hide the window"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:appMenuHideOthers" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilota muut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Application menu command to hide all other windows"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:appMenuUnhide" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä kaikki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Application menu command to show all application windows"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:appMenuQuit" : {
"messageformat" : "Lopeta Signal" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Application menu command to close the application"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuUndo" : {
"messageformat" : "Kumoa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu command to remove recently-typed text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuRedo" : {
"messageformat" : "Tee uudelleen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu command to restore previously undone typed text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuCut" : {
"messageformat" : "Leikkaa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu command to remove selected text and add it to clipboard"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuCopy" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu command to add selected text to clipboard"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuPaste" : {
"messageformat" : "Liitä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle" : {
"messageformat" : "Liitä ja sovita tyyliin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location, taking only text and not style information"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuDelete" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu command to remove the selected text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuSelectAll" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse kaikki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu command to select all of the text in selected text box"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuStartSpeaking" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita puhuminen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu item under 'speech' to start dictation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:editMenuStopSpeaking" : {
"messageformat" : "Lopeta puhuminen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Edit menu item under 'speech' to stop dictation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:windowMenuClose" : {
"messageformat" : "Sulje ikkuna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Window menu command to close the current window"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:windowMenuMinimize" : {
"messageformat" : "Pienennä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Window menu command to minimize the current window"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:windowMenuZoom" : {
"messageformat" : "Suurenna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Window menu command to make the current window the size of the whole screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:windowMenuBringAllToFront" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuo kaikki etualalle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Window menu command to bring all windows of current application to front"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:viewMenuResetZoom" : {
"messageformat" : "Alkuperäinen koko" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "View menu command to go back to the default zoom"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:viewMenuZoomIn" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähennä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "View menu command to make everything bigger"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:viewMenuZoomOut" : {
"messageformat" : "Loitonna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "View menu command to make everything smaller"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:viewMenuToggleFullScreen" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihda koko näytön tila" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "View menu command to enter or leave Full Screen mode"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:viewMenuToggleDevTools" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä/piilota kehittäjätyökalut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "View menu command to show or hide the developer tools"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:menuSetupAsNewDevice" : {
"messageformat" : "Asenna uutena laitteena" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When the application is not yet set up, menu option to start up the set up as fresh device"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:menuSetupAsStandalone" : {
"messageformat" : "Asenna itsenäisenä laitteena" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Only available on development modes, menu option to open up the standalone device setup sequence"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:messageContextMenuButton" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisätoimintoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for context button next to each message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:contextMenuCopyLink" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi linkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the context menu for a link to indicate that the user can copy the link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:contextMenuCopyImage" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the context menu for an image to indicate that the user can copy the image"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:contextMenuNoSuggestions" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei ehdotuksia" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the context menu for a misspelled word to indicate that there are no suggestions to replace the misspelled word"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:avatarMenuViewArchive" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä arkisto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "One of the menu options available in the Avatar popup menu"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:avatarMenuChatColors" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelun väri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "One of the menu options available in the Avatar popup menu"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:avatarMenuUpdateAvailable" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitä Signal" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "One of the menu options available in the Avatar popup menu"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:loading" : {
"messageformat" : "Ladataan…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown on the loading screen before we've loaded any messages"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:optimizingApplication" : {
"messageformat" : "Optimoidaan sovellusta…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown on the loading screen while we are doing application optimizations"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:migratingToSQLCipher" : {
"messageformat" : "Optimoidaan viestejä… {status} valmis." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown on the loading screen while we are doing application optimizations"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:archivedConversations" : {
"messageformat" : "Arkistoidut keskustelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in place of the search box when showing archived conversation list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:LeftPane--pinned" : {
"messageformat" : "Kiinnitetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a header for pinned conversations in the left pane"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:LeftPane--chats" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a header for non-pinned conversations in the left pane"
} ,
2023-08-21 15:05:39 -07:00
"icu:NavTabsToggle__showTabs" : {
"messageformat" : "Show Tabs" ,
"description" : "Show in the left pane when the nav tabs are hidden, shows the nav tabs"
} ,
"icu:NavTabsToggle__hideTabs" : {
"messageformat" : "Hide Tabs" ,
"description" : "Show in the nav tabs when the nav tabs are visible, hides the nav tabs"
} ,
"icu:NavTabs__ItemIconLabel--HasError" : {
"messageformat" : "An error occurred" ,
"description" : "Nav Tabs > Tab has error > Accessibility Text"
} ,
"icu:NavTabs__ItemIconLabel--UnreadCount" : {
"messageformat" : "{count,number} unread" ,
"description" : "Nav Tabs > Unread badge > Accessibility Text"
} ,
"icu:NavTabs__ItemIconLabel--MarkedUnread" : {
"messageformat" : "Marked unread" ,
"description" : "Nav Tabs > Unread badge > when conversation is marked unread > Accessibility Text"
} ,
"icu:NavTabs__ItemLabel--Settings" : {
"messageformat" : "Settings" ,
"description" : "Nav Tabs > Settings Button > Label & Accessibility Text"
} ,
"icu:NavTabs__ItemLabel--Update" : {
"messageformat" : "Update Signal" ,
"description" : "Nav Tabs > Settings Button > Label & Accessibility Text"
} ,
"icu:NavTabs__ItemLabel--Profile" : {
"messageformat" : "Profile" ,
"description" : "Nav Tabs > Profile Button > Accessibility Text"
} ,
"icu:NavSidebar__BackButtonLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "Back" ,
"description" : "Shown in the sidebar header when on a nested panel within the current sidebar, takes the user back to the previous step or default sidebar state"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:archiveHelperText" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Arkistoidut keskustelut palautetaan postilaatikkoon, jos niihin tulee uusia viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown at the top of the archived conversations list in the left pane"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noArchivedConversations" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei arkistoituja keskusteluja." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown at the top of the archived conversations list in the left pane if there is no any archived conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:archiveConversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Arkistoi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in menu for conversation, and moves conversation out of main conversation list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:markUnread" : {
"messageformat" : "Merkitse lukemattomaksi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in menu for conversation, and marks conversation as unread"
} ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"icu:ConversationHeader__menu__selectMessages" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse viestit" ,
"description" : "Shown in menu for conversation, allows the user to start selecting multiple messages in the conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactListItem__menu" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Hallinnoi yhteystietoa" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as aria label for context menu for a contact"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__menu__message" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Viesti" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a context menu for a contact, allows the user to start the conversation with the contact"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__menu__audio-call" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Äänipuhelu" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a context menu for a contact, allows the user to start the audio call with the contact"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__menu__video-call" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Videopuhelu" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a context menu for a contact, allows the user to start the video call with the contact"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__menu__remove" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a context menu for a contact, allows the user to remove the contact from the contact list"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__menu__block" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Estä" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a context menu for a contact, allows the user to block the contact"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__remove--title" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko {title}?" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for removing a contact from the contact list"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__remove--body" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Tätä henkilöä ei näytetä haussa. Saat viestipyynnön, jos hän jatkossa lähettää sinulle viestin." ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for removing a contact from the contact list"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__remove--confirm" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the confirmation button text in the confirmation modal for removing a contact from the contact list"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__remove-system--title" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Henkilöä {title} ei voida poistaa" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for removing a system contact from the contact list"
} ,
"icu:ContactListItem__remove-system--body" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Tämä henkilö on tallennettu laitteesi yhteystietoihin. Poista henkilö mobiililaitteesi yhteystiedoista ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for removing a system contact from the contact list"
} ,
"icu:moveConversationToInbox" : {
"messageformat" : "Palauta arkistosta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Undoes Archive Conversation action, and moves archived conversation back to the main conversation list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:pinConversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Kiinnitä keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in menu for conversation, and pins the conversation to the top of the conversation list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unpinConversation" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Irrota keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Undoes Archive Conversation action, and unpins the conversation from the top of the conversation list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:pinnedConversationsFull" : {
"messageformat" : "Voit kiinnittää enintään 4 keskustelua" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a toast when a user attempts to pin more than the maximum number of chats"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseDirectory" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse kansio" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to allow the user to find a folder on disk"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseFile" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse tiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to allow the user to find a file on disk"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:loadDataHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuo tietosi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header shown on the first screen in the data import process"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:loadDataDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhteystiedot ja viestit on hiljattain siirretty tietokoneelle. Valitse kansio, joka sisältää Signal-tietosi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Introduction to the process of importing messages and contacts from disk"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:importChooserTitle" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse kansio, jonne tiedot on tallennettu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title of the popup window used to select data previously exported"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:importErrorHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Jokin meni pieleen!" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header of the error screen after a failed import"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:importingHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Ladataan yhteystietoja ja viestejä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header of screen shown as data is import"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:importErrorFirst" : {
"messageformat" : "Varmista, että ole valinnut oikean hakemiston, joka sisältää Signalin tiedot. Hakemiston nimen tulisi alkaa sanoilla \"Signal Export\". Voit myös tallentaa uuden kopion tiedoistasi Signalin Chrome-sovelluksen kautta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown if the import went wrong; first paragraph"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:importErrorSecond" : {
"messageformat" : "Jos nämä ohjeet eivät toimineet, lähetä meille virheenkorjausloki (Näytä -> Virheenkorjausloki) jotta voimme auttaa sinua siirtymisessä!" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown if the import went wrong; second paragraph"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:importAgain" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse kansio ja yritä uudelleen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button shown if the user runs into an error during import, allowing them to start over"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:importCompleteHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Onnistui!" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header shown on the screen at the end of a successful import process"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:importCompleteStartButton" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita Signal Desktopin käyttö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button shown at end of successful import process, nothing left but a restart"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:importCompleteLinkButton" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhdistä tämä laite puhelimeesi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button shown at end of successful 'light' import process, so the standard linking process still needs to happen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:selectedLocation" : {
"messageformat" : "valitsemasi kansio" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown as the export location if we didn't capture the target directory"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:upgradingDatabase" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitetään tietokantaa. Tämä saattaa kestää hetken…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown on the loading screen when we're changing database structure on first run of a new version"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:loadingMessages--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{daysAgo, plural, one {Ladataan viestejä toissapäivältä…} other {Ladataan viestejä {daysAgo,number} päivältä…}}" ,
"description" : "Message shown on the loading screen when we're catching up on the backlog of messages from day before yesterday and earlier"
} ,
"icu:loadingMessages--yesterday" : {
"messageformat" : "Ladataan viestejä eiliseltä…" ,
"description" : "Message shown on the loading screen when we're catching up on the backlog of messages from yesterday"
} ,
"icu:loadingMessages--today" : {
"messageformat" : "Ladataan viestejä tältä päivältä…" ,
"description" : "Message shown on the loading screen when we're catching up on the backlog of messages from today"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:view" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used as a label on a button allowing user to see more information"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:youLeftTheGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "Et ole enää ryhmän jäsen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed when a user can't send a message because they have left the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:invalidConversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä ryhmä on virheellinen. Luo uusi ryhmä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed when a user can't send a message because something has gone wrong in the conversation."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:scrollDown" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Vieritä keskustelun alaosaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Alt text for button to take user down to bottom of conversation, shown when user scrolls up"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:messagesBelow" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusia viestejä alla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Alt text for button to take user down to bottom of conversation with more than one message out of screen"
} ,
2023-06-07 14:57:08 -07:00
"icu:mentionsBelow" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusia mainintoja alla" ,
"description" : "Alt text for button to take user down to next mention of them further down the message list (currently out of screen)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unreadMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "1 lukematon viesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text for unread message separator, just one message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unreadMessages" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {{count,number} lukematon viesti} other {{count,number} lukematonta viestiä}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text for unread message separator, with count"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:messageHistoryUnsynced" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Tietoturvasyistä keskusteluhistoriaa ei siirretä uusin yhdistettyihin laitteisiin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when a user links a new device to explain what is not supported."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:youMarkedAsVerified" : {
"messageformat" : "Merkitsit turvanumerosi käyttäjän {name} kanssa varmennetuksi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when the user marks a contact as verified."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:youMarkedAsNotVerified" : {
"messageformat" : "Merkitsit turvanumerosi käyttäjän {name} kanssa varmentamattomaksi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when the user marks a contact as not verified, whether on the Safety Number screen or by dismissing a banner or dialog."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:youMarkedAsVerifiedOtherDevice" : {
"messageformat" : "Merkitsit turvanumerosi käyttäjän {name} kanssa varmennetuksi toisessa laitteessa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when we discover that the user marked a contact as verified on another device."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:youMarkedAsNotVerifiedOtherDevice" : {
"messageformat" : "Merkitsit turvanumerosi käyttäjän {name} kanssa varmentamattomaksi toisessa laitteessa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when we discover that the user marked a contact as not verified on another device."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:membersNeedingVerification" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvanumerosi ovat vaihtuneet usean tämän ryhmän jäsenen kanssa sen jälkeen kun olet viimeksi varmentanut ne. Napauttamalla ryhmän jäsentä näet uuden turvanumeron." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When there are multiple previously-verified group members with safety number changes, a banner will be shown. The list of contacts with safety number changes is shown, and this text introduces that list."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:changedRightAfterVerify" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvanumero, jota yrität varmentaa on vaihtunut. Yritä varmentaa uusi turvanumerosi yhteystiedon {name1} kanssa. Muista, että tämä muutos voi tarkoittaa joko sitä, että joku yrittää kaapata viestiliikennettänne, tai sitä, että {name2} on asentanut Signalin uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the safety number screen when the user has selected to verify/unverify a contact's safety number, and we immediately discover a safety number change"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__message" : {
"messageformat" : "Seuraavat henkilöt ovat ehkä asentaneet Signalin uudelleen tai vaihtaneet käyttämäänsä laitetta. Vahvista uusi turvanumero napsauttamalla vastaanottajaa. Tämä on valinnainen toiminto." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__pending-messages" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä odottavat viestit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message in the outbox"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__review" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkista" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Shown to enter 'review' mode if more than five contacts have changed safety numbers"
} ,
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__many-contacts" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Sinulla on {count,number} kontakti, joka on ehkä asentanut Signalin uudelleen tai vaihtanut käyttämäänsä laitetta. Voit halutessasi tarkistaa hänen turvanumeronsa ennen lähettämistä.} other {Sinulla on {count,number} kontaktia, jotka ovat ehkä asentaneet Signalin uudelleen tai vaihtaneet käyttämäänsä laitetta. Voit halutessasi tarkistaa heidän turvanumeronsa ennen lähettämistä.}}" ,
"description" : "Shown during an attempted send when more than five contacts have changed their safety numbers"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__post-review" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki kontaktit on tarkistettu. Jatka napsauttamalla Lähetä." ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Shown after reviewing large number of contacts"
} ,
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__confirm-remove-all" : {
2023-02-09 13:26:48 -08:00
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Haluatko varmasti poistaa yhden vastaanottajan tarinasta {story}?} other {Haluatko varmasti poistaa {count,number} vastaanottajaa tarinasta {story}?}}" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Shown if user selects 'remove all' option to remove all potentially untrusted contacts from a given story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__remove-all" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista kaikki" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in the context menu for a story header, to remove all contacts within from their parent list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__verify-number" : {
"messageformat" : "Varmenna turvanumero" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in the context menu for a story recipient header, to verify that they are still trusted"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__remove" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista tarinasta" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in the context menu for a story recipient, to remove this contact from from their parent list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__actions-contact" : {
"messageformat" : "Kontaktin {contact} toiminnot" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Label for button that opens context menu for contact"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__actions-story" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinan {story} toiminnot" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Label for button that opens context menu for story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:identityKeyErrorOnSend" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvanumerosi käyttäjän {name1} kanssa on vaihtunut. Tämä voi tarkoittaa joko sitä, että joku yrittää kaapata viestiliikennettänne, tai sitä, että {name2} on asentanut Signalin uudelleen. Suosittelemme varmentamaan turvanumerosi tämän käyttäjän kanssa uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when user clicks on a failed recipient in the message detail view after an identity key change"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sendAnyway" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä silti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to send the message."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog_send" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to send the message."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog_done" : {
"messageformat" : "Valmis" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Used when there are enough safety number changes to require an explicit review step, to signal that the review is complete."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callAnyway" : {
"messageformat" : "Soita silti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to call the conversation."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:continueCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Jatka puhelua" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to continue the group call."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noLongerVerified" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvanumerosi käyttäjän {name} kanssa on vaihtunut eikä se ole enää varmennettu. Näytä napsauttamalla." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation banner when user's safety number has changed, but they were previously verified."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:multipleNoLongerVerified" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvanumerosi ovat vaihtuneet usean tämän ryhmän jäsenen kanssa eivätkä ne ole enää varmennettuja. Näytä napsauttamalla." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation banner when more than one group member's safety number has changed, but they were previously verified."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:debugLogExplanation" : {
"messageformat" : "Kun napsautat Lähetä, lokitiedosto lähetetään 30 päivän ajaksi verkkoon ja sille määritetään yksityinen URL-osoite. Voit tallentaa sen ensin myös paikallisesti." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of what will happen with your debug log"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:debugLogError" : {
"messageformat" : "Jotain meni pieleen tiedostoa lähetettäessä! Lähetä sähköpostia osoitteeseen support@signal.org ja liitä loki siihen tekstitiedostona." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Error message a recommendations if debug log upload fails"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:debugLogSuccess" : {
"messageformat" : "Vianetsintäloki lähetetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title of the success page for submitting a debug log"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:debugLogSuccessNextSteps" : {
"messageformat" : "Vianetsintäloki on lähetetty. Ottaessasi yhteyttä tukeen, kopioi ja liitä mukaan alla oleva URL-osoite, kuvaus ongelmasta, sekä vaiheet, joiden seurauksena ongelma ilmenee." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Explanation of next steps to take when submitting debug log"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:debugLogLogIsIncomplete" : {
"messageformat" : "… nähdäksesi täyden lokin, paina Tallenna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the text for the copy button on the debug log screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:debugLogCopy" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi linkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the text for the copy button on the debug log screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:debugLogSave" : {
"messageformat" : "Tallenna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the text for the download button on the debug log screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:debugLogLinkCopied" : {
"messageformat" : "Linkki kopioitu leikepöydälle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a toast to let the user know that the link to the debug log has been copied to their clipboard"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:reportIssue" : {
"messageformat" : "Ota yhteyttä tukeen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Link to open the issue tracker"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:gotIt" : {
"messageformat" : "Selvä!" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for a button that dismisses a dialog. The user clicks it to confirm that they understand the message in the dialog."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:submit" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:acceptNewKey" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksy" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for a button to accept a new safety number"
} ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__migration__text" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Turvanumeroita päivitetään." ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "An explanatory note in SafetyNumberViewer describing the safety number migration process."
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__migration__learn_more" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "A link text in SafetyNumberViewer describing the safety number migration process."
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__card__prev" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Edellinen turvanumero" ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "An ARIA label for safety number navigation button."
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__card__next" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Seuraava turvanumero" ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "An ARIA label for safety number navigation button."
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__carousel__dot" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Turvanumeroversio, {index,number}/{total,number}" ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "An ARIA label for safety number carousel button."
} ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__markAsVerified" : {
"messageformat" : "Merkitse vahvistetuksi" ,
"description" : "Safety number viewer, verification toggle button, when not verified, sets verified"
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__clearVerification" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista varmennus" ,
"description" : "Safety number viewer, verification toggle button, when verified, clears verification state"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__hint--migration" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Varmenna päästä päähän -salaus henkilön {name} kanssa vertaamalla, että numero yllä olevassa värikortissa vastaa hänen laitettaan. Jos numerot eivät vastaa, kokeile toista turvanumeroparia. Vain yhden parin on vastattava." ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Safety number viewer, text of the hint during migration period"
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__hint--normal" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Varmenna päästä päähän -salaus henkilön {name} kanssa vertaamalla yllä olevia numeroita hänen laitteeseensa. Henkilö voi myös skannata koodisi laitteellaan." ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Safety number viewer, text of the hint after migration period"
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberOnboarding__title" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Muutoksia turvanumeroihin" ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Title of Safety number onboarding modal"
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberOnboarding__p1" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Turvanumeroita päivitetään siirtymäkauden aikana, jotta Signalin tulevat yksityisyysominaisuudet voidaan ottaa käyttöön." ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Paragraph 1 of Safety number onboarding modal"
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberOnboarding__p2" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Tarkista turvanumerot varmistamalla, että värikortin numero vastaa yhteystietosi laitetta. Jos numerot eivät vastaa, kokeile toista turvanumeroparia. Vain yhden parin on vastattava." ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Paragraph 2 of Safety number onboarding modal"
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberOnboarding__help" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Tarvitsetko apua?" ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Text of a secondary button in Safety number onboarding modal"
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberOnboarding__close" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Selvä" ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Text of a secondary button in Safety number onboarding modal"
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberNotReady__body" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Tälle henkilölle luodaan turvanumero, kun olet vaihtanut viestejä hänen kanssaan." ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Body of SafetyNumberNotReady modal"
} ,
"icu:SafetyNumberNotReady__learn-more" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Text of 'Learn more' button of SafetyNumberNotReady modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:isVerified" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet vahvistanut turvanumerosi yhteystiedon {name} kanssa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Summary state shown at top of the safety number screen if user has verified contact."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:isNotVerified" : {
"messageformat" : "Et ole vahvistanut turvanumeroasi yhteystiedon {name} kanssa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Summary state shown at top of the safety number screen if user has not verified contact."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:verified" : {
"messageformat" : "Vahvistettu"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:newIdentity" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusi turvanumero" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header for a key change dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:identityChanged" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvanumerosi tämän yhteystiedon kanssa on vaihtunut. Tämä voi tarkoittaa joko sitä, että joku yrittää kaapata viestiliikennettänne, tai sitä, että hän on asentanut Signalin uudelleen. Suosittelemme vahvistamaan turvanumerosi uudelleen."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:incomingError" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestin käsittelyvirhe"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:media" : {
"messageformat" : "Media" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header of the default pane in the media gallery, showing images and videos"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mediaEmptyState" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Keskustelussa ei ole yhtään mediatiedostoa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown to user in the media gallery when there are no messages with media attachments (images or video)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:allMedia" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki media" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header for the media gallery"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:documents" : {
"messageformat" : "Tiedostot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header of the secondary pane in the media gallery, showing every non-media attachment"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:documentsEmptyState" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Keskustelussa ei yhtään tiedostoa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown to user in the media gallery when there are no messages with document attachments (anything other than images or video)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:today" : {
"messageformat" : "Tänään" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The string \"today\""
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:yesterday" : {
"messageformat" : "Eilen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The string \"yesterday\""
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:thisWeek" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä viikko" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Section header in the media gallery"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:thisMonth" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä kuukausi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Section header in the media gallery"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unsupportedAttachment" : {
"messageformat" : "Liitetiedoston tyyppiä ei tueta. Tallenna napsauttamalla." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed for incoming unsupported attachment"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:clickToSave" : {
"messageformat" : "Tallenna napsauttamalla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Hover text for attachment filenames"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unnamedFile" : {
"messageformat" : "Nimeämätön tiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Hover text for attachment filenames"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:voiceMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääniviesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Name for a voice message attachment"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:dangerousFileType" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvallisuussyistä tätä tiedostotyyppiä ei voida liittää." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in toast when user attempts to send .exe file, for example"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:loadingPreview" : {
"messageformat" : "Ladataan esikatselua…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown while Signal Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stagedPreviewThumbnail" : {
"messageformat" : "Linkin {domain}esikatselukuvan luonnos" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown while Signal Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:previewThumbnail" : {
"messageformat" : "Linkin {domain} esikatselukuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown while Signal Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stagedImageAttachment" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuvaliitteen {path} luonnos" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Alt text for staged attachments"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:cdsMirroringErrorToast" : {
"messageformat" : "Työpöytäsovellus kohtasi ristiriidan yhteystietojen hakupalvelussa." ,
2022-09-07 09:57:30 -07:00
"description" : "An error popup when we discovered an inconsistency between mirrored Contact Discovery Service requests."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:decryptionErrorToast" : {
"messageformat" : "Salauksen purkuvirhe lähteestä {name}, laitteelta {deviceId}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "An error popup when we haven't added an in-timeline error for decryption error, only for beta/internal users."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:decryptionErrorToastAction" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä loki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the decryption error toast button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:cannotSelectPhotosAndVideosAlongWithFiles" : {
"messageformat" : "Valokuvia ja videoita ei voi valita yhdessä tiedostojen kanssa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:cannotSelectMultipleFileAttachments" : {
"messageformat" : "Voit valita vain yhden tiedoston kerrallaan." ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "An error popup when the user has attempted to add multiple non-image attachments"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:maximumAttachments" : {
"messageformat" : "Tähän viestiin ei voida liittää enempää liitetiedostoja." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
} ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"icu:fileSizeWarning" : {
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Tiedosto ylittää viestin kokorajoituksen. {limit,number} {units}" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in a toast if the user tries to attach too-large file"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unableToLoadAttachment" : {
"messageformat" : "Valittua liitettä ei voitu ladata."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:disconnected" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhteys katkaistu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed when the desktop client cannot connect to the server."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:connecting" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhdistetään…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed when the desktop client is currently connecting to the server."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:connect" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhdistä uudelleen napsauttamalla." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown to allow the user to manually attempt a reconnect."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:connectingHangOn" : {
"messageformat" : "Vielä pieni hetki…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Subtext description for when the client is connecting to the server."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:offline" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei yhteyttä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed when the desktop client has no network connection."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:checkNetworkConnection" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkista verkkoyhteys." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Obvious instructions for when a user's computer loses its network connection"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:submitDebugLog" : {
"messageformat" : "Vianetsintäloki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Menu item and header text for debug log modal (sentence case)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:debugLog" : {
"messageformat" : "Vianetsintäloki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "View menu item to open the debug log (title case)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:forceUpdate" : {
"messageformat" : "Pakota päivitys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "View menu item to force the app to update download and install"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:helpMenuShowKeyboardShortcuts" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä pikanäppäimet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Item under the help menu, pops up a screen showing the application's keyboard shortcuts"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:contactUs" : {
"messageformat" : "Ota yhteyttä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Item under the help menu, takes you to the contact us support page"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:goToReleaseNotes" : {
"messageformat" : "Siirry julkaisutietoihin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Item under the help menu, takes you to GitHub page for release notes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:goToForums" : {
"messageformat" : "Siirry keskustelupalstalle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Item under the Help menu, takes you to the forums"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:goToSupportPage" : {
"messageformat" : "Siirry tukisivustolle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Item under the Help menu, takes you to the support page"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:joinTheBeta" : {
"messageformat" : "Liity beeta-ohjelmaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Item under the Help menu, takes you to an article describing how to install the beta release of Signal Desktop"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:signalDesktopPreferences" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal Desktop -asetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title of the window that pops up with Signal Desktop preferences in it"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:signalDesktopStickerCreator" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarrapaketin luonti" ,
"description" : "Title of the window that pops up with Signal Desktop preferences in it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:aboutSignalDesktop" : {
"messageformat" : "Tietoja Signal Desktopista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Item under the Help menu, which opens a small about window"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:screenShareWindow" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytön jakaminen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for screen sharing window"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:speech" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhe" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Item under the Edit menu, with 'start/stop speaking' items below it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:show" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Command under Window menu, to show the window"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:hide" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilota" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Command in the tray icon menu, to hide the window"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:quit" : {
"messageformat" : "Lopeta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Command in the tray icon menu, to quit the application"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:signalDesktop" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal Desktop" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tooltip for the tray icon"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:search" : {
"messageformat" : "Hae" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder text in the search input"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:clearSearch" : {
"messageformat" : "Tyhjennä haku" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for clear search button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:searchIn" : {
"messageformat" : "Hae keskustelusta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the search box before text is entered when searching in a specific conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noSearchResults" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei tuloksia haulle {searchTerm}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the search left pane when no results were found"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only" : {
"messageformat" : "Tekstiviesti- tai MMS-yhteystiedot eivät ole saatavilla työpöytäsovelluksessa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the search left pane when no results were found and primary device has SMS/MMS handling enabled"
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei tuloksia haulle {searchTerm} keskustelussa {conversationName}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the search left pane when no results were found"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:conversationsHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown to separate the types of search results"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:contactsHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhteystiedot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown to separate the types of search results"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:groupsHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmät" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown to separate the types of search results"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:messagesHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown to separate the types of search results"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:findByUsernameHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Etsi käyttäjätunnuksella" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when search could be a valid username, with one sub-item that will kick off the search"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:findByPhoneNumberHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Etsi puhelinnumerolla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when search could be a valid phone number, with one sub-item that will kick off the search"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:welcomeToSignal" : {
"messageformat" : "Tervetuloa Signaliin"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:whatsNew" : {
"messageformat" : "Tutustu tämän version {whatsNew}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the main window"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:viewReleaseNotes" : {
"messageformat" : "uusiin ominaisuuksiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Clickable link that displays the latest release notes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:typingAlt" : {
"messageformat" : "Kirjoitusanimaatio tälle keskustelulle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used as the 'title' attribute for the typing animation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:contactInAddressBook" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä henkilö on yhteystiedoissasi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of icon denoting that contact is from your address book"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:contactAvatarAlt" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhteystiedon {name} kuvake" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used in the alt tag for the image avatar of a contact"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sendMessageToContact" : {
"messageformat" : "Kirjoita viesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when you are sent a contact and that contact has a signal account"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:home" : {
"messageformat" : "koti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on contact detail screen as a label for an address/phone/email"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:work" : {
"messageformat" : "työ" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on contact detail screen as a label for an address/phone/email"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mobile" : {
"messageformat" : "matkapuh." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on contact detail screen as a label for a phone or email"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:email" : {
"messageformat" : "s-posti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Generic label shown if contact email has custom type but no label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:phone" : {
"messageformat" : "puhelin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Generic label shown if contact phone has custom type but no label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:address" : {
"messageformat" : "osoite" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Generic label shown if contact address has custom type but no label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:poBox" : {
"messageformat" : "postilokero" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When rendering an address, used to provide context to a post office box"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:downloading" : {
"messageformat" : "Ladataan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the message bubble while a long message attachment is being downloaded"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:downloadFullMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Lataa koko viesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the message bubble while a long message attachment is not downloaded"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:downloadAttachment" : {
"messageformat" : "Lataa liite" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:reactToMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Reagoi viestiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:replyToMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaa viestiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to start crafting a message with a quotation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:originalMessageNotFound" : {
"messageformat" : "Alkuperäistä viestiä ei löytynyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in quote if reference message was not found as message was initially downloaded and processed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:messageFoundButNotLoaded" : {
"messageformat" : "Alkuperäinen viesti löytyi, mutta sitä ei ole ladattu. Kelaa ylöspäin ladataksesi sen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in toast if user clicks on quote references messages not loaded in view, but in database"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:voiceRecording--start" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita ääniviestin äänitys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tooltip for microphone button to start voice message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:voiceRecording--complete" : {
"messageformat" : "Viimeistele ääniviesti ja lähetä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tooltip for green complete voice message and send"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:voiceRecording--cancel" : {
"messageformat" : "Peru ääniviesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tooltip for red button to cancel voice message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:voiceRecordingInterruptedMax" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääniviestin tallennus lopetettiin, koska enimmäisaikaraja oli saavutettu." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Confirmation dialog message for when the voice recording is interrupted due to max time limit"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:voiceRecordingInterruptedBlur" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääniviestin tallennus lopetettiin, koska vaihdoit toiseen sovellukseen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Confirmation dialog message for when the voice recording is interrupted due to app losing focus"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:voiceNoteLimit" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääniviestin maksimipituus on yksi tunti. Tallentaminen katkeaa, jos vaihdat toiseen sovellukseen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in toast to warn user about limited time and that window must be in focus"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:voiceNoteMustBeOnlyAttachment" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääniviestissä voi olla vain yksi liite." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in toast if tries to record a voice note with any staged attachments"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:voiceNoteError" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääniviestin tallennuksessa tapahtui virhe." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a dialog to inform user that we experienced an unrecoverable error"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:attachmentSaved" : {
"messageformat" : "Liite tallennettu." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown after user selects to save to downloads"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:attachmentSavedShow" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä kansiossa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label for showing the attachment in your file system"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:you" : {
"messageformat" : "Sinä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when the user represented is the current user."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:replyingTo" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaus käyttäjälle {name}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in iOS theme when you or someone quotes to a message which is not from you"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:audioPermissionNeeded" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääniviestin lähettäminen edellyttää mikrofonin käyttöoikeuden myöntämistä Signal Desktopille." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if the user attempts to send an audio message without audio permissions turned on"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:audioCallingPermissionNeeded" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelun soittaminen edellyttää mikrofonin käyttöoikeuden myöntämistä Signal Desktopille." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if the user attempts access the microphone for calling without audio permissions turned on"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:videoCallingPermissionNeeded" : {
"messageformat" : "Videopuhelun soittaminen edellyttää kameran käyttöoikeuden myöntämistä Signal Desktopille." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if the user attempts access the camera for video calling without video permissions turned on"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:allowAccess" : {
"messageformat" : "Myönnä käyttöoikeus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button shown in popup asking to enable microphone/video permissions to send audio messages"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:showSettings" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä asetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A button shown in dialog requesting the user to turn on audio permissions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:audio" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääni" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a quotation of a message containing an audio attachment if no text was originally provided with that attachment"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:video" : {
"messageformat" : "Video" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a quotation of a message containing a video if no text was originally provided with that video"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:photo" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a quotation of a message containing a photo if no text was originally provided with that image"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:text" : {
"messageformat" : "Teksti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the word 'text'"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:cannotUpdate" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitys epäonnistui" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title of our update error dialogs on windows"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:muted" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a button when a conversation is muted"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mute" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a button when a conversation is unmuted and can be muted"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitys ei onnistunut. {retry} tai asenna päivitys käsin osoitteesta {url}. Sitten {support} ongelmasta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if a general error happened while trying to install update package"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitys ei onnistunut. Asenna päivitys käsin osoitteesta {url}. Sitten {support} ongelmasta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if a general error happened while trying to install update package and manual update is required"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:readOnlyVolume" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal Desktop on todennäköisesti macOS-karanteenissa, eikä sitä voi päivittää automaattisesti. Yritä siirtää {app} -sovellus {folder} -kansioon Finderin avulla." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on MacOS if running on a read-only volume and we cannot update"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ok" : {
"messageformat" : "OK"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:cancel" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruuta"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:discard" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkää"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:failedToSend" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähettäminen joillekin vastaanottajille epäonnistui. Tarkista verkkoyhteys."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:error" : {
"messageformat" : "Virhe"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:messageDetail" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestin tiedot"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:delete" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:accept" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksy"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:edit" : {
"messageformat" : "Muokkaa"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:forward" : {
"messageformat" : "Välitä"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:done" : {
"messageformat" : "Valmis" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for done"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:update" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitä"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:next2" : {
"messageformat" : "Seuraava"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:on" : {
"messageformat" : "Käytössä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for when something is turned on"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:off" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei käytössä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for when something is turned off"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteWarning" : {
"messageformat" : "Viesti poistetaan tästä laitteesta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text shown in the confirmation dialog for deleting a message locally"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteForEveryoneWarning" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä viesti poistetaan kaikilta keskustelussa olevilta, jos he käyttävät Signalin uusinta versiota. He näkevät, että poistit viestin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text shown in the confirmation dialog for deleting a message for everyone"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:from" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähettäjä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the sender of a message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:to" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaanottaja(t)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the receiver of a message"
} ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"icu:searchResultHeader--sender-to-group" : {
"messageformat" : "{sender} ryhmälle {receiverGroup}" ,
"description" : "Shown for search result items - like 'Jon to Friends Group'"
} ,
"icu:searchResultHeader--sender-to-you" : {
"messageformat" : "{sender} sinulle" ,
"description" : "Shown for search result items - like 'Jon to You"
} ,
"icu:searchResultHeader--you-to-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Sinulta käyttäjälle {receiverGroup}" ,
"description" : "Shown for search result items - like 'You to Friends Group'"
} ,
"icu:searchResultHeader--you-to-receiver" : {
"messageformat" : "Sinulta käyttäjälle {receiverContact}" ,
"description" : "Shown for search result items - like 'You to Jon'"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sent" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the time a message was sent"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:received" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaanotettu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the time a message was received"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sendMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Viesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder text in the message entry field"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:groupMembers" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän jäsenet"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:showMembers" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä jäsenet"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:showSafetyNumber" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä turvanumero"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"icu:ContactModal__showSafetyNumber" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä turvanumero" ,
"description" : "Contact modal, label for button to show safety number modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:viewRecentMedia" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä äskeinen media" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a menu item for viewing all media (images + video) in a conversation, using the imperative case, as in a command."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:theirIdentityUnknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Et ole lähettänyt tai vastaanottanut vielä viestejä tämän yhteystiedon kanssa. Turvanumero on saatavilla vasta ensimmäisen viestin jälkeen."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:back" : {
"messageformat" : "Takaisin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Generic label for back"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:goBack" : {
"messageformat" : "Siirry takaisin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for back button in a conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:moreInfo" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisätietoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, takes you to message detail screen"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:copy" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Kopioi teksti" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, copies the message text to the clipboard"
} ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"icu:MessageContextMenu__select" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse" ,
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, opens the conversation in select mode with the current message selected"
} ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"icu:MessageTextRenderer--spoiler--label" : {
"messageformat" : "Sumennus" ,
"description" : "Used as a label for screenreaders on 'spoiler' text, which is hidden by default"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:retrySend" : {
"messageformat" : "Yritä lähettää uudelleen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, but only if it is an outgoing message that failed to send"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:retryDeleteForEveryone" : {
"messageformat" : "Yritä poistaa kaikilta uudelleen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, but only if a previous delete for everyone failed to send"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:forwardMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Välitä viesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, forwards a message"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:MessageContextMenu__reply" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Vastaa" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message when there isnt room for a dedicated button, focuses the composer with a reply to the current message"
} ,
"icu:MessageContextMenu__react" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Reagoi" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message when there isnt room for a dedicated button, opens the react picker for the current message"
} ,
"icu:MessageContextMenu__download" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Lataa" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message when there isnt room for a dedicated button and when there's only a single attachment, downloads an attachment"
} ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"icu:MessageContextMenu__deleteMessage" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"description" : "Show on the drop-down menu for an individual message, opens a modal to select if you want to 'delete for me' or 'delete for everyone'"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:MessageContextMenu__forward" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Välitä" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Show on the drop-down menu for an individual message, opens a modal to forward a message"
} ,
"icu:MessageContextMenu__info" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Tietoja" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, takes you to message detail screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteMessages" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Menu item for deleting messages, title case."
} ,
2023-07-13 11:16:25 -07:00
"icu:ConversationHeader__DeleteMessagesConfirmation__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko keskustelu?" ,
"description" : "Conversation Header > Delete Action > Delete Messages Confirmation Modal > Title"
} ,
"icu:ConversationHeader__DeleteMessagesConfirmation__description" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä keskustelu poistetaan tältä laitteelta." ,
"description" : "Conversation Header > Delete Action > Delete Messages Confirmation Modal > Description"
} ,
"icu:ConversationHeader__ContextMenu__LeaveGroupAction__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistu ryhmästä" ,
"description" : "This is a button to leave a group"
} ,
"icu:ConversationHeader__LeaveGroupConfirmation__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Haluatko varmasti poistua?" ,
"description" : "Conversation Header > Leave Group Action > Leave Group Confirmation Modal > Title"
} ,
"icu:ConversationHeader__LeaveGroupConfirmation__description" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voi enää lähettää tai vastaanottaa viestejä tässä ryhmässä." ,
"description" : "Conversation Header > Leave Group Action > Leave Group Confirmation Modal > Description"
} ,
"icu:ConversationHeader__LeaveGroupConfirmation__confirmButton" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistu" ,
"description" : "Conversation Header > Leave Group Action > Leave Group Confirmation Modal > Confirm Button"
} ,
"icu:ConversationHeader__CannotLeaveGroupBecauseYouAreLastAdminAlert__description" : {
"messageformat" : "Ennen kuin poistut, valitse tälle ryhmälle vähintään yksi uusi järjestelmänvalvoja." ,
"description" : "Conversation Header > Leave Group Action > Cannot Leave Group Because You Are Last Admin Alert > Description"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sessionEnded" : {
"messageformat" : "Suojattu istunto alustettu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a past tense, informational message. In other words, your secure session has been reset."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatRefresh--notification" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelu on päivitetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when a error happened, and the session was automatically reset."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatRefresh--learnMore" : {
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when session is automatically reset, to provide access to a popup info dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatRefresh--summary" : {
"messageformat" : "Signalin sisältö salataan päästä päähän. Tästä syystä keskustelu täytyy joskus päivittää. Tämä ei vaikuta tietoturvaan. Tämän yhteyshenkilön viimeisin viesti ei välttämättä näy. Voit pyytää häntä lähettämään sen uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on explainer dialog available from chat session refreshed timeline events"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatRefresh--contactSupport" : {
"messageformat" : "Ota yhteyttä tukeen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on explainer dialog available from chat session refreshed timeline events"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DeliveryIssue--preview" : {
"messageformat" : "Toimitusongelma" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in left pane preview when message delivery issue happens"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DeliveryIssue--notification" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestiä kohteelta {sender} ei voitu lähettää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when message delivery issue happens"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DeliveryIssue--learnMore" : {
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when message delivery issue happens, to provide access to a popup info dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DeliveryIssue--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Toimitusongelma" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DeliveryIssue--summary" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähettäjän {sender} viestiä, tarraa, reaktiota, lukukuittausta tai mediaa ei voitu toimittaa sinulle. Se on ehkä yritetty lähettää sinulle suoraan tai ryhmässä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DeliveryIssue--summary--group" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähettäjän {sender} viestiä, tarraa, reaktiota, lukukuittausta tai mediaa ei voitu toimittaa sinulle tässä keskustelussa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChangeNumber--notification" : {
"messageformat" : "{sender} on vaihtanut puhelinnumeronsa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when a member of a conversation changes their phone number"
} ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification" : {
2023-01-25 17:30:23 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Keskusteluissa {obsoleteConversationTitle} ja {conversationTitle} on kyse samasta tilistä. Molempien keskusteluiden viestihistoria on täällä." ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestihistoriasi keskustelussa {conversationTitle} ja numero {obsoleteConversationNumber} on yhdistetty." ,
"description" : "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
} ,
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestihistoriasi keskustelussa {conversationTitle} ja toinen siihen kuulunut keskustelu on yhdistetty." ,
"description" : "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
} ,
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more" : {
2023-01-25 17:30:23 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown on a button below a 'conversations were merged' timeline notification"
} ,
"icu:ConversationMerge--explainer-dialog--line-1" : {
2023-01-25 17:30:23 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Lähetettyäsi viestin keskusteluun {obsoleteConversationTitle} sinulle selvisi, että tämä numero kuuluu keskusteluun {conversationTitle}. Puhelinnumero on yksityinen." ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Contents of a dialog shown after clicking 'learn more' button on a conversation merge event."
} ,
"icu:ConversationMerge--explainer-dialog--line-2" : {
2023-01-25 17:30:23 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Molempien keskusteluiden viestihistoria on yhdistetty tähän." ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Contents of a dialog shown after clicking 'learn more' button on a conversation merge event."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:quoteThumbnailAlt" : {
"messageformat" : "Lainatun kuvaviestin pikkukuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used in alt tag of thumbnail images inside of an embedded message quote"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:imageAttachmentAlt" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestiin liitetty kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used in alt tag of image attachment"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:videoAttachmentAlt" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestiin liitetyn videon pikkukuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used in alt tag of video attachment preview"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:lightboxImageAlt" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Keskustelussa lähetetty kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used in the alt tag for the image shown in a full-screen lightbox view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:imageCaptionIconAlt" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuvake, joka näyttää, että tällä kuvalla on kuvateksti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used for the icon layered on top of an image in message bubbles"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:save" : {
"messageformat" : "Tallenna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used on save buttons"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:reset" : {
"messageformat" : "Palauta alkuasetuksiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used on reset buttons"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:fileIconAlt" : {
"messageformat" : "Tiedoston kuvake" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used in the media gallery documents tab to visually represent a file"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:installWelcome" : {
"messageformat" : "Tervetuloa Signal Desktopiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Welcome title on the install page"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:installTagline" : {
"messageformat" : "Yksityisyys on mahdollista jokaiselle. Signal tekee siitä helppoa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tagline displayed under 'installWelcome' string on the install page"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:linkedDevices" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhdistetyt laitteet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used in the guidance to help people find the 'link new device' area of their Signal mobile app"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:linkNewDevice" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhdistä uusi laite" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The menu option shown in Signal iOS to add a new linked device"
} ,
2023-05-25 19:16:57 -04:00
"icu:Install__learn-more" : {
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
"description" : "Button text for learn more button during error screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Install__scan-this-code" : {
"messageformat" : "Skannaa tämä koodi puhelimesi Signal-sovelluksessa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title of the device link screen. Also used as alt text for the QR code on the device link screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Install__instructions__1" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa Signal puhelimessa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Instructions on the device link screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Install__instructions__2" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse ensin {settings} ja seuraavaksi {linkedDevices}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Instructions on the device link screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Install__instructions__2__settings" : {
"messageformat" : "Asetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Part of the 2nd instruction on the device link screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Install__instructions__3" : {
"messageformat" : "Napauta {plusButton} (Android) tai {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Instructions on the device link screen"
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:Install__qr-failed" : {
2023-05-25 19:16:57 -04:00
"messageformat" : "(deleted 05/09/2023) The QR code couldn't load. Check your internet and try again. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>" ,
"description" : "Shown on the install screen if the QR code fails to load"
} ,
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load" : {
"messageformat" : "QR-koodin lataaminen epäonnistui. Tarkista internetyhteys ja yritä uudelleen. <retry>Yritä uudelleen</retry>" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the install screen if the QR code fails to load"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Install__support-link" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarvitsetko apua?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the install screen. Link takes users to a support page"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Install__choose-device-name__description" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä nimi näytetään Yhdistetyt laitteet -näkymässä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The subheader shown on the 'choose device name' screen in the device linking process"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Install__choose-device-name__placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Oma tietokone" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The placeholder for the 'choose device name' input"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--device-name" : {
"messageformat" : "Laitteen nimi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label in settings panel shown for the user-provided name for this desktop instance"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseDeviceName" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse nimi tälle laitteelle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The header shown on the 'choose device name' screen in the device linking process"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:finishLinkingPhone" : {
"messageformat" : "Viimeistele yhdistäminen puhelimeen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The text on the button to finish the linking process, after choosing the device name"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:initialSync" : {
"messageformat" : "Synkronoidaan yhteystietoja ja ryhmiä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown during initial link while contacts and groups are being pulled from mobile device"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:initialSync__subtitle" : {
"messageformat" : "Huomaa: keskusteluhistoriaa ei synkronoida tälle laitteelle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown during initial link while contacts and groups are being pulled from mobile device"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:installConnectionFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Palvelimeen ei saada yhteyttä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed when we can't connect to the server."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:installTooManyDevices" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitettavasti sinulla on jo liian monta laitetta yhdistettynä. Kokeile poistaa joitakin."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:installTooOld" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämän laitteen Signal on päivitettävä ennen puhelimen yhdistämistä."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:installErrorHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Jokin meni pieleen!"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:installUnknownError" : {
"messageformat" : "Tapahtui odottamaton virhe. Yritä uudelleen."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:installTryAgain" : {
"messageformat" : "Yritä uudelleen"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--theme" : {
"messageformat" : "Teema" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header for theme settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header for calling options on the settings screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__call-back" : {
"messageformat" : "Soita takaisin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to call someone back"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__call-again" : {
"messageformat" : "Soita uudelleen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to call someone again"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__start" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita puhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label in the call lobby for starting a call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__join" : {
"messageformat" : "Liity puheluun" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label in the call lobby for joining a call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__return" : {
"messageformat" : "Palaa puheluun" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label in the call lobby for returning to a call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__lobby-automatically-muted-because-there-are-a-lot-of-people" : {
"messageformat" : "Mikrofonisi on mykistetty, koska puhelussa on paljon osanottajia" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a call lobby toast if there are a lot of people already on the call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__call-is-full" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelu on täynnä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text in the call lobby when you can't join because the call is full"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--video__label" : {
"messageformat" : "Kamera" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label under the video button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--video-disabled" : {
"messageformat" : "Kamera poistettu käytöstä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label when the camera is disabled"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--video-off" : {
"messageformat" : "Sammuta kamera" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label for turning off the camera"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--video-on" : {
"messageformat" : "Käynnistä kamera" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label for turning on the camera"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--audio__label" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label under the audio button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--audio-disabled" : {
"messageformat" : "Mikrofoni poistettu käytöstä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label when the microphone is disabled"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--audio-off" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä mikrofoni" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label for turning off the microphone"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--audio-on" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista mikrofonin mykistys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label for turning on the microphone"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--presenting__label" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label under the share screen button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--presenting-disabled" : {
"messageformat" : "Esitys estetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label for when screen sharing is disabled"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--presenting-on" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita esitys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label for starting to share screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--presenting-off" : {
"messageformat" : "Lopeta esitys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label for stopping screen sharing"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--ring__label" : {
"messageformat" : "Soita" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label under the ring button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--ring__disabled-because-group-is-too-large" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmä on liian suuri soittaaksesi osallistujille." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label when you can't ring because the group is too large"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--ring__off" : {
"messageformat" : "Ilmoita, älä soita" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label for turning ringing off"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__button--ring__on" : {
"messageformat" : "Salli soittaminen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button tooltip label for turning ringing on"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__your-video-is-off" : {
"messageformat" : "Kamerasi on pois päältä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label in the calling lobby indicating that your camera is off"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--empty-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Kukaan muu ei ole täällä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--1-person-in-call" : {
"messageformat" : "{first} on tässä puhelussa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--another-device-in-call" : {
"messageformat" : "Yksi muista laitteistasi on tässä puhelussa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe when it is just you"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--2-people-in-call" : {
"messageformat" : "{first} ja {second} ovat tässä puhelussa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--3-people-in-call" : {
"messageformat" : "{first}, {second} ja {third} ovat tässä puhelussa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--many-people-in-call" : {
"messageformat" : "{first}, {second} ja {others} muuta ovat tässä puhelussa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-1" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal soittaa käyttäjälle {person}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be rung"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-2" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal soittaa käyttäjille {first} ja {second}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be rang"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-3" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal soittaa käyttäjille {first}, {second} ja {third}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be rang"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-many" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal soittaa käyttäjille {first}, {second} ja {others} muulle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be rang"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-1" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjälle {person} ilmoitetaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be notified"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-2" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjille {first} ja {second} ilmoitetaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be notified"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-3" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjille {first}, {second} ja {third} ilmoitetaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be notified"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-many" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjille {first}, {second} ja {others} muulle ilmoitetaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be notified"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__in-this-call--zero" : {
"messageformat" : "Kukaan muu ei ole täällä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the participants list to describe how many people are in the call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__in-this-call--one" : {
"messageformat" : "Tässä puhelussa · 1 henkilö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the participants list to describe how many people are in the call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__in-this-call--many" : {
"messageformat" : "Tässä puhelussa · {people} henkilöä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the participants list to describe how many people are in the call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__you-have-blocked" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet estänyt käyttäjän {name}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "when you block someone and cannot view their video"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__block-info" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voi enää käydä ääni- tai videoviestinvaihtoa estettyjen käyttäjien kanssa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the modal dialog to describe how blocking works in a group call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__overflow__scroll-up" : {
"messageformat" : "Vieritä ylöspäin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the \"scroll up\" button in a call's overflow area"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__overflow__scroll-down" : {
"messageformat" : "Vieritä alaspäin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the \"scroll down\" button in a call's overflow area"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--notification-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet esittämässä kaikille." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the share screen notification"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--notification-body" : {
"messageformat" : "Palaa puheluun napsauttamalla tätä, kun olet valmis lopettamaan esityksen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Body text for the share screen notification"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--info" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal jakaa {window}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text that appears in the screen sharing controller to inform person that they are presenting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--stop" : {
"messageformat" : "Lopeta jakaminen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button for stopping screen sharing"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--you-stopped" : {
"messageformat" : "Lopetit esittämisen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Toast that appears when someone stops presenting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--person-ongoing" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} esittää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title of call when someone is presenting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--person-stopped" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} lopetti esityksen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Toast that appears when someone stops presenting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--permission-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Lupa tarvitaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--macos-permission-description" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal tarvitsee luvan laitteesi näytön kuvaamiseen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the description for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--permission-instruction-step1" : {
"messageformat" : "Mene järjestelmän asetuksiin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the description for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--permission-instruction-step2" : {
"messageformat" : "Napsauta vasemmassa alakulmassa olevaa lukkokuvaketta ja kirjoita tietokoneen salasana." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the description for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--permission-instruction-step3" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse Signal-valintaruutu oikealla. Jos Signal ei näy luettelossa, lisää se napsauttamalla +." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the description for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--permission-open" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa järjestelmän asetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The button that opens your system preferences for the needs screen record permissions modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__presenting--permission-cancel" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The cancel button for the needs screen record permissions modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:alwaysRelayCallsDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Välitä aina kaikki puhelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of the always relay calls setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:alwaysRelayCallsDetail" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki puhelut välitetään Signalin palvelimen kautta, jotta IP-osoitteesi ei paljastu yhteystiedollesi. Heikentää puhelun laatua." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Details describing the always relay calls setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:permissions" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttöoikeudet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header for permissions section of settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mediaPermissionsDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Myönnä mikrofonin käyttöoikeus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of the media permission description"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mediaCameraPermissionsDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Myönnä kameran käyttöoikeus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of the media permission description"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:general" : {
"messageformat" : "Yleiset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header for general options on the settings screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:spellCheckDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Oikolue viestiruutuun kirjoitettu teksti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of the spell check setting"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:textFormattingDescription" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Näyttää tekstin muotoilun ponnahdusikkunan, kun teksti on valittuna" ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"description" : "Description of the text-formatting popover menu setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:spellCheckWillBeEnabled" : {
"messageformat" : "Oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistus otetaan käyttöön seuraavan kerran, kun Signal käynnistyy." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when the user enables spellcheck to indicate that they must restart Signal."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:spellCheckWillBeDisabled" : {
"messageformat" : "Oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistus poistetaan käytöstä seuraavan kerran, kun Signal käynnistyy." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when the user disables spellcheck to indicate that they must restart Signal."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SystemTraySetting__minimize-to-system-tray" : {
"messageformat" : "Pienennä tehtäväpalkkiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the settings, shown next to the checkbox option for minimizing to the system tray"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SystemTraySetting__minimize-to-and-start-in-system-tray" : {
"messageformat" : "Käynnistä pienennettynä tehtäväpalkkiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the settings, shown next to the checkbox option for starting in the system tray"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:autoLaunchDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa tietokoneelle kirjautuessasi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for the automatic launch setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:clearDataHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista sovelluksen tiedot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header in the settings dialog for the section dealing with data deletion"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:clearDataExplanation" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki sovelluksen viestit ja käyttäjätilin tiedot poistetaan." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text describing what the clear data button will do."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:clearDataButton" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista tiedot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button in the settings dialog starting process to delete all data"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteAllDataHeader" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko kaikki tiedot?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header of the full-screen delete data confirmation screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteAllDataBody" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet tuhoamassa tämän ohjelman kaikki käyttäjätiedot, mukaan lukien kaikki yhteystiedot ja viestit. Voit aina yhdistää mobiililaitteesi uudelleen, mutta se ei palauta jo tuhottuja viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text describing what exactly will happen if the user clicks the button to delete all data"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteAllDataButton" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista kaikki tiedot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text of the button that deletes all data"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteAllDataProgress" : {
"messageformat" : "Katkaistaan yhteyttä ja tuhotaan kaikki tiedot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message shown to user when app is disconnected and data deleted"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteOldIndexedDBData" : {
"messageformat" : "Sinulla on vanhentuneita tietoja aiemmasta Signal Desktopin asennuksesta. Jos päätät jatkaa, tiedot poistetaan ja aloitat alusta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if user last ran Signal Desktop before October 2018"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteOldData" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista vanhat tiedot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to make the delete happen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:notifications" : {
"messageformat" : "Ilmoitukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header for notification settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:notificationSettingsDialog" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä saapuneiden viestien ilmoituksissa:" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Explain the purpose of the notification settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:disableNotifications" : {
"messageformat" : "Kytke ilmoitukset pois päältä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for disabling notifications"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:nameAndMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Nimi, sisältö ja toiminnot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for setting notifications to display name and message text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noNameOrMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei nimeä eikä sisältöä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for setting notifications to display no name and no message text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:nameOnly" : {
"messageformat" : "Vain nimi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for setting notifications to display sender name only"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:newMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusi viesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed in notifications for only 1 message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:notificationSenderInGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "{sender} ryhmässä {group}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:notificationReaction" : {
"messageformat" : "{sender} lähetti reaktion {emoji} viestiisi"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:notificationReactionMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "{sender} lähetti reaktion {emoji} viestiin: {message}"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sendFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetys epäonnistui" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on outgoing message if it fails to send"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Poisto epäonnistui" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on a message which was deleted for everyone if the delete wasn't successfully sent to anyone"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:editFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Muokkaus epäonnistui, katso lisätietoja napsauttamalla" ,
"description" : "Shown on a message which was edited if the edit wasn't successfully sent to anyone"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sendPaused" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetys keskeytetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on outgoing message if it cannot be sent immediately"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:partiallySent" : {
"messageformat" : "Osittain lähetetty, napauta nähdäksesi lisätietoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on outgoing message if it is partially sent"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:partiallyDeleted" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistettiin osittain, yritä uudelleen napauttamalla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on a message which was deleted for everyone if the delete wasn't successfully sent to everyone"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:showMore" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisätietoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displays the details of a key change"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:showLess" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilota lisätiedot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Hides the details of a key change"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:learnMore" : {
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää turvanumeroiden varmentamisesta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text that links to a support article on verifying safety numbers"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:expiredWarning" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttämäsi versio Signal Desktopista on vanhentunut. Voit lähettää ja vastaanottaa viestejä päivittämällä uusimpaan versioon." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Warning notification that this version of the app has expired"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:upgrade" : {
"messageformat" : "Siirry lataussivulle signal.org/download napsauttamalla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label text for button to upgrade the app to the latest version"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:mediaMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Mediaviesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of a message that has an attachment and no text, displayed in the conversation list as a preview."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unregisteredUser" : {
"messageformat" : "Numeroa ei rekisteröity" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Error message displayed when sending to an unregistered user."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:sync" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuo yhteystiedot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for contact and group sync settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:syncExplanation" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuo kaikkien Signal-yhteystietojen ja -ryhmien tiedot puhelimesta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Explanatory text for sync settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:lastSynced" : {
"messageformat" : "Viimeksi tuotu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for date and time of last sync operation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:syncNow" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuo nyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for a button that syncs contacts and groups from your phone"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:syncing" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuodaan…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for a disabled sync button while sync is in progress."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:syncFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuonti epäonnistui. Varmista, että tietokoneesi ja puhelimesi ovat kytketty Internetiin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Informational text displayed if a sync operation times out."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:timestamp_s" : {
"messageformat" : "nyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Brief timestamp for messages sent less than a minute ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:timestamp_m" : {
"messageformat" : "1 min" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Brief timestamp for messages sent about one minute ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:timestamp_h" : {
"messageformat" : "1 t" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Brief timestamp for messages sent about one hour ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:hoursAgo" : {
"messageformat" : "{hours,number} t" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Contracted form of 'X hours ago' which works both for singular and plural"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:minutesAgo" : {
"messageformat" : "{minutes,number} min" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Contracted form of 'X minutes ago' which works both for singular and plural"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:justNow" : {
"messageformat" : "Nyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if a message is very recent, less than 60 seconds old"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:timestampFormat__long--today" : {
"messageformat" : "Tänään {time}" ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"description" : "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:timestampFormat__long--yesterday" : {
"messageformat" : "Eilen {time}" ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"description" : "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:messageBodyTooLong" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestin teksti on liian pitkä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if the user tries to send more than 64kb of text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unblockToSend" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista yhteystiedon esto ennen viestin lähettämistä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked number"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unblockGroupToSend" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista ryhmän esto ennen viestin lähettämistä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:youChangedTheTimer" : {
"messageformat" : "Asetit viestien katoamisajaksi {time}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message displayed when you change the message expiration timer in a conversation."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:timerSetOnSync" : {
"messageformat" : "Katoavien viestien ajaksi asetettiin {time}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message displayed when timer is set on initial link of desktop device."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:timerSetByMember" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen asetti viestien katoamisajaksi {time}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message displayed when timer is by an unknown group member."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:theyChangedTheTimer" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} asetti viestien katoamisajaksi {time}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message displayed when someone else changes the message expiration timer in a conversation."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:disappearingMessages__off" : {
"messageformat" : "pois päältä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for option to turn off message expiration in the timer menu"
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:disappearingMessages" : {
"messageformat" : "Katoavat viestit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Conversation menu option to enable disappearing messages. Title of the settings section for Disappearing Messages. Label of the disappearing timer select in group creation flow"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:disappearingMessagesDisabled" : {
"messageformat" : "Katoavat viestit poistettu käytöstä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed in the left pane when the timer is turned off"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:disappearingMessagesDisabledByMember" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen asetti katoavat viestit pois päältä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed in the left pane when the timer is turned off"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:disabledDisappearingMessages" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} asetti katoavat viestit pois päältä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is turned off"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:youDisabledDisappearingMessages" : {
"messageformat" : "Asetit katoavat viestit pois päältä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is turned off"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:timerSetTo" : {
"messageformat" : "Ajastin asetettu: {time}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is updated by some automatic action, or in the left pane"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:audioNotificationDescription" : {
2023-05-25 19:16:57 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Pikailmoitusäänet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for audio notification setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callRingtoneNotificationDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Käytä soittoääniä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for call ringtone notification setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callSystemNotificationDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä ilmoitukset puheluista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for call notification setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:incomingCallNotificationDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Ota käyttöön saapuvat puhelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for incoming calls setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:contactChangedProfileName" : {
"messageformat" : "{sender} vaihtoi profiilinimensä {oldProfile} nimeksi {newProfile}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for incoming calls setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:changedProfileName" : {
"messageformat" : "{oldProfile} vaihtoi profiilinimekseen {newProfile}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when a contact not in your address book changes their profile name"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SafetyNumberModal__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Varmenna turvanumero" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the modal for safety number verification"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChanged" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvanumero on vaihtunut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A notification shown in the conversation when a contact reinstalls"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChanges" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvanumeroiden vaihdot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for safety number changed modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:safetyNumberChangedGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhteystiedon {name} turvanumero on vaihtunut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A notification shown in a group conversation when a contact reinstalls, showing the contact name"
} ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"icu:ConversationDetails__viewSafetyNumber" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä turvanumero" ,
"description" : "In conversation details, label for button to view safety number, opens safety number modal"
} ,
2023-08-21 15:05:39 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails__HeaderButton--Message" : {
"messageformat" : "Message" ,
"description" : "In conversation details, label for button to switch to the conversation view in order to draft a message in that converation"
} ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"icu:SafetyNumberNotification__viewSafetyNumber" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä turvanumero" ,
"description" : "In conversation, safety number change notification, label for button to view safety number, opens safety number modal"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:cannotGenerateSafetyNumber" : {
"messageformat" : "Tätä käyttäjää ei voida varmentaa, ennen kuin olet lähettänyt tai vastaanottanut viestejä hänen kanssaan." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the safety number screen if you have never exchanged messages with that contact"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:yourSafetyNumberWith" : {
"messageformat" : "Turvanumerosi yhteystiedon {name1} kanssa:" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Heading for safety number view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:themeLight" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaalea" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label text for light theme (normal)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:themeDark" : {
"messageformat" : "Tumma" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label text for dark theme"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:themeSystem" : {
"messageformat" : "Järjestelmäasetus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label text for system theme"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noteToSelf" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestit itselleni" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noteToSelfHero" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Voit lisätä itsellesi muistiinpanoja tähän keskusteluun. Jos tililläsi on yhdistettyjä laitteita, uudet muistiinpanot synkronoidaan." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for the Note to Self conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:notificationDrawAttention" : {
"messageformat" : "Kohdista Signal-ikkunaan ilmoituksen saapuessa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label text for the setting that controls whether new notifications draw attention to the window"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:hideMenuBar" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilota valikkopalkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label text for menu bar visibility setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:startConversation" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Aloita uusi keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label underneath number a user enters that is not an existing contact"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:newConversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusi keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for header when starting a new conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stories" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for header to go to stories view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:contactSearchPlaceholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Etsi nimellä tai puhelinnumerolla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder to use when searching for contacts in the composer"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noContactsFound" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhteystietoja ei löytynyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label shown when there are no contacts to compose to"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noGroupsFound" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmiä ei löytynyt" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Label shown when there are no groups to compose to"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:noConversationsFound" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Keskusteluja ei löytynyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label shown when there are no conversations to compose to"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Toast--ConversationRemoved" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "{title} on poistettu." ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown after the contact was removed from the contact list"
} ,
"icu:Toast--error" : {
"messageformat" : "Tapahtui virhe" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Toast for general errors"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Toast--error--action" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä loki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the error toast button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Toast--failed-to-fetch-username" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjätunnuksen noutaminen epäonnistui. Tarkista verkkoyhteys ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if request to Signal servers to find username fails"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Toast--failed-to-fetch-phone-number" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelinnumeron noutaminen epäonnistui. Tarkista verkkoyhteys ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if request to Signal servers to find phone number fails"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:ToastManager__CannotEditMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Muokkauksia voidaan tehdä vain 3 tunnin kuluessa tämän viestin lähettämisestä." ,
"description" : "Error message when you try to send an edit after message becomes too old"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:startConversation--username-not-found" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjää ei löydy. {atUsername} ei ole Signal-käyttäjä. Varmista, että olet syöttänyt koko käyttäjätunnuksen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in dialog if username is not found. Note that 'username' will be the output of at-username"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:startConversation--phone-number-not-found" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjää ei löydy. {phoneNumber} ei ole Signal-käyttäjä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in dialog if phone number is not found."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:startConversation--phone-number-not-valid" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjää ei löydy. \"{phoneNumber}\" ei ole kelvollinen puhelinnumero." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in dialog if phone number is not valid."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseGroupMembers__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse jäsenet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The title for the 'choose group members' left pane screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseGroupMembers__back-button" : {
"messageformat" : "Takaisin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used as alt-text of the back button on the 'choose group members' left pane screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseGroupMembers__skip" : {
"messageformat" : "Ohita" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The 'skip' button text in the 'choose group members' left pane screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseGroupMembers__next" : {
"messageformat" : "Seuraava" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The 'next' button text in the 'choose group members' left pane screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseGroupMembers__maximum-group-size__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän enimmäiskoko saavutettu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the alert when you add the maximum number of group members"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseGroupMembers__maximum-group-size__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal-ryhmissä voi olla enintään {max,number} jäsentä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the alert when you add the maximum number of group members"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseGroupMembers__maximum-recommended-group-size__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Suositeltu jäsenmäärä saavutettu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the alert when you add the maximum recommended number of group members"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:chooseGroupMembers__maximum-recommended-group-size__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal-ryhmät toimivat parhaiten enintään {max,number} jäsenellä. Korkeampi jäsenmäärä viivästyttää viestien kulkua." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the alert when you add the maximum recommended number of group members"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:setGroupMetadata__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Nimeä tämä ryhmä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The title for the 'set group metadata' left pane screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:setGroupMetadata__back-button" : {
"messageformat" : "Takaisin jäsenvalintaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used as alt-text of the back button on the 'set group metadata' left pane screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:setGroupMetadata__group-name-placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän nimi (pakollinen)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The placeholder for the group name placeholder"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:setGroupMetadata__group-description-placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuvaus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The placeholder for the group description"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:setGroupMetadata__create-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Luo" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The 'create group' button text in the 'set group metadata' left pane screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:setGroupMetadata__members-header" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsenet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The header for the members list in the 'set group metadata' left pane screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:setGroupMetadata__error-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän luominen ei onnistunut. Tarkista verkkoyhteys ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the modal when we can't create a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:updateGroupAttributes__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Muokkaa ryhmää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the modal when we want to update a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:updateGroupAttributes__error-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän päivitys epäonnistui. Tarkista verkkoyhteys ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the modal when we can't update a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:notSupportedSMS" : {
"messageformat" : "Teksti- tai multimediaviestejä ei tueta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label underneath number informing user that SMS is not supported on desktop"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:newPhoneNumber" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää uusi yhteystieto syöttämällä puhelinnumero" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder for adding a new number to a contact"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:invalidNumberError" : {
"messageformat" : "Virheellinen numero" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When a person inputs a number that is invalid"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unlinkedWarning" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhdistä mobiililaite tähän tietokoneeseen napsauttamalla"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unlinked" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei yhdistetty"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:relink" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhdistä uudelleen"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:autoUpdateNewVersionTitle" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitys saatavilla"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:autoUpdateRetry" : {
"messageformat" : "Yritä päivitystä uudelleen"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:autoUpdateContactSupport" : {
"messageformat" : "Ota yhteyttä tukeen"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:autoUpdateNewVersionMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Käynnistä Signal uudelleen napsauttamalla"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:downloadNewVersionMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Lataa päivitys napsauttamalla"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:downloadFullNewVersionMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Signalin päivitys ei onnistunut. Yritä uudelleen napsauttamalla." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "Käynnistä Signal uudelleen"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "Myöhemmin"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:autoUpdateIgnoreButtonLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "Ohita päivitys"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:leftTheGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} poistui ryhmästä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when a single person leaves the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:multipleLeftTheGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} poistui ryhmästä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when multiple people leave the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:updatedTheGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} päivitti ryhmää." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when someone updates the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:youUpdatedTheGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitit ryhmää." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when you update a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:updatedGroupAvatar" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän kuvake päivitettiin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when someone updates the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:titleIsNow" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän nimi on nyt {name}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when someone changes the title of the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:youJoinedTheGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "Liityit ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when you are added to a group."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:joinedTheGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} liittyivät ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when a single person joins the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:multipleJoinedTheGroup" : {
"messageformat" : "{names} liittyivät ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation history when more than one person joins the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationList__aria-label" : {
"messageformat" : "{unreadCount, plural, one {Keskustelu henkilön {title} kanssa, {unreadCount,number} uusi viesti, viimeinen viesti: {lastMessage}.} other {Keskustelu henkilön {title} kanssa, {unreadCount,number} uutta viestiä, viimeinen viesti: {lastMessage}.}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for the conversation list item"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationList__last-message-undefined" : {
"messageformat" : "Viimeinen viesti on ehkä poistettu." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "For aria-label within conversation list. Describes if last message is not defined."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:BaseConversationListItem__aria-label" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Siirry keskusteluun henkilön {title} kanssa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for the conversation list item button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationListItem--message-request" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestipyyntö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Preview shown for conversation if the user has not yet accepted an incoming message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationListItem--draft-prefix" : {
"messageformat" : "Luonnos:" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Prefix shown in italic in conversation view when a draft is saved"
} ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"icu:message--getNotificationText--messageRequest" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestipyyntö" ,
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message request is received."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getNotificationText--gif" : {
"messageformat" : "GIF" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a GIF is received."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getNotificationText--photo" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a photo is received."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getNotificationText--video" : {
"messageformat" : "Video" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a video is received."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getNotificationText--voice-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääniviesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a voice message is received."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getNotificationText--audio-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Ääniviesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when an audio message is received."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getNotificationText--file" : {
"messageformat" : "Tiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a generic file is received."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getNotificationText--stickers" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarraviesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane instead of sticker image."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getNotificationText--text-with-emoji" : {
"messageformat" : "{emoji} {text}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when text has an emoji. Probably always [emoji] [text] on LTR languages and [text] [emoji] on RTL languages."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getDescription--unsupported-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestityyppiä ei tueta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message has features too new for this signal install."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getDescription--disappearing-media" : {
"messageformat" : "Kerran katsottava media" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane after view-once message is deleted. Also shown when quoting a view once media."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getDescription--disappearing-photo" : {
"messageformat" : "Kerran katsottava kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message is a view once photo. Also shown when quoting a view once photo."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--getDescription--disappearing-video" : {
"messageformat" : "Kerran katsottava video" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message is a view once video. Also shown when quoting a view once video."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--deletedForEveryone" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä viesti poistettiin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a message's bubble when the message has been deleted for everyone."
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:donation--missing" : {
"messageformat" : "Lahjoituksen tietoja ei voitu noutaa" ,
"description" : "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa tämä viesti puhelimellasi" ,
"description" : "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing" : {
"messageformat" : "Katso lahjoituksen tiedot napauttamalla tätä viestiä puhelimellasi" ,
"description" : "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label" : {
"messageformat" : "{sender} lahjoitti Signalille puolestasi" ,
"description" : "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkista puhelimesi avataksesi tämän lahjoituksen" ,
"description" : "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkista puhelimesi nähdäksesi lahjoituksesi" ,
"description" : "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened" : {
"messageformat" : "{sender} lahjoitti puolestasi" ,
"description" : "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed" : {
"messageformat" : "Lunastit lahjoituksen" ,
"description" : "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent" : {
"messageformat" : "Lahjoitit henkilön {recipient} puolesta" ,
"description" : "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation" : {
"messageformat" : "Lahjoitus" ,
"description" : "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:quote--donation" : {
"messageformat" : "Lahjoitus" ,
"description" : "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days" : {
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"messageformat" : "{days, plural, one {{days,number} päivä jäljellä} other {{days,number} päivää jäljellä}}" ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"description" : "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours" : {
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"messageformat" : "{hours, plural, one {{hours,number} tunti jäljellä} other {{hours,number} tuntia jäljellä}}" ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"description" : "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes" : {
"messageformat" : "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} minuutti jäljellä} other {{minutes,number} minuuttia jäljellä}}" ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"description" : "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
} ,
"icu:message--donation--expired" : {
"messageformat" : "Vanhentunut" ,
"description" : "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:message--giftBadge--view" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:message--donation--view" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä" ,
"description" : "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
} ,
"icu:message--donation--redeemed" : {
"messageformat" : "Lunastettu" ,
"description" : "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"icu:messageAccessibilityLabel--outgoing" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähettämäsi viesti" ,
"description" : "Accessibility label for outgoing messages"
} ,
"icu:messageAccessibilityLabel--incoming" : {
"messageformat" : "Henkilön {author} lähettämä viesti" ,
"description" : "Accessibility label for incoming messages"
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
} ,
"icu:modal--donation--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Kiitos tuestasi!" ,
"description" : "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:modal--donation--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet tehnyt lahjoituksen Signalille henkilön {name} puolesta. Hän saa mahdollisuuden näyttää omassa profiilissaan, että hän tukee Signalia." ,
"description" : "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--toast--InstallFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarrapakettia ei voitu asentaa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a toast if the user attempts to install a sticker pack and it fails"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarrat" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Title for the sticker manager"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Available" : {
"messageformat" : "Käytettävissä" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager as a tab for available stickers"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--InstalledPacks" : {
"messageformat" : "Asennettu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager above your installed sticker packs."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--InstalledPacks--Empty" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarroja ei ole asennettu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager when you don't have any installed sticker packs."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--BlessedPacks" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal Artist -sarja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager above the default sticker packs."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--BlessedPacks--Empty" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal Artist -tarroja ei ole saatavilla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager when there are no blessed sticker packs available."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--ReceivedPacks" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaanotetut tarrat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager above sticker packs which you have received in messages."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--ReceivedPacks--Empty" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaanotetut tarrat näytetään tässä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager when you have not received any sticker packs in messages."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Install" : {
"messageformat" : "Asenna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager next to sticker packs which can be installed."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Uninstall" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager next to sticker packs which are already installed."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--UninstallWarning" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarrapakettia ei voi asentaa uudelleen, jos sen lähdeviesti on poistettu." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker pack manager next to sticker packs which are already installed."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Image" : {
"messageformat" : "Esittelyssä tarrat: Bandit the Cat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Alt text on a tooltip image when the user upgrades to a version of Signal supporting stickers."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Title" : {
"messageformat" : "Esittelyssä tarrat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title on a tooltip when the user upgrades to a version of Signal supporting stickers."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Body" : {
"messageformat" : "Miksi käyttää sanoja, kun voit käyttää tarroja?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the body on a tooltip when the user upgrades to a version of Signal supporting stickers."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--Open" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa tarra-valitsin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the open button for the sticker picker"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--AddPack" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää tarrapaketti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the add pack button in the sticker picker"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--NextPage" : {
"messageformat" : "Seuraava sivu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the next page button in the sticker picker"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--PrevPage" : {
"messageformat" : "Edellinen sivu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the previous page button in the sticker picker"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--Recents" : {
"messageformat" : "Äskeiset tarrat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the recent stickers button in the sticker picker"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--DownloadError" : {
"messageformat" : "Joitakin tarroja ei voitu ladata." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker picker when one or more stickers could not be downloaded."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--DownloadPending" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarrapakettia asennetaan…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker picker when one or more stickers are still downloading."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--Empty" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarroja ei löytynyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker picker when there are no stickers to show."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--Hint" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusia tarrapaketteja on saatavilla asennettaviksi viesteistäsi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker picker the first time you have received new packs you can install."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--NoPacks" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarrapaketteja ei löytynyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker picker when there are no installed sticker packs."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--NoRecents" : {
"messageformat" : "Viimeksi käytetyt tarrat näytetään tässä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the sticker picker when there are no recent stickers to show."
} ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"icu:stickers__StickerPicker__recent" : {
"messageformat" : "Viimeisimmät" ,
"description" : "Title for all of the recent stickers"
} ,
"icu:stickers__StickerPicker__featured" : {
"messageformat" : "Esittelyssä" ,
"description" : "Title for featured stickers"
} ,
"icu:stickers__StickerPicker__analog-time" : {
"messageformat" : "Analoginen aika" ,
"description" : "aria-label for the analog time sticker"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPreview--Title" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarrapaketti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The title that appears in the sticker pack preview modal."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:stickers--StickerPreview--Error" : {
"messageformat" : "Virhe tarrapaketin avaamisessa. Tarkista verkkoyhteytesi ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The message that appears in the sticker preview modal when there is an error."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker--empty" : {
"messageformat" : "Emojia ei löytynyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the emoji picker when a search yields 0 results."
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:EmojiPicker--search-close" : {
"messageformat" : "Sulje emojihaku" ,
"description" : "Button title to cancel the emoji search."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker--search-placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Hae emojia" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a placeholder inside the emoji picker search field."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker--skin-tone" : {
"messageformat" : "Ihonväri {tone}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a tooltip over the emoji tone buttons."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--recents" : {
"messageformat" : "Viimeisimmät" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for recents emoji picker button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--emoji" : {
"messageformat" : "Emoji" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for emoji emoji picker button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--animal" : {
"messageformat" : "Eläimet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for animal emoji picker button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--food" : {
"messageformat" : "Ruoka" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for food emoji picker button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--activity" : {
"messageformat" : "Toiminta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for activity emoji picker button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--travel" : {
"messageformat" : "Matkailu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for travel emoji picker button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--object" : {
"messageformat" : "Esineet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for object emoji picker button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--symbol" : {
"messageformat" : "Symbolit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for symbol emoji picker button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--flag" : {
"messageformat" : "Liput" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for flag emoji picker button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:confirmation-dialog--Cancel" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruuta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Appears on the cancel button in confirmation dialogs."
} ,
2023-05-25 19:16:57 -04:00
"icu:Message__reaction-emoji-label--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetit reaktion {emoji}" ,
"description" : "aria-label for reaction emoji (you)"
} ,
"icu:Message__reaction-emoji-label--single" : {
"messageformat" : "{title} lähetti reaktion {emoji}" ,
"description" : "aria-label for reaction emoji when one person reacts with an emoji"
} ,
"icu:Message__reaction-emoji-label--many" : {
2023-06-21 18:34:21 -04:00
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {{count,number} henkilö lähetti reaktion {emoji}} other {{count,number} henkilöä lähetti reaktion {emoji}}}" ,
2023-05-25 19:16:57 -04:00
"description" : "Used as an aria-label for when many people react to a message. Count is always greater than 1"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:Message__role-description" : {
"messageformat" : "Viesti" ,
"description" : "aria-roledescription of a message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageBody--read-more" : {
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When a message is too long this is the affordance to expand the message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--unsupported-message" : {
"messageformat" : "{contact} lähetti sinulle viestin, jota ei voida käsitellä tai näyttää, koska se käyttää uutta Signal-ominaisuutta."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--unsupported-message-ask-to-resend" : {
"messageformat" : "Voit pyytää käyttäjää {contact} lähettämään tämän viestin uudelleen, nyt kun käytät ajantasaista Signal-versiota."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--from-me-unsupported-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Yksi laitteistasi lähetti viestin, jota ei voida käsitellä tai näyttää, koska se käyttää uutta Signal-ominaisuutta."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--from-me-unsupported-message-ask-to-resend" : {
"messageformat" : "Tulevaisuudessa vastaavat viestit synkronoidaan, kun käytät ajantasaista Signal-versiota."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--update-signal" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitä Signal" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text for a button which will take user to Signal download page"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--tap-to-view-expired" : {
"messageformat" : "Katsottu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text shown on messages with with individual timers, after user has viewed it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--tap-to-view--outgoing" : {
"messageformat" : "Media" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text shown on outgoing messages with with individual timers (inaccessible)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--tap-to-view--incoming--expired-toast" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet jo katsonut tämän viestin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when user clicks on an expired incoming view-once bubble"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--tap-to-view--outgoing--expired-toast" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Kerran katsottavia viestejä ei tallenneta keskusteluhistoriaasi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when user clicks on an expired outgoing view-once bubble"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--tap-to-view--incoming" : {
"messageformat" : "Katso kuvaa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text shown on photo messages with with individual timers, before user has viewed it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Message--tap-to-view--incoming-video" : {
"messageformat" : "Katso video" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text shown on video messages with with individual timers, before user has viewed it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Conversation--getDraftPreview--attachment" : {
"messageformat" : "(liitetiedosto)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text shown in left pane as preview for conversation with saved a saved draft message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Conversation--getDraftPreview--quote" : {
"messageformat" : "(lainaus)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text shown in left pane as preview for conversation with saved a saved draft message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Conversation--getDraftPreview--draft" : {
"messageformat" : "(luonnos)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text shown in left pane as preview for conversation with saved a saved draft message"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:Keyboard--focus-most-recent-message" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Näytä vanhin lukematon tai viimeisin viesti" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown in shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--navigate-by-section" : {
"messageformat" : "Selaa osion mukaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--previous-conversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Edellinen keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--next-conversation" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Uusi keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--previous-unread-conversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Edellinen lukematon keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--next-unread-conversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Seuraava lukematon keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--preferences" : {
"messageformat" : "Asetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--open-conversation-menu" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Avaa keskusteluvalikko" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--new-conversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita uusi keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--archive-conversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Arkistoi keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--unarchive-conversation" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Palauta keskustelu arkistosta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--search" : {
"messageformat" : "Hae" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--search-in-conversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Hae keskustelusta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--focus-composer" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkenna syöttökenttään" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--open-all-media-view" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa medianäkymä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--open-emoji-chooser" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa emojivalitsin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--open-sticker-chooser" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa tarravalitsin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--begin-recording-voice-note" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita ääniviestin tallennus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--default-message-action" : {
"messageformat" : "Oletustoiminto valitulle viestille" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--view-details-for-selected-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä valitun viestin tiedot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--toggle-reply" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihda vastaaminen valittuun viestiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihda valitun viestin emoji-reaktiovalitsin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--save-attachment" : {
"messageformat" : "Tallenna valitun viestin liitetiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--delete-messages" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista valitut viestit" ,
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
"icu:Keyboard--forward-messages" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Välitä valitut viestit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--add-newline" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää rivinvaihto viestiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--expand-composer" : {
"messageformat" : "Laajenna syöttökenttä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--send-in-expanded-composer" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä (laajennetussa syöttökentässä)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--attach-file" : {
"messageformat" : "Liitä tiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--remove-draft-link-preview" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista esikatselun luonnos" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--remove-draft-attachments" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista luonnosten liitteet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--conversation-by-index" : {
"messageformat" : "Siirry keskusteluun" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A shortcut allowing direct navigation to conversations 1 to 9 in list"
} ,
2023-05-25 19:16:57 -04:00
"icu:Keyboard--edit-last-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Muokkaa edellistä viestiä" ,
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--Key--ctrl" : {
"messageformat" : "Ctrl" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--Key--option" : {
"messageformat" : "Option" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--Key--alt" : {
"messageformat" : "Alt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--Key--shift" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--Key--enter" : {
"messageformat" : "Enter" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--Key--tab" : {
"messageformat" : "Sarkain" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--Key--one-to-nine-range" : {
"messageformat" : "1– 9" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Expresses that 1, 2, 3, up to 9 are available shortcut keys"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--header" : {
"messageformat" : "Pikanäppäimet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title header of the keyboard shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--navigation-header" : {
"messageformat" : "Selaaminen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - navigation section"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--messages-header" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - messages section"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--composer-header" : {
"messageformat" : "Syöttökenttä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - composer section"
} ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"icu:Keyboard--composer--bold" : {
2023-04-25 18:50:23 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Merkitse valittu teksti lihavoiduksi" ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"description" : "Description of command to bold text in composer"
} ,
"icu:Keyboard--composer--italic" : {
2023-04-25 18:50:23 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Merkitse valittu teksti kursivoiduksi" ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"description" : "Description of command to bold text in composer"
} ,
"icu:Keyboard--composer--strikethrough" : {
2023-04-25 18:50:23 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Merkitse valittu teksti yliviivatuksi" ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"description" : "Description of command to bold text in composer"
} ,
"icu:Keyboard--composer--monospace" : {
2023-04-25 18:50:23 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Merkitse valittu teksti tasaväliseksi" ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"description" : "Description of command to bold text in composer"
} ,
"icu:Keyboard--composer--spoiler" : {
2023-04-25 18:50:23 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Merkitse valittu teksti sumennetuksi" ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"description" : "Description of command to bold text in composer"
} ,
2023-06-28 16:05:45 -04:00
"icu:Keyboard--open-context-menu" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa valitun viestin pikavalikko" ,
"description" : "Shown in shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:FormatMenu--guide--bold" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Lihavointi" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown when you hover over the bold button in the popup formatting menu"
} ,
"icu:FormatMenu--guide--italic" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Kursivointi" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown when you hover over the bold button in the popup formatting menu"
} ,
"icu:FormatMenu--guide--strikethrough" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Yliviivaus" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown when you hover over the bold button in the popup formatting menu"
} ,
"icu:FormatMenu--guide--monospace" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Suhteuttamaton" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown when you hover over the bold button in the popup formatting menu"
} ,
"icu:FormatMenu--guide--spoiler" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Sumennus" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown when you hover over the bold button in the popup formatting menu"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--scroll-to-top" : {
"messageformat" : "Vieritä luettelon yläosaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--scroll-to-bottom" : {
"messageformat" : "Vieritä luettelon alaosaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--close-curent-conversation" : {
"messageformat" : "Sulje nykyinen keskustelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--calling-header" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - calling section"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--toggle-audio" : {
"messageformat" : "Ota mykistys käyttöön ja poista käytöstä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--toggle-video" : {
"messageformat" : "Kytke video päälle ja pois" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"icu:Keyboard--accept-video-call" : {
2023-01-25 17:30:23 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Vastaa puheluun videolla (vain videopuhelut)" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
} ,
"icu:Keyboard--accept-call-without-video" : {
2023-01-25 17:30:23 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Vastaa puheluun ilman videota" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--start-audio-call" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita äänipuhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--start-video-call" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita videopuhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--decline-call" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkää puhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Keyboard--hang-up" : {
"messageformat" : "Lopeta puhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:close-popup" : {
"messageformat" : "Sulje ponnahdusikkuna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used as alt text for any button closing a popup"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:addImageOrVideoattachment" : {
"messageformat" : "Liitä kuva- tai videotiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used in draft attachment list for the big 'add new attachment' button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:remove-attachment" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista liite" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used in draft attachment list to remove an individual attachment"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:backToInbox" : {
"messageformat" : "Takaisin postilaatikkoon" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used as alt-text of button on archived conversations screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:conversationArchived" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelu arkistoitu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A toast that shows up when user archives a conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:conversationArchivedUndo" : {
"messageformat" : "Kumoa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Undo button for archiving a conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:conversationReturnedToInbox" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelu palautettu postilaatikkoon" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A toast that shows up when the user unarchives a conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:conversationMarkedUnread" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Keskustelu merkitty lukemattomaksi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A toast that shows up when user marks a conversation as unread"
} ,
2023-06-21 18:34:21 -04:00
"icu:SendEdit--dialog--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Vain Signalin beetaversio" ,
"description" : "Title of the modal shown before sending your first edit message"
} ,
"icu:SendEdit--dialog--body" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestien muokkaus on käytettävissä vain Signalin beetaversiossa. Jos muokkaat viestiä, se näkyy vain Signalin uusimman beetaversion käyttäjille." ,
"description" : "Body text of the modal shown before sending your first edit message"
} ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"icu:SendFormatting--dialog--title" : {
2023-04-25 18:50:23 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Muotoillun tekstin lähettäminen" ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"description" : "Title of the modal shown before sending your first formatting message"
} ,
"icu:SendFormatting--dialog--body" : {
2023-04-25 18:50:23 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Jotkut henkilöt saattavat käyttää Signal-versiota, joka ei tue muotoiltua tekstiä. He eivät voi nähdä viestiisi tekemiäsi muotoilumuutoksia." ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"description" : "Body text of the modal shown before sending your first formatting message"
} ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"icu:AuthArtCreator--dialog--message" : {
"messageformat" : "Haluatko avata Signal-tarrapaketin luontityökalun?" ,
"description" : "A body of the dialog that is presented when user tries to open Signal Sticker Pack Creator from a link"
} ,
"icu:AuthArtCreator--dialog--confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Vahvista" ,
"description" : "A buttle title for confirming Signal Sticker Pack Creator dialog"
} ,
"icu:AuthArtCreator--dialog--dismiss" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkää" ,
"description" : "A buttle title for dismissing Signal Sticker Pack Creator dialog"
} ,
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error" : {
2023-03-15 12:30:37 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Asenna Signal puhelimeesi ja tietokoneelle, jotta voit käyttää tarrapakettityökalua" ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"description" : "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Reactions--remove" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista reaktio" ,
"description" : "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Reactions--error" : {
"messageformat" : "Reaktion lähetys epäonnistui. Yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Reactions--more" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Use in the reaction picker as the alt text for the 'more' button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ReactionsViewer--all" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in reaction viewer as the title for the 'all' category"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--message-direct" : {
"messageformat" : "Sallitaanko henkilön {name} lähettää sinulle viestejä ja nähdä nimesi ja profiilikuvasi? Hän ei tiedä että olet nähnyt hänen viestinsä ennen hyväksymistä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the message for a message request in a direct message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-hidden" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Sallitaanko henkilön {name} lähettää sinulle viestejä ja nähdä nimesi ja kuvasi? Olet aiemmin poistanut tämän henkilön." ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the message for a message request in a hidden conversation"
} ,
"icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-blocked" : {
"messageformat" : "Sallitaanko henkilön {name} lähettää sinulle viestejä ja nähdä nimesi ja profiilikuvasi? Et saa viestejä, ennen kuin poistat eston." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the message for a message request in a direct message with a blocked account"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--message-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Liitytäänkö tähän ryhmään ja näytetäänkö nimesi ja profiilikuvasi sen jäsenille? He eivät tiedä, että olet nähnyt heidän viestinsä ennen hyväksymistä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the message for a message request in a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--message-group-blocked" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko tämän ryhmän esto ja näytetäänkö nimesi ja profiilikuvasi sen jäsenille? Et saa viestejä, ennen kuin poistat eston." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the message for a message request in a blocked group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--block" : {
"messageformat" : "Estä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button to let the user block a message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--unblock" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista esto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button to let the user unblock a message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--unblock-direct-confirm-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko käyttäjän {name} esto?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button to let the user unblock a message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--unblock-direct-confirm-body" : {
"messageformat" : "Voitte jatkossa lähettää viestejä ja soittaa toisillenne." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for unblocking a private message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--unblock-group-confirm-body" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän jäsenet voivat lisätä sinut takaisin tähän ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for unblocking a group message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--block-and-report-spam" : {
"messageformat" : "Ilmoita roskapostista ja estä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button to let the user block a message request and report spam"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--block-and-report-spam-success-toast" : {
"messageformat" : "Ilmoitettu roskapostista ja estetty." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a toast when you successfully block a user and report them as spam"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--block-direct-confirm-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Estetäänkö {title}?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for blocking a private message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--block-direct-confirm-body" : {
"messageformat" : "Estetyt henkilöt eivät voi soittaa sinulle tai lähettää sinulle viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for blocking a private message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--block-group-confirm-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Estetäänkö ja poistutaanko ryhmästä {title}?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for blocking a group message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--block-group-confirm-body" : {
"messageformat" : "Et enää saa viestejä tai päivityksiä tältä ryhmältä, eivätkä ryhmän jäsenet voi lisätä sinua takaisin ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for blocking a group message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--delete" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button to let the user delete any message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--delete-direct-confirm-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko keskustelu?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for deleting a private message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--delete-direct-confirm-body" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä keskustelu poistetaan kaikilta laitteiltasi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for deleting a private message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--delete-group-confirm-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko ja poistutaanko ryhmästä {title}?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for deleting a group message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--delete-direct" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button to let the user delete a direct message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--delete-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista ja poistu ryhmästä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button to let the user delete a group message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--delete-group-confirm-body" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistut tästä ryhmästä ja ryhmä poistetaan kaikilta laitteiltasi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for deleting a group message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--accept" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksy" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button to let the user accept a message request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--continue" : {
"messageformat" : "Jatka" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button to share your profile, necessary to continue messaging in a conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--profile-sharing--group--link" : {
"messageformat" : "Jatketaanko keskustelua tämän ryhmän kanssa ja näytetäänkö nimesi ja kuvasi sen jäsenille? <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää.</learnMoreLink>" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when user hasn't shared their profile in a group yet"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequests--profile-sharing--direct--link" : {
"messageformat" : "Jatketaanko keskustelua henkilön {firstName} kanssa ja näytetäänkö nimesi ja kuvasi hänelle? <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää</learnMoreLink>" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when user hasn't shared their profile in a 1:1 conversation yet"
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:ConversationHero--members" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {1 jäsen} other {{count,number} jäsentä}}" ,
"description" : "Specifies the number of members in a group conversation"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:member-of-1-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen ryhmässä {group}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of a mutual group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:member-of-2-groups" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen ryhmissä {group1} ja {group2}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of two mutual groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:member-of-3-groups" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen ryhmissä {group1}, {group2} ja {group3}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of three mutual groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:member-of-more-than-3-groups--one-more" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen ryhmissä {group1}, {group2}, {group3} ja yhdessä muussa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of four mutual groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:member-of-more-than-3-groups--multiple-more" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen ryhmissä {group1}, {group2}, {group3} ja {remainingCount,number} muussa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of 5+ mutual groups."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationHero--membership-added" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} lisäsi sinut ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown Indicates that you were added to a group by a given individual."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:no-groups-in-common" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei yhteisiä ryhmiä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown to indicate this user is not a member of any groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:no-groups-in-common-warning" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei yhteisiä ryhmiä. Tarkista pyynnöt huolellisesti." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When a user has no common groups, show this warning"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:acceptCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaa puheluun" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in tooltip for the button to accept a call (audio or video)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:acceptCallWithoutVideo" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaa puheluun ilman videota" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in tooltip for the button to accept a video call without video"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:declineCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in tooltip for the button to decline a call (audio or video)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:declinedIncomingAudioCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkäsit äänipuhelun" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when you declined an incoming voice call"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:declinedIncomingVideoCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkäsit videopuhelun" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when you declined an incoming video call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:acceptedIncomingAudioCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Saapuva äänipuhelu" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when you accepted an incoming voice call"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:acceptedIncomingVideoCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastattu videopuhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when you accepted an incoming video call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:missedIncomingAudioCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaamaton äänipuhelu" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when you missed an incoming voice call"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:missedIncomingVideoCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaamaton videopuhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when you missed an incoming video call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:acceptedOutgoingAudioCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähtevä äänipuhelu" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when you made an outgoing voice call"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:acceptedOutgoingVideoCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Soitettu videopuhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when you made an outgoing video call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:missedOrDeclinedOutgoingAudioCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaamaton äänipuhelu" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when your voice call is missed or declined"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:missedOrDeclinedOutgoingVideoCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaamaton videopuhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in conversation history when your video call is missed or declined"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:minimizeToTrayNotification--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal on yhä käynnissä" ,
2022-09-21 10:06:24 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a notification title when Signal is minimized to tray"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:minimizeToTrayNotification--body" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal pysyy käynnissä ilmoitusalueella. Voit muuttaa tämän Signalin asetuksissa." ,
2022-09-21 10:06:24 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a notification body when Signal is minimized to tray"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:incomingAudioCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Saapuva äänipuhelu..." ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Shown in both the incoming call bar and notification for an incoming voice call"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:incomingVideoCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Saapuva videopuhelu…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in both the incoming call bar and notification for an incoming video call"
} ,
2023-08-21 15:05:39 -07:00
"icu:outgoingAudioCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Outgoing voice call" ,
"description" : "Shown in the timeline for an outgoing voice call"
} ,
"icu:outgoingVideoCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Outgoing video call" ,
"description" : "Shown in the timeline for an outgoing video call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-you" : {
"messageformat" : "{ringer} soittaa sinulle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-1-other" : {
"messageformat" : "{ringer} soittaa sinulle ja {otherMember} muulle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-2-others" : {
"messageformat" : "{ringer} soittaa sinulle, käyttäjälle {first}, ja {second} muulle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-3-others" : {
"messageformat" : "{ringer} soittaa sinulle, käyttäjille {first}, {second}, sekä yhdelle muulle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-many" : {
"messageformat" : "{remaining, plural, one {{ringer} soittaa sinulle, {first}:lle, {second}:lle sekä {remaining,number}:lle muulle} other {{ringer} soittaa sinulle, käyttäjille {first}, {second} sekä {remaining,number} muulle}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:outgoingCallRinging" : {
"messageformat" : "Soitetaan…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the call screen when placing an outgoing call that is now ringing"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:makeOutgoingCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita puhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the call button in a conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:makeOutgoingVideoCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita videopuhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the video call button in a conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:joinOngoingCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Liity" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text that appears in a group when a call is active"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callNeedPermission" : {
"messageformat" : "{title} saa sinulta viestipynnön. Voit soittaa, kun viestipyyntösi on hyväksytty." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when a call is rejected because the other party hasn't approved the message/call request"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callReconnecting" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhdistetään uudelleen…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the call screen when the call is reconnecting due to network issues"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callDuration" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal {duration}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the call screen to indicate how long the call has been connected"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callingDeviceSelection__settings" : {
"messageformat" : "Asetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for device selection settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__participants" : {
"messageformat" : "{people} puhelussa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for participants list toggle"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__call-notification__ended" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmäpuhelu on päättynyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Notification message when a group call has ended"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__call-notification__started-by-someone" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmäpuhelu aloitettiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Notification message when a group call has started, but we don't know who started it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__call-notification__started-by-you" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloitit ryhmäpuhelun" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Notification message when a group call has started by you"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__call-notification__started" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} aloitti ryhmäpuhelun" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Notification message when a group call has started"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__in-another-call-tooltip" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet jo puhelussa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tooltip in disabled notification button when you're on another call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__call-notification__button__call-full-tooltip" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelu on saavuttanut {max,number} jäsenen osallistujakapasiteetin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tooltip in disabled notification button when the call is full"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pip--on" : {
"messageformat" : "Pienennä puhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for picture-in-picture toggle"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__pip--off" : {
"messageformat" : "Koko näytön puhelu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for picture-in-picture toggle"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__switch-view--to-grid" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihda ruutunäkymään" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for grid/speaker view toggle when on a call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__switch-view--to-speaker" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihda kaiutinnäkymään" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for grid/speaker view toggle when on a call"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__hangup" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistu puhelusta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for hang up button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa näyttösi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the select your screen sharing sources modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloita jakaminen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Confirm button for sharing screen modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--entireScreen" : {
"messageformat" : "Koko näyttö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the select your screen sharing sources modal and 'Entire Screen' source"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--screen" : {
"messageformat" : "Näyttö {id}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for `Screen #N` source in screen sharing sources modal and overlay"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--window" : {
"messageformat" : "Ikkuna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the select your screen sharing sources modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callingDeviceSelection__label--video" : {
"messageformat" : "Video" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for video input selector"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callingDeviceSelection__label--audio-input" : {
"messageformat" : "Mikrofoni" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for audio input selector"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callingDeviceSelection__label--audio-output" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaiuttimet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for audio output selector"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callingDeviceSelection__select--no-device" : {
"messageformat" : "Laitteita ei ole saatavilla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Message for when there are no available devices to select for input/output audio or video"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:callingDeviceSelection__select--default" : {
"messageformat" : "Oletus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when the device is the default device"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:muteNotificationsTitle" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä ilmoitukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the mute notifications drop-down selector"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:notMuted" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei mykistetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label when the conversation is not muted"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:muteHour" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä yhdeksi tunniksi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for muting the conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:muteEightHours" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä 8 tunniksi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for muting the conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:muteDay" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä yhdeksi päiväksi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for muting the conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:muteWeek" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä yhdeksi viikoksi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for muting the conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:muteAlways" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä aina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for muting the conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unmute" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista mykistys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for unmuting the conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:muteExpirationLabelAlways" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistetty aina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the mute notifications submenu whenever a conversation has been muted"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:muteExpirationLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistetty {duration} asti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the mute notifications submenu whenever a conversation has been muted"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EmojiButton__label" : {
"messageformat" : "Emoji" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for emoji button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ErrorModal--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Jokin meni pieleen!" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title of popup dialog when user-initiated task has gone wrong"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ErrorModal--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Yritä uudelleen tai ota yhteyttä tukeen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description text in popup dialog when user-initiated task has gone wrong"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Confirmation--confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Selvä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to dismiss popup dialog when user-initiated task has gone wrong"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:unknown-sgnl-link" : {
"messageformat" : "Pahoittelut! Tämä sgnl:// -linkki ei toimi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if you click on a sgnl:// link not currently supported by Desktop"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--cannot-send" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voi lähettää viestejä tähän ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in toast when you attempt to forward a message to an announcement only group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--cannot-start-group-call" : {
"messageformat" : "Vain ryhmän ylläpitäjä voi aloittaa puhelun." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in toast when a non-admin starts a group call in an announcements only group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--invalid-link--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Virheellinen linkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if we are unable to parse a group link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--invalid-link" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä ei ole kelvollinen ryhmälinkki. Varmista, että koko linkki on ehjä ja oikea ennen kuin yrität liittyä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if we are unable to parse a group link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--prompt" : {
"messageformat" : "Haluatko liittyä tähän ryhmään ja jakaa nimesi ja profiilikuvasi sen jäsenille?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when you click on a group link to confirm"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--already-in-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet jo tässä ryhmässä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if you click a group link for a group where you're already a member"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--already-awaiting-approval" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet jo pyytänyt lupaa liittyä tähän ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if you click a group link for a group where you've already requested approval'"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--unknown-link-version--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Tuntematon linkin versio" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This group link is no longer valid."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--unknown-link-version" : {
"messageformat" : "Tätä linkkiä ei tueta tässä Signal Desktopin versiossa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if you click a group link and we can't get information about it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--link-revoked--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmään liittyminen epäonnistui" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if you click a group link and we can't get information about it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--link-revoked" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä ryhmälinkki ei ole enää kelvollinen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if you click a group link and we can't get information about it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--link-forbidden--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmään liittyminen epäonnistui" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if you click a group link and you have been forbidden from joining via the link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--link-forbidden" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voi liittyä ryhmään ryhmälinkin avulla, koska ylläpitäjä poisti sinut ryhmästä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if you click a group link and you have been forbidden from joining via the link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--prompt-with-approval" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän ylläpitäjän on hyväksyttävä liittymispyyntö ennen ryhmään liittymistä. Liittymispyynnön yhteydessä nimesi ja kuvasi näkyvät ryhmän jäsenille." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when you click on a group link to confirm, if it requires admin approval"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--join-button" : {
"messageformat" : "Liity" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The button to join the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--request-to-join-button" : {
"messageformat" : "Pyydä lupaa liittyä ryhmään" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The button to join the group, if approval is required"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruuta pyyntö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The button to cancel request to join the group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--confirmation" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruutetaanko pyyntösi liittyä ryhmään?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A confirmation message that shows after you click the button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--yes" : {
"messageformat" : "Kyllä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Choosing to continue in the cancel join confirmation dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--no" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Choosing not to continue in the cancel join confirmation dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--group-metadata--full" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberCount, plural, one {Ryhmä · {memberCount,number} jäsen} other {Ryhmä · {memberCount,number} jäsentä}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A holder for two pieces of information - the type of conversation, and the member count"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--requested" : {
"messageformat" : "Liittymispyyntösi on lähetetty ryhmän ylläpitäjille. Saat ilmoituksen, kun he tekevät päätöksen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in composition area when you've requested to join a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--general-join-failure--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Linkkivirhe" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if something went wrong when you try to join via a group link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--join--general-join-failure" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voinut liittyä ryhmään. Yritä uudelleen myöhemmin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if something went wrong when you try to join via a group link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for a group administrator"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--only-admins" : {
"messageformat" : "Vain ylläpitäjät" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for group administrators -- used in drop-downs to select permissions that apply to admins"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--all-members" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki jäsenet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for describing the general non-privileged members of a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:updating" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitetään…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown along with a spinner when an update operation takes longer than one second"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--create--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Loit ryhmän." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--create--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} loi ryhmän." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--create--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmä luotiin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--title--change--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} muutti ryhmän nimeksi {newTitle}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--title--change--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Muutit ryhmän nimeksi {newTitle}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--title--change--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen muutti ryhmän nimeksi {newTitle}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--title--remove--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} poisti ryhmän nimen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--title--remove--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistit ryhmän nimen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--title--remove--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen poisti ryhmän nimen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--avatar--change--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} muutti ryhmän kuvakkeen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--avatar--change--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Muutit ryhmän kuvakkeen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--avatar--change--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen muutti ryhmän kuvakkeen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--avatar--remove--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} poisti ryhmän kuvakkeen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--avatar--remove--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistit ryhmän kuvakkeen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--avatar--remove--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen poisti ryhmän kuvakkeen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} muutti vain ylläpitäjät ryhmän tietojen muokkaajiksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Muutit vain ylläpitäjät ryhmän tietojen muokkaajiksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä muutti vain ylläpitäjät ryhmän tietojen muokkaajiksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--all--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} muutti kaikki jäsenet ryhmän tietojen muokkaajiksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--all--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Muutit kaikki jäsenet ryhmän tietojen muokkaajiksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--all--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä muutti kaikki jäsenet ryhmän tietojen muokkaajiksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--admins--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName}muutti vain ylläpitäjät ryhmän jäsenyyden muokkaajiksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--admins--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Muutit vain ylläpitäjät ryhmän jäsenyyden muokkaajiksi. " ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--admins--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä muutti vain ylläpitäjät ryhmän jäsenyyden muokkaajiksi. " ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--all--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} muutti vain ylläpitäjät ryhmän jäsenyyden muokkaajiksi. " ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--all--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Muutit kaikki jäsenet ryhmän jäsenyyden muokkaajiksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--all--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä muutti kaikki jäsenet ryhmän jäsenyyden muokkaajiksi. " ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistit ylläpitäjän hyväksynnän ryhmälinkillä liittyttäessä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName}poisti ylläpitäjän hyväksynnän ryhmälinkillä liittyttäessä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjän hyväksyntä ryhmälinkillä liittyttäessä on poistettu." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Otit käyttöön ylläpitäjän hyväksynnän ryhmälinkillä liittyttäessä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} otti käyttöön ylläpitäjän hyväksynnän ryhmälinkillä liittyttäessä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjän hyväksyntä ryhmälinkillä liittyttäessä on otettu käyttöön." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisäsit kutsutun käyttäjän {inviteeName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} lisäsi kutsutun käyttäjän {inviteeName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen lisäsi kutsutun käyttäjän {inviteeName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{inviteeName} hyväksyi kutsun liittyä ryhmään käyttäjältä {inviterName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other-no-from" : {
"messageformat" : "{inviteeName} hyväksyi kutsun liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksyit kutsun liittyä ryhmään käyttäjältä {inviterName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you-no-from" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksyit kutsun liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--from-you" : {
"messageformat" : "{inviteeName} hyväksyi kutsusi liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--other--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adderName} lisäsi käyttäjän {addeeName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--other--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisäsit käyttäjän {memberName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--other--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen lisäsi käyttäjän {memberName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--you--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} lisäsi sinut ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--you--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Liityit ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--you--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Sinut lisättiin ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-link--you--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Liityit ryhmään ryhmälinkin kautta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-link--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} liittyi ryhmään ryhmälinkin kautta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--you--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} hyväksyi pyyntösi liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--you--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Pyyntösi liittyä ryhmään on hyväksytty." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--other--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksyit käyttäjän {joinerName} pyynnön liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--other--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} hyväksyi käyttäjän{joinerName} pyynnön liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--other--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Henkilön {joinerName} pyyntö liittyä ryhmään on hyväksytty." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} poisti käyttäjän {memberName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--self" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} poistui ryhmästä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistit käyttäjän {memberName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsen poisti käyttäjän {memberName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--you--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} poisti sinut." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--you--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Olet poistunut ryhmästä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--you--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Sinut poistettiin ryhmästä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} nimitti käyttäjän {memberName} ylläpitäjäksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Nimitit käyttäjän {memberName} ylläpitäjäksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä nimitti käyttäjän {memberName} ylläpitäjäksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} nimitti sinut ylläpitäjäksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä nimitti sinut ylläpitäjäksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} poisti ylläpito-oikeudet käyttäjältä {memberName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistit käyttäjän {memberName} ylläpito-oikeudet." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä poisti ylläpito-oikeudet käyttäjältä {memberName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--you--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} poisti ylläpito-oikeutesi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--you--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä poisti ylläpito-oikeutesi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} kutsui yhden henkilön ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Kutsuit {inviteeName} ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Yksi henkilö kutsuttiin ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--you--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} kutsui sinut ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--you--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Sinut kutsuttiin ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-add--many--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} kutsui {count,number} henkilöä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-add--many--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Kutsuit {count,number} henkilöä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-add--many--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "{count,number} henkilöä kutsuttiin ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} kutsui yhden henkilön ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--you" : {
"messageformat" : "{inviteeName} hylkäsi kutsusi ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--from-you" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkäsit kutsun ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Yksi henkilö hylkäsi kutsusi ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} peruutti yhden henkilön kutsun ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruutit yhden henkilön kutsun ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-own--to-you" : {
"messageformat" : "{inviterName} peruutti kutsunsa sinulle." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-own--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "{inviterName} peruutti kutsunsa yhdelle henkilölle." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä peruutti yhden henkilön kutsun ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} peruutti kutsut ryhmään {count,number} henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruutit kutsut ryhmään {count,number} henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä peruutti kutsut ryhmään {count,number} henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} peruutti kutsun ryhmään yhdeltä käyttäjän {memberName} kutsumalta henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruutit kutsun yhdeltä käyttäjän {memberName} kutsumalta henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä peruutti kutsun yhdeltä käyttäjän {memberName} kutsumalta henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} peruutti henkilölle {inviteeName}lähettämäsi kutsun ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruit kutsusi henkilölle {inviteeName}." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä peruutti henkilölle {inviteeName}lähettämäsi kutsun ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} peruutti kutsut ryhmään {count,number} käyttäjän {memberName}kutsumalta henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruutit kutsun {count,number} käyttäjän {memberName} kutsumalta henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä peruutti kutsut ryhmään {count,number} käyttäjän {memberName}kutsumalta henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName}perui lähettämäsi kutsut ryhmään {count,number} henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruit kutsusi ryhmään {count,number} henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä perui lähettämäsi kutsut ryhmään {count,number} henkilöltä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-add-one--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetit pyynnön liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-add-one--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{joinerName} pyytää lupaa liittyä ryhmään ryhmälinkin kautta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--you--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruutit pyyntösi liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--you--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjä on hylännyt pyyntösi liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkäsit käyttäjän {joinerName} pyynnön liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--own" : {
"messageformat" : "{joinerName} peruutti pyyntönsä liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} hylkäsi henkilön {joinerName} pyynnön liittyä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-bounce--one" : {
"messageformat" : "{joinerName} pyysi ja perui jäsenyyspyyntönsä ryhmälinkin välityksellä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-bounce" : {
"messageformat" : "{joinerName} pyysi ja perui {numberOfRequests,number} jäsenyyspyyntöä ryhmälinkin välityksellä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Otit ryhmälinkin käyttöön. Liittymispyynnöt eivät ole käytössä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} otti ryhmälinkin käyttöön. Liittymispyynnöt eivät ole käytössä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmälinkki on otettu käyttöön. Liittymispyynnöt eivät ole käytössä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Otit ryhmälinkin käyttöön. Ylläpitäjä tarkistaa liittymispyynnöt." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} otti ryhmälinkin käyttöön. Ylläpitäjä tarkistaa liittymispyynnöt." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmälinkki on otettu käyttöön. Ylläpitäjä tarkistaa liittymispyynnöt." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-remove--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistit ryhmälinkin käytöstä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-remove--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} otti liittymispyynnöt pois käytöstä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-remove--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmälinkki on poistettu käytöstä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-reset--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Loit ryhmälinkin uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-reset--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{adminName} loi ryhmälinkin uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--group-link-reset--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmälinkki on luotu uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--description--remove--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistit ryhmän kuvauksen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--description--remove--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} poisti ryhmän kuvauksen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--description--remove--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän kuvaus poistettiin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--description--change--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihdoit ryhmän kuvauksen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--description--change--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} vaihtoi ryhmän kuvauksen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--description--change--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän kuvaus vaihdettiin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--announcements--admin--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Muutit ryhmän asetuksia ja nyt vain ylläpitäjät voivat lähettää viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--announcements--admin--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} muutti ryhmän asetuksia ja nyt vain ylläpitäjät voivat lähettää viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--announcements--admin--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän asetuksia muutettiin ja nyt vain ylläpitäjät voivat lähettää viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--announcements--member--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Muutit ryhmän asetuksia ja nyt kaikki ryhmän jäsenet voivat lähettää viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--announcements--member--other" : {
"messageformat" : "{memberName} muutti ryhmän asetuksia ja nyt kaikki jäsenet voivat lähettää viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV2--announcements--member--unknown" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän asetuksia muutettiin ja nyt kaikki jäsenet voivat lähettää viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
} ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"icu:GroupV2--summary" : {
2023-01-25 17:30:23 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Tämän ryhmän jäsenet tai asetukset ovat muuttuneet." ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "When rejoining a group, any detected changes are collapsed down into this summary"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--disabled--link" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitä tämä ryhmä ottaaksesi käyttöön uudet ominaisuudet, kuten @maininnat ja ylläpitäjät. Jäsenille, jotka eivät ole jakaneet nimeään tai kuvaansa tässä ryhmässä, lähetetään kutsu. <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää.</learnMoreLink>" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown instead of composition area when user is forced to migrate a legacy group (GV1)."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--was-upgraded" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä ryhmä päivitettiin uudeksi ryhmäksi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when a legacy group (GV1) is upgraded to a new group (GV2)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--learn-more" : {
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on a bubble below a 'group was migrated' timeline notification, or as button on Migrate dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--migrate" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Migrate dialog to kick off the process"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Mitä uudet ryhmät ovat?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--migrate--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitä uuteen ryhmään" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Migration popup after choosing to migrate group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--summary" : {
"messageformat" : "Uudet ryhmät tukevat nyt @mainintoja ja ylläpitäjiä, sekä muita ominaisuuksia tulevaisuudessa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--keep-history" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki päivitystä edeltävä viestihistoria ja media on säilytetty." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--migrate--keep-history" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki päivitystä edeltävä viestihistoria ja media tulee säilymään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Migration popup before GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--invited--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Sinun on hyväksyttävä kutsu liittyä tähän ryhmään uudelleen, etkä saa ryhmäviestejä ennen kuin olet hyväksynyt." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--invited--many" : {
"messageformat" : "Näiden jäsenten on hyväksyttävä kutsu liittyä tähän ryhmään uudelleen. He saavat ryhmäviestit vasta hyväksyttyään kutsun." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--invited--one" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämän jäsenen on hyväksyttävä kutsu liittyä tähän ryhmään uudelleen. Hän saa ryhmäviestit vasta hyväksyttyään kutsun." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--before--many" : {
"messageformat" : "Nämä jäsenet eivät voi liittyä uusiin ryhmiin, ja heidät poistetaan tästä ryhmästä:" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--before--one" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä jäsen ei voi liittyä uusiin ryhmiin, ja hänet poistetaan ryhmästä:" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--after--many" : {
"messageformat" : "Nämä jäsenet eivät voineet liittyä uusiin ryhmiin, ja heidät poistettiin ryhmästä:" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--after--one" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä jäsen ei voinut liittyä uusiin ryhmiin, ja hänet poistettiin ryhmästä:" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--invited--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Sinua ei voitu lisätä uuteen ryhmään ja sinut on kutsuttu liittymään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and you were invited instead of added"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--invited--one" : {
"messageformat" : "{contact} ei voitu lisätä uuteen ryhmään, ja hänet on kutsuttu liittymään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and one person was invited, instead of added"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--invited--many" : {
"messageformat" : "{count,number} jäsentä ei voitu lisätä uuteen ryhmään, ja heidät on kutsuttu liittymään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and some people were invited, instead of added"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--removed--one" : {
"messageformat" : "{contact} poistettiin ryhmästä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and one person was removed entirely during the upgrade"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--removed--many" : {
"messageformat" : "{count,number} jäsentä poistettiin ryhmästä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and some people were removed entirely during the upgrade"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:close" : {
"messageformat" : "Sulje" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Generic close label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:previous" : {
"messageformat" : "edellinen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Generic previous label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:next" : {
"messageformat" : "seuraava" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Generic next label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:BadgeDialog__become-a-sustainer-button" : {
"messageformat" : "Lahjoita Signalille" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the badge dialog. This button is shown under sustainer badges, taking users to some instructions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:BadgeSustainerInstructions__header" : {
"messageformat" : "Lahjoita Signalille" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. The heading."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:BadgeSustainerInstructions__subheader" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal toimii kaltaistesi ihmisten tuella. Tee lahjoitus ja ansaitse merkki." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. The subheading."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:BadgeSustainerInstructions__instructions__1" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa Signal puhelimessa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. First instruction."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:BadgeSustainerInstructions__instructions__2" : {
"messageformat" : "Napauta profiilikuvaasi ylävasemmalla avataksesi asetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. Second instruction."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:BadgeSustainerInstructions__instructions__3" : {
"messageformat" : "Napauta Lahjoita Signalille ja tilaa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. Third instruction."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CompositionArea--expand" : {
"messageformat" : "Laajenna" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for expanding composition area"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CompositionArea--attach-file" : {
"messageformat" : "Liitä tiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for file attachment button in composition area"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CompositionArea--sms-only__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä henkilö ei käytä Signalia." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the composition area for the SMS-only contact"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CompositionArea--sms-only__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal-työpöytäsovellus ei tue viestejä käyttäjille, jotka eivät käytä Signalia. Pyydä tätä henkilöä asentamaan Signal, jotta viestintä olisi turvallisempi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Body for the composition area for the SMS-only contact"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CompositionArea--sms-only__spinner-label" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkistetaan yhteystietojen rekisteröityminen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed while checking if the contact is SMS-only"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:CompositionArea__edit-action--discard" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkää viesti" ,
"description" : "aria-label for discard edit button"
} ,
"icu:CompositionArea__edit-action--send" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä muokattu viesti" ,
"description" : "aria-label for send edit button"
} ,
"icu:CompositionInput__editing-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Muokkaa viestiä" ,
"description" : "Status text displayed above composition input when editing a message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:countMutedConversationsDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Sisällytä mykistetyt keskustelut uusien viestien määrään" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for counting muted conversations in badge setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactModal--message" : {
"messageformat" : "Viesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button text for send message button in Group Contact Details modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactModal--rm-admin" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista ylläpitäjän oikeudet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button text for removing as admin button in Group Contact Details modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactModal--make-admin" : {
"messageformat" : "Nimitä ylläpitäjäksi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button text for make admin button in Group Contact Details modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactModal--make-admin-info" : {
"messageformat" : "{contact}voi muokata ryhmää ja sen jäseniä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a confirmation dialog when you are about to grant admin privileges to someone"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactModal--rm-admin-info" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko {contact} ryhmän ylläpitäjistä?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a confirmation dialog when you are about to remove admin privileges from someone"
} ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"icu:ContactModal--add-to-group" : {
2023-07-31 12:47:44 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Lisää toiseen ryhmään" ,
2023-07-19 17:33:17 -07:00
"description" : "Button text for adding contact to another group in Group Contact Details modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactModal--remove-from-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista ryhmästä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button text for remove from group button in Group Contact Details modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:showChatColorEditor" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelun väri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a button in the conversation context menu to show the chat color editor"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:showConversationDetails" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän asetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a button in the conversation context menu to show group settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:showConversationDetails--direct" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Keskusteluasetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a button in the conversation context menu to show chat settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails__unmute--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko tämän keskustelun mykistys?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the modal to unmute a chat"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--group-link" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmälinkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the label for the group link management panel"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--disappearing-messages-label" : {
"messageformat" : "Katoavat viestit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the label for the disappearing messages setting panel"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--disappearing-messages-info--group" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetyt ja vastaanotetut viestit katoavat tästä keskustelusta, kun ne on nähty." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the info about the disappearing messages setting, in groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--disappearing-messages-info--direct" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Kun käytössä, tämän kahdenkeskisen keskustelun lähetetyt ja vastaanotetut viestit katoavat, kun ne on nähty." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the info about the disappearing messages setting, for direct conversations"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--notifications" : {
"messageformat" : "Ilmoitukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the label for notifications in the conversation details screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--group-info-label" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän tietojen muokkaaminen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the label for the 'who can edit the group' panel"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--group-info-info" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse, kuka voi muokata ryhmän nimeä, valokuvaa, kuvausta ja katoavien viestien ajastusta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the additional info for the 'who can edit the group' panel"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--add-members-label" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsenten hallinta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the label for the 'who can add members' panel"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--add-members-info" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse, kuka voi lisätä uusia jäseniä tähän ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the additional info for the 'who can add members' panel"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--announcement-label" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuka voi lähettää viestejä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the additional info for the 'who can send messages' panel"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--announcement-info" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse, kuka voi lähettää viestejä ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the additional info for the 'who can send messages' panel"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetails--requests-and-invites" : {
"messageformat" : "Liittymispyynnöt & kutsut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a button to display which members have been invited but have not joined yet"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistu ryhmästä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a button to leave a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--block-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Estä ryhmä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a button to block a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--unblock-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista ryhmän esto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a button to unblock a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-must-choose-new-admin" : {
"messageformat" : "Ennen kuin poistut ryhmästä, valitse uusi ylläpitäjä tälle ryhmälle." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if, before leaving a group, you need to choose an admin"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-modal-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Haluatko varmasti poistua?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal title for confirming leaving a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-modal-content" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voi enää lähettää tai vastaanottaa viestejä tässä ryhmässä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal content for confirming leaving a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-modal-confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal button to confirm leaving a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--unblock-group-modal-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko ryhmän {groupName} esto?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal title for confirming unblock of a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--block-group-modal-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Estetäänkö ja poistutaanko ryhmästä {groupName}?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal title for confirming blocking a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--block-group-modal-content" : {
"messageformat" : "Et enää saa viestejä tai päivityksiä tältä ryhmältä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal content for confirming blocking a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--block-group-modal-confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Estä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal button to confirm blocking a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--unblock-group-modal-content" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhteystietosi voivat lisätä sinut takaisin tähän ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal content for confirming unblock of a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--unblock-group-modal-confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista esto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal button to confirm unblock of a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsHeader--members" : {
"messageformat" : "{number, plural, one {{number,number} jäsen} other {{number,number} jäsentä}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the number of members in a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsMediaList--shared-media" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaettu media" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the media thumbnails in the conversation details screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsMediaList--show-all" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä kaikki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a button on the conversation details to show all media"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsMembershipList--title" : {
"messageformat" : "{number, plural, one {{number,number} jäsen} other {{number,number} jäsentä}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The title of the membership list panel"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsMembershipList--add-members" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää jäseniä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The button that you can click to add new members"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsMembershipList--show-all" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä kaikki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is a button on the conversation details to show all members"
} ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsGroups--title" : {
2023-01-25 17:30:23 -07:00
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {{count,number} yhteinen ryhmä} other {{count,number} yhteistä ryhmää}}" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "Title of the groups-in-common panel, in the contact details"
} ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsGroups--title--with-zero-groups-in-common" : {
2023-01-25 17:30:23 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Ei yhteisiä ryhmiä" ,
2023-01-12 12:31:38 -08:00
"description" : "Title of the groups-in-common panel, in the contact details, with zero groups in common"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsGroups--add-to-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää ryhmään" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "The button shown on a conversation details (for a direct contact) that you can click to add that contact to groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsGroups--show-all" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä kaikki" ,
2022-10-05 18:47:28 -06:00
"description" : "This is a button on the conversation details (for a direct contact) to show all groups-in-common"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__label" : {
"messageformat" : "Maininnat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the conversation notifications settings, this is the label for the mentions option"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__info" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaanota ilmoituksia, kun sinut mainitaan mykistetyissä keskusteluissa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the conversation notifications settings, this is the sub-label for the mentions option"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__select__always-notify" : {
"messageformat" : "Ilmoita aina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the conversation notifications settings, this is the option that always notifies you for @mentions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__select__dont-notify-for-mentions-if-muted" : {
"messageformat" : "Älä ilmoita, jos mykistetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the conversation notifications settings, this is the option that doesn't notify you for @mentions if the conversation is muted"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupLinkManagement--clipboard" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmälinkki kopioitu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in a toast when a user selects to copy group link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupLinkManagement--share" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi linkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This lets users share their group link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupLinkManagement--confirm-reset" : {
"messageformat" : "Haluatko varmasti asettaa ryhmälinkin uudelleen? Ryhmään ei voi enää liittyä nykyistä linkkiä käyttäen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the confirmation dialog when an admin is about to reset the group link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupLinkManagement--reset" : {
"messageformat" : "Uudelleenaseta linkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This lets users generate a new group link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupLinkManagement--approve-label" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksy uusia jäseniä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the approve new members select area"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupLinkManagement--approve-info" : {
"messageformat" : "Ylläpitäjän on hyväksyttävä ryhmälinkin kautta liittyvät uudet jäsenet." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for the approve new members select area"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--tab-requests" : {
"messageformat" : "Pyynnöt ({count,number})" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the tab to view pending requests"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--tab-invites" : {
"messageformat" : "Kutsut ({count,number})" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the tab to view pending invites"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--approve-for" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksytäänkö liittymispyyntö käyttäjältä {name}?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal content when confirming approving a group request to join"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--deny-for" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylätäänkö liittymispyyntö käyttäjältä {name}?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal content when confirming denying a group request to join"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--deny-for--with-link" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylätäänkö pyyntö käyttäjältä {name}? Tämän jälkeen hän ei voi enää pyytää liittymistä ryhmälinkin kautta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal content when confirming denying a group request to join"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--invites" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähettämäsi kutsut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the title list of all invites"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--invited-by-you" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähettämäsi kutsut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the title for the list of members you have invited"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--invited-by-others" : {
"messageformat" : "Muiden lähettämät kutsut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the title for the list of members who have invited other people"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--invited-count" : {
"messageformat" : "Kutsuttiin {number,number}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the label for the number of members someone has invited"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--revoke-for-label" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruuta ryhmäkutsu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is aria label for revoking a group invite icon"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--revoke-for" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruuta ryhmäkutsu käyttäjältä {name}?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal content when confirming revoking a single invite"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--revoke-from" : {
"messageformat" : "{number, plural, one {Perutaanko 1 kutsu, jonka {name} lähetti?} other {Perutaanko {number,number} kutsua, jotka {name} lähetti?}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal content when confirming revoking multiple invites"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--revoke" : {
"messageformat" : "Peruuta kutsut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal button to confirm revoking invites"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--approve" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksy pyyntö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal button to approve group request to join"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--deny" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylkää pyyntö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "This is the modal button to deny group request to join"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--info" : {
"messageformat" : "Luettelon henkilöt yrittävät liittyä ryhmään {name} ryhmälinkin kautta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Information shown below the pending admin approval list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingInvites--info" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmään kutsutun henkilön tiedot näytetään vasta ryhmään liittymisen jälkeen. Kutsuttu ei näe ryhmän viestejä ennen liittymistä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Information shown below the invite list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--block--button" : {
"messageformat" : "Estä pyyntö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in timeline if users cancel their request to join a group via a group link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--block--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Estetäänkö pyyntö?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title of dialog to block a user from requesting to join via the link again"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--block--contents" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} ei voi liittyä tai pyytää jäsenyyttä ryhmälinkin kautta. Heidät voidaan edelleen lisätä ryhmään käsin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Details of dialog to block a user from requesting to join via the link again"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:PendingRequests--block--confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Estä pyyntö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Confirmation button of dialog to block a user from requesting to join via the link again"
} ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"icu:SelectModeActions--exitSelectMode" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistu valintatilasta" ,
"description" : "conversation > in select mode > composition area actions > exit select mode > accessibility label"
} ,
"icu:SelectModeActions--selectedMessages" : {
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"messageformat" : "{count,number} valittu" ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"description" : "conversation > in select mode > composition area actions > count of selected messsages"
} ,
"icu:SelectModeActions--deleteSelectedMessages" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista valitut viestit" ,
"description" : "conversation > in select mode > composition area actions > delete selected messsages action > accessibility label"
} ,
"icu:SelectModeActions--forwardSelectedMessages" : {
"messageformat" : "Välitä viestit" ,
"description" : "conversation > in select mode > composition area actions > forward selected messsages action > accessibility label"
} ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--title" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Poistetaanko viesti?} other {Poistetaanko {count,number} viestiä?}}" ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"description" : "delete selected messages > confirmation modal > title"
} ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--description" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Keneltä haluat poistaa tämän viestin?} other {Keneltä haluat poistaa nämä viestit?}}" ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"description" : "delete selected messages > confirmation modal > description"
} ,
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--description--noteToSelf" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Miltä laitteilta haluat poistaa tämän viestin?} other {Miltä laitteita haluat poistaa nämä viestit?}}" ,
"description" : "within note to self conversation > delete selected messages > confirmation modal > description"
} ,
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteForMe" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista minulta" ,
"description" : "delete selected messages > confirmation modal > delete for me"
} ,
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteFromThisDevice" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista tältä laitteelta" ,
"description" : "within note to self conversation > delete selected messages > confirmation modal > delete from this device (same as delete for me)"
} ,
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteForEveryone" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista kaikilta" ,
"description" : "delete selected messages > confirmation modal > delete for everyone"
} ,
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteFromAllDevices" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista kaikilta laitteilta" ,
"description" : "within note to self conversation > delete selected messages > confirmation modal > delete from all devices (same as delete for everyone)"
} ,
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal__toast--TooManyMessagesToDeleteForEveryone" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Voit valita enintään {count,number} viestin poistettavaksi kaikilta} other {Voit valita enintään {count,number} viestiä poistettavaksi kaikilta}}" ,
"description" : "delete selected messages > confirmation modal > deleted for everyone (disabled) > toast > too many messages to 'delete for everyone'"
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
} ,
"icu:SelectModeActions__toast--TooManyMessagesToForward" : {
"messageformat" : "Voit välittää enintään 30 viestiä" ,
"description" : "conversation > in select mode > composition area actions > forward selected messages (disabled) > toast message when too many messages"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AvatarInput--no-photo-label--group" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää ryhmän kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label for the avatar uploader when no group photo is selected"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AvatarInput--no-photo-label--profile" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label for the avatar uploader when no profile photo is selected"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AvatarInput--change-photo-label" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihda kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label for the avatar uploader when a photo is selected"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AvatarInput--upload-photo-choice" : {
"messageformat" : "Lataa kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The button text when you click on an uploaded avatar and want to upload a new one"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AvatarInput--remove-photo-choice" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista kuva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The button text when you click on an uploaded avatar and want to remove it"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactPill--remove" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista yhteystieto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label for the 'remove' button on the contact pill"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ComposeErrorDialog--close" : {
"messageformat" : "Selvä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The text on the button when there's an error in the composer"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--title" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Kutsu lähetetty} other {{count,number} kutsua lähetetty}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--user-paragraph--one" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voi lisätä käyttäjää {name} automaattisesti tähän ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--user-paragraph--many" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voi lisätä näitä käyttäjiä automaattisesti tähän ryhmään." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--info-paragraph" : {
"messageformat" : "Heidät on kutsuttu liittymään ryhmään, ja he näkevät ryhmäviestit vasta hyväksyttyään kutsun." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--learn-more" : {
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää jäseniä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown in the dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--continue-to-confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown in the dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-title--one" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisätäänkö {person} ryhmään {group}?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown in the confirmation dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-title--many" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisätäänkö {count,number} jäsentä ryhmään {group}?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown in the confirmation dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-button--one" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää jäsen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown on the confirmation dialog button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-button--many" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää jäseniä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown on the confirmation dialog button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:createNewGroupButton" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusi ryhmä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The text of the button to create new groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:selectContact" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse yhteystieto {name}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label for contact checkboxes that are non-selected (clicking them should select the contact)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deselectContact" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista yhteystiedon {name}valinta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label for contact checkboxes that are selected (clicking them should de-select the contact)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:cannotSelectContact" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei voi valita yhteystietoa {name}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label for contact checkboxes that are disabled"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:alreadyAMember" : {
"messageformat" : "Jo jäsen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The label for contact checkboxes that are disabled because they're already a member"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageAudio--play" : {
"messageformat" : "Toista äänitiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for audio attachment's Play button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageAudio--pause" : {
"messageformat" : "Pysäytä äänitiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for audio attachment's Pause button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageAudio--download" : {
"messageformat" : "Lataa äänitiedosto" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for audio attachment's Download button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageAudio--pending" : {
"messageformat" : "Ladataan äänitiedostoa…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for pending audio attachment spinner"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageAudio--slider" : {
"messageformat" : "Äänitiedoston toistoaika" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for audio attachment's playback time slider"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageAudio--playbackRate1" : {
"messageformat" : "1" ,
2022-09-28 10:55:55 -07:00
"description" : "Button in the voice note message widget that shows the current playback rate of 1x (regular speed) and allows the user to toggle to the next rate. Don't include the 'x'."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageAudio--playbackRate1p5" : {
"messageformat" : "1,5" ,
2022-09-28 10:55:55 -07:00
"description" : "Button in the voice note message widget that shows the current playback rate of 1.5x (%50 faster) and allows the user to toggle to the next rate. Don't include the 'x'."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageAudio--playbackRate2" : {
"messageformat" : "2" ,
2022-09-28 10:55:55 -07:00
"description" : "Button in the voice note message widget that shows the current playback rate of 2x (double speed) and allows the user to toggle to the next rate. Don't include the 'x'."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageAudio--playbackRatep5" : {
"messageformat" : "0,5" ,
2022-09-28 10:55:55 -07:00
"description" : "Button in the voice note message widget that shows the current playback rate of .5x (half speed) and allows the user to toggle to the next rate. Don't include the 'x'."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:emptyInboxMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Napauta {composeIcon} yllä ja etsi yhteystietojasi tai ryhmiäsi." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the left-pane when the inbox is empty"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:composeIcon" : {
"messageformat" : "kirjoituspainike" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the left-pane when the inbox is empty. Describes the button that composes a new message."
} ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"icu:ForwardMessageModal__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Välitä vastaanottajalle" ,
"description" : "Title for the forward a message modal dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ForwardMessageModal--continue" : {
"messageformat" : "Jatka" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for the 'next' button in the forward a message modal dialog"
} ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"icu:ForwardMessagesModal__toast--CannotForwardEmptyMessage" : {
"messageformat" : "Tyhjiä tai poistettuja viestejä ei voi välittää" ,
"description" : "Toast message shown when trying to forward an empty or deleted message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequestWarning__learn-more" : {
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the message request warning. Clicking this button will open a dialog with more information"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequestWarning__dialog__details" : {
"messageformat" : "Et kuulu samoihin ryhmiin tämän henkilön kanssa. Käy pyynnöt huolellisesti läpi ennen hyväksymistä välttääksesi ei-toivotut viestit." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the message request warning dialog. Gives more information about message requests"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageRequestWarning__dialog__learn-even-more" : {
"messageformat" : "Tietoa viestipyynnöistä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the message request warning dialog. Clicking this button will open a page on Signal's support site"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofing__same-name--link" : {
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Tarkista pyynnöt huolellisesti. Signal löysi toisen yhteystiedon samalla nimellä. <reviewRequestLink>Tarkista pyyntö</reviewRequestLink>" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the timeline warning when you have a message request from someone with the same name as someone else"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofing__same-name-in-group--link" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {{count,number} ryhmän jäsenellä on sama nimi. <reviewRequestLink>Tarkista jäsenet</reviewRequestLink>} other {{count,number} ryhmän jäsenellä on sama nimi. <reviewRequestLink>Tarkista jäsenet</reviewRequestLink>}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the timeline warning when you multiple group members have the same name"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:ContactSpoofing__same-names-in-group--link" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Tästä ryhmästä löytyi {count,number} nimiristiriita. <reviewRequestLink>Tarkista jäsenet</reviewRequestLink>} other {Tästä ryhmästä löytyi {count,number} nimiristiriitaa. <reviewRequestLink>Tarkista jäsenet</reviewRequestLink>}}" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Shown in the timeline warning when multiple names are shared by members of a group."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkastuspyyntö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the contact name spoofing review dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__description" : {
"messageformat" : "Jos et ole varma lähettäjän henkilöllisyydestä, tarkista henkilötiedot alta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for the contact spoofing review dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__possibly-unsafe-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Pyyntö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header in the contact spoofing review dialog, shown above the potentially-unsafe user"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__safe-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Yhteystietosi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header in the contact spoofing review dialog, shown above the \"safe\" user"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkista jäsenet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the contact name spoofing review dialog in groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__description" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Yhdellä ryhmän jäsenellä on sama nimi. Tarkista jäsenet alla tai korjaa ongelma.} other {{count,number} ryhmän jäsenellä on samanlainen nimi. Tarkista jäsenet alla tai korjaa ongelma.}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for the group contact spoofing review dialog"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__multiple-conflicts__description" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {Tästä ryhmästä löytyi {count,number} nimiristiriita. Tarkista jäsenet alla tai korjaa ongelma.} other {Tästä ryhmästä löytyi {count,number} nimiristiriitaa. Tarkista jäsenet alla tai korjaa ongelma.}}" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Description for the group contact spoofing review dialog when there are multiple shared names"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__members-header" : {
"messageformat" : "Jäsenet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header in the group contact spoofing review dialog. After this header, there will be a list of members"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__name-change-info" : {
"messageformat" : "{oldName} on äskettäin vaihtanut profiilinsa nimeksi {newName}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the group contact spoofing review dialog, this text is shown when someone has changed their name recently"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:RemoveGroupMemberConfirmation__remove-button" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista ryhmästä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When confirming the removal of a group member, show this text in the button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:RemoveGroupMemberConfirmation__description" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista {name} ryhmästä?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When confirming the removal of a group member, show this text in the dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:RemoveGroupMemberConfirmation__description__with-link" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko {name} ryhmästä? He eivät voi liittyä ryhmälinkin välityksellä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "When confirming the removal of a group member, show this text in the dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CaptchaDialog__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Vahvista jatkaaksesi viestintää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header in the captcha dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CaptchaDialog__first-paragraph" : {
"messageformat" : "Auta vähentämään roskapostia Signalissa ja suorita vahvistaminen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "First paragraph in the captcha dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CaptchaDialog__second-paragraph" : {
"messageformat" : "Voit jatkaa viestintää vahvistamisen jälkeen. Kaikki odottavat viestit lähetetään automaattisesti." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "First paragraph in the captcha dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CaptchaDialog--can-close__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Jatketaanko tarkistamatta?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header in the captcha dialog that can be closed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CaptchaDialog--can-close__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Jos päätät ohittaa vahvistuksen, saatat menettää muiden lähettämiä viestejä ja omien viestiesi lähettäminen voi epäonnistua." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Body of the captcha dialog that can be closed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CaptchaDialog--can_close__skip-verification" : {
"messageformat" : "Ohita tarkistus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Skip button of the captcha dialog that can be closed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:verificationComplete" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkistus suoritettu." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed after successful captcha"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:verificationFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarkistus epäonnistui. Ole hyvä ja tarkista myöhemmin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed after unsuccessful captcha"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:deleteForEveryoneFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestin poisto kaikilta epäonnistui. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed when delete-for-everyone has failed to send to all recipients"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__delete--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista väri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Confirm title for deleting custom color"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__delete--message" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "{num, plural, one {Tämä mukautettu väri on käytössä {num,number} keskustelussa. Haluatko poistaa sen?} other {Tämä mukautettu väri on käytössä {num,number} keskustelussa. Haluatko poistaa sen kaikista keskusteluista?}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Confirm message for deleting custom color"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__global-chat-color" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Yleinen keskustelun väri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Modal title for the chat color picker and editor for all conversations"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__menu-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelun väri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "View title for the chat color picker and editor"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__reset" : {
"messageformat" : "Palauta keskustelun väri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label for resetting chat colors"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__resetDefault" : {
"messageformat" : "Palauta keskustelujen värit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Confirmation dialog title for resetting all chat colors or only the global default one"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__resetAll" : {
"messageformat" : "Palauta kaikkien keskustelujen värit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label for resetting all chat colors"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset-default" : {
"messageformat" : "Palauta oletusvärit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label for resetting only global chat color"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset" : {
"messageformat" : "Palauta alkuasetuksiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Confirm button label for resetting chat colors"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset-message" : {
"messageformat" : "Haluatko ohittaa kaikki keskustelujen vanhat värit?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Modal message text for confirming resetting of chat colors"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__custom-color--label" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä värin muokkausväline" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for custom color editor button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__sampleBubble1" : {
"messageformat" : "Valittu keskustelun väri näkyy tässä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "An example message bubble for selecting the chat color"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__sampleBubble2" : {
"messageformat" : "Toinen kupla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "An example message bubble for selecting the chat color"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__sampleBubble3" : {
"messageformat" : "Väri näkyy vain sinulle." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "An example message bubble for selecting the chat color"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__context--edit" : {
"messageformat" : "Muokkaa väriä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Option in the custom color bubble context menu"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__context--duplicate" : {
"messageformat" : "Monista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Option in the custom color bubble context menu"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ChatColorPicker__context--delete" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Option in the custom color bubble context menu"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CustomColorEditor__solid" : {
"messageformat" : "Tasaväri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tab label for selecting solid colors"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CustomColorEditor__gradient" : {
"messageformat" : "Liukuväri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tab label for selecting a gradient"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CustomColorEditor__hue" : {
"messageformat" : "Värisävy" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the hue slider"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CustomColorEditor__saturation" : {
"messageformat" : "Värikylläisyys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the saturation slider"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CustomColorEditor__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Mukautettu väri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Modal title for the custom color editor"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:GradientDial__knob-start" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Liukuvärin alku" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "aria-label for the custom color gradient creator knob"
} ,
"icu:GradientDial__knob-end" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Liukuvärin loppu" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "aria-label for the custom color gradient creator knob"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:customDisappearingTimeOption" : {
"messageformat" : "Muu aika…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text for an option in Disappearing Messages menu and Conversation Details Disappearing Messages setting when no user value is available"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:selectedCustomDisappearingTimeOption" : {
"messageformat" : "Muu aika" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text for an option in Conversation Details Disappearing Messages setting when user previously selected custom time"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__label--value" : {
"messageformat" : "Numero" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for the number select box"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__label--units" : {
"messageformat" : "Aikayksikkö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for the units of time select box"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Muu aika" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse aika viestin katoamiselle." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Body for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__set" : {
"messageformat" : "Aseta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Text for the dialog button confirming the custom disappearing message timeout"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__seconds" : {
"messageformat" : "sekuntia" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Name of the 'seconds' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__minutes" : {
"messageformat" : "minuuttia" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Name of the 'minutes' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__hours" : {
"messageformat" : "tuntia" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Name of the 'hours' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__days" : {
"messageformat" : "päivää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Name of the 'days' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__weeks" : {
"messageformat" : "viikkoa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Name of the 'weeks' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:settings__DisappearingMessages__footer" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse oletusajastin katoaville viesteille kaikissa uusissa aloittamissasi keskusteluissa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Footer for the Disappearing Messages settings section"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:settings__DisappearingMessages__timer__label" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusien keskustelujen oletusajastin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the Disappearing Messages default timer setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:UniversalTimerNotification__text" : {
"messageformat" : "Katoava viesti näkyy {timeValue} viestin lähettämisen jälkeen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A message displayed when default disappearing message timeout is about to be applied"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContactRemovedNotification__text" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Olet poistanut tämän henkilön. Jos lähetät hänelle viestin uudelleen, hänet lisätään takaisin luetteloosi." ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "A message displayed when contact was removed and will be added back on an outgoing message"
} ,
"icu:ErrorBoundaryNotification__text" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestiä ei voitu näyttää. Lähetä virheilmoitus napsauttamalla." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "An error notification displayed when message fails to render due to an internal error"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:GroupDescription__read-more" : {
"messageformat" : "lue lisää" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button text when the group description is too long"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EditConversationAttributesModal__description-warning" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmän kuvaus näkyy ryhmän jäsenille ja siihen kutsutuille henkilöille." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label text shown when editing group description"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConversationDetailsHeader--add-group-description" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää ryhmän kuvaus…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder text in the details header for those that can edit the group description"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--button" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse median laatu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for the media quality selector button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Median laatu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Popup selector title"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--standard-quality-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Vakio" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for option for standard quality"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--standard-quality-description" : {
"messageformat" : "Nopeampi, vähemmän dataa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of standard quality selector"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--high-quality-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Korkea" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for option for high quality"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--high-quality-description" : {
"messageformat" : "Hitaampi, enemmän dataa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of high quality selector"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageDetailsHeader--Failed" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei lähetetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the message details screen, shown above contacts where the message failed to deliver"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageDetailsHeader--Pending" : {
"messageformat" : "Käsiteltävänä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the message details screen, shown above contacts where the message is still sending"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageDetailsHeader--Sent" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetty käyttäjälle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the message details screen, shown above contacts where the message has been sent (but not delivered, read, or viewed)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageDetailsHeader--Delivered" : {
"messageformat" : "Toimitettu käyttäjälle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the message details screen, shown above contacts who have received your message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageDetailsHeader--Read" : {
"messageformat" : "Lukenut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the message details screen, shown above contacts who have read this message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageDetailsHeader--Viewed" : {
"messageformat" : "Katsottu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "In the message details screen, shown above contacts who have viewed this message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageDetail--disappears-in" : {
"messageformat" : "Katoamisaika:" ,
2022-09-21 10:06:24 -07:00
"description" : "In the message details screen, shown as a label of how long it will be before the message disappears"
} ,
2023-06-28 16:05:45 -04:00
"icu:MessageDetail__view-edits" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä muokkaushistoria" ,
"description" : "Link to view a message's edit history"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--about" : {
"messageformat" : "Tietoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Default text for about field"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjänimi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Default text for username field"
} ,
2023-08-08 16:32:11 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor__username-link" : {
"messageformat" : "QR-koodi tai linkki" ,
"description" : "Label of a profile editor row that navigates to username link and qr code modal"
} ,
"icu:ProfileEditor__username-link__tooltip__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa käyttäjänimesi" ,
"description" : "Title of tooltip displayed under 'QR code or link' button for getting username link"
} ,
"icu:ProfileEditor__username-link__tooltip__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa yksilöllinen QR-koodi tai linkki, jotta muut voivat aloittaa keskustelun kanssasi." ,
"description" : "Body of tooltip displayed under 'QR code or link' button for getting username link"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse käyttäjänimi" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Title text for username modal"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--check-characters" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjätunnuksessa voi olla vain a-z, 0-9 ja _" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if user has attempted to use forbidden characters in username"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--check-starting-character" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjätunnus ei voi alkaa numerolla." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if user has attempted to begin their username with a number"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--check-character-min" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjätunnuksissa on oltava vähintään {min,number} merkkiä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if user has attempted to enter a username with too few characters - currently min is 3"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--check-character-max" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjätunnuksissa voi olla enintään {max,number} merkkiä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if user has attempted to enter a username with too many characters - currently min is 25"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--unavailable" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä käyttäjänimi ei ole saatavilla" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if the username is not available for registration"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--check-username-taken" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä käyttäjätunnus on varattu." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if user has attempted to save a username which is not available"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--general-error" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjätunnustasi ei voitu tallentaa. Tarkista yhteytesi ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if something unknown has gone wrong with username save."
} ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--reservation-gone" : {
2023-02-23 15:07:58 -05:00
"messageformat" : "{username} ei ole enää käytettävissä. Uusi numerosarja liitetään käyttäjänimeesi, yritä tallentaa se uudelleen." ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"description" : "Shown if username reservation has expired and new one needs to be generated."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--delete-general-error" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjätunnustasi ei voitu poistaa. Tarkista yhteytesi ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if something unknown has gone wrong with username delete."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--copied-username" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjänimi kopioitu" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when username is copied to clipboard."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--copied-username-link" : {
"messageformat" : "Linkki kopioitu" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown when username link is copied to clipboard."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--deleting-username" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaan käyttäjänimi" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as aria label for spinner icon next to username"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--delete-username" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista käyttäjätunnus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as aria label for trash icon next to username"
} ,
2023-08-08 16:32:11 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--confirm-delete-body-2" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä poistaa käyttäjänimesi ja poistaa QR-koodisi ja linkkisi käytöstä. Sen jälkeen käyttäjänimi \"{username}\" on muiden käytettävissä. Oletko varma?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in dialog body if user has saved an empty string to delete their username"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--confirm-delete-button" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in dialog button if user has saved an empty string to delete their username"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--context-menu" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi tai poista käyttäjänimi" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as aria label for context menu next to username"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--copy" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi käyttäjänimi" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button in context menu next to username. The action of the button is to put username into the clipboard."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--copy-link" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi linkki" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button in context menu next to username. The action of the button is to put a username link into the clipboard."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--delete" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown as a button in context menu next to username. The action of the button is to open a confirmation dialog for deleting username."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--about-placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Kirjoita jotain itsestäsi…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder text for about input field"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--first-name" : {
"messageformat" : "Etunimi (pakollinen)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder text for first name field"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--last-name" : {
"messageformat" : "Sukunimi (valinnainen)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder text for last name field"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ConfirmDiscardDialog--discard" : {
"messageformat" : "Hylätäänkö nämä muutokset?" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "ConfirmationDialog text for discarding changes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditor--info--link" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Profiilisi on salattu. Profiilisi ja siihen tehdyt muutokset näkyvät yhteystiedoillesi ja silloin, kun aloitat ja hyväksyt uusia keskusteluja. <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää</learnMoreLink>" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Information shown at the bottom of the profile editor section"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Bio--speak-freely" : {
"messageformat" : "Tule juttelemaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A default bio option"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Bio--encrypted" : {
"messageformat" : "Salattu" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A default bio option"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Bio--free-to-chat" : {
2023-04-20 08:31:42 +02:00
"messageformat" : "Vapaa keskustelemaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A default bio option"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Bio--coffee-lover" : {
"messageformat" : "Kahvinystävä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A default bio option"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Bio--taking-break" : {
"messageformat" : "Tauolla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A default bio option"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--profile" : {
"messageformat" : "Profiili" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for profile editing"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--name" : {
"messageformat" : "Nimesi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for editing your name"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--about" : {
"messageformat" : "Tietoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for about editing"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--avatar" : {
"messageformat" : "Avatarisi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for profile avatar editing"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--username" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjänimi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for username editing"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error" : {
"messageformat" : "Profiiliasi ei voitu päivittää. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Error message when something goes wrong updating your profile."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä viesti ylläpitäjälle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Modal title for the list of admins in a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--announcements-only" : {
"messageformat" : "Vain {admins} voi(vat) lähettää viestejä." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed if sending of messages is disabled to non-admins"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--admins" : {
"messageformat" : "ylläpitäjät" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Clickable text describing administrators of a group, used in the message an admin label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AvatarEditor--choose" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse avatar" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the avatar selector"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:AvatarColorPicker--choose" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse väri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for when you need to choose your fighter, err color"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:LeftPaneSetGroupMetadataHelper__avatar-modal-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmäavatar" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the avatar picker in the group creation flow"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:Preferences__message-audio-title" : {
2023-05-25 19:16:57 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Viestiäänet keskustelussa" ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Title for message audio setting"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__message-audio-description" : {
2023-05-17 20:54:30 -04:00
"messageformat" : "Toistaa ilmoitusäänen lähetetyistä ja vastaanotetuista viesteistä keskustelussa ollessasi." ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"description" : "Description for message audio setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__button--general" : {
"messageformat" : "Yleiset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to switch the settings view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__button--appearance" : {
"messageformat" : "Ulkonäkö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to switch the settings view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__button--chats" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to switch the settings view (and a title of pane)"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__button--calls" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to switch the settings view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__button--notifications" : {
"messageformat" : "Ilmoitukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to switch the settings view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__button--privacy" : {
"messageformat" : "Yksityisyys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button to switch the settings view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--lastSynced" : {
"messageformat" : "Viimeisin tuonti {date} {time}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for date and time of last sync operation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--system" : {
"messageformat" : "Järjestelmäasetus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for system type settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--zoom" : {
"messageformat" : "Suurennustaso" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for changing the zoom level"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__link-previews--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Luo esikatselukuvia linkeistä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the generate link previews setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__link-previews--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Tätä asetusta voi muuttaa Signal-mobiilisovelluksessa kohdassa Asetukset > Keskustelut." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for the generate link previews setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--advanced" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisäasetukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for advanced settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--notification-content" : {
"messageformat" : "Ilmoituksen sisältö" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the notification content setting select box"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--blocked" : {
"messageformat" : "Estetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for blocked contacts setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--blocked-count" : {
"messageformat" : "{num, plural, one {1 yhteystieto} other {{num,number} yhteystietoa}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Number of contacts blocked plural"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__privacy--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Näitä asetuksia voi muuttaa Signal-mobiilisovelluksessa kohdassa Asetukset > Tietosuoja." ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"description" : "Description for the 'who can do X' setting"
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__row--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelinnumero" ,
"description" : "Title of Phone Number row in Privacy section of Preferences window"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__row--body" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse, kuka voi nähdä puhelinnumerosi ja kuka voi ottaa sinuun yhteyttä Signalissa sen avulla." ,
"description" : "Body of Phone Number row in Privacy section of Preferences window"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__sharing--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuka voi nähdä numeroni" ,
"description" : "Title for the phone number sharing setting row"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__sharing--description--everyone" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelinnumerosi näkyy henkilöille ja ryhmille, joille lähetät viestejä. Henkilöt, joilla on puhelinnumerosi puhelimensa yhteystiedoissa, näkevät sen myös Signalissa." ,
"description" : "Description for the phone number sharing setting row when the value is Everyone"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__sharing--description--nobody" : {
"messageformat" : "Kukaan ei näe puhelinnumeroasi Signalissa." ,
"description" : "Description for the phone number sharing setting row when the value is Nobody"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp--page-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Puhelinnumero" ,
"description" : "Title of the page in Phone Number Privacy settings"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__sharing__everyone" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki" ,
"description" : "Option for sharing phone number with everyone"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__sharing__nobody" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei kukaan" ,
"description" : "Option for sharing phone number with nobody"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__discoverability--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuka voi löytää minut puhelinnumerolla" ,
"description" : "Title for the phone number discoverability setting row"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__discoverability--description--everyone" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuka tahansa, jolla on puhelinnumerosi yhteystiedoissaan, näkee sinut yhteystietona Signalissa. Muut voivat löytää sinut puhelinnumerollasi, kun he aloittavat uuden keskustelun tai ryhmän." ,
"description" : "Description for the phone number discoverability setting row wth the value is everyone"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__discoverability--description--nobody" : {
"messageformat" : "Kukaan Signalissa ei voi löytää sinua puhelinnumerosi avulla." ,
"description" : "Description for the phone number discoverability setting row wth the value is nobody"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__discoverability__everyone" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki" ,
"description" : "Option for letting everyone discover you by phone number"
} ,
"icu:Preferences__pnp__discoverability__nobody" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei kukaan" ,
"description" : "Option for letting nobody discover you by phone number"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--messaging" : {
"messageformat" : "Viestintä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the messaging settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--see-me" : {
"messageformat" : "Nähdä puhelinnumeroni" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the see my phone number setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--find-me" : {
"messageformat" : "Löytää minut puhelinnumeron perusteella" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the find me by my phone number setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--read-receipts" : {
"messageformat" : "Lukukuittaukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the read receipts setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--typing-indicators" : {
"messageformat" : "Kirjoitusilmaisimet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the typing indicators setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences--updates" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitykset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Header for settings having to do with updates"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__download-update" : {
"messageformat" : "Lataa päivitykset automaattisesti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for checkbox for the auto download updates setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__enable-notifications" : {
"messageformat" : "Kytke ilmoitukset päälle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for checkbox for the notifications setting"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__devices" : {
"messageformat" : "Laitteet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for Device list in call settings pane"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__turn-stories-on" : {
"messageformat" : "Ota tarinat käyttöön" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Label to enable stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__turn-stories-off" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista tarinat käytöstä" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Label to disable stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__turn-stories-off--action" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista käytöstä" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Label in confirmation modal to disable stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Preferences__turn-stories-off--body" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voi enää jakaa tai nähdä tarinoita. Myös viimeksi jakamasi tarinoiden päivitykset poistetaan." ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Confirmation modal body for disabling stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:DialogUpdate--version-available" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitä saatavilla olevaan versioon {version}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tooltip for new update available"
} ,
2023-03-15 12:30:37 -07:00
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading" : {
2023-03-22 15:50:41 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Ladataan päivitystä…" ,
2023-03-15 12:30:37 -07:00
"description" : "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
} ,
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded" : {
2023-03-22 15:50:41 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Päivitys ladattu" ,
2023-03-15 12:30:37 -07:00
"description" : "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
} ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitys vaaditaan" ,
"description" : "The title of update dialog on install screen when user OS is unsupported"
} ,
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--auto-update__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Päivitä uusimpaan versioon, jotta voit jatkaa Signalin käyttöä." ,
"description" : "The body of update dialog on install screen when auto update is downloaded and available."
} ,
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--manual-update__action" : {
"messageformat" : "Lataa {downloadSize}" ,
"description" : "The text of a confirmation button in update dialog on install screen when manual update is ready to be downloaded."
} ,
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--downloaded__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Asenna päivitys käynnistämällä Signal uudelleen." ,
"description" : "The body of the update dialog on install screen when manual update was downloaded."
} ,
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--cannot-update__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal Desktopin päivitys epäonnistui, mutta saatavilla on uusi versio. Siirry osoitteeseen {downloadUrl} ja asenna uusi versio manuaalisesti, ja ota sen jälkeen yhteys tukeen tai ilmoita tätä ongelmaa koskevasta virheestä." ,
"description" : "The body of the update dialog on install screen when update cannot be installed."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line" : {
"messageformat" : "Signalia ei voi sulkea." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NSIS__retry-dialog--second-line" : {
"messageformat" : "Sulje se itse ja jatka napsauttamalla Yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Second line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NSIS__appRunning" : {
"messageformat" : "{appName} on käynnissä.\nValitse OK sulkeaksesi sen.\nJos se ei sulkeudu, yritä sulkea se käsin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The contents of a dialog displayed when Windows installer detect that the application is running and asks user to close it. Note: please keep the line breaks so that the text occupies three separate lines"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NSIS__decompressionFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Tiedostojen purkaminen ei onnistunut. Yritä ajaa asennusohjelma uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed when Windows installer cannot decompress application files"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:NSIS__uninstallFailed" : {
"messageformat" : "Vanhojen sovellustiedostojen poisto epäonnistui. Yritä ajaa asennusohjelma uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Displayed when Windows installer cannot uninstall the old application"
} ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"icu:NSIS__semver-downgrade" : {
"messageformat" : "Signalin uudempi versio on jo asennettu. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?" ,
"description" : "A text of the dialog displayed when user tries to overwrite Signal installation with an older version."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CrashReportDialog__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Sovellus kaatui" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A title of the dialog displayed when starting an application after a recent crash"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CrashReportDialog__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal käynnistettiin uudelleen virheen jälkeen. Voit lähettää virheraportin Signalille. Tämä auttaa ohjelmistovirheen tutkimisessa ja korjaamisessa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The body of the dialog displayed when starting an application after a recent crash"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CrashReportDialog__submit" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A button label for submission of the crash reporter data after a recent crash"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CrashReportDialog__erase" : {
"messageformat" : "Älä lähetä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CustomizingPreferredReactions__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Mukauta reaktiot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihda emoji napsauttamalla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Instructions in the modal for customizing the preferred reactions."
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:CustomizingPreferredReactions__had-save-error" : {
"messageformat" : "Asetuksia tallentaessa tapahtui virhe. Yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown if there is an error when saving your preferred reaction settings. Should be very rare to see this message."
} ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"icu:MediaEditor__clock-more-styles" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää tyylejä" ,
"description" : "Action button for switching up the clock styles"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__control--draw" : {
"messageformat" : "Piirrä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the draw button in the media editor"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__control--text" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää teksti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the text button in the media editor"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__control--sticker" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarrat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the sticker button in the media editor"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__control--crop" : {
"messageformat" : "Rajaa ja käännä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the crop & rotate button in the media editor"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__control--undo" : {
"messageformat" : "Kumoa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the undo button in the media editor"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__control--redo" : {
"messageformat" : "Tee uudelleen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for the redo button in the media editor"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__text--regular" : {
"messageformat" : "Tavallinen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Describes what attribute the color picker will change on the text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__text--highlight" : {
"messageformat" : "Korostus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Describes what attribute the color picker will change on the text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__text--outline" : {
"messageformat" : "Reunaviiva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Describes what attribute the color picker will change on the text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__text--underline" : {
"messageformat" : "Alleviivaus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Describes what attribute the color picker will change on the text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__draw--pen" : {
"messageformat" : "Kynä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Type of brush to free draw"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__draw--highlighter" : {
"messageformat" : "Korostuskynä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Type of brush to free draw"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__draw--thin" : {
"messageformat" : "Ohut" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tip width of the brush"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__draw--regular" : {
"messageformat" : "Tavallinen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tip width of the brush"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__draw--medium" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskikokoinen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tip width of the brush"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__draw--heavy" : {
"messageformat" : "Vahva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Tip width of the brush"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__crop--reset" : {
"messageformat" : "Palauta alkuasetuksiin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Reset the crop state"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__crop--rotate" : {
"messageformat" : "Kierrä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Rotate the canvas"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__crop--flip" : {
"messageformat" : "Käännä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Flip/mirror the canvas"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__crop--lock" : {
"messageformat" : "Lukitse" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Lock the aspect ratio"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__crop--crop" : {
"messageformat" : "Rajaa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Performs the crop"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MediaEditor__caption-button" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää viesti" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Label of the button on the bottom of the media editor that trigger the add-caption dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Omat tarinat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the my stories list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__list_item" : {
"messageformat" : "Omat tarinat" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Label for the my stories in the list of all stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__story" : {
"messageformat" : "Oma tarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for each one of your stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__download" : {
"messageformat" : "Lataa tarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for the download button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__more" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää valintoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for the more button"
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__views" : {
"messageformat" : "{views, plural, one {{views,number} katselua} other {{views,number} näyttökertaa}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Number of views your story has"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__views--strong" : {
"messageformat" : "{views, plural, one {<strong>{views,number}</strong> katselukerta} other {<strong>{views,number}</strong> katselukertaa}}" ,
"description" : "Number of views your story has"
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__views-off" : {
"messageformat" : "Lukukuittaukset pois käytöstä" ,
"description" : "Shown next to the user's story when the user has read receipts turned off"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__replies" : {
"messageformat" : "{replyCount, plural, one {<strong>{replyCount,number}</strong> vastaus} other {<strong>{replyCount,number}</strong> vastausta}}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Number of replies your story has"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MyStories__delete" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko tarina? Se poistetaan myös kaikilta sen vastaanottaneilta." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Confirmation dialog description text for deleting a story"
} ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"icu:payment-event-notification-message-you-label" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Aloitit maksun henkilölle {receiver}" ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event notification from you message bubble label"
} ,
"icu:payment-event-notification-message-you-label-without-receiver" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Aloitit maksun" ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event notification from you message bubble label"
} ,
"icu:payment-event-notification-message-label" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "{sender} aloitti maksun sinulle" ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event notification from contact message bubble label"
} ,
"icu:payment-event-activation-request-label" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "{sender} haluaa sinun aktivoivan maksut. Lähetä maksuja vain henkilöille, joihin luotat. Voit aktivoida maksut mobiililaitteellasi kohdassa Asetukset -> Maksut." ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event activation request from contact label"
} ,
"icu:payment-event-activation-request-you-label" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Lähetit käyttäjälle {receiver} maksujen aktivointipyynnön." ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event activation request from you label"
} ,
"icu:payment-event-activation-request-you-label-without-receiver" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Lähetit maksujen aktivointipyynnön." ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event activation request from you label"
} ,
"icu:payment-event-activated-label" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "{sender} voi nyt hyväksyä maksuja." ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event activation from contact label"
} ,
"icu:payment-event-activated-you-label" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Olet aktivoinut maksut." ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event activation from you label"
} ,
"icu:payment-event-notification-label" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Maksu" ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event notification label"
} ,
"icu:payment-event-notification-check-primary-device" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Tarkista tämän maksun tila ensisijaiselta laitteeltasi" ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Payment event notification check device label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SignalConnectionsModal__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Signal-kontaktit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The phrase/term: 'Signal Connections'"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SignalConnectionsModal__header" : {
"messageformat" : "{connections} ovat henkilöitä, jotka olet valinnut luotetuiksi jollakin seuraavista tavoista:" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "The beginning sentence to list the different ways a signal connection is formed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SignalConnectionsModal__bullet--1" : {
"messageformat" : "Aloittamalla keskustelun" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A way that signal connection is formed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SignalConnectionsModal__bullet--2" : {
"messageformat" : "Hyväksymällä viestipyynnön" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A way that signal connection is formed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SignalConnectionsModal__bullet--3" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisäämällä heidät puhelimen järjestelmän yhteystietoihin" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "A way that signal connection is formed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SignalConnectionsModal__footer" : {
"messageformat" : "Kontaktisi näkevät nimesi ja valokuvasi sekä Omaan tarinaan tekemäsi julkaisut, ellet piilota sitä heiltä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Additional information about signal connections and the stories they can see"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the stories list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__mine" : {
"messageformat" : "Oma tarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for your stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__add" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää tarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description hint to add a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__add-story--text" : {
"messageformat" : "Tekstitarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label to create a new text story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__add-story--media" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuva tai video" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label to create a new multimedia story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__hidden-stories" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilotetut tarinat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label to go to hidden stories pane"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__list-empty" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei viimeaikaisia tarinoita näytettäväksi juuri nyt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for when there are no stories to show"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__list--sending" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetään…" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Pending text for story being sent in list view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__list--send_failed" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetys epäonnistui" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Error text for story failed to send in list view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__list--partially-sent" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetty osittain" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Error text for story failed partially to send"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__list--retry-send" : {
"messageformat" : "Yritä uudelleen napsauttamalla" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Actionable link to retry a send"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__placeholder--text" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä tarina napsauttamalla" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder label for the story view"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__from-to-group" : {
"messageformat" : "{name} ryhmälle {group}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for someone sending a story to a group"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__toast--sending-reply" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetään vastausta…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Toast message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__toast--sending-reaction" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetään reaktiota…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Toast message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__toast--hasNoSound" : {
"messageformat" : "Tässä tarinassa ei ole ääntä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Toast message"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__failed-send" : {
"messageformat" : "Tätä tarinaa ei voitu lähettää kaikille henkilöille. Tarkista yhteytesi ja yritä uudelleen." ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Alert error message when unable to send a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinoiden yksityisyys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the story settings modal"
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__description" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinat katoavat automaattisesti 24 tunnin kuluttua. Valitse, kuka voi nähdä tarinasi, tai luo uusia tarinoita tietyille katsojille tai ryhmille." ,
"description" : "Description for story settings modal"
} ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__my_stories" : {
"messageformat" : "Omat tarinat" ,
"description" : "Title of distribution lists section in stories settings modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__new-list" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusi tarina" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Label to create a new custom distribution list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__new-list--visibility" : {
"messageformat" : "Vain sinä näet tämän tarinan nimen." ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Explanation about the visibility of custom distribution list names"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__custom-story-subtitle" : {
"messageformat" : "Mukautettu tarina" ,
"description" : "Story settings modal custom story distribution list selection subtitle"
} ,
"icu:StoriesSettings__group-story-subtitle" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmätarina" ,
"description" : "Story settings modal group story selection subtitle"
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__viewers" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {1 katsoja} other {{count,number} katsojaa}}" ,
"description" : "The number of viewers for a story distribution list"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__who-can-see" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuka voi nähdä tämän tarinan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the who can see this story section"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__add-viewer" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää katsoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label to add a viewer to a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__remove--action" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Button to remove a member from a custom list"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__remove--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista {title}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title of the confirmation dialog, has a person's name"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__remove--body" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä henkilö ei enää näe tarinaasi." ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaukset ja reaktiot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the replies & reactions section"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label" : {
"messageformat" : "Salli vastaukset ja reaktiot" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Anna henkilöiden, jotka voivat nähdä tarinasi, reagoida ja vastata." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__delete-list" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista mukautettu tarina" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Button label to delete a custom distribution list"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__delete-list--confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tarinan {name}? Myös tähän tarinaan jaetut päivitykset poistetaan." ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Confirmation text to delete a custom distribution list"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__choose-viewers" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse katsojat" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Modal title when choosing to add a viewer to a custom distribution list"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__name-story" : {
"messageformat" : "Nimeä tarina" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Modal title when naming a custom distribution list"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__name-placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinan nimi (vaaditaan)" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder for input field"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__hide-story" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilota tarina seuraavilta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Modal title when hiding people from my stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__all--label" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki Signal-kontaktit" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Input label to describe all signal connections"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__all--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa kaikille kontakteille" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of button StoriesSettings__mine__all--label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__exclude--label" : {
"messageformat" : "Kaikki, paitsi…" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Input label to create a block list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__exclude--description" : {
"messageformat" : "{num,number} henkilöä suljettu pois" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of how many people are excluded in a list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__only--label" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa vain seuraaville…" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Input label to create an exclude list"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__only--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa vain valituille henkilöille" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of button StoriesSettings__mine__only--label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__only--description--people" : {
"messageformat" : "{num,number} henkilöä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of how many people are in the exclusive allow list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__disclaimer--link" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse, kuka voi nähdä tarinasi. Muutokset eivät vaikuta aiemmin lähetettyihin tarinoihin. <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää.</learnMoreLink>" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Disclaimer on how changes to story settings work"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__context-menu" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinoiden yksityisyys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label to get to story settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__view-receipts--label" : {
"messageformat" : "Katselukuittaukset" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Label of view receipts checkbox in story settings"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoriesSettings__view-receipts--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Tätä asetusta voi muuttaa Signal-mobiilisovelluksessa kohdassa Asetukset > Tarinat" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Description of how view receipts can be changed in story settings"
} ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"icu:GroupStorySettingsModal__members_title" : {
"messageformat" : "Kuka voi nähdä tämän tarinan" ,
"description" : "Stories settings > Group Story > members list title"
} ,
"icu:GroupStorySettingsModal__members_help" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmäkeskustelun {groupTitle} jäsenet voivat nähdä tarinan ja vastata siihen. Voit päivittää tämän keskustelun jäsenyyden ryhmässä." ,
"description" : "Stories settings > Group Story > group story help text"
} ,
"icu:GroupStorySettingsModal__remove_group" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista ryhmätarina" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Stories settings > Group Story > button to remove group story"
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
} ,
"icu:StoriesSettings__remove_group--confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tarinan {groupTitle}?" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "Stories settings > Group Story > confirm to remove group story"
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__choose-who-can-view" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse, kuka voi nähdä tarinasi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Shown during the first time posting a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä yhteystiedolle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the send story modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__send" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä tarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for the send story button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__custom-story" : {
"messageformat" : "Mukautettu tarina" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Subtitle for custom stories in the 'send to' list - shown next to the viewer count"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__group-story" : {
"messageformat" : "Ryhmätarina" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Subtitle for group stories in the 'send to' list - shown next to the member count"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__only-share-with" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa vain seuraaville" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Subtitle for My Story when the user has chosen an exclude list"
} ,
"icu:SendStoryModal__excluded" : {
"messageformat" : "{count, plural, one {{count,number} suljettu pois} other {{count,number} suljettu pois}}" ,
"description" : "Label for excluded count for My Story as an exclude list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__new" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "button to create a new distribution list to send story to"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__new-custom--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusi mukautettu tarina" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Create a new distribution list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__new-custom--name-visibility" : {
"messageformat" : "Vain sinä näet tämän tarinan nimen." ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Clarification below the text box to name your story distribution list"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__new-custom--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Näkyy vain tietyille henkilöille" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Description of what a distribution list would do"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__new-group--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Uusi ryhmätarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Select a group to send a story to"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__new-group--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa olemassaolevaan ryhmään" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of what selecting a group would do"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__choose-groups" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse ryhmät" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Modal title when choosing groups"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__my-stories-privacy" : {
"messageformat" : "Oman tarinan yksityisyys" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Modal title for setting privacy for My Story"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__privacy-disclaimer--link" : {
"messageformat" : "Valitse Signal-kontaktit, jotka voivat nähdä tarinasi. Voit halutessasi muuttaa tätä valintaa yksityisyysasetuksissa. <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää.</learnMoreLink>" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Disclaimer on how changes to story settings work"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__delete-story" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista tarina" ,
2022-09-07 09:57:30 -07:00
"description" : "Button label to delete a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__confirm-remove-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Poistetaanko tarina? Tämä poistaa tarinan luettelostasi, mutta voit edelleen katsella tämän ryhmän tarinoita." ,
2022-09-07 09:57:30 -07:00
"description" : "Confirmation body for removing a group story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__announcements-only" : {
"messageformat" : "Vain järjestelmänvalvojat voivat lähettää tarinoita tähän ryhmään." ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Alert body for groups that non-admins cannot send stories to"
} ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"icu:SendStoryModal__my-stories-description-all" : {
"messageformat" : "{viewersCount, plural, one {Kaikki Signal-kontaktit · {viewersCount,number} katsoja} other {Kaikki Signal-kontaktit · {viewersCount,number} katsojaa}}" ,
"description" : "Shown as a subtitle under My Stories option in the send-story-to dialog when not exluding anyone"
} ,
"icu:SendStoryModal__my-stories-description-excluding" : {
"messageformat" : "{excludedCount, plural, one {Kaikki Signal-kontaktit · {excludedCount,number} suljettu pois} other {Kaikki Signal-kontaktit · {excludedCount,number} suljettu pois}}" ,
"description" : "Shown as a subtitle under My Stories option in the send-story-to dialog when excluding some"
} ,
"icu:SendStoryModal__private-story-description" : {
"messageformat" : "{viewersCount, plural, one {Yksityinen tarina · {viewersCount,number} katsoja} other {Yksityinen tarina · {viewersCount,number} katsojaa}}" ,
"description" : "Shown as a subtitle of each private story in the send-story-to dialog"
} ,
"icu:SendStoryModal__group-story-description" : {
"messageformat" : "{membersCount, plural, one {Ryhmätarina · {membersCount,number} jäsen} other {Ryhmätarina · {membersCount,number} jäsentä}}" ,
"description" : "Shown as a subtitle of each group story in the send-story-to dialog"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__settings-toggle--title" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa ja katso tarinoita" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Select box title for the stories on/off toggle"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__settings-toggle--description" : {
"messageformat" : "Jos poistat tarinat käytöstä, et voi enää jakaa tai nähdä tarinoita." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Select box description for the stories on/off toggle"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Stories__settings-toggle--button" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista tarinat käytöstä" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Button to turn off stories in stories settings modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__pause" : {
"messageformat" : "Pysäytä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for pausing a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__play" : {
"messageformat" : "Toista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for playing a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__reply" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaa" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label to reply to a story"
} ,
2023-02-09 13:26:48 -08:00
"icu:StoryViewer__reply-placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaa henkilölle {firstName}" ,
"description" : "Button label to reply to a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__reply-group" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaa ryhmälle" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label to reply to a group story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__mute" : {
"messageformat" : "Mykistä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for muting stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__unmute" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista mykistys" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Aria label for unmuting stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__views-off" : {
"messageformat" : "Lukukuittaukset pois käytöstä" ,
2023-03-29 18:34:07 -04:00
"description" : "When the user has read receipts turned off"
2022-09-07 09:57:30 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__sending" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetään…" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Label for when a story is sending"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__failed" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetys epäonnistui. Yritä uudelleen napsauttamalla" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Label for when a send failed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewer__partial-fail" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetty osittain. Yritä uudelleen napsauttamalla" ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"description" : "Label for when a send partially failed"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryDetailsModal__sent-time" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetetty {time}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Sent timestamp"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryDetailsModal__file-size" : {
"messageformat" : "Tiedoston koko {size}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "File size description"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryDetailsModal__disappears-in" : {
"messageformat" : "Katoamisaika: {countdown}" ,
2022-09-21 10:06:24 -07:00
"description" : "File size description"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryDetailsModal__copy-timestamp" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi aikaleima" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Context menu item to help debugging"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryDetailsModal__download-attachment" : {
"messageformat" : "Lataa liite" ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Context menu item to help debugging"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__read-receipts-off" : {
"messageformat" : "Ota katselukuittaukset käyttöön nähdäksesi, kuka on katsellut tarinoitasi. Avaa Signal-sovellus mobiililaitteellasi ja siirry kohtaan Asetukset > Tarinat." ,
2022-09-07 09:57:30 -07:00
"description" : "Instructions on how to enable read receipts"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__no-replies" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei vastauksia vielä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder text for when there are no replies"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__no-views" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei katselukertoja vielä" ,
2022-09-28 10:55:55 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder text for when there are no views"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__tab--views" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytöt" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for views tab"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__tab--replies" : {
"messageformat" : "Vastaukset" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for replies tab"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted" : {
"messageformat" : "Reagoi tarinaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description of someone reacting to a story"
} ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member" : {
"messageformat" : "Et voi vastata tähän tarinaan, koska et ole enää tämän ryhmän jäsen." ,
"description" : "Shown in the composer area of the reply-to-story modal when a user can't make a reply because they are no longer a member"
} ,
2022-11-30 13:26:32 -08:00
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__delete-reply" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista minulta" ,
"description" : "Shown as a menu item in the context menu of a story reply, to the author of the reply, for deleting the reply just for the author"
} ,
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__delete-reply-for-everyone" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista kaikilta" ,
"description" : "Shown as a menu item in the context menu of a story reply, to the author of the reply, for deleting the reply for everyone"
} ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__copy-reply-timestamp" : {
2022-12-15 13:56:03 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Kopioi aikaleima" ,
2022-12-01 12:09:46 -08:00
"description" : "Shown for internal users as a menu item in the context menu of a story reply, to the author of the reply, for copying the reply timestamp"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryListItem__label" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for the story list button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryListItem__unhide" : {
"messageformat" : "Näytä tarinat" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for menu item to un-hide the story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryListItem__hide" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilota tarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for menu item to hide the story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryListItem__go-to-chat" : {
"messageformat" : "Siirry keskusteluun" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for menu item to go to conversation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryListItem__delete" : {
"messageformat" : "Poista" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for menu item to delete a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryListItem__info" : {
"messageformat" : "Tietoja" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for menu item to get a story's information"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryListItem__hide-modal--body" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilotetaanko tarina? Käyttäjän {name} uusia tarinapäivityksiä ei enää näytetä tarinaluettelon yläreunassa." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Body for the confirmation dialog for hiding a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryListItem__hide-modal--confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Piilota" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Action button for the confirmation dialog to hide a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryImage__error2" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinaa ei voi ladata. Käyttäjän {name} on jaettava se uudelleen." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Description for image errors"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryImage__error--you" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinaa ei voi ladata. Sinun on jaettava se uudelleen." ,
"description" : "Description for image errors but when it is your own image"
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__error--video-unsupported" : {
"messageformat" : "Videota ei voi julkaista tarinaan, sillä sen tiedostomuotoa ei tueta" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Error string for when a video post to story fails"
} ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"icu:StoryCreator__error--video-too-long" : {
"messageformat" : "{maxDurationInSec, plural, one {Videota ei voi julkaista tarinaan, koska sen pituus on yli 1 sekuntia.} other {Videota ei voi julkaista tarinaan, koska sen pituus on yli {maxDurationInSec,number} sekuntia.}}" ,
"description" : "Error string for when a video post to story fails because video's duration is too long"
} ,
"icu:StoryCreator__error--video-too-big" : {
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Videota ei voi julkaista tarinaan, koska sen koko on yli {limit,number}{units}." ,
2023-03-09 11:51:00 -08:00
"description" : "Error string for when a video post to story fails because video's file size is too big"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__error--video-error" : {
"messageformat" : "Videon lataaminen epäonnistui" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Error string for when a video post to story fails"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__text-bg--background" : {
"messageformat" : "Tekstin taustaväri on valkoinen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__text-bg--inverse" : {
"messageformat" : "Tekstin taustaväri on valittu väri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__text-bg--none" : {
"messageformat" : "Tekstillä ei ole taustaväriä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__story-bg" : {
"messageformat" : "Vaihda tarinan taustaväri" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__next" : {
"messageformat" : "Seuraava" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label text to advance to next step of story creation"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__add-link" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää linkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Button label to apply the link preview to story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__input-placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää teksti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder to add text"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__text--regular" : {
"messageformat" : "Tavallinen" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for font"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__text--bold" : {
"messageformat" : "Lihavointi" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for font"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__text--serif" : {
"messageformat" : "Pääteviiva" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for font"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__text--script" : {
"messageformat" : "Käsinkirjoitus" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for font"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__text--condensed" : {
"messageformat" : "Tiivistetty" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for font"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__control--text" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää tarinaan tekstiä" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for edit text button"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__control--link" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää linkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "aria-label for adding a link preview"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__link-preview-placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Kirjoita tai liitä osoite" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder for the URL input for link previews"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:StoryCreator__link-preview-empty" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää linkki tarinasi katselijoille" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Empty state for the link preview"
} ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"icu:Stories__failed-send--full" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinan lähettäminen epäonnistui" ,
"description" : "Notification text whenever a story fails to send"
} ,
"icu:Stories__failed-send--partial" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarinaa ei voitu lähettää kaikille vastaanottajille" ,
"description" : "Notification text whenever a story partially fails to send"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:TextAttachment__placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Lisää teksti" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder for the add text input"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:TextAttachment__preview__link" : {
"messageformat" : "Avaa linkki" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the link preview tooltip"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Quote__story" : {
"messageformat" : "Tarina" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for replies to stories"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Quote__story-reaction" : {
"messageformat" : "Reagoi tarinaan henkilöltä {name}" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Quote__story-reaction--single" : {
"messageformat" : "Reagoi tarinaan" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetti reaktion {emoji} tarinaasi" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetit reaktion {emoji} henkilön {name} tarinaan" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetit reaktion {emoji} tarinaan" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:Quote__story-unavailable" : {
"messageformat" : "Ei enää saatavana" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Label for when a story is not found"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:ContextMenu--button" : {
"messageformat" : "Pikavalikko" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Default aria-label for the context menu buttons"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__username-placeholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjänimi" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Placeholder for the username field"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__username-helper" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjänimien avulla muut voivat lähettää sinulle viestejä ilman puhelinnumeroasi. Käyttäjänimi on liitetty numerosarjaan osoitteesi yksityisyyden suojaamiseksi." ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Shown on the edit username screen"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__learn-more" : {
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Text that open a popup with information about discriminator in username"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__learn-more__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Mikä tämä numero on?" ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Title of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__learn-more__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Nämä numerot auttavat suojaamaan yksityisyyttäsi, jotta voit välttää ei-toivottuja viestejä. Jaa käyttäjänimesi vain niille henkilöille ja ryhmille, joiden kanssa haluat keskustella. Jos vaihdat käyttäjänimeä, saat uuden numerosarjan." ,
2022-11-16 17:15:28 -07:00
"description" : "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
} ,
2023-08-08 16:32:11 -07:00
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__change-confirmation" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjänimen vaihtaminen nollaa nykyisen QR-koodisi ja linkkisi. Oletko varma?" ,
"description" : "Body of the confirmation dialog displayed when user is about to change their username"
} ,
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__change-confirmation__continue" : {
"messageformat" : "Jatka" ,
"description" : "Text of the primary button on username change confirmation modal"
} ,
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__save" : {
"messageformat" : "Tallenna" ,
"description" : "Name of the button for saving username link QR code to disk in the username link modal"
} ,
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__color" : {
"messageformat" : "Väri" ,
"description" : "Name of the button for changing the username link QR code color in the username link modal"
} ,
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__copy" : {
"messageformat" : "Kopioi leikepöydälle" ,
"description" : "ARIA label of the button for copying the username link to clipboard in the username link modal"
} ,
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__help" : {
"messageformat" : "Jaa QR-koodi ja linkki vain niiden henkilöiden kanssa, joihin luotat. Kun olet jakanut ne, muut voivat nähdä käyttäjänimesi ja aloittaa keskustelun kanssasi." ,
"description" : "Text of disclaimer at the bottom of the username link modal"
} ,
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__reset" : {
"messageformat" : "Palauta alkuasetuksiin" ,
"description" : "Text of button at the bottom of the username link modal"
} ,
2023-08-21 15:05:39 -07:00
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__done" : {
"messageformat" : "Done" ,
"description" : "Text of button at the bottom of the username link modal"
} ,
2023-08-08 16:32:11 -07:00
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__color__radio" : {
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjänimilinkin väri, {index,number}/{total,number}" ,
"description" : "ARIA label of button for selecting username link color"
} ,
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__reset__confirm" : {
"messageformat" : "Jos nollaat QR-koodin, nykyinen QR-koodisi ja linkkisi eivät enää toimi." ,
"description" : "Text of confirmation modal when resetting the username link"
} ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__title" : {
2023-02-23 15:07:58 -05:00
"messageformat" : "Määritä Signal-käyttäjänimesi" ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"description" : "Title of username onboarding modal"
} ,
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__number" : {
2023-02-23 15:07:58 -05:00
"messageformat" : "Käyttäjänimi liitetään numerosarjaan, eikä sitä näytetä profiilissasi" ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"description" : "Content of the first row of username onboarding modal"
} ,
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__link" : {
2023-08-08 16:32:11 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Jokaisella käyttäjänimellä on yksilöllinen QR-koodi ja linkki, jotka voit jakaa ystävillesi, jotta he voivat aloittaa keskustelun kanssasi" ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"description" : "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
} ,
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock" : {
2023-03-15 12:30:37 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Poista puhelinnumerohaku käytöstä kohdassa Asetukset > Yksityisyys > Puhelinnumero > Kuka voi löytää numeroni, jos haluat käyttää käyttäjänimeä ensisijaisena tapana, jonka avulla muut voivat ottaa sinuun yhteyttä." ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"description" : "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
} ,
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more" : {
2023-02-23 15:07:58 -05:00
"messageformat" : "Lue lisää" ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"description" : "Text that open a popup with information about username onboarding"
} ,
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__continue" : {
2023-02-23 15:07:58 -05:00
"messageformat" : "Jatka" ,
2023-02-15 14:24:29 -08:00
"description" : "Text of the primary button on username onboarding modal"
} ,
2023-02-01 16:14:09 -08:00
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Signalin työpöytäsovelluksen tuki tietokoneesi {OS}-versiolle päättyy pian. Jos haluat jatkaa Signalin käyttöä, päivitä tietokoneesi käyttöjärjestelmä {expirationDate} mennessä. <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää</learnMoreLink>" ,
"description" : "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
} ,
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Signalin työpöytäsovellus ei enää toimi tässä tietokoneessa. Jos haluat käyttää Signalin työpöytäsovellusta uudelleen, päivitä tietokoneesi {OS}-versio. <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää</learnMoreLink>" ,
"description" : "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
} ,
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast" : {
"messageformat" : "Signalin työpöytäsovellus ei enää toimi tässä tietokoneessa. Jos haluat käyttää Signalin työpöytäsovellusta uudelleen, päivitä tietokoneesi {OS}-versio." ,
"description" : "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:MessageMetadata__edited" : {
2023-08-21 15:05:39 -07:00
"messageformat" : "Muokattu" ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"description" : "label for an edited message"
} ,
"icu:EditHistoryMessagesModal__title" : {
"messageformat" : "Muokkaushistoria" ,
"description" : "Modal title for the edit history messages modal"
} ,
2023-05-10 21:44:26 +02:00
"icu:ResendMessageEdit__body" : {
"messageformat" : "Muokkausta ei voitu lähettää. Tarkasta verkkoyhteys ja yritä uudelleen" ,
"description" : "Modal body for the confirmation dialog shown to user when attempting to resend message edit"
} ,
"icu:ResendMessageEdit__button" : {
"messageformat" : "Lähetä uudelleen" ,
"description" : "Button text for the confirmation dialog shown to user when attempting to resend message edit"
} ,
2023-08-21 15:05:39 -07:00
"icu:StoriesTab__MoreActionsLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "More actions" ,
"description" : "Stories Tab > More Actions Button (opens context menu) > Accessibility Label"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__HeaderTitle--CallsList" : {
"messageformat" : "Calls" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Header > Title > On Calls List screen"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__HeaderTitle--NewCall" : {
"messageformat" : "New Call" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Header > Title > On New Call screen"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__NewCallActionLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "New Call" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > New Call Action Button > Accessibility Label"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__MoreActionsLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "More actions" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > More Actions Button (opens context menu) > Accessibility Label"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__ClearCallHistoryLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "Clear call history" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > More Actions Context Menu > Clear Call History Button Label"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__ConfirmClearCallHistory__Title" : {
"messageformat" : "Clear call history?" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Confirm Clear Call History Dialog > Title"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__ConfirmClearCallHistory__Body" : {
"messageformat" : "This will permanently delete all call history" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Confirm Clear Call History Dialog > Body Text"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__ConfirmClearCallHistory__ConfirmButton" : {
"messageformat" : "Clear" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Confirm Clear Call History Dialog > Confirm Button"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__ToastCallHistoryCleared" : {
"messageformat" : "Call history cleared" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Clear Call History > Toast"
} ,
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText" : {
"messageformat" : "Click to view or start a call" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > When no call is selected > Empty state > Call to action text"
} ,
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder" : {
"messageformat" : "Search" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Calls List > Search Input > Placeholder"
} ,
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel" : {
"messageformat" : "Filter by missed" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Calls List > Toggle search filter by missed > Accessibility label"
} ,
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissed__RoleDescription" : {
"messageformat" : "Toggle" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Calls List > Toggle search filter by missed > Accessibility role description ('A toggle button')"
} ,
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery" : {
"messageformat" : "No recent calls. Get started by calling a friend." ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Calls List > When no results found > With no search query"
} ,
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery" : {
"messageformat" : "No results for “{query}”" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Calls List > When no results found > With a search query"
} ,
"icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--Incoming" : {
"messageformat" : "Incoming" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Calls List > Call Item > Call Status > When call was accepted and was incoming"
} ,
"icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--Outgoing" : {
"messageformat" : "Outgoing" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Calls List > Call Item > Call Status > When call was accepted and was outgoing"
} ,
"icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--Missed" : {
"messageformat" : "Missed" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Calls List > Call Item > Call Status > When call was missed"
} ,
"icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--GroupCall" : {
"messageformat" : "Group call" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > Calls List > Call Item > Call Status > When group call is in its default state"
} ,
"icu:CallsNewCall__EmptyState--noQuery" : {
"messageformat" : "No recent conversations." ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > New Call > Conversations List > When no results found > With no search query"
} ,
"icu:CallsNewCall__EmptyState--hasQuery" : {
"messageformat" : "No results for “{query}”" ,
"description" : "Calls Tab > New Call > Conversations List > When no results found > With a search query"
} ,
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Default" : {
"messageformat" : "{type, select, Audio {{direction, select, Outgoing {Outgoing voice call} other {Incoming voice call}}} Video {{direction, select, Outgoing {Outgoing video call} other {Incoming video call}}} Group {{direction, select, Outgoing {Outgoing group call} other {Incoming group call}}} other {{direction, select, Outgoing {Outgoing call} other {Incoming call}}}}" ,
"description" : "Call History > Short description of call > When call was not missed or declined (generally accepted)"
} ,
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Missed" : {
"messageformat" : "{type, select, Audio {Missed voice call} Video {Missed video call} Group {Missed group call} other {Missed call}}" ,
"description" : "Call History > Short description of call > When incoming call was missed"
} ,
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Unanswered" : {
"messageformat" : "{type, select, Audio {Unanswered voice call} Video {Unanswered video call} Group {Unanswered group call} other {Unanswered call}}" ,
"description" : "Call History > Short description of call > When outgoing call was unanswered"
} ,
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Declined" : {
"messageformat" : "{type, select, Audio {Declined voice call} Video {Declined video call} Group {Declined group call} other {Declined call}}" ,
"description" : "Call History > Short description of call > When call was declined"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__modal-title" : {
"messageformat" : "Uudet ominaisuudet" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Title for the whats new modal"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__bugfixes" : {
"messageformat" : "Tämä versio sisältää useita pieniä parannuksia ja virhekorjauksia, jotka pitävät Signalin toiminnan sujuvana." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__bugfixes--1" : {
"messageformat" : "Muita pieniä lisäsäätöjä, virheenkorjauksia ja suorituskykyparannuksia. Kiitos, että käytät Signalia!" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__bugfixes--2" : {
"messageformat" : "Useita virheenkorjauksia, jotka sujuvoittavat sovelluksen käyttöä. Lisää kiinnostavia uudistuksia tulossa! " ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__bugfixes--3" : {
"messageformat" : "Säätöjä, virheenkorjauksia ja suorituskykyparannuksia. Voit lähettää tekstiviestejä, soittaa puheluita ja käydä videokeskusteluja kuten ennenkin." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__bugfixes--4" : {
"messageformat" : "Teemme kovasti töitä korjataksemme virheitä ja parantaaksemme suorituskykyä, jotta sinä voisit käyttää sovellusta entistä sujuvammin. " ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__bugfixes--5" : {
"messageformat" : "Muita pieniä lisäsäätöjä, virheenkorjauksia ja monenlaisia suunnitelmia tulevaisuutta varten." ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
} ,
2023-04-05 17:52:33 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__bugfixes--6" : {
"messageformat" : "Pieniä säätöjä, virheenkorjauksia ja suorituskykyparannuksia. Kiitos, että käytät Signalia!" ,
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
"description" : "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
} ,
2023-08-21 15:05:39 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.29--0" : {
"messageformat" : "Keskustelun värin mukautusnäyttö näkyy nyt oikein kaikilla kielillä ja valituilla alueilla."
} ,
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.29--1" : {
"messageformat" : "Paransimme ilmoitusten tukea Windowsissa. Jos et napsauta ilmoitusta sen saapuessa, viimeisimmät lukemattomat ilmoitukset näytetään Windowsin ilmoituskeskuksessa. Voit siirtyä suoraan kyseiseen keskusteluun ilmoitusta napsauttamalla. Kiitos palautteesta, Julien Richard."
2023-08-08 16:32:11 -07:00
} ,
2023-08-21 15:05:39 -07:00
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.30--0" : {
"messageformat" : "Keep tabs on your calls with the new calls tab. Start a new call or return a call that you missed without having to find the corresponding chat. Now you can say hello with your voice without also saying goodbye to the unread marker for messages in that thread."
2022-08-31 20:42:18 -07:00
2016-01-21 15:28:58 -08:00