Update strings
This commit is contained in:
67 changed files with 2071 additions and 5555 deletions
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Kanselleer",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Stuur",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Vandag $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Gister $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Herkoppel"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Bywerking nie beskikbaar nie."
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Probeer weer bywerking"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Wissel emoji-reaksiekieser vir geselekteerde boodskap",
"message": "Skakel emoji-reaksiekieser vir geselekteerde boodskap aan of af",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Stel Signal op jou foon en tafelblad in om die Plakkerpakket-skepper te gebruik",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Bywerking na weergawe $version$ is beskikbaar",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal kan nie toegemaak word nie.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6453,7 +6461,7 @@
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "Het op die storie gereageer",
"message": "Het op 'n storie gereageer",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Skakel telefoonnommer-ontdekking af onder Instellings > Telefoonnommer > Wie kan my nommer vind, om jou gebruikersnaam te gebruik as die primêre manier waarop andere jou kan kontak.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Klein veranderings, foutregstellings en prestasieverbeterings. Dankie dat jy Signal gebruik!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Hard aan die werk om foute reg te stel en ander prestasieverbeterings aan te bring om die toepassing vir jou glad te laat werk.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Begin om ons nuwe stories-kenmerk te gebruik en te toets. Jy kan die kenmerk saam met ander beta-toetsers gebruik en ons laat weet hoe dit werk.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Daar is nou Stories in Signal! Deel verdwynende teks, beelde en video-opdaterings met uitgesoekte vriende of groepe wat outomaties ná 24 uur verdwyn. Vir almal wat daarvan hou om stories te deel, hier is 'n manier om dit privaat te doen en sonder om enige advertensies te sien. As jy nie stories wil sien of deel nie, kan jy dit alles in jou Instellings > Privaatheid afskakel.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Wanneer jy 'n groepoproep vir klein groepe (tot 16 mense) begin, kan jy kies om 'n luitoon as kennisgewing te stuur. Groeplede sal 'n luitoon hoor as hulle op iOS-beta is, of Desktop of Android gebruik.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dubbelklik op enige boodskapry in 'n klets om 'n aangehaalde antwoord te begin. Dis soos 'n kortpad vir nuwe gedagtes oor ou idees. Dankie aan {whynothugo} en die Signal-gemeenskap vir die implementering van hierdie kenmerk en die verskaffing van terugvoer.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nou is dit makliker om buite 'n beeld te klik om van daardie galerybeeld ontslae te raak sonder dat dit inzoem. Soms wou jy die beeld net toemaak, nie opblaas nie. Dankie aan {jojomatik} vir hierdie regstelling!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Versnel jou responstyd. Nou kan jy vinniger reageer deur op enige emoji te klik wanneer jy op 'n storie antwoord.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Dit is nou moontlik om deur jou boodskapgeskiedenis vir individuele karakters in Chinees en Japannees te soek.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Help ons om verskeie betroubaarheids- en werkverrigtingsverbeterings vir stem- en video-oproepe te toets. Hierdie beta-vrystelling bevat ook 'n paar foutregstellings en 'n paar klein gebruikerskoppelvlak-bywerkings (wees op die uitkyk vir die nuwe skakelvoorskou-verbeterings!). Dankie dat jy 'n beta-toetser is; kontak ons asseblief op die gemeenskapsforum as jy enige foute opmerk.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Jy sou nie 'n motor aflaai nie, maar wanneer jy nou 'n MP3-stemnota aflaai, sal dit met die regte lêeruitbreiding gestoor word.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Begin vinnig om 'n boodskap te tik nadat jy 'n lêer aangeheg het, of druk net die Invoersleutel/\"Enter\" om die lêer sonder enige ekstra klikke te stuur. Dankie, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Die stuurknoppie in die groot boodskapsamestelling-blok se belyning is reggestel. Dankie, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "As jy die enigste persoon in 'n groep is (tot dusver) en jy probeer om 'n groepoproep te begin, kan jy nou by die oproep aansluit en dadelik met jouself begin praat in plaas daarvan om te wag dat die oproep lui. Dankie, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Sien vinnig wie praat tydens groepoproepe met 'n nuwe uitligfunksie wat jou wys waar om te kyk. As dit jou beurt is om te praat, sal jy inwaarts moet kyk.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Geniet jou gate uit met verskeie plakkers in die mediaredigeerder waarmee jy gestileerde tydversierings in uitgaande beelde kan byvoeg.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Gebruik die stemnotas-minispeler om aan te hou luister na lang boodskappe, selfs nadat jy na 'n ander klets oorgeskakel het.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Klik op enige foto of video en gebruik die nuwe Vorentoe- en Agtertoe-knoppies in die mediakyker om 'n nostalgiese visuele toer te onderneem.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Stemboodskappe word nou as konsepte gestoor as jy na 'n ander klets oorskakel terwyl 'n opname aan die gang is.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Die stuur van 'n plakker veroorsaak nie meer dat 'n konsepteks uitgevee word nie. Dankie, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Ons bedank ook graag vir {norstbox}, wat die gespreksoekbalk-ikone se belyning reggestel het.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "إلغاء",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "أرسلْ",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "تعذر توصيل رسالة – نصية، ملصقة، رد فعل، وصل القراءة، أو وسيط – من $sender$. يُحتمَل أنها أُرسلَت إليك مباشرة أو أنها قد أُرسلَت في مجموعة.",
"message": "لم يتمكن $sender$ من توصيل رسالة أو ملصقة أو رد فعل أو وصل القراءة أو وسيط إليك. يُحتمَل أنها أُرسلَت إليك مباشرة أو أنها قد أُرسلَت في مجموعة.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "اليوم $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "البارحة $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "إعادة الربط"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "هناك تحديث جديد"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "إعادة محاولة التحديث"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "يُرجى إعداد Signal في هاتفك وفي الحاسوب لاستخدام مُنشئ حزم الملصقات",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "فشل إرسال التفاعل. عليك بالمحاولة مرة أخرى.",
"message": "تعذر إرسال التفاعل. يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "إن اﻹصدار $version$ متاح حاليا",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "لم يتمكن من إغلاق Signal",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6449,7 +6457,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "تفاعلت مع قصة $name$",
"message": "تفاعل مع قصة من طرف $name$",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "عطّل اكتشاف رقم الهاتف ضمن الإعدادات > الخصوصية > رقم الهاتف > من يُمكنه العثور على رقمي، لاستخدام اسم المُستخدم الخاص بك كالطريقة الأساسية التي يُمكن للآخرين استخدامها للاتصال بك.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "تعديلات صغيرة، تصليح الأعطال، وتحسينات للأداء. شكرًا على استخدامكم Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "جاري العمل على تصليح الأعطال وإضافة تحسينات للأداء لنحافظ على سلاسة اشتغال التطبيق من أجلك.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "ندعوك إلى استخدام واختبار ميزة قِصصنا الجديدة. يُمكنك استخدام الميزة مع الأشخاص الآخرين الذين يختبرون النسخة التجريبية وإعلامنا بأدائها.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "أصبحت القِصص الآن على Signal! شارك الرسائل والصور ومستجدات الفيديو التي تختفي تلقائيًا بعد 24 ساعة مع أصدقاء أو مجموعات مُختارة. لِكل من يُحب مشاركة القصص، إليك طريقة للقيام بذلك بشكل خاص وبدون مشاهدة أي إعلانات. إذا لم تكن ترغب في رؤية أو مشاركة القصص، يُمكنك إلغاء ذلك في إعداداتك > الخصوصية.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "عندما تقوم ببدء مُكالمة مجموعة لمجموعات صغيرة (حتى 16 شخصًا)، يمكنك اختيار إرسال إشعار رنّان. سيسمع أعضاء المجموعة رنينًا إذا كانوا يستخدمون iOS beta أو Desktop أو Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "انقر مرتين على أي صف رسائل في دردشة لِبدء رد مقتبس. إنه بمثابة اختصار للخواطر الجديدة عن الأفكار القديمة. شكرًا لـ {whynothugo} ومجتمع Signal على تفعيل هذه الميزة وتقديم الملاحظات.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "أصبح من السهل الآن النقر خارج صورة لتجاهل العرض الكامل دون تكبير الصورة. أحيانًا كنت تودّ فقط أن تغلق الصورة لكن بدلا من ذلك تقترب. شكرًا لـ {jojomatik} على التصليح!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "سرّع وقت استجابتك. يُمكنك الآن التفاعل بسرعة عبر النقر على أيٍ من الرموز التعبيرية عند الردّ على قصة.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "يُمكنك الآن البحث في سِجل رسائلك عن أحرف فردية باللغتين الصينية واليابانية.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "ساعدنا في اختبار عدد من تحسينات الموثوقية والأداء لمُكالمات الصوت والفيديو. يَتضمن هذا الإصدار التجريبي أيضًا بعض إصلاحات الأخطاء وبعض التحديثات الصغيرة لواجهة المُستخدم (ابحث عن تحسينات العرض المُسبق للروابط الجديدة!). نشكرك لأنك أحد مختبري الإصدار التجريبي، ويُرجى التواصل معنا على منتدى المجتمع إذا لاحظت أي أخطاء.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "لن تقوم بتنزيل سيارة، لكن عندما تقوم بتنزيل ملاحظة صوتية بصيغة MP3 الآن، ستُحفظ باستخدام ملحق الملف المناسب.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "ابدأ كتابة رسالة بسرعة بعد إرفاق ملف، أو اضغط على Enter/Return فقط لترسل الملف دون أي نقرة إضافية. شكرًا، {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "لقد تم تقريب زر الإرسال في عرض التحرير الكبير ليصبح منسجمًا. شكرًا، {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "إذا كنت الشخص الوحيد في مجموعة (حتى الآن) وحاولت بدء مكالمة مجموعة، يُمكنك الآن الانضمام إلى المكالمة والتحدّث مع نفسك مباشرة بدلاً من انتظار رنين المكالمة. شكرًا، {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "تعرف على من يتحدث خلال مكالمات المجموعة مع ميزة جديدة تُريك أين يجب أن تنظر. إذا كان دورك في الحديث، سَيتعين عليك النظر إلى الداخل.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "استمتع بوقتك مع العديد من الملصقات في مُحرر الوسائط التي تُتيح لك إضافة زخارف زمنية مُنمقة على الصور الصادرة.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "استخدم مشغل الملاحظات الصوتية الصغير لمواصلة الاستماع إلى الرسائل الطويلة حتى بعد التبديل إلى محادثة مُختلفة.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "انقر فوق أية صورة أو فيديو واستخدم زرّيْ الأمام والخلف الجديدين في عارض الوسائط للقيام بجولة مرئية في الذكريات.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "يتم حفظ الرسائل الآن بمثابة مُسودّات إذا قمت بالتبديل إلى دردشة أخرى بينما يجري تسجيل ما.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "لم يعد إرسال ملصق يتسبب في مسح نص المُسودّة. شكرًا، {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "نودّ أيضًا شُكر {norstbox} على إعادة تحقيق انسجام رموز شريط بحث المحادثة.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Ləğv et",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Göndər",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ tərəfindən göndərilən bir mesaj, stiker, reaksiya və ya oxundu bildirişi sizə çatdırıla bilmədi. Sizə, birbaşa və ya qrup daxilindən göndərməyə çalışmış ola bilər.",
"message": "$sender$ tərəfindən göndərilən bir mesaj, stiker, reaksiya və ya oxunma bildirişi sizə çatdırılmadı. O, bunu sizə birbaşa və ya qrup daxilində göndərməyə çalışmış ola bilər.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "$sender$ tərəfindən bu söhbətdə göndərilən bir mesaj, stiker, reaksiya və ya oxundu bildirişi sizə çatdırıla bilmədi.",
"message": "$sender$ tərəfindən bu çatda göndərilən mesaj, stiker, reaksiya və ya oxunma bildirişi sizə çatdırılmadı.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$, mesajınıza reaksiya verdi: $emoji$"
"message": "$sender$ mesajınıza reaksiya verdi: $emoji$"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$, $message$ mesajına reaksiya verdi: $emoji$"
"message": "$sender$ \"$message$\" mesajına reaksiya verdi: $emoji$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Göndərilmədi",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Bu gün $time$ radələrində",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Dünən $time$ radələrində",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Yenidən əlaqə yarat"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Yeniləmə mövcuddur"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Yenidən sınayın"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Seçilmiş mesaj üçün ifadə-reaksiya seçicini dəyişdir",
"message": "Seçilmiş mesaj üçün ifadə-reaksiya seçicisini dəyişdir",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Stiker Paket Yaradıcısından istifadə etmək üçün Signal-ı telefon və masaüstündə quraşdırın",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Reaksiya göndərilmədi. Zəhmət olmasa yenidən sınayın.",
"message": "Reaksiya göndərilmədi. Yenidən cəhd edin.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ versiyası mövcuddur",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal, bağlanıla bilmir.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "Reaksiyaları özəlləşdirin",
"message": "Reaksiyaları fərdiləşdirin",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -6449,7 +6457,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "$name$ bir hekayəyə reaksiya verdi",
"message": "$name$ hekayəyə reaksiya verdi",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
@ -6465,7 +6473,7 @@
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "Bir hekayəyə $emoji$ reaksiyası verdiniz",
"message": "Hekayəyə $emoji$ reaksiyası verdiniz",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "İstifadəçi adınızdan başqalarının sizinlə əlaqə yaratması üçün əsas yol kimi istifadə etmək məqsədilə Parametrlər > Məxfilik > Telefon Nömrəsi > Nömrəmi kim görə bilər bölmələrinə keçərək telefon nömrəsi aşkarlama funksiyasını söndürün.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Kiçik spesifik tənzimləmələr, xəta düzəlişləri və məhsuldarlığın artırılması. Signal istifadə etdiyiniz üçün təşəkkürlər!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Tətbiqin sizlər üçün rahat işləməsini təmin etmək məqsədilə xəta düzəlişləri və digər məhsuldarlıq təkmilləşdirmələri üzərində ciddi iş gedir.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Yeni hekayələr xüsusiyyətindən istifadə edin və onu sınaqdan keçirin. Xüsusiyyətdən digər beta sınaq istifadəçiləri ilə birgə istifadə edə və necə işlədiyini bizimlə paylaşa bilərsiniz.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Artıq hekayələr Signal-dadır! 24 saat sonra avtomatik yox olacaq mətn, təsvir və video yeniləmələrini seçdiyiniz dostlarınız və ya qruplarınızla paylaşın. Hekayələr paylaşmağı sevən hər kəs, burada bunu məxfi və heç bir reklama məruz qalmadan edə bilər. Hekayələri görmək və ya paylaşmaq istəmirsinizsə bu funksiyaların hamısını Seçimlər > Məxfilik bölmələrinə klikləyərək söndürə bilərsiniz.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kiçik qruplara (16 nəfərə qədər) qrup zəngi başlatdığınız zaman, zəng bildirişi göndərmə funksiyasını seçə bilərsiniz. Qrup üzvləri iOS beta, yaxud da Desktop və ya Android istifadə edirsə, bu zəngi görəcək.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Sitatlı cavaba başlamaq üçün bir söhbətdə istənilən mesaj sətirinə iki dəfə klikləyin. Bu, köhnə ideyalar haqqında yeni düşüncələr paylaşmaq üçün qısa yol kimidir. Bu funksiyanı tətbiq etdiyi və rəy bildirdiyi üçün {whynothugo} və Signal icmasına təşəkkür edirik.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Artıq qalereya görüntüsündən asanlıqla çıxmaq üçün sadəcə bir şəklin xaricinə klikləmək kifayətdir. Bəzən ağlınıza gəlməyənlər başınıza gələ bilər. Bizi bu cür hallardan qoruduğun üçün təşəkkürlər {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Cavab vermə vaxtını qısaldın. Artıq bir hekayəyə cavab verərkən istənilən emojiyə toxunmaqla daha tez reaksiya göstərə bilərsiniz.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Artıq mesaj tarixçəsində Çin və Yapon dillərində fərdi simvolları axtarmaq mümkündür.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Audio və video zənglər üçün bir neçə etibarlı və effektiv təkmilləşmə metodlarını sınaqdan keçirməkdə bizə kömək edin. Bu beta versiyaya bəzi xəta düzəlişləri və kiçik UI yeniləmələri də daxildir (keçid önizləməsi ilə əlaqəli yeniliklərə nəzər salın!). Beta sınaq istifadəçisi olduğunuz üçün təşəkkürlər, hər hansı bir xəta aşkar etsəniz bizimlə icma formunda əlaqə saxlayın.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Bir maşın yükləyə bilməzsiniz, lakin artıq səsli MP3 qeydi endirdiyiniz zaman o, lazımi fayl uzantısı ilə yaddaşda saxlanılacaq.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Faylı əlavə etdikdən sonra vaxt itirmədən mesaj yazmağa başlayın və ya əlavə heç bir yerə klikləmədən faylı göndərmək üçün sadəcə Enter/Return düyməsinə toxunun. Təşəkkürlər, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Böyük görünüşlü yazı pəncərəsində \"Göndər\" düyməsi sıraya uyğunlaşdırılıb. Təşəkkürlər, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Qrupdakı yeganə şəxssinizsə (hələlik) və qrup zəngi başlatmaq istəyirsinizsə, dərhal zəngə qoşularaq gözləmədən özünüzlə danışmağa başlaya bilərsiniz. Təşəkkürlər, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Baxacağınız yeri göstərən yeni vurğulama xüsusiyyəti sayəsində qrup zəngləri zamanı kimin danışdığını vaxt itirmədən görün. Danışmaq növbəsi sizdədirsə, kimin danışdığını axtarmayın.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Göndərilmiş şəkillərə xüsusi vaxt dekorasiyaları əlavə etmək imkanı verən media redaktorunda bir neçə stikerlə anlarınızı vaxtlara bölün.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Fərqli çata keçdikdən sonra belə uzun mesajları dinləməyə davam etmək üçün mini səs qeydləri pleyerindən istifadə edin.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Yaddaş zolağına vizual baxış keçirmək üçün istənilən şəkil və ya video faylına klikləyib, media nəzarətçisində yeni İrəli və Geri düymələrindən istifadə edin.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Artıq səsyazma davam edərkən başqa bir çata keçsəniz də səsli mesajlar qaralama kimi yaddaşda saxlanılır.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Artıq bir stikerin göndərilməsi qaralama mətnin silinməsinə səbəb olmur. Təşəkkürlər {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Bundan başqa, söhbət axtarışı panelinin piktoqramlarını yenidən düzləndirdiyi üçün {norstbox} adlı şəxsə də təşəkkür etmək istərdik.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Отказ",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Изпращане",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Реагирай на съобщение",
"message": "Реагиране на съобщение",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Не можаха да бъдат доставени съобщение, стикер, реакция, разписка за прочитане или мултимедия от $sender$. Възможно е потребителят да са е опитал да ви го изпрати директно или в група.",
"message": "Не можаха да бъдат доставени съобщение, стикер, реакция, разписка за прочитане или мултимедия от $sender$. Възможно е потребителят да се е опитал да ви го изпрати директно или в група.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Днес $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Вчера $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Напомняне за мен",
"message": "Лична бележка",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Свържете отново"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Налична е актуализация"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Повторен опит за актуализация"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Настройте Signal на телефона и на компютъра, за да използвате Sticker Pack Creator",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Неуспешно изпращане на реакция, опитайте отново.",
"message": "Неуспешно изпращане на реакция. Моля, опитайте пак.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Налична е актуализация до версия $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal не може да се затвори.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Изключете откриването по телефонен номер от „Настройки > Поверителност > Телефонен номер > Кой може да намира номера ми“, за да използвате потребителското си име като основния начин, по който другите могат да се свържат с вас.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Дребни корекции, поправки на бъгове и подобрения на работата. Благодарим ви, че използвате Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Работим усилено, за да коригираме бъгове и да правим подобрения на процесите, които поддържат гладката работа на приложението за вас.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Започнете да използвате и тествате нашата нова функция за истории. Можете да използвате функцията с други бета тестъри и да ни уведомите как работи.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "В Signal вече има истории! Споделяйте с избрани приятели или групи изчезващи актуализации с текст, изображения и видео, които автоматично изчезват след 24 часа. За всички, които обичат да споделят истории, ето как да го правите поверително и без да виждате реклами. Ако не искате да виждате или споделяте истории, можете да се отпишете от функцията в „Предпочитания > Поверителност“.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Когато започвате групово повикване за малки групи (до 16 души), можете да изберете да изпратите известие за звънене. Членовете на групата ще чуят звънене, ако са с бета версията за iOS или версията за десктоп или Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Кликнете два пъти върху произволен ред със съобщение в чат, за да започнете отговор с цитат. Това е като пряк път към нови мисли за стари идеи. Благодарим на {whynothugo} и общността на Signal за имплементацията на тази функция и предоставянето на обратна връзка.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Вече е по-лесно да кликнете извън изображение, за да излезете от изгледа на галерията, без да увеличавате мащаба. Понякога просто искаш да излезеш от изображението, а вместо това влизаш все по-навътре. Благодарим на {jojomatik} за корекцията!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Ускорете времето си за реакция. Вече можете да реагирате по-бързо, като кликнете върху някое емоджи, докато отговаряте на история.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Вече е възможно да търсите в историята на съобщенията си отделни символи на китайски и японски.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Помогнете ни да тестваме няколко подобрения на работата и надеждността при гласови и видео разговори. Тази бета версия включва няколко корекции на бъгове и дребни актуализации по потребителския интерфейс (огледайте се за новите подобрения за преглед на линкове!). Благодарим ви, че участвате в бета тестовете, и ви молим да се свържете с нас във форума на общността, ако забележите бъгове.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Тегленето на MP3-ойки вече не е толкова на мода, но пък вие можете спокойно да теглите гласови бележки във формат MP3 с правилното разширение на файла.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Започнете бързо да пишете съобщение, след като прикачите файл, или просто натиснете Enter/Return, за да изпратите файла без допълнителни кликове. Благодарим, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Бутонът за изпращане в разширения изглед е подравнен. Благодарим, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Ако (за момента) сте единственият човек в дадена група и се опитате да започнете групово повикване, вече можете да се присъедините към повикването и да започнете да говорите със себе си веднага, вместо да се налага да изчакате звънене. Благодарим, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Вижте бързо кой говори по време на групови разговори с нова функция за маркиране, която ви показва къде да гледате. Но когато е ваш ред да говорите, ще трябва да обърнете поглед навътре.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Повеселете се с няколко стикера в мултимедийния редактор, които ви позволяват да добавяте стилизирани времеви декорации към изходящите изображения.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Използвайте миниплейъра за гласови бележки, за да продължите да слушате дълги съобщения дори след като превключите към друг чат.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Кликнете върху някоя снимка или видео и използвайте новите бутони „Напред“ и „Назад“ в медийния четец, за да се разходите из мултимедийните си спомени.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Гласовите съобщения вече се запазват като чернови, ако превключите към друг чат, докато се извършва записване.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Изпращането на стикер вече не причинява изтриване на текста на чернова. Благодарим, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Също така искаме да благодарим на {norstbox} за подравняването на иконите в лентата за търсене в разговорите.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "বাতিল করুন",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "পাঠান",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "বার্তার প্রতিক্রিয়া দিন",
"message": "ম্যাসেজে রিঅ্যাক্ট করুন",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$-এর থেকে আপনাকে কোনও মেসেজ, স্টিকার, প্রতিক্রিয়া, পড়ার রসিদ বা মিডিয়া পাঠানো যায়নি। তারা আপনাকে হয় সরাসরি বা কোনও গ্রুপে এটি পাঠাতে চেষ্টা করেছেন।",
"message": "$sender$-এর কাছ থেকে আপনাকে কোনো ম্যাসেজ, স্টিকার, প্রতিক্রিয়া, রিড রিসিপ্ট বা মিডিয়া পাঠানো যায়নি। তারা হয়তো সরাসরি, অথবা কোনো গ্রুপে এটি আপনার কাছে পাঠানোর চেষ্টা করেছিলেন।",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "এই চ্যাটে $sender$-এর থেকে কোনও মেসেজ, স্টিকার, প্রতিক্রিয়া, পড়ার রসিদ বা মিডিয়া আপনাকে পাঠানো যায়নি।",
"message": "এই চ্যাটে $sender$-এর থেকে কোনও ম্যাসেজ, স্টিকার, প্রতিক্রিয়া, রিড রিসিপ্ট বা মিডিয়া আপনাকে পাঠানো যায়নি।",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ আপনার মেসেজটিতে $emoji$ প্রতিক্রিয়া ব্যক্ত করেছেন"
"message": "$sender$ আপনার ম্যাসেজে $emoji$ রিঅ্যাক্ট করেছেন"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ এতে $emoji$ প্রতিক্রিয়া ব্যক্ত করেছেন: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ $emoji$ রিঅ্যাক্ট করেছেন: $message$-এ"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "পাঠাতে ব্যর্থ হয়েছে",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "আজ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "গতকাল $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "নিজের জন্য বার্তা",
"message": "নিজের জন্য নোট",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "পূনঃসংযোগ"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "আপডেট সহজলভ্য"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "পুনরায় আপডেট করার চেষ্টা করুন"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "নির্বাচিত মেসেজটির জন্য ইমোজি-প্রতিক্রিয়া বাছাইকারী টগল করুন",
"message": "নির্বাচিত ম্যাসেজের জন্য ইমোজি-রিঅ্যাক্ট পিকার টগল করুন",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "স্টিকার প্যাক ক্রিয়েটর ব্যবহার করতে অনুগ্রহ করে আপনার ফোন ও ডেস্কটপে Signal সেট আপ করুন",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ সহজলভ্য সংস্করণে আপডেট করুন",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal বন্ধ করা যাবে না।",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "রিঅ্যাকশন পাঠানো হচ্ছে…",
"message": "প্রতিক্রিয়া পাঠানো হচ্ছে...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5985,15 +5993,15 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "সাড়া ও প্রতিক্রিয়া",
"message": "উত্তর ও প্রতিক্রিয়া",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "সাড়া ও প্রতিক্রিয়া দেওয়ার অনুমতি দিন",
"message": "উত্তর ও প্রতিক্রিয়ার অনুমতি দিন",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "যারা আপনার স্টোরি দেখতে পাবেন তাদেরকে প্রতিক্রিয়া এবং সাড়া দিতে দিন।",
"message": "আপনার স্টোরি দেখতে পাবেন এমন লোকজনকে রিঅ্যাক্ট করতে ও উত্তর দিতে দিন।",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6281,11 +6289,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "স্টোরি-তে রিঅ্যাক্ট করুন",
"message": "স্টোরিতে রিঅ্যাক্ট করুন",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "স্টোরি-তে রিঅ্যাক্ট করা হয়েছে",
"message": "স্টোরিতে রিঅ্যাক্ট করেছেন",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,7 +6457,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "$name$-এর একটি স্টোরিতে রিঅ্যাক্ট করা হয়েছে",
"message": "$name$-এর একটি স্টোরিতে রিঅ্যাক্ট করেছেন",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
@ -6461,11 +6469,11 @@
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "আপনি $name$-এর একটি স্টোরিতে $emoji$ রিঅ্যাক্ট দিয়েছেন",
"message": "আপনি $name$-এর একটি স্টোরিতে $emoji$ রিঅ্যাক্ট করেছেন",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "আপনি একটি স্টোরিতে $emoji$ রিঅ্যাক্ট দিয়েছেন",
"message": "আপনি একটি স্টোরিতে $emoji$ রিঅ্যাক্ট করেছেন",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "অন্যরা আপনার সাথে যোগাযোগ করার প্রাথমিক উপায় হিসেবে আপনার 'ব্যবহারকারীর নাম' যাতে ব্যবহার করতে না পারেন, তার জন্য 'সেটিংস > গোপনীয়তা > ফোন নম্বর > কে আমার নম্বর খুঁজে পেতে পারেন'-এর মধ্যে থেকে ফোন নম্বর দেখতে পাওয়ার সুযোগটি বন্ধ করুন।",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "ছোট ছোট কিছু পরিবর্তন, বাগ সংশোধন এবং পারফর্মেন্স সমৃদ্ধ করা হয়েছে। Signal ব্যবহার করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "আপনার জন্য অ্যাপটি নিরবিচ্ছিন্নভাবে সচল রাখতে বাগ সংশোধন এবং অন্যান্য পারফর্মেন্স উন্নত করতে কঠোর পরিশ্রম করা হয়েছে৷",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "আমাদের নতুন স্টোরি ফিচার ব্যবহার ও পরখ শুরু করুন। আপনি অন্যান্য বিটা পরখকারীদের সাথে ফিচারটি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন এবং এটি কেমন কাজ করছে তা আমাদের জানান।",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "এখন Signal-এ স্টোরি থাকছে! 24 ঘন্টা পরে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে অদৃশ্য হয়ে যায় এমন টেক্সট, ছবি এবং ভিডিও আপডেটগুলো নির্বাচিত বন্ধু বা গ্ৰুপের সাথে শেয়ার করুন৷ যারা স্টোরি শেয়ার করতে পছন্দ করেন তাদের প্রত্যেকের জন্য গোপনে ও বিজ্ঞাপন এড়িয়ে এটি করার একটি উপায় এখানে রয়েছে। আপনি যদি স্টোরি দেখতে বা শেয়ার করতে না চান, তবে আপনি পছন্দ > গোপনীয়তা থেকে এগুলো বাদ দিতে পারেন।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "আপনি যখন একটি ছোট গ্রুপকে গ্রুপ কল দিতে শুরু করেন (16 জন পর্যন্ত), তখন আপনি একটি রিংগিং নোটিফিকেশন পাঠাতে পারেন। গ্ৰুপের সদস্যরা যদি iOS বেটা সংস্করণে থাকেন বা ডেস্কটপ বা Android ব্যবহার করে থাকেন, তবে তারা রিং শুনতে পাবেন।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "উদ্ধৃত করে উত্তর দিতে চ্যাটের যেকোনো ম্যাসেজের সারিতে দুইবার ক্লিক করুন। এটি পুরানো ধারণার ব্যাপারে নতুন চিন্তাধারা দেওয়ার জন্য একটি শর্টকাটের মতো কাজ করে। এই ফিচারটি বাস্তবায়ন ও ফিচারটি সম্পর্কে প্রতিক্রিয়া জানানোর জন্য {whynothugo} এবং Signal কমিউনিটিকে ধন্যবাদ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "জুম ইন না করে গ্যালারি ভিউ বন্ধ করতে এখন ছবির বাইরে ক্লিক করুন সহজেই। কখনো হয়তো আপনি চেয়েছিলেন ছবিটি বন্ধ করতে, কিন্তু দেখা গেলো তার পরিবর্তে ছবিটি পুরো স্ক্রীনজুড়ে খুলে গিয়েছে। এটি সংশোধন করার জন্য {jojomatik}-কে ধন্যবাদ!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "আরো দ্রুত প্রতিক্রিয়া জানান। এখন আপনি একটি স্টোরির উত্তর দেওয়ার সময় যেকোনো ইমোজিতে ক্লিক করে রিঅ্যাক্ট করতে পারেন।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "এখন চাইনিজ এবং জাপানি ভাষায় আলাদা আলাদা অক্ষর অনুযায়ী আপনার ম্যাসেজের ইতিহাস অনুসন্ধান করা সম্ভব।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "ভয়েস এবং ভিডিও কলের জন্য বেশ কিছু নির্ভরযোগ্যতা ও পারফর্মেন্স বৃদ্ধির পরীক্ষা করতে আমাদের সাহায্য করুন। এই বিটা রিলিজে কিছু বাগ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে এবং কিছু ছোট UI আপডেটও রয়েছে (নতুন লিংক প্রিভিউর উন্নয়নটি দেখুন!)। একজন বিটা টেস্টার হওয়ার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ এবং আপনি যদি কোনো বাগ খুঁজে পান তবে অনুগ্রহ করে কমিউনিটি ফোরামে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "আপনি একটি গাড়ি ডাউনলোড করবেন না, কিন্তু এখন আপনি যখন একটি এমপিথ্রি ভয়েস নোট ডাউনলোড করবেন তখন এটি সঠিক ফাইল এক্সটেনশনের সাথে সংরক্ষণ করা হবে।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "একটি ফাইল সংযুক্ত করার পরে দ্রুত একটি ম্যাসেজ লেখা শুরু করুন, অথবা কোনো অতিরিক্ত ক্লিক ছাড়াই ফাইলটি পাঠাতে প্রবেশ করুন/ফিরে যান চাপুন। ধন্যবাদ, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "বড় কম্পোজিশন ভিউয়ের 'পাঠান' বাটনটি অ্যালাইনমেন্টে আনা হয়েছে। ধন্যবাদ, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "আপনি যদি একটি গ্রুপের একমাত্র ব্যক্তি হয়ে থাকেন (এখন পর্যন্ত) এবং একটি গ্রুপ কল শুরু করার চেষ্টা করেন, তবে আপনি কলটিতে যোগ দিতে পারেন ও কল রিং হবার জন্য অপেক্ষা না করেই তৎক্ষণাৎ নিজের সাথে কথা বলা শুরু করে দিতে পারবেন। ধন্যবাদ, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "গ্রুপ কলের সময় কে কথা বলছে তা এমন একটি নতুন হাইলাইট ফিচারের মাধ্যমে দ্রুত দেখে নিন, যা আপনাকে কোথায় দেখতে হবে তা নির্দেশ করে। এখন যদি আপনার কথা বলার পালা হয়ে থাকে তবে আপনাকে এর ভিতর থেকে দেখে নিতে হবে।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "মিডিয়া এডিটরে তৈরি বেশ কিছু স্টিকার দিয়ে মজার কিছু সময় কাটান, যা আপনাকে বাইরে শেয়ার করা হবে এমন ছবিগুলোতে স্টাইলাইজড টাইম ডেকোরেশন যোগ করতে দেয়।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "আপনি একটি চ্যাটে ভয়েস নোট শোনা অবস্থায় ভিন্ন চ্যাটে চলে গেলেও দীর্ঘ ম্যাসেজটি শোনা চালিয়ে যেতে ভয়েস নোট মিনি প্লেয়ার ব্যবহার করুন।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "যেকোনো ছবি বা ভিডিওতে ক্লিক করুন এবং মিডিয়া ভিউয়ারে নতুন ফরোয়ার্ড ও ব্যাকওয়ার্ড বাটন ব্যবহার করে ছবি দেখুন আর স্মৃতির পাতায় বিচরণ করুন।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "কোনো রেকর্ডিং চলাকালীন আপনি অন্য চ্যাটে স্যুইচ করলে ভয়েস ম্যাসেজগুলো এখন খসড়া হিসেবে সংরক্ষিত হয়।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "স্টিকার পাঠালে খসড়া টেক্সট আর মুছে যাবে না। ধন্যবাদ, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "কথোপকথন অনুসন্ধান বারের আইকনগুলোকে সারিবদ্ধ অবস্থায় ফিরিয়ে আনার জন্য আমরা {norstbox}-কে ধন্যবাদ জানাতে চাই।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Otkaži",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Pošalji",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Poruka, naljepnica, reakcija, potvrda o čitanju ili medijski sadržaj se nije mogao dostaviti od pošiljaoca $sender$. Možda su vam to pokušali poslati direktno ili u grupi.",
"message": "Poruka, naljepnica, reakcija, potvrda o čitanju ili medijski sadržaj se nije mogao dostaviti od korisnika $sender$. Možda su vam to pokušali poslati direktno ili u grupi.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Poruka, naljepnica, reakcija, potvrda o čitanju ili medijski sadržaj se nije mogao dostaviti od pošiljaoca $sender$ u ovom chatu.",
"message": "Poruka, naljepnica, reakcija, potvrda o čitanju ili medijski sadržaj se nije mogao dostaviti od korisnika $sender$ u ovom chatu.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "Pošiljaoc $sender$ je reagirao sa $emoji$ na vašu poruku"
"message": "Pošiljalac $sender$ je reagirao sa $emoji$ na vašu poruku"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ je reagirao sa $emoji$ na: $message$"
"message": "Pošiljalac $sender$ je reagirao sa $emoji$ na: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Neuspjelo slanje",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Danas $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Jučer $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Relink"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Dostupno je ažuriranje"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Ponovo pokušajte ažurirati"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Postavite Signal na telefonu i računaru da koristite Kreator paketa naljepnica",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Dostupno je ažuriranje na verziju $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal se ne može zatvoriti",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6285,7 +6293,7 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "Reagovao/la na priču",
"message": "Reagirao/la na priču",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6453,11 +6461,11 @@
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "Reagovao/la na priču",
"message": "Reagirao/la je na priču",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "Reagirao/la sa $emoji$ je na vašu priču",
"message": "Reagirao/la je sa $emoji$ na vašu priču",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Isključite otkrivanje telefonskog broja u Postavkama > Privatnost > Broj telefona > Ko može pronaći moj broj, da biste koristili svoje korisničko ime kao primarni način na koji vas drugi mogu kontaktirati.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Mala podešavanja, otklanjanje grešaka i poboljšanja performansi. Hvala vam što koristite Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Naporno radimo da otklonimo greške i uvedemo ostala pobljšanja performansi kako bi vaša aplikacija nesmetano funkcionirala.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Počnite koristiti i testirati našu novu značajku priča. Možete koristiti značajku s drugim beta testerima i obavijestiti nas kako funkcionira.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Sada možete objavljivati priče na Signalu!\n\n Podijelite kratkotrajni tekst, sike i videozapise s odabranim prijateljima ili grupama koji će automatski nestati nakon 24 sata. Za sve koji vole dijeliti priče, evo kako to možete raditi privatno bez prikazivanja oglasa. Ako ne želite gledati niti dijeliti priče, sve to možete isključiti u Postavkama > Privatnost.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kada započnete grupni poziv za male grupe (do 16 osoba), možete odabrati da pošaljete obavještenje zvonom. Članovi grupe će čuti zvono ako su na iOS beta verziji ili koriste Desktop ili Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvaput kliknite na bilo koji red poruke u chatu da započnete citirani odgovor. To je kao prečica za nova razmišljanja o starim idejama. Zahvaljujemo {whynothugo} i Signal zajednici na implementaciji ove funkcije i pružanju povratnih informacija.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Sada je lakše kliknuti izvan slike da odbacite galerijski prikaz bez zumiranja. Ponekad ste samo htjeli zatvoriti, a umjesto toga stvari su se previše zumirale. Zahvaljujemo {jojomatik} na popravci!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "★ Ubrzajte vrijeme odgovora. Sada možete brže reagirati dodirom na bilo koji emoji kada odgovarate na priču.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Sada je moguće pretraživati historiju poruka za pojedinačne znakove na kineskom i japanskom jeziku.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Pomozite nam da testiramo nekoliko poboljšanja pouzdanosti i performansi za glasovne i video pozive. Ovo beta izdanje također uključuje nekoliko ispravki grešaka i neka mala ažuriranja korisničkog sučelja (potražite nova poboljšanja za pregled linkova!). Hvala što ste bili beta tester i obratite nam se na forumu zajednice ako uočite greške.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Kada preuzmete MP3 glasovnu bilješku, sačuvat će se s odgovarajućom ekstenzijom datoteke.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Brzo počnite pisati poruku nakon što priložite datoteku ili jednostavno pritisnite Enter/Return da pošaljete datoteku bez dodatnih klikova. Hvala, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Dugme za slanje u velikom prikazu je poravnato. Hvala, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Ako ste jedina osoba u grupi (do sada) i pokušavate da započnete grupni poziv, sada se možete pridružiti pozivu i odmah početi razgovarati sa sobom umjesto da čekate da poziv zazvoni. Hvala, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Brzo vidite ko govori tokom grupnih poziva uz novu funkciju isticanja koja vam pokazuje gdje da tražite. Ako je vaš red da govorite, morat ćete se pogledati iznutra.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Ludo se provedite uz nekoliko naljepnica u uređivaču medija koje vam omogućavaju da dodate stilizirane vremenske naljepnice na slike koje šaljete.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Koristite mini player za glasovne bilješke da nastavite slušati duge poruke čak i nakon što pređete na drugi razgovor.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Kliknite na bilo koju sliku ili video i koristite nove gumbe za naprijed i nazad u pregledniku medija da pregledate svoje uspomene.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Glasovne poruke se sada čuvaju kao skice ako pređete na drugi razgovor dok je snimanje u toku.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Slanje naljepnice više ne uzrokuje brisanje skica. Hvala, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Također bismo željeli zahvaliti korisniku {norstbox} što je ponovo poravnao ikone trake za pretraživanje.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Cancel·la",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Envia",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Reaccioneu al missatge",
"message": "Reaccionar al missatge",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "No s'ha pogut lliurar cap missatge, adhesiu, reacció, rebut de lectura o contingut multimèdia de $sender$. És possible que hagin intentat enviar-vos-ho directament o en grup.",
"message": "No se t'ha pogut entregar un missatge, sticker, reacció, confirmació de lectura o arxiu multimèdia de $sender$. És possible que hagin intentat enviar-t'ho directament o a través d'un grup.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "No se us ha pogut lliurar un missatge, adhesiu, reacció, rebut de lectura o mitjà de $sender$ en aquesta conversa.",
"message": "No se t'ha pogut entregar un missatge, sticker, reacció, confirmació de lectura o arxiu multimèdia de $sender$ en aquest xat.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ ha reaccionat $emoji$ al vostre missatge."
"message": "$sender$ ha reaccionat amb $emoji$ al teu missatge"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ ha reaccionat $emoji$ a: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ ha reaccionat amb $emoji$ a: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "L'enviament ha fallat",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Avui $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Ahir $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Notifica-m'ho",
"message": "Notes personals",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Torna a enllaçar"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Actualització disponible"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Torneu a intentar d'actualitzar"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Commuta el selector de reaccions d'emoticones per al missatge seleccionat",
"message": "Commuta el seleccionador de reaccions d'emoticones per al missatge seleccionat",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,15 +3189,15 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Configura Signal al telèfon i a la versió d'escriptori per poder utilitzar el Creador de paquets de stickers.",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "Suprimeix la reacció",
"message": "Elimina la reacció",
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Ha fallat enviar la reacció. Torneu-ho a provar.",
"message": "No s'ha pogut enviar la reacció. Torna-ho a provar.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Actualització a la versió $version$ disponible",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "No es pot tancar el Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6449,7 +6457,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "Ha reaccionat a una història de$name$",
"message": "Ha reaccionat a una història de $name$",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Desactiva el descobriment de números de telèfon a Ajustos > Privacitat > Número de telèfon > Qui pot trobar el meu número, per utilitzar el teu àlies com a manera principal de contactar amb tu.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Petits ajustos, correccions d'errors i tasques de millora de rendiment. Gràcies per utilitzar Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Treballant força per tal de corregir errors i fer altres tasques de millora de rendiment per aconseguir que l'aplicació funcioni sense problemes.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Comença a utilitzar i provar la nostra nova funció d'històries. Pots fer servir la funció amb altres provadors beta i fer-nos saber com funciona.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Ja han arribat les històries a Signal! Comparteix històries de text, imatge i vídeo amb qui tu vulguis. Les històries desapareixeran automàticament al cap de 24 hores. Per a aquelles persones que no poden viure sense compartir històries, aquí hi ha la forma de fer-ho amb privacitat i sense anuncis. Si no vols veure o compartir històries, pots desactivar aquesta funció a Preferències > Privacitat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "A l'inici d'una trucada de grup per a grups petits (fins a 16 persones), tindràs l'opció d'enviar una notificació de trucada. Els membres del grup sentiran un timbre si tenen la versió beta d'iOS o si utilitzen les versions d'escriptori o Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Fes doble clic a qualsevol missatge d'un xat per iniciar una resposta citada. És com una drecera per afegir nous pensaments sobre idees velles. Gràcies a {whynothugo} i a la comunitat de Signal per implementar aquesta funció i enviar comentaris.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Ara és més fàcil fer clic fora d'una imatge per sortit de la visualització de la galeria sense fer zoom. De vegades només volies tancar i, en canvi, augmentaves el contingut. Gràcies a {jojomatik} per la correcció!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Accelera el teu temps de resposta. Ara pots reaccionar més ràpidament fent clic a qualsevol emoji quan responguis a una història.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Ara és possible cercar caràcters individuals a l'historial de missatges en xinès i japonès.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Ajuda'ns a provar diverses millores de fiabilitat i rendiment de les trucades de veu i de vídeo. Aquesta versió beta també inclou algunes correccions d'errors i algunes petites actualitzacions de la interfície d'usuari (descobreix les noves millores de previsualització d'enllaços!). Gràcies per ser un provador beta i, si detectes cap error, fes-nos-ho saber a través del fòrum de la comunitat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Ara, quan baixis una nota de veu MP3, es desarà amb l'extensió de fitxer adequada.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Comença ràpidament a escriure un missatge després d'adjuntar un fitxer o simplement prem Entern/Retorn per enviar el fitxer sense cap clic addicional. Gràcies, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "El botó d'Enviar en vista completa s'ha alineat. Gràcies, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Si ets l'única persona d'un grup (fins ara) i intentes iniciar una trucada de grup, ara pots unir-te a la trucada i començar a parlar amb tu mateix immediatament en lloc d'esperar que soni la trucada. Us donem les gràcies, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Comprova ràpidament qui està parlant durant les trucades de grup amb una nova funció destacada que et mostra on has de mirar. Si et toca parlar, hauràs de mirar dins.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Passa-t'ho bomba amb els stickers a l'editor d'arxius multimèdia afegint decoracions de temps estilitzades a les imatges sortints.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Utilitza el minirreproductor de notes de veu per continuar escoltant missatges llargs inclús després d'haver canviat de xat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Fes clic a qualsevol imatge o vídeo i utilitza els nous botons Endavant i Enrere del visualitzador d'arxius multimèdia per fer una passejada visual pels racons de la memòria.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Les notes de veu ara es desaran com a esborranys si canvies a un altre xat mentre hi ha una gravació en curs.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Enviar un sticker ja no farà que s'esborri el text que estaves escrivint. Gràcies, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "També ens agradaria donar les gràcies a{norstbox} per tornar a alinear les icones de la barra de cerca de converses.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Zrušit",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Odeslat",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Zpráva, nálepka, reakce, potvrzení o přečtení nebo média od $sender$ vám nemohla být doručena. Je možné, že se vám ji pokusil/a poslat přímo nebo ve skupině.",
"message": "Zpráva, nálepka, reakce, potvrzení o přečtení nebo média od uživatele $sender$ vám nemohla být doručena. Je možné, že se vám ji pokusil/a poslat přímo nebo ve skupině.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Z tohoto chatu vám od $sender$ nemohla být doručena zpráva, nálepka, reakce, potvrzení o přečtení nebo médium.",
"message": "V této konverzaci vám nemohla být od uživatele $sender$ doručena zpráva, nálepka, reakce, potvrzení o přečtení nebo médium.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ zareagoval/a $emoji$ na vaši zprávu"
"message": "$sender$ reagoval/a $emoji$ na vaši zprávu"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ zareagoval/a $emoji$ na vaši $message$"
"message": "$sender$ reagoval/a $emoji$ na: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Odeslání se nezdařilo",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Dnes v $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Včera v $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Znovu spárovat"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "K dispozici je aktualizace"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Znovu aktualizovat"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Přepnout výběr emoji-reakce na vybranou zprávu",
"message": "Přepínání výběru emoji-reakce pro vybranou zprávu",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Pokud chcete používat nástroj pro tvorbu balíčků nálepek, nastavte si aplikaci Signal v telefonu a na počítači",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Nepodařilo se zaslat reakci. Zkuste to prosím znovu.",
"message": "Reakci se nepodařilo odeslat. Zkuste to prosím znovu.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "K dispozici je aktualizace na verzi $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Aplikaci Signal nelze zavřít.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5985,11 +5993,11 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "Odpovědi a reakce",
"message": "Odpovědi a reakce",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "Povolit odpovědi a reakce",
"message": "Povolit odpovědi a reakce",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6449,7 +6457,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "Reagoval/a na příběh od $name$",
"message": "Reagoval/a na příběh od uživatele $name$",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
@ -6457,15 +6465,15 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "Posílá $emoji$ v reakci na váš příběh",
"message": "Reagoval/a $emoji$ na váš příběh",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "Posíláte $emoji$ v reakci na příběh uživatele $name$",
"message": "Reagoval/a jste $emoji$ na příběh uživatele $name$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "V reakci na příběh posíláte $emoji$",
"message": "Reagoval/a jste $emoji$ na příběh",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Vypněte funkci vyhledání telefonního čísla v nabídce Nastavení > Soukromí > Telefonní číslo > Kdo může najít mé číslo a používejte své uživatelské jméno jako primární způsob, jak vás mohou ostatní kontaktovat.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Drobná vylepšení, opravy chyb a zvýšení výkonu. Děkujeme, že používáte Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Usilovně pracujeme na opravách chyb a na dalším zvyšování výkonu, aby vám aplikace fungovala bez problémů.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Začněte používat a testovat naši novou funkci příběhů. Můžete ji vyzkoušet společně s dalšími testery a dát nám vědět, jak funguje.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "V aplikaci Signal jsou nyní k dispozici příběhy! Sdílejte s vybranými přáteli nebo skupinami novinky ve formě textů, obrázků a videí, které po 24 hodinách automaticky zmizí. Všichni, kdo mají rádi příběhy, je nyní mohou sdílet soukromě a bez zobrazování reklam. Jestli nechcete příběhy zobrazovat nebo sdílet, můžete je vypnout v Nastavení > Soukromí.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Při zahájení skupinového hovoru pro malé skupiny (do 16 osob) máte možnost poslat vyzváněcí oznámení. Členové skupiny vyzvánění uslyší, pokud používají beta verzi systému iOS nebo verzi pro počítač či Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvojím kliknutím na libovolný řádek zprávy v konverzaci spustíte citovanou odpověď. Je to taková zkratka pro nové myšlenky o starých nápadech. Děkujeme {whynothugo} a komunitě Signal za zavedení této funkce a poskytnutí zpětné vazby.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Kliknutím mimo obrázek lze nyní snadněji zrušit zobrazení galerie bez nutnosti přibližování. Někdy jste chtěli jen zavřít a místo toho se začaly dít věci. Za opravu děkujeme {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Odpovídejte rychleji. Kliknutím na libovolné emoji můžete nyní na příběh reagovat rychleji.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "V historii zpráv je nyní možné v čínštině a japonštině vyhledávat jednotlivé znaky.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Pomozte nám otestovat několik vylepšení spolehlivosti a funkčnosti hlasových a video hovorů. Tato beta verze obsahuje také několik oprav chyb a drobné aktualizace uživatelského rozhraní (podívejte se na nová vylepšení náhledu odkazů!). Děkujeme, že nám pomáháte testovat beta verzi. Pokud si všimnete jakýchkoli chyb, dejte nám vědět na komunitním fóru.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Když si nyní stáhnete hlasovou zprávu, uloží se vám se správnou příponou souboru.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Po připojení souboru můžete rychle začít psát zprávu nebo jen stisknout Enter/zpět a soubor bez dalšího klikání odešlete. Díky, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Tlačítko pro odeslání bylo ve zvětšeném zobrazení lépe umístěno. Díky, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Pokud jste ve skupině (zatím) sám/sama a pokoušíte se zahájit skupinový hovor, můžete se teď místo čekání na zazvonění připojit k hovoru a povídat si sám/sama se sebou. Díky, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Díky nové funkci zvýraznění, která vám napoví, kam se podívat, rychle zjistíte, kdo během skupinového hovoru právě mluví. A když budete mluvit vy, můžete se dívat do svého nitra.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Užijte si nálepky v editoru médií, pomocí kterých můžete na odchozí obrázky přidávat stylizované časové dekorace.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "S minipřehrávačem hlasových zpráv můžete pokračovat v poslechu dlouhých zpráv i po přepnutí do jiné konverzace.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Klikněte na jakýkoli obrázek nebo video a pomocí nových tlačítek Vpřed a Zpět v prohlížeči médií se můžete vydat na obrazovou procházku vzpomínkami.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Hlasové zprávy se nyní ukládají jako koncept, pokud během nahrávání přepnete na jinou konverzaci.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Při odeslání nálepky se již nevymaže text konceptu. Díky, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Rádi bychom také poděkovali uživateli {norstbox} za vrácení ikon na panelu vyhledávání konverzací do původního stavu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Annullér",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Reagér på besked",
"message": "Reager på besked",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "En besked, klistermærke, reaktion, læsekvittering eller mediefil kunne ikke leveres til dig fra $sender$. De har muligvis forsøgt at sende direkte til dig eller i en gruppe.",
"message": "En besked, klistermærke, reaktion, kvittering for læsning eller mediefil kunne ikke leveres til dig fra $sender$. Vedkommende har muligvis forsøgt at sende dig elementet direkte eller i en gruppe.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "En besked, et klistermærke, en reaktion, en læsekvittering eller en mediefil kunne ikke leveres til dig fra $sender$ i denne samtale.",
"message": "En besked, et klistermærke, en reaktion, en kvittering for læsning eller en mediefil kunne ikke leveres til dig fra $sender$ i denne samtale.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ reagerede $emoji$ på din besked"
"message": "$sender$ reagerede med $emoji$ på din besked"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reagerede $emoji$ på $message$"
"message": "$sender$ reagerede med $emoji$ på: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Send mislykkedes",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "I dag $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "I går $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Egen note",
"message": "Personlig note",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Tilkobl igen"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Opdatering tilgængelig"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Forsøg opdatering igen"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Opsæt Signal på din telefon og computer for at bruge Sticker Pack Creator",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Opdatering til version $version$ tilgængelig",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal kan ikke afsluttes",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6281,7 +6289,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "Reagér på historie",
"message": "Reager på historie",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Slå opdagelse via telefonnummer fra under Indstillinger > Privatliv > Telefonnummer > Personer, der kan finde mit nummer for at bruge brugernavnet som den primære måde, hvorpå andre kan kontakte dig.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Små tweaks, rettelser og forbedringer af appens præstation. Tak fordi du bruger Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Vi arbejder på at rette nogle bugs og forbedre appens præstation, så den kører uden problemer.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Begynd at bruge og teste vores nye historiefunktion. Du kan bruge funktionen sammen med andre betatestere og fortælle os, om den fungerer ordentligt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Nu tilbyder Signal historier! Del tekst, billeder og videoer, der automatisk forsvinder efter 24 timer, med udvalgte venner eller grupper. Alle, der elsker at dele historier, kan nu gøre det privat og uden at se nogen reklamer. Hvis du ikke vil se eller dele historier, kan du fravælge det hele i dine Præferencer > Privatliv.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Når du starter et gruppeopkald for små grupper (op til 16 personer), kan du vælge at sende en ringenotifikation. Gruppemedlemmer vil høre en ringetone, hvis de bruger iOS-betaversionen, computer eller Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dobbeltklik på en meddelelse i en chat for at starte et citeret svar. Det er som en genvej til nye tanker om gamle idéer. Tak til {whynothugo} og Signal-fællesskabet for at have implementeret denne funktion og givet feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nu er det nemmere at klikke uden for et billede for at afvise gallerivisningen uden at zoome ind. Nogle gange ville man bare gerne lukke, men i stedet kom man lidt for tæt på. Tak for rettelsen, {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Få en hurtigere svartid. Nu kan du reagere hurtigere ved at klikke på en emoji, når du svarer på en historie.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Det er nu muligt at søge efter individuelle tegn på kinesisk og japansk i din beskedhistorik.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Hjælp os med at teste flere forbedringer i pålideligheden og ydeevnen for stemme- og videoopkald. Denne betaversion indeholder også nogle fejlrettelser og små opdateringer af brugergrænsefladen (se den forbedrede forhåndsvisning af links!). Tak, fordi du betatester, og kontakt os endelig på fællesskabsforummet, hvis du finder nogen fejl undervejs.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Du ville ikke downloade en bil, men når du downloader en MP3-stemmemeddelelse, bliver den gemt med den rigtige filendelse.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Du kan hurtigt begynde at skrive en besked, når du har vedhæftet en fil, eller blot trykke på Enter/Retur for at sende filen uden ekstra klik. Tak, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Send-knappen i den store kompositionsvisning er blevet justeret. Tak, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Hvis du er den eneste person i en gruppe (indtil videre), og du forsøger at starte et gruppeopkald, kan du nu deltage i opkaldet og begynde at tale med dig selv med det samme i stedet for at vente på at opkaldet ringer. Tak, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Se, hvem der taler under gruppeopkald med en ny fremhævningsfunktion, der viser dig, hvor du skal kigge. Hvis det er din tur til at tale, skal du kigge indad.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Hyg dig med de mange klistermærker i medieredaktøren, som giver dig mulighed for at tilføje stiliserede tidsdekorationer på de billeder du sender.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Brug miniafspilleren, så du kan fortsætte med at lytte til lange stemmebeskeder, selv efter at du har skiftet til en anden chat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Klik på et billede eller en video, og brug de nye frem- og tilbageknapperne i medieviseren til at gå en visuel tur gennem dine minder.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Stemmebeskeder gemmes nu som kladder, hvis du skifter til en anden chat, mens en optagelse er i gang.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Når du sender et klistermærke, bliver kladdeteksten ikke længere slettet. Tak, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Vi vil også gerne takke {norstbox} for at have bragt ikonerne i samtalesøgelinjen på plads.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Abbrechen",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Senden",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Heute, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Gestern, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Erneut koppeln"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Aktualisierung verfügbar"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Versuche die Aktualisierung erneut"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Bitte richte Signal auf deinem Mobiltelefon und deinem Computer ein, um den Sticker-Set-Creator zu verwenden",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Aktualisierung auf Version $version$ verfügbar",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal kann nicht geschlossen werden.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6285,7 +6293,7 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "Auf Story reagiert",
"message": "Hat auf Story reagiert",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,15 +6457,15 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "Auf eine Story von $name$ reagiert",
"message": "Hat auf eine Story von $name$ reagiert",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "Auf eine Story reagiert",
"message": "Hat auf eine Story reagiert",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "$emoji$ haben auf deine Story reagiert",
"message": "Hat mit $emoji$ auf deine Story reagiert",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Deaktiviere die Rufnummernerkennung unter Einstellungen > Datenschutz > Rufnummer > Wer kann meine Nummer finden, um deinen Nutzernamen als primäre Methode festzulegen, über die dich andere kontaktieren können.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Kleine Optimierungen, Fehlerbehebungen und Leistungsverbesserungen. Danke, dass du Signal nutzt!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Wir arbeiten hart daran, Fehler zu beheben und andere Leistungsverbesserungen vorzunehmen, damit die App für dich reibungslos läuft.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Nutze und teste unsere neue Story-Funktion. Du kannst die Funktion mit anderen Beta-Testern nutzen und uns mitteilen, wie sie sich bewährt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Jetzt gibt es Storys bei Signal! Teile Nachrichten, Bilder und Video-Updates, die nach 24 Stunden automatisch verschwinden, mit Freunden oder Gruppen. Für alle, die gerne Storys teilen, gibt es hier eine Möglichkeit, dies privat und ohne Werbung zu tun. Wenn du keine Storys sehen oder teilen möchtest, kannst du dies unter Einstellungen > Datenschutz deaktivieren.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Wenn du einen Gruppenanruf für kleine Gruppen (bis zu 16 Personen) startest, kannst du wählen, ob du eine Klingelbenachrichtigung senden möchtest. Die Gruppenmitglieder hören ein Klingeln, wenn sie auf iOS Beta sind bzw. wenn sie Desktop oder Android nutzen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Klicke zweimal auf eine beliebige Nachrichtenzeile in einer Unterhaltung, um eine zitierte Antwort zu erstellen. Das ist wie eine Abkürzung für neue Gedanken zu alten Ideen. Danke an {whynothugo} und die Signal-Community für die Implementierung dieser Funktion und das Feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Jetzt ist es einfacher, die Galerie-Ansicht durch Klicken außerhalb eines Bildes zu schließen, ohne hineinzuzoomen. Manchmal wolltest du einfach nur abschalten, aber stattdessen kamen dir die Dinge zu nahe. Danke an {jojomatik} für den Lösungsvorschlag!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Verkürze deine Antwortzeit. Jetzt kannst du noch schneller reagieren, indem du auf ein beliebiges Emoji klickst, um auf eine Story zu antworten.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Es ist jetzt möglich, deinen Nachrichtenverlauf nach einzelnen Zeichen auf Chinesisch und Japanisch zu durchsuchen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Hilf uns, verschiedene Verbesserungen hinsichtlich Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung bei Sprach- und Videoanrufen zu testen. Diese Beta-Version enthält außerdem einige Fehlerkorrekturen und kleine UI-Updates (achte auf die verbesserte Link-Vorschau!). Vielen Dank, dass du als Beta-Tester/in mitmachst. Bitte melde dich im Community-Forum, falls du irgendwelche Fehler entdeckst.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Du würdest wohl kaum ein Auto herunterladen, aber wenn du jetzt eine MP3-Sprachnotiz herunterlädst, wird sie mit der richtigen Dateierweiterung gespeichert.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Beginne schnell, eine Nachricht zu schreiben, nachdem du eine Datei angehängt hast, oder klicke einfach auf Enter/Zurück, um die Datei ohne weitere Klicks zu senden. Danke, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Die Schaltfläche »Senden« im großen Eingabefeld wurde angeglichen. Danke, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Wenn du (vorerst) die einzige Person in einer Gruppe bist und versuchst, einen Gruppenanruf zu starten, kannst du jetzt sofort dem Anruf beitreten und mit dir selbst sprechen, anstatt zu warten, bis es klingelt. Danke, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Mit der neuen Markierungsfunktion, die dir zeigt, wo du hinschauen musst, kannst du bei Gruppenanrufen schnell erkennen, wer gerade spricht. Wenn du das Wort ergreifen willst, musst du dich selbst ins Visier nehmen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Richtig viel Spaß wirst du mit den verschiedenen Stickern im Medien-Editor haben, dank denen du ausgehende Bilder mit stilisierten Uhrzeitangaben schmücken kannst.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Mit dem Miniplayer für Sprachnotizen kannst du lange Nachrichten weiter anhören, nachdem du zu einer anderen Unterhaltung gewechselt bist.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Klicke auf ein beliebiges Bild oder Video und benutze die neuen Schaltflächen »Vor« und »Zurück« im Medienbetrachter, um eine visuelle Reise in die Vergangenheit zu unternehmen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Sprachnachrichten werden jetzt als Entwürfe gespeichert, wenn du zu einer anderen Unterhaltung wechselst, während eine Aufnahme läuft.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Das Senden eines Stickers führt nicht mehr dazu, dass der Textentwurf gelöscht wird. Danke, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Wir möchten uns auch bei {norstbox} für die Anpassung der Symbole in der Unterhaltungssuche bedanken.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Ακύρωση",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Αποστολή",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Κάποιο μήνυμα, αντίδραση, αποδεικτικό ανάγνωσης ή πολυμέσο από τον/την $sender$ δεν μπόρεσε να σου παραδοθεί. Προσπάθησε να στο στείλει σε σένα απ' ευθείας ή σε κάποια ομάδα.",
"message": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η παράδοση μηνύματος, αντίδρασης, αποδεικτικού ανάγνωσης ή πολυμέσου από τον χρήστη $sender$. Προσπάθησε να στο στείλει σε σένα απευθείας ή σε κάποια ομάδα.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Κάποιο μήνυμα, αυτοκόλλητο, αντίδραση, αποδεικτικό ανάγνωσης ή πολυμέσο από τον/την $sender$ σε αυτή τη συνομιλία δεν μπόρεσε να σου παραδοθεί.",
"message": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η παράδοση μηνύματος, αυτοκόλλητου, αντίδρασης, αποδεικτικού ανάγνωσης ή πολυμέσου από τον χρήστη $sender$ σε αυτή τη συνομιλία.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "Ο/Η $sender$ αντέδρασε με $emoji$ στο μήνυμά σας"
"message": "Ο/Η $sender$ αντέδρασε με $emoji$ στο μήνυμά σου"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "Ο/Η $sender$ αντέδρασε με $emoji$ στο: $message$"
"message": "Ο/Η $sender$ αντέδρασε με $emoji$ στη δημοσίευση: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Αποτυχία αποστολής",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Σήμερα $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Χθες $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Επανασύνδεση"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Διαθέσιμη αναβάθμιση"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Επανάληψη αναβάθμισης"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Ρύθμισε το Signal στο τηλέφωνο και τον υπολογιστή σου για να χρησιμοποιήσεις τον δημιουργό πακέτων με αυτοκόλλητα",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Αποτυχία αποστολής αντίδρασης. Παρακαλώ ξαναδοκίμασε.",
"message": "Αποτυχία αποστολής αντίδρασης. Δοκίμασε πάλι.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Αναβάθμιση στη διαθέσιμη έκδοση $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Το Signal δεν μπορεί να κλείσει.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Απενεργοποίησε την επιλογή της ανακάλυψης του αριθμού τηλεφώνου στις Ρυθμίσεις > Απόρρητο > Αριθμός τηλεφώνου > Ποιοι χρήστες μπορούν να βρουν τον αριθμό μου, για να χρησιμοποιήσεις το όνομα χρήστη σου ως τον κύριο τρόπο επικοινωνίας με άλλους.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Μικρές τροποποιήσεις, επιδιορθώσεις σφαλμάτων και βελτιώσεις απόδοσης. Ευχαριστούμε που χρησιμοποιείς το Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Δουλεύουμε σκληρά για να την επιδιόρθωση σφαλμάτων και τη δημιουργία άλλων βελτιώσεων απόδοσης για να διατηρηθεί η ομαλή λειτουργία της εφαρμογής για εσάς.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Ξεκίνα να χρησιμοποιείς και να δοκιμάζεις τη νέα λειτουργία ιστοριών. Μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις αυτήν τη λειτουργία με άλλους δοκιμαστές beta και να μας ενημερώσεις για το πώς λειτουργεί.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Οι ιστορίες έφτασαν τώρα στο Signal! Μοιράσου κείμενα, εικόνες και ενημερώσεις βίντεο που εξαφανίζονται αυτόματα μετά από 24 ώρες με επιλεγμένους φίλους ή ομάδες. Για όλα τα άτομα που αγαπούν να μοιράζονται ιστορίες, ορίστε ένας τρόπος να το κάνουν ιδιωτικά και χωρίς διαφημίσεις. Εάν δεν θέλεις να βλέπεις ή να μοιράζεσαι ιστορίες, μπορείς να καταργήσεις τη συμμετοχή σου από όλα στις Προτιμήσεις > Ιδιωτικότητα.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Όταν ξεκινάς μια ομαδική κλήση για μικρές ομάδες (έως 16 άτομα), μπορείς να επιλέξεις να στείλεις μια ειδοποίηση κλήσης. Τα μέλη της ομάδας θα ακούσουν ένα κουδούνισμα εάν έχουν iOS beta ή χρησιμοποιούν σταθερό υπολογιστή ή λογισμικό Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Κάνε διπλό κλικ σε οποιαδήποτε σειρά μηνυμάτων σε μια συνομιλία για να ξεκινήσεις μια απάντηση σε εισαγωγικά. Είναι σαν μια συντόμευση για νέες σκέψεις σχετικά με παλιές ιδέες. Ευχαριστούμε τον χρήστη {whynothugo} και την κοινότητα Signal για την εφαρμογή αυτής της δυνατότητας και την παροχή σχολίων.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Τώρα είναι πιο εύκολο να κάνεις κλικ έξω από μια εικόνα για να απορρίψεις την προβολή της συλλογής χωρίς να κάνεις ζουμ. Μερικές φορές ήθελες απλώς να κλείσεις, και αντί αυτού τα πράγματα μεγάλωναν πολύ. Ευχαριστούμε τον χρήστη {jojomatik} για τη διόρθωση!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Επιτάχυνε τον χρόνο απόκρισής σου. Τώρα μπορείς να αντιδράς πιο γρήγορα κάνοντας κλικ σε οποιοδήποτε emoji όταν απαντάς σε μια ιστορία.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Πλέον μπορείς να κάνεις αναζήτηση στο ιστορικό μηνυμάτων σου για μεμονωμένους χαρακτήρες στα κινεζικά και τα ιαπωνικά.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Βοήθησέ μας να δοκιμάσουμε αρκετές βελτιώσεις αξιοπιστίας και απόδοσης για φωνητικές κλήσεις και βιντεοκλήσεις. Αυτή η έκδοση beta περιλαμβάνει επίσης μερικές επιδιορθώσεις σφαλμάτων και μερικές μικρές ενημερώσεις στο περιβάλλον χρήστη (ανακάλυψε τις νέες βελτιώσεις προεπισκόπησης συνδέσμου!). Σε ευχαριστούμε που είσαι δοκιμαστής beta και επικοινώνησε μαζί μας στο φόρουμ της κοινότητας εάν εντοπίσεις σφάλματα.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Τώρα όταν κάνεις λήψη μιας φωνητικής σημείωσης MP3 θα αποθηκεύεται με την κατάλληλη επέκταση αρχείου.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Ξεκίνα γρήγορα να πληκτρολογείς ένα μήνυμα αφού επισυνάψεις ένα αρχείο ή απλώς πάτα Enter/Return για να στείλεις το αρχείο χωρίς επιπλέον κλικ. Ευχαριστώ, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Το κουμπί αποστολής στη μεγάλη προβολή σύνθεσης έχει ευθυγραμμιστεί. Ευχαριστώ, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Εάν είσαι το μόνο άτομο σε μια ομάδα (μέχρι στιγμής) και προσπαθείς να ξεκινήσεις μια ομαδική κλήση, τώρα μπορείς να συμμετάσχεις στην κλήση και να αρχίσεις να μιλάς αμέσως στον εαυτό σου αντί να περιμένεις να χτυπήσει η κλήση. Ευχαριστώ, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Δες γρήγορα ποιος μιλάει κατά τη διάρκεια ομαδικών κλήσεων με μια νέα λειτουργία επισήμανσης που σου δείχνει πού να κοιτάξεις. Εάν είναι η σειρά σου να μιλήσεις, θα πρέπει να κοιτάξεις μέσα σου.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Πέρασε τέλεια με πολλά αυτοκόλλητα στο πρόγραμμα επεξεργασίας πολυμέσων που σου επιτρέπουν να προσθέσεις στιλιζαρισμένες διακοσμήσεις χρόνου στις εξερχόμενες εικόνες.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Χρησιμοποίησε το mini player για να συνεχίσεις να ακούς μεγάλα μηνύματα ακόμα και αφού μεταβείς σε διαφορετική συνομιλία.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Κάνε κλικ σε οποιαδήποτε εικόνα ή βίντεο και χρησιμοποίησε τα νέα κουμπιά Εμπρός και Πίσω στην προβολή πολυμέσων για να κάνεις μια βόλτα στις αναμνήσεις σου.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Τα φωνητικά μηνύματα αποθηκεύονται πλέον ως πρόχειρα εάν πας σε άλλη συνομιλία ενώ η εγγραφή βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Η αποστολή αυτοκόλλητου δεν προκαλεί πλέον τη διαγραφή του πρόχειρου κειμένου. Ευχαριστώ, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Θα θέλαμε επίσης να ευχαριστήσουμε τον χρήστη {norstbox} για την ευθυγράμμιση των εικονιδίων της γραμμής αναζήτησης της συζήτησης.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Cancelar",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Enviar",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "No se ha podido recibir un mensaje, sticker, adjunto, reacción o notificación de lectura de $sender$. Lo ha enviado en un chat o en un grupo común.",
"message": "No se ha podido recibir un mensaje, sticker, reacción, confirmación de lectura o archivo multimedia de $sender$. Puede haberlo enviado en un chat o en un grupo común.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "No se ha podido recibir un mensaje, sticker, adjunto, reacción o notificación de lectura de $sender$ en este chat.",
"message": "No se ha podido recibir un mensaje, sticker, reacción, confirmación de lectura o archivo multimedia de $sender$ en este chat.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ reaccionó con « $emoji$» a tu mensaje"
"message": "$sender$ reaccionó con \"$emoji$\" a tu mensaje"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reaccionó con « $emoji$» a « $message$»"
"message": "$sender$ reaccionó con \"$emoji$\" a: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Fallo al enviar",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Hoy $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Ayer $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Enlazar de nuevo"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Actualización disponible"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Vuelve a intentarlo"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Muestra la paleta de reacciones para el mensaje seleccionado",
"message": "Muestra el seleccionador de reacciones para el mensaje seleccionado",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Por favor, configura Signal en tu móvil y enlázalo con Signal Desktop para usar el Creador de Paquetes de Stickers",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "La actualización a la versión $version$ está disponible",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "No se puede cerrar Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6465,7 +6473,7 @@
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "Has reaccionado $emoji$ a una historia.",
"message": "Has reaccionado $emoji$ a una historia",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Desactiva la detección de números de teléfono en Ajustes > Privacidad > Número de teléfono > Quién puede encontrar mi número, para usar tu alias como la forma principal en que otras personas pueden comunicarse contigo.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Pequeños ajustes, soluciones a errores y mejoras al desempeño. ¡Gracias por usar Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Trabajando duro para solucionar errores y hacer otras mejoras al desempeño para que la app te funcione sin problema.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Empieza a usar y probar nuestra nueva función de historias. Puedes usar la función con otros probadores beta y decirnos qué tal funciona.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "¡Ya han llegado las historias a Signal! Comparte historias temporales de texto, imagen y vídeo con aquellas personas o grupos que tú quieras. Las historias desaparecerán automáticamente después de 24 horas. Para aquellas personas que no pueden vivir sin compartir historias, aquí hay la manera de hacerlo con privacidad y sin anuncios. Si no quieres ver o compartir historias, puedes desactivar esta función en tus Preferencias > Privacidad.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Cuando se inicia una llamada de grupo para grupos pequeños (hasta 16 personas), tienes la opción de enviar una notificación de llamada. Los miembros del grupo escucharán un timbre si están en la versión beta de iOS o si utilizan Desktop o Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Haz doble clic en cualquier mensaje en un chat para iniciar una respuesta citada. Es un atajo para expresar nuevos pensamientos acerca de ideas viejas. Gracias a {whynothugo} y a la comunidad de Signal por implementar esta función y enviar comentarios.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Ahora es más fácil hacer clic fuera de una imagen para descartar la vista de galería sin hacer zoom. A veces solo querías cerrar y, en cambio, las cosas se acercaban demasiado. ¡Gracias a {jojomatik} por la solución!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Acelera tu tiempo de respuesta. Ahora puedes reaccionar más rápido haciendo clic en cualquier emoji al responder a una historia.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Ahora es posible buscar en tu historial de mensajes caracteres individuales en chino y japonés.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Ayúdanos a probar varias mejoras de fiabilidad y rendimiento para llamadas de voz y vídeo. Esta versión beta también incluye algunas correcciones de errores y algunas pequeñas actualizaciones de la interfaz de usuario (¡descubre las nuevas mejoras de vista previa del enlace!). Gracias por ser un probador beta y contarnos si detectas algún error en el foro de la comunidad.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Ahora, cuando descargues una nota de voz MP3, se guardará con la extensión de archivo adecuada.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Comienza rápidamente a escribir un mensaje después de adjuntar un archivo, o simplemente presiona Enter/Regresar para enviar el archivo sin ningún clic adicional. ¡Gracias, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "El botón Enviar en la vista de composición grande se ha alineado. ¡Gracias, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Si eres la única persona en un grupo (hasta ahora) e intentas iniciar una llamada grupal, ahora puedes unirte a la llamada y comenzar a hablar contigo mismx de inmediato en lugar de esperar a que suene la llamada. ¡Gracias, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Ve rápidamente quién está hablando durante las llamadas grupales con una nueva función destacada que te muestra dónde buscar. Si es tu turno de hablar, tendrás que mirar dentro.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Pásalo como nunca con varios stickers en el editor de archivos multimedia que te permitirá añadir decoraciones de tiempo estilizadas en las imágenes salientes.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Utiliza el minirreproductor de notas de voz para seguir escuchando mensajes largos incluso después de cambiar a un chat diferente.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Haz clic en cualquier imagen o vídeo y usa los nuevos botones Adelante y Atrás en el visor de archivos multimedia para dar un paseo visual por los rincones de la memoria.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Las notas de voz ahora se guardan como borradores si cambias a otro chat mientras una grabación está en curso.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Enviar un sticker ya no hace que se borre el texto que estabas escribiendo. ¡Gracias, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "También nos gustaría darle las gracias a {norstbox} por volver a alinear los iconos de la barra de búsqueda de conversaciones.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Loobu",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Saada",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Sõnumi, kleepsu, reaktsiooni, lugemisteate või meediafaili kontaktilt $sender$ sulle saatmine ei õnnestunud. Nad võisid püüda saata seda sulle otse või grupi kaudu.",
"message": "Kontakt $sender$ saatis sulle sõnumi, kleepsu, reaktsiooni, lugemisteate või meediafaili, kuid see ei jõudnud pärale. Ta võis püüda saata seda sulle otse või grupi kaudu.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Sõnumi, kleepsu, reaktsiooni, lugemisteate või meediafaili selles vestluses sulle saatmine kontaktilt $sender$ ei õnnestunud.",
"message": "Kontakt $sender$ saatis sulle sõnumi, kleepsu, reaktsiooni, lugemisteate või meediafaili, kuid see ei jõudnud pärale.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ reageeris $emoji$ sinu sõnumile"
"message": "$sender$ reageeris sinu sõnumile: $emoji$"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reageeris $emoji$ sõnumile: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ reageeris sõnumile $message$: $emoji$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Saatmine ei õnnestunud",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Täna $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Eile $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Märkus endale",
"message": "Meelespea endale",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Ühenda uuesti"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Uuendus on saadaval"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Proovi uuesti uuendada"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Kleebiste komplekti loomiskeskkonna kasutamiseks pead seadistama Signali nii enda telefonis kui arvutis",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Versioonile $version$ on uuendus saadaval",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signalit ei saa sulgeda.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Lülita oma telefoninumbri nähtavus välja, valides Sätted > Privaatsus > Telefoninumber > Kes mu numbrit näevad, et muuta kasutajanimi peamiseks viisiks, mille abil sind leida.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Väikesed muudatused, vigade parandused ja jõudluse täiustused. Aitäh, et kasutad Signalit!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Anname endast parima, et vigu parandada ning jõudlust suurendada, muutes nii rakenduse tööd sujuvamaks.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Proovi ja testi meie uut lugude funktsiooni. Saad seda funktsiooni koos teiste beetatestijatega proovidega ning meiega oma kogemusi jagada.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Lood on Signalisse jõudnud! Jaga valitud sõprade või gruppidega kaduvaid sõnumeid, pilte ja videoid, mis 24 tunni pärast automaatselt kustutatakse. Kõigil, kellele meeldib lugusid jagada, on nüüd võimalus teha seda privaatselt ja ilma reklaame nägemata. Kui sa ei taha lugusid näha või jagada, võid teha vastava valiku siin: Sätted > Privaatsus",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kui alustad grupikõnet väikese grupiga (kuni 16 inimest), on sul võimalik saata heliteavitus. Grupi liikmed kuulevad helinat, kui nad kasutavad iOS betat, Desktopi või Androidi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Kui soovid sõnumit tsiteerida ja sellele vastata, topeltklõpsa mis tahes sõnumireale vestluses. See on nagu otsetee, millega vanade ideede kohta uusi mõtteid väljendada. Täname selle funktsiooni elluviimise ja tagasisidestamise eest kasutajat {whynothugo} ja Signali kogukonda.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nüüd on lihtsam pildi välisservale toksata ja galeriivaatest väljuda, selle asemel et pilti suurendada. Enne kippus juhtuma, et kui sina püüdsid pilti sulgeda, näitas rakendus seda sulle veel lähemalt. Täname kasutajat {jojomatik}, kes asja korda tegi!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Vasta kiiremini. Nüüd saad kiiremini reageerida. Selleks klõpsa loole vastates ükskõik millisele emojile.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Nüüd saad oma sõnumite ajaloost otsida konkreetseid hiina ja jaapani kirjamärke.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Aita meil testida hääl- ja videokõnede usaldusväärsust ja toimimist. Selles beetaväljalaskes on mõned veaparandused ja mõned väikesed kasutajaliidese uuendused (vt täiustusi uue lingi eelvaatest). Aitäh, et oled meie beetatestija ning palun anna meile kogukonnafoorumis märku, kui mõne vea leiad.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Nüüd salvestatakse alla laetud häälsõnum õige faililaiendiga.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Alusta kohe pärast faili lisamist sõnumit trükkimist või klõpsa lihtsalt Enter/Return, et saata fail teele ilma ühegi lisaliigutuseta. Aitäh, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Saatmisnupp tekstiakna suures vaates on joondatud. Aitäh, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Kui oled (seni) ainus grupiliige ja tahad alustada grupikõnet, saad nüüd kohe kõnega liituda ja endaga rääkima hakata, ilma et peaksid helisemist ära ootama. Aitäh, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Näe grupikõnes kohe, kes räägib. Uus esiletõstu funktsioon näitab sulle, millises suunas vaadata. Kui on sinu kord rääkida, pead lihtsalt enesesse vaatama.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Ole loov ja lisa saadetavatele piltidele meedia redigeerimise tööriistas erinevaid kleebiseid ja kaunistusi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Kuula pikki sõnumeid häälsõnumite minipleieriga edasi, isegi kui oled ise juba teise vestluse avanud.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Klõpsa mis tahes pildile või videole ning taaskülasta meediavaaturis Edasi ja Tagasi nuppude abil oma mäletusi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Kui avad häälsõnumi salvestamise ajal teise vestluse, salvestatakse häälsõnum nüüd mustandina.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Mustandis olnud tekst ei kustu enam kleebise saatmisel. Aitäh, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Täname ka kasutajat {norstbox}, kes parandas vestluse otsinguriba ikoonide joondatuse.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Utzi",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Bidali",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Erreakzionatu Mezarekiko",
"message": "Bidali erreakzio bat mezuari",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Ezin izan zaizu entregatu $sender$(r)en mezu, sticker, erreakzio, irakurragiri edo multimedia-fitxategi bat. Agian zuzenean bidali nahi izan dizu, edo talde batean.",
"message": "Ezin izan dizugu entregatu $sender$ erabiltzailearen mezu, sticker, erreakzio, irakurragiri edo multimedia-fitxategi bat. Baliteke zuzenean edo talde batean bidaltzen saiatu izatea.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Ezin izan dizugu entregatu $sender$(r)en mezu, sticker, erreakzio, irakurragiri edo multimedia-fitxategi bat txat honetan.",
"message": "Ezin izan dizugu entregatu $sender$ erabiltzailearen mezu, sticker, erreakzio, irakurragiri edo multimedia-fitxategi bat txat honetan.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$emoji$: $sender$ erabiltzailearen zure mezuarekiko erreakzioa"
"message": "$sender$ erabiltzaileak errakzio hau bidali dio zure mezuari: $emoji$"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$emoji$ izan da $sender$ erabiltzailearen erreakzioa honekiko: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ erabiltzaileak $emoji$ erreakzioa bidali dio honi: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Bidaltzeak huts egin du",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Gaur $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Atzo $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Birlotu"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Eguneratze bat dago"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Saiatu berriro eguneratzen"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Aktibatu/Desaktibatu hautatutako mezurako emoji-erreakzioak aukeratzeko tresna",
"message": "Erakutsi/Ezkutatu emoji bidezko erreakzioen hautatzailea hautatutako mezuan",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Eranskailu-paketeen sortzailea erabili ahal izateko, konfiguratu Signal telefonoan eta ordenagailuan",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Errakzioa bidaltzeak huts egin du. Mesedez, saia zaitez berriro.",
"message": "Ezin izan da bidali erreakzioa. Saiatu berriro.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Eguneratu $version$eskuragarri dagoen bertsiora",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Ezin da Signal itxi",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5993,7 +6001,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "Eman zure istorioa ikus dezakeen jendeari erreakzionatu eta erantzuteko aukera.",
"message": "Eman zure istorioa ikus dezakeen jendeari erreakzioak bidali eta erantzuteko aukera.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6281,11 +6289,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "Bidali istorioari buruzko erreakzio bat",
"message": "Bidali erreakzio bat istorioari",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "Istorioari buruzko erreakzio bat bidali duzu",
"message": "Erreakzio bat bidali dio istorioari",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,23 +6457,23 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "$name$(r)en istorio bati buruzko erreakzio bat bidali duzu",
"message": "$name$ erabiltzailearen istorio bati erreakzio bat bidali dio",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "Istorio bati buruzko erreakzio bat bidali duzu",
"message": "Erreakzio bat bidali dio istorio bati",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "$emoji$ emojiarekin erreakzionatu du zure istorioa ikustean",
"message": "Erreakzio hau bidali dio zure istorioari: $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "$emoji$ emojiarekin erreakzionatu duzu $name$(r)en istorioa ikustean",
"message": "Erreakzio hau bidali diozu $name$ erabiltzailearen istorio bati: $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "$emoji$ emojiarekin erreakzionatu duzu istorio bat ikustean",
"message": "Erreakzio hau bidali diozu istorio bati: $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Desaktibatu telefono-zenbakia aurkitzeko aukera Ezarpenak > Pribatutasuna > Telefono-zenbakia > Nork aurki dezake nire zenbakia atalean. Horrela, jendeak zure erabiltzaile-izena erabiliko du zurekin harremanetan jartzeko modu nagusi gisa.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Doikuntza txikiak, akats-konponketak eta errendimendu-hobekuntzak. Eskerrik asko Signal erabiltzeagatik!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Gogor ari gara lanean akatsak konpontzeko eta bestelako errendimendu-hobekuntzak egiteko, aplikazioa arazorik gabe erabili ahal izan dezazun.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Hasi istorioen eginbide berria erabiltzen eta probatzen. Beste beta-probatzaile batzuekin erabil dezakezu, eta guri nola dabilen jakinarazi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Istorioak Signal-era iritsi dira! Partekatu 24 orduren buruan automatikoki desagertzen diren testuak, irudiak eta bideoen-eguneratzeak lagun edo talde jakinekin. Istorioak partekatzea maite duten guztientzat, hona hemen horretarako modu pribatu eta iragarkirik gabea. Istorioak ikusi edo partekatu nahi ez badituzu, aldatu ezarpenak Hobespenak > Pribatutasuna atalean.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Gehienez 16 pertsona dituen talde txiki batekin talde-dei bat hasten duzunean, tonu-jakinarazpen bat bidaltzea aukera dezakezu. Taldeko kideak iOS-erako beta, ordenagailua edo Android erabiltzen ari badira, tonu bat entzungo dute.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Aipamen batekin erantzuteko, egin klik bikoitza txat bateko edozein mezu-errenkadatan. Ideia zaharrei buruzko pentsamendu berrietarako lasterbide bat bezalakoa da. Eskerrik asko {whynothugo} eta Signal-eko komunitateari eginbide hau inplementatzeagatik eta iritzia emateagatik.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Orain errazagoa da irudi batetik kanpo klik egitea galeriaren ikuspegitik irteteko, zooma handitu gabe. Lehen, irudi bat ixten saiatzean, itxi ordez handitu egiten zen batzuetan. Eskerrik asko, {jojomatik}, arazoa konpontzeagatik!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Erantzun bizkorrago. Orain, bizkorrago erreakziona dezakezu, istorio bati erantzutean edozein emojiren gainean klik eginez.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Orain, txinera eta japonierazko karaktere indibidualak bila daitezke mezuen historian.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Lagun iezaguzu ahots-dei eta bideodeien hainbat fidagarritasun- eta errendimendu-hobekuntza probatzen. Beta-bertsio honek akats batzuk konpontzen ditu, eta interfazeko eguneraketa txiki batzuk ere badakartza (bilatu esteka-aurreikuspenen hobekuntza berriak!). Eskerrik asko beta-probatzaile izateagatik. Akatsen bat ikusten baduzu, jarri gurekin harremanetan komunitatearen foroan.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Orain, MP3 formtuko ahots-ohar bat deskargatzen duzunean, fitxategi-luzapen egokiarekin gordeko da.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Fitxategi bat erantsi ondoren, hasi azkar mezu bat idazten, edo sakatu Sartu/Itzuli fitxategia klik gehigarririk gabe bidaltzeko. Eskerrik asko, {zyphlar} !",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Idazteko ikuspegi handiko bidalketa-botoia lerrokatu egin da. Eskerrik asko, {hackerbirds} !",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Talde bateko pertsona bakarra bazara (momentuz) eta taldeko dei bat egiten saiatzen bazara, deian sartu, eta zeure buruarekin hitz egiten has zaitezke, dei-tonuak jo arte itxaron beharrik gabe. Eskerrik asko, {lamemakes} !",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Nora begiratu behar duzun erakusten dizun nabarmentze-eginbide berriari esker, ikusi azkar nor ari den hitz egiten taldeko deietan. Hitz egiteko zure txanda bada, zeure buruari begiratu beharko diozu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Ondo pasa eranskailuekin! Multimedia-editorearekin, denborari buruzko apaingarri estilizatuak gehitu ahalko dituzu irteerako mezuetan.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Erabili ahots-oharren erreproduzigailu txikia mezu luzeak entzuten jarraitzeko, beste txat batera aldatu ondoren ere.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Memoria freskatzeko, egin klik edozein argazki edo bideotan eta erabili multimedia-ikustailean aurrera eta atzera egiteko botoi berriak.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Grabaketa bat abian dagoen bitartean beste txat batera bazoaz, ahots-mezuak zirriborro gisa gordetzen dira.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Orain, eranskailu bat bidalita ere, ez da ezabatuko zirriborroaren testua. Eskerrik asko, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Eskerrik asko, {norstbox}, elkarrizketak bilatzeko barrako ikonoak berriro lerrokatzeagatik.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "لغو",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "ارسال",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "یک پیام، استیکر، واکنش، رسید خوانده شدن، یا رسانه از $sender$ نتوانست به شما تحویل داده شود. آنها ممکن است آن را به طور مستقیم، یا در یک گروه به شما ارسال کرده باشند.",
"message": "یک پیام، استیکر، واکنش، رسید خوانده شدن، یا رسانه از $sender$ قابل تحویل به شما نبود. ممکن است سعی کرده باشند آن را بهطور مستقیم یا در یک گروه به شما ارسال کنند.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "یک پیام، استیکر، واکنش، رسید خوانده شدن، یا رسانه از $sender$ نتوانست به شما در این گفتگو تحویل داده شود.",
"message": "یک پیام، استیکر، واکنش، رسید خوانده شدن، یا رسانه از $sender$ در این گفتگو قابل تحویل به شما نبود.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$به پیام شما واکنش $emoji$ نشان داد"
"message": "$sender$ با $emoji$ به پیام شما واکنش نشان داد"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ به $message$ واکنش $emoji$ نشان داد"
"message": "$sender$ با $emoji$ به $message$ واکنش نشان داد"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "ارسال ناموفق بود",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "امروز $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "دیروز $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "پیوند دادن دوباره"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "بهروزرسانی موجود است"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "دوباره بهروزرسانی کنید"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "باز و بسته کردن گزینشگر ایموجی برای پیام انتخاب شده",
"message": "باز و بسته کردن انتخابگر واکنش ایموجی برای پیام انتخابشده",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "لطفاً برای استفاده از سازنده بسته استیکر، سیگنال را روی تلفن و دسکتاپ خود نصب کنید",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "ناموفقیت در ارسال واکنش. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید.",
"message": "واکنش ارسال نشد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "بهروزرسانی به نسخهٔ $version$ موجود است",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "سیگنال بسته نمی شود",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6285,7 +6293,7 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "به استوری واکنش نشان داده شد",
"message": "به استوری واکنش نشان داد",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,15 +6457,15 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "واکنش به استوری $name$",
"message": "به استوری $name$ واکنش نشان داد",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "به یک استوری واکنش نشان داده شد",
"message": "به یک استوری واکنش نشان داد",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "با $emoji$ به استوری شما واکنش نشان داده شد",
"message": "با $emoji$ به استوری شما واکنش نشان داد",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "برای استفاده از نام کاربریتان بهعنوان راه اصلی تماس افراد با شما، در «تنظیمات» > «حریم خصوصی» > «شماره تلفن» > «چهکسی میتواند من را با شماره تلفنم پیدا کند»، کشف شماره تلفن را خاموش کنید.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "تغییرات کوچک، رفع اشکالات و بهبود عملکرد. بابت استفاده از سیگنال سپاسگزاریم!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "سخت در تلاش برای رفع اشکالات و ایجاد سایر بهبودهای عملکردی بهمنظور حفظ عملکرد روان برنامه برای شما.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "شروع به استفاده و آزمایش قابلیت جدید استوریهای ما کنید. میتوانید همزمان با سایر آزمایشکنندگان بتا از این قابلیت استفاده کنید و نحوه عملکرد آن را به ما اطلاع دهید.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "اکنون استوریها در سیگنال هستند! بهروزرسانیهای ناپدیدشونده متنی، تصویری و ویدیویی را که بهطور خودکار پس از ۲۴ ساعت ناپدید میشوند، با دوستان یا گروههای منتخب همرسانی کنید. برای همه کسانی که عاشق همرسانی استوری هستند، راهی برای انجام این کار به صورت خصوصی و بدون مشاهده تبلیغات وجود دارد. اگر نمیخواهید استوریها را ببینید یا همرسانی کنید، میتوانید در «ترجیحات > حریم خصوصی» از همه آنها انصراف دهید.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "وقتی یک تماس گروهی در گروههای کوچک (حداکثر ۱۶ نفر) شروع میکنید، میتوانید انتخاب کنید که اعلان زنگ ارسال شود. اگر اعضای گروه نسخه بتای iOS داشته باشند یا از دسکتاپ یا اندروید استفاده کنند، صدای زنگ را خواهند شنید.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "برای شروع یک پاسخ نقلقولی، دو بار روی هر یک از ردیفهای پیام در گفتگو کلیک کنید. این به مانند میانبُری است برای ثبت نظرات جدید درباره ایدههای قدیمی. با تشکر از {whynothugo} و جامعه سیگنال برای اجرای این قابلیت و ارائه بازخورد.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "حالا دیگر آسانتر از قبل میتوانید بیرون یک تصویر کلیک کنید تا از نمای گالری خارج شوید و دیگر ناخواسته جایی از تصویر را بزرگنمایی نکنید. گاهی اوقات فقط میخواستید تصویر را ببندید ولی در عوض بازترش میکردید. با سپاس از {jojomatik} برای این رفع اشکال!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "پاسخ دادن خود را سرعت ببخشید. حالا میتوانید هنگام پاسخ دادن به استوری، با کلیک روی هر ایموجی واکنش سریعتری به استوری نشان دهید.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "حالا دیگر میتوانید نویسههای تکی زبانهای چینی و ژاپنی را در تاریخچه پیامتان جستجو کنید.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "به ما کمک کنید چند بهبود عملکرد و اطمینانپذیری را برای تماسهای صوتی و تصویری آزمایش کنیم. این نسخه بتا چند رفع اشکال و چند بهروزرسانی جزئی رابط کاربری را نیز شامل میشود (بهبودهای جدید پیشنمایش پیوند را ببینید!). از اینکه آزمایشکننده بتا هستید سپاسگزاریم؛ لطفاً در صورت پیدا کردن هرگونه اشکال، با ما در تالار گفتگوی انجمن در تماس باشید.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "شما که محتوای ناقض کپیرایت بارگیری نمیکنید، اما حالا هر یادداشت صوتی MP3 که بارگیری میکنید با افزونه فایل مناسب ذخیره خواهد شد.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "بلافاصله پس از پیوست کردن فایل، شروع به نوشتن پیام کنید یا برای ارسال فایل بدون کلیک بیشتر، روی «اینتر/ریترن» بزنید. سپاس، {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "دکمه ارسال در نمای نگارش بزرگ، تراز شده است. سپاس، {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "اگر (فعلاً) تنها فرد گروه هستید و سعی دارید تماس گروهی برقرار کنید، حالا میتوانید به جای اینکه منتظر زنگ خوردن تماس بمانید، بلافاصله به تماس بپیوندید و با خودتان حرف بزنید. سپاس، {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "با قابلیت برجستهسازی جدید که نشانتان میدهد کجا را باید نگاه کنید، در تماسهای گروهی سریعاً بفهمید که چهکسی در حال صحبت کردن است. اگر نوبت شماست که صحبت کنید، باید حواستان باشد.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "با استیکرهای متعدد در ویرایشگر رسانه که به شما امکان تزئینات شکیل ساعت روی تصاویر ارسالی را میدهد، حسابی کیف کنید.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "با استفاده از پخشکننده کوچک یادداشت صوتی به گوش کردن به پیامهای طولانی ادامه بدهید، حتی وقتی از یک گفتگو به گفتگویی دیگر میروید.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "برای قدم زدن در میان خاطرات تصویریتان، روی هر تصویر یا ویدیو کلیک کنید و از دکمههای جدید «رفتن به جلو» و «رفتن به عقب» استفاده کنید.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "اگر در حالیکه ضبط در حال انجام است به گفتگوی دیگری بروید، از این پس پیامهای صوتی شما بهعنوان پیشنویس ذخیره میشوند.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "ارسال استیکرها دیگر موجب پاک شدن متن پیشنویس نمیشود. سپاس، {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "همچنین از {norstbox} بابت برگرداندن تراز نمادهای نوار جستجوی مکالمه سپاسگزاریم.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Peruuta",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Lähetä",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@
"message": "$sender$ lähetti reaktion $emoji$ viestiisi"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ lähetti reaktion $emoji$ viestiin $message$"
"message": "$sender$ lähetti reaktion $emoji$ viestiin: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Lähetys epäonnistui",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Tänään $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Eilen $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Yhdistä uudelleen"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Päivitys saatavilla"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Yritä päivitystä uudelleen"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Asenna Signal puhelimeesi ja tietokoneelle, jotta voit käyttää tarrapakettityökalua",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Päivitä saatavilla olevaan versioon $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signalia ei voi sulkea.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5993,7 +6001,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "Anna tarinasi katsoneiden ihmisten reagoida ja vastata.",
"message": "Anna henkilöiden, jotka voivat nähdä tarinasi, reagoida ja vastata.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6461,7 +6469,7 @@
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "Lähetit reaktion $emoji$ käyttäjän $name$ tarinaan",
"message": "Lähetit reaktion $emoji$ henkilön $name$ tarinaan",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Poista puhelinnumerohaku käytöstä kohdassa Asetukset > Yksityisyys > Puhelinnumero > Kuka voi löytää numeroni, jos haluat käyttää käyttäjänimeä ensisijaisena tapana, jonka avulla muut voivat ottaa sinuun yhteyttä.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Pieniä säätöjä, virheenkorjauksia ja suorituskykyparannuksia. Kiitos, että käytät Signalia!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Teemme kovasti töitä korjataksemme virheitä ja parantaaksemme suorituskykyä, jotta sinä voisit käyttää sovellusta entistä sujuvammin.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Aloita uuden Tarinat-ominaisuuden käyttö ja kokeilu. Voit käyttää ominaisuutta muiden beetaversion käyttäjien kanssa ja antaa meille palautetta sen toiminnasta.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Tarinat ovat nyt käytettävissä Signalissa! Jaa katoavia teksti-, kuva- ja videopäivityksiä valituille ystäville tai ryhmille. Tarinat katoavat automaattisesti 24 tunnin kuluttua. Jos pidät tarinoiden jakamisesta, näin voit tehdä sen yksityisesti ja ilman mainoksia. Jos et halua nähdä tai jakaa tarinoita, voit poistaa ne kokonaan käytöstä kohdassa Asetukset > Yksityisyys.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kun aloitat ryhmäpuhelun pienelle ryhmälle (enintään 16 henkilöä), voit halutessasi lähettää soittoilmoituksen. Ryhmän jäsenet kuulevat soittoäänen, jos he käyttävät iOS-beetaversiota, työpöytäversiota tai Androidia.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Aloita lainattu vastaus kaksoisnapsauttamalla keskustelussa mitä tahansa viestiriviä. Se toimii kuin oikotie: vanhoista ideoista syntyy uusia ajatuksia. Kiitos {whynothugo} ja Signal-yhteisö tämän ominaisuuden toteuttamisesta ja palautteesta.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nyt voit helpommin poistua gallerianäkymästä napsauttamalla kuvan ulkopuolella, sillä napsautus ei enää lähennä kuvaa. Joskus ehkä halusit vain sulkea kuvan etkä suurentaa sitä entisestään. Kiitos {jojomatik}, että korjasit ongelman!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Reagoi nopeammin. Voit nyt reagoida nopeammin napsauttamalla mitä tahansa emojia tarinaan vastatessasi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Viestihistoriasta voi nyt hakea yksittäisiä kiinan- ja japaninkielisiä merkkejä.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Auta meitä testaamaan useita ääni- ja videopuheluiden luotettavuuteen ja suorituskykyyn liittyviä parannuksia. Tämä beetaversio sisältää myös muutamia virheenkorjauksia ja pieniä käyttöliittymäpäivityksiä (tarkista linkin esikatseluun tehdyt parannukset!). Kiitos, että toimit beetatestaajana. Ota meihin yhteyttä yhteisön keskustelupalstalla, jos huomaat virheitä.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Kun nyt lataat MP3-äänimuistiinpanon, se tallennetaan oikealla tiedostotunnisteella.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Voit aloittaa viestin kirjoittamisen nopeasti tiedoston liittämisen jälkeen tai lähettää tiedoston napsauttamalla vain Enter/Return-painiketta. Kiitos {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Lähetyspainikkeen asettelua suuressa luontinäkymässä on muokattu. Kiitos {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Jos olet (toistaiseksi) ryhmän ainoa jäsen ja yrität aloittaa ryhmäpuhelun, voit nyt liittyä puheluun ja aloittaa itsellesi puhumisen heti odottamatta puhelun soimista. Kiitos {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Uuden korostusominaisuuden ansiosta voit nyt nopeasti nähdä, kuka puhuu ryhmäpuhelun aikana. Jos on sinun vuorosi puhua, sinun on katsottava itseäsi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Nyt on aika pitää hauskaa: mediaeditorin tarroilla voit lisätä tyylikkäitä aikakoristeluja lähteviin kuviin.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Jatka pitkien viestien kuuntelua äänimuistiinpanojen minisoittimella jopa silloin, kun siirryt toiseen keskusteluun.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Napsauta mitä tahansa kuvaa tai videota ja käytä mediakatseluohjelman uusia Eteenpäin- ja Taaksepäin-painikkeita, jos haluat muistella menneitä.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Ääniviestit tallennetaan nyt luonnoksina, jos siirryt toiseen keskusteluun tallennuksen aikana.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Tarran lähettäminen ei enää tyhjennä luonnostekstiä. Kiitos {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Haluamme myös kiittää käyttäjää {norstbox} siitä, että keskustelun hakupalkin kuvakkeiden asettelu on kunnossa.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Annuler",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Envoyer",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Un message, un autocollant, une réaction ou un accusé de lecture de $sender$ n’a pas pu vous être remis dans cette conversation.",
"message": "Un message, un autocollant, une réaction, un accusé de lecture ou un contenu multimédia de $sender$ n’a pas pu vous être remis dans cette conversation.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ a réagi $emoji$ à votre message"
"message": "$sender$ a réagi par $emoji$ à votre message"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ a réagi $emoji$ à : $message$"
"message": "$sender$ a réagi par $emoji$ à : $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Échec d’envoi",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Aujourd’hui $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Hier $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Relier de nouveau"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Une mise à jour est proposée"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Retenter la mise à jour"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Veuillez configurer Signal sur votre téléphone et votre ordinateur pour utiliser l’outil de création de packs d’autocollants",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Une mise à jour vers la version $version$ est proposée",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal ne peut pas être fermé.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "Envoyer une réaction",
"message": "Réaction en cours…",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -6457,7 +6465,7 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "$emoji$utilisateurs ont réagi à votre Story",
"message": "A réagi par $emoji$ à votre Story",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Désactivez la découverte du numéro de téléphone dans les Paramètres > Confidentialité > Numéro de téléphone > Qui peut trouver mon numéro, pour utiliser votre nom d’utilisateur comme principal moyen pour les autres utilisateurs de vous contacter.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Petits ajustements, corrections de bugs et améliorations des performances. Nous vous remercions d’utiliser Signal !",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Nous travaillons sans relâche à la correction des bugs et à l'amélioration des performances afin de garantir le bon fonctionnement de l'application.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Testez notre nouvelle fonction stories dès maintenant. Vous pouvez utiliser cette fonction avec d’autres testeurs de la version bêta et nous donner votre avis.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Les stories sont disponibles sur Signal ! Partagez du texte, des images et des vidéos éphémères qui disparaissent automatiquement après 24 heures avec une sélection d’amis ou de groupes. Pour tous ceux qui aiment partager des Stories, voici un moyen de le faire en privé et sans voir de publicité. Si vous ne souhaitez pas voir ou partager des Stories, vous pouvez les désactiver dans Préférences > Réglages.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Lorsque vous organisez un appel de groupe pour un petit groupe (jusqu'à 16 participants), vous avez la possibilité d'envoyer une notification sonore. Les membres du groupe entendront une sonnerie s'ils utilisent la version Desktop, la version Android ou la version bêta d'iOS.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Double-cliquez sur n’importe quel message pour y répondre. Il s’agit en gros d’une fonction vous permettant de partager vos idées à propos d’anciens sujets. Nous souhaitons remercier {whynothugo} et la communauté Signal pour avoir mis en œuvre cette fonctionnalité et partagé leurs retours.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Cliquer en dehors de l’image vous permettra désormais de quitter la vue galerie au lieu de zoomer dessus. En fermant une page, vous vous retrouviez avec tout en grand. Nous souhaitons remercier {jojomatik} pour avoir corrigé ce bug !",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Accélérez votre temps de réponse. Vous pouvez désormais réagir plus rapidement en appuyant sur l'émoji de votre choix pour répondre à une Story.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Il vous est désormais possible de rechercher des caractères individuels dans l'historique des messages en chinois et en japonais.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Aidez-nous à tester plusieurs améliorations concernant la fiabilité et les performances, pour les appels vocaux et vidéo. Cette version bêta comprend également des corrections de bug et quelques mises à jour mineures de l’interface utilisateur (découvrez les nouvelles améliorations de l’aperçu des liens !) Merci d’avoir testé la version bêta. Veuillez nous contacter dans le forum de la communauté si vous repérez des problèmes.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Désormais, lorsque vous téléchargerez un message vocal MP3, il sera sauvegardé au format approprié.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Saisissez votre message après y avoir joint un fichier ou appuyez sur Entrée/Retour pour envoyer le fichier directement. Merci, {zyphlar} !",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Le bouton d’envoi sur l’écran de composition des messages a été aligné. Merci, {hackerbirds} !",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Si vous êtes la seule personne d’un groupe (au départ) et que vous tentez de lancer un appel de groupe, vous pouvez désormais rejoindre directement l’appel et commencer à parler à vous-même immédiatement au lieu d’attendre la tonalité. Merci, {lamemakes} !",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Identifiez rapidement la personne qui parle pendant les appels de groupe grâce à une nouvelle fonction de surbrillance qui vous indique où regarder. Si c’est votre tour de parler, regardez droit dans votre webcam.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Amusez-vous grâce aux nombreux autocollants de l’éditeur de médias qui vous permettent de décorer les images que vous envoyez.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Utilisez le mini-lecteur de messages vocaux pour continuer à écouter les longs messages même après avoir changé de conversation.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Cliquez sur n’importe quelle image ou vidéo et utilisez les nouveaux boutons Précédent/Suivant dans la visionneuse de contenus pour voyager dans le temps.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Les messages vocaux sont désormais sauvegardés en tant que brouillon si vous vous rendez dans une autre conversation pendant que vous enregistrez votre message.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "L’envoi d’un autocollant ne supprimera plus le message sauvegardé en tant que brouillon. Merci, {lamemakes} !",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Nous tenons également à remercier {norstbox} pour avoir réaligné les icônes de la barre de recherche des conversations.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Cuir ar ceal",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Seol",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "A message, sticker, reaction, read receipt or media couldn’t be delivered to you from $sender$. They may have tried sending it to you directly, or in a group.",
"message": "Níorbh fhéidir teachtaireacht, greamán, freagairt, admháil léite nó meán a sheachadadh chugat ó $sender$. Seans go ndearna an duine iarracht í/é a sheoladh chugat go díreach, nó i ngrúpa.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "A message, sticker, reaction, read receipt or media couldn’t be delivered to you from $sender$ in this chat.",
"message": "Níorbh fhéidir teachtaireacht, greamán, freagairt, admháil léite nó meán a sheachadadh chugat ó $sender$ sa chomhrá seo.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Inniu $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Inné $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Nóta Pearsanta",
"message": "Nóta Chugam Féin",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Athnasc"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Nuashonrú ar fáil"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Atriail nuashonrú"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Socraigh Signal ar do ghuthán agus ríomhaire deisce leis an gCruthaitheoir Beart Greamán a úsáid",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Nuashonrú chuig an leagan $version$ ar fáil",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Ní féidir Signal a dhúnadh.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5985,11 +5993,11 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "Freagraí agus Freagairtí",
"message": "Freagraí agus freagairtí",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "Ceadaigh Freagraí agus Freagairtí",
"message": "Ceadaigh freagraí agus freagairtí",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6281,11 +6289,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "Tabhair freagairt ar an scéal",
"message": "Tabhair freagairt do scéal",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "Tugadh freagairt ar an scéal",
"message": "Tugadh freagairt don scéal",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,11 +6457,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "Tugadh freagairt ar scéal ó $name$",
"message": "Tugadh freagairt do scéal le $name$",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "Tugadh freagairt ar scéal",
"message": "Tugadh freagairt do scéal",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Cas as aimsiú uimhreacha gutháin faoi Shocruithe > Príobháideachas > Uimhir Ghutháin > Na daoine ar féidir leo m'uimhir a aimsiú, chun d'ainm úsáideora a úsáid mar an príomhbhealach ag daoine chun teagmháil a dhéanamh leat.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Mionathruithe, paistí fabhtanna agus feabhsuithe ar fheidhmíocht. Go raibh maith agat as Signal a úsáid!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Ag obair go crua ar fhabhtanna a réiteach agus ar fheabhsúcháin feidhmíochta eile chun an aip a choinneáil ar rith gan stró duit.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Tosaigh ar úsáid agus ar thástáil ár ngné scéalta nua. Is féidir leat an ghné a úsáid i gcomhar le tástálaithe eile béite agus sinn a chur ar an eolas maidir lena feidhmiú.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Tá Scéalta in Signal anois! Comhroinn le cairde nó grúpaí ar leith téacs, íomhánna agus nuashonruithe ar fhíseáin a imíonn as radharc go huathoibríoch tar éis 24 uair an chloig. Seo bealach chun scéalta a chomhroinnt go príobháideach agus gan aon fhógraí a fheiceáil, dóibh siúd go léir ar breá leo scéalta a chomhroinnt. Mura mian leat scéalta a fheiceáil ná a chomhroinnt, is féidir leat gan an méid uile a roghnú i Sainroghanna > Príobháideachas.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Nuair a thosaíonn tú ar ghlao grúpa do ghrúpaí beaga (suas le 16 duine), is féidir leat a roghnú fógra glaoigh a sheoladh. Cluinfidh baill den ghrúpa glaoch má tá siad ar an mbéite iOS nó ag úsáid Ríomhaire deisce nó Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Cliceáil faoi dhó ar aon ró teachtaireachta i gcomhrá chun tús a chur le freagra luaite. Tá sé mar a bheadh aicearra le haghaidh smaointe nua faoi sheanchuimhnimh. Buíochas le {whynothugo} agus le pobal Signal as an ngné seo a chur i bhfeidhm agus aiseolas a thabhairt.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Tá sé níos éasca anois cliceáil ag imeall íomhá le hamharc an ghailearaí a ruaigeadh gan zúmáil isteach. Uaireanta b'fhearr leat rudaí a dhúnadh, in ionad a bheith iomarcach. Buíochas le {jojomatik} as an réiteach!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Luathaigh d'am freagartha. Anois is féidir leat freagairt níos tapa a thabhairt ach cliceáil ar aon emoji ar fhreagairt do scéal.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Is féidir stair do theachtaireachtaí a chuardach anois le haghaidh carachtair aonair sa tSínis agus sa tSeapáinis.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Cabhraigh linn roinnt feabhsuithe ar iontaofacht agus ar fheidhmíocht guthghlaonna agus físghlaonna a thástáil. Áirítear leis an eisiúint bhéite freisin cúpla réiteach ar fhabhtanna agus roinnt nuashonruithe beaga ar chomhéadan úsáideora (cuardaigh feabhsuithe nua don réamhamharc ar nasc!). Buíochas leat as a bheith i do thástálaí béite, agus déan teagmháil linn ar an bhfóram pobail má fheiceann tú aon fhabht.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Nuair a íoslódálann tú nóta gutha MP3 sábhálfar é leis an iarmhír chomhadainm cheart.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Tosaigh go gasta ar theachtaireacht a scríobh tar éis comhad a chur i gceangal, nó buail Enter/Return leis an gcomhad a sheoladh gan aon chliceáil sa bhreis. Le buíochas, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Rinneadh an cnaipe Seol a ailíniú sa radharc, cumadóireacht mhór. Le buíochas, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Más tusa an t-aon duine i ngrúpa (go dtí seo) agus má dhéanann tú iarracht tosú ar ghrúpghlao, is féidir leat dul isteach sa ghlao agus labhairt leat féin go díreach in ionad fanacht ar bhualadh an ghlao. Le buíochas, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Féach an duine atá ag labhairt i ngrúpghlaonna go gasta leis an ngné nua aibhsithe a thaispeánann an áit le féachaint. Más leatsa an seal le labhairt, beidh ort féin é a fháil amach.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Bíodh craic iontach agat le cúpla greamán san eagarthóir meán a ligeann duit maisíochtaí ama stílithe a chur le híomhánna a sheoltar amach.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Úsáid an mionseinnteoir nótaí gutha le leanúint le héisteacht le teachtaireachtaí fada fiú má aistríonn tú chuig comhrá eile.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Cliceáil ar aon phictiúr nó físeán leis na cnaipí nua Ar Aghaidh agus Siar a úsáid san amharcóir meán le féachaint siar ar do chuimhní cinn.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Sábháiltear glórphost mar dhréachtaí anois má aistríonn tú chuig comhrá eile agus taifeadadh ar bun agat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Ní ghlantar dréacht-théacs a thuilleadh mar thoradh ar ghreamán a sheoladh. Le buíochas, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Buíochas le {norstbox} freisin as na deilbhíní ar an mbarra cuardaigh comhráite a thabhairt ar ais san ailíniú.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Cancelar",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Enviar",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Non recibiches ou unha mensaxe, un sticker, unha reacción, unha confirmación de lectura ou contido multimedia de $sender$, a través dunha mensaxe directa ou por un grupo.",
"message": "Non se che puido entregar unha mensaxe, un sticker, unha reacción, unha confirmación de lectura ou contido multimedia de $sender$. Puido ser unha entrega directa ou desde un grupo.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Non recibiches unha mensaxe, un sticker, unha reacción, unha confirmación de lectura ou contido multimedia de $sender$ nesta conversa.",
"message": "Non se che puido entregar unha mensaxe, un sticker, unha reacción, unha confirmación de lectura ou contido multimedia de $sender$ nesta conversa.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ reaccionon con $emoji$ á túa mensaxe"
"message": "$sender$ reaccionou con $emoji$ á túa mensaxe"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reaccionou con $emoji$ a: $message$"
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Hoxe $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Onte $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Notificarmo",
"message": "Notas privadas",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Relink"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Actualización dispoñible"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Volver intentar actualización"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Escoller emoticona para a mensaxe seleccionada",
"message": "Escoller emoticona de reacción para a mensaxe seleccionada",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Configura Signal no teu móbil e ordenador para empregar o creador de paquetes de stickers",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Actualizar á versión dispoñible $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Non se pode pechar Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Desactiva a busca de número de teléfono en «Configuración > Privacidade > Número de teléfono > Quen pode encontrar o meu número» para usar o teu nome de usuario como forma principal de contactar contigo.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Comprende pequenas modificacións e melloras no rendemento. Moitas grazas por empregar Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Estamos a traballar sen parar arranxando todos os problemas e mellorando o rendemento para que poidas seguir empregando a aplicación sen interrupcións.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Comeza a usar e probar a nova función de historias. Podes empregar esta función con outros probadores beta e informarnos de como está a funcionar.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Xa chegaron as historias a Signal! Comparte textos, imaxes e vídeos temporais cos amigos ou grupos que elixas. Desaparecerán automaticamente tras 24 horas! Para todas aquelas persoas que queren compartir historias, temos a maneira perfecta de facelo coa privacidade que mereces e sen anuncios. Se non queres ver ou compartir historias, podes desactivalas en «Preferencias» > «Privacidade».",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Cando comeces unha chamada de grupo de poucas persoas (máximo 16 persoas), podes elixir enviar unha notificación de son. Os membros do grupo escoitarán un timbre se teñen iOS beta ou se empregan Signal Desktop ou Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Preme dúas veces en calquera mensaxe dentro dunha conversa para crear unha resposta citada. É coma un atallo para xerar novas ideas de antigas ocorrencias. Grazas a {whynothugo} e á comunidade de Signal por implementar esta función e proporcionar suxestións.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Agora é máis doado premer no exterior dunha imaxe para ignorar a vista de galería sen facer zoom. Ás veces só querías pechar algo e, polo contrario, só conseguías agrandalo. Grazas a {jojomatik} pola corrección!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Mellora o teu tempo de resposta. Agora podes reaccionar máis rápido ao seleccionar calquera emoticona ao responder a unha historia.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Xa podes buscar no teu historial de mensaxes caracteres individuais en chinés e xaponés.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Axúdanos a probar a fiabilidade e o rendemento das melloras que fixemos nas chamadas de voz e vídeo. Esta versión beta tamén inclúe algunhas correccións de pequenos erros e algunhas actualizacións menores da IU (busca a nova mellora de visualización de ligazón!). Grazas por probar esta versión beta. Non dubides en contactar connosco no foro da comunidade se detectas algún erro.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Agora podes descargar unha nota de voz MP3 e gardarase coa extensión adecuada.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Comeza a escribir unha mensaxe rapidamente despois de anexar un arquivo, ou simplemente preme Intro/Retorno para enviar o arquivo sen necesidade de máis clics. Grazas, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "O botón de envío ao expandir o recadro de visualización aliñouse. Grazas, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Se es a única persoa nun grupo (por agora) e tentas empezar unha chamada de grupo, agora podes unirte á chamada e comezar a falar contigo mesmo en vez de esperar a que soe a chamada. Grazas, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Consulta rapidamente quen está a falar durante as chamadas de grupo cunha nova ferramenta de resaltado que che indica onde tes que mirar. Se é a túa quenda para falar, terás que mirar no teu interior.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Pásao coma nunca con varios stickers no editor de multimedia que che permiten engadir adornos temporais en imaxes saíntes.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Emprega o reprodutor de notas de voz para escoitar mensaxes longas mesmo despois de cambiar de conversa.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Preme en calquera imaxe ou vídeo e emprega os novos botóns Avanzar e Retroceder no visor de multimedia para somerxerte no teu baúl dos recordos.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Agora as mensaxes de voz gárdanse como borrador se cambias a outra conversa mentres estás a gravar.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Ao enviar un sticker xa non se elimina o texto do borrador. Grazas, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Tamén queremos agradecer a {norstbox} por aliñar as iconas da barra de busca das conversas.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "રદ કરો",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "મોકલો",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "મેસેજ પર પ્રતિક્રિયા",
"message": "મેસેજ પર પ્રતિક્રિયા આપો",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ તરફથી તમને મેસેજ, સ્ટીકર, રિએક્શન, રીસીપ્ટ અથવા મીડિયા પહોંચાડી શકાયું નથી. તેઓએ તેને સીધા તમને અથવા ગ્રુપ માં મોકલવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો હશે.",
"message": "$sender$ તરફથી તમને મેસેજ, સ્ટિકર, પ્રતિક્રિયા, વાંચી લીધાનું નિશાન અથવા મીડિયા મોકલી શકાયું નથી. તેઓએ તેને સીધા તમને અથવા ગ્રૂપમાં મોકલવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો હશે.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "આ ચેટ માં $sender$ તરફથી તમને મેસેજ, સ્ટીકર, રિએકશન, રીડ રસીદ અથવા મીડિયા પહોંચાડી શકાયું નથી.",
"message": "આ ચેટમાં $sender$ તરફથી તમને મેસેજ, સ્ટિકર, પ્રતિક્રિયા, વાંચ્યાની રસીદ અથવા મીડિયા ડિલિવર થઈ શકશે નહીં.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "તમારા મેસેજ પર $sender$ પ્રતિક્રિયા $emoji$"
"message": "$sender$ એ તમારા મેસેજ પર $emoji$ પ્રતિક્રિયા આપી"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ એ $emoji$ ને પ્રતિક્રિયા આપી: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ એ $message$માં $emoji$ પ્રતિક્રિયા આપી"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "મોકલવામાં નિષ્ફળ",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "આજે $time$ વાગ્યે",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "ગઈકાલે $time$ વાગ્યે",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "પોતાના માટે નોટ",
"message": "પોતાના માટે નોંધ",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "ફરીથી લિંક કરો"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "અપડેટ ઉપલબ્ધ છે"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "અપડેટ કરવાનો ફરી પ્રયાસ કરો"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "પસંદ કરેલા મેસેજ માટે ઈમોજી-રિએક્શન પીકરને ટોગલ કરો",
"message": "પસંદ કરેલા મેસેજ માટે ઇમોજી-પ્રતિક્રિયા પીકરને ટોગલ કરો",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "સ્ટીકર પેક સર્જકનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે કૃપા કરીને તમારા ફોન અને ડેસ્કટોપ પર Signal સેટ કરો",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "પ્રતિક્રિયા મોકલવામાં નિષ્ફળ. મેહરબાની કરીને ફરીથી પ્રયાસ કરો.",
"message": "પ્રતિક્રિયા મોકલવામાં નિષ્ફળ. કૃપા કરીને ફરીથી પ્રયાસ કરો.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "વર્ઝન $version$ માટેનું અપડેટ ઉપલબ્ધ છે",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal બંધ ન થઈ શક્યું",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "પ્રતિક્રિયાઓ કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરો",
"message": "પ્રતિક્રિયાઓ કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરો",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -6461,11 +6469,11 @@
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "તમે $name$ ની સ્ટોરી પર $emoji$ પ્રતિક્રિયા આપી",
"message": "તમે $name$ની સ્ટોરી પર $emoji$ પ્રતિક્રિયા આપી",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "તમે એક સ્ટોરી પર $emoji$ પ્રતિક્રિયા આપી",
"message": "તમે કોઈ સ્ટોરી પર $emoji$ પ્રતિક્રિયા આપી",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "અન્ય લોકો તમારો સંપર્ક કરી શકે તેની પ્રાથમિક રીત તરીકે તમારા યુઝરનેમનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે સેટિંગ્સ > ગોપનીયતા > ફોન નંબર > મારો નંબર કોણ શોધી શકે છે પર જઈને ફોન નંબરની શોધ બંધ કરો.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "નાના ફેરફારો, ભૂલ સુધારા અને પ્રદર્શનમાં વધારો. Signalનો ઉપયોગ કરવા બદલ આભાર!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "ઍપને તમારા માટે સરળતાથી ચાલતી રાખવા માટે ભૂલો સુધારવાનું અને અન્ય પ્રદર્શન સુધારણા કરવાનું કામ કરવામાં સખત મહેનત કરી.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "અમારા નવા સ્ટોરી ફીચરનો ઉપયોગ અને પરીક્ષણ કરવાનું શરૂ કરો. તમે અન્ય બીટા ટેસ્ટરો સાથે ફીચરનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકો છો અને અમને જણાવો કે તે કેવું કાર્ય કરે છે.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "સ્ટોરી હવે Signalમાં છે! 24 કલાક પછી આપમેળે અદૃશ્ય થઈ જતાં ટેક્સ્ટ, ઇમેજ અને વીડિયો અપડેટને પસંદ કરેલા મિત્રો અથવા ગ્રુપ સાથે શેર કરો. સ્ટોરી શેર કરવાનું પસંદ હોય તેવા દરેક માટે, તેને ખાનગી રીતે અને કોઈપણ જાહેરાતો જોયા વગર કરવાની પણ એક રીત છે. જો તમે સ્ટોરી જોવા અથવા શેર કરવા માંગતા ન હો, તો તમે તમારી પસંદગીઓ > ગોપનીયતામાંથી આ બધું નાપસંદ કરી શકો છો.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "જ્યારે તમે નાના ગ્રુપ (16 લોકો સુધી) માટે ગ્રુપ કૉલ શરૂ કરો છો, ત્યારે તમે રિંગિંગ નોટિફિકેશન મોકલવાનું પસંદ કરી શકો છો. જો ગ્રુપના સભ્યો iOS બીટા પર હોય અથવા ડેસ્કટૉપ અથવા Androidનો ઉપયોગ કરતા હોય તો તેઓને રિંગ સંભળાશે.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "અવતરિત જવાબ શરૂ કરવા માટે ચેટમાં મેસેજની કોઈ પણ પંક્તિ પર ડબલ-ક્લિક કરો. તે જૂની તરકીબો વિશેના નવા વિચારો માટેના શોર્ટકટ જેવું છે. આ ફીચરનો અમલ કરવા અને પ્રતિસાદ આપવા બદલ {whynothugo} અને Signal કોમ્યુનિટીનો આભાર.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "હવે ઝૂમ ઇન કર્યા વિના ગેલેરી વ્યૂને કાઢી નાખવા માટે ફોટાની બહાર ક્લિક કરવું વધુ સરળ છે. કેટલીક વાર તમે ફક્ત બંધ કરવા માગતા હતા અને તેના બદલે વસ્તુઓ ખૂબ નજીક આવી જતી હતી. આને ઉકેલવા માટે {jojomatik} નો આભાર!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "તમારા પ્રતિભાવ સમયને ઝડપી બનાવો. હવે તમે સ્ટોરીનો જવાબ આપતી વખતે કોઈપણ ઇમોજી પર ક્લિક કરીને ઝડપથી પ્રતિક્રિયા આપી શકો છો.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "ચાઇનીઝ અને જાપાનીઝમાં વ્યક્તિગત અક્ષરો માટે તમારી મેસેજ હિસ્ટ્રીમાં શોધવાનું હવે શક્ય છે.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "વોઇસ અને વીડિયો કૉલ માટે કેટલીક વિશ્વસનીયતા અને પ્રદર્શન સુધારણાઓનું પરીક્ષણ કરવામાં અમારી સહાય કરો. આ બીટા રિલીઝમાં થોડી ભૂલ સુધારણાઓ અને કેટલાક નાના UI અપડેટ પણ શામેલ છે (નવી લિંક પ્રિવ્યૂ એન્હાન્સમેન્ટ્સ જુઓ!). બીટા ટેસ્ટર બનવા બદલ આપનો આભાર, અને જો તમને કોઈ બગ દેખાય તો કૃપા કરીને કોમ્યુનિટી ફોરમ પર અમારો સંપર્ક કરો.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "તમે કાર ડાઉનલોડ કરશો નહીં, પરંતુ હવે જ્યારે તમે MP3 વૉઇસ નોટ ડાઉનલોડ કરશો ત્યારે તે યોગ્ય ફાઇલ એક્સટેન્શન સાથે સાચવવામાં આવશે.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "ફાઈલ જોડ્યા પછી ઝડપથી મેસેજ ટાઇપ કરવાનું શરૂ કરો અથવા કોઈ પણ વધારાના ક્લિક્સ વગર ફાઈલ મોકલવા માટે Enter/Return દબાવો. આભાર, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "મોટા કમ્પોઝિશન વ્યૂમાં 'મોકલો' બટનને બરાબર ગોઠવવામાં આવ્યું છે. આભાર, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "જો તમે ગ્રૂપમાં એકમાત્ર વ્યક્તિ છો (હમણાં સુધી) અને તમે ગ્રૂપ કૉલ શરૂ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરો છો, તો હવે તમે કૉલમાં જોડાઈ શકો છો અને કૉલની રિંગની રાહ જોયા વગર તરત જ તમારી સાથે વાત કરવાનું શરૂ કરી શકો છો. આભાર, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "નવી હાઇલાઇટ સુવિધા સાથે ગ્રૂપ કૉલ દરમિયાન કોણ બોલે છે તે ઝડપથી જુઓ જે તમને ક્યાં જોવું તે બતાવે છે. જો બોલવાનો વારો તમારો હોય, તો તમારે અંદર જ જોવાની જરૂર પડશે.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "મીડિયા એડિટરમાં કેટલાક સ્ટિકરો સાથે તમારો થોડો સમય પસાર કરો જેમાં તમે મોકલવામાં આવતા ફોટા પર સ્ટાઇલ સાથે સમયની સજાવટ ઉમેરી શકો છો.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "તમે કોઈ અલગ ચેટ પર સ્વિચ કરો પછી પણ લાંબા મેસેજ સાંભળવાનું ચાલુ રાખવા માટે વૉઇસ નોટ મિની પ્લેયરનો ઉપયોગ કરો.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "યાદોના માર્ગ પર એક ઉડતી નજર કરવા માટે કોઈ પણ ચિત્ર અથવા વીડિયો પર ક્લિક કરો અને મીડિયા વ્યૂઅરમાં નવા ફોરવર્ડ અને બેકવર્ડ બટનનો ઉપયોગ કરો.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "જો રેકોર્ડિંગ ચાલુ હોય ત્યારે તમે બીજી ચેટ પર સ્વિચ કરો છો તો વૉઇસ મેસેજ હવે ડ્રાફ્ટ તરીકે સેવ કરવામાં આવે છે.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "સ્ટિકર મોકલવાથી હવે ડ્રાફ્ટ ટેક્સ્ટ ક્લિયર થઈ જતો નથી. આભાર, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "અમે વાતચીત શોધ બારના આઇકનને પાછા અલાઇન્મેન્ટમાં લાવવા બદલ {norstbox}નો પણ આભાર વ્યક્ત કરીએ છીએ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "ביטול",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "שליחה",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "הגב אל הודעה",
"message": "תגובה להודעה",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "הודעה, מדבקה, תגובה, אישור קריאה או מדיה לא יכלו להימסר אליך מאת $sender$. הצד השני ניסה אולי לשלוח זאת ישירות אליך, או בקבוצה.",
"message": "לא ניתן היה למסור לך הודעה, סטיקר, תגובה, אישור קריאה או מדיה מאת $sender$. יתכן שהצד השני ניסה לשלוח לך את זה ישירות, או בקבוצה.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "הודעה, מדבקה, תגובה, אישור קריאה או מדיה לא יכלו להימסר אליך מאת $sender$ בהתכתבות זו.",
"message": "לא ניתן היה למסור לך הודעה, סטיקר, תגובה, אישור קריאה או מדיה מאת $sender$ בצ׳אט זה.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ הגיב עם $emoji$ אל ההודעה שלך"
"message": "$sender$ הגיב/ה $emoji$ להודעה שלך"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ הגיב עם $emoji$ אל: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ הגיב/ה $emoji$ ל: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "שליחה נכשלה",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "היום $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "אתמול $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "הערה לעצמי",
"message": "הערות לעצמי",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "קשר מחדש"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "עדכון זמין"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "נסה שוב עדכון"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "עורר בוחר תגובת אמוג'י עבור הודעה נבחרת",
"message": "הצגת/הסתרת בוחר תגובת–אמוג'י עבור הודעה נבחרת",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "צריך להגדיר את Signal בטלפון שלך ובשולחן העבודה כדי להשתמש ביוצר חבילות הסטיקרים",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "נכשל בשליחת תגובה. אנא נסה שוב.",
"message": "שליחת תגובה נכשלה. כדאי לנסות שוב.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "עדכון אל גרסה $version$ זמין",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal לא יכול להיסגר.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "התאם אישית תגובות",
"message": "התאמה אישית של תגובות",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "שולח תגובה…",
"message": "שולחים תגובה…",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5989,11 +5997,11 @@
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "אפשור תשובות ותגובות",
"message": "הפעלת תשובות ותגובות",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "אפשר לתת לאנשים שרואים את הסטורי שלך להגיב ולשלוח תשובות.",
"message": "אפשר לתת לאנשים שרואים את הסטורי שלך להגיב ולהשיב.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "אפשר לכבות את גילוי מספר הטלפון תחת הגדרות > פרטיות > מספר טלפון > מי יכול למצוא את המספר שלי, כדי להשתמש בשם המשתמש שלך בתור הדרך העיקרית שבה אנשים יכולים ליצור איתך קשר.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "התאמות קטנות, תיקוני באגים ושיפורי ביצועים. תודה על השימוש ב-Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "עובדים קשה על תיקוני באגים ושיפור הביצועים בעוד דרכים כדי לוודא שהאפליקציה שלך תמשיך לרוץ חלק.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "יש לך אפשרות להתחיל להשתמש ולבדוק בפיצ׳ר הסטוריז החדש שלנו ולבדוק אותו. אפשר להשתמש בפיצ׳ר עם בודקי בטא אחרים ולספר לנו איך הוא עובד.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "סטוריז: עכשיו ב–Signal! משתפים עדכונים נעלמים של טקסט, תמונות וסרטונים עם קבוצות וחברים נבחרים שנעלמים אוטומטית אחרי 24 שעות. לכל מי שאוהב לשתף סטוריז, הנה דרך לעשות את זה בפרטיות ובלי לראות מודעות בכלל. אם אינך רוצה לראות או לשתף סטוריז, אפשר לבטל את האפשרות הזו בהעדפות > פרטיות.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "כשמתחילים שיחה קבוצתית לקבוצות קטנות (עד 16 אנשים), אפשר לבחור לשלוח התראת צלצול. חברי הקבוצה ישמעו צלצול אם הם משתמשים ב–iOS beta או בגרסאות שולחן העבודה או Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "אפשר ללחוץ פעמיים על כל שורת טקסט בצ׳אט כדי ליצור תשובה מצוטטת. זה כמו קיצור דרך למחשבות חדשות על רעיונות ישנים. תודה ל–{whynothugo} ולקהילת Signal על יישום הפיצ׳ר הזה ומתן פידבק.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "עכשיו קל יותר ללחוץ מחוץ לתמונה כדי לסגור את תצוגת הגלריה בלי לעשות זום אין. לפעמים פשוט בא לסגור עניין וזהו. תודה ל–{jojomatik} על התיקון!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "מאיצים את זמן התגובה שלך. עכשיו אפשר להגיב מהר יותר באמצעות לחיצה על כל אימוג׳י שהוא בזמן שליחת תגובה לסטורי.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "עכשיו אפשר לחפש בהיסטוריית ההודעות שלך תווים בודדים בסינית ויפנית.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "נשמח לעזרתך בבדיקת כמה שיפורי אמינות וביצוע לשיחות קוליות ושיחות וידאו. מהדורת בטא זו כוללת גם כמה תיקוני באגים וכמה עדכוני ממשק משתמש קטנים (כדאי לחפש את השיפורים החדשים לתצוגה מקדימה של קישורים!). תודה על העזרה בבדיקת הבטא, ונשמח לשמוע ממך בפורום הקהילה שלנו אם זיהית באגים כלשהם.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "כשמורידים הודעה קולית בפורמט MP3 היא תישמר עם סיומת הקובץ המתאימה.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "אפשר להתחיל להקליד הודעה במהירות אחרי שמצרפים קובץ, או פשוט ללחוץ על אנטר/Return כדי לשלוח את הקובץ בלי לחיצות נוספות. תודה, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "יישרנו את כפתור השליחה בתצוגה המוגדלת. תודה, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "אם מצאת את עצמך לבד בקבוצה (בינתיים) ובא לך להתחיל שיחת טלפון קבוצתית, עכשיו אפשר להצטרף לשיחה ולהתחיל לדבר עם עצמך מיד במקום לחכות שהטלפון יצלצל. תודה, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "אפשר לראות במהירות מי מדבר במהלך שיחות קבוצתיות עם פיצ׳ר הדגשה חדש שמראה לך איפה לחפש. אם זה תורך לדבר, אז צריך לחפש עמוק בפנים.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "חבל לך על הזמן! יש כמה סטיקרים בעורך המדיה שמאפשרים לך להוסיף עיצובי זמן מסוגננים לתמונות יוצאות.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "אפשר להשתמש במיני–נגן של הודעות קוליות כדי להמשיך להקשיב להודעות ארוכות אפילו אחרי שעברת לצ׳אט אחר.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "אפשר ללחוץ על כל תמונה או סרטון ולהשתמש בכפתורי ה׳קדימה׳ ו׳אחורה׳ החדשים בנגן המדיה כדי לצאת לטיול ויזואלי בין הזיכרונות.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "הודעות קוליות נשמרות עכשיו כטיוטות אם מחליפים לצ׳אט אחר בזמן הקלטת ההודעה.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "שליחת סטיקר כבר לא גורמת לטיוטת הודעה להימחק. תודה, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "חשוב לנו גם להודות ל{norstbox} על יישור הסמלים בשורת החיפוש.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "रद्द करें",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "भेजें",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "आज $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "कल $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "फिर से लिंक"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "अपडेट उपलब्ध"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "अपडेट का फिर से प्रयास करें"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "स्टिकर पैक क्रिएटर का उपयोग करने के लिए कृपया अपने फोन और डेस्कटॉप पर Signal को सेट अप करें",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ में अपडेट करने का वर्शन उपलब्ध",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "सिग्नल बंद नहीं किया जा सकता.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6465,7 +6473,7 @@
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "आपने एक स्टोरी पर $emoji$ की प्रतिक्रिया दी।",
"message": "आपने एक स्टोरी पर $emoji$ की प्रतिक्रिया दी",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "सेटिंग्स > निजता > फोन नंबर > मेरा नंबर कौन ढूंढ सकता है, में जाकर फोन नंबर खोज को बंद कर करें, ताकि अन्य आपसे संपर्क के लिए आपके यूज़रनेम का इस्तेमाल प्राथमिक साधन के रूप में कर सकें।",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "छोटे-छोटे ट्वीक, बग फ़िक्स, और प्रदर्शन में सुधार। Signal इस्तेमाल करने के लिए धन्यवाद।",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "आपके लिए ऐप को आराम से चलाते रहने के लिए कुछ मुश्किल बग फ़िक्स करना और प्रदर्शन संबंधी अन्य सुधार करना।",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "हमारे नए स्टोरीज़ फ़ीचर को इस्तेमाल करना शुरू करें व उसका परीक्षण करें। आप अन्य बीटा परीक्षकों के साथ इस फ़ीचर का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं और हमें बता सकते हैं कि यह कैसा काम कर रहा है।",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "अब Signal में भी मिलेंगी स्टोरीज़! चुनिंदा दोस्तों या ग्रुप्स के साथ 24 घंटे बाद अपने आप गायब हो जानेवाले टेक्स्ट, इमेज, और वीडियो अपडेट शेयर करें। स्टोरीज़ शेयर करना पसंद करनेवाला हर व्यक्ति अब इस तरीक़े से इसे निजी रूप से, बिना कोई विज्ञापन देखे कर सकता है। यदि आप स्टोरीज़ देखना या शेयर करना नहीं चाहते तो अपनी वरीयताएँ > निजता में जा कर इससे बाहर रहना चुन सकते हैं।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "जब आप छोटे समूहों (16 लोगों तक वाले) के लिए ग्रुप कॉल शुरू करते हैं तब आप एक रिंग होनेवाला नोटिफ़िकेशन भेजने का चुनाव कर सकते हैं। समूह के सदस्य यही iOS बीटा पर हों या डेस्कटॉप या ऐंड्रॉयड का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हों तो उन्हें एक रिंग सुनाई देगी।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "कुओटेड रिप्लाई शुरू करने के लिए चैट में किसी भी संदेश पंक्ति पर डबल-क्लिक करें। यह पुराने विचारों के बारे में नए विचारों के शॉर्टकट की तरह है। इस फ़ीचर को लागू करने और फीडबैक प्रदान करने के लिए {whynothugo} और Signal समुदाय का धन्यवाद।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "अब ज़ूम इन किए बिना गैलरी व्यू को डिसमिस करने के लिए छवि के बाहर क्लिक करना आसान हो गया है। कभी-कभी आप बस बंद करना चाहते थे, और इसके बजाये चीजें बहुत करीब आ गईं। इसे दुरुस्त करने के लिए {jojomatik} का धन्यवाद!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "तेजी से उत्तर दें। आप किसी स्टोरी का जवाब देते समय किसी भी इमोजी पर टैप करके तेजी से उत्तर दें सकते हैं।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "अब चीनी और जापानी भाषा में अलग-अलग कैरेक्टर के लिए अपना संदेश इतिहास खोजना संभव है।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "वॉयस और वीडियो कॉल के लिए कई विश्वसनीयता और प्रदर्शन सुधारों को टेस्ट करने में हमारी सहायता करें। इस बीटा रिलीज़ में कुछ बग फिक्स और कुछ छोटे UI अपडेट भी शामिल हैं (नए लिंक प्रीव्यू एन्हांसमेंट के लिए देखें!)। बीटा टेस्टर बनने के लिए धन्यवाद, और यदि आपको कोई बग दिखाई देता है तो कृपया कम्युनिटी फोरम पर हमसे संपर्क करें।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "आप कार डाउनलोड नहीं कर पाएंगे, लेकिन अब जब आप MP3 वॉयस नोट डाउनलोड करेंगे, तो यह उचित फाइल एक्सटेंशन के साथ सहेजा जाएगा।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "फाइल संलग्न करने के बाद जल्दी से संदेश टाइप करना शुरू करें, या बिना किसी अतिरिक्त क्लिक के फाइल भेजने के लिए एंटर/रिटर्न दबाएं। धन्यवाद, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "बड़े कम्पोजीशन व्यू में भेजें बटन को एलाइनमेंट में लाया गया है। धन्यवाद, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "यदि आप ग्रुप (अब तक) में एकमात्र व्यक्ति हैं और आप ग्रुप कॉल शुरू करने का प्रयास करते हैं, तो अब आप कॉल में शामिल हो सकते हैं और कॉल की घंटी बजने की प्रतीक्षा करने के बजाय तुरंत खुद बात करना शुरू कर सकते हैं। धन्यवाद, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "एक नए हाइलाइट फीचर की मदद से तुरंत देखें कि ग्रुप कॉल के दौरान कौन बोल रहा है, इससे आपको पता चलता है कि कहां देखना है। यदि बोलने की बारी आपकी है, तो आपको इसमें देखना होगा।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "मीडिया एडिटर में मौजूद स्टिकर्स का आनंद उठाएं, जो आपको आउटगोइंग छवियों पर स्टाइलाइज़्ड टाइम डेकोरेशन जोड़ने देते हैं।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "किसी दूसरी चैट पर स्विच करने के बाद भी लंबे संदेशों को सुनना जारी रखने के लिए वॉयस नोट्स मिनी प्लेयर इस्तेमाल करें।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "किसी भी तस्वीर या वीडियो पर क्लिक करें और मीडिया व्यूअर में नए फॉरवर्ड और बैकवर्ड बटन का उपयोग करें ताकि मेमोरी लेन में विजुअल वॉक किया जा सके।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "यदि आप रिकॉर्डिंग के दौरान किसी अन्य चैट पर स्विच करते हैं तो ध्वनि संदेश अब ड्राफ्ट के रूप में सहेजे जाते हैं।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "स्टिकर भेजने से अब ड्राफ्ट टेक्स्ट क्लियर नहीं होगा। धन्यवाद, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "हम {norstbox} को वार्तालाप खोज बार आइकन को वापस संरेखण में लाने के लिए भी धन्यवाद देना चाहते हैं।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Odustani",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Pošalji",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Poruka, naljepnica, reakcija, potvrda o čitanju ili medijski zapis nisu vam mogli biti dostavljeni od $sender$. Možda pokušali poslati vama izravno ili u grupi.",
"message": "Isporuka poruke, naljepnice, reakcije, potvrde o čitanju ili medijskog zapisa od strane korisnika $sender$ nije uspjela. Moguće je da ju je pokušao/la poslati vama izravno ili u grupi.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Poruka, naljepnica, reakcija, potvrda o čitanju ili mediji nisu vam mogli biti isporučeni od pošiljatelja $sender$ u ovom chatu.",
"message": "Isporuka poruke, naljepnice, reakcije, potvrde o čitanju ili medijskog zapisa u ovom razgovoru od strane korisnika $sender$ nije uspjela.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Danas u $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Jučer u $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Ponovno povezivanje"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Dostupno je ažuriranje"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Ponoviti pokušaj ažuriranja"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Prikazivanje odabira emojia za odabranu poruku",
"message": "Prikazivanje odabira emotikona za odabranu poruku",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Za korištenje alata za izradu naljepnica postavite Signal na telefonu i računalu",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Dostupno je ažuriranje na verziju $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal se ne može zatvoriti.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Da biste koristili svoje korisničko ime kao primarni način na koji vas drugi mogu kontaktirati, isključite otkrivanje telefonskog broja u Postavkama > Privatnost > Broj telefona > Tko može pronaći moj broj.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Manja podešavanja, ispravci grešaka i poboljšanje rada aplikacije. Hvala vam što koristite Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Vrijedno radimo na ispravljanju grešaka i drugim poboljšanjima za nesmetano korištenje aplikacije.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Počnite koristiti i testirati našu novu značajku priča. Ovu značajku možete koristiti s drugim beta testerima i javiti nam svoje iskustvo.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Priče su stigle na Signal! Dijelite tekstove, fotografije i videozapise koji automatski nestaju nakon 24 sata s odabranim prijateljima ili grupama. Za sve koji vole dijeliti priče predstavljamo način da to učine privatno i bez oglasa. Ako ne želite vidjeti niti dijeliti priče, možete ih isključiti u: Postavke > Privatnost.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kada započnete grupni poziv za manje grupe (do 16 osoba), možete odabrati slanje zvučne obavijesti. Članovi grupe čut će zvučnu obavijest ako koriste beta verziju iOS-a, Desktop ili Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvaput kliknite na bilo koji red poruke u razgovoru da biste započeli citirani odgovor. To je poput prečaca za nove misli o starim idejama. Hvala {whynothugo} i zajednici Signal na implementaciji ove značajke i pružanju povratnih informacija.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Sada je lakše kliknuti izvan slike za zatvaranje prikaza galerije bez nepotrebnog zumiranja. Ponekad ste samo htjeli zatvoriti sliku, a umjesto toga bi proradio zoom. Hvala {jojomatik} na ispravku!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Dugo vam treba da odgovorite na poruku? Sada možete brže reagirati klikom na bilo koji emotikon kada odgovarate na priču.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Sada je moguće pretraživati povijest poruka za pojedinačne znakove na kineskom i japanskom jeziku.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Pomozite nam testirati poboljšanja u vidu pouzdanosti i performansa za glasovne pozive i videopozive. Ova beta verzija također uključuje ispravke programskih pogrešaka i manja ažuriranja korisničkog sučelja (pogledajte kako izgledaju naši poboljšani pregledi poveznica!). Hvala vam što sudjelujete u beta testiranju i molimo vas da nam se obratite na forumu zajednice ako uočite bilo kakve smetnje.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Od sada, kada skinete MP3 glasovnu poruku, bit će spremljena s točnom ekstenzijom.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Nakon što priložite datoteku, brzo počnite pisati poruku ili jednostavno pritisnite Enter/Povratak za slanje datoteke bez dodatnih klikova. Hvala, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Gumb za slanje u proširenom prikazu sastavljača poruke sada je usklađen. Hvala, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Ako ste jedina osoba u grupi (do sada) i pokušavate započeti grupni poziv, sada se možete pridružiti pozivu i odmah početi razgovarati sami sa sobom umjesto da čekate da poziv zazvoni. Hvala, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Zahvaljujući novoj značajci isticanja koja vam otkriva tko govori tijekom grupnih poziva više nećete lutati pogledom po ekranu. A kada je na vama red da govorite, to ćete morati otkriti sami.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Zabavite se s brojnim naljepnicama u uređivaču medija koji vam omogućuje dodavanje stiliziranih vremenskih oznaka na odlazne slike.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Pomoću mini playera glasovnih poruka možete nastaviti slušati duge poruke čak i kada se prebacite na drugi chat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Kliknite na bilo koju fotografiju ili videozapis te pomoću novih strelica u pregledniku medija pregledajte stare slike i prisjetite se lijepih uspomena.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Glasovne poruke sada se spremaju kao skice ako prijeđete na drugi razgovor tijekom njihovog snimanja.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Slanje naljepnice više ne uzrokuje brisanje skice u okviru za sastavljanje poruka. Hvala, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Također bismo željeli zahvaliti korisniku {norstbox} za usklađivanje ikona trake za pretraživanje razgovora.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Mégse",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Küldés",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Reagálás az üzenetre",
"message": "Reakció az üzenetre",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ $emoji$ reakciót küldött az üzenetedre"
"message": "$sender$ $emoji$ reakciót küldött az üzenetedre"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ $emoji$-val reagált a következő üzenetre: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ $emoji$ reakciót küldött erre: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Küldés sikertelen",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Ma $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Tegnap $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Újrapárosítás"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Frissítés érhető el"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Frissítés újra"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "A matricacsomag létrehozásához állítsd be a Signalt a telefonodon, valamint az asztali alkalmazáson is",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Nem sikerült a reakció elküldése. Kérlek próbáld újra!",
"message": "Nem sikerült a reakció elküldése. Kérjük, próbáld újra!",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Elérhető frissítés a $version$ verzióra",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Nem sikerült bezárni a Signalt.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6285,7 +6293,7 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "Reakció elküldve a Történetre",
"message": "Reagált a Történetre",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Kapcsold ki a telefonszám alapján történő elérés lehetőségét a Beállítások > Adatvédelem > Telefonszám > Ki láthatja a telefonszámomat? menüpontban, hogy a felhasználóneved legyen az elsődleges módja annak, hogy mások kapcsolatba léphessenek veled.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Apró finomítások, hibajavítások és teljesítménynövelések. Köszönjük, hogy a Signalt használod!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Keményen dolgoztunk a hibák helyrehozásán és egyéb teljesítményjavításokon, hogy az alkalmazás zökkenőmentesen működjön.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Kezdd el használni és teszteld az új Történetfunkciót. A funkciót más béta tesztelőkkel is használhatod, és megoszthatod velünk, hogyan működik.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Megérkeztek a Történetek a Signalba! Ossz meg szövegeket, képeket és videókat az általad kiválasztott ismerőseiddel vagy csoportjaiddal, amelyek aztán 24 óra elteltével automatikusan eltűnnek. Mindenki számára, aki szeret Történeteket megosztani, itt a módja annak, hogy privátban, hirdetések nélkül tegye meg. Ha nem szeretnél Történeteket látni vagy megosztani, a Beállítások > Adatvédelem menüpontban kikapcsolhatod a funkciót.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Amikor csoportos hívást indítasz kis csoportok számára (max. 16 fő), eldöntheted, hogy küldesz-e csengő értesítést. A csoport tagjai csengetést fognak hallani, ha iOS bétaverziót, asztali számítógépet vagy Android-eszközt használnak.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Kattints duplán bármelyik üzenetsorra a csevegésben az idézett válasz indításához. Olyan, mint egy parancsikon a régi ötletekkel kapcsolatos új gondolatokhoz. Köszönet {whynothugo} partnerünknek és a Signal-közösségnek a funkció megvalósításáért és a visszajelzésért.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Mostantól egyszerűbb kikattintani egy képből, hogy nagyítás nélkül kilépj a Galérianézetből. Van, hogy csak be akarsz zárni valamit, de helyette ráközelítesz. Köszönjük a javítást, {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Gyorsítsd fel a válaszidőt. Mostantól gyorsabban reagálhatsz, ha rákattintasz valamely hangulatjelre, amikor válaszolsz egy Történetre.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Mostantól lehetőséged van rákeresni az egyes kínai és japán karakterekre az üzenetelőzményekben.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Segíts nekünk tesztelni a hang- és videohívások számos megbízhatósági és teljesítménybeli fejlesztését. Ez a béta verzió hibajavításokat és néhány kisebb felhasználói felület-frissítést is tartalmaz (keresd az új linkelőnézeti fejlesztéseket!). Köszönjük, hogy béta-tesztelő vagy! Ha hibát észlelsz, fordulj hozzánk a közösségi fórumon keresztül.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Mostantól, amikor letöltesz egy MP3-hangjegyzetet, a rendszer a megfelelő fájlkiterjesztéssel menti el.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Gyorsan kezdj el beírni egy üzenetet egy fájl csatolása után, vagy egyszerűen csak nyomd meg az Enter/Return billentyűt a fájl elküldéséhez minden további kattintás nélkül. Köszi, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "A nagy kompozíciós nézetben a küldés gomb kiigazításra került. Köszi, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Ha te vagy az egyetlen személy egy csoportban (eddig), és csoportos hívást próbálsz indítani, most csatlakozhatsz a híváshoz, és azonnal elkezdhetsz beszélni magadban, ahelyett, hogy megvárnád, hogy kicsengjen a hívás. Köszi, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Az új kiemelés funkcióval gyorsan megtekintheted, hogy ki beszél a csoportos hívások során, amelynek hála tudni fogod, hova nézz. Ha rajtad a sor, hogy beszélj, akkor aztán tényleg magadba kell nézned.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Élvezd ki az életet a médiaszerkesztőben megtalálható matricákkal, amelyekkel stílusos időpont kijelző dekort adhatsz a kimenő képeidhez.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Használd a hangjegyzetek minilejátszóját a hosszú üzenetek meghallgatásához, még akkor is, ha ezután egy másik csevegésre váltasz.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Kattints bármelyik képre vagy videóra, és használd a médianézegető új Előre és Vissza gombjait, hogy zökkenőmentesen nosztalgiázhass.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "A hangüzeneteket a rendszer mostantól piszkozatként menti el, ha felvétel közben másik csevegésre váltasz.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Matrica elküldése a továbbiakban nem törli a piszkozat szövegét. Köszi, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Ezúton is szeretnénk köszönetet mondani {norstbox} számára, hogy visszaállította a beszélgetés keresősávjának ikonjait.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Batal",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Kirim",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Sebuah pesan, stiker, tanggapan, tanda pesan terbaca atau media tidak dapat Anda terima dari$sender$. Mereka mungkin mencoba mengirimkannya secara langsung, atau di dalam grup.",
"message": "Sebuah pesan, stiker, tanggapan, bukti pesan terbaca, atau media tidak dapat Anda terima dari $sender$. Mereka mungkin mencoba mengirimkannya langsung kepada Anda, atau di dalam grup.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Sebuah pesan, stiker, tanggapan, tanda pesan terbaca atau media tidak dapat dikirim ke Anda dari $sender$ dalam percakapan ini.",
"message": "Sebuah pesan, stiker, tanggapan, bukti pesan terbaca, atau media tidak dapat Anda terima dari $sender$ dalam obrolan ini.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ memberi tanggapan $emoji$ pada pesan Anda"
"message": "$sender$ menanggapi $emoji$ pada pesan Anda"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ memberi tanggapan $emoji$ pada: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ menanggapi $emoji$ pada: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Pengiriman gagal",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Hari ini $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Kemarin $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Sambungkan kembali"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Pembaruan tersedia"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Ulangi pembaruan"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Alihkan pemilih tanggapan-emoji untuk pesan yang dipilih",
"message": "Ganti pemilih tanggapan emoji untuk pesan yang dipilih",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Siapkan Signal di ponsel dan komputer Anda untuk menggunakan Pembuat Paket Stiker",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Gagal mengirim tanggapan. Silahkan coba lagi.",
"message": "Gagal mengirim tanggapan. Silakan coba lagi.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Pembaruan $version$ tersedia",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal tidak dapat ditutup.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6457,15 +6465,15 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "Memberi tanggapan $emoji$ ke cerita Anda",
"message": "Menanggapi $emoji$ pada cerita Anda",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "Anda memberi tanggapan $emoji$ ke cerita $name$",
"message": "Anda menanggapi $emoji$ pada cerita $name$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "Anda memberi tanggapan $emoji$ ke sebuah cerita",
"message": "Anda menanggapi $emoji$ pada sebuah cerita",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Nonaktifkan penemuan nomor telepon di Pengaturan > Privasi > Nomor Telepon > Siapa bisa menemukan nomor saya, untuk menggunakan nama pengguna sebagai cara utama orang lain dapat menghubungi Anda.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Tambahan penyesuaian kecil, perbaikan bug, dan peningkatan performa. Terima kasih telah menggunakan Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Kami berupaya memperbaiki bug dan memberikan peningkatan performa lain agar aplikasi bisa berjalan lancar untuk Anda.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Mulai gunakan dan uji fitur cerita baru kami. Anda bisa menggunakan fitur ini bersama para penguji beta lainnya dan beri tahu kami pengalaman Anda menggunakannya.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Cerita kini hadir di Signal! Bagikan kabar dengan teman atau grup tertentu, berupa teks, gambar & video yang akan hilang otomatis setelah 24 jam. Bagi yang suka berbagi cerita, inilah cara untuk melakukannya secara privat dan tanpa melihat iklan apa pun. Jika Anda tidak ingin melihat atau membagikan cerita, Anda dapat menonaktifkannya di menu Preferensi > Privasi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Saat Anda memulai panggilan grup untuk grup kecil (maksimal 16 orang), Anda dapat memilih untuk mengirimkan notifikasi dering. Anggota grup akan mendengar dering jika mereka menggunakan iOS beta atau menggunakan Desktop atau Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Klik dua kali baris pesan apa pun dalam obrolan untuk memulai balasan yang dikutip. Ini seperti jalan pintas untuk pemikiran baru tentang ide lama. Terima kasih kepada {whynothugo} dan komunitas Signal telah menerapkan fitur ini dan memberikan masukan.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Sekarang lebih mudah mengeklik di luar gambar untuk menutup tampilan galeri tanpa memperbesar. Terkadang Anda hanya ingin menutup, tetapi justru jadi terlalu dekat. Terima kasih kepada {jojomatik} untuk perbaikannya!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Percepat waktu respons Anda. Sekarang Anda dapat menanggapi lebih cepat dengan mengeklik emoji apa pun saat membalas cerita.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Kini Anda dapat mencari riwayat pesan untuk tiap karakter dalam bahasa Mandarin dan Jepang.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Bantu kami menguji beberapa penyempurnaan reliabilitas dan kinerja untuk panggilan suara dan video. Rilisan beta ini juga mencakup beberapa perbaikan bug dan beberapa pembaruan kecil pada UI (cari penyempurnaan pratinjau tautan baru!). Terima kasih telah menjadi penguji beta, dan hubungi kami di forum komunitas jika Anda menemukan bug apa pun.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Kini bila Anda mengunduh catatan suara MP3, catatan suara tersebut akan disimpan dengan ekstensi file yang sesuai.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Langsung mulai ketik pesan setelah melampirkan file, atau cukup tekan Enter/Return untuk mengirim file tanpa mengeklik apa pun lagi. Terima kasih, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Tombol kirim dalam tampilan komposisi besar telah disesuaikan. Terima kasih, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Jika Anda satu-satunya orang dalam grup (sejauh ini) dan mencoba untuk memulai panggilan grup, kini Anda dapat bergabung dengan panggilan tersebut dan langsung mulai berbicara ke diri sendiri, dan tidak perlu menunggu panggilan berdering. Terima kasih, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Dengan fitur sorotan baru, Anda bisa dengan cepat melihat siapa yang sedang berbicara selama panggilan grup, sehingga Anda tahu harus melihat ke arah mana. Jika tiba giliran Anda berbicara, Anda bisa melihat ke diri sendiri.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Seru-seruan dengan beberapa stiker di editor media yang memungkinkan Anda menambahkan dekorasi waktu dengan gaya tertentu pada gambar yang akan dikirim.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Gunakan pemutar mini catatan suara untuk bisa tetap lanjut mendengarkan pesan yang panjang sekalipun Anda telah beralih ke obrolan lain.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Klik gambar atau video mana pun dan gunakan tombol Maju dan Mundur yang baru di penampil media untuk melihat-lihat kembali kenangan Anda.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Pesan suara kini disimpan sebagai draf jika Anda beralih ke obrolan lain saat perekaman sedang berlangsung.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Mengirim stiker tidak lagi menyebabkan teks draf terhapus. Terima kasih, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Kami juga ingin berterima kasih kepada {norstbox} karena telah menyesuaikan kembali ikon bilah pencarian percakapan.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Annulla",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Invia",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Non è stato possibile consegnarti un messaggio, un adesivo, una reazione, una conferma di lettura o un media da $sender$. Potrebbero aver provato a inviartelo direttamente o in gruppo.",
"message": "Non è stato possibile consegnarti un messaggio, uno sticker, una reazione o una conferma di lettura da parte di $sender$. Potrebbe aver provato a inviarti il contenuto in una chat singola o in un gruppo.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Non è stato possibile consegnarti un messaggio, un adesivo, una reazione, una conferma di lettura o un media da $sender$ in questa chat.",
"message": "Non è stato possibile consegnarti un messaggio, uno sticker, una reazione, una conferma di lettura o un media da parte di $sender$ in questa chat.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ ha reagito $emoji$ al tuo messaggio"
"message": "$sender$ ha reagito con $emoji$ al tuo messaggio"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ ha reagito $emoji$ a: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ ha reagito con $emoji$ a: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Invio non riuscito",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Oggi $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Ieri $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Ricollegato"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Aggiornamento disponibile"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Riprova l'aggiornamento"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Installa Signal sul tuo telefono e sul desktop per usare il creatore di pacchetti di adesivi",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Invio reazione non riuscito. Riprova.",
"message": "Invio della reazione non riuscito. Riprova.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Aggiornamento alla versione $version$ disponibile",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal non può essere chiuso.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "Personalizza reazioni",
"message": "Personalizza le reazioni",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "Invio reazione…",
"message": "Invio reazione in corso…",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5985,7 +5993,7 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "Risposte e reazioni",
"message": "Risposte & reazioni",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Disattiva la ricerca per numero di telefono andando su Impostazioni > Privacy > Numero di telefono > Chi può trovare il mio numero, così potrai usare il tuo nome utente come modo principale per farti trovare da altre persone su Signal.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Altre piccole modifiche e correzioni di bug per far funzionare l'app senza problemi. Grazie per usare Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Abbiamo lavorato tanto per risolvere i bug e inserire qualche miglioramento qua e là per garantire il corretto funzionamento di Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Scopri la nuova funzione delle Storie su Signal! Puoi provare le Storie come beta tester con altre persone e farci sapere cosa ne pensi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Le Storie sono arrivate su Signal! Condividi testi, foto e video temporanei con chi vuoi o con i tuoi gruppi. Le Storie scompaiono 24 ore dopo la pubblicazione. Se anche tu ami le Storie, ecco un modo per condividerle in modo privato, sicuro e senza pubblicità. Se non vuoi vedere o condividere le Storie, puoi disattivarle andando in Impostazioni > Privacy.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Quando inizi una chiamata di gruppo con un gruppo piccolo (fino a 16 persone) puoi scegliere di inviare una notifica di chiamata. Le persone nel gruppo sentiranno squillare se stanno usando la versione beta di Signal su iOS oppure l'app da PC o Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Per rispondere a un messaggio specifico in chat, fai doppio clic sul messaggio in questione: è come rispolverare vecchi messaggi con idee nuove. Grazie a {whynothugo} e alla community di Signal per questa funzione e il relativo feedback!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Ora cliccando fuori dall'immagine uscirai dalla visualizzazione a schermo intero: niente più zoom, promesso. Grazie a {jojomatik} per aver risolto il problema!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Risposte sempre più rapide. Da ora puoi reagire più velocemente a una Storia toccando l'emoji.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Da ora puoi cercare singoli caratteri in cinese e giapponese nella tua cronologia di messaggi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Aiutaci a testare gli aggiornamenti legati alla stabilità e alle performance per le chiamate audio e video. Questa versione beta include anche dei bug risolti e qualche piccolo cambiamento nell'interfaccia utente di alcune funzioni (come l'anteprima dei link!). Grazie per il tuo ruolo da beta tester e ricorda che puoi sempre contattarci sul forum dedicato alla community di Signal per segnalare qualsiasi bug.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Da ora quando scaricherai un vocale in formato MP3, verrà salvato con la giusta estensione.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Comincia subito a scrivere il tuo messaggio dopo aver allegato un file oppure premi su Invio per mandare il file senza clic aggiuntivi. Grazie, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Il pulsante d'invio nel campo per il testo è stato sistemato e allineato con il resto dell'interfaccia. Grazie, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Se sei l'unica persona in un gruppo (per il momento) e provi a iniziare una chiamata di gruppo, da ora puoi unirti subito alla chiamata senza attendere lo squillo. Grazie, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Scopri subito chi sta parlando in una chiamata di gruppo grazie alla nuova funzione apposita. Non dovrai più cercare freneticamente tra i loro volti: ti diciamo noi dove guardare.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Divertiti con gli sticker nel media editor che ti permette di modificare e aggiungere decorazioni di vario tipo sulle immagini che vuoi inviare.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Usa il mini riproduttore per i messaggi vocali così da poter ascoltare i messaggi più lunghi anche quando esci dalla chat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Clicca su qualsiasi foto o video e usa i nuovi pulsanti per andare avanti e indietro e sfogliare i tuoi ricordi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "I messaggi vocali verranno salvati come bozze se mentre li stai registrando scegli di aprire un'altra chat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Quando invierai uno sticker, il testo che avevi iniziato a scrivere non scomparirà più! Grazie, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Vorremmo anche ringraziare {norstbox} per averci segnalato un problema con il layout della barra di ricerca delle chat, che ora è di nuovo allineata al resto dell'interfaccia.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "キャンセル",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "送信",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "メッセージにリアクション",
"message": "メッセージにリアクションする",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ からのメッセージ、ステッカー、リアクション、既読通知またはメディアを、あなたに配信できませんでした。直接またはグループで、送信しようとしているかもしれません。",
"message": "$sender$ さんからのメッセージ、ステッカー、リアクション、既読通知またはメディアを、あなたに配送できませんでした。直接送信しようとしたか、グループで送ろうとしたかもしれません。",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "このチャットで $sender$ からのメッセージ、ステッカー、リアクション、既読通知またはメディアを、あなたに配信できませんでした。",
"message": "このチャットで、$sender$さんからのメッセージ、ステッカー、リアクション、既読通知またはメディアを、あなたに配信できませんでした。",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ があなたのメッセージに $emoji$"
"message": "$sender$さんがあなたのメッセージに $emoji$のリアクションをしました"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ が「$message$」に $emoji$"
"message": "$sender$さんが「$message$」に $emoji$のリアクションをしました"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "送信できませんでした",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "今日 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "昨日 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "再リンク"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "アップデートがあります"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "アップデートを再試行"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Sticker Pack Creatorを使うには、Signalを携帯電話とデスクトップで設定してください。",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "リアクションを送信に失敗しました。再度お試しください。",
"message": "リアクションの送信に失敗しました。再度お試しください。",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "バージョン$version$へのアップデートがあります",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signalを終了できません。",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6281,7 +6289,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "ストーリーへのリアクション",
"message": "ストーリーにリアクションする",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "設定 > プライバシー > 電話番号 >「電話番号での検索を可能にする」で電話番号検索をオフにすると、他のユーザーからあなたへの基本の連絡方法はユーザーネームの使用となります。",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "細かな微調整、バグ修正、パフォーマンスの向上。 Signalをご利用いただきありがとうございます。",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "アプリがスムーズに動作するよう、バグの修正とその他のパフォーマンスの向上に努めています。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "新機能「ストーリー」の使用とテストを開始します。ベータ版の「ストーリー」機能をご利用いただき、ご使用感をお知らせください。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signalにストーリーが登場しました!!24時間後に自動的に消えるテキスト、画像、動画などのアップデートを、選択した友達やグループと共有できます。ストーリーの共有が大好きな皆様のために、広告なしにプライベートで共有する方法をご紹介します。設定 > プライバシーから、ストーリーを見たり共有したりしないようにできます。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "小人数(最大16人)でグル-プ通話を開始する時、呼び出し通知の送信を選択できます。iOSベータ版、デスクトップ、Androidを使用してるグループメンバーには呼び出し音が聞こえます。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "チャット内のいずれかのメッセージ行をダブルクリックすると、引用返信をすることができます。従来の概念に対して新しい発想をするためのショートカットのようなものです。この機能を搭載し、フィードバックを提供してくれた{whynothugo}とSignalコミュニティにお礼を申し上げます。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "画像の外側をクリックしてギャラリービューを解除することができるようになりました。画像が拡大されることはありません。画像を閉じたいのにむしろ拡大される、なんて真逆でしたよね。修正してくれた {jojomatik}に感謝します!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "返信を、より速くストーリーに返信するときに、お好きな絵文字をクリックすることで、より速くリアクションできるようになりました。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "中国語と日本語で、1文字単位でのメッセージ履歴検索が可能になりました。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "音声通話とビデオ通話の信頼を高め、パフォーマンスを向上させるためのいくつかのテストにご協力ください。このベータ版のリリースには、いくつかのバグ修正と一部のUIアップデートも含まれています (新しいリンクプレビューの改良にもご注目ください!)。ベータテスターになっていただきありがとうございます。バグを発見された場合は、コミュニティフォーラムでご連絡ください。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "おかしなダウンロードをすることはないでしょうが、MP3の音声メモをダウンロードすると、最適なファイル拡張子で保存されます。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "ファイル添付後すぐにメッセージを入力することや、余分なクリック不要でEnter/Returnキーを押すだけでのファイル送信ができます。ありがとう、{zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "大きなコンポジションビューの送信ボタンを一列に並べました。ありがとう、{hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "グループ内に自分しかいない(今のところ)状態でグループ通話を始めると、呼び出し音は鳴らずに、そのまま自分との通話状態になります。ありがとう、{lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "どこを見ればいいかを示す新しいハイライト機能で、グループ通話中に、今誰が話しているかをすばやく確認することができます。あなたが話す番かどうかは、空気を読んでくださいね。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "メディアエディター内の複数のステッカーを使って、送信する画像を自分スタイルに装飾しましょう。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "音声メモミニプレーヤーを使えば、他のチャットに切り替えても長いメッセージを中断せずに聞くことができます。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "写真または動画をクリックして、メディアビューアーの新しい進むボタンと戻るボタンで懐かしい記憶をたどりましょう。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "録音中に別のチャットに切り替えた場合でも、その音声メッセージは下書きとして保存されるようになりました。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "ステッカーを送信しても、下書きが消えなくなりました。ありがとう、{lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "そして、会話検索バーのアイコンを再調整してくれた{norstbox}にも感謝します。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "გაუქმება",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "გაგზავნა",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "შეტყობინებაზე რეაგირება",
"message": "შეტყობინებაზე გამოხმაურება",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "შეტყობინება, სტიკერი, რეაქცია, წაკითხვის დასტური ან მედია-ფაილი $sender$-ისგან ვერ გამოიგზავნა . მან შესაძლოა პირდაპირ შენთვის, ან ჯგუფში გამოგზავნა სცადა.",
"message": "შეტყობინება, სტიკერი, გამოხმაურება, წაკითხვის დასტური ან მედია-ფაილი $sender$-ისგან ვერ გამოიგზავნა. მან შესაძლოა პირდაპირ შენთვის, ან ჯგუფში გამოგზავნა სცადა.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "შეტყობინება, სტიკერი, რეაქცია, წაკითხვის დასტური ან მედია-ფაილი $sender$-მა ვერ გამოაგზავნა შენთან ამ ჩატში.",
"message": "შეტყობინება, სტიკერი, გამოხმაურება, წაკითხვის დასტური ან მედია-ფაილი $sender$-მა ვერ გამოაგზავნა შენთან ამ ჩატში.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$-ი შენს შეტყობინებას $emoji$-ით გამოეხმაურა"
"message": "$sender$-მა შენს შეტყობინებას $emoji$-ით გამოეხმაურა"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$-ი $message$-ს $emoji$-ით გამოეხმაურა"
"message": "$sender$ $emoji$-ით გამოეხმაურა $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "გაგზავნა ჩაიშალა",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "დღეს $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "გუშინ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Relink"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "განახლება ხელმისაწვდომია"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "განახლების ხელახლა ცდა"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "შერჩეული შეტყობინებისთვის emoji-ით რეაგირებაზე გადართვა",
"message": "არჩეული შეტყობინებისთვის emoji-ით გამოხმაურებაზე გადართვა",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Sticker Pack Creator-ის გამოსაყენებლად ,გთხოვთ, Signal-ი შენს მობილურსა და კომპიუტერზე დააყენო",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "განახლება ვერსია $version$-ზე ხელმისაწვდომია",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal-ის დახურვა შეუძლებელია.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "მიმდინარეობს რეაქციის გაგზავნა…",
"message": "რეაქცია იგზავნება...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5985,15 +5993,15 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "პასუხები & გამოხმაურებები",
"message": "პასუხები & რეაქციები",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "პასუხებისა & გამოხმაურებების დაშვება",
"message": "პასუხებისა & რეაქცების დაშვება",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "მიეცი საშუალება შენი Story-ის მნახველებს გამოეხმაურონ მას.",
"message": "მიეცი საშუალება შენი Story-ის მნახველებს მას გამოეხმაურონ.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6281,11 +6289,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "Story-ზე გამოხმაურება",
"message": "Story-იზე გამოხმაურება",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "გამოხმაურება Story-ის",
"message": "Story-ის გამოეხმაურა",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6457,15 +6465,15 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "შენს Story-იზე გამოხმაურება $emoji$",
"message": "შენს Story-ის გამოეხმაურა $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "$name$-ის Story-ის $emoji$ გამოეხმაურე",
"message": "$name$-ის Story-ის გამოეხმაურე $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "შენ $emoji$ გამოეხმაურე Story-ის",
"message": "Story-ის $emoji$ გამოეხმაურე",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "გამორთე ტელეფონის ნომრის აღმოჩენა სექციაში: პარამეტრები > ტელეფონის ნომერი > ვის შეუძლია ჩემი ნომრის პოვნა, რათა შენი მომხმარებლის სახელი იყოს ძირითადი გზა, რომლითაც სხვები შენთან დაკავშირებას შეძლებენ.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "მცირე შესწორებები, ბაგების გამოსწორება და წარმადობის გაუმჯობესება. მადლობას გიხდით სიგნალის გამოყენებისთვის!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "ხარვეზების გამოსწორებასა და წარმადობის სხვამხრივ გაუმჯობესებაზე დაუღალავად ვშრომობთ, რათა შენმა აპმა შეუფერხებლად იმუშაოს.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "დაიწყე ჩვენი Stories-ების ახალი ფუნქციის გამოყენება და გატესტვა. შეგიძლია ფუნქცია სხვა ბეტა ტესტერებთან გამოიყენო და შეგვატყობინო, როგორ მუშაობს ის.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Stories-ები ახლა უკვე Signal-ზეა! გაუზიარე გაქრობადი ტექსტი, სურათები და ვიდეო განახლებები შერჩეულ მეგობრებს ან ჯგუფებს, ისინი ავტომატურად ქრება 24 საათის შემდეგ. ყველას, ვისაც Stories-ების გაზიარება უყვარს, საშუალებას ვაძლევთ, ეს კონფიდენციალურად და რეკლამების ნახვის გარეშე გააკეთონ. თუ Stories-ების ნახვა ან გაზიარება არ გსურს, შეგიძლია ამ ყველაფერზე უარი თქვა შენს პარამეტრებში > კონფიდენციალურობა.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "როცა მცირე ზომის ჯგუფში (16 პერსონამდე) ჯგუფურ ზარს ახორციელებ, შეგიძლია წევრებს ზარის მრეკავი შეტყობინება გაუგზავნო. ჯგუფის წევრები ზარის ხმას გაიგებენ თუ iOS ბეტაზე არიან ან Desktop-ს თუ Android-ს იყენებენ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ციტირებული პასუხის დასაწყებად, ჩატში შეტყობინებების ნებისმიერ სტრიქონზე ორჯერ დააწკაპუნე. ეს ძველი იდეების შესახებ ახალი აზრების მალსახმობივითაა. მადლობა {whynothugo}-ს და Signal-ის საზოგადოებას ამ ფუნქციის დანერგვისა და მასზე უკუკავშირის მოწოდებისთვის.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ახლა გალერიის ხედის გაუქმება უფრო მარტივად, მისი გადიდების გარეშე, სურათის გარეთ დაწკაპუნებით შეგიძლია. ხანდახან უბრალოდ დახურვა გინდოდა, მაგრამ პირიქით, მიახლოება გამოდიოდა. მადლობა {jojomatik}-ს ამის გამოსწორებისთვის!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "შეამცირე პასუხის დაბრუნების დრო. ახლა უკვე შეგიძლია Story-იზე პასუხისას ნებისმიერ emoji-ზე დაჭერით უფრო სწრაფად გამოეხმაურო.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "ახლა უკვე შესაძლებელია შენი შეტყობინებების ისტორიაში ჩინურ და იაპონურ ენებზე ცალკეული სიმბოლოები მოძებნო.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "დაგვეხმარე ხმოვანი და ვიდეო ზარების საიმედოობისა და პერფორმანსის რამდენიმე გაუმჯობესების გატესტვაში. ამ ბეტა გამოშვებაში ასევე შედის რამდენიმე ბაგის გასწორება და UI ინტერფეისის მცირე განახლება (მოძებნე ბმულის გადახედვის გაუმჯობესებული ფუნქცია!). მადლობას გიხდით იმისთვის, რომ ბეტა ტესტერი ხარ და თუ რაიმე შეცდომას შეამჩნევ, გთხოვთ საზოგადოების ფორუმზე დაგვიკავშირდე.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "მანქანას ვერ გადმოიწერდი, მაგრამ ახლა როდესაც MP3 ხმოვან შეტყობინებას ჩამოტვირთავ, ის ფაილის სათანადო გაფართოებით შეინახება.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "სწრაფად დაიწყე შეტყობინეის აკრეფა ფაილის მიმაგრების შემდეგ, ან უბრალოდ დააჭირე შესვლას/უკან დაბრუნებას, რომ ფაილი დამატებითი დაწკაპუნების გარეშე გაგზავნო. მადლობა, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "გავასწორეთ გაგზავნის ღილაკი დიდი კომპოზიციის ხედში. მადლობა, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "თუ ჯგუფში ერთადერთი ადამიანი ხარ (ჯერჯერობით) და ჯგუფური ზარის დაწყებას ცდილობ, ახლა უკვე შეგიძლია, ზარის ხმის ლოდინის ნაცვლად, ზარს შეუერთდე და საუბარი დაუყოვნებლივ დაიწყო. მადლობა, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "მარტივად ნახე ვინ საუბრობს ჯგუფური ზარების დროს, გამოკვეთის ახალი ფუნქციით, რომელიც გიჩვენებს თუ ვის უნდა უყურო. თუ შენი ჯერი დადგა ილაპარაკო, მაშინ შეიგნით უნდა შეიხედო.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "გაატარე დაუვიწყარი დრო მედიის რედაქტორში არსებული რამდენიმე სტიკერის დახმარებით, რომელიც საშუალებას გაძლევს, დაამატო სტილიზებული დროის დეკორაციები გაგზავნილ სურათებზე.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "გამოიყენე ხმოვანი შეტყობინებების მინი ფლეიერი, რათა გრძელი შეტყობინებების მოსმენა გააგრძელო მაშინაც კი, როდესაც სხვა ჩატში გადახვალ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "დააწკაპუნე ნებისმიერ სურათზე ან ვიდეოზე და გამოიყენე ახალი, წინ და უკან გადასვლის ღილაკები მედია ფაილის დამთვალიერებელში, რათა მარტივად გაისეირნო შენი ვიზუალური მეხსიერების ბილიკებში.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "თუ ხმოვანი შეტყობინებების ჩაწერის პროცესში სხვა ჩატში გადაერთვები, ისინი ახლა უკვე მონახაზების სახით შეინახება.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "ამიერიდან სტიკერის გაგზავნა ტექსტის მონახაზის წაშლას აღარ გამოიწვევს. მადლობა, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "ასევე, გვსურს {norstbox}-ს მადლობა გადავუხადოთ მიმოწერის საძიებო ფანჯრის ხატულების გასწორებისთვის.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Бас тарту",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Жіберу",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Бүгін $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Кеше $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Қайта байланыстыру"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Жаңа нұсқасы шықты"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Қайта жаңартып көру"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Стикерлер жинағының генераторын пайдалану үшін телефоныңыз бен жұмыс үстеліңізге Signal қолданбасын орнатыңыз",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ нұсқасына жаңартуға болады",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal-ды жабу мүмкін емес.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "Реакцияларды бейімдеу",
"message": "Реакцияларды реттеу",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -6285,7 +6293,7 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "Осы сториске реакция қалдырды",
"message": "Cториске реакция қалдырды",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "\"Параметерлер > Құпиялылық >Телефон нөмірі > Менің нөмірімді кім таба алады\" бөлімінде телефон нөміріңізді табу функциясын өшіріп қойыңыз да, пайдаланушы атыңызды сізге хабарласудың негізгі жолы етіп қойыңыз.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Кішігірім түзетпелер жасалды, ақаулар жөнделді және жұмысы жақсартылды. Signal-ды қолданғаныңыз үшін рақмет!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Қолданбаның ешқандай кінәратсыз жұмыс істеуі үшін, ақаулар түзетілді және басқа да тұстары жетілдірілді.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Стористерге қатысты жаңа функцияны қолданып, байқап көріңіз. Бұл функцияны бета нұсқаны пайдаланатын басқа адамдармен бірге қолданып, оның қалай жұмыс істеп тұрғанын айта аласыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal-да енді сторис жариялауға болады! 24 сағаттан кейін автоматты түрде жоғалып кететін мәтінді, суреттерді және видеоларды керекті достарыңызбен бөлісіңіз. Сторис бөлісуді жақсы көретіндер үшін оны жеке әрі жарнамасыз бөлісудің жолы төменде көрсетілген. Егер жарнама көргіңіз немесе сторис салғыңыз келмесе, оның барлығын «Параметрлер > Құпиялылық» бөлімінде өшіріп қоюға болады.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Шағын топтарға (16 адамға дейін) топтық қоңырау шалғанда, шырылдайтын хабарландыру жіберу опциясын таңдай аласыз. Топ мүшелері iOS бета нұсқасын пайдаланып жатса немесе компьютер немесе Android жүйесін пайдаланып жатса, шырылдаған дауыс естиді.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Біреудің жіберген хатына жауап беру үшін чаттағы хат жолын екі рет басыңыз. Осылайша жауап арқылы алдыңғы жіберілген хаттарды тез табуға да болады. Осы функцияны енгізіп, кері байланыс білдіргені үшін {whynothugo} және Signal қауымдастығына рақмет.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Енді суреттен тыс жерді басып қалып, суретті ұлғайтпай-ақ галерея көрінісін жабуға болады. Кейде жай ғана суретті жабайын дегенде, ол үлкейіп кететін. Осыны түзеткені үшін {jojomatik} ұжымына рақмет!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Барынша тез жауап беріңіз. Енді стористерге жауап бергенде, кез келген эмодзиді түртіп, жылдам реакция қалдыра аласыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Енді хаттар тарихынан қытай немесе жапон тілдерінде жекелекен иероглифтерді іздеуіңізге болады.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Дауыстық және видеоқоңыраулар жұмысының сенімділігі мен жұмысына енгізілген бірнеше өзгерісті сынақтан өткізуге көмектесуіңізді сұраймыз. Бұл бета шығарылымда бірнеше ақау түзетілді және интерфейске қатысты аздаған өзгерістер енгізілді (жаңа сілтеме мазмұнының нобайына жасалған өзгерістерді іздеңіз!). Бета шығарылымды сынақтан өткізуге келіскеніңіз үшін рақмет. Қандай да бір ақау тапсаңыз, қауымдастық форумы арқылы бізбен хабарласыңыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "MP3 дауыстық жазбасын жүктеп алғанда, ол тиісті файл кеңейтімімен сақталады.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Файлды тіркей салысымен дереу хат жаза бастаңыз немесе басқа артық пернелерді баспай-ақ, файлды жіберу үшін Enter/Return пернесін басыңыз. Рақмет, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Хат жазуға арналған үлкен көріністе жіберу түймесі пайда болды. Рақмет, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Егер сіз топта (әзірше) жалғыз отырсаңыз және топтық қоңырау шалғыңыз келсе, енді қоңыраудың шырылдағанын күтпей-ақ, топтық қоңырауға қосылып, өзіңізбен өзіңіз сөйлесе беруіңізге болады. Рақмет, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Сөйлеп отырған адамның профилін ерекшелейтін жаңа функцияның арқасында, кім сөйлеп отырғанын жылдам тауып аласыз. Егер кезек сізге келсе, өз профиліңізге қарауыңыз керек.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Жіберілетін суреттердегі уақытты стильді безендіруге мүмкіндік беретін мультимедиа редакторындағы бірнеше стикермен уақытты безендіріп қойыңыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Басқа чатқа ауысып кетсеңіз де, дауыстық жазбалардың мини ойнатқышымен ұзақ хаттарды тыңдай беруіңізге болады.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Кез келген суретті немесе видеоны басыңыз да, мультимедиа файлдарын көру құралындағы жаңа \"Алға\" және \"Артқа\" түймелерін пайдаланып, естеліктер әлеміне саяхат жасаңыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Дауыстық хат жазып жатып, басқа чатқа ауысып кетсеңіз, жазылып жатқан дауыстық хат нобай ретінде сақталады.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Енді стикер жібергенде, жазылып жатқан мәтін өшіп қалмайды. Рақмет, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Сонымен қатар әңгімелерді іздеу жолағының белгішелерін туралағаны үшін {norstbox} деген пайдаланушыға алғысымызды білдіргіміз келеді.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "បោះបង់",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "ផ្ញើ",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "ប្រតិកម្មទៅសារ",
"message": "ប្រតិកម្មទៅនឹងសារ",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "សារ ស្ទីគ័រ ការប្រតិកម្ម ការអានសារ ឬមេឌៀមិនអាចបញ្ជូនពី $sender$ ទៅអ្នកបានទេ។ ពួកគេប្រហែលជាបានព្យាយាមផ្ញើវាទៅអ្នកដោយផ្ទាល់ ឬនៅក្នុងក្រុម។",
"message": "សារ ស្ទីគ័រ ប្រតិកម្ម មុខងារអានសារ ឬមេឌៀមិនអាចបញ្ជូនពី $sender$ ទៅអ្នកបានទេ។ គេប្រហែលជាបានសាកល្បងផ្ញើវាទៅអ្នកដោយផ្ទាល់ ឬនៅក្នុងក្រុម។",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "សារ ស្ទីគ័រ ការប្រតិកម្ម ការអានសារ ឬមេឌៀមិនអាចបញ្ជូនពី $sender$ ទៅអ្នកនៅក្នុងការជជែកនេះបានទេ។",
"message": "សារ ស្ទីគ័រ ប្រតិកម្ម មុខងារអានសារ ឬមេឌៀមិនអាចបញ្ជូនពី $sender$ ទៅអ្នកនៅក្នុងការជជែកនេះបានទេ។",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ បានប្រតិកម្ម $emoji$ ទៅសាររបស់អ្នក"
"message": "$sender$ បានប្រតិកម្ម $emoji$ ទៅនឹងសាររបស់អ្នក"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ បានប្រតិកម្ម $emoji$ ទៅ៖ $message$"
"message": "$sender$ បានប្រតិកម្ម $emoji$ ទៅនឹង៖ $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "ផ្ញើបរាជ័យ",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "ថ្ងៃនេះ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "ម្សិលមិញ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "កំណត់ចំណាំ",
"message": "កំណត់ចំណាំខ្លួនឯង",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "តភ្ជាប់ឡើងវិញ"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "មានកំណែថ្មី"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "ព្យាយាមដំឡើងកំណែថ្មីម្តងទៀត"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "បិទ/បើកកម្មវិធីជ្រើសរើសប្រតិកម្ម-រូបអារម្មណ៍សម្រាប់សារដែលបានជ្រើសរើស",
"message": "បិទ/បើកផ្ទាំងជ្រើសរើសរូបអារម្មណ៍-ប្រតិកម្មសម្រាប់សារដែលបានជ្រើសរើស",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "សូមរៀបចំ Signal នៅលើទូរសព្ទ និងកុំព្យូទ័ររបស់អ្នក ដើម្បីប្រើប្រាស់ឧបករណ៍បង្កើតកញ្ចប់ស្ទីគ័រ",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "បរាជ័យក្នុងការផ្ញើប្រតិកម្ម។ សូមសាកល្បងម្តងទៀត។",
"message": "មិនអាចផ្ញើប្រតិកម្មបាន។ សូមព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត។",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "ដំឡើងកំណែទៅ $version$ ដែលមាន",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "មិនអាចបិទ Signal បានទេ។",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "ដាក់រូបប្រតិកម្មតាមចំនូលចិត្ត",
"message": "ដាក់រូបប្រតិកម្មតាមបំណង",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "កំពុងផ្ញើប្រតិកម្ម…",
"message": "កំពុងផ្ញើប្រតិកម្ម…",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -6449,7 +6457,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "បានប្រតិកម្មទៅនឹងរឿងរ៉ាវពី $name$",
"message": "បានប្រតិកម្មទៅនឹងរឿងរ៉ាវមួយពី $name$",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
@ -6461,11 +6469,11 @@
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "អ្នកបានប្រតិកម្ម $emoji$ ទៅនឹងរឿងរ៉ាវពី $name$",
"message": "អ្នកបានប្រតិកម្ម $emoji$ ទៅនឹងរឿងរ៉ាវមួយពី $name$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "អ្នកបានប្រតិកម្ម $emoji$ ទៅនឹងរឿងរ៉ាវ",
"message": "អ្នកបានប្រតិកម្ម $emoji$ ទៅនឹងរឿងរ៉ាវមួយ",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "បិទការស្វែងរកលេខទូរសព្ទនៅក្រោម ការកំណត់ > ឯកជនភាព > លេខទូរសព្ទ > អ្នកដែលអាចស្វែងរកលេខរបស់ខ្ញុំបាន ដើម្បីប្រើប្រាស់ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើរបស់អ្នកជាវិធីចម្បងសម្រាប់ឲ្យអ្នកដទៃអាចទាក់ទងអ្នកបាន។",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "ការកែប្រែបន្តិចបន្តួច ការដោះស្រាយបញ្ហា និងការបង្កើនប្រតិបត្តិការ។ សូមអរគុណចំពោះការប្រើប្រាស់ Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "ខិតខំធ្វើការដោះស្រាយបញ្ហា និងធ្វើការកែលម្អប្រតិបត្តិការផ្សេងទៀត ដើម្បីរក្សាឲ្យកម្មវិធីដំណើរការដោយរលូនសម្រាប់អ្នក។",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "ចាប់ផ្តើមប្រើ និងធ្វើតេស្តសាកល្បងមុខងាររឿងរ៉ាវថ្មីរបស់យើង។ អ្នកអាចប្រើមុខងារនេះជាមួយកម្មវិធីសាកល្បងបេតាផ្សេងទៀត ហើយប្រាប់ឲ្យយើងបានដឹងថាតើវាដំណើរការយ៉ាងណាដែរ។",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "ឥឡូវរឿងរ៉ាវមាននៅក្នុង Signal ហើយ! ចែករំលែកបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពនៃអត្ថបទ រូបភាព និងវីដេអូដែលបាត់ទៅវិញ ជាមួយមិត្តភក្តិ ឬក្រុមជាក់លាក់ដែលបាត់ដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិបន្ទាប់ពី 24 ម៉ោង។ សម្រាប់អ្នករាល់គ្នាដែលចូលចិត្តចែករំលែករឿងរ៉ាវ នេះគឺជាវិធីដែលអាចធ្វើវាបានជាលក្ខណៈឯកជន និងដោយមិនឃើញពាណិជ្ជកម្មណាមួយឡើយ។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកមិនចង់ឃើញ ឬចែករំលែករឿងរ៉ាវទេ អ្នកអាចផ្តាច់ចេញពីវាបានទាំងអស់នៅក្នុងចំណូលចិត្តរបស់អ្នក > ឯកជនភាព។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "នៅពេលអ្នកចាប់ផ្តើមការហៅទូរសព្ទជាក្រុមសម្រាប់ក្រុមត្រូចៗ (រហូតដល់ទៅ 16 នាក់) អ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើសផ្ញើការជូនដំណឹងភ្ជាប់ជាមួយសំឡេងរោទ៍បាន។ សមាជិកក្រុមនឹងឮសំឡេងរោទ៍ប្រសិនបើពួកគេប្រើ iOS បេតា ឬកំពុងប្រើកម្មវិធីសម្រាប់កុំព្យូទ័រ ឬ Android។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ចុចពីរដងលើជួរសារណាមួយនៅក្នុងការជជែក ដើម្បីចាប់ផ្តើមការឆ្លើយតបចំពោះសារដកស្រង់ណាមួយ។ វាដូចជាផ្លូវកាត់សម្រាប់គំនិតថ្មីៗអំពីគំនិតចាស់ៗ។ សូមអរគុណដល់ {whynothugo} និងសហគមន៍ Signal ចំពោះការប្រើប្រាស់មុខងារនេះ និងផ្តល់ជាមតិកែលម្អ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ឥឡូវនេះកាន់តែងាយស្រួលក្នុងការចុចនៅខាងក្រៅរូបភាពដើម្បីបិទទិដ្ឋភាពសាលរូបភាពដោយមិនបាច់ពង្រីក។ កាលពីមុន ពេលខ្លះអ្នកគ្រាន់តែចង់បិទវាទេ ប៉ុន្តែវាបែរជាពង្រីកមកជិតខ្លាំងពេកទៅវិញ។ សូមអរគុណដល់ {jojomatik} ចំពោះការកែលម្អនេះ!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "ផ្តល់ការឆ្លើយតបរបស់អ្នកបានលឿនជាងមុន។ ឥឡូវនេះ អ្នកអាចប្រតិកម្មបានកាន់តែលឿនជាងមុន ដោយចុចលើរូបអារម្មណ៍ណាមួយនៅពេលឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងរឿងរ៉ាវ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "ឥឡូវនេះ អ្នកអាចស្វែងរកប្រវត្តិសាររបស់អ្នកសម្រាប់តួអក្សរនីមួយៗជាភាសាចិន និងជប៉ុន។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "ជួយយើងធ្វើតេស្តសាកល្បងទៅលើការកែលម្អមួយចំនួនចំពោះសមត្ថភាពដំណើរការ និងភាពគួរឲ្យទុកចិត្តបាន សម្រាប់ការហៅទូរសព្ទជាសំឡេង និងជាវីដេអូ។ ការចេញផ្សាយបេតានេះក៏រួមបញ្ចូលផងដែរនូវការកែតម្រូវបញ្ហាមួយចំនួនតូច និងការធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពបន្តិចបន្តួចទៅលើ UI មួយចំនួន (សូមរកមើលការកែលម្អថ្មីៗចំពោះការមើលតំណភ្ជាប់ជាមុន!)។ សូមអរគុណដែលបានធ្វើជាអ្នកសាកល្បងបេតា ហើយសូមទាក់ទងមកពួកយើងនៅលើវេទិកាសហគមន៍ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកឃើញមានបញ្ហាណាមួយ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "ឥឡូវនេះ នៅពេលដែលអ្នកទាញយកកំណត់សម្គាល់ជាសំឡេង MP3 វានឹងត្រូវបានរក្សាទុក ដោយមានកន្ទុយឯកសារត្រឹមត្រូវ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "ចាប់ផ្តើមវាយសារភ្លាមៗបន្ទាប់ពីភ្ជាប់ឯកសារ ឬគ្រាន់តែចុច Enter/Return ដើម្បីផ្ញើឯកសារដោយមិនចាំបាច់ចុចបន្ថែម។ អរគុណ {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "ប៊ូតុងផ្ញើនៅក្នុងទិដ្ឋភាពជាប្លង់ធំត្រូវបានដាក់ឲ្យស្របគ្នាហើយ។ អរគុណ {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "ប្រសិនបើអ្នកគឺជាមនុស្សតែម្នាក់គត់នៅក្នុងក្រុម (រហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះ) ហើយអ្នកព្យាយាមចាប់ផ្តើមហៅទូរសព្ទជាក្រុម ឥឡូវនេះអ្នកអាចចូលរួមការហៅទូរសព្ទនេះបានហើយ រួចចាប់ផ្តើមនិយាយជាមួយខ្លួនឯងបានភ្លាមៗ ដោយមិនចាំបាច់រង់ចាំឲ្យឮសំឡេងទូរសព្ទរោទ៍នោះទេ។ អរគុណ {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "មើលឃើញភ្លាមៗថាអ្នកណាកំពុងនិយាយអំឡុងពេលហៅទូរសព្ទជាក្រុម ដោយប្រើមុខងាររំលេចថ្មីដែលបង្ហាញអ្នកពីកន្លែងដែលត្រូវមើល។ ប្រសិនបើដល់វេនដែលអ្នកត្រូវនិយាយ អ្នកត្រូវមើលទៅតាមនោះដែរហើយ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "សូមរីករាយម៉ាស្រឡាញ់ជាមួយនឹងស្ទីគ័រជាច្រើននៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីកែមេឌៀដែលអាចឲ្យអ្នកបញ្ចូលរូបពេលវេលាទៅតាមការរចនាផ្សេងៗ នៅលើរូបភាពដែលផ្ញើចេញ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "ប្រើកម្មវិធីចាក់កំណត់សម្គាល់ជាសំឡេងខ្នាតតូច ដើម្បីបន្តស្តាប់សារវែងៗ សូម្បីតែក្រោយពេលដែលអ្នកប្តូរទៅការជជែកផ្សេងក៏ដោយ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "ចុចលើរូបភាព ឬវីដេអូណាមួយ ហើយប្រើប៊ូតុងថ្មី ទៅមុខ និង ថយក្រោយ នៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីមើលមេឌៀដើម្បីរំលឹកអនុស្សាវរីយ៍។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "ឥឡូវនេះ សារជាសំឡេងត្រូវបានរក្សាទុកជាសេចក្តីព្រាង ប្រសិនបើអ្នកប្តូរទៅការជជែកមួយទៀត ពេលដែលការថតកំពុងដំណើរការ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "ការផ្ញើស្ទីគ័រលែងធ្វើឲ្យអត្ថបទព្រាងត្រូវបានលុបទៀតហើយ។ អរគុណ {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "យើងក៏សូមអរគុណដល់ {norstbox} ផងដែរដែលបានធ្វើឲ្យមានរូបរបារស្វែងរកការសន្ទនាមកវិញ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "ರದ್ದುಮಾಡಿ",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "ಸಂದೇಶಕ್ಕೆ ವಾಪಸಾಗಿ",
"message": "ಸಂದೇಶಕ್ಕೆ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯಿಸಿ",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "ಒಂದು ಮೆಸೇಜ್, ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್, ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆ, ಓದಿದ ರಸೀದಿ ಅಥವಾ ಮಾಧ್ಯಮವನ್ನು $sender$ ಇಂದ ನಿಮಗೆ ಡೆಲಿವರಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗದು. ನಿಮಗೆ ನೇರವಾಗಿ ಅಥವಾ ಗುಂಪಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ಅವರು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿರಬಹುದು.",
"message": "ಒಂದು ಮೆಸೇಜ್, ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್, ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆ, ಓದಿದ ರಸೀದಿ ಅಥವಾ ಮಾಧ್ಯಮವನ್ನು $sender$ ಅವರಿಂದ ನಿಮಗೆ ಡೆಲಿವರಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. ನಿಮಗೆ ನೇರವಾಗಿ ಅಥವಾ ಗುಂಪಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ಅವರು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿರಬಹುದು.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "ಈ ಚಾಟ್ನಲ್ಲಿ $sender$ ಅವರಿಂದ ಸಂದೇಶ, ಸ್ಟಿಕರ್, ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆ, ಓದಿದ ರಸೀದಿ ಅಥವಾ ಮಾಧ್ಯಮವನ್ನು ನಿಮಗೆ ಡೆಲಿವರಿ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.",
"message": "ಈ ಚಾಟ್ನಲ್ಲಿ $sender$ ಅವರಿಂದ ಮೆಸೇಜ್, ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್, ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆ, ಓದಿದ ರಸೀದಿ ಅಥವಾ ಮಾಧ್ಯಮವನ್ನು ನಿಮಗೆ ಡೆಲಿವರಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ ಅವರು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂದೇಶಕ್ಕೆ $emoji$ ಪ್ರತಿಸ್ಪಂದನೆ ನೀಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ"
"message": "$sender$ ಅವರು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ಗೆ $emoji$ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ ಅವರು $emoji$ ಪ್ರತಿಸ್ಪಂದನೆಯನ್ನು ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ನೀಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ: $message$"
"message": "ಇದಕ್ಕೆ $sender$ ಅವರು $emoji$ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "ಕಳಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಯಿತು",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "ಇಂದು $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "ನಾಳೆ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "ಪುನಃ ಲಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಲಭ್ಯವಿದೆ"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ಗೆ ಮರುಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿದ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ಗೆ ಟಾಗಲ್ ಎಮೋಜಿ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಾರ",
"message": "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿದ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ಗೆ ಟಾಗಲ್ ಎಮೋಜಿ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆ ಪಿಕರ್",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್ ಪ್ಯಾಕ್ ಕ್ರಿಯೇಟರ್ ಬಳಸಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಮತ್ತು ಡೆಸ್ಕ್ಟಾಪ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು Signal ಸೆಟಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "ಲಭ್ಯವಿರುವ ಆವೃತ್ತಿ $version$ ಕ್ಕೆ ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal ಅನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "ಇತರರು ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಯೂಸರ್ನೇಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾಥಮಿಕ ವಿಧಾನವಾಗಿ ಬಳಸಲು, ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್ಗಳು> ಗೌಪ್ಯತೆ > ಫೋನ್ ನಂಬರ್ > ಯಾರು ನನ್ನ ನಂಬರ್ ಕಂಡುಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು ಎಂಬುದರ ಅಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಫೋನ್ ನಂಬರ್ ಅನ್ವೇಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಆಫ್ ಮಾಡಿ.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "ಸಣ್ಣ ಟ್ವೀಕ್ಗಳು, ಬಗ್ ಫಿಕ್ಸ್ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ಷಮತೆ ವರ್ಧನೆಗಳು. Signal ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿರುವುದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಆ್ಯಪ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸರಾಗವಾಗಿರಿಸಲು ಬಗ್ ಫಿಕ್ಸಿಂಗ್ ಮತ್ತು ಇತರೆ ನಿರ್ವಹಣಾ ಸುಧಾರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಮಾಡುವ ಕೆಲಸದಲ್ಲಿ ನಿರತರಾಗಿದ್ದೇವೆ.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "ನಮ್ಮ ಹೊಸ ಸ್ಟೋರೀಸ್ ಫೀಚರ್ ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಲು ಮತ್ತು ಪರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಲು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಿ. ಇತರೆ ಬೀಟಾ ಟೆಸ್ಟರ್ ಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ ಈ ಫೀಚರ್ ಅನ್ನು ನೀವು ಬಳಸಬಹುದು ಮತ್ತು ಇದು ಹೇಗೆ ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿದೆ ಎಂದು ನಮಗೆ ತಿಳಿಸಿ.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "ಸ್ಟೋರೀಸ್ ಈಗ Signal ನಲ್ಲಿ! ಮಾಯವಾಗುವ ಪಠ್ಯ, ಚಿತ್ರಗಳು, ವಿಡಿಯೋ ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಆಯ್ದ ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರು, ಗ್ರೂಪ್ಗಳ ಜೊತೆ ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ, ಅವು 24 ಗಂಟೆಗಳ ನಂತರ ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ಮಾಯವಾಗುತ್ತವೆ. ಸ್ಟೋರೀಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಇಷ್ಟಪಡುವ ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಬ್ಬರಿಗಾಗಿ, ಇದನ್ನು ಗೌಪ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಮತ್ತು ಯಾವುದೇ ಜಾಹೀರಾತುಗಳನ್ನು ನೋಡದೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಇಲ್ಲಿದೆ ದಾರಿ. ಸ್ಟೋರೀಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ನೋಡಲು ಅಥವಾ ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ನೀವು ಬಯಸದಿದ್ದರೆ, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಆದ್ಯತೆಗಳು > ಗೌಪ್ಯತೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವು ಅವೆಲ್ಲದರಿಂದ ಹೊರಗುಳಿಯುವ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "ನೀವು ಸಣ್ಣ ಗ್ರೂಪ್ಗಳಿಗೆ (16 ಜನರ ತನಕ) ಗ್ರೂಪ್ ಕಾಲ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸುವಾಗ, ರಿಂಗಣಿಸುವ ಅಧಿಸೂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು. ಗ್ರೂಪ್ ಸದಸ್ಯರು iOS ಬೀಟಾದಲ್ಲಿದ್ದರೆ ಅಥವಾ Desktop ಅಥವಾ Android ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದರೆ ರಿಂಗ್ ಆಲಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಿತ ಉತ್ತರವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಲು ಚಾಟ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವುದೇ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಸಾಲಿನ ಮೇಲೆ ಡಬಲ್ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ. ಇದೊಂಥರಾ ಹಳೇ ಐಡಿಯಾಗಳ ಕುರಿತಾದ ಹೊಸ ಆಲೋಚನೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಶಾರ್ಟ್ಕಟ್ ಇದ್ದಂತೆ. ಈ ಫೀಚರ್ ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಷ್ಠಾನಗೊಳಿಸಿದ ಮತ್ತು ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆಯನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸಿದ {whynothugo} ಮತ್ತು Signal ಸಮುದಾಯಕ್ಕೆ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ಝೂಮ್ ಇನ್ ಮಾಡದೆಯೇ ಗ್ಯಾಲರಿ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಇಮೇಜ್ನ ಹೊರಗಡೆ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡುವುದು ಈಗ ಸುಲಭ. ಕೆಲವೊಮ್ಮೆ ಸಂಗತಿಗಳನ್ನು ತೀರಾ ಝೂಮ್ ಮಾಡುವುದು ಹಿತವಾಗದೆ ಮುಚ್ಚಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ. ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ {jojomatik} ಅವರಿಗೆ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರತ್ಯುತ್ತರ ಸಮಯವನ್ನು ವೇಗಗೊಳಿಸಿ. ನೀವೀಗ ಸ್ಟೋರಿಗೆ ಉತ್ತರಿಸುವಾಗ ಯಾವುದೇ ಎಮೋಜಿ ಮೇಲೆ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡುವ ಮೂಲಕ ತ್ವರಿತವಾಗಿ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯಿಸಬಹುದು.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "ಇದೀಗ ಚೈನೀಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಜಪಾನೀಸ್ ಭಾಷೆಯ ಪ್ರತಿ ಕ್ಯಾರೆಕ್ಟರ್ಗಾಗಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಇತಿಹಾಸವನ್ನು ಸರ್ಚ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "ಧ್ವನಿ ಮತ್ತು ವೀಡಿಯೋ ಕರೆಗಳ ಹಲವಾರು ವಿಶ್ವಾಸಾರ್ಹತೆ ಮತ್ತು ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ಷಮತೆ ಸುಧಾರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಪರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಲು ನಮಗೆ ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡಿ. ಈ ಬೀಟಾ ಬಿಡುಗಡೆಯು ಕೆಲವು ದೋಷ ಪರಿಹಾರಗಳು ಹಾಗೂ ಕೆಲವು ಸಣ್ಣ UI ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಕೂಡಾ ಒಳಗೊಂಡಿದೆ (ಹೊಸ ಲಿಂಕ್ ಪೂರ್ವನೋಟ ಸುಧಾರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೋಡಿ). ಬೀಟಾ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಕರಾಗಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ನೀವು ಯಾವುದೇ ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಗುರುತಿಸಿದರೆ ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಕಮ್ಯುನಿಟಿ ಫೋರಂನಲ್ಲಿ ನಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "ನೀವು ಕಾರನ್ನು ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡುವುದಿಲ್ಲ, ಆದರೀಗ MP3 ವಾಯ್ಸ್ ನೋಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡುವಾಗ ಅದನ್ನು ಸಮರ್ಪಕ ಫೈಲ್ ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಉಳಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "ಫೈಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ಲಗತ್ತಿಸಿದ ಬಳಿಕ ತ್ವರಿತವಾಗಿ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಟೈಪ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಿ ಅಥವಾ ಯಾವುದೇ ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ಗಳಿಲ್ಲದೆ ಫೈಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ/ಹಿಂದಿರುಗಿ ಒತ್ತಿರಿ. ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸಂಯೋಜನೆ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ ಬಟನ್ ಅನ್ನು ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "ಗ್ರೂಪ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವೊಬ್ಬರೇ ಇದ್ದರೆ (ಈ ತನಕ) ಮತ್ತು ನೀವು ಗ್ರೂಪ್ ಕರೆ ಆರಂಭಿಸಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿದರೆ, ನೀವೀಗ ಕರೆಗೆ ಸೇರಬಹುದು ಮತ್ತು ರಿಂಗ್ ಆಗುವ ತನಕ ಕಾಯದೆ ಕೂಡಲೇ ನಿಮ್ಮೊಂದಿಗೆ ಮಾತನಾಡಲು ನೀವು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಬಹುದು. ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "ಎಲ್ಲಿ ನೋಡಬೇಕೆಂದು ನಿಮಗೆ ತೋರಿಸುವ ಹೊಸ ಹೈಲೈಟ್ ಫೀಚರ್ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಗ್ರೂಪ್ ಕರೆಗಳ ವೇಳೆ ಯಾರು ಮಾತನಾಡುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ತ್ವರಿತವಾಗಿ ನೋಡಿ. ಮಾತನಾಡುವ ಸರದಿ ನಿಮ್ಮದಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ, ನೀವು ಆಲೋಚಿಸಬೇಕಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "ಮೀಡಿಯಾ ಎಡಿಟರ್ನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಜೀವನದ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ಕುರಿತ ಅನೇಕ ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್ಗಳು ಪ್ರಕಟವಾಗುವ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಶೈಲೀಕೃತವಾಗಿ ಅಲಂಕರಿಸಲು ಅನುಮತಿಸುತ್ತವೆ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "ಬೇರೆ ಚಾಟ್ಗೆ ನೀವು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿದ ನಂತರವೂ ದೀರ್ಘವಾದ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಆಲಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ಮುಂದುವರಿಸಲು ವಾಯ್ಸ್ ನೋಟ್ಸ್ ಮಿನಿ ಪ್ಲೇಯರ್ ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "ಹಳೆಯ ನೆನಪುಗಳನ್ನು ಮೆಲುಕು ಹಾಕಲು ಯಾವುದೇ ಚಿತ್ರ ಅಥವಾ ವೀಡಿಯೋ ಮೇಲೆ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ ಮತ್ತು ಮೀಡಿಯಾ ವ್ಯೂವರ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಹೊಸ ಫಾರ್ವರ್ಡ್ ಮತ್ತು ಬ್ಯಾಕ್ವರ್ಡ್ ಬಟನ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "ರೆಕಾರ್ಡಿಂಗ್ ಪ್ರಗತಿಯಲ್ಲಿರುವಾಗ ಇನ್ನೊಂದು ಚಾಟ್ಗೆ ಬದಲಾದರೆ ವಾಯ್ಸ್ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ಗಳು ಈಗ ಡ್ರಾಫ್ಟ್ಗಳಾಗಿ ಸೇವ್ ಆಗುತ್ತವೆ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್ ಕಳುಹಿಸುವುದರಿಂದ ಇನ್ನು ಮುಂದೆ ಡ್ರಾಫ್ಟ್ ಟೆಕ್ಸ್ಟ್ ತೆರವುಗೊಳ್ಳುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಯ ಸರ್ಚ್ ಬಾರ್ ಐಕಾನ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೆ ಅಲೈನ್ಮೆಂಟ್ಗೆ ತಂದಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ {norstbox} ಗೆ ಧನ್ಯವಾದ ಹೇಳಲು ನಾವು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೇವೆ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "취소",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "보내기",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ 님이 보낸 메시지, 스티커, 리액션, 수신 확인 또는 미디어를 전달할 수 없습니다. 직접 또는 그룹으로 전달하려고 했을 수 있습니다.",
"message": "$sender$ 님이 보낸 메시지, 스티커, 반응, 수신 확인, 미디어를 받지 못했습니다. 사용자에게 직접 보내거나 그룹에 보내려고 했을 수 있습니다.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "채팅에서 $sender$ 님이 보낸 메시지, 스티커, 리액션, 수신 확인 또는 미디어를 전달할 수 없습니다.",
"message": "채팅에서 $sender$ 님이 보낸 메시지, 스티커, 반응, 수신 확인 또는 미디어를 받지 못했습니다.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ 님이 $emoji$ 님의 메시지에 리액션했습니다."
"message": "$sender$ 님이 내 메시지에 $emoji$ 이모지로 반응했습니다."
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ 님이 $emoji$ 이모지로 리액션한 메시지: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ 님이 '$message$'에 $emoji$ 이모지로 반응했습니다."
"sendFailed": {
"message": "보내기 실패",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "오늘 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "어제 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "재연결"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "사용할 수 있는 업데이트가 있습니다."
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "업데이트 다시 시도"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "선택한 메시지에 대한 이모티콘 리액션 선택기 전환",
"message": "선택한 메시지에 대한 이모티콘 반응 선택기 토글",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "스티커 팩 생성기를 사용하려면 휴대전화와 데스크톱에서 Signal을 설정하세요.",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "리액션을 보내지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하세요.",
"message": "반응을 보내지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하세요.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ 버전으로 업데이트할 수 있습니다.",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal을 종료하지 못했습니다.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "반응 사용자 정의",
"message": "반응 사용자 지정",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5993,7 +6001,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "내 스토리를 볼 수 있는 사람들에게 반응과 답장을 받아보세요.",
"message": "내 스토리를 볼 수 있는 사람들의 반응과 답장 허용",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6285,7 +6293,7 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "스토리에 반응함",
"message": "스토리에 반응했습니다.",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,11 +6457,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "$name$ 님의 스토리에 반응했습니다",
"message": "$name$ 님의 스토리에 반응했습니다.",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "스토리에 반응했습니다",
"message": "스토리에 반응했습니다.",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "'설정 > 개인 정보 보호 > 전화번호 > 내 번호로 나를 찾을 수 있는 사람'에서 '전화번호 검색'을 꺼서 다른 사람이 나에게 연락할 때 기본적으로 사용자 이름을 사용하도록 하세요.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "사소한 변경 사항과 버그 수정 및 성능 개선. Signal을 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "앱의 원활한 실행을 위한 버그 수정과 성능 개선에 최선을 다하고 있습니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "새 스토리 기능을 사용하고 테스트해 보세요. 이 기능은 Signal의 다른 베타 테스터들과 함께 사용할 수 있습니다. 사용해 보고 감상을 알려주세요!",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "이제 Signal에서 스토리를 사용해 보세요! 24시간 후 자동으로 사라지는 자동 삭제 텍스트, 이미지, 동영상 업데이트를 특정 친구나 그룹과 공유해 보세요. 이제 광고나 개인 정보 유출에 대한 걱정 없이 누구나 스토리를 공유할 수 있습니다. 스토리를 보거나 공유하고 싶지 않다면 기본 설정 > 개인 정보에서 관련 기능을 모두 선택 해제하세요.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "소규모 그룹(최대 16명)과 그룹 통화를 시작할 경우 전화벨 알림을 보낼 수 있습니다. iOS 베타, 데스크톱, Android를 사용 중일 경우 그룹 구성원의 전화벨이 울립니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "메시지를 두 번 클릭하여 채팅에서 답장할 때 메시지를 인용해 보세요. 지난 아이디어에 대한 새로운 생각을 공유하는 지름길입니다. 좋은 의견을 제시해준 Signal 커뮤니티와 이 기능을 실현하도록 도와준 {whynothugo}에게 감사드립니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "이제 이미지 밖을 클릭하면 이미지가 확대되는 대신 갤러리 보기가 종료됩니다. 가까운 것도 좋지만 자고로 관계란 적절한 거리가 유지될 때 더 아름다운 법이죠. 이 문제를 해결해 준 {jojomatik}에 감사드립니다!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "더 빨리 반응하세요. 이제 스토리에 답장할 때 아무 이모지나 클릭하여 더욱 빠르게 반응할 수 있습니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "이제 중국어나 일본어 개별 글자로 메시지 기록을 검색할 수 있습니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "음성 및 음성 통화와 관련한 몇 가지 안정성 및 성능 개선을 테스트할 수 있도록 도와주세요. 이 베타 릴리스는 몇 가지 버그 수정 사항과 사소한 UI 업데이트도 포함합니다(새로운 링크 미리 보기 개선 사항을 확인해 보세요!). 베타 테스터로 활약해 주셔서 감사합니다. 버그를 목격하면 커뮤니티 포럼을 통해 알려주세요.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "이제 MP3 음성 메시지를 다운로드하면(항상 저작권을 준수해야 하는 거 아시죠?) 적절한 파일 확장명을 사용하여 저장됩니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "파일을 첨부한 뒤 간편하게 메시지를 입력하기 시작하거나, Enter/반환 키를 눌러 추가 클릭 없이 파일을 보내세요. 고마워요, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "큰 작성 창의 보내기 버튼이 이제 제대로 정렬되어 표시됩니다. 고마워요, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "이제 그룹에 본인만 있는 상태에서 그룹 통화를 시작하면 전화벨이 울리길 기다리지 않고 바로 본인과 통화를 시작할 수 있습니다. 고마워요, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "어디에 주목해야 할지 표시해 주는 새로운 하이라이트 기능으로 통화 중에 누가 얘기 중인지 빠르게 확인하세요. 내 차례가 언제인지는 내면의 목소리에 귀 기울이면 알 수 있을 거예요.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "전송 이미지에 스타일이 지정된 시간 장식을 추가할 수 있는 미디어 편집기의 여러 가지 스티커로 그 어느 때보다 즐거운 시간을 보내세요.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "음성 메시지 미니 플레이어를 사용하여 다른 채팅으로 전환한 후에도 계속해서 긴 메시지를 들으세요.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "아무 사진이나 동영상을 클릭한 다음 미디어 보기에서 '앞으로'와 '뒤로' 버튼을 사용하여 추억을 회상해 보세요.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "이제 음성 메시지를 녹음하는 도중에 다른 채팅으로 전환하면 음성 메시지가 초안으로 저장됩니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "이제 스티커를 보내도 초안 텍스트가 지워지지 않습니다. 고마워요, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "대화 검색창 아이콘 정렬을 도와준 {norstbox}에도 감사드립니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Жок",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Жөнөтүү",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Билдирүүгө реакция кылуу",
"message": "Билдирүүгө сезим билдирүү",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ жөнөткөн билдирүү, стикер, реакция же окулду деген билдирме сизге жетпей калды. Ал бул нерселерди түздөн-түз сизге же кандайдыр бир топко жөнөткөнгө аракет кылган.",
"message": "$sender$ жөнөткөн билдирүү, стикер, билдирген сезим же окулду деген билдирме сизге жетпей калды. Ал бул нерселерди түздөн-түз сизге же кандайдыр бир топко жөнөткөнгө аракет кылган.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Бул маекте $sender$ жөнөткөн билдирүү, стикер, реакция, окулду деген билдирме сизге жетпей калды.",
"message": "Бул маекте $sender$ жөнөткөн билдирүү, стикер, билдирген сезим, окулду деген билдирме сизге жетпей калды.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ билдирүүңүзгө $emoji$ реакция кылды"
"message": "$sender$ билдирүүңүзгө $emoji$ деген сезимин билдирди"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ $message$ үчүн $emoji$ реакция кылды"
"message": "$sender$ $message$ үчүн $emoji$ деген сезимин билдирди"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Жөнөтүлбөй калды",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Бүгүн $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Кечээ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Кайра туташтыруу"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Жаңыртуу жеткиликтүү"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Жаңыртууну кайра аракет кылуу"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Тандалган билдирүү үчүн быйтыкча-реакция тилкесин көрсөтүү/жашыруу",
"message": "Тандалган билдирүүгө сезимди билдирген быйтыкчаларды көрсөтүү/жашыруу",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,15 +3189,15 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Стикерлер топтомун түзгүчтү колдонуу үчүн телефонуңузга жана компьютериңизге Signal'ды орнотуңуз",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "Реакцияны алып салуу",
"message": "Сезимди алып салуу",
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Реакция жөнөтүлбөй калды. Сураныч, кайра аракет кылыңыз.",
"message": "Сезим жөнөтүлбөй калды. Кайталап көрүңүз.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ версиясына жаңыртуу жеткиликтүү",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Сигнал жабылбай калды.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "Реакцияларды ыңгайлаштыруу",
"message": "Сезимдер топтомун ыңгайлаштыруу",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "Реакция жөнөтүлүүдө...",
"message": "Сезим жөнөтүлүүдө...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5993,7 +6001,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "Окуяңызды көрө алган адамдарга жооп берүүгө жана реакция кылууга мүмкүнчүлүк бериңиз.",
"message": "Окуяңызды көрө алган адамдарга жооп берүүгө жана сезимдерин билдирүүгө мүмкүнчүлүк бересиз.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6281,11 +6289,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "Окуяга реакция кылуу",
"message": "Окуяга сезим билдирүү",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "Окуяга реакция кылды",
"message": "Окуяга сезимин билдирди",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,23 +6457,23 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "$name$ окуясына реакция кылды",
"message": "$name$ түзгөн окуяга сезимин билдирди",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "Окуяга реакция кылды",
"message": "Окуяга сезимин билдирди",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "Окуяңызга $emoji$ деп сезимин билдирди",
"message": "Окуяңызга $emoji$ деген сезимин билдирди",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "$name$ жарыялаган окуяга $emoji$ деп сезимиңизди билдирдиңиз",
"message": "$name$ жарыялаган окуяга $emoji$ деген сезимиңизди билдирдиңиз",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "Окуяга $emoji$ деп сезимиңизди билдирдиңиз",
"message": "Окуяга $emoji$ деген сезимиңизди билдирдиңиз",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Телефон номерин табуу мүмкүнчүлүгүн Параметрлер > Телефон номери > Менин телефонумду кимдер таба алат деген бөлүмдө өчүрүп, башкалар сизди колдонуучу атыңыз аркылуу таба алгыдай кылсаңыз болот.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Майда-барат өзгөрүүлөрдү киргизип, мүчүлүштүктөрдү оңдоп, колдонмонун иштешин жакшыртып жатабыз. Signal'ды колдонгонуңуз үчүн чоң рахмат!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Колдонмо үзгүлтүксүз иштеши үчүн мүчүлүштүктөрдү оңдоп, иштин майнаптуулугун арттыруучу өзгөрүүлөрдү киргизип, талыкпай эмгектенип жатабыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Окуялардын жаңы функциясын колдонуп, сынап көрүңүз. Бул функцияны башка сыноочулар менен чогуу пайдаланып, анын кандай иштерин айта аласыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Окуялар эми Signal'да! Тандалган досторуңуз же топторуңуз менен тексттик билдирүү, сүрөт жана видеолоруңузду бөлүшсөңүз болот. Алар 24 сааттан кийин өзүлөрү өчүп калат. Окуяларды жакшы көргөндөр эми аларды жеке шартта, эч кандай жарнамасыз бөлүшө алышат. Эгер окуяларды көргүңүз да, бөлүшкүңүз да келбесе, Тууралоо > Купуялык бөлүмүнөн өчүрүп коюңуз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Чакан (16 адамга чейин) топтун ичинде чалып баштасаңыз, чалуу билдирмесин жөнөтсөңүз болот. Топтун мүчөлөрү iOS сынамык версиясын же компьютерди же Android түзмөгүн колдонуп жатышкан болсо, шыңгырды угушат.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Тырмакчага алып жооп берүү үчүн маектеги каалаган билдирүүнү эки жолу басыңыз. Мындай жол менен, кимдир бирөөнүн оюна өз пикириңизди ыкчам билдире аласыз. Ушул функцияны тартуулагандар: {whynothugo} менен Signal коомдоштугу.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Эми сүрөттү кичирейтип отурбастан, анын четин басып туруп, галерея көрүнүшүнөн чыгып кетесиз. Кээде кандайдыр бир нерсени өзүңүзгө өтө жакындатпай туруп, жаап салганыңыз оң. Түзөткөнүңүз үчүн рахмат {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Ыкчам жооп бериңиз. Окуяга болгон сезимиңизди билдирүү үчүн жөн гана быйтыкчаны басып койсоңуз болот.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Кытай жана жапон тилдеринде билдирүүлөрдүн арасынан керектүүсүн белгилүү бир тамгалар менен издей аласыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Аудио жана видео чалуулардын ишенимдүүлүгүн жана майнаптуулугун жакшырткан бир катар мүмкүнчүлүктөрдү сынаганга жардам бериңиз. Бул бета версияда бир катар мүчүлүштүктөр оңдолуп, интерфейс бир аз жаңыланды (жаңы өзгөрүүлөр камтылган шилтемени караңыз). Бета версияны сынап бергениңиз үчүн чоң рахмат! Эгер кандайдыр бир мүчүлүштүктөрдү байкап калсаңыз, коомдоштук форумубуздан кабарлап коюңуз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Унааны жүктөй албаганыңыз менен, MP3 үн билдирүүсүн жүктөп алып, тийиштүү файл кеңейтүүсүндө сактап койсоңуз болот.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Файл тиркегенден кийин билдирүү терип баштасаңыз болот же файлды жөнөтүү үчүн жөн гана Enter/Return баскычын басып коюңуз. Чоң рахмат {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Чоңураак көрүнүштөгү жөнөтүү баскычы ишке киргизилди. Чоң рахмат {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Топто жалгыз катышуучу болуп (азырынча), топтун ичинде чалганы жатсаңыз, ким чалат деп күтүп отурбастан, чалууга өзүңүз кошулуп, өзүңүз менен сүйлөшө берсеңиз болот. Чоң рахмат {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Топтун ичинде ким сүйлөп жатканын көрсөтүп турган жаңы функция чыкты. Эгер өзүңүз сүйлөй турган болсоңуз, өзүңүздү караңыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Медиа түзөтүүчүдөгү бир катар стикерлер менен сүрөттөрдү кооздоп жөнөтүп, жашооңузду кызыктуу кыла аласыз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Башка маекке которулсаңыз да, узак билдирүүлөрдү уга берүү үчүн үн билдирүүлөрүнүн чакан ойноткучун колдонсоңуз болот.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Каалаган сүрөттү же видеону басып, медиа ойноткучтагы жаңы Алдыга жана Артка баскычтарын колдонуп, өткөн күндөрдөгү жылуу учурларга көз чаптырып чыксаңыз болот.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Билдирүү жазылып жаткан учурда башка маекке которулсаңыз, үн билдирүүлөрү долбоор катары сакталат.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Стикер жөнөтсөңүз, долбоор катары сакталган текст өчпөйт. Чоң рахмат {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Сүйлөшүүлөрдү издөө тилкесинин сүрөтчөлөрү кайтарылганы үчүн да {norstbox} терең ыраазычылыгыбызды билдиребиз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Atšaukti",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Siųsti",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Nepavyko jums nuo $sender$ pristatyti žinutės, lipduko, reakcijos, pranešimo apie žinutės skaitymą ar medijos. Gali būti, kad šis žmogus bandė siųsti jums tiesiogiai arba grupėje.",
"message": "Nepavyko tau pristatyti žinutės, lipduko, reakcijos, perskaitymo pranešimo ar įrašo nuo $sender$. Gali būti, kad šis žmogus bandė tau siųsti tiesiogiai arba grupėje.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Šiame pokalbyje nepavyko jums nuo $sender$ pristatyti žinutės, lipduko, reakcijos, pranešimo apie žinutės skaitymą ar medijos.",
"message": "Nepavyko tau pristatyti žinutės, lipduko, reakcijos, perskaitymo pranešimo ar įrašo nuo $sender$ šiame pokalbyje.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ sureagavo į jūsų žinutę: $emoji$"
"message": "$sender$ sureagavo į tavo žinutę $emoji$"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ sureagavo $emoji$ į: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ sureagavo $emoji$ į „$message$“"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Išsiuntimas nepavyko",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Šiandien $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Vakar $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Pastabos sau",
"message": "Priminimas sau",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Susieti iš naujo"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Yra prieinamas atnaujinimas"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Bandykite atnaujinti programą dar kartą"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Perjungti šypsenėlių reakcijų parinkiklį pasirinktai žinutei",
"message": "Perjungti pasirinktos žinutės jaustukų reakcijų parinkiklį",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Jei nori naudoti lipdukų paketo kūrimo įrankį, įdiek „Signal“ telefone ir kompiuteryje",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Nepavyko išsiųsti reakcijos. Bandykite dar kartą.",
"message": "Nepavyko išsiųsti reakcijos. Bandyk dar kartą.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Yra prieinamas atnaujinimas į versiją $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Nepavyksta užverti Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5993,7 +6001,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "Leisk žmonėms, galintiems žiūrėti tavo istoriją, reaguoti ir atsakyti.",
"message": "Leisti žmonėms, galintiems žiūrėti tavo istoriją, reaguoti ir atsakyti.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6457,15 +6465,15 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "Sureagavo į tavo istoriją „$emoji$“",
"message": "Sureagavo į tavo istoriją $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "Tu sureagavai „$emoji$“ į istoriją, kurią paskelbė $name$",
"message": "Tu sureagavai $emoji$ į istoriją, kurią paskelbė $name$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "Tu sureagavai „$emoji$“ į istoriją",
"message": "Tu sureagavai į istoriją $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Jei nori, kad naudotojo vardas būtų pagrindinis būdas su tavimi susisiekti, išjunk telefono numerio aptikimą per Nustatymus > Telefono numeris > Kas gali rasti mano numerį.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Smulkūs patobulinimai, klaidų pataisymai ir veikimo pagerinimas. Ačiū, kad naudoji „Signal“!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Plušame taisydami klaidas ir kitaip gerindami programėlės veikimą, kad ir toliau ja sklandžiai naudotumeisi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Pradėk naudoti ir testuoti mūsų naują istorijų funkciją. Gali ją naudoti kartu su kitais mūsų beta testuotojais ir pranešti, kaip veikia.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "„Signal“ istorijos jau čia! Bendrink dingstančias žinutes, nuotraukas ir vaizdo įrašus su pasirinktais draugais ar grupėmis – viskas automatiškai dingsta po 24 val. Visi, kas mėgsta bendrinti istorijas, gali daryti tai privačiai ir be jokių reklamų. Jei nenori žiūrėti ar bendrinti istorijų, gali visa tai išjungti: eik į Parinktis ir pasirink Privatumą.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kai inicijuoji grupės skambutį mažai grupei (iki 16 žmonių), gali pasirinkti siųsti skambėjimo pranešimą. Grupės nariai išgirs skambėjimą, jeigu turi „iOS“ beta versiją arba naudoja kompiuterį ar „Android“.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dukart spustelėk bet kurią pranešimo eilutę pokalbyje, jei nori pradėti atsakymą citata. Tai tarsi nuoroda į naujas mintis apie senas idėjas. Dėkojame {whynothugo} ir „Signal“ bendruomenei už šios funkcijos įdiegimą ir atsiliepimus.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Dabar lengviau spustelėti už vaizdo ribų ir išjungti galerijos rodinį nepriartinant. Juk kartais norėdavai nebematyti, o vietoj to pamatydavai iš arčiau. Dėkojame {jojomatik} už pataisymą!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Pagreitink atsakymų laiką. Dabar gali sureaguoti greičiau – tereikia spustelėti bet kurį jaustuką atsakant į istoriją.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Dabar pranešimų istorijoje galima ieškoti atskirų simbolių kinų ir japonų kalbomis.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Padėk mums išbandyti kelis balso ir vaizdo skambučių patikimumo bei veikimo patobulinimus. Šioje beta versijoje dar yra keletas klaidų pataisymų ir nedidelių vartotojo sąsajos atnaujinimų (ieškok naujų nuorodų peržiūros patobulinimų!). Ačiū už beta versijos testavimą, o jei pastebėsi klaidų – pranešk mums bendruomenės forume.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Automobilio neparsisiųsi, bet kai siųsiesi MP3 balso žinutę, ji bus išsaugota tinkamu failo plėtiniu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Pridėjus failą galima greitai pradėti rašyti žinutę arba tiesiog paspausti „Enter“ / „Return“ ir išsiųsti failą be papildomų spustelėjimų. Ačiū, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Sulygiuotas siuntimo mygtukas dideliame rašymo lange. Ačiū, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Jei esi vienintelis asmuo grupėje (kol kas) ir bandai pradėti grupės skambutį, dabar gali prisijungti prie skambučio ir kalbėti su savimi iškart, o ne laukti, kol nuskambės signalas. Ačiū, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Grupės skambučio metu gali greit pamatyti, kas kalba, su nauja paryškinimo funkcija, parodančia tau, kur žiūrėti. Jei tavo eilė kalbėti, turėsi pažvelgti į savo vidų.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Pasilinksmink kaip reikiant su keletu lipdukų įrašų redagavimo įrankyje, kurie leis uždėti stilizuotas laiko dekoracijas ant siunčiamų nuotraukų.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Naudok balso žinučių mini leistuvą, kad galėtum toliau klausytis ilgų žinučių net ir tada, kai pereisi į kitą pokalbį.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Spustelėk bet kurią nuotrauką ar vaizdo įrašą, ir nauji įrašų žiūryklės mygtukai „Pirmyn“ ir „Atgal“ leis tau patogiai paklaidžioti prisiminimuose.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Balso žinutės dabar išsaugomos kaip juodraščiai, jei pereini į kitą pokalbį, kol vyksta įrašymas.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Siunčiant lipduką, juodraštinis tekstas nebebus ištrinamas. Ačiū, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Taip pat norime padėkoti {norstbox} už tai, kad vėl sulygiavo pokalbio paieškos juostos piktogramas.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Atcelt",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Sūtīt",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@
"message": "$sender$ uz jūsu ziņu reaģēja ar $emoji$"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reaģēja ar$emoji$: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ reaģēja ar $emoji$ uz: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Sūtīšana neizidevās",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Šodien, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Vakar, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Atkārtoti saistīt"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Pieejams atjauninājums"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Vēlreiz mēģināt atjaunināt"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Pārslēgt emociju izpausmes izvēli uz atlasīto ziņu",
"message": "Pārslēgt emociju reakciju izvēli atlasītajai ziņai",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Lai izmantotu uzlīmju komplekta veidotāju, iestatiet Signal savā tālrunī un datorā",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Neizdevās nosūtīt emociju izpausmi. Mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
"message": "Neizdevās nosūtīt reakciju. Mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Pieejams atjauninājums uz versiju $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Neizdodas aizvērt Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "Pielāgot emociju izpausmes",
"message": "Pielāgot reakcijas",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Izslēdziet tālruņa numura noteikšanu sadaļā Iestatījumi > Privātums > > Tālruņa numurs > Kas var atrast manu numuru, lai izmantotu jūsu lietotāja vārdu kā galveno veidu, kā citi var ar jums sazināties.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Nelielas izmaiņas, kļūdu labojumi un darbības uzlabojumi. Paldies, ka lietojat Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Smagi strādājam pie kļūdu labojumiem un citiem darbības uzlabojumiem, lai jūs varētu netraucēti izmantot lietotni.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Sāciet izmantot un testēt mūsu jauno stāstu funkciju. Varat izmantot šo funkciju kopā ar citiem beta testētājiem un paziņot mums, kā tā darbojas.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Tagad Signal ir pieejami stāsti! Kopīgojiet tekstu, attēlus un video ar noteiktiem draugiem vai grupām. Kopīgotais saturs automātiski pazudīs pēc 24 stundām. Ikviens, kam patīk dalīties ar stāstiem, var to paveikt privāti un bez reklāmām. Ja nevēlaties redzēt vai kopīgot stāstus, varat atteikties no šīs funkcijas sadaļā Preferences > Privātums.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kad sākat grupas zvanu nelielā grupā (līdz 16 personām), varat izvēlēties nosūtīt zvana paziņojumu. Grupas dalībnieki dzirdēs zvana signālu, ja viņi izmanto iOS beta, Desktop vai Android versiju.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Veiciet dubultklikšķi uz jebkuras ziņas rindas sarunā, lai sāktu citēto atbildi. Tas ir ātrs veids, kā dalīties ar jaunām domām par vecajām idejām. Paldies {whynothugo} un Signal kopienai par šīs funkcijas ieviešanu un atsauksmju sniegšanu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Tagad ir vieglāk noklikšķināt ārpus attēla, lai aizvērtu galerijas skatu bez tuvināšanas. Iepriekš varēja gadīties, ka jūs vienkārši gribējāt aizvērt skatu, bet tā vietā pietuvinājāt attēlu. Paldies {jojomatik} par labojumu!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Atbildiet ātrāk. Kad atbildat uz stāstu, varat reaģēt ātrāk, pieskaroties pie jebkuras emocijzīmes.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Tagad ziņu vēsturē ir iespējams meklēt atsevišķas rakstzīmes ķīniešu un japāņu valodā.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Palīdziet mums pārbaudīt vairākus balss un videozvanu stabilitātes un veiktspējas uzlabojumus. Šajā beta versijā ir iekļauti arī daži kļūdu labojumi un daži nelieli lietotāju interfeisa atjauninājumi (meklējiet jaunos saišu priekšskatījuma uzlabojumus!). Paldies, ka esat beta testētājs. Ja pamanāt kļūdas, lūdzu, sazinieties ar mums kopienas forumā.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Tagad, lejupielādējot MP3 balss piezīmi, tā tiks saglabāta ar atbilstošu faila paplašinājumu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Pēc faila pievienošanas ātri sāciet rakstīt ziņu vai vienkārši nospiediet taustiņu Enter/Return, lai nosūtītu failu bez papildu klikšķiem. Paldies, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Nosūtīšanas poga lielajā ziņas sastādīšanas skatā ir izlīdzināta. Paldies, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Ja esat vienīgā persona grupā (pagaidām) un mēģināt sākt grupas zvanu, tagad varat pievienoties zvanam un sākt runāt ar sevi uzreiz, negaidot, kamēr atskanēs zvans. Paldies, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Ātri uzziniet, kurš runā grupas zvana laikā, izmantojot jaunu izcelšanas funkciju, kas parāda runātāju. Ja ir jūsu kārta runāt, ieskatieties sevī.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Padariet dzīvi krāšņāku ar dažādām uzlīmēm multivides redaktorā, kas ļauj nosūtītajiem attēliem pievienot stilizētas laika dekorācijas.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Izmantojiet balss piezīmju mini atskaņotāju, lai turpinātu klausīties garas ziņas pat pēc pārslēgšanās uz citu sarunu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Noklikšķiniet uz jebkura attēla vai video un izmantojiet jaunās pogas Uz priekšu un Atpakaļ multivides skatītājā, lai vizuāli gremdētos atmiņās.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Ja ierakstīšanas laikā pārslēdzaties uz citu sarunu, balss ziņas tagad tiek saglabātas kā melnraksti.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Nosūtot uzlīmi, melnraksta teksts vairs netiek notīrīts. Paldies, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Vēlamies arī pateikties lietotājam {norstbox} par sarunu meklēšanas joslas ikonu izlīdzināšanu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Откажи",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Испрати",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Не можеше да се испрати до вас порака, налепница, реакција, потврда за прочитана порака или медиумска датотека од $sender$. Или се обиделе да ви ја испратат директно, или во група.",
"message": "Не можеше да се испрати до вас порака, налепница, реакција, потврда за прочитана порака или медиумска датотека од $sender$. Или се обиделе да ви ја испратат директно или во група.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Не можеше да се испрати до вас порака, налепница, реакција, потврда за прочитана порака или медиумска датотека од $sender$во овој разговор.",
"message": "Не можеше да се испрати до вас порака, налепница, реакција, потврда за прочитана порака или медиумска датотека од $sender$ во овој разговор.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ реагираше $emoji$ на Вашата порака"
"message": "$sender$ реагираше со $emoji$ на вашата порака"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ реагираше $emoji$ на $message$"
"message": "$sender$ реагираше со $emoji$ на: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Испраќањето е неуспешно",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Денес $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Вчера $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Забелешка за себе",
"message": "Белешка за себе",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Поврзи повторно"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Достапна е нова верзија"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Обидете се повторно да ажурирате"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Вклучи/исклучи избирач на емоџи реакција за избраната порака",
"message": "Вклучи/исклучи избирач на реакција со емотикон за избраната порака",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,15 +3189,15 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Ве молиме поставете го Signal на вашиот телефон и десктоп компјутер за да го користи креаторот за пакети на стикери",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "Отстранете реакција",
"message": "Отстрани реакција",
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Не успеав да испратам реакција. Ве молиме пробајте пак.",
"message": "Не можеше да се испрати реакцијата. Ве молиме пробајте пак.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Достапно ажурирање до верзија $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Не може да се затвори Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Оневозможете откривање со телефонски број за вашето корисничко име да се користи како главниот начин на кој другите можат да ве контактираат, преку Поставувања > Приватност > Телефонски број > Кој може да го најде мојот број.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Mали подобрувања, решени багови и подобрувања на перформансот. Ви благодариме што користите Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Напорно работиме за да ги решиме баговите и да го подобриме перформансот за апликацијата да продолжи да работи беспрекорно за вас.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Започнете да ги користите и тестирате нашите нови функции за приказни. Можете да ја користите оваа функција со другите бета тестери и да ни кажете како работи.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Сега има приказни на Signal! Споделувајте фото, видео и текстуални новости кои исчезнуваат автоматски по 24 часа со одредени пријатели или групи. За сите кои сакаат да споделуваат приказни, еве начин тоа да се направи приватно и без гледање реклами. Ако не сакате да гледате или споделувате приказни, исклучете ги во Поставувања > Приватност.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Кога почнувате групен повик со помали групи (до 16 лица), можете да одберете да испратите известување со ѕвонење. Членовите на групата ќе слушнат ѕвонење ако ја користат iOS бета верзијата или ако ja користат десктоп или Android верзијата.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Кликнете двапати на која било порака во разговорот за да ја цитирате во одговор. Тоа е пократок начин за изразување нови мисли за стари идеи. Благодарност до {whynothugo} и Signal заедницата за воведување на оваа функција и давање фидбек.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Сега е лесно да кликнете надвор од сликата за да не биде прикажана на цел екран, без истата да се зумира. Некогаш сакавте само да излезете од прозорецот, а не да го зголемите. Благодарност до {jojomatik} што го среди ова!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Одговарајте побрзо. Сега можете побрзо да реагирате со кликање на кој било емотикон кога одговарате на приказна.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Сега можете да пребарувате индивидуални знаци на кинески и јапонски во вашата историја на разговори.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Помогнете ни да тестираме неколку подобрувања на сигурноста и перформансот на гласовни и видео повици. Оваа бета верзија исто така вклучува и неколку решени багови и мали ажурирања на интерфејсот (очекувајте ги новите подобрувања на можноста за преглед на линкови!). Ви благодариме што ја тестирате бета верзијата и ве молиме контактирајте нè на форумот на заедницата доколку забележите багови.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Не можете да преземете автомобил преку интернет, но сега кога ќе преземате MP3 гласовна порака, ќе биде зачувана со соодветната наставка за име на датотека.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Веднаш почнете со пишување на пораката откако ќе прикачите датотека, или само стиснете на Enter/Return за да се испрати датотеката без додатни кликови. Благодариме, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Копчето за испраќање во зголемениот преглед на прозорецот за составување пораки сега е израмнето. Благодариме, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Ако сте единствената личност во една група (засега) и се обидете да започнете групен повик, сега можете да се придружите на повикот и веднаш да си разговорате со себеси наместо да чекате повикот да заѕвони. Благодариме, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Веднаш видете кој зборува во текот на групните повици со новата функција за истакнување која ви покажува каде да гледате. Кога ќе бидете вие на ред да зборувате, ќе треба да се погледнете себеси.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Забавувајте се со неколкуте налепници во едиторот за медиумски датотеки кој ви овозможува да додадете стилизирани временски декорации на сликите кои ги испраќате.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Користете го мини читачот на гласовни пораки за да можете да продолжите да ги слушате долгите пораки дури и откако ќе отворите друг разговор.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Кликнете на која било слика или видео и користете ги новите копчиња за Напред и Назад во прегледувачот на медиумски датотеки за да се навратите на спомените.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Сега гласовните пораки ќе бидат зачувани како нацрт-пораки ако отворите друг разговор во текот на снимањето.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Испраќањето налепница повеќе нема да ги брише нацрт-пораките. Благодариме, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Исто така сакаме да се заблагодариме на {norstbox} што ги израмни иконите на лентите за пребарување во разговорите.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "റദ്ദാക്കുക",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "അയയ്ക്കുക",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "ഒരു സന്ദേശം, സ്റ്റിക്കർ, പ്രതികരണം, വായിച്ച രസീത് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മീഡിയ എന്നിവ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് $sender$-ൽ നിന്ന് നൽകാൻ കഴിയില്ല. അവർ അത് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് നേരിട്ടോ ഒരു ഗ്രൂപ്പിലോ അയയ്ക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചിരിക്കാം.",
"message": "ഒരു സന്ദേശം, സ്റ്റിക്കർ, പ്രതികരണം, വായിച്ച രസീത് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മീഡിയ എന്നിവ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് $sender$ എന്നയാളിൽ നിന്ന് ലഭിക്കില്ല. അവർ അത് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് നേരിട്ടോ ഒരു ഗ്രൂപ്പിലോ അയയ്ക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചിരിക്കാം.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "ഒരു സന്ദേശം, സ്റ്റിക്കർ, പ്രതികരണം, വായിച്ച രസീത് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മീഡിയ എന്നിവ ഈ ചാറ്റിലെ -$sender$ൽ നിന്ന് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് നൽകാൻ കഴിയില്ല.",
"message": "ഒരു സന്ദേശം, സ്റ്റിക്കർ, പ്രതികരണം, വായിച്ച രസീത് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മീഡിയ എന്നിവ ഈ ചാറ്റിലെ $sender$ എന്നയാളിൽ നിന്ന് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ലഭിക്കില്ല.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശം-ത്തോട് $emoji$ പ്രതികരിച്ചു"
"message": "$sender$ നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശത്തോട് $emoji$ നൽകി പ്രതികരിച്ചു"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ നിങ്ങളുടെ $message$-ത്തോട് $emoji$ പ്രതികരിച്ചു"
"message": "$sender$ നിങ്ങളുടെ $message$ എന്ന സന്ദേശത്തിനോട് $emoji$ നൽകി പ്രതികരിച്ചു"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "അയയ്ക്കുന്നത് പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "ഇന്ന് $time$ മണിക്ക്",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "ഇന്നലെ $time$ മണിക്ക്",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "വീണ്ടും ലിങ്ക്"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ലഭ്യമാണ്"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത സന്ദേശം-ത്തിനായി ഇമോജി-റിയാക്ഷൻ പിക്കർ ടോഗിൾ ചെയ്യുക",
"message": "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത സന്ദേശത്തിനായി ഇമോജി റിയാക്ഷൻ പിക്കർ ടോഗിൾ ചെയ്യുക",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "സ്റ്റിക്കർ പായ്ക്ക് സ്രഷ്ടാവ് ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിന് നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോണിലും ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പിലും Signal സജ്ജീകരിക്കുക",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "പ്രതികരണം അയയ്ക്കുന്നതിൽ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു. ദയവായി വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക.",
"message": "പ്രതികരണം അയയ്ക്കാനായില്ല. വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ എന്ന പതിപ്പിലേക്കുള്ള അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ലഭ്യമാണ്",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal അടയ്ക്കാനായില്ല.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6457,15 +6465,15 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്റ്റോറിയോട് $emoji$ എന്ന് പ്രതികരിച്ചു",
"message": "നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്റ്റോറിയോട് $emoji$ നൽകി പ്രതികരിച്ചു",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "$name$ എന്നയാളുടെ സ്റ്റോറിയോട് നിങ്ങൾ $emoji$ എന്ന് പ്രതികരിച്ചു",
"message": "$name$ എന്നയാളുടെ സ്റ്റോറിയോട് നിങ്ങൾ $emoji$ നൽകി പ്രതികരിച്ചു",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു സ്റ്റോറിയോട് $emoji$ എന്ന് പ്രതികരിച്ചു",
"message": "നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു സ്റ്റോറിയോട് $emoji$ നൽകി പ്രതികരിച്ചു",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "മറ്റുള്ളവർക്ക് നിങ്ങളെ കോൺടാക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള പ്രാഥമിക മാർഗം ഉപയോക്തൃനാമമാക്കാൻ ക്രമീകരണം > ഫോൺ നമ്പർ > ആർക്കൊക്കെ എന്റെ നമ്പർ കണ്ടെത്താനാകും എന്നതിലേക്ക് പോയി ഫോൺ നമ്പർ ഡിസ്ക്കവറി ഓഫാക്കുക.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "ചെറിയ മാറ്റങ്ങളും ബഗ് പരിഹരിക്കലുകളും പ്രകടന മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തലുകളും. Signal ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിന് നന്ദി!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "നിങ്ങൾക്കായി ആപ്പ് സുഗമമായി പ്രവർത്തിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിന് ബഗുകൾ പരിഹരിക്കുന്നതിനും മറ്റ് പ്രകടന മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തലുകൾ വരുത്തുന്നതിനും കഠിനാധ്വാനം ചെയ്യുന്നു.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "ഞങ്ങളുടെ പുതിയ സ്റ്റോറികൾ സവിശേഷത ഉപയോഗിക്കാനും പരീക്ഷിക്കാനും ആരംഭിക്കുക. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് മറ്റ് ബീറ്റാ ടെസ്റ്റർമാർക്കൊപ്പം സവിശേഷത ഉപയോഗിക്കാനും അത് എങ്ങനെ പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നുവെന്ന് ഞങ്ങളെ അറിയിക്കാനും കഴിയും.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "സ്റ്റോറികൾ ഇപ്പോൾ Signal-ൽ ലഭ്യമാണ്! 24 മണിക്കൂറിൽ അപ്രത്യക്ഷമാകുന്ന ടെക്സ്റ്റ്, ഇമേജുകൾ, വീഡിയോ അപ്ഡേറ്റുകൾ എന്നിവ ഏതാനും സുഹൃത്തുക്കളുമായോ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളുമായോ പങ്കിടുക. സ്റ്റോറികൾ പങ്കിടാൻ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്ന എല്ലാവർക്കും, അത് പരസ്യങ്ങളൊന്നും കാണാതെ സ്വകാര്യമായി ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ഒരു മാർഗ്ഗമിതാ. സ്റ്റോറികൾ കാണാനോ പങ്കിടാനോ താൽപ്പര്യമില്ലെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങളുടെ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ > സ്വകാര്യത എന്നതിൽ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് അവയിൽ നിന്നെല്ലാം ഒഴിവാകാൻ കഴിയും.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "നിങ്ങൾ ചെറിയ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകൾക്കായി (16 ആളുകൾ വരെയുള്ളത്) ഒരു ഗ്രൂപ്പ് കോൾ ആരംഭിക്കുമ്പോൾ, നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒരു റിംഗിംഗ് അറിയിപ്പ് അയയ്ക്കാൻ തീരുമാനിക്കാം. ഗ്രൂപ്പ് അംഗങ്ങൾ iOS ബീറ്റയിലാണെങ്കിലോ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പ് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ Android ഉപയോഗിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിലോ അവർ ഒരു റിംഗ് കേൾക്കും.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ലഭിച്ച ചാറ്റിനെ ഉദ്ധരിച്ച് മറുപടി നൽകാൻ ഏതെങ്കിലും സന്ദേശത്തിന്റെ വരിയിൽ ഡബിൾ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക. പഴയ ആശയങ്ങളിലെ പുതിയൊരു ചിന്തയ്ക്കുള്ള കുറുക്കുവഴി പോലെയാണത്. ഈ ഫീച്ചർ കൊണ്ടുവന്നതിനും ഫീഡ്ബാക്ക് നൽകിയതും {whynothugo} എന്നതിനും Signal കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റിക്കും നന്ദി.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "സൂം ചെയ്യാതെ തന്നെ ഗ്യാലറി കാഴ്ച്ച നിരാകരിക്കാൻ ഒരു ചിത്രത്തിന് പുറത്ത് ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യാൻ ഇപ്പോൾ വളരെ എളുപ്പമാണ്. നിങ്ങൾക്കത് അടയ്ക്കണമെന്ന് തോന്നിയാലും ചിലത് വല്ലാതങ്ങ് പറ്റിച്ചേർന്നിരിക്കുന്നതിനാൽ സാധിച്ചിരുന്നില്ല. ഈ പരിഹാരത്തിന് {jojomatik} എന്നതിന് നന്ദി!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രതികരണ സമയത്തിന്റെ വേഗത കൂട്ടൂ. സ്റ്റോറിക്ക് മറുപടി നൽകുമ്പോൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും ഇമോജിയിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്ത് നിങ്ങൾക്കിപ്പോൾ വേഗത്തിൽ പ്രതികരിക്കാം.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "ഇപ്പോൾ ചൈനീസ്, ജാപ്പനീസ് ഭാഷകളിലെ അക്ഷരങ്ങൾക്കായി നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശ ചരിത്രത്തിൽ തിരയാനാകും.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "വോയ്സ്, വീഡിയോ കോളുകൾക്ക് വിശ്വാസ്യത, പ്രകടന മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തലുകൾ വരുത്താനായി പരിശോധിക്കാൻ ഞങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കൂ. ഈ ബീറ്റാ റിലീസിൽ ഏതാനും ചെറിയ ബഗ് പരിഹരിക്കലുകളും ഏതാനും ചെറിയ യുഐ അപ്ഡേറ്റുകളും (പുതിയ ലിങ്ക് പ്രിവ്യു മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തലുകൾക്കായി നോക്കൂ) ഉൾപ്പെടുന്നു. ബീറ്റാ ടെസ്റ്റർ ആയതിന് നന്ദി, എന്തെങ്കിലും ബഗ്ഗുകൾ കണ്ടെത്തിയാൽ കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റി ഫോറത്തിലൂടെ ഞങ്ങളെ ബന്ധപ്പെടൂ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളൊരു MP3 വോയ്സ് നോട്ട് ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ കൃത്യമായ ഫയൽ എക്സ്റ്റൻഷലിൽ അത് സംരക്ഷിക്കും.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "ഫയൽ അറ്റാച്ച് ചെയ്തതിന് ശേഷം ഉടനടി സന്ദേശം ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാൻ തുടങ്ങൂ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അധിക ക്ലിക്കുകൾ കൂടാതെ ഫയൽ അയയ്ക്കാൻ Enter/Return കീ അമർത്തുക. നന്ദി, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "വലിയ കോമ്പോസിഷൻ വ്യൂവിലുള്ള അയയ്ക്കുക ബട്ടൺ അലൈൻമെന്റിലേക്ക് കൊണ്ടുവന്നു. നന്ദി, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങൾ മാത്രമാണ് (ഇതുവരെ) ഗ്രൂപ്പിലുള്ളതെങ്കിലും നിങ്ങളൊരു ഗ്രൂപ്പ് കോൾ തുടങ്ങുകയുമാണെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങൾക്കിപ്പോൾ കോൾ റിംഗ് ചെയ്യാൻ കാത്തുനിൽക്കാതെ ആ കോളിൽ ചേരാനും നിങ്ങളോട് തന്നെ സംസാരിക്കാനും സാധിക്കും. നന്ദി, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "ഗ്രൂപ്പ് കോളുകളിൽ ആരാണ് സംസാരിക്കുന്നതെന്നും എവിടേക്കാണ് നോക്കേണ്ടതെന്നും വേഗത്തിൽ കാണാൻ പുതിയ ഹൈലൈറ്റ് ഫീച്ചർ ഉപയോഗിക്കാം. സംസാരിക്കാനുള്ള ഊഴം നിങ്ങളുടേതാണെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങൾ സ്ക്രീനിലേക്ക് നോക്കേണ്ടതുണ്ട്.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "മറ്റുള്ളവർക്ക് അയയ്ക്കുന്ന ചിത്രങ്ങളിൽ സ്റ്റൈൽ ചെയ്ത ടൈം ഡെക്കറേഷനുകൾ ചേർക്കാൻ നിങ്ങളെ അനുവദിക്കുന്ന മീഡിയാ എഡിറ്ററിലെ നിരവധി സ്റ്റിക്കറുകളിലൂടെ സമയം ലാഭിക്കൂ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "മറ്റൊരു ചാറ്റിലേക്ക് മാറിയതിന് ശേഷവും ദൈർഘ്യമുള്ള വോയ്സ് നോട്ടുകൾ കേൾക്കുന്നത് തുടരാൻ വോയ്സ് നോട്ട്സ് മിനി പ്ലേയർ ഉപയോഗിക്കൂ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "മീഡിയാ വ്യൂവറിൽ പുതുതായി ചേർത്ത ഫോർവേർഡ്, ബാക്ക്വേർഡ് ബട്ടണുകൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ ഏതെങ്കിലും ചിത്രത്തിലോ വീഡിയോയിലോ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യൂ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "വോയിസ് റെക്കോർഡ് ചെയ്തു കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ മറ്റൊരു ചാറ്റിലേക്ക് മാറിയാൽ വോയിസ് മെസേജുകൾ ഇപ്പോൾ ഡ്രാഫ്റ്റുകളായി സംരക്ഷിക്കും.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "സ്റ്റിക്കർ അയച്ചാൽ ഇനി ഡ്രാഫ്റ്റ് ടെക്സ്റ്റ് ഇല്ലാതാകില്ല. നന്ദി, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "കോൺവർസേഷൻ സെർച്ച് ബാർ ഐക്കണുകൾ അലൈൻമെന്റിലേക്ക് മടക്കി കൊണ്ടുവന്നതിന് {norstbox} എന്നതിനോടും ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് നന്ദി പറയേണ്ടതുണ്ട്.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "रद्द करा",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "पाठवा",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "संदेशाला प्रतिसाद द्या",
"message": "संदेशावर प्रतिक्रिया द्या",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ पासून संदेश, स्टिकर, प्रतिक्रिया, वाचल्याची पावती किंवा मिडिया आपल्यापर्यंत डिलिव्हर केली जाऊ शकली नाही. त्यांनी आपल्याला थेट किंवा गटात पाठवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला असेल.",
"message": "$sender$ कडून संदेश, स्टिकर, प्रतिक्रिया, वाचल्याची पावती किंवा मिडिया आपल्यापर्यंत पोहोचवली जाऊ शकली नाही. त्यांनी ती आपल्याला थेट किंवा गटात पाठवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला असेल.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "या चॅटमध्ये $sender$ पासून संदेश, स्टिकर, प्रतिक्रिया किंवा मिडिया आपल्यापर्यंत पोहोचवली जाऊ शकली नाही.",
"message": "या चॅटमध्ये $sender$ कडून संदेश, स्टिकर, प्रतिक्रिया किंवा मिडिया आपल्यापर्यंत पोहोचवली जाऊ शकली नाही.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ने आपल्या संदेशाला $emoji$ प्रतिसाद दिला"
"message": "$sender$ ने आपल्या संदेशावर $emoji$ प्रतिक्रिया दिली"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ने$message$ला $emoji$ प्रतिसाद दिला"
"message": "$sender$ ने $message$ वर प्रतिक्रिया दिली: $emoji$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "पाठविणे अयशस्वी",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "आज $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "काल $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "स्वतःला संदेश",
"message": "स्वतःला नोंद",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "पुन्हा लिंक करा"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "अद्यतन उपलब्ध"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "अद्यतनाचा पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "निवडलेल्या संदेशासाठी ईमोजी-प्रतिसाद पिकर टॉगल करा",
"message": "निवडलेल्या संदेशासाठी इमोजी-प्रतिक्रिया द्या पिकर टॉगल करा",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "स्टिकर पॅक निर्माता वापरण्यासाठी कृपया आपल्या फोन आणि डेस्कटॉपवर Signal सेट अप करा",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "प्रतिसाद पाठवण्यात अयशस्वी. कृपया पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.",
"message": "प्रतिक्रिया पाठवण्यात अयशस्वी. कृपया पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ वर अपडेट आवृती उपलब्ध आहे",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal बंद करता येत नाही.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5985,11 +5993,11 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "प्रत्त्युत्तरे आणि प्रतिक्रिया",
"message": "प्रत्त्युत्तरे व प्रतिक्रिया",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "प्रत्त्युत्तरे आणि प्रतिक्रियांना अनुमती द्या",
"message": "प्रत्त्युत्तरे व प्रतिक्रियांना अनुमती द्या",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "इतरांना आपल्याशी संपर्क साधण्याचा प्राथमिक मार्ग म्हणून आपले वापरकर्ता नाव वापरण्यास सेटिंग्ज > गोपनीयता > फोन नंबर > माझा नंबर कोण शोधू शकते, खाली फोन नंबर शोध बंद करा.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "लहान ट्विक्स, दोष निवारण, आणि कामगिरी सुधारणा. Signal वापरल्याबद्दल आभारी आहोत!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "आपल्यासाठी अॅप सुरळीतपणे सुरु ठेवण्यासाठी दोष निवारणाचे काम करणे आणि इतर कामगिरींमध्ये सुधारणा करणे यावर कठोर परिश्रम घेत आहे.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "आमचे नवीन स्टोरीज वैशिष्ट्य वापरून पाहण्यास आणि चाचणी करण्यास सुरूवात करा. आपण हे वैशिष्ट्य इतर बिटा परिक्षकांसह वापरू शकता आणि ते कसे काम करत आहे ते आम्हाला कळवा.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "स्टोरीज आता Signal मध्ये! 24 तासानंतर स्वयंचलितपणे लुप्त होणारा मजकूर, प्रतिमा, आणि व्हिडिओ अद्यतने निवडक मित्र किंवा ग्रुप्ससह शेअर करा. स्टोरीज शेअर करणे आवडणाऱ्या प्रत्येकासाठी, खाजगीपणे आणि कोणतीही जाहिरात न पाहता ते करण्याचा एक मार्ग येथे आहे. आपणाला स्टोरीज पाहण्याची किंवा शेअर करण्याची इच्छा नसल्यास, आपण आपल्या प्राधान्ये > गोपनीयता मध्ये या सर्वांमधून बाहेर पडण्याचे निवडू शकता.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "आपण जेव्हा लहान ग्रुप्ससाठी (16 व्यक्तिंपर्यंतच्या) ग्रुप कॉल करण्यास सुरुवात करता, आपण रिंग होण्याची अधिसूचना पाठवण्याचे देखील निवडू शकता. ग्रुप सदस्यांना जर ते iOS बिटा वर असल्यास किंवा डेस्कटॉप किंवा Android वापरत असल्यास रिंग ऐकू जाईल.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "उद्धरित उत्तर देण्याला आरंभ करण्यासाठी चॅट मधील कोणत्याही संदेशातील ओळीवर डबल-क्लिक करा. ते जुन्या कल्पनाबद्दलच्या नवीन विचारांसाठीचा एक शॉर्टकट असल्यासारखे आहे. हे वैशिष्ट्य लागू केल्याबद्दल आणि अभिप्राय प्रदान केल्याबद्दल {whynothugo} आणि Signal समुदायाचे आभार.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "गॅलरी दृश्य डिसमिस करण्यासाठी आता झूम इन न करता प्रतिमेच्या बाहेर क्लिक करणे सोपे आहे. काहीवेळा आपण गोष्टीच्या अतिशय जवळ जाण्याऐवजी, आणि आपणाला फक्त बंद करावयाचे असते. दोष निवारणासाठी {jojomatik} चे आभार!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "आपला प्रतिक्रिया वेळाला गति द्या. आता आपण स्टोरीला उत्तर देताना कोणत्याही इमोजीवर क्लिक करून त्वरित प्रतिक्रिया देऊ शकता.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "चिनी आणि जपानी मध्ये वैयक्तिक वर्णासाठी शोध घेऊन आपल्या संदेश इतिहासात शोध घेणे आता शक्य आहे.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "व्हाईस आणि व्हिडीओ कॉल्स साठी असंख्य विश्वसनीयता व कामगिरी सुधारणांची चाचणी करण्यासाठी आम्हाला मदत करा. या बीटा रीलिज मध्ये काही दोष निराकरणे आणि काही लहान UI अद्यतनांचा (नवीन लिंक पूर्वावलोकन सुधारणांचा शोध घ्या!) देखील समावेश होतो. एक बीटा टेस्टर बनल्याबद्दल आभारी आहोत, आणि आपणाला काही दोष आढळून आला असल्यास आमच्याशी सामुदायिक फोरम वर संपर्क साधा.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "आपण कार डाउनलोड करु शकत नाही, परंतु आता जेव्हा आपण एक MP3 व्हाईस नोट डाउनलोड कराल तेव्हा ती योग्य प्रकारच्या फाईल एक्सटेन्शनसह जतन करण्यात येईल.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "फाईल जोडल्यानंतर संदेश टाईप करण्यास तत्काळ प्रारंभ करा, किंवा कोणत्याही अतिरिक्त क्लिक्सशिवाय फाईल पाठवण्यास फक्त एंटर/रिर्टन दाबा. धन्यवाद, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "मोठ्या रचना दृश्य मधील पाठवा बटण संरेखनामध्ये आणण्यात आलेले आहे. धन्यवाद, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "आपण जर ग्रुप मधील(आता पर्यंत) एकमेव व्यक्ती असाल आणि आपण एक ग्रुप कॉल करण्याचा प्रयत्न केल्यास, आता आपण कॉल जॉईन करु शकता आणि कॉलची रिंग होण्याची वाट पाहण्याऐवजी स्वतःशीच बोलण्यास सुरुवात करू शकता. धन्यवाद, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "ग्रुप कॉलदरम्यान कोण बोलत आहे हे लगेचच पाहण्यास एका नवीन ठळक करा वैशिष्ट्य जे आपण कोठे पाहावे हे दाखवते. जर आपली बोलण्याची वेळ असल्यास, आपणाला त्यामध्ये पाहण्याची गरज असेल.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "मिडीया संपादकामध्ये असंख्य स्टिकर्ससह आपल्या आयुष्यातील वेळ घालवा जे आपणाला शैलीबद्ध वेळ सजावटी जोडू देते.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "आपण वेगवेगळ्या चॅटस् वर स्वीच केलेले असले तरी देखील दीर्घ संदेशांना ऐकणे सुरु ठेवण्यासाठी व्हाईस नोट्स मिनी प्लेअर वापरा.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "कोणत्याही चित्रावर किंवा व्हिडीओवर क्लिक करा आणि मिडीया दर्शक मधील नवीन पुढे आणि मागे बटणचा वापर करून आपल्या आठवणींचा दृशिक आनंद घ्या.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "रेकॉर्डिग सुरु असताना आपण दुसऱ्या चॅटस् मध्ये स्वीच झाल्यास व्हाईस संदेश आता ड्राफ्ट म्हणून जतन केले जातील.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "स्टीकर पाठवल्याने ड्राफ्ट मजकूरांना यापुढे साफ करण्यास कारणीभूत होणार नाही. धन्यवाद, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "संभाषण शोध बार चिन्हाला पुन्हा संरेखनामध्ये आणण्याबद्दल आम्हाला {norstbox} चेही आभार मानणे आवडेल.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Batal",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Hantar",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Bertindak kepada Mesej",
"message": "Memberi Reaksi kepada Mesej",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Mesej, pelekat, reaksi, resit baca atau media tidak dapat disampaikan kepada anda daripada $sender$. Mereka mungkin telah cuba menghantarnya kepada anda secara langsung, atau dalam kumpulan.",
"message": "Mesej, pelekat, reaksi, resit baca atau media tidak dapat dihantar kepada anda daripada $sender$. Mereka mungkin telah cuba menghantarnya kepada anda secara terus, atau dalam kumpulan.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Mesej, pelekat, reaksi, resit baca atau media tidak dapat disampaikan kepada anda daripada $sender$ dalam sembang ini.",
"message": "Mesej, pelekat, reaksi, resit baca atau media tidak dapat dihantar kepada anda daripada $sender$ dalam sembang ini.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ telah memberikan reaksi $emoji$ terhadap mesej anda"
"message": "$sender$ telah memberi reaksi $emoji$ kepada mesej anda"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ telah memberikan reaksi $emoji$ terhadap: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ telah memberi reaksi $emoji$ terhadap: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Penghantaran gagal",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Hari ini $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Semalam $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Pautkan semula"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Kemas kini tersedia"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Cuba semula kemas kini"
@ -3189,11 +3189,11 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Sila sediakan Signal pada telefon dan desktop anda untuk menggunakan Pencipta Pek Pelekat",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "Singkirkan reaksi",
"message": "Alih keluar reaksi",
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Kemas kini kepada versi $version$ tersedia",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal tidak boleh ditutup.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "Menghantar reaksi…",
"message": "Menghantar reaksi...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5993,7 +6001,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "Biar orang yang boleh melihat cerita anda menghantar reaksi dan membalas.",
"message": "Biar orang yang boleh melihat cerita anda memberi reaksi dan membalas.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6281,7 +6289,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "Beri reaksi kepada cerita",
"message": "Memberi reaksi kepada cerita",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
@ -6449,11 +6457,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "Beri reaksi kepada cerita daripada $name$",
"message": "Memberi reaksi kepada cerita daripada $name$",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "Beri reaksi kepada cerita",
"message": "Memberi reaksi kepada cerita",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
@ -6461,11 +6469,11 @@
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "Anda beri reaksi $emoji$ kepada cerita $name$",
"message": "Memberi reaksi $emoji$ kepada cerita $name$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "Anda beri reaksi $emoji$ kepada cerita",
"message": "Memberi reaksi $emoji$ kepada cerita",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Matikan penemuan nombor telefon di bawah Tetapan > Privasi > Nombor Telefon > Siapa yang boleh mencari nombor saya, untuk menggunakan nama pengguna anda sebagai cara utama orang lain boleh menghubungi anda.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Sedikit pengubahsuaian, pembaikan pepijat dan peningkatan prestasi. Terima kasih kerana menggunakan Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Bekerja keras membaiki pepijat dan membuat peningkatan prestasi yang lain untuk memastikan aplikasi berjalan lancar untuk anda.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Mula menggunakan dan menguji ciri cerita baru kami. Anda boleh menggunakan ciri ini dengan penguji beta lain dan beritahu kami jika ia berfungsi dengan baik.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Cerita kini dalam Signal! Kongsi kemas kini teks, imej dan video yang boleh hilang dengan rakan atau kumpulan terpilih. Ia akan hilang secara automatik selepas 24 jam. Untuk orang yang suka berkongsi cerita, berikut adalah cara untuk melakukannya secara peribadi dan tanpa melihat sebarang iklan. Jika anda tidak mahu melihat atau berkongsi cerita, anda boleh menarik diri daripada semua itu dalam Keutamaan anda > Privasi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Apabila anda memulakan panggilan kumpulan untuk kumpulan kecil (sehingga 16 orang), anda boleh memilih untuk menghantar pemberitahuan deringan. Ahli kumpulan akan mendengar deringan jika mereka menggunakan iOS beta atau menggunakan Desktop atau Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Klik dua kali pada mana-mana baris mesej dalam sembang untuk memulakan balasan yang dipetik. Ia seperti jalan pintas untuk pemikiran baru tentang idea lama. Terima kasih kepada {whynothugo} dan komuniti Signal kerana melaksanakan ciri ini dan memberikan maklum balas.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Kini lebih mudah untuk mengklik di luar imej untuk mengetepikan paparan galeri tanpa mengezum masuk. Kadang-kadang anda hanya mahu menutupnya, tetapi lain pula yang jadi. Terima kasih kepada {jojomatik} untuk pembaikan!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Percepatkan masa respons anda. Kini anda boleh memberi reaksi dengan lebih pantas dengan mengklik mana-mana emoji apabila membalas cerita.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Kini anda boleh mencari sejarah mesej anda untuk aksara individu dalam bahasa Cina dan Jepun.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Bantu kami menguji beberapa kebolehpercayaan dan peningkatan prestasi untuk panggilan suara dan video. Keluaran beta ini juga termasuk beberapa pembetulan pepijat dan beberapa kemas kini UI (cari peningkatan pratonton pautan baru!). Terima kasih kerana menjadi penguji beta dan sila hubungi kami di forum komuniti jika anda mengesan sebarang pepijat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Anda tidak akan memuat turun kereta, tetapi kini apabila anda memuat turun nota suara MP3 ia akan disimpan dengan sambungan fail yang betul.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Mula menaip mesej dengan pantas selepas melampirkan fail, atau hanya tekan Enter/Kembali untuk menghantar fail tanpa sebarang klik tambahan. Terima kasih, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Butang hantar dalam paparan komposisi besar telah dibawa ke penjajaran. Terima kasih, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Jika anda adalah satu-satunya orang dalam kumpulan (setakat ini) dan anda cuba memulakan panggilan kumpulan, kini anda boleh menyertai panggilan dan mula bercakap dengan diri sendiri serta-merta dan bukannya menunggu panggilan berdering. Terima kasih, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Lihat dengan pantas siapa yang bercakap semasa panggilan kumpulan dengan ciri sorotan baharu yang menunjukkan kepada anda tempat untuk melihat. Jika tiba giliran anda untuk bercakap, anda perlu melihat ke dalam.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Nikmatilah masa berseronok dengan beberapa pelekat dalam editor media yang membolehkan anda menambah hiasan masa bergaya pada imej keluar.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Gunakan pemain mini nota suara untuk terus mendengar mesej yang panjang walaupun selepas anda bertukar kepada sembang lain.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Klik pada mana-mana gambar atau video dan gunakan butang Mara dan Ke Belakang baharu untuk melihat senarai visual dalam pemapar media.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Mesej suara kini disimpan sebagai draf jika anda beralih ke sembang lain semasa rakaman sedang dijalankan.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Menghantar pelekat tidak lagi menyebabkan teks draf dikosongkan. Terima kasih, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Kami juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada {norstbox} kerana menyelaraskan kembali ikon bar carian perbualan.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "မလုပ်တော့ပါ",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "ပေးပို့ရန်",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "မက်ဆေ့ချ်၊ စတစ်ကာ၊ တုံ့ပြန်မှု၊ ဖတ်ပြီးကြောင်းညွှန်ပြမှု သို့မဟုတ် မီဒီယာသည် $sender$ မှ သင့်ထံသို့ မရောက်သွားပါ။ သင့်ထံ တိုက်ရိုက် သို့မဟုတ် အဖွဲ့တွင် ပေးပို့ခြင်းဖြစ်နိုင်ပါသည်။",
"message": "မက်ဆေ့ချ်၊ စတစ်ကာ၊ တုံ့ပြန်မှု၊ ဖတ်ပြီးကြောင်းညွှန်ပြမှု သို့မဟုတ် မီဒီယာကို $sender$ မှ သင့်ထံသို့ ပေးပို့၍ မရနိုင်ခဲ့ပါ။ သင့်ထံ တိုက်ရိုက် သို့မဟုတ် အဖွဲ့တွင် ပေးပို့ရန် ကြိုးစားခဲ့ခြင်း ဖြစ်နိုင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "မက်ဆေ့ချ်၊ စတစ်ကာ၊ တုံ့ပြန်မှု၊ ဖတ်ပြီးကြောင်းညွှန်ပြမှု သို့မဟုတ် မီဒီယာသည် ဤချက်(တ်)တွင် $sender$ မှ သင့်ထံသို့ မရောက်သွားပါ။",
"message": "မက်ဆေ့ချ်၊ စတစ်ကာ၊ တုံ့ပြန်မှု၊ ဖတ်ပြီးကြောင်းညွှန်ပြမှု သို့မဟုတ် မီဒီယာကို ဤချက်(တ်)တွင် $sender$ မှ သင့်ထံသို့ ပေးပို့၍ မရနိုင်ခဲ့ပါ။",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ သည် သင့်မက်ဆေ့ချ်တွင် $emoji$ တုံ့ပြန်မှု ပေးခဲ့သည်"
"message": "$sender$ သည် သင့်မက်ဆေ့ချ်ကို $emoji$ တုံ့ပြန်မှု ပေးခဲ့သည်"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ သည် ဖော်ပြပါတွင် $emoji$ တုံ့ပြန်မှု ပေးခဲ့သည်- $message$"
"message": "$sender$ သည် ဖော်ပြပါကို $emoji$ တုံ့ပြန်မှု ပေးခဲ့သည်- $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "ပေးပို့ခြင်း မအောင်မြင်ပါ",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "ယနေ့ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "ယမန်နေ့ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Relink"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "အပ်ဒိတ် ရရှိနိုင်ပါပြီ"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "အပ်ဒိတ်လုပ်ဆောင်မှု ပြန်ကြိုးစားရန်"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "ရွေးချယ်ထားသော မက်ဆေ့ချ်အတွက် ရွေးချယ်ထားသော အီမိုဂျိ တုံ့ပြန်မှုကို နှိပ်ရန်",
"message": "ရွေးချယ်ထားသော မက်ဆေ့ချ်အတွက် ကြိုက်ရာ အီမိုဂျိ တုံ့ပြန်မှုကို နှိပ်ရန်",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Sticker Pack Creator ကို သုံးရန် သင့်ဖုန်းနှင့် Desktop တွင် Signal ကို စီစဉ်သတ်မှတ်ပေးပါ",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "ဗားရှင်း $version$ အတွက် အပ်ဒိတ် ရရှိပါပြီ",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal ကို ပိတ်၍ မရနိုင်ပါ။",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "တုံ့ပြန်ချက် ပို့နေဆဲ...",
"message": "တုံ့ပြန်မှု ပို့နေဆဲ...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "သင့်သုံးစွဲသူအမည်ကို သင့်ထံ ဆက်သွယ်နိုင်သည့် ပင်မနည်းလမ်းအဖြစ် သုံးရန် ဆက်တင် > ကိုယ်ပိုင်အချက်အလက် > ဖုန်းနံပါတ် > ကျွန်ုပ်၏ ဖုန်းနံပါတ်ကို ရှာနိုင်မည့်သူများအောက်ရှိ ဖုန်းနံပါတ် ရှာဖွေရေးကို ပိတ်ပါ။",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "အနေအထား ပြုပြင်မှုလေးများ၊ ချို့ယွင်းချက် ပြင်ဆင်မှုများနှင့် စွမ်းဆောင်ရည် မြှင့်တင်မှုများ။ Signal ကို သုံးသည့်အတွက် ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "အက်ပ်အား သင့်အတွက် ချောမွေ့စွာ အလုပ်လုပ်စေရန် ချို့ယွင်းချက် ပြင်ဆင်မှုများကို ကြိုးစားလုပ်ဆောင်ထားပြီး အခြားသော စွမ်းဆောင်ရည် မွမ်းမံမှုများကို ပြုလုပ်ထားပါသည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ စတိုရီ လုပ်ဆောင်ချက်အင်္ဂါရပ် အသစ်ကို စတင်သုံးစွဲပြီး စမ်းသပ်လိုက်ပါ။ သင်သည် အခြား Beta စမ်းသပ်သုံးစွဲသူများနှင့်အတူ ဤလုပ်ဆောင်ချက်အင်္ဂါရပ်ကို သုံးစွဲနိုင်ပြီး ၎င်းအလုပ်လုပ်ပုံအကြောင်း ကျွန်ုပ်တို့အား အသိပေးပါ။",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "ယခုအခါ Signal တွင် စတိုရီများ ရှိနေပါပြီ။ 24 နာရီကြာပြီးနောက် အော်တိုပျောက်သွားမည့် စာသား၊ ပုံနှင့် ဗီဒီယို အပ်ဒိတ်များကို ရွေးထားသည့် မိတ်ဆွေများ၊ အဖွဲ့များထံ ဝေမျှလိုက်ပါ။ စတိုရီများ ဝေမျှရသည်ကို သဘောကျသူတိုင်းအတွက် ကြော်ငြာများ မပါဘဲ သီးသန့်လုပ်ဆောင်နိုင်မည့် နည်းလမ်း ဒီမှာရှိနေပါပြီ။ စတိုရီများကို မမြင်လိုပါက၊ မဝေမျှလိုပါက ဆက်တင်၌ ပိတ်ထားနိုင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "အဖွဲ့ငယ် (လူ 16 ဦးအထိ) အတွက် အဖွဲ့ကောလ်ကို စတင်သည့်အခါ ဖုန်းမြည်သံ အသိပေးချက် ပို့ရန် ရွေးချယ်နိုင်ပါသည်။ အဖွဲ့ဝင်များသည် iOS beta သို့မဟုတ် ဒတ်ခ်စတော့(ပ်) သို့မဟုတ် Android ကို သုံးနေပါက ဖုန်းမြည်သံကို ကြားရပါမည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Quote လုပ်ထားသော အကြောင်းပြန်စာကို စတင်ရန် ချက်(တ်)ရှိ မက်ဆေ့ချ် တစ်ခုခုကို နှစ်ချက်နှိပ်ပါ။ ယင်းသည် အိုင်ဒီယာဟောင်းများနှင့်ပတ်သက်သော အတွေးသစ်များအတွက် ရှော့တ်ကတ်ဖြစ်ပါသည်။ ဤအင်္ဂါရပ်ကို အကောင်အထည်ဖော်၍ တုံ့ပြန်ချက်ပေးသည့်အတွက် {whynothugo} နှင့် Signal အဖွဲ့အစည်းကို ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ဇူးမ် မချဲ့ဘဲ ပုံပြခန်းကြည့်ရှုမှုကို ဖယ်ရန် ပုံပြင်ပကို နှိပ်ရသည်မှာ ယခုဆို ပိုမိုလွယ်ကူသွားပါသည်။ တစ်ခါတစ်ရံ ပိတ်ချလိုက်လိုသော်လည်း ထိုအစား မျက်စိမှောက်နေတတ်သည်။ ပြုပြင်ပေးမှုအတွက် {jojomatik} ကို ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "သင့်တုံ့ပြန်ချိန်ကို တိုးမြှင့်ပါ။ ယခုအခါ စတိုရီကို အကြောင်းပြန်သည့်အခါ မည်သည့်အီမိုဂျိကိုမဆို နှိပ်၍ ပိုမိုမြန်ဆန်စွာ တုံ့ပြန်နိုင်ပါပြီ။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "ယခုအခါ တရုတ်အက္ခရာနှင့် ဂျပန်အက္ခရာ တစ်လုံးစီအတွက် သင့်မက်ဆေ့ချ်မှတ်တမ်းကို ရှာ၍ ရနိုင်ပါပြီ။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "အော်ဒီယိုနှင့် ဗီဒီယို ကောလ်များအတွက် စွမ်းဆောင်ရည် မြှင့်တင်မှုများနှင့် ယုံကြည်စိတ်ချရမှု အချို့ကို စမ်းသပ်ရန် ကျွန်ုပ်တို့အား ကူညီပေးပါ။ ဤစမ်းသပ်ထုတ်ဝေမှုတွင် ချို့ယွင်းချက်ပြင်ဆင်မှု အနည်းငယ်နှင့် UI အပ်ဒိတ်အသေးစားအချို့ (လင့်ခ်ကြိုတင်ကြည့်ရှုမှု အဆင့်မြှင့်တင်မှု အသစ်များကို ရှာရန်) လည်း ပါဝင်ပါသည်။ စမ်းသပ်သုံးစွဲသူအဖြစ် ဆောင်ရွက်ပေးသည့်အတွက် ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်၊ ချို့ယွင်းချက်တစ်ခုခု တွေ့ရှိပါက ကွန်မြူနတီဖိုရမ်မှတစ်ဆင့် ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ထံ ဆက်သွယ်ပါ။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "သင်သည် ကားတစ်စီးကို ဒေါင်းလုဒ်လုပ်မည် မဟုတ်သော်လည်း MP3 အသံမှတ်စုတစ်ခုကို ယခု ဒေါင်းလုဒ်လုပ်လိုက်သောအခါ သင့်လျော်သော ဖိုင်အမျိုးအစားဖြင့် ၎င်းကို သိမ်းဆည်းပါမည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "အပိုနှိပ်စရာ မလိုဘဲ ဖိုင်ပေးပို့ရန် ဖိုင်တစ်ဖိုင်ကို တွဲထည့်ပြီးနောက် မက်ဆေ့ချ်ကို လျင်မြန်စွာ စတင် ရိုက်ထည့်ပါ သို့မဟုတ် Enter/Return ကို နှိပ်လိုက်ပါ။ ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည် {zyphlar}။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "ရေးသားမှုမြင်ကွင်းအကြီးရှိ ပေးပို့မှုခလုတ်ကို နေရာမှန်ဖြစ်အောင် ချိန်ညှိထားပါသည်။ ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည် {hackerbirds}။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "အဖွဲ့အတွင်းတွင် (ယခုအချိန်အထိ) သင်တစ်ဦးတည်းသာ ပါဝင်ပြီး အဖွဲ့ခေါ်ဆိုမှုတစ်ခုကို စတင်ရန် ကြိုးပမ်းပါက ယခုဆိုလျှင် ဖုန်းခေါ်ဆိုမှု အသံမြည်ရန် စောင့်ဆိုင်းရမည့်အစား ခေါ်ဆိုမှုတွင် ချက်ချင်းပါဝင်ပြီး မိမိကိုယ်ကို စကားစပြောနိုင်ပါပြီ။ ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည် {lamemakes}။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "မည်သည့်နေရာသို့ ကြည့်ရမည်ဖြစ်ကြောင်း သင့်ကို ပြသည့် အသားပေးဖော်ပြမှု အင်္ဂါရပ်အသစ်ဖြင့် အဖွဲ့ခေါ်ဆိုမှုများအတွင်း စကားပြောနေသူများကို လျင်မြန်စွာကြည့်ရှုလိုက်ပါ။ သင် ပြောရမည့်အလှည့် ဖြစ်ပါက ထိုနေရာအတွင်းသို့ ကြည့်ရန် လိုပါမည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "အထွက်ရုပ်ပုံများတွင် စတိုင်ကျကျဖန်တီးထားသော အချိန်အလှဆင်မှုများကို ထည့်သွင်းနိုင်စေသည့် မီဒီယာတည်းဖြတ်ကိရိယာရှိ စတစ်ကာအများအပြားဖြင့် ဘဝ၏ အကောင်းဆုံးအချိန်ကို ရယူလိုက်ပါ။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "အခြားချက်(တ်)တစ်ခုသို့ သင် ကူးပြောင်းလိုက်ပြီးလျှင်ပင် မက်ဆေ့ချ်အရှည်များကို ဆက်လက်နားထောင်ရန် အသံမှတ်စု အသေးစားပလေယာကို သုံးလိုက်ပါ။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "ရုပ်ပုံ အမှတ်တရများကို ပြန်လည်ကြည့်ရှုရန် ပုံ သို့မဟုတ် ဗီဒီယို တစ်ခုခုကို နှိပ်ပြီး မီဒီယာ ကြည့်ရှုမှုမြင်ကွင်းရှိ ရှေ့သို့၊ နောက်သို့ ခလုတ်သစ်များကို သုံးပါ။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "ယခုအခါ အသံသွင်းနေစဉ် အခြားချက်(တ်)သို့ ပြောင်းလိုက်ပါက အသံမက်ဆေ့ချ်များကို ဖိုင်ကြမ်းအဖြစ် သိမ်းထားပေးပါသည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "စတစ်ကာ ပေးပို့မှုကြောင့် စာကြမ်းများ ရှင်းလင်းခံရခြင်း မဖြစ်တော့ပါ။ ကျေးဇူးပါ {lamemakes}။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "စကားဝိုင်း ရှာဖွေမှုဘား အိုင်ကွန်များကို ပြန်လည်ချိန်ညှိပေးထားသည့်အတွက် {norstbox} ကိုလည်း ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Avbryt",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Reager på melding",
"message": "Reager på meldingen",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "En melding, et klistremerke, en reaksjon, en lesebekreftelse eller et medium kunne ikke leveres til deg fra $sender$. Det kunne ha blitt sendt til deg direkte eller i en gruppe.",
"message": "En melding, et klistremerke, en reaksjon, en lesebekreftelse eller et medium fra $sender$ kunne ikke leveres til deg. Vedkommende kan ha forsøkt å sende dette til deg direkte eller i en gruppe.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ reacted $emoji$ to your message"
"message": "$sender$ reagerte med $emoji$ på meldingen din"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reacted $emoji$ to: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ reagerte med $emoji$ på: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Sending feilet",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "I dag kl. $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "I går kl. $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Koble til på nytt"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "En oppdatering er tilgjengelig"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Prøv å oppdatere på nytt"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Åpne emoji-reaksjonsvelger for valgt melding",
"message": "Åpne emoji-velgeren for den valgte meldingen",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Konfigurer Signal på telefon og desktop for å bruke verktøyet for opprettelse av klistremerkepakker",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Kunne ikke sende reaksjonen. Vennligst prøv igjen senere.",
"message": "Kunne ikke sende reaksjonen. Prøv igjen.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Oppdatering til versjon $version$ er tilgjengelig",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal kunne ikke avsluttes.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5993,7 +6001,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "Gjør det mulig for de som kan se storyen din å reagere og svare.",
"message": "Gjør det mulig for de som kan se storyen din, å reagere og svare.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Hvis du ønsker at andre bare skal kunne finne deg etter brukernavnet ditt, går du til Innstillinger > Personvern > Telefonnummer > Hvem kan finne meg med telefonnummer og slår av oppdagelse av telefonnummer.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Noen små justeringer, feilrettinger og ytelsesforbedringer. Takk for at du bruker Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Jobber iherdig med å fikse feil og andre ytelsesforbedringer som sørger for at appen fungerer optimalt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Bli med å teste den nye Storyer-funksjonen vår. Du kan prøve ut funksjonen med andre beta-testere, og fortelle oss hvordan den fungerer.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Storyer har kommet til Signal! Del tekst, bilder og videoer med utvalgte venner og grupper. Storyene forsvinner automatisk etter 24 timer. For alle som elsker å dele storyer – her kan du gjøre det helt privat uten annonser. Hvis du ikke vil se eller dele storyer, kan du velge bort dette alternativet under Preferanser > Personvern.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Når du starter en gruppesamtale for små grupper (opptil 16 personer), kan du velge å sende et ringevarsel. Gruppemedlemmene får en ringelyd hvis de bruker betaversjonen for iOS eller Desktop eller Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dobbelttrykk på en meldingsrad i en samtale for å sende et sitert svar. Det fungerer som en snarvei til nye tanker om gamle ideer. Tusen takk til {whynothugo} og resten av Signal-fellesskapet for at de både introduserte og ga oss tilbakemeldinger om denne funksjonen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nå kan du lukke en fullskjermsvisning ved å trykke utenfor bildet uten å zoome inn på det. Noen ganger vil du bare avslutte uten å komme tettere innpå. Takk til {jojomatik} for denne løsningen!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Få fart på responstiden din. Nå kan du reagere på storyer raskere – bare trykk på en emoji for å svare på en story.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Det er nå mulig å søke etter kinesiske og japanske tegn i meldingsloggen din.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Hjelp oss med å teste noen endringer vi har gjort i ytelsen og påliteligheten til lyd- og videosamtalene. Denne betaversjonen kommer også med et par feilrettinger og små grensesnitt-oppdateringer (se etter de nye forbedringene av forhåndsvisningene av lenker!) Tusen takk for at du vil være en av betatesterne våre! Ta kontakt med oss via fellesskapsforumet hvis du oppdager noen feil.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Nå kan du laste ned et MP3-talenotat og få det lagret med riktig filutvidelse.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Skriv en melding når du har lagt ved filen din, eller bare trykk på Enter/Return for å sende filen uten ekstra klikk. Takk, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Send-knappen befinner seg nå på riktig plass i den store komposisjonsvisningen. Takk, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Hvis du er den eneste personen i en gruppe (så langt) og starter et gruppeanrop, kan du nå bli med i samtalen og snakke med deg selv uten å måtte vente på at det ringer. Takk, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Med vår nye markering kan du raskt få øye på hvem som snakker i en gruppesamtale. Hvis det er din tur å snakke, må du holde et øye med deg selv.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Ha det gøyere enn noensinne med de nye klistremerkene som lar deg legge til tidsur og andre tidsriktige dekorasjoner i bilder.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Bruk avspilleren for talenotater for å høre på lange meldinger selv etter at du har hoppet over til en annen samtale.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Trykk på et hvilket som helst bilde eller en hvilken som helst video, og bruk knappene i medievisningen for å gå frem og tilbake og ta en titt på gamle minner.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Nå blir talemeldinger lagret som utkast hvis du hopper over til en annen samtale samtidig som du tar opp.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Nå er det mulig å sende et klistremerke uten å fjerne utkastet du har begynt på i tekstfeltet. Takk, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Takket være {norstbox} har ikonene for samtalesøk blitt flyttet tilbake til rett plass.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Annuleren",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Uploaden",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ reageerde op je bericht met $emoji$"
"message": "$sender$ reageerde op je bericht met $emoji$"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reageerde met $emoji$ op: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ reageerde met $emoji$ op: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Verzenden mislukt",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Vandaag $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Gisteren $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Opnieuw koppelen"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Nieuwe versie beschikbaar"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Probeer Signal opnieuw bij te werken"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Je moet eerst Signal in gebruik nemen op je telefoon en op je desktop voor je de stickermaker kunt gebruiken",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "De emoji reactie verzenden is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw.",
"message": "De emoji-reactie verzenden is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Nieuwe versie $version$ is beschikbaar",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal kan niet automatisch worden afgesloten.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Zet telefoonnummerdetectie uit in Instellingen > Privacy > Telefoonnummer > Wie kan mijn nummer vinden, om je gebruikersnaam te gebruiken als de primaire manier waarop anderen contact met je kunnen opnemen.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Kleine aanpassingen, bugfixes en prestatieverbeteringen. Bedankt dat je Signal gebruikt!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "We zijn hard aan het werk om bugs te verhelpen en andere prestatieverbeteringen door te voeren om de app soepel voor je te laten werken.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Gebruik en test onze nieuwe verhalenfunctie. Gebruik de functie samen met andere bètatesters en laat ons weten wat je ervan vindt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal heeft nu verhalen! Deel verdwijnende teksten, afbeeldingen, en video-updates met geselecteerde vrienden of groepen die automatisch na 24 uur verdwijnen. Voor iedereen die graag verhalen deelt, is hier een manier om dat privé en zonder advertenties te doen. Als je geen verhalen wilt zien of delen, dan kun je dit uitzetten in je Instellingen > Privacy.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Als je een groepsgesprek start voor kleine groepen (tot 16 personen), kun je ervoor kiezen om een oproepmelding te versturen. Groepsleden zullen dan een belletje horen als ze op iOS-bèta zitten of Desktop of Android gebruiken.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dubbelklik op een berichtrij in een chat om een geciteerd antwoord te starten. Het is een soort hulpmiddel voor nieuwe gedachten over oude ideeën. Met dank aan {whynothugo} en de Signal-community voor het implementeren van deze functie en het geven van feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Het is nu gemakkelijker om buiten een afbeelding te klikken om de galerijweergave te sluiten zonder in te zoomen. Soms wil je je scherm gewoon sluiten, en in plaats daarvan kwamen de dingen te dichtbij. Met dank aan {jojomatik} voor de oplossing!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Reageer sneller. Je kunt nu sneller reageren door op een emoji te klikken wanneer je op een verhaal reageert.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Je kunt nu in je berichtengeschiedenis zoeken naar individuele tekens in het Chinees en Japans.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Help ons verschillende betrouwbaarheids- en prestatieverbeteringen voor spraak- en videogesprekken te testen. Deze bètarelease bevat ook enkele bugfixes en kleine UI-updates (check onze nieuwe verbeteringen voor previews van de links!). Bedankt dat je een bètatester bent. Neem contact met ons op via het communityforum als je bugs tegenkomt.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Je zou geen auto downloaden, maar als je een MP3-spraaknotitie downloadt, wordt deze nu opgeslagen met de juiste bestandsextensie.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Begin snel een bericht te typen nadat je een bestand hebt bijgevoegd, of druk gewoon op Enter/Return om het bestand zonder extra klikken te versturen. Bedankt, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "De verzendknop in de grote compositieweergave is uitgelijnd. Bedankt, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Als je (tot nu toe) de enige persoon in een groep bent en je probeert een groepsgesprek te starten, kun je nu deelnemen aan het gesprek en meteen tegen jezelf beginnen te praten in plaats van te wachten tot het gesprek overgaat. Bedankt, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Zie snel wie er aan het woord is tijdens groepsgesprekken met een nieuwe markeringsfunctie die je laat zien waar je moet kijken. Als het jouw beurt is om te spreken, moet je even bij jezelf te rade gaan.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Ga los met verschillende stickers in de media-editor waarmee je gestileerde tijdsdecoraties kunt toevoegen aan uitgaande afbeeldingen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Gebruik de minispeler voor spraaknotities om naar lange berichten te blijven luisteren, zelfs nadat je naar een andere chat bent overgeschakeld.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Klik op een foto of video en gebruik de nieuwe knoppen Vooruit en Achteruit in de mediaviewer om een visuele wandeling door het verleden te maken.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Spraakberichten worden nu opgeslagen als concepten als je overschakelt naar een andere chat terwijl een opname bezig is.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Je kunt nu stickers sturen zonder dat concepttekst wordt gewist. Bedankt, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "We willen ook {norstbox} bedanken voor het weer samenbrengen van de zoekbalkiconen voor gesprekken.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "ਭੇਜੋ",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਲਈ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਕਿਰਿਆ ਦਿਓ",
"message": "ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਉੱਤੇ ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਦਿਓ",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ ਤੋਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਕੋਈ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ, ਸਟਿੱਕਰ, ਪ੍ਰਤਿਕਿਰਿਆ, ਪੜ੍ਹਨ ਦੀ ਰਸੀਦ ਜਾਂ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ। ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸਿੱਧੇ ਤੌਰ ’ਤੇ ਜਾਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਭੇਜਣ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੋਵੇ।",
"message": "$sender$ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਆਇਆ ਕੋਈ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ, ਸਟਿੱਕਰ, ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ, ਪੜ੍ਹਨ ਦੀ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਜਾਂ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਡਿਲੀਵਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਜਾ ਸਕੇ। ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸਿੱਧਾ, ਜਾਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਭੇਜਣ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੋਵੇ।",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "ਇਸ ਚੈਟ ਵਿੱਚ $sender$ ਤੋਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਕੋਈ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ, ਸਟਿੱਕਰ, ਪ੍ਰਤਿਕਿਰਿਆ, ਪੜ੍ਹਨ ਦੀ ਰਸੀਦ ਜਾਂ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ।",
"message": "ਇਸ ਚੈਟ ਵਿੱਚ $sender$ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਆਇਆ ਕੋਈ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ, ਸਟਿੱਕਰ, ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ, ਪੜ੍ਹਨ ਦੀ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਜਾਂ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਡਿਲੀਵਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਜਾ ਸਕੇ।",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ’ਤੇ $emoji$ ਨਾਲ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਕਿਰਿਆ ਦਿੱਤੀ"
"message": "$sender$ ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਉੱਤੇ $emoji$ ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਦਿੱਤਾ"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ ਨੇ $message$ ਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਕਿਰਿਆ ਦਿੱਤੀ: $emoji$"
"message": "$message$: ਉੱਤੇ $sender$ ਨੇ $emoji$ ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਦਿੱਤਾ"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "ਭੇਜਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਫ਼ਲ",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "ਅੱਜ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "ਬੀਤੇ ਕੱਲ੍ਹ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਨੋਟ",
"message": "ਖੁਦ ਲਈ ਨੋਟ",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "ਮੁੜ-ਲਿੰਕ ਕਰੋ"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "ਚੁਣੇ ਹੋਏ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਲਈ ਇਮੋਜੀ-ਪ੍ਰਤਿਕਿਰਿਆ ਚੋਣਕਾਰ ਦੀ ਅਦਲਾ-ਬਦਲੀ ਕਰੋ",
"message": "ਚੁਣੇ ਹੋਏ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਲਈ ਇਮੋਜੀ-ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਚੋਣਕਾਰ ਦੀ ਅਦਲਾ-ਬਦਲੀ ਕਰੋ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "ਸਟਿੱਕਰ ਪੈਕ ਕ੍ਰੀਏਟਰ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਅਤੇ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਉੱਤੇ Signal ਨੂੰ ਸੈੱਟ ਅੱਪ ਕਰੋ",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "ਪ੍ਰਤਿਕਿਰਿਆ ਭੇਜਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਫ਼ਲ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।",
"message": "ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਭੇਜਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਫਲ ਰਹੇ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ਵਰਜ਼ਨ ਲਈ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal ਨੂੰ ਬੰਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ।",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "ਪ੍ਰਤਿਕਿਰਿਆਵਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪਸੰਦ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਬਣਾਓ",
"message": "ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਕਸਟਮਾਈਜ਼ ਕਰੋ",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "ਪ੍ਰਤੀਕਿਰਿਆ ਭੇਜੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ…",
"message": "ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ…",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5989,7 +5997,7 @@
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "ਜਵਾਬ ਅਤੇ ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਭੇਜਣ ਦੀ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰੀ ਦਿਓ",
"message": "ਜਵਾਬ ਅਤੇ ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਭੇਜਣ ਦੀ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤ ਦਿਓ",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6465,7 +6473,7 @@
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਟੋਰੀ ਉੱਤੇ $emoji$ ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਦਿੱਤਾ",
"message": "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਸਟੋਰੀ ਉੱਤੇ $emoji$ ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਦਿੱਤਾ",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "ਹੋਰ ਲੋਕ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰ ਸਕਣ, ਇਸਦੇ ਲਈ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਮੁੱਖ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਵਜੋਂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ, ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ > ਪਰਦੇਦਾਰੀ > ਫ਼ੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ > ਮੇਰਾ ਨੰਬਰ ਕੌਣ ਲੱਭ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ, ਵਿੱਚ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ ਖੋਜ ਨੂੰ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ।",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "ਛੋਟੇ-ਮੋਟੇ ਸੁਧਾਰ, ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਦਰੁਸਤ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨ ਨੂੰ ਬਿਹਤਰ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ। Signal ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਲਈ ਐਪ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਚਾਰੂ ਢੰਗ ਨਾਲ ਚੱਲਦਾ ਰੱਖਣ ਲਈ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਠੀਕ ਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੁਧਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਨਿਰੰਤਰ ਮਿਹਨਤ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ।",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "ਸਾਡੇ ਨਵੇਂ ਸਟੋਰੀ ਫੀਚਰ ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤਣਾ ਅਤੇ ਟੈਸਟ ਕਰਨਾ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰੋ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਹੋਰ ਬੀਟਾ ਟੈਸਟਰਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਫੀਚਰ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਦੱਸ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਕੰਮ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal ਵਿੱਚ ਹੁਣ ਸਟੋਰੀ ਫੀਚਰ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਹੈ!\n\n ਆਪਣੇ ਖਾਸ ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਜਾਂ ਗਰੁੱਪਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਟੈਕਸਟ, ਤਸਵੀਰ ਜਾਂ ਵੀਡੀਓ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਸਾਂਝੀ ਕਰੋ ਜੋ 24 ਘੰਟੇ ਬਾਅਦ ਗਾਇਬ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗੀ। ਜੋ ਲੋਕ ਸਟੋਰੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰਨਾ ਪਸੰਦ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ, ਉਹ ਹੁਣ ਨਿੱਜੀ ਤੌਰ 'ਤੇ ਅਤੇ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਇਸ਼ਤਿਹਾਰ ਦੇ ਅਜਿਹਾ ਕਰ ਸਕਣਗੇ। ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਟੋਰੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਦੇਖਣਾ ਜਾਂ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੀਆਂ ਪਸੰਦਾਂ > ਪਰਦੇਦਾਰੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਫੀਚਰ ਨੂੰ ਬੰਦ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "ਜਦੋਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਛੋਟੇ ਗਰੁੱਪ (ਵੱਧ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ 16 ਲੋਕ) ਲਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਕਾਲ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰਿੰਗ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਭੇਜਣ ਦੀ ਚੋਣ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। ਜੇਕਰ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਦੇ ਮੈਂਬਰ iOS ਬੀਟਾ ਜਾਂ Desktop ਜਾਂ Android ਐਪ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ ਤਾਂ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਰਿੰਗ ਸੁਣਾਈ ਦੇਵੇਗੀ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ਕਿਸੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਦਾ ਹਵਾਲਾ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹੋਏ ਉਸਦਾ ਜਵਾਬ ਦੇਣ ਲਈ ਚੈਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ 'ਤੇ ਦੋ ਵਾਰ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ। ਇਹ ਕਿਸੇ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਬਾਰੇ ਕੋਈ ਨਵੀਂ ਗੱਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਸ਼ਾਰਟਕੱਟ ਵਾਂਗ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਫੀਚਰ ਨੂੰ ਲਾਗੂ ਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਬਾਰੇ ਫੀਡਬੈਕ ਪ੍ਰਦਾਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ {whynothugo} ਅਤੇ Signal ਭਾਈਚਾਰੇ ਦਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ਹੁਣ ਜ਼ੂਮ ਇਨ ਕੀਤੇ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਗੈਲਰੀ ਵਿਊ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਆਸਾਨੀ ਨਾਲ ਬਾਹਰ ਜਾਣ ਲਈ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਦੇ ਬਾਹਰ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੈ। ਕਈ ਵਾਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਬਸ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਨੂੰ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਪਰ ਗਲਤੀ ਨਾਲ ਜ਼ੂਮ ਹੋ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਨੂੰ ਠੀਕ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ {jojomatik} ਦਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "ਫਟਾ-ਫਟ ਜਵਾਬ ਦਿਓ। ਹੁਣ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਸਟੋਰੀ ਦਾ ਜਵਾਬ ਦੇਣ ਵੇਲੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਇਮੋਜੀ 'ਤੇ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰਕੇ ਤੇਜ਼ੀ ਨਾਲ ਰਿਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਦੇ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "ਹੁਣ ਚੀਨੀ ਅਤੇ ਜਾਪਾਨੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਦੇ ਇੱਕ-ਇੱਕ ਅੱਖਰ ਨਾਲ ਵੀ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਖੋਜਣਾ ਸੰਭਵ ਹੋ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "ਵੌਇਸ ਅਤੇ ਵੀਡੀਓ ਕਾਲਾਂ ਲਈ ਕਈ ਭਰੋਸੇਯੋਗ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨ ਸੁਧਾਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਾਡੀ ਮਦਦ ਕਰੋ। ਇਸ ਬੀਟਾ ਰੀਲੀਜ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁਝ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਦਰੁਸਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ UI ਵਿੱਚ ਛੋਟੇ-ਮੋਟੇ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਹਨ (ਨਵੇਂ ਲਿੰਕ ਦੀ ਝਲਕ ਵਾਲੇ ਸੁਧਾਰਾਂ ਲਈ ਦੇਖੋ!) ਬੀਟਾ ਟੈਸਟਰ ਬਣਨ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ, ਅਤੇ ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਕੋਈ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀ ਲੱਭਦੀ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਕਮਿਊਨਿਟੀ ਫੋਰਮ 'ਤੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰੋ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕੋਈ ਫਾਲਤੂ ਚੀਜ਼ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰੋਗੇ, ਪਰ ਹੁਣ ਜਦੋਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ MP3 ਵੌਇਸ ਨੋਟ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ ਉਸਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਸਹੀ ਫ਼ਾਈਲ ਐਕਸਟੈਂਸ਼ਨ ਨਾਲ ਸੇਵ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "ਫ਼ਾਈਲ ਅਟੈਚ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਤੁਰੰਤ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਟਾਈਪ ਕਰਨਾ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰੋ, ਜਾਂ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਵਾਧੂ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਦੇ ਫ਼ਾਈਲ ਭੇਜਣ ਲਈ ਐਂਟਰ/ਰਿਟਰਨ ਬਟਨ ਦਬਾਓ। ਧੰਨਵਾਦ, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "ਵੱਡੇ ਕੰਪੋਜਿਸ਼ਨ ਵਿਊ ਵਿੱਚ ਭੇਜੋ ਬਟਨ ਨੂੰ ਅਲਾਈਨਮੈਂਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਲਿਆਂਦਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ। ਧੰਨਵਾਦ, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "ਜੇਕਰ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਹੀ ਹੋ (ਹੁਣ ਤੱਕ) ਅਤੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਕਾਲ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਹੁਣ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕਾਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਅਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਦੀ ਰਿੰਗ ਵੱਜਣ ਦੀ ਉਡੀਕ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਬਜਾਏ ਤੁਰੰਤ ਖੁਦ ਨਾਲ ਗੱਲ ਕਰਨਾ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। ਧੰਨਵਾਦ, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "ਨਵੇਂ ਹਾਈਲਾਈਟ ਫੀਚਰ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਰੰਤ ਜਾਣੋ ਕਿ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਕਾਲ ਦੇ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਕੌਣ ਬੋਲ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ, ਇਸ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪਤਾ ਲੱਗੇਗਾ ਕਿ ਕਿੱਥੇ ਦੇਖਣਾ ਹੈ। ਜੇਕਰ ਬੋਲਣ ਦੀ ਵਾਰੀ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਹੈ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਹਾਈਲਾਈਟ ਵੱਲ ਦੇਖਣਾ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "ਮੀਡੀਆ ਐਡੀਟਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਭਿੰਨ-ਭਿੰਨ ਸਟਿੱਕਰਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਆਪਣੀ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਨੂੰ ਮਜ਼ੇਦਾਰ ਬਣਾਓ, ਇਸ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਭੇਜੀਆਂ ਜਾਣ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਤਸਵੀਰਾਂ 'ਤੇ ਵੱਖਰੇ-ਵੱਖਰੇ ਸਟਾਈਲ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਸਜਾਵਟਾਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "ਕਿਸੇ ਵੱਖਰੀ ਚੈਟ 'ਤੇ ਸਵਿੱਚ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਵੀ ਵੌਇਸ ਨੋਟਸ ਮਿੰਨੀ ਪਲੇਅਰ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਲੰਬੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਣਨਾ ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੋ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਜਾਂ ਵੀਡੀਓ 'ਤੇ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਪੁਰਾਣੀਆਂ ਯਾਦਾਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਝਾਤ ਮਾਰਨ ਲਈ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਵਿਊਅਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਅੱਗੇ ਅਤੇ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜਾਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਨਵੇਂ ਬਟਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰੋ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਵੌਇਸ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਰਿਕਾਰਡ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਕਿਸੇ ਹੋਰ ਚੈਟ 'ਤੇ ਚਲੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ ਉਸ ਵੌਇਸ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਹੁਣ ਡਰਾਫਟ ਦੇ ਤੌਰ 'ਤੇ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "ਸਟਿੱਕਰ ਭੇਜਣ ਨਾਲ ਹੁਣ ਡਰਾਫਟ ਟੈਕਸਟ ਮਿਟਾਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਧੰਨਵਾਦ, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "ਅਸੀਂ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਖੋਜਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਬਾਰ ਆਈਕਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਅਲਾਈਨਮੈਂਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਾਪਸ ਲਿਆਉਣ ਲਈ {norstbox} ਦਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਾਂ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Anuluj",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Wyślij",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Nie udało się dostarczyć Ci wiadomości, naklejki, reakcji, potwierdzenia przeczytania lub multimediów od $sender$. Ten kontakt mógł próbować przesłać Ci tę wiadomość bezpośrednio lub w rozmowie grupowej.",
"message": "Nie udało się dostarczyć Ci wiadomości, naklejki, reakcji, potwierdzenia przeczytania lub multimediów od użytkownika $sender$. Ten kontakt mógł próbować przesłać Ci tę wiadomość bezpośrednio lub w rozmowie grupowej.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Nie udało się dostarczyć Ci wiadomości, naklejki, reakcji, potwierdzenia przeczytania lub multimediów od $sender$, w tej rozmowie.",
"message": "Nie udało się dostarczyć Ci wiadomości, naklejki, reakcji, potwierdzenia przeczytania lub multimediów od $sender$ w tej rozmowie.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@
"message": "$sender$ zareagował(a) tak $emoji$ na Twoją wiadomość"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ zareagował(a) tak $emoji$ na $message$"
"message": "$sender$ zareagował(a) tak $emoji$ na: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Wysyłanie nie powiodło się",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Dzisiaj, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Wczoraj, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Połącz ponownie"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Dostępna aktualizacja"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Ponów aktualizację"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Połącz Signal na swoim telefonie i komputerze, aby móc używać Kreatora pakietów naklejek",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Dostępna jest aktualizacja do wersji $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Nie można zamknąć Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5989,7 +5997,7 @@
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "Zezwól na odpowiedzi i reakcje",
"message": "Pozwalaj na odpowiedzi i reakcje",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6449,7 +6457,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "$name$ zareagował(a) na relację",
"message": "Zareagowano na relację od $name$",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
@ -6461,11 +6469,11 @@
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "Zareagowałeś(aś) tak: $emoji$ na relację od $name$",
"message": "Zareagowałeś(-aś) tak: $emoji$ na relację od $name$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "Zareagowałeś(aś) tak: $emoji$ na relację",
"message": "Zareagowałeś(-aś) tak: $emoji$ na relację",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Wyłącz wykrywanie kontaktów, przechodząc do Ustawienia > Prywatność > Numer telefonu > Kto może mnie znaleźć po numerze telefonu, by ustawić nazwę użytkownika jako domyślny sposób wyszukiwania Twojego profilu.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Małe ulepszenia, poprawki błędów i zwiększona funkcjonalność. Dzięki za korzystanie z Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Pracujemy w pocie czoła nad poprawieniem błędów i wprowadzeniem innych ulepszeń, dzięki którym apka będzie działała płynnie.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Zacznij używać i testować naszą nową funkcję relacji. Możesz korzystać z tej funkcji razem z innymi testerami wersji beta i informować nas, jak się sprawdza.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Relacje już dostępne w Signal! Udostępniaj wybranym znajomym lub grupom tekst, obrazy i wideo — udostępnione treści znikają automatycznie po 24 godzinach. Mamy coś dla każdego, kto lubi dzielić się opowieściami, a ceni sobie prywatność i przestrzeń bez reklam. Jeśli nie chcesz oglądać ani udostępniać relacji, możesz z nich zrezygnować w punkcie menu Preferencje > Prywatność.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Gdy rozpoczynasz połączenie grupowe dla małych grup (do 16 osób), możesz wybrać opcję powiadomienia o połączeniu dzwonkiem. Dzwonek usłyszą użytkownicy korzystający z wersji iOS beta, komputera stacjonarnego lub Androida.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Kliknij dwukrotnie dowolny wiersz wiadomości w rozmowie, aby rozpocząć cytowanie wiadomości. Już nie pogubisz się w gąszczu wątków. Podziękowania dla {whynothugo} i całej społeczności Signal za wdrożenie tej funkcji i opinie na temat jej działania.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Od teraz, klikając poza obrazem, zamkniesz widok galerii, zamiast powiększać grafikę. Bo czasem wyraźniej widać na odległość. Dzięki, {jojomatik}, za tę poprawkę!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Skróć swój czas reakcji. Od teraz możesz odpowiadać jeszcze szybciej na relacje, wysyłając emoji.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Od teraz możesz przeszukiwać historię wiadomości, wpisując pojedyncze znaki z alfabetu chińskiego i japońskiego.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Pomóż nam przetestować kilka ulepszeń niezawodności i wydajności w zakresie połączeń głosowych i wideo. Ta wersja beta zawiera również kilka poprawek błędów i drobnych zmian na poziomie UI (zwróć uwagę na nowe ulepszenia podglądu linków!). Dziękujemy za udział w testach beta i prosimy o kontakt na forum społeczności, jeśli zauważysz jakieś błędy.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Teraz, gdy pobierzesz notatkę głosową o formacie MP3, zostanie ona zapisana z odpowiednim rozszerzeniem.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Po załączeniu pliku od razu zacznij pisać albo naciśnij Enter i wyślij plik bez żadnych dodatkowych czynności. Dzięki, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Wyrównaliśmy przycisk wysyłania w rozszerzonym widoku edytora wiadomości. Dzięki, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Jeśli jesteś jedyną osobą w grupie (póki co) i próbujesz wykonać połączenie grupowe, od teraz możesz natychmiast dołączyć do rozmowy i zacząć do siebie mówić, zamiast czekać na sygnał przychodzącego połączenia. Dzięki, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Nowa funkcja podświetlania wskaże Ci, kto aktualnie mówi, czyli na kogo patrzeć podczas połączeń grupowych. Twoja kolej na zabranie głosu? Musisz spojrzeć w głąb siebie.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Baw się do woli szeroką gamą naklejek z naszego edytora multimediów, z pomocą których ozdobisz wysyłane obrazy.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Dzięki miniodtwarzaczowi notatek głosowych możesz kontynuować odsłuchiwanie długich wiadomości nawet po przełączeniu się na inną rozmowę.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Kliknij na dowolny obrazek lub wideo i używaj nowych przycisków Dalej i Wstecz w przeglądarce mediów, by móc rozkoszować się wspomnień czarem.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Wiadomości głosowe są teraz zapisywane jako szkice, jeśli w czasie nagrywania przełączysz się na inny czat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Wysłanie naklejki nie powoduje już wyczyszczenia szkicu. Dzięki, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Chcemy również podziękować użytkownikowi {norstbox} za przywrócenie do układu ikon paska wyszukiwania.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Cancelar",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Enviar",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Não foi possível entregar para você uma mensagem (texto, figurinha, reação, confirmação de leitura ou mídia) de $sender$ nessa conversa.",
"message": "Não foi possível entregar para você uma mensagem (texto, figurinha, reação, confirmação de leitura ou mídia) de $sender$. Essa pessoa tentou entrar em contato com você diretamente ou em um grupo.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Não foi possível entregar para você uma mensagem (texto, figurinha, reação, confirmação de leitura ou mídia) de $sender$ nesse grupo.",
"message": "Não foi possível entregar para você uma mensagem (texto, figurinha, reação, confirmação de leitura ou mídia) de $sender$ nesse chat.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@
"message": "$sender$ reagiu com $emoji$ à sua mensagem"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reagiu com $emoji$ na mensagem: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ reagiu com $emoji$ à mensagem: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Falha no envio",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Hoje, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Ontem, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Vincular novamente"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Atualização disponível"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Tente atualizar novamente"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Alternar o selecionador de reações de emoji na mensagem selecionada",
"message": "Alternar o seletor de reações de emoji na mensagem selecionada",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,15 +3189,15 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Configure o Signal no seu telefone e desktop para usar o Criador de pacote de figurinhas",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "Excluir reação",
"message": "Remover reação",
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Falha ao enviar reação. Por favor, tente novamente.",
"message": "Falha ao enviar reação. Tente novamente.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Atualização disponível para a versão $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Não é possível fechar o Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Desative a descoberta de número de telefone em Configurações > Privacidade > Número de telefone > Quem pode encontrar meu número, para usar seu nome de usuário como a principal forma de outras pessoas entrarem em contato com você.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Pequenas alterações adicionais, correções de bugs e melhorias de desempenho. Agradecemos por usar o Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Estamos trabalhando para corrigir bugs e fazer outras melhorias de desempenho para manter o app funcionando bem.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Comece a usar e teste nosso novo recurso de stories. Você pode usar o recurso com outros usuários da versão beta e contar para a gente como ele está funcionando.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Os stories chegaram ao Signal! Compartilhe atualizações de texto, imagens e vídeos com amigos ou grupos. Os stories desaparecerão automaticamente após 24 horas. Quem ama compartilhar stories pode fazer isso de forma privada e sem ver anúncios. Se não quiser ver ou compartilhar stories, desative essa opção em Preferências > Privacidade.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Ao iniciar uma chamada em grupo com grupos pequenos (até 16 pessoas), você pode decidir se quer enviar uma notificação de ligação. Os membros do grupo ouvirão um toque se estiverem usando a versão beta do iOS ou as versões para Desktop ou Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Toque duas vezes em qualquer linha de mensagem em um chat para responder a uma pergunta anterior diretamente. É tipo um atalho para ideias novas sobre ideias antigas. Agradecemos a {whynothugo} e a comunidade do Signal por implementarem esse recurso e fornecer feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Agora ficou mais fácil clicar fora de uma imagem para ignorar a visão da galeria, sem dar zoom. Às vezes, você só quer fechar a imagem e não quer ficar vendo aquele carão, né? Pode agradecer a {jojomatik} pela correção!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Acelere seu tempo de resposta. Agora você pode reagir mais rápido clicando em um emoji quando responder a um story.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Você já pode pesquisar seu histórico de mensagens por caracteres individuais em chinês e japonês.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Ajude a gente a testar as melhorias de confiabilidade e desempenho das chamadas de voz e de vídeo. Este lançamento beta inclui algumas correções de bugs e pequenas atualizações da interface de usuário. Fique de olho nas novas melhorias de prévias do link! Valeu por testar a versão beta com a gente! Entre em contato conosco no fórum da comunidade se encontrar algum bug.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Agora você pode baixar um áudio no formato MP3 e salvá-lo com a extensão de arquivo apropriada.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Comece a escrever uma mensagem rapidamente após anexar um arquivo ou clique Enter/Voltar para enviar o arquivo sem nenhum clique extra. Valeu, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "O botão enviar na prévia de composição grande foi alinhado. Valeu, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Se você for a única pessoa em um grupo (até agora) e tentar iniciar uma chamada em grupo, poderá entrar na chamada e começar a falar sozinho imediatamente em vez de esperar o toque da ligação. Valeu, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Veja rapidamente quem está falando durante chamadas em grupo com um novo recurso que indica a você onde olhar. Se for a sua vez, de repente é hora de olhar pra dentro 🤪",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Divirta-se com as figurinhas do editor de mídia e adicione decorações de tempo personalizadas nas mensagens que você enviar.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Use o miniplayer de áudio para continuar ouvindo as mensagens longas mesmo depois de mudar para outro chat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Clique em qualquer foto ou vídeo para usar os novos botões Avançar e Voltar no visualizador de mídia para rever suas lembranças.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "A partir de agora, os áudios serão salvos como rascunhos se você mudar para outro chat enquanto estiver gravando.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Se você mandar uma figurinha, seu rascunho não será mais apagado. Valeu, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Também gostaríamos de agradecer {norstbox} por alinhar novamente os ícones da barra de pesquisa do chat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Cancelar",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Enviar",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@
"message": "$sender$ reagiu $emoji$ à sua mensagem"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reagiu $emoji$ a: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ reagiu $emoji$ a: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Falha no envio",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Hoje $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Ontem $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Voltar a associar"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Atualização disponível"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Retomar atualização"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Configure o Signal no seu telemóvel e desktop para utilizar o Criador de Pacotes de Autocolantes",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Falha ao enviar reação. Por favor, tente novamente.",
"message": "Falha ao enviar reação. Tente novamente.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Está disponível uma atualização para a versão $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Não é possível fechar o Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Desligue a descoberta do número de telemóvel em Definições > Privacidade > Número de telemóvel > Quem pode encontrar o meu número, para usar o seu nome de utilizador como a principal forma de os outros entrarem em contacto consigo.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Pequenos ajustes adicionais, correções de bugs e melhorias de desempenho. Obrigado por usar o Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Estamos a trabalhar para corrigir bugs e fazer outras melhorias de desempenho para manter o bom funcionamento da app.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Comece a utilizar e a testar a nossa nova funcionalidade de histórias. Pode utilizar a funcionalidade com outros testadores beta e informar-nos sobre o seu funcionamento.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "As histórias chegaram ao Signal! Partilhe com certos amigos ou grupos atualizações de texto, imagens ou vídeo, que desaparecem automaticamente após 24 horas. Para todos os que gostam de partilhar histórias, têm aqui uma forma de o fazer em privado e sem quaisquer anúncios. Se não quiser ver ou partilhar histórias, pode desativar tudo nas suas Preferências > Privacidade.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Quando inicia uma chamada de grupo para pequenos grupos (até 16 pessoas), pode optar por enviar uma notificação de toque. Os membros do grupo ouvirão um toque se estiverem no iOS beta ou a utilizar o Desktop ou Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Clique duas vezes em qualquer linha de mensagem de um chat para iniciar uma resposta citada. É tipo um atalho para novos pensamentos acerca de velhas ideias. Agradecemos a {whynothugo} e à comunidade Signal por implementarem esta funcionalidade e fornecerem feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Agora é mais fácil clicar fora de uma imagem para ignorar a visualização da galeria sem ampliar. Às vezes é mesmo melhor ir embora do que ficar a olhar. Agradecemos a {jojomatik} pela correção!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "★ Acelere o seu tempo de resposta. Agora pode reagir mais rapidamente tocando em qualquer emoji ao responder a uma história.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Agora é possível pesquisar no histórico de mensagens caracteres individuais em chinês e japonês.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Ajude-nos a testar várias melhorias de fiabilidade e desempenho para chamadas de voz e vídeo. Este lançamento beta também inclui algumas correções de erros e pequenas melhorias da UI (veja as melhorias na pré-visualização de links!). Obrigado por testar a versão beta, contacte-nos no fórum da comunidade se vir algum erro.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Não faria download de um carro, mas agora, quando descarregar uma nota de voz em MP3, esta será guardada com a extensão de ficheiro correta.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Comece rapidamente a escrever uma mensagem depois de anexar um ficheiro, ou basta clicar em Enter/Return para enviar o ficheiro sem ter de clicar em mais nada. Obrigado, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "O botão de envio na vista de composição grande foi alinhado. Obrigado, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Se for a única pessoa de um grupo (para já) e tentar iniciar uma chamada de grupo, agora pode juntar-se à chamada e começar a falar consigo mesmo imediatamente, em vez de esperar que a chamada toque. Obrigado, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Veja rapidamente quem está a falar durante chamadas de grupo, com uma funcionalidade de destaque que lhe mostra para onde olhar. Se for a sua vez de falar, não se esqueça de olhar para o seu eu interior.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Divirta-se à brava com vários autocolantes no editor de multimédia, permitindo-lhe adicionar decorações estilizadas a imagens a ser enviadas.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Utilize o minileitor de notas de voz para continuar a ouvir mensagens longas mesmo depois de mudar para um chat diferente.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Clique em qualquer imagem ou vídeo e utilize os novos botões Avançar e Retroceder do visualizador multimédia para dar uma volta pelas ruas da memória.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "As mensagens de voz são agora salvas como rascunhos se alternar para outra conversa enquanto uma gravação está a decorrer.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Enviar um autocolante já não limpa texto de rascunho. Obrigado, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Também gostaríamos de agradecer a {norstbox} por voltar a alinhar os ícones da barra de pesquisa de conversas.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Anulează",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Trimite",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ a reacționat cu $emoji$ la mesajul tău"
"message": "$sender$ a reacționat cu $emoji$ la mesajul tău"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ a reacționat cu $emoji$ la: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ a reacționat cu $emoji$ la: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Trimitere eșuată",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Astăzi $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Ieri $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Asociază din nou"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Actualizare disponibilă"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Reîncearcă actualizarea"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Te rugăm să configurezi Signal pe telefonul și desktopul tău pentru a utiliza creatorul de autocolante",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Este disponibilă actualizarea la versiunea $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal nu poate fi închis",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5989,7 +5997,7 @@
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "Permite răspunsi și reacții",
"message": "Permite răspunsuri și reacții",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Dezactivează descoperirea numerelor de telefon din Setări > Număr de Telefon > Cine poate găsi numărul meu, pentru a utiliza numele tău de utilizator ca modalitate principală de contact cu ceilalți.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Mici ajustări, soluționări de bug-uri și îmbunătățiri ale performanței. Mersi că folosești Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Lucrăm din greu să soluționăm bug-uri și să îmbunătățim performanța pentru ca aplicația să funcționeze perfect.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Începe să folosești și să testezi noua noastră opțiune de povești. Poți să folosești opțiunea împreună cu alți testări beta și să ne spui cum ți se pare.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Poveștile sunt acum în Signal! Distribuie text, imagini și actualizări video care dispar cu anumiți prieteni și grupuri și ei le vor vedea timp de 24 de ore. Pentru toate persoanele care adoră să trimită povești, iată un mod de a o face în mod privat și fără să vezi anunțuri. Dacă nu vrei să vezi sau să distribui povești, poți să renunți la ele din Preferințe > Confidențialitate.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Când începi un apel de grup pentru grupuri mici (până la 16 persoane), poți să alegi să trimiți o notificare sonoră. Membri grupului vor auzi un sunet dacă sunt pe iOS beta sau dacă folosesc Desktop sau Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dă dublu clic pe orice rând într-o conversație ca să începi un răspuns citat. E ca o scurtătură pentru gânduri noi despre idei vechi. Mulțumim {whynothugo} și comunității Signal pentru implementarea acestei funcții și oferirea de feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Acum este mai simplu să dai clic în afara unei imagini ca să închizi vizualizarea de tip galerie fără să mărești. Uneori voiai doar să închizi, dar în schimb măreai lucruri. Mulțumim {jojomatik} pentru reparare!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Mărește-ți viteza de răspuns. Acum poți să reacționezi mai rapid dând clic pe un emoji în timp ce răspunzi la o poveste.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Acum este posibil să cauți în istoricul de mesaje pentru personaje individuale în chineză și japoneză.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Ajută-ne să testăm câteva îmbunătățiri de performanță și fiabilitate pentru apeluri de voce și video. Faza aceasta beta include și câteva soluționări de bug-uri și câteva actualizări micuțe UI (vezi îmbunătățirile noi de previzualizarea linkului!). Îți mulțumim că ești tester beta și te invităm să ne contactezi pe forumul comunității dacă observi bug-uri.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Nu ai descărca o mașină, dar acum, când descărcați o notă vocală MP3, aceasta va fi salvată cu extensia de fișier adecvată.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Începe rapid să tastezi un mesaj după atașarea unui fișier sau apasă Enter/Return pentru a trimite fișierul fără clicuri suplimentare. Mersi, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Butonul de trimitere din vizualizarea mare de compoziție a fost aliniat. Mersi, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Dacă ești singura persoană dintr-un grup (până în prezent) și încerci să începi un apel de grup, acum te poți alătura apelului și poți începe să vorbești cu tine în loc să aștepți să sune apelul. Mersi, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Vezi rapid cine vorbește în timpul apelurilor de grup cu o nouă funcție de evidențiere care îți arată unde să cauți. Dacă e rândul tău să vorbești, va trebui să te uiți înăuntru.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Distrează-te cu mai multe stickere în editorul media care îți permit să adaugi decorațiuni stilizate de timp pe imaginile trimise.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Folosește mini playerul de note vocale pentru a continua să asculți mesaje lungi chiar și după ce treci la un alt chat.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Dă clic pe orice imagine sau videoclip și utilizează noile butoane Înainte și Înapoi din vizualizatorul media pentru a face o plimbare vizuală pe banda de memorie.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Mesajele vocale sunt acum salvate ca schițe dacă treci la un alt chat în timp ce o înregistrare este în curs.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Trimiterea unui sticker nu mai face ca un text ciornă să fie șters. Mersi, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Am dori să-i mulțumim și lui {norstbox} pentru că a readus pictogramele din bara de căutare a conversațiilor la aliniere.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Отменить",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Отправить",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Сообщение, стикер, реакцию, уведомление о прочтении или медиа-файл от $sender$ не удалось доставить вам. Этот человек мог отправить вышеуказанное напрямую вам или в какую-нибудь группу.",
"message": "Сообщение, стикер, реакцию, уведомление о прочтении или медиафайл от $sender$ не удалось доставить вам. Этот человек мог отправить вышеуказанное напрямую вам или в какую-нибудь группу.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Сообщение, стикер, реакцию, уведомление о прочтении или медиа-файл от $sender$ не удалось доставить вам в этом чате.",
"message": "Сообщение, стикер, реакцию, уведомление о прочтении или медиафайл от $sender$ не удалось доставить вам в этом чате.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Сегодня в $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Вчера в $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Привязать заново"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Доступно обновление"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Попробуйте обновиться ещё раз"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Пожалуйста, настройте Signal на вашем телефоне и ПК, чтобы использовать редактор наборов стикеров",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Доступно обновление до версии $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Не удалось закрыть Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Выключите функцию обнаружения номера телефона в разделе Настройки > Конфиденциальность > Номер телефона > Кто может найти мой номер, чтобы использовать ваше имя пользователя в качестве основного способа связи с вами.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Небольшие изменения, исправления ошибок и улучшения производительности. Спасибо за то, что пользуетесь Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Мы усердно работаем над исправлением ошибок и другими улучшениями производительности, чтобы приложение работало для вас бесперебойно.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Начните использовать и тестировать нашу новую функцию историй. Вы можете использовать эту функцию вместе с другими бета-тестерами и сообщить нам, как она работает.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Истории теперь в Signal! Делитесь с выбранными друзьями или группами исчезающими текстовыми, графическими и видеообновлениями. Они автоматически исчезают через 24 часа. Все, кто любит делиться историями, могут делать это конфиденциально и без рекламы. Не хотите видеть истории или делиться ими? Откажитесь от этого в ваших Предпочтениях > Конфиденциальность.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "В начале группового звонка для небольших групп (до 16 человек) можно выбрать отправку звонка вместо уведомления. Участники группы услышат звонок, если они используют бета-версию iOS либо версии для настольного компьютера или Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Дважды щелкните на любой строке сообщения в чате, чтобы добавить в ответ цитату. Это короткий путь к новому взгляду на старые идеи. Спасибо {whynothugo} и сообществу Signal за внедрение этой функции и отзывы о ней.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Теперь достаточно кликнуть за пределами изображения, чтобы закрыть вид галереи, а не увеличивать фото. Раньше иногда вы просто хотели закрыть, а вместо этого приближали. Спасибо {jojomatik} за исправление!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Отвечайте быстрее. Теперь вы можете реагировать быстрее, нажав на любой эмодзи при ответе на историю.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Теперь в истории сообщений можно искать отдельные символы на китайском и японском.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Помогите нам протестировать несколько улучшений надежности и производительности аудио- и видеозвонков. Этот бета-релиз включает также ряд исправлений ошибок и небольшие обновления пользовательского интерфейса (обратите внимание: мы снова улучшили просмотр ссылок!). Благодарим вас за участие в бета-тесте и просим связаться с нами на форуме сообщества, если вы заметите какие-либо ошибки.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Вы бы не стали скачивать автомобиль, но теперь, при скачивании голосовой заметки в формате MP3, она будет сохранена с соответствующим расширением файла.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Быстро приступайте к набору сообщения, прикрепив файл, или просто нажмите Ввод/Назад, чтобы отправить его без лишних нажатий. Спасибо, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Кнопка отправки в крупном формате композиции была приведена в соответствие. Спасибо, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Если вы единственный участник группы (временно) и пытаетесь начать групповой звонок, то теперь вы сразу можете присоединиться к звонку и начать разговор с самим собой, а не ждать сигнала вызова. Спасибо, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Оперативно выяснить, кто говорит во время группового звонка, можно с помощью новой функции выделения, которая показывает говорящего. Если ваша очередь говорить, сначала взгляните на себя.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Поэкспериментируйте со стикерами в редакторе медиафайлов, который позволяет добавлять стилизованные временные украшения к исходящему изображению.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Используйте мини-плеер голосовых заметок, чтобы продолжать прослушивать длинные сообщения даже после переключения на другой чат.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Нажмите на любое изображение или видео и используйте новые кнопки «Вперед» и «Назад» в средстве просмотра медиафайлов, чтобы совершить визуальную прогулку по дорожке памяти.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Голосовые сообщения теперь сохраняются как черновики, если во время записи вы переключаетесь на другой чат.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Отправка стикера больше не приводит к удалению черновика текста. Спасибо, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Мы также благодарим {norstbox} за приведение в соответствие иконок на панели поиска бесед.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Zrušiť",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Odoslať",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Správu, nálepku, reakciu, potvrdenie o prečítaní, alebo médium od $sender$ vám nebolo možné doručiť. Možno sa vám pokúsili poslať ho priamo, alebo v skupine.",
"message": "Správu, nálepku, reakciu, potvrdenie o prečítaní alebo médiá od používateľa $sender$ vám nebolo možné doručiť. Možno sa vám ich pokúsil poslať priamo alebo v skupine.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Správu, nálepku, reakciu, potvrdenku o prečítaní, alebo médium vám nebolo možné doručiť od $sender$ v tejto konverzií.",
"message": "Správu, nálepku, reakciu, potvrdenie o prečítaní alebo médiá od používateľa $sender$ vám nebolo možné doručiť v tejto konverzácii.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ reagoval/a $emoji$ na vašu správu."
"message": "$sender$ reagoval/a $emoji$ na vašu správu"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reagoval/a $emoji$ na: $message$"
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Dnes $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Včera $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Prepojiť znovu"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Dostupná aktualizácia"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Skúste aktualizáciu znova"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Zobrazí možnosti reakcie emotikonou na vybranú správu",
"message": "Zobraziť reakcie pomocou emotikonov pre vybranú správu",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Pre používanie nástroja na vytváranie nálepiek si musíte nastaviť Signal na telefóne a počítači",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Nepodarilo sa mi odoslať reakciu. Skúste to prosím znovu",
"message": "Nepodarilo sa odoslať reakciu. Skúste to znova.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Aktualizácia na verziu $version$ je k dispozícii",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal nie je možné zatvoriť.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "Prispôsobte reakcie",
"message": "Prispôsobiť reakcie",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5993,7 +6001,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "Umožnite ľuďom, ktorí si pozrú váš príbeh, reagovať a odpovedať.",
"message": "Umožnite ľuďom, ktorí si môžu pozrieť váš príbeh, reagovať a odpovedať.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6457,15 +6465,15 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "Poslal/a $emoji$ ako reakciu na váš príbeh",
"message": "Reagoval/a $emoji$ na váš príbeh",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "Poslali ste $emoji$ ako reakciu na príbeh používateľa $name$",
"message": "Reagovali ste $emoji$ na príbeh používateľa $name$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "Poslali ste $emoji$ ako reakciu na príbeh",
"message": "Reagovali ste $emoji$ na príbeh",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Vypnite vyhľadávanie podľa telefónneho čísla v časti Nastavenia > Súkromie > Telefónne číslo > Kto môže nájsť moje číslo, aby bolo vaše používateľské meno primárnym spôsobom, ako vás ostatní môžu kontaktovať.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Malé úpravy, opravy chýb a vylepšenia výkonu. Ďakujeme, že používate Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Usilovne pracujeme na oprave chýb a ďalších vylepšeniach výkonu, vďaka ktorým bude vaša aplikácia fungovať bez problémov.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Začnite používať a testovať našu novú funkciu príbehov. Funkciu môžete používať spolu s ostatnými beta testermi. Tešíme sa na vašu spätnú väzbu.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Príbehy prichádzajú na Signal! Zdieľajte miznúce texty, fotky a videá s vybranými priateľmi či skupinami, ktoré automaticky zmiznú po 24 hodinách. Pre každého, kto rád zdieľa príbehy, je tu spôsob, ako ich zdieľať súkromne a bez zobrazovania reklám. Ak nechcete vidieť ani zdieľať príbehy, môžete všetky funkcie deaktivovať v Nastaveniach > Súkromie.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Po spustení skupinového hovoru pre malé skupiny (do 16 ľudí), môžete odoslať upozornenie so zvonením. Členovia skupiny budú počuť zvonenie, ak používajú beta verziu iOS, počítač alebo Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvojitým kliknutím na ľubovoľný riadok správy v čete začnete citovanú odpoveď. Je to priama cesta vyjadrenia nových postrehov k predošlým nápadom. Sme vďační {whynothugo} a komunite Signal za implementáciu tejto funkcie a poskytnutie spätnej väzby.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Teraz je jednoduchšie kliknúť mimo fotografie a zrušiť plný náhľad bez približovania. Možno sa vám stalo, že ste fotku chceli len zavrieť, no namiesto toho sa vám zobrazila v tých najmenších detailoch. Ďakujeme {jojomatik} za opravu!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Zrýchlite svoje reakcie. Teraz môžete reagovať rýchlejšie kliknutím na ľubovoľné emotikony pri odpovedaní na príbeh.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Teraz je možné vyhľadávať v histórii správ jednotlivé znaky v čínštine a japončine.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Pomôžte nám otestovať niekoľko vylepšení spoľahlivosti a výkonu pre hlasové hovory a videohovory. Táto beta verzia obsahuje aj niekoľko opráv chýb a niekoľko malých aktualizácií používateľského rozhrania (pozrite si vylepšené náhľady odkazov!). Ďakujeme, že ste beta testerom! Ak zistíte nejaké chyby, kontaktujte nás, prosím, prostredníctvom komunitného fóra.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Keď si odteraz stiahnete hlasovú poznámku vo formáte MP3, uloží sa so správnou príponou súboru.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Po priložení súboru rýchlo začnite písať správu alebo jednoducho stlačte Enter a odošlite súbor bez ďalších kliknutí. Ďakujeme, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Tlačidlo Odoslať vo veľkom zobrazení kompozície bolo zarovnané. Ďakujeme, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Ak ste (zatiaľ) jedinou osobou v skupine a pokúsite sa o spustenie skupinového hovoru, teraz sa môžete pripojiť k hovoru a začať sa ihneď rozprávať sami so sebou, namiesto toho, aby ste čakali na zazvonenie. Ďakujeme, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Vďaka novej funkcii zvýraznenia, ktorá vám ukáže, kam sa pozerať, teraz rýchlo zistíte, kto počas skupinových hovorov práve hovorí. Ak ste však na rade hovoriť vy, musíte sa pozrieť dovnútra.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Užite si zábavu vďaka niekoľkým nálepkám v editore médií, ktoré vám umožnia pridať štylizované časové dekorácie k odchádzajúcim obrázkom.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Pomocou miniprehrávača hlasových poznámok môžete naďalej počúvať dlhé správy aj po prepnutí na iný čet.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Zaspomínajte si na staré časy - kliknite na ľubovoľný obrázok alebo video a prezerajte si ich pomocou nových tlačidiel Dopredu a Dozadu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Ak počas nahrávania hlasovej správy prepnete na iný čet, po novom sa uloží ako koncept.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Odoslanie nálepky teraz už nevymaže text konceptu. Ďakujeme, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Radi by sme sa tiež poďakovali používateľovi {norstbox} za opätovné zarovnanie ikon na paneli pre vyhľadávanie konverzácií.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Prekliči",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Pošlji",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Sporočilo, nalepka, reakcija, obvestilo o prebranem sporočilu ali medijska datoteka uporabnika_ce $sender$ ne morejo biti dostavljeni. Lahko so bili poslani osebno ali prek skupine.",
"message": "Sporočila, nalepke, odziva, potrdila o branju ali medijske vsebine uporabnika_ce $sender$ vam ni bilo mogoče dostaviti. Lahko so bili poslani osebno ali prek skupine.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Sporočilo, nalepka, reakcija, obvestilo o prebranem sporočilu ali medijska datoteka uporabnika_ce $sender$ niso mogli biti dostavljeni.",
"message": "Sporočila, nalepke, odziva, potrdila o branju ali medijske vsebine uporabnika_ce $sender$ vam v tem klepetu ni bilo mogoče dostaviti.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "Uporabnik $sender$ se je odzval na vaše sporočilo z $emoji$"
"message": "$sender$ se je odzval_a na vaše sporočilo z $emoji$"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "Odziv uporabnika $sender$ z $emoji$ na: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ se je na $message$ odzval_a z $emoji$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Pošiljanje ni uspelo",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Danes $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Včeraj $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Poveži"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Na voljo je posodobitev"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Ponovno poskusite s posodobitvijo"
@ -3189,15 +3189,15 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Če želite uporabljati Ustvarjalnik paketov nalepk, povežite aplikacijo Signal na svojem telefonu s tisto na računalniku",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "Odstrani reakcijo",
"message": "Odstrani odziv",
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Odziv ni bil uspešen. Poskusite znova.",
"message": "Odziva ni bilo mogoče poslati. Poskusite znova.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Na voljo je nadgradnja na različico $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal se ne more zapreti.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6281,11 +6289,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "Reagiraj na zgodbo",
"message": "Odzovite se na zgodbo",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "Reakcije na zgodbo",
"message": "Odziv na zgodbo",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,23 +6457,23 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "Reakcija na zgodbo uporabnika_ce $name$",
"message": "Odziv uporabnika_ce $name$ na zgodbo",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "Reakcija na zgodbo",
"message": "Odziv na zgodbo",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "Na vašo Zgodbo se je odzval_a: $emoji$",
"message": "Odziv na vašo zgodbo: $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "Na Zgodbo uporabnika_ce $name$ ste se odzvali z $emoji$",
"message": "Na zgodbo uporabnika_ce $name$ ste se odzvali z $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "Na Zgodbo ste se odzvali z $emoji$",
"message": "Na zgodbo ste se odzvali z $emoji$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Izklopite odkrivanje telefonske številke v razdelku Nastavitve > Zasebnost > Telefonska številka > Kdo lahko najde mojo številko, da uporabite svoje uporabniško ime kot glavni način stopanja v stik z vami.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Majhne prilagoditve, popravki napak in izboljšave zmogljivosti. Hvala, da uporabljate Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Trdo delamo, da odpravimo napake in uvedemo druge izboljšave delovanja, da bo aplikacija za vas delovala nemoteno.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Začnite uporabljati in preizkušati našo novo funkcijo zgodb. Funkcijo lahko uporabljate z drugimi beta preizkuševalci in nam sporočite, kako deluje.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Zgodbe so zdaj na Signalu! Z izbranimi prijatelji ali skupinami delite izginjajoča sporočila, slike in video posodobitve, ki samodejno izginejo po 24 urah. Za vse, ki radi delite Zgodbe, je tukaj način, kako to storiti zasebno in brez prikazovanja oglasov. Če ne želite videti ali deliti Zgodb, jih lahko onemogočite tako, da greste v Nastavitve > Zasebnost.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Ko začnete skupinski klic za majhne skupine (do 16 oseb), lahko izberete pošiljanje obvestila o zvonjenju. Člani skupine bodo slišali zvonjenje, če uporabljajo iOS beta, namizni računalnik ali Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvokliknite katerokoli vrstico sporočila v klepetu, da začnete citiran odgovor. Je kot bližnjica do novih misli o starih idejah. Hvala {whynothugo} in skupnosti Signal za implementacijo te funkcije in posredovanje povratnih informacij.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Zdaj je lažje klikniti zunaj slike, da opustite ogled fotografije, brez da bi jo povečali. Včasih ste želeli samo zapreti, namesto tega pa so stvari prišle preblizu. Hvala {jojomatik} za popravek!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Pospešite svoj odzivni čas. Zdaj se lahko hitreje odzovete s klikom na katerikoli emoji, ko odgovarjate na zgodbo.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Zdaj je mogoče v zgodovini sporočil iskati posamezne znake v kitajščini in japonščini.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Pomagajte nam preizkusiti več izboljšav zanesljivosti in zmogljivosti za glasovne in video klice. Ta izdaja beta vključuje tudi nekaj popravkov napak in nekaj majhnih posodobitev uporabniškega vmesnika (poiščite nove izboljšave predogleda povezave!). Hvala, ker ste preizkuševalec_ka različice beta. Če opazite kakršnekoli napake, se obrnite na nas na forumu skupnosti.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Ko prenesete glasovno beležko MP3, bo ta shranjena z ustrezno pripono datoteke.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Hitro začnite tipkati sporočilo, potem ko pripnete datoteko, ali preprosto pritisnite Enter/Nazaj, da pošljete datoteko brez dodatnih klikov. Hvala, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Gumb za pošiljanje v velikem pogledu je bil poravnan. Hvala, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Če ste edina oseba v skupini (zaenkrat) in poskušate začeti skupinski klic, se zdaj lahko pridružite klicu in začnete takoj govoriti sami s seboj, namesto da čakate, da zazvoni. Hvala, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Hitro si oglejte, kdo govori med skupinskimi klici, z novo funkcijo osvetlitve, ki vam pokaže, kje iskati. Če ste na vrsti, da govorite, boste morali pogledati vase.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Preživite čas svojega življenja z več nalepkami v urejevalniku medijev, ki vam omogočajo dodajanje stiliziranih časovnih okraskov na poslane slike.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Uporabite mini predvajalnik glasovnih zapiskov, da nadaljujete s poslušanjem dolgih sporočil, tudi ko preklopite na drug klepet.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Kliknite katerokoli sliko ali videoposnetek in uporabite nova gumba Naprej in Nazaj v pregledovalniku medijev za vizualni sprehod po spominih.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Glasovna sporočila se zdaj shranijo kot osnutki, če med snemanjem preklopite na drug klepet.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Osnutek besedila se zdaj ob pošiljanju nalepke ne izbriše več. Hvala, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Prav tako bi se radi zahvalili {norstbox}, ker je ikone vrstice za iskanje pogovorov ponovno poravnal_a.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Anulo",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Dërgo",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Reagoni ndaj Mesazhit",
"message": "Reago ndaj mesazhit",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "S’u dërgua dot te ju një mesazh, ngjitës, reagim, dëftesë leximi ose media nga $sender$. Mund të ketë provuar ta dërgojë drejtpërsëdrejti për ju, ose në një grup.",
"message": "Një mesazh, ngjitës, reagim, verifikim leximi ose media i $sender$ nuk u dërgua dot te ti. Mund të ketë provuar ta dërgojë drejtpërsëdrejti te ti ose në një grup.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "S’u dorëzua dot për ju një mesazh, ngjitës, reagim, dëftesë leximi ose media nga $sender$ në këtë fjalosje.",
"message": "Një mesazh, ngjitës, reagim, verifikim leximi ose media i $sender$ në këtë bisedë, nuk u dërgua dot te ti.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ reagoi me $emoji$ ndaj mesazhit tuaj"
"message": "$sender$ reagoi me $emoji$ ndaj mesazhit tënd"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reagoi $emoji$ te: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ reagoi me $emoji$ te: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Dërgimi dështoi",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Sot $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Dje $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Shënim për Veten",
"message": "Shënim për veten",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Rilidhe"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Ka përditësim të gatshëm"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Riprovoni përditësim"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Shfaq/fshih zgjedhës reagimi me emoji për mesazhin e përzgjedhur",
"message": "Ndrysho zgjedhësin e reagimit me emoji për mesazhin e përzgjedhur",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Të lutem, konfiguro Signal në telefon dhe desktop që të përdorësh Krijuesin e Paketës së Ngjitëseve",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "S’u arrit të dërgohej reagim. Ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"message": "Dërgimi i reagimit dështoi. Të lutem provo përsëri.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Ka të gatshëm përditësim me versionin $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal-i s’mund të mbyllet.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "Përshtatni reagime",
"message": "Personalizo reagimet",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5985,7 +5993,7 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "Përgjigje & reagime",
"message": "Përgjigjet & reagimet",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Çaktivizo zbulimin e numrit të telefonit te Parametrat > Privatësia > Numri i telefonit > Kush mund ta gjejë numrin tim, për të përdorur emrin e përdoruesit si mënyrën kryesore për të të kontaktuar.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Rregullme të vogla, riparime të gabimeve dhe përmirësime të mbarëvajtjes. Faleminderit që përdorni Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Punojmë fort për të rregulluar problemet dhe për të bërë përmirësime të tjera të mbarëvajtjes, që aplikacioni të funksionojë pa probleme.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Fillo të përdorësh dhe testosh funksionin tonë të ri të postimeve të përkohshme. Mund ta përdorësh funksionin me testues të tjerë beta dhe të na thuash si funksionon.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Tani postimet e përkohshme janë në Signal! Shpërndaj me miq ose grupe të caktuara përditësimet e teksteve, imazheve dhe videove që zhduken automatikisht pas 24 orësh. Për këdo që do të ndajë postimet e përkohshme, ja një mënyrë për ta bërë atë privatisht dhe pa parë asnjë reklamë. Nëse nuk dëshiron të shohësh ose të ndash postimet e përkohshme, mund të dalësh nga të gjitha te Preferencat > Privatësia.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kur nis një telefonatë në grup për grupe të vogla (deri në 16 persona), mund të zgjedhësh të dërgosh një njoftim me zile. Anëtarët e grupit do të dëgjojnë një zile nëse kanë versionin beta të iOS ose nëse përdorin Desktop ose Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Kliko dy herë në çdo rresht mesazhi në një bisedë për të filluar një përgjigje të cituar. Është si një lidhje e shkurtër për mendime të reja rreth ideve të vjetra. Faleminderit {whynothugo} dhe komunitetit Signal për zbatimin e kësaj veçorie dhe mundësimin e komenteve.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Tani është më e lehtë të klikosh jashtë një imazhi për të hequr pamjen e galerisë pa e zmadhuar. Ndonjëherë thjesht doje ta mbyllje, por në vend të kësaj gjërat zmadhoheshin. Faleminderit {jojomatik} për rregullimin!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Përshpejto kohën e përgjigjes. Tani mund të reagosh më shpejt duke klikuar në çdo emoji, kur i përgjigjesh një postimi të përkohshëm.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Tani është e mundur të kërkosh historikun e mesazheve për karaktere individuale në gjuhën kineze dhe japoneze.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Na ndihmo të testojmë disa përmirësime besueshmërie dhe mbarëvajtjeje për thirrjet zanore dhe video. Ky version beta përfshin gjithashtu disa rregullime të gabimeve dhe disa përditësime të vogla të faqes së përdoruesit (kërkoni përmirësimet e reja të pamjes paraprake të lidhjes!). Faleminderit që je një testues beta dhe të lutemi të na shkruash në forumin e komunitetit nëse vëren ndonjë defekt.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Ti nuk do mund të shkarkosh pafund por tani kur ti të shkarkosh një shënim zanor MP3, ai do të ruhet me shtesën e duhur të skedarit.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Nis me shpejtësi të shkruash një mesazh pasi të bashkëngjitësh një skedar, ose thjesht shtyp Enter/Return për të dërguar skedarin pa asnjë klik shtesë. Faleminderit, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Butoni i dërgimit në pamjen e madhe është sjellë në vijë të drejtë. Faleminderit, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Nëse je i vetmi person në një grup (deri më tani) dhe përpiqesh të fillosh një telefonatë në grup, tani mund t'i bashkohesh telefonatës dhe të fillosh të flasësh menjëherë me veten në vend që të presësh tringëllimën e telefonatës. Faleminderit, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Shih shpejt se kush po flet gjatë telefonatave në grup me një veçori të re theksuese që të tregon se ku të shikosh. Nëse është radha jote për të folur, duhet të shikosh brenda.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Argëtohu pa fund me disa ngjitëse në redaktuesin e medias që do të të lejojnë të shtosh zbukurime të stilizuara të kohës në imazhet dalëse.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Përdor luajtësin e vogël të shënimeve zanore për të dëgjuar mesazhe të gjata edhe pasi të kalosh në një bisedë tjetër.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Kliko në çdo foto ose video dhe përdor butonat e rinj Përpara dhe Prapa në shikuesin e medias për të nisur një rrugëtim pamor në fillin e kujtesës.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Mesazhet zanore tani ruhen si skica, nëse kaloni në një bisedë tjetër ndërsa po bëni një regjistrim.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Dërgimi i një ngjitëseje nuk shkakton më pastrimin e tekstit draft. Faleminderit, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Dëshirojmë gjithashtu të falënderojmë {norstbox} për vendosjen e ikonave të shiritit të kërkimit të bisedave në rradhë.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Одустани",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Пошаљи",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Реаговати на Поруку",
"message": "Реагујте на поруку",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Порука, налепница, реакција, потврда о читању или медиј од $sender$ није могло да се испоручи. Можда су то покушали да вам пошаљу директно или у групи.",
"message": "Порука, налепница, реакција, потврда о читању или садржај који шаље $sender$ није вам достављен. Овај корисник је можда покушао да вам пошаље директно или у групи.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Порука, налепница, реакција, потврда о читању или медиј од $sender$ није вам достављен.",
"message": "Порука, налепница, реакција, потврда о читању или садржај који шаље $sender$ није вам достављен у овом ћаскању.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ реаговао $emoji$ на вашу поруку"
"message": "$sender$ је реаговао/ла $emoji$ на вашу поруку"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ реаговао $emoji$ на: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ је реаговао/ла $emoji$ на: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Слање неуспешно",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Данас $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Јуче $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Поново вежи"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Ажурирање је доступно"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Поновити ажурирање"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Пребаци бирач реакција на емоџи за одабрану поруку",
"message": "Активирајте бирач реакције емоџијима за одабрану поруку",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Подесите Signal на телефону и рачунару да бисте користили креатор пакета налепница",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Слање реакције није успело. Молим вас, покушајте поново.",
"message": "Слање реакције није успело. Пробајте поново.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Доступно ажурирање на верзији $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal не може да се затвори.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "Slanje reakcije…",
"message": "Шаљемо реакцију…",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5985,11 +5993,11 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "Odgovori i reakcije",
"message": "Одговори и реакције",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "Dozvoli odgovore i reakcije",
"message": "Активирај одговоре и реакције",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Искључите откривање броја телефона у одељку Подешавања > Приватност > Број телефона > Ко може да пронађе мој број, да бисте користили своје корисничко име као примарни начин на који други могу да вас контактирају.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Obavili smo manja fina prilagođavanja, ispravke grešaka i poboljšanja performansi. Hvala što koristite Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Вредно радимо на томе да исправимо грешке и побољшамо перформансе како би вам апликација радила несметано.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Почните да користите и тестирате нашу нову функцију прича. Можете да користите ову функцију са другим бета тестерима и обавестите нас како функционише.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Приче су сада на Signal-у! Са одабраним пријатељима или групама делите поруке, слике и видео снимке који аутоматски нестају након 24 сата. Свима који воле да деле приче, ево начина да то урадите приватно и без гледања огласа. Ако не желите да видите или делите приче, можете да их искључите у менију Подешавања > Приватност.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Када започнете групни позив у малим групама (до 16 особа), можете да пошаљете обавештење у виду звона. Чланови групе ће чути звоно ако су на бета верзији за iOS или ако користе верзију за рачунар или Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Двапут кликните на било који ред поруке у ћаскању да бисте започели цитирани одговор. То је као пречица за нова размишљања о старим идејама. Хвала програмеру {whynothugo} и Signal заједници што су применили ову функцију и пружили повратне информације.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Сада је можете да кликнете изван слике да бисте одбацили приказ галерије без потребе да зумирате. Можете да затворите слику без претераног приближавања. Хвала програмеру {jojomatik} на овој поправци!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Убрзајте време одговора. Сада можете брже да реагујете тако што ћете кликнути на било који емоџи када одговарате на причу.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Сада је могуће претраживати историју порука помоћу појединачних знакова на кинеском и јапанском.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Помозите нам да тестирамо неколико побољшања поузданости и перформанси гласовних и видео позива. Ово бета издање такође обухвата неколико исправки грешака и нека мала ажурирања корисничког интерфејса (погледајте нова побољшања приказа линкова). Хвала вам што сте бета тестер! Обратите нам се на форуму заједнице ако приметите грешке.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Можда не можете да преузмете аутомобил, али сада када преузимате гласовне белешке у формату MP3, биће сачувана са одговарајућом екстензијом фајла.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Одмах почните да куцате поруку након што приложите фајл или само притисните тастер „Enter“ да пошаљете фајл без додатних кликова. Хвала, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Дугме за слање у великом приказу за састављање порука је поравнато. Хвала, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Ако сте једина особа у групи (до сада) и покушавате да започнете групни позив, сада можете да се придружите позиву и одмах почнете да разговарате са собом уместо да чекате да позив зазвони. Хвала, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Брзо видите ко говори током групних позива помоћу нове функције истицања која вам показује где да гледате. А када је ваш ред да говорите, мораћете да гледате у себе.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Бескрајно се забавите уз помоћ неколико налепница у уређивачу медија које вам омогућавају да додате стилизоване временске декорације на одлазне слике.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Користите мини плејер за гласовне белешке да наставите да слушате дуге поруке чак и након што пређете на друго ћаскање.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Кликните на било коју слику или видео и користите нову дугмад „Напред“ и „Назад“ у приказивачу садржаја да бисте визуелно прошли кроз сећања.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Гласовне поруке се сада чувају као нацрти ако пређете на друго ћаскање док је снимање у току.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Слање налепнице више не доводи до брисања нацрта текста. Хвала, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Такође желимо да се захвалимо програмеру {norstbox} што је поравнао иконе траке за претрагу конверзације.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Avbryt",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Skicka",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Idag $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Igår $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Länka igen"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Uppdatering tillgänglig"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Försök att uppdatera igen"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Växla emojireaktionsväljare för valt meddelande",
"message": "Växla emoji-reaktionsväljare för valt meddelande",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Ställ in Signal på din telefon och ditt skrivbord för att använda skaparen av klistermärkespaket",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Uppdatering till version $version$ tillgänglig",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal går inte att stängas.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6449,7 +6457,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "Reagera på en story från $name$",
"message": "Reagerade på en story från $name$",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "För att använda ditt användarnamn som det primära sättet andra kan kontakta dig på kan du stänga av upptäckt av telefonnummer under Inställningar > Telefonnummer > Vem kan hitta mitt nummer.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Små justeringer, buggfixar och prestandaförbättringar. Tack för att du använder Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Vi jobbar hårt med buggfixar och att göra andra prestandaförbättringar för att appen ska fortsätta fungera bra för dig.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Börja använda och testa vår nya berättelsefunktion. Du kan använda funktionen med andra beta-testare och låta oss veta hur den fungerar.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Nu finns Stories i Signal! Dela försvinnande text-, bild- och videouppdateringar med utvalda vänner eller grupper som automatiskt försvinner efter 24 timmar. För alla som älskar att dela stories, här är ett sätt att göra det privat och utan annonser. Om du inte vill se eller dela stories så kan du välja bort detta i dina Inställningar > Sekretess.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "När du startar ett gruppsamtal för små grupper (upp till 16 personer) kan du välja att skicka en ringsignal som avisering. Gruppmedlemmar kommer att höra en ringsignal om de använder iOS beta, Android eller skrivbordsversionen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dubbelklicka på valfri meddelanderad i en chatt för att starta ett citerat svar. Det är som en genväg för nya tankar om gamla idéer. Tack till {whynothugo} och Signal-communityn för implementerande av den här funktionen och delandet av feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nu är det lättare att klicka utanför en bild för att avvisa gallerivyn utan att zooma in. Ibland ville du bara stänga, och istället kom saker för nära. Tack till {jojomatik} för fixande!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Korta din svarstid. Nu kan du reagera snabbare genom att klicka på valfri emoji när du svarar på en story.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Nu kan du söka i din meddelandehistorik efter enskilda tecken på kinesiska och japanska.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Hjälp oss att testa flera förbättringar av tillförlitlighet och prestanda för röst- och videosamtal. Den här betaversionen innehåller även några buggfixar och små UI-uppdateringar (håll utkik efter de nya förbättringarna av länkförhandsgranskning). Tack för att du är en betatestare. Kontakta oss gärna på communityforumet om du hittar några buggar.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Du skulle inte ladda ner en bil, men nu när du laddar ner en mp3-röstanteckning sparas den med rätt filtillägg.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Börja snabbt skriva ett meddelande efter att ha bifogat en fil eller tryck bara på returtangenten för att skicka filen utan några extra klick. Tack {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Skicka-knappen i den stora skaparvyn har justerats. Tack {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Om du är den (hittills) enda personen i en grupp och du försöker starta ett gruppsamtal så kan du nu gå med i samtalet och börja prata med dig själv direkt istället för att vänta på att samtalet börjar ringa. Tack {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Se snabbt vem som talar under gruppsamtal med en ny markeringsfunktion som visar var du ska leta. Om det är din tur att tala måste du se inåt.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Din bästa tid är nu med flera klistermärken i mediaredigeraren som låter dig lägga till stiliserade tidsdekorationer på utgående bilder.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Använd minispelaren för röstanteckningar för att fortsätta lyssna på långa meddelanden även efter att du bytt till en annan chatt.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Klicka på valfri bild eller video och använd de nya knapparna Framåt och Bakåt i medievisaren för att ta en visuell vandring ner för minnenas allé.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Röstmeddelanden sparas nu som utkast om du byter till en annan chatt medan en inspelning pågår.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Att skicka ett klistermärke rensar inte längre texten i utkast. Tack {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Vi vill också tacka {norstbox} för att du fixade justeringen av ikoner i konversationssökningsfältet.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Ghairi",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Tuma",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Jibu Ujumbe",
"message": "React kwa Ujumbe",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Ujumbe, kibandiko, majibu, ripoti ya kusoma au media haikuweza kuwasilishwa kwako kutoka kwa $sender$. Labda alijaribu kukutumia moja kwa moja, au kwenye kikundi.",
"message": "Ujumbe, kibandiko, reaction, risiti za kusoma au video haikuweza kuwasilishwa kwako kutoka kwa $sender$. Labda walijaribu kukutumia moja kwa moja, au kwenye kikundi.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Ujumbe, vibandiko, majibu, ripoti ya kusomwa au media haikuweza kuwasilishwa kwako kutoka kwa %$sender$ katika gumzo hii.",
"message": "Ujumbe, kibandiko, reaction, risiti ya kusoma au video haikuweza kuwasilishwa kwako kutoka kwa $sender$ katika gumzo hii.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ ameijibu $emoji$ ujumbe wako"
"message": "$sender$ ame-react $emoji$ kwa ujumbe wako"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ amejibu kwa kutuma $emoji$ kwa $message$"
"message": "$sender$ ame-react kwa kutuma $emoji$ kwa: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Kutuma kumeshindwa",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Leo $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Jana $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Kidokezo kwake mwenyewe",
"message": "Kikumbusho Kwangu",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Unganisha upya"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Sasisho jipya la Signal linapatikana"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Jaribu tena sasisho"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Tafadhali weka Signal kwenye simu yako na kompyuta ya mezani ili utumie Kiumbaji cha Pakiti ya Vibandiko ya Signal",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Imeshindwa kutuma majibu. Tafadhali jaribu tena.",
"message": "Imeshindwa kutuma reaction. Tafadhali jaribu tena.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Sasisha toleo $version$ lililopo",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal haiwezi kufungwa.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "Badilisha majibu yakufae",
"message": "Badilisha reactions",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "Tuma reaction...",
"message": "Unatuma reaction...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5985,11 +5993,11 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "Majibu & reactions",
"message": "Majibu na reactions",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "Ruhusu majibu & reactions",
"message": "Ruhusu majibu na reactions",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6457,7 +6465,7 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "$emoji$ ame-react kwa stori yako",
"message": "Ame-react $emoji$ kwa stori yako",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Zima kupatikana kwa nambari ya simu katika Mipangilio > Nambari ya Simu > Nani anaweza kupata nambari yangu, ili kutumia jina lako la mtumiaji kama njia kuu ya watu kuwasiliana nawe.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Mabadiliko madogo, marekebisho ya bugs na uboreshaji wa utendaji. Asante kwa kutumia Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Tunafanya kazi kwa bidii kurekebisha hitilafu na maboresho mengine ya kiutendaji ili kuifanya programu iwe vizuri kwa ajili yako.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Anza kutumia na kujaribu kipengele chetu kipya cha stori. Unaweza kutumia kipengele hiki na vijaribio vingine vya beta na kutujulisha namna inavyofanya kazi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Stori sasa zipo Signal! Share jumbe zinazotoweka, masasisho ya picha na video na marafiki na vikundi utakavyochagua, ambayo yatatoweka baada ya saa 24. Kwa kila mtu anayependa kushiriki stori, hii ndiyo njia ya kuifanya kwa kibinafsi na bila kuona matangazo yoyote. Kama hutaki kuona au ku-share stori, unaweza kujiondoa katika Mapendeleo yako > Faragha.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Unapopiga simu ya kikundi kwa vikundi vidogo (vya hadi watu 16), unaweza kuchagua kutuma arifa ya mlio. Wana kikundi watasikia mlio ikiwa wanatumia toleo la beta la iOS au wanatumia Desktop au Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Bofya mara mbili kwenye safu yoyote ya ujumbe ili kujibu kwa kunukuu. Ni kama njia ya mkato ya mawazo mapya kuhusu mawazo ya zamani. Shukrani kwa {whynothugo} na jumuiya ya Signal kwa kutekeleza kipengele hiki na kutoa mrejesho.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Sasa ni rahisi kubofya nje ya picha ili kuondosha muonekano wa galeri bila kukuza zaidi. Wakati mwingine ulitaka tu kufunga, na badala yake mambo yakaharibika zaidi. Shukrani kwa {jojomatik} kwa kutuwezesha!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Harakisha muda wako wa majibu. Sasa unaweza ku-react haraka zaidi kwa kugusa emoji yoyote unapokuwa unajibu stori.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Sasa inawezekana kutafuta historia yako ya jumbe kwa herufi moja moja za Kichina na Kijapani.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Tusaidie kupima maboresho kadhaa ya utegemeajwi na utendaji wa simu za kawaida na simu za video. Toleo hili la beta pia linajumuisha urekebishwaji mchache wa hitilafu na masasisho madogo ya UI (tafuta maboresho mapya ya mtazamo wa kiungo!). Asante kwa kuwa mpimaji wetu wa beta, na tafadhali tueleze kwenye jukwaa la jumuiya endapo utaona hitilafu zozote.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Hungepakua gari, lakini sasa unapopakua MP3 itahifadhiwa kwa faili inayofaa.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Anza kuandika ujumbe kwa kasi baada ya kuambatisha faili, au bonyeza Enter/Return ili kutuma faili bila kubofya zaidi. Asante {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Kitufe cha kutuma katika mwonekano mkubwa kimewekwa katika mpangilio. Asante, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Ikiwa wewe ndiye mtu pekee kwenye kikundi (hadi sasa) na unajaribu kuanzisha simu ya kikundi, sasa unaweza kujiunga na simu hiyo na kuanza kujiongelesha mara moja badala ya kungoja simu ilie. Asante, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Angalia kwa haraka nani anayezungumza katika simu za kikundi na kipengele kipya cha kuangazia kinachokuonyesha unapopaswa kuangalia. Kama ni zamu yako kuongea, utahitajika kuangalia ndani.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Kuwa na kipindi kizuri maishani na vibandiko kadhaa kwenye media editor inayokuwezesha kuongeza mapambo kwa picha zinazoondoka.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Tumia voice notes kuendelea kusikiliza ujumbe mrefu hata baada ya kuanzisha gumzo tofauti.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Bofya kwenye picha au video yoyote na utumie vitufe vipya vya Kusonga Mbele na Kurudi Nyuma kwenye kitazamaji cha media ili kukumbuka kumbukumbu njema.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Jumbe za sauti sasa hivi zimehifadhiwa kwenye kikasha kama utahamia kwenye gumzo jingine wakati zoezi la kurekodi linaendelea.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Kutuma kibandiko kamwe hakufuti ujumbe ambao haujatumwa. Shukran, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Pia tungependa kuwashukuru {norstbox} kwa kurejesha aikoni za upau wa utafutaji wa maongezi kwenye utaratibu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "ரத்துசெய்",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "அனுப்புக",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "செய்திக்கு வினையாற்றவும்",
"message": "மெசேஜுக்கு எதிர்வினையாற்றவும்",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "ஒரு செய்தி, ஓட்டி, எதிர்வினை, ரசீதைப் படியுங்கள் அல்லது மீடியா உங்களிடமிருந்து வழங்க முடியவில்லை $sender$. அவர்கள் அதை உங்களுக்கு நேரடியாக அனுப்ப முயற்சித்திருக்கலாம், அல்லது ஒருகுழு.",
"message": "$sender$ -இடமிருந்து ஒரு மெசேஜ், ஸ்டிக்கர், எதிர்வினை, படித்த ரசீது அல்லது ஊடகத்தை உங்களிடம் வழங்க முடியவில்லை. அவர்கள் அதை உங்களுக்கு நேரடியாக அல்லது ஒரு குழு மூலமாக அனுப்ப முயற்சித்திருக்கலாம்.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "ஒரு செய்தி, ஓட்டி, எதிர்வினை, ரசீது வாசிக்கவும் அல்லது ஊடகம் இருந்து உங்களுக்கு வழங்க முடியவில்லை$sender$ இதில் அரட்டை.",
"message": "இந்த சாட்டில் $sender$ அனுப்பிய ஒரு மெசேஜ், ஸ்டிக்கர், எதிர்வினை, படித்த ரசீது அல்லது ஊடகத்தை உங்களிடம் டெலிவரி செய்ய முடியவில்லை.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ அவர்கள் உங்கள் செய்திக்கு $emoji$என உணர்வினை வெளிப்படுத்தினார்"
"message": "$sender$ உங்கள் செய்திக்கு $emoji$ என்று எதிர்வினையாற்றினார்"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ அவர்கள் $message$ உங்கள் செய்திக்கு $emoji$என உணர்வினை வெளிப்படுத்தினார்"
"message": "$sender$ $emoji$ என்று எதிர்வினையாற்றினார்: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "அனுப்புவது தோல்வியுற்றது",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "இன்று $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "நேற்று $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "இணைக்கவும்"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "புதுப்பிப்பு கிடைக்கிறது"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "புதுப்பிப்பை மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட செய்திக்கு ஈமோஜி-எதிர்வினை தேர்வியை நிலைமாற்று",
"message": "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட மெசேஜுக்கு ஈமோஜி-எதிர்வினை பிக்கரை நிலைமாற்றும்",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "ஸ்டிக்கர் பேக் கிரியேட்டரைப் பயன்படுத்த உங்கள் ஃபோன் மற்றும் டெஸ்க்டாப்பில் Signalஐ அமைக்கவும்",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "உணர்வு வெளிப்பாடு அனுப்புவதில் தோல்வி. தயவுசெய்து மீண்டும் முயற்சி செய்க.",
"message": "எதிர்வினை அனுப்புவதில் தோல்வி. தயவுசெய்து மீண்டும் முயல்க.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "பதிப்புக்குப் புதுப்பிக்கவும் $version$ கிடைக்கிறது",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "சிக்னலை மூட முடியாது.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "தனிப்பயனாக்கலாம் எதிர்வினைகள்",
"message": "எதிர்வினைகளை தனிப்பயனாக்கவும்",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "எதிர்வினை அனுப்பப்படுகிறது…",
"message": "எதிர்வினை அனுப்பப்படுகிறது...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -6281,7 +6289,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "ஒரு ஸ்டோரிக்கு எதிர்வினையாற்றவும்",
"message": "ஸ்டோரிக்கு எதிர்வினையாற்றவும்",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
@ -6449,7 +6457,7 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "$name$-இடமிருந்து ஒரு ஸ்டோரிக்கு எதிர்வினையாற்றினார்",
"message": "$name$ -இடமிருந்து ஒரு ஸ்டோரிக்கு எதிர்வினையாற்றினார்",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "மற்றவர்கள் உங்களைத் தொடர்புகொள்வதற்கு உங்கள் பயனர்பெயரை முதன்மையாகப் பயன்படுத்த, அமைப்புகள் > தனியுரிமை > ஃபோன் எண் > எனது எண்ணை யார் கண்டறியலாம், என்பதன் கீழ் ஃபோன் எண் கண்டுபிடிப்பை முடக்கவும்.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "சிறு மாற்றங்கள், பிழை திருத்தங்கள் மற்றும் செயல்திறன் மேம்பாடுகள். சிக்னலைப் பயன்படுத்தியதற்கு நன்றி!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "பிழை திருத்தம் செய்யவும் மற்றும் உங்களுக்காக ஆப்பை சீராக இயங்க வைப்பதற்கான செயல்திறன் மேம்பாடுகளைச் செய்யவும் கடினமாக உழைக்கிறோம்.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "எங்களின் புதிய ஸ்டோரீஸ் அம்சத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தவும் சோதனை செய்யவும் தொடங்கவும். நீங்கள் மற்ற பீட்டா சோதனையாளர்களுடன் இந்த அம்சத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தலாம் மற்றும் அது எவ்வாறு செயல்படுகிறது என்பதை எங்களுக்குத் தெரியப்படுத்தலாம்.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "இப்போது Signal இல் ஸ்டோரீஸ் கிடைக்கிறது! 24 மணிநேரத்திற்குப் பிறகு தானாகவே மறையும் உரை, படங்கள் மற்றும் வீடியோ புதுப்பிப்புகளைக் குறிப்பிட்ட நண்பர்கள் அல்லது குழுக்களுடன் பகிரவும். ஸ்டோரீஸைப் பகிர விரும்பும் அனைவருக்கும், எந்த விளம்பரங்களையும் காட்டாமல் தனிப்பட்ட முறையில் செய்ய இதோ ஒரு வழி. நீங்கள் ஸ்டோரீஸைப் பார்க்கவோ பகிரவோ விரும்பவில்லை என்றால், உங்கள் விருப்பத்தேர்வுகள் > தனியுரிமை என்பதில் அனைத்திலிருந்தும் விலகலாம்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "சிறிய குழுக்களுக்கு (16 பேர் வரை) நீங்கள் ஒரு குழு அழைப்பைத் தொடங்கும்போது, ஒரு அழைப்பு அறிவிப்பை அனுப்ப நீங்கள் தேர்வு செய்யலாம். குழு உறுப்பினர்கள் ஐ.ஓ.எஸ் பீட்டாவில் இருந்தால் அல்லது டெஸ்க்டாப் அல்லது ஆண்ட்ராய்டைப் பயன்படுத்தினால் அவர்கள் ஒரு அழைப்பு ஒலியைக் கேட்பார்கள்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "மேற்கோள் காட்டப்பட்ட பதிலைத் தொடங்க, சாட்டில் ஏதேனும் செய்தி வரிசையில் இருமுறை கிளிக் செய்யவும். பழைய யோசனைகளைப் பற்றிய புதிய எண்ணங்களுக்கு இது ஒரு குறுக்குவழி போன்றது. இந்த அம்சத்தை செயல்படுத்தி கருத்து வழங்கியதற்காக {whynothugo} மற்றும் சிக்னல் சமூகத்திற்கு நன்றி.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "இப்போது பெரிதாக்காமல் கேலரி காட்சியை நிராகரிக்க படத்தின் வெளியே கிளிக் செய்வது எளிது. சில நேரங்களில் நீங்கள் மூட முயன்றால், பதிலாக காட்சி மிக நெருக்கமாகிவிடுகின்றது. சரிசெய்ததற்கு {jojomatik} க்கு நன்றி!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "உங்கள் பதில் நேரத்தை விரைவுபடுத்துங்கள். இப்போது நீங்கள் ஒரு கதைக்கு பதிலளிக்கும் போது எந்த ஈமோஜியையும் கிளிக் செய்வதன் மூலம் விரைவாக செயல்படலாம்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "சீன மற்றும் ஜப்பானிய மொழிகளில் தனிப்பட்ட எழுத்துக்களுக்காக உங்கள் செய்தி வரலாற்றைத் தேடுவது இப்போது சாத்தியமாகும்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "குரல் மற்றும் வீடியோ அழைப்புகளுக்கான பல நம்பகத்தன்மை மற்றும் செயல்திறன் மேம்பாடுகளைச் சோதிக்க எங்களுக்கு உதவுங்கள். இந்த பீட்டா வெளியீட்டில் சில பிழைத் திருத்தங்கள் மற்றும் சில சிறிய UI புதுப்பிப்புகளும் அடங்கும் (புதிய இணைப்பு முன்னோட்ட மேம்பாடுகளைப் பார்க்கவும்!). பீட்டா சோதனையாளராக இருப்பதற்கு நன்றி, மேலும் ஏதேனும் பிழைகள் இருந்தால் சமூக மன்றத்தில் எங்களைத் தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "நீங்கள் காரைப் பதிவிறக்க மாட்டீர்கள், ஆனால் இப்போது நீங்கள் MP3 குரல் குறிப்பைப் பதிவிறக்கும் போது அது சரியான கோப்பு நீட்டிப்புடன் சேமிக்கப்படும்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "கோப்பினை இணைத்த பிறகு செய்தியை விரைவாக டைப் செய்யத் தொடங்குங்கள் அல்லது கூடுதல் கிளிக்குகள் இல்லாமல் கோப்பை அனுப்ப Enter/Return ஐ அழுத்தவும். நன்றி, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "பெரிய கலவை காட்சியில் உள்ள அனுப்பு பொத்தான் சீரமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. நன்றி, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "நீங்கள் ஒரு குழுவில் (இதுவரை) ஒரே நபராக இருந்து, குழு அழைப்பைத் தொடங்க முயற்சித்தால், அழைப்பு வரும் வரை காத்திருப்பதற்குப் பதிலாக, இப்போது அழைப்பில் சேர்ந்து, உங்களுடன் பேசத் தொடங்கலாம். நன்றி, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "குழு அழைப்புகளின் போது யார் பேசுகிறார்கள் என்பதை விரைவாகப் பார்க்கவும், புதிய ஹைலைட் அம்சத்துடன் நீங்கள் எங்கு பார்க்க வேண்டும் என்பதைக் காட்டும். பேசுவது உங்கள் முறை என்றால், நீங்கள் உள்ளே பார்க்க வேண்டும்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "வெளிச்செல்லும் படங்களில் பகட்டான நேர அலங்காரங்களைச் சேர்க்க உங்களை அனுமதிக்கும் மீடியா எடிட்டரில் பல ஸ்டிக்கர்களுடன் உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையில் சந்தோஷமாக இருங்கள்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "நீங்கள் வேறு சாட்டுக்கு மாறிய பிறகும் நீண்ட செய்திகளைக் கேட்பதற்கு குரல் குறிப்புகள் மினி பிளேயரைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "ஏதேனும் படம் அல்லது வீடியோவை கிளிக் செய்து, மீடியா வியூவரில் உள்ள புதிய முன்னோக்கி மற்றும் பின்னோக்கி பொத்தான்களைப் பயன்படுத்தி, நினைவகப் பாதையில் ஒரு காட்சிப் பாதையை எடுக்கவும்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "ரெக்கார்டிங் நடந்துகொண்டிருக்கும்போது நீங்கள் வேறொரு சாட்டிற்கு மாறினால் குரல் செய்திகள் இப்போது வரைவுகளாகச் சேமிக்கப்படும்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "ஸ்டிக்கரை அனுப்புவதால் இனியும் வரைவு உரை அழிக்கப்படாது. நன்றி, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "உரையாடல் தேடல் ஐகான்களை மீண்டும் சீரமைத்ததற்கு {norstbox} க்கும் நன்றி தெரிவிக்க விரும்புகிறோம்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "రద్దు",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "పంపు",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ నుండి సందేశం, స్టిక్కర్, ప్రతిచర్య, చదివిన రసీదులు లేదా మీడియా మీకు పంపబడవు. వారు మీకు నేరుగా లేదా సమూహంలో పంపించడానికి ప్రయత్నించారు.",
"message": "$sender$ నుంచి సందేశం, స్టిక్కర్, ప్రతిస్పందన, రీడ్ రిసిప్ట్ లేదా మీడియా మీకు పంపబడదు. వారు దానిని మీకు నేరుగా లేదా గ్రూప్లో పంపించడానికి ప్రయత్నించి ఉండవచ్చు.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "ఈ చాట్లో $sender$ నుంచి సందేశం, స్టిక్కర్, ప్రతిస్పందన, రీడ్ రిసిప్ట్ లేదా మీడియా డెలివరీ చేయబడదు.",
"message": "ఈ చాట్లో $sender$ నుంచి సందేశం, స్టిక్కర్, ప్రతిస్పందన, రీడ్ రిసిప్ట్ లేదా మీడియా మీకు పంపబడదు.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ మీ సందేశానికి $emoji$ స్పందించింది"
"message": "$sender$ మీ సందేశానికి $emoji$ తో ప్రతిస్పందించారు"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ $emoji$ నుండి $message$ వరకు స్పందించింది"
"message": "దీనికి $sender$ $emoji$ తో ప్రతిస్పందించారు: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "పంపడం విఫలమైంది",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "ఈ రోజు $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "నిన్న $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "తిరిగి లింక్ చేయండి"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "అప్డేట్ లభ్యమవుతోంది"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "అప్డేట్ మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించండి"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "స్టిక్కర్ ప్యాక్ క్రియేటర్ను ఉపయోగించడానికి దయచేసి మీ ఫోన్ మరియు డెస్క్టాప్లో Signal ను సెటప్ చేయండి",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "ప్రతిచర్య పంపడంలో విఫలమైంది. దయచేసి మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి.",
"message": "ప్రతిస్పందనను పంపడంలో విఫలమైంది. దయచేసి మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "వెర్షన్ $version$కు అప్డేట్ లభ్యమవుతోంది",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal ను క్లోజ్ చేయలేరు.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "కస్టమైజ్ రియాక్షన్లు",
"message": "ప్రతిస్పందనలను అనుకూలపరచండి",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "ఇతరులు మిమ్మల్ని సంప్రదించడానికి మీ యూజర్నేమ్ను ప్రాథమిక మార్గంగా ఉపయోగించడానికి, సెట్టింగ్లు > గోప్యత > ఫోన్ నంబర్ > నా నంబర్ను ఎవరు కనుగొనగలరు కింద ఫోన్ నంబర్ కనుగొనడాన్ని ఆఫ్ చేయండి.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "చిన్న ట్వీక్లు, బగ్ ఫిక్స్లు, మరియు పనితీరు మెరుగుదలలు. Signal ఉపయోగించినందుకు మీకు ధన్యవాదాలు!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "మీ కొరకు యాప్ సజావుగా రన్ అయ్యేలా చేయడానికి బగ్లను ఫిక్స్ చేయడం మరియు ఇతర పనితీరు మెరుగుదలలు చేయడానికి ఎంతో కష్టపడి పనిచేశాం.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "మా కొత్త కథల ఫీచర్ను ఉపయోగించడం మరియు పరీక్షించడం ప్రారంభించండి. ఇతర బీటా టెస్టర్లతో మీరు ఫీచర్ను ఉపయోగించవచ్చు మరియు అది ఎలా పనిచేస్తుందో మాకు తెలియజేయండి.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal లో ఇప్పుడు కథలు ఉన్నాయి! 24 గంటల తరువాత ఆటోమేటిక్గా అదృశ్యమయ్యే టెక్స్ట్, చిత్రాలు, మరియు వీడియో అప్డేట్లను ఎంపిక చేసిన స్నేహితులు లేదా గ్రూప్లతో పంచుకోండి. కథలను పంచుకోవడానికి ఇష్టపడే ప్రతిఒక్కరి కొరకు, దీనిని గోప్యంగా మరియు ఎటువంటి ప్రకటనలు చూడకుండానే చేసే మార్గం ఇదిగో ఇక్కడ ఉంది. ఒకవేళ కథలను చూడటానికి లేదా పంచుకోవడానికి మీరు ఇష్టపడకపోతే, మీ ప్రాధాన్యతలు > గోప్యతలో మీరు వాటిని అన్నింటిని నిలిపివేయవచ్చు.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "చిన్న గ్రూపుల కోసం (16 మంది వరకు) మీరు గ్రూప్ కాల్ను ప్రారంభించినప్పుడు, మీరు రింగింగ్ నోటిఫికేషన్ను పంపేందుకు ఎంచుకోవచ్చు. ఒకవేళ వారు iOS బీటాలో ఉన్నా లేదా డెస్క్టాప్ లేదా ఆండ్రాయిడ్ ఉపయోగిస్తున్నా గ్రూప్ సభ్యులు రింగ్ వింటారు.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "కోట్ చేసిన ప్రత్యుత్తరాన్ని ప్రారంభించడానికి చాట్లోని ఏదైనా సందేశం వరుసపై డబుల్ క్లిక్ చేయండి. పాత ఆలోచనల గురించి కొత్త ఆలోచనల కొరకు ఇది షార్ట్కట్ వంటిది. ఈ ఫీచర్ అమలు చేసినందుకు మరియు అభిప్రాయాన్ని అందించినందుకు {whynothugo} కు మరియు Signal కమ్యూనిటీకి ధన్యవాదాలు.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "జూమ్ ఇన్ చేయకుండానే గ్యాలరీ వీక్షణను రద్దు చేయడానికి చిత్రం వెలుపల క్లిక్ చేయడం ఇప్పుడు సులభం. కొన్నిసార్లు మీరు కేవలం మూసివేయాలని అనుకుంటారు మరియు బదులుగా విషయాలు చాలా దగ్గరగా అవుతాయి. పరిష్కరించినందుకు {jojomatik} కు ధన్యవాదాలు!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "మీ ప్రతిస్పందన సమయాన్ని వేగవంతం చేయండి. ఒక కథకు ప్రత్యుత్తరము ఇచ్చేటప్పుడు ఏదైనా ఎమోజీపై క్లిక్ చేయడం ద్వారా ఇప్పుడు మీరు వేగంగా ప్రతిస్పందించవచ్చు.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "చైనీస్ మరియు జపనీస్ భాషల్లో వ్యక్తిగత క్యారెక్టర్ల కొరకు మీ సందేశ చరిత్రను వెతకడం ఇప్పుడు సాధ్యం.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "ధ్వని మరియు వీడియో కాల్స్ కోసం అనేక విశ్వసనీయత మరియు పనితీరు మెరుగుదలలను పరీక్షించడంలో మాకు సహాయపడండి. ఈ బీటా విడుదల కొన్ని బగ్ పరిష్కారాలు మరియు కొన్ని చిన్న UI అప్డేట్లను కూడా కలిగి ఉంది (కొత్త లింక్ ప్రివ్యూ మెరుగుదలల కోసం చూడండి!). బీటా పరీక్షకుడిగా ఉన్నందుకు మీకు ధన్యవాదాలు, మరియు ఒకవేళ మీరు ఏవైనా బగ్లను గుర్తించినట్లయితే కమ్యూనిటీ ఫోరమ్పై దయచేసి మమ్మల్ని సంప్రదించండి.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "మీరు కారును డౌన్లోడ్ చేయరు, కానీ ఇప్పుడు మీరు MP3 వాయిస్ నోట్ డౌన్లోడ్ చేసినప్పుడు అది సరైన ఫైల్ ఎక్స్టెన్షన్తో సేవ్ చేయబడుతుంది.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "ఫైల్ను జత చేసిన తరువాత సందేశాన్ని త్వరగా టైప్ చేయడం ప్రారంభించండి లేదా ఎటువంటి అదనపు క్లిక్లు లేకుండా ఫైల్ పంపడానికి కేవలం ఎంటర్/రిటర్న్ను నొక్కండి. ధన్యవాదాలు, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "లార్జ్ కంపోజిషన్ వ్యూలోని పంపే బటన్ అలైన్మెంట్లోకి తీసుకొనిరాబడింది. ధన్యవాదాలు, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "ఒక గ్రూప్లో (ఇప్పటివరకు) ఒకవేళ మీరు ఒక్కరే ఉండి, గ్రూప్ కాల్ ప్రారంభించడానికి మీరు ప్రయత్నిస్తే, ఇప్పుడు మీరు కాల్లో చేరవచ్చు మరియు కాల్ రింగ్ అయ్యే వరకు వేచి ఉండడం కంటే వెంటనే మీతో మీరు మాట్లాడటం ప్రారంభించవచ్చు. ధన్యవాదాలు, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "మీరు ఎక్కడ చూడాలనేది చూపించే కొత్త హైలైట్ ఫీచర్తో గ్రూప్ కాల్స్ సమయంలో ఎవరు మాట్లాడుతున్నారనేది త్వరగా చూడండి. ఒకవేళ మాట్లాడటం మీ వంతు అయితే, మీరు లోపల చూడవలసి ఉంటుంది.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "అవుట్గోయింగ్ చిత్రాలపై స్టైల్గా ఉండే సమయ అలంకరణలను జోడించేందుకు అనుమతించే మీడియా ఎడిటర్లోని అనేక స్టిక్కర్లతో మీ జీవిత సమయాన్ని ఆనందించండి.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "మీరు వేరే చాట్కు మారిన తర్వాత కూడా సుదీర్ఘ సందేశాలను వినడం కొనసాగించడానికి వాయిస్ నోట్స్ మినీ ప్లేయర్ను ఉపయోగించండి.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "ఏదైనా చిత్రం లేదా వీడియోపై క్లిక్ చేయండి మరియు మెమరీ లేన్ గుండా దృశ్యమానంగా నడవడానికి మీడియా వీక్షణలో కొత్త ముందుకు మరియు వెనక్కు బటన్లను ఉపయోగించండి.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "ఒక రికార్డింగ్ జరిగేటప్పుడు ఒకవేళ మీరు మరొక చాట్లోనికి మారితే స్వర సందేశాలు ఇప్పుడు ముసాయిదాలుగా సేవ్ చేయబడతాయి.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "స్టిక్కర్ను పంపడం వల్ల ఇకపై ముసాయిదా టెక్స్ట్ తొలగించబడేందుకు కారణం కాదు. ధన్యవాదాలు, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "సంభాషణ శోధన బార్ ఐకాన్లను తిరిగి అమరిక లోనికి తీసుకొని వచ్చినందుకు మేము {norstbox} కి కూడా ధన్యవాదాలు చెప్పాలని అనుకుంటున్నాము.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "ยกเลิก",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "ส่ง",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "ตอบสนองข้อความ",
"message": "แสดงความรู้สึกต่อข้อความ",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "ข้อความ สติกเกอร์ การตอบสนอง การตอบรับเมื่ออ่าน หรือสื่อไม่สามารถส่งให้คุณได้จาก $sender$ พวกเขาอาจลองส่งให้คุณโดยตรงหรือในกลุ่มแล้ว",
"message": "มีข้อความ สติกเกอร์ การแสดงความรู้สึก การแจ้งว่าอ่านแล้ว หรือสื่อจาก $sender$ ที่ไม่สามารถส่งถึงคุณได้ ผู้ใช้คนนี้อาจลองส่งให้คุณโดยตรงหรือส่งเข้ากลุ่มแล้ว",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "ข้อความ สติกเกอร์ การตอบสนอง การตอบรับเมื่ออ่าน หรือสื่อไม่สามารถส่งให้คุณจาก $sender$ ในแชตนี้",
"message": "มีข้อความ สติกเกอร์ การแสดงความรู้สึก การแจ้งว่าอ่านแล้ว หรือสื่อจาก $sender$ ที่ไม่สามารถส่งถึงคุณได้ในแชทนี้",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ ตอบ $emoji$ กลับให้ข้อความของคุณ"
"message": "$sender$ แสดงความรู้สึก $emoji$ ต่อข้อความของคุณ"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ ตอบกลับ $emoji$ ถึง: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ แสดงความรู้สึก $emoji$ ต่อ: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "การส่งล้มเหลว",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "วันนี้ $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "เมื่อวาน $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "หมายเหตุส่วนตัว",
"message": "บันทึกส่วนตัว",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "เชื่อมโยงอีกครั้ง"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "การปรับรุ่นพร้อมให้บริการ"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "ลองปรับรุ่นอีกครั้ง"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "เปิดปิดตัวเลือกการตอบอีโมจิสำหรับข้อความที่เลือก",
"message": "เปิดปิดตัวเลือกการแสดงความรู้สึกด้วยอีโมจิสำหรับข้อความที่เลือก",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "กรุณาติดตั้ง Signal บนมือถือและเดสก์ท็อป เพื่อใช้งานศูนย์สร้างสรรค์ชุดสติกเกอร์ (Sticker Pack Creator)",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "การส่งการตอบสนองล้มเหลว กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง",
"message": "ไม่สามารถส่งการแสดงความรู้สึกได้ กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "ปรับรุ่นเป็น $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "ไม่สามารถปิด Signal ได้",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "ปรับแต่งการตอบสนอง",
"message": "ปรับแต่งการแสดงความรู้สึก",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -6457,15 +6465,15 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "แสดงความรู้สึกต่อสตอรี่ของคุณด้วย $emoji$",
"message": "แสดงความรู้สึก $emoji$ ต่อสตอรี่ของคุณ",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "คุณแสดงความรู้สึกด้วย $emoji$ ต่อสตอรี่ของ $name$",
"message": "คุณแสดงความรู้สึก $emoji$ ต่อสตอรี่ของ $name$",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "คุณแสดงความรู้สึกต่อสตอรี่ด้วย $emoji$",
"message": "คุณแสดงความรู้สึก $emoji$ ต่อสตอรี่",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "ปิดใช้งานการค้นหาด้วยหมายโทรศัพท์ โดยไปที่การตั้งค่า > ความเป็นส่วนตัว > หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ > ใครบ้างที่สามารถค้นหาหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ฉันได้ ซึ่งวิธีนี้จะตั้งให้ชื่อผู้ใช้ของคุณเป็นวิธีหลักที่ผู้ใช้คนอื่นจะติดต่อคุณได้",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "มีการปรับเปลี่ยนเล็กน้อย พร้อมแก้ไขบั๊ก และการพัฒนาประสิทธิภาพให้ดียิ่งขึ้น ขอขอบคุณที่เลือกใช้ Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "เรามุ่งมั่นทุ่มเททำงานอย่างหนักเพื่อแก้ไขบั๊กต่างๆ และปรับปรุงประสิทธิภาพอื่นๆ เพื่อให้แอปทำงานได้ราบรื่นไร้ปัญหา",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "เริ่มใช้และทดสอบฟีเจอร์สตอรี่ใหม่ของเรา คุณสามารถใช้ฟีเจอร์นี้กับผู้ทดสอบรุ่นเบต้าคนอื่นๆ แล้วบอกให้เราทราบว่าคุณถูกใจหรือมีส่วนไหนที่ควรปรับปรุง",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal ให้คุณสนุกกับสตอรี่ได้แล้ววันนี้! แชร์ข้อความ รูปภาพ หรือวิดีโอในสตอรี่กับเพื่อนคนสนิทหรือกลุ่มเฉพาะที่คุณเลือกเองได้ สตอรี่จะหายไปโดยอัตโนมัติภายใน 24 ชั่วโมง ถูกใจคนชอบแชร์สตอรี่ ด้วยความเป็นส่วนตัวอีกขั้น แถมยังไม่มีโฆษณามากวนใจ แต่หากคุณไม่ใช่สายสตอรี่ที่ไม่ต้องการรับชมหรือแชร์ ก็สามารถปิดใช้งานได้ง่ายๆ ที่ค่ากำหนด > ความเป็นส่วนตัว",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "เมื่อคุณเริ่มการโทรแบบกลุ่มกับกลุ่มขนาดเล็ก (สมาชิกไม่เกิน 16 คน) คุณสามารถเลือกได้ว่าจะส่งเสียงแจ้งเตือนหรือไม่ สมาชิกในกลุ่มที่ใช้ iOS รุ่นเบต้า หรือใช้แอปบนเดสก์ท็อปหรือ Android จะได้ยินเสียงโทรเข้า",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ดับเบิลคลิกที่ข้อความฝั่งใดก็ได้ในแชทเพื่อตอบกลับข้อความนั้นๆ นี่เป็นเหมือนทางลัดที่เชื่อมโยงความคิดใหม่กลับไปยังคำพูดก่อนหน้านี้ เราขอขอบคุณ {whynothugo} และชุมชน Signal ที่นำฟีเจอร์นี้เข้ามาใช้และคอยให้ข้อเสนอแนะ",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ปิดหน้าต่างที่แสดงรูปภาพแบบเต็มจอได้ง่ายขึ้น เพียงคลิกนอกขอบเขตรูป แอปจะพาคุณกลับมายังหน้าเดิม และไม่ซูมเข้าอีกต่อไป เพราะบางครั้งคุณแค่อยากกลับไปหน้าเก่า แต่รูปบนจอดันขยายหลายเท่าจนตกใจ ต้องขอบคุณ {jojomatik} ที่ช่วยแก้ไขปัญหานี้!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "ตอบกลับทันใจ ถ่ายทอดความรู้สึกได้ทันที ตอบกลับสตอรี่ได้รวดเร็วยิ่งกว่าเดิม แค่คลิกอีโมจิที่ตอบโจทย์เพื่อแสดงความรู้สึกของคุณ",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "ตอนนี้คุณสามารถใช้ตัวอักษรภาษาจีนและภาษาญี่ปุ่นตัวหนึ่งตัวใดในการค้นหาประวัติการส่งข้อความได้แล้ว",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "ช่วยเราทดสอบการปรับปรุงเสถียรภาพและการพัฒนาประสิทธิภาพการใช้งานของการโทรด้วยเสียงและวิดีโอคอล รุ่นเบต้านี้มีการแก้ไขบั๊กหลายตัวและการปรับโฉมรูปแบบการใช้งาน (UI) เล็กน้อย (อย่างการอัปเดตหน้าตาตัวอย่างลิงก์) Signal ขอขอบคุณที่ร่วมทดสอบรุ่นเบต้ากับเรา กรุณาติดต่อเราทางฟอรั่มชุมชนหากคุณพบบั๊กหรือเจอปัญหาในการใช้งาน",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "คุณสามารถดาวน์โหลดข้อความเสียงที่เป็นไฟล์ MP3 ได้แล้ว! ระบบจะบันทึกเป็นนามสกุลไฟล์ข้อความเสียงที่ถูกต้อง ดาวน์โหลดได้สะดวกแถมจัดเก็บเป็นระเบียบยิ่งขึ้น",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "เมื่อเลือกไฟล์แนบได้แล้ว คุณสามารถเลือกต่อว่าจะพิมพ์ข้อความเพิ่มเติม หรือแค่กดปุ่ม Enter หรือ Return เพื่อส่งไฟล์ทันทีโดยไม่ต้องคลิกอะไรอีก ขอบคุณ {zyphlar} สำหรับการปรับปรุงครั้งนี้!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "ปรับการจัดตำแหน่งปุ่มส่งในหน้าจอช่องเขียนข้อความแบบขยายให้สวยงามและขนานกับหน้าต่าง ขอบคุณ {hackerbirds} สำหรับการปรับปรุงครั้งนี้!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "หากคุณเป็นสมาชิกเพียงคนเดียวในกลุ่มและต้องการเริ่มการโทรกลุ่ม คุณสามารถเข้าร่วมสายและเริ่มคุยกับตัวเองได้ทันทีโดยไม่ต้องรอให้มีการส่งเสียงเรียกเข้าอีกต่อไป ขอบคุณ {lamemakes} สำหรับการปรับปรุงครั้งนี้!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "มองเห็นได้ทันทีว่าสมาชิกคนไหนเป็นคนพูดอยู่ในสายโทรกลุ่มด้วยฟีเจอร์ไฮไลท์ใหม่ล่าสุด ไม่ต้องสับสนอีกต่อไปว่าจะต้องมองไปที่ใคร และเมื่อถึงเวลาที่คุณอยากพูด ก็แค่มองสบตากับเหล่าผู้ฟัง (หรือจะใช้โอกาสนี้มองลึกเข้าไปในใจตัวเองก็ได้…)",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "ถึงเวลาสนุก! ด้วยสติกเกอร์หลากหลายรูปแบบในโปรแกรมตัดต่อสื่อที่ให้คุณเพิ่มตัวบอกเวลาลงในรูปภาพก่อนส่งเพื่อเป็นกิมมิกเก๋ๆ ที่ไม่เหมือนใคร",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "ใช้ตัวเล่นข้อความเสียงขนาดมินิเพื่อเปิดฟังข้อความขนาดยาวได้อย่างต่อเนื่องแม้คุณจะสลับไปดูแชทอื่นแล้ว",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "ดื่มด่ำกับภาพความทรงจำแบบไม่มีสะดุด เพียงคลิกที่รูปภาพหรือวิดีโอในแชท แล้วใช้ฟีเจอร์ปุ่มแบบใหม่ที่จะให้คุณเลื่อนดูสื่อก่อนหน้าหรือหลังจากนั้นได้ทันใจและสะดวกกว่าเดิม",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "สามารถบันทึกข้อความเสียงเป็นฉบับร่างไว้ก่อนได้ในกรณีที่คุณสลับไปเปิดแชทอีกแชทในระหว่างที่บันทึกเสียงอยู่",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "การกดส่งสติกเกอร์จะไม่ทำให้ข้อความที่คุณพิมพ์ค้างไว้หายวับไปกับตาอีกแล้ว ขอบคุณ {lamemakes} สำหรับการปรับปรุงครั้งนี้!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "เราอยากขอบคุณ {norstbox} ด้วยเช่นกันที่ทำให้ไอคอนแถบค้นหาการสนทนากลับมาขนานและดูดีเหมือนที่เคย",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Kanselahin",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "I-send",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Ang message, sticker, reaction, read receipt o media mula kay $sender$ ay hindi ma-deliver sa'yo. Maaaring sinubukan niya itong i-send sa'yo directly, o sa isang group.",
"message": "Hindi ma-deliver sa 'yo ang message, sticker, reaction, read receipt o media mula kay $sender$. Maaaring sinubukan niyang i-send ito sa 'yo directly, o sa isang group.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Ang message, sticker, reaction, o read receipt mula kay $sender$ sa chat na ito ay hindi ma-deliver sa'yo.",
"message": "Hindi ma-deliver sa 'yo ang message, sticker, reaction, o read receipt mula kay $sender$ sa chat na ito.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ reacted $emoji$ sa message mo"
"message": "Nag-react si $sender$ ng $emoji$ sa message mo"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ reacted $emoji$ sa: $message$"
"message": "Nag-react si $sender$ ng $emoji$ sa: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Failed ang pag-send",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Ngayong araw $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Kahapon $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Relink"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Available ang update"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Retry update"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Toggle emoji-reaction picker for selected message",
"message": "I-switch ang emoji-reaction picker para sa piniling message",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "I-set up ang Signal sa iyong phone at desktop para magamit ang Sticker Pack Creator",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Failed to send reaction. Subukan ulit.",
"message": "Hindi na-send ang reaction. Subukan ulit.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "I-update sa version $version$ na available",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Hindi pwedeng i-close ang Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5989,11 +5997,11 @@
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "Allow replies & reactions",
"message": "Payagan ang replies & reactions",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "Hayaang mag-react at mag-reply ang mga taong nakakakita ng story mo.",
"message": "Payagang mag-react at mag-reply ang mga taong nakakakita ng story mo.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "I-off ang phone number discovery sa Settings > Phone Number > Who can find my number, para magamit ang iyong username bilang pangunahing paraan para ma-contact ka ng iba.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Dagdag na maliliit na pag-aayos, pag-alis ng bugs, at pagpapaganda ng takbo ng app. Maraming salamat sa paggamit ng Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Patuloy na nagta-trabaho para alisin ang ilang bugs at pagandahin ang takbo ng app para sa iyo.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Simulang gamitin at i-test ang aming bagong stories feature. Pwede mong gamitin ang feature na ito kasama ang ibang beta testers at bigyan kami ng feedback tungkol dito.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Nasa Signal na ang Stories! Mag-share sa piling friends o groups ng disappearing text, images, at video updates na automatic na mawawala pagkalipas ng 24 oras. Para sa lahat ng mahilig mag-share ng stories, ito ang paraan para magawa ito privately at nang walang ads. Kung hindi mo gustong makakita o mag-share ng stories, pwede kang mag-opt out sa lahat ng ito sa iyong Preferences > Privacy.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kapag nagsimula ka ng isang group call sa maliliit na groups (hanggang 16 users), pwede kang mag-send ng ringing notification. Makakarinig ang group members ng ringing notification kung sila'y nasa iOS beta o gumagamit ng Desktop o Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Mag-double-click sa anumang message row sa chat para gumawa ng quoted reply. Ito'y parang shortcut para magbigay ng update sa lumang ideas. Maraming salamat sa {whynothugo} at sa Signal community sa pag-implement ng feature na ito at sa pagbibigay ng feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Mas madali nang mag-click sa labas ng image para i-dismiss ang gallery view nang hindi kinakailangang mag-zoom in. Minsan kasi masyadong nagiging feeling close ang pic 'pag gusto mo lang naman i-close ang gallery. Maraming salamat sa {jojomatik} para sa fix!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "★ Pabilisin ang response time mo. Pwede kang mag-react nang mas mabilis ngayon sa pamamagitan ng pag-tap ng anumang emoji kapag nagre-reply ka sa story.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Pwede nang i-search ang iyong message history sa individual characters ng Chinese at Japanese.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Tulungan kaming i-test ang ilang reliability at performance improvements para sa voice at video calls. Kasama sa beta release na ito ang bug fixes at ilang UI updates (hanapin ang new link preview enhancements!). Maraming salamat sa pagiging isang beta tester, at mangyaring kontakin kami sa community forum kung may makita kang bugs.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Kapag nag-download ka ngayon ng isang MP3 voice note, naka-save ito na may tamang file extension.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Simulan agad ang pag-type ng message pagkatapos mag-attach ng file, o pindutin ang Enter/Return para i-send agad ang file. Maraming salamat, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Inayos na ang send button sa large composition view. Maraming salamat, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Kung ikaw pa lang ang member sa group (sa ngayon) at gusto mong magsimula ng group call, pwede ka nang sumali sa tawag and kausapin agad ang sarili mo sa halip na maghintay para mag-ring ang tawag. Maraming salamat, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Makita agad kung sinong nagsasalita sa group calls sa bagong highlight feature na ipinapakita kung saan ka dapat tumingin. Makikita mo rin kung ikaw na ang nagsasalita.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Sabihin ang iniisip mo gamit ang stickers sa media editor na pwede mong lagyan ng stylized time decorations sa outgoing images.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Gamitin ang voice notes mini player para patuloy mong mapakinggan ang mahahabang messages kahit lumipat ka na sa ibang convo.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "I-click ang anumang picture o video at gamitin ang bagong Forward at Backward buttons sa media viewer para mag-reminisce.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Naka-save ngayon ang voice messages bilang drafts kung lumipat ka sa ibang chat habang nagre-record.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Hindi na mabubura ang draft text kapag nag-send ka ng sticker. Maraming salamat, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Gusto rin naming pasalamatan si {norstbox} sa pagbabalik sa alignment ng conversation search bar icons.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "İptal",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Gönder",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "İletiye Karşılık Ver",
"message": "Mesaja Tepki Ver",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ tarafından gönderilen bir ileti, çıkartma, tepki, okundu bilgisi veya medya size teslim edilemedi. Size doğrudan veya grup içerisinden göndermeye çalışmış olabilirler.",
"message": "$sender$ tarafından gönderilen bir ileti, çıkartma, tepki, okundu bilgisi veya medya sana teslim edilemedi. Sana doğrudan veya grup içerisinden göndermeye çalışmış olabilir.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Bu konuşmada $sender$ tarafından gönderilen bir ileti, çıkartma, tepki, okundu bilgisi veya içerik size teslim edilemedi.",
"message": "Bu konuşmada $sender$ tarafından gönderilen bir ileti, çıkartma, tepki, okundu bilgisi veya içerik sana teslim edilemedi.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ iletinize $emoji$ karşılığı verdi"
"message": "$sender$ mesajına $emoji$ tepkisi verdi"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$, ' $message$' iletisine $emoji$ karşılığı verdi"
"message": "$sender$, ' $message$' iletisine $emoji$ tepkisi verdi"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Gönderme başarısız",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Bugün $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Dün $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Yeniden bağla"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Güncelleme mevcut"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Güncellemeyi yeniden dene"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Çıkartma Paketi Oluşturucu'yu kullanmak için lütfen Signal'i telefonunda ve bilgisayarında kur",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Karşılık gönderilemedi. Lütfen tekrar deneyin.",
"message": "Tepki gönderilemedi. Lütfen tekrar dene.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ sürümüne güncelleme mevcut",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal kapatılamaz.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Kullanıcı adını başkalarının seninle iletişim kurmasının birincil yolu olarak kullanmak için Ayarlar > Gizlilik > Telefon Numarası > Numaramı kimler bulabilir bölümünden telefon numarası bulmayı kapat.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Küçük ince ayarlar, hata düzeltmeleri ve performans geliştirmeleri yaptık. Signal'i kullandığın için teşekkürler!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Uygulamanın sorunsuz çalışmasını sağlamak için hataları düzelttik ve performans iyileştirmeleri yaptık.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Yeni hikayeler özelliğimizi kullanmaya ve test etmeye başla. Bu özelliği diğer beta test kullanıcıları ile kullanabilir ve bize yorumlarını bildirebilirsin.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Hikayeler artık Signal'da! 24 saat sonra otomatik olarak kaybolan metin, resim ve videoları belirli arkadaşlarınla veya gruplarınla paylaş. Hikaye paylaşmayı seviyorsan, bunu gizli ve reklam görmeden yapmanın bir yolu var. Hikayeleri görmek veya paylaşmak istemiyorsan, Tercihler > Gizlilik bölümünden tümünü devre dışı bırakabilirsin.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Küçük gruplar (16 kişiye kadar) için bir grup araması başlattığında sesli bir bildirim göndermeyi seçebilirsin. Grup üyeleri, iOS beta, Masaüstü veya Android kullanıyorlarsa bir zil sesi duyarlar.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Alıntılanmış bir yanıt yazmak için sohbetteki herhangi bir mesaj satırına çift tıkla. Bunu daha önce bahsi geçen fikirler hakkında yeni şeyler yazabilmeni sağlayan bir kısa yol gibi düşünebilirsin. Bu özelliği uygulayıp geri bildirimde bulunduğu için {whynothugo} ve Signal topluluğuna teşekkür ederiz.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Galeri görünümünü yakınlaştırmadan kapatmak için bir resmin dışına tıklamak artık daha kolay. Bazen sadece resmi kapatmak isterken bunun yerine yanlışlıkla her şeyi yakınlaştırırsın ya? Düzeltme için teşekkürler {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Yanıt süreni hızlandır. Artık bir hikayeyi yanıtlarken herhangi bir emojiye tıklayarak daha hızlı tepki verebilirsin.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Artık mesaj geçmişinde Çince ve Japonca karakterleri tek tek aramak mümkün.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Sesli ve görüntülü aramalar için çeşitli güvenilirlik ve performans iyileştirmelerini test etmemize yardımcı ol. Bu beta sürümü birkaç hata düzeltmesi ve bazı küçük kullanıcı arayüzü güncellemeleri de içerir (yeni bağlantı ön izleme geliştirmelerine göz atmayı unutma!). Bir beta test kullanıcısı olduğun için teşekkür ederiz, herhangi bir hata görürsen lütfen topluluk forumundan bize ulaş.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "O taraklarda bezin olduğunu ima etmiyoruz ama artık bir MP3 sesli notu indirdiğinde dosya düzgün uzantıyla kaydedilecek.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Bir dosyayı ekledikten sonra hemen bir mesaj yazmaya başla veya dosyayı çok da uğraşmadan göndermek için Enter/Geri Dön'e bas. Teşekkürler {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Büyük kompozisyon görünümündeki gönder düğmesi hizalandı. Teşekkürler {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Bir grupta bulunan tek kişi (şimdilik) sensen ve bir grup araması başlatmaya çalışırsan, bundan böyle aramaya katılabilir ve aramanın çalmasını beklemek yerine hemen kendi kendine konuşmaya başlayabilirsin. Teşekkürler {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Nereye bakman gerektiğini gösteren yeni bir vurgulama özelliği ile grup görüşmeleri sırasında kimin konuştuğunu hızla gör. Yine de konuşma sırasının sana geldiğini anlaman için sohbeti takip etmen gerekecek.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Gönderdiğin resimlere özgün zaman süslemeleri eklemeni sağlayan medya düzenleyicisiyle çıkartmaların keyfini çıkar!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Farklı bir sohbete geçtikten sonra bile uzun mesajları dinlemeye devam etmek için mini sesli not oynatıcısını kullanabilirsin.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Herhangi bir resme veya videoya tıkla ve içerik görüntüleyicideki yeni İleri ve Geri düğmelerini kullanarak hafıza şeridinde görsel bir gezinti yapın.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Bir kayıt devam ederken başka bir sohbete geçersen sesli mesajlar artık taslak olarak kaydedilir.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Çıkartma göndermek artık taslak metnin silinmesine neden olmaz. Teşekkürler {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Görüşme arama çubuğu simgelerini tekrar hizaladığı için {norstbox} adlı kullanıcımıza da teşekkür etmek istiyoruz.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "بىكار قىلىش",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "يوللاش",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "بۈگۈن $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "تۈنۈگۈن $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "قايتا ئۇلاش"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "يېڭىلاشقا بولىدۇ"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "يېڭىلاشنى قايتا سىناش"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "تاللىغان ئۇچۇرغا چىراي بەلگە ئىنكاسى تاللىغۇچنى ئالماشتۇر",
"message": "تاللىغان ئۇچۇر ئۈچۈن چىراي ئىپادە ۋە ئىنكاس تاللىغۇچنى ئالماشتۇرۇش",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "چاپلاق بوغچىسى قۇرغۇچىنى ئىشلىتىش ئۈچۈن تېلېفونىڭىز ۋە كومپيۇتېرىڭىزغا Signal نى سەپلەڭ",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ نەشرىنى يېڭىلاشقا بولىدۇ",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal نى ئەتكىلى بولمىدى.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "ئىختىيارىچە ئىنكاس",
"message": "ئىنكاس خاسلاشتۇرۇش",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "ئىشلەتكۈچى نامىڭىزنى باشقىلارنىڭ سىزنى تاپىدىغان ئاساسلىق ئۇسۇلى قىلىپ تەڭشەش ئۈچۈن، تەڭشەك > مەخپىيەتلىك > تېلېفون نومۇرى > نومۇرىمنى تاپالايدىغانلار دېگەن جايدىن تېلفون نومۇرىنى بايقاش ئىقتىدارىنى ئېتىۋېتىڭ.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "كىچىك ئۆزگەرتىشلەر كىرگۈزۈلدى، كاشىلا ھەل قىلىندى ۋە ئىقتىدار ئەلالاشتۇرۇلدى. Signal نى ئىشلەتكەنلىكىڭىزگە رەھمەت!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "سىز ئۈچۈن ئەپنىڭ راۋان ئىجرا بولۇشى ئۈچۈن كاشىلىلارنى ھەل قىلىش ئۈچۈن ۋە باشقا ئىقتىدارلارنى ئەلالاشتۇرۇش ئۈچۈن زور تىرىشچانلىقلارنى ئېلىپ باردۇق.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "يېڭى ھېكايە ئىقتىدارىنى ئىشلىتىپ سىناپ بېقىڭ. بۇ ئىقتىدارنى باشقا سىناق ئىشلەتكۈچىلەر بىلەن بىرلىكتە ئىشلىتىپ، ئۇنىڭ قانداق ئىشلەۋاتقانلىقىنى بىز بىلەن ئورتاقلىشىڭ.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal غا ھېكايە ئىقتىدارى قوشۇلدى! تېكىست، رەسىم ۋە ۋىدېيولۇق يېڭىلىقلارنى بەلگىلىگەن دوستلىرىڭىز ۋە گۇرۇپپىلار بىلەن ئورتاقلىشالايسىز. ھېكايە مەزمۇنى 24 سائەتتىن كېيىن ئاپتوماتىك يوقاپ كېتىدۇ. ھېكايىلىرىنى ئورتاقلىشىشنى ياقتۇرىدىغانلار ئۈچۈن بۇ بىر خىل ئېلاندىن خالىي، شەخسىي ئورتاقلىشىش ئۇسۇلى ھېسابلىنىدۇ. ئەگەر ھېكايە ئورتاقلىشىشنى ياكى كۆرۈشنى خالىمىسىڭىز، «مايىللىقلار» > «مەخپىيەتلىك» دە ئۇنى تاقىۋەتسىڭىز بولىدۇ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "كىچىك گۇرۇپپىدا (كۆپ بولغاندا 16 كىشى) گۇرۇپپا چاقىرىقى قىلسىڭىز، قوڭغۇراق ئارقىلىق ئۇقتۇرۇش قىلىشنى تاللىسىڭىز بولىدۇ. ئەگەر گۇرۇپپا ئەزالىرى iOS سىناق نەشرى ياكى ئۈستەليۈزى نەشرى ياكى Android نەشرى ئىشلىتىۋاتقان بولسا، ئۇلار قوڭغۇراق ئاۋازىنى ئاڭلايدۇ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "پاراڭدىكى خالىغان ئۇچۇرنى قوش چېكىپ، ئۇنى نەقىل كەلتۈرۈپ جاۋاب قايتۇرالايسىز. بۇ خۇددى كونا خيالغا يېڭى ئوي-پىكىر ئىپادىلەشنىڭ ئاددىي ئۇسۇلىغا ئوخشاش. {whynothugo} ۋە Signal مەھەللىسىنىڭ بۇ ئىقتىدارنى قوللانغانلىقىغا ۋە تەكلىپ-پىكىر بەرگەنلىكىگە رەھمەت بىلدۈرىمىز.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ھازىر رەسىمنى چوڭايتماي تۇرۇپلا رەسىمنىڭ يان تەرىپىگە چېكىپ، ئالبوم كۆرۈنۈشىدىن چېكىنىشكە بولىدۇ. بەزىدە چوڭايتماي تۇرۇپلا تاقاشنى خالاپ قالىسىز. «{jojomatik}» نىڭ بۇ مەسىلىنى ھەل قىلغانلىقىغا رەھمەت!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "ئىنكاس ۋاقتى قىسقارتىلدى. ھازىر مەلۇم بىر ھېكايىگە emoji نى چېكىپلا ناھايىتى تېز ئىنكاس قالدۇرالايسىز.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "ھازىر ياپونچە ياكى خەنزۇچە خەتلەرنى كىرگۈزۈپ ئۇچۇرلىشىش خاتىرىڭىزدىكى يەككە خەتلەرنى ئىزدەپ تاپالايسىز.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "ئاۋازلىق ۋە ۋىدېيولۇق سۆزلىشىش ئىقتىدارىغا ئېلىپ بارغان ئىشەنچلىكلىك ۋە ئىقتىدار جەھەتتىكى ئىلغارلاشتۇرۇش نەتىجىسىنى سىناپ كۆرۈشكە ياردەم قىلىڭ. بۇ سىناق نەشرىدە بىر قانچە مەسىلىگە تۈزىتىش كىرگۈزۈلدى ۋە UI ئازىراق يېڭىلاندى (ئالدىن كۆرۈش ئىقتىدارى ئۈچۈن يېڭى ئۇلانمىغا قاراڭ). سىناق ئىشلەتكۈچى بولغانلىقىڭىز ئۈچۈن رەھمەت. ئەگەر بىرەر مەسىلە بايقىسىڭىز مەھەللە مۇنبىرىدە بىز بىلەن ئالاقىلىشىڭ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "MP3 ئاۋاز خاتىرىسىنى چۈشۈرسىڭىز ئۇ مۇۋاپىق ھۆججەت كېڭەيتمە نامى بىلەن ساقلىنىدىغان بولۇپ، نەشر ھوقۇقىغا دەخلى -تەرۈز يەتكۈزۈشتىن ساقلىنالايسىز.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "ھۆججەتنى قىستۇرۇپ بولغاندىن كېيىنلا تېكىست كىرگۈزۈشنى باشلىسىڭىز ياكى Enter/Return نى بېسىپ ھۆججەتنى يوللىسىڭىز بولىدۇ، باشقا چېكىشنىڭ ھاجىتى يوق. رەھمەت، {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "چوڭ تەركىب كۆرۈنۈشىدىكى يوللاش كۇنۇپكىسى ئۇدۇل كەلتۈرۈلدى. رەھمەت، {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "ئەگەر (ھازىرچە) سىز گۇرۇپپىدىكى بىردىنبىر كىشى بولسىڭىز ۋە بىر گۇرۇپپا چاقىرىقى باشلىماقچى بولسىڭىز، قوڭغۇراقنىڭ جىرىڭلىشىنى ساقلىمايلا چاقىرىققا قوشۇلۇپ ئۆزىڭىزگە گەپ قىلىشنى باشلىسىڭىز بولىدۇ. رەھمەت، {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "يېڭى ئىقتىدار ئارقىلىق گۇرۇپپا چاقىرىقىدا كىمنىڭ گەپ قىلىۋاتقانلىقىنى ئاسانلا كۆرەلەيسىز، بۇ ئىقتىدار قەيەرگە قاراش ئىكەنلىكىنى كۆرسىتىپ بېرىدۇ. ئەگەر سۆزلەش نۆۋىتى سىزگە كەلسە، پەقەت كۆرسىتىلگەن يەرگە قاراپ سۆزلىسىڭىزلا بولىدۇ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "مېدىيا تەھرىرلىگۈچتىكى ھەر خىل چاپلاقلار ئارقىلىق يوللىغان رەسىملەرگە ئۇسلۇب كىرگۈزۈلگەن ۋاقىت بېزەكلىرىنى قوشۇپ، بۇ مىنۇتلاردىن ياخشى ھۇزۇرلىنىڭ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "ئاۋاز خاتىرىسى كىچىك قويغۇچنى ئىشلىتىپ، باشقا پاراڭغا ئالماشقاندىن كېيىنمۇ يەنە ئۇزۇن ئۇچۇرلارنى داۋاملىق ئاڭلىسىڭىز بولىدۇ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "ھەرقانداق رەسىم ياكى ۋىدېيونى چېكىپ، مېدىيا كۆرگۈچتىكى «ئالدىغا» ۋە «ئارقىغا» كۇنۇپكىسى ئارقىلىق بارلىق رەسىم ۋە ۋىدېيولارنى كۆزدىن كەچۈرۈپ چىقالايسىز.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "ئاۋازنى خاتىرىلەۋاتقان ۋاقىتتا باشقا ئەپكە ئالماشسىڭىز، ئاۋازلىق ئۇچۇر ئارگىنال بولۇپ ساقلىنىپ تۇرىدۇ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "چاپلاق يوللىسىڭىز ئارگىنال تېكىست ئەمدى ئۆچۈرۈلۈپ كەتمەيدۇ. رەھمەت، {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "بىز يەنە «{norstbox}» نىڭ سۆھبەت ئىزدەش رامكىسىدىكى سىنبەلگىلەرنى بىرلىككە كەلتۈرگەنلىكىگە رەھمەت بىلدۈرىمىز.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Скасувати",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Надіслати",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Відреагувати на повідомлення",
"message": "Реагувати на повідомлення",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "Не вдалось доставити повідомлення, стікер, реакцію або повідомлення про прочитання від $sender$ до вас. Ця людина могла відправити вищевказане безпосередньо вам або в яку-небудь групу.",
"message": "Не вдалося доставити повідомлення, стікер, реакцію, медіа або повідомлення про прочитання від користувача $sender$ до вас. Можливо, користувач надіслав це безпосередньо вам або в групу.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "Не вдалося доставити повідомлення, стікер, реакцію, повідомлення про прочитання або медіа файл від $sender$ вам в цьому чаті.",
"message": "Не вдалося доставити повідомлення, стікер, реакцію, повідомлення про прочитання або медіа файл від користувача $sender$ до вас у цьому чаті.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ відреагував з $emoji$ на ваше повідомлення"
"message": "$sender$ реагує на ваше повідомлення: $emoji$"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ відреагував з $emoji$ на: $message$"
"message": "$sender$ надсилає $emoji$ до вашого повідомлення: $message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Не вдалося надіслати",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Сьогодні, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Учора, $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Замітка для себе",
"message": "Примітка для себе",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Прив'язати"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Наявне оновлення"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Спробувати ще раз"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Показати/приховати панель реакцій на смайлики для вибраного повідомлення",
"message": "Показати / приховати панель реакцій для вибраного повідомлення",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Щоб створити набір стікерів, потрібно встановити Signal на телефон і комп'ютер",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Не вдалось відправити реакцію. Будь ласка, пробуйте ще раз.",
"message": "Не вдалося надіслати реакцію. Спробуйте ще раз.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Наявне оновлення до версії $version$",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Неможливо закрити Signal.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "Налаштуйте реакції",
"message": "Налаштування реакцій",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5985,11 +5993,11 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "Відповіді та реакції",
"message": "Відповіді і реакції",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "Дозволити відповіді та реакції",
"message": "Дозволити відповіді і реакції",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Вимкніть виявлення номеру телефону, перейшовши в Налаштування > Конфіденційність > Номер телефону > «Хто може знайти мене за номером телефону», щоб використовувати своє ім'я користувача як основний спосіб зв'язку з вами.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Дрібні поліпшення, виправлення помилок і покращення роботи застосунку. Дякуємо, що ви з Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Невтомно працюємо, виправляючи помилки і додаючи інші поліпшення, аби ви користувалися застосунком із задоволенням.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Протестуйте нашу нову функцію – сторіз. Ви можете користуватися цією функцією разом з іншими бета-тестерами та ділитися з нами своїми відгуками.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Тепер Signal має сторіз! Діліться оновленнями з текстом, зображеннями і відео з обраними друзями чи групами. Сторіз зникатимуть автоматично через 24 години. Для всіх, хто полюбляє ділитися сторіз: тепер ви можете поширювати їх конфіденційно і без реклами. А якщо ви не хочете ділитися сторіз і переглядати їх, цю функцію можна вимкнути в Параметрах > Конфіденційність сторіз.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Розпочинаючи виклик для невеликої групи (до 16 людей), ви можете надіслати звукове сповіщення. Учасники групи почують виклик, якщо користуються бета-версією на iOS або комп'ютером чи Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Двічі клацніть будь-який рядок повідомлення в чаті, щоб написати цитовану відповідь. Це короткий шлях до нового погляду на старі ідеї. Дякуємо {whynothugo} і спільноті Signal за цю функцію та відгуки!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Тепер можна просто клацнути за межами зображення, щоб закрити відображення галереї, не збільшуючи випадково масштаб. Дякуємо {jojomatik} за виправлення!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Відповідайте без затримок. Тепер ви можете швидко відреагувати на сторі, натиснувши на емодзі.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Тепер ви можете шукати в історії повідомлень окремі символи китайської та японської мов.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Допоможіть нам протестувати кілька поліпшень надійності й ефективності відеовикликів і голосових викликів. Ця бета-версія також містить декілька виправлень помилок і невеликих оновлень інтерфейсу (зверніть увагу на вдосконалений попередній перегляд посилань!). Дякуємо вам, що допомагаєте нам тестувати оновлення! Якщо ви помітите помилки, будь ласка, зв'яжіться з нами на форумі спільноти.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Голосова нотатка у форматі MP3 тепер зберігатиметься з правильним розширенням файлу після завантаження.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Почніть вводити повідомлення після вкладення файлу миттєво або ж просто натисніть Enter / Return, щоб надіслати файл без додаткових дій. Дякуємо, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Кнопка надсилання в розгорнутому перегляді тепер розташована коректно. Дякуємо, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Якщо ви (поки що) є єдиним учасником групи та спробуєте розпочати груповий виклик, ви зможете одразу приєднатися до виклику, а не чекати безпосередньо на дзвінок. Дякуємо, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Ми додали нову функцію у групових розмовах, щоб ви могли швидко розуміти, хто зараз говорить.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Спробуйте нові стікери в медіаредакторі та додавайте стилізований час на надіслані зображення.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Якщо ви захочете продовжити прослуховувати довге повідомлення, перейшовши в інший чат, ви можете скористуватися мініпрогравачем для голосових нотаток.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Клацніть будь-яке зображення чи відео та скористайтеся новими кнопками «Вперед» і «Назад». Гортайте альбом спогадів швидко і зручно.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Тепер голосові повідомлення зберігатимуться як чернетки, якщо під час запису перемкнутися на інший чат.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Надсилайте стікери і не хвилюйтеся про чернетку повідомлень: тепер вона не зникатиме. Дякуємо, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Ми також дякуємо {norstbox} за виправлення значків на панелі пошуку.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "منسوخ کریں",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "بھیجیں",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "پیغام پر ردعمل",
"message": "میسج پر ری ایکٹ کریں",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "$sender$ کا ایک پیغام ، اسٹیکر ، ردعمل ، پڑھنے کی رسید یا میڈیا آپ کو نہیں پہنچایا جاسکا۔ ہوسکتا ہے کہ انہوں نے اسے براہ راست یا کسی گروپ میں آپ کو بھیجنے کی کوشش کی ہو۔",
"message": "$sender$ کی طرف سے کوئی میسج، اسٹیکر، ری ایکشن، میسج پڑھنے کا ثبوت یا میڈیا آپ کو ڈیلیور نہیں کیا جا سکا۔ انہوں نے یہ آپ کو براہ راست، یا کسی گروپ میں بھیجنے کی کوشش کی ہو گی۔",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "اس چیٹ میں $sender$ سے آپ کو کوئی پیغام ، اسٹیکر ، ردعمل ، پڑھنے کی رسید یا میڈیا نہیں پہنچایا جاسکتا ہے۔",
"message": "اس چیٹ میں $sender$ کی طرف سے کوئی میسج، اسٹیکر، ری ایکشن، میسج پڑھنے کا ثبوت یا میڈیا آپ کو ڈیلیور نہیں کیا جا سکا۔",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ نے آپ کے پیغام پر ردعمل$emoji$ ظاہر کیا"
"message": "$sender$ نے آپ کے میسج پر $emoji$ ری ایکٹ کیا"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ نے اس$message$ پر رد عمل$emoji$ ظاہر کیا:"
"message": "$sender$ نے $emoji$ ری ایکٹ کیا: $message$ پر"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "بھیجنے میں ناکام",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "آج $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "کل $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "اپنے لئے نوٹ کریں",
"message": "خود کے لیے نوٹ",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "دوبارہ لنک کریں"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "اپ ڈیٹ دستیاب ہے"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "اپ ڈیٹ کی دوبارہ کوشش کریں"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "منتخب کردہ پیغام کے لیئے ایموجی-رد عمل چنندہ کو ٹوگل کریں",
"message": "منتخب کردہ میسج کے لیے ایموجی-ری ایکشن پِکر کو ٹوگل کریں",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,15 +3189,15 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "براہ کرم اسٹیکر پیک تخلیق کار کو استعمال کرنے کے لیے اپنے فون اور ڈیسک ٹاپ پر Signal کو سیٹ اپ کریں",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "ردعمل ہٹائیں",
"message": "ری ایکشن ہٹائیں",
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "ردعمل بھیجنے میں ناکام۔ دوبارہ کوشش کریں.",
"message": "ری ایکشن بھیجنے میں ناکامی ہوئی۔ براہ کرم دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "ورژن $version$ پر اپ ڈیٹ دستیاب ہے",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal بند نہیں کی جا سکتی۔",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "رد عمل کو اپنی مرضی کے مطابق بنائیں",
"message": "ری ایکشنز کو حسبِ ضرورت بنائیں",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "ردعمل بھیج رہے ہیں...",
"message": "ری ایکشن بھیجا جا رہا ہے...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5985,11 +5993,11 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "جوابات اور ردعمل",
"message": "جوابات اور ری ایکشنز",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "جوابات اور ردعمل کی اجازت دیں",
"message": "جوابات اور ری ایکشنز کی اجازت دیں",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
@ -6281,11 +6289,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "سٹوری پر ردعمل دیں",
"message": "سٹوری پر ری ایکٹ کریں",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "سٹوری پر ردعمل دیا",
"message": "سٹوری پر ری ایکٹ کیا",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,23 +6457,23 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "$name$ کی طرف سے کہانی پر ردعمل دیا",
"message": "$name$ کی سٹوری پر ری ایکٹ کیا",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "سٹوری پر ردعمل دیا",
"message": "سٹوری پر ری ایکٹ کیا",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "آپ کی سٹوری پر $emoji$ ردعمل دیا",
"message": "آپ کی سٹوری پر $emoji$ ری ایکٹ کیا",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "آپ نے $name$ کی سٹوری پر $emoji$ ردعمل دیا",
"message": "آپ نے $name$ کی سٹوری پر $emoji$ ری ایکٹ کیا",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "آپ نے سٹوری پر $emoji$ ردعمل دیا",
"message": "آپ نے سٹوری پر $emoji$ ری ایکٹ کیا",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "سیٹنگز > پرائیویسی > فون نمبر > کون میرا نمبر تلاش کر سکتا ہے کے تحت فون نمبر کی تلاش کو آف کریں، تاکہ آپ کے یوزر نیم کو دوسروں کے آپ سے رابطہ کرنے کا بنیادی طریقہ بنایا جا سکے۔",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "معمولی تبدیلیاں کی گئیں، بگ ٹھیک کیے گئے، اور کارکردگی اور بھی بہتر بنائی گئی ہے۔ Signal استعمال کرنے کے لیے شکریہ!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "بگز کی درستگی کے لیے اور کارکردگی میں دیگر بہتریاں لانے کے کام میں محنتی تاکہ آپ کے لیے ایپ بلا خلل چلتی رہے۔",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "ہمارے نئے سٹوریز کے فیچر کا استعمال اور ٹیسٹنگ شروع کریں۔ آپ دیگر بی ٹا ٹیسٹرز کے ساتھ فیچر کا استعمال بھی کر سکتے اور ہمیں بتا سکتے ہیں کہ یہ کیسا کام کر رہا ہے۔",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "سٹوریز اب Signal میں ہیں! منتخب کردہ دوست یا گروپس کے ساتھ غائب ہو جانے والا متن، تصاویر، اور ویڈیو اپ ڈیٹس کا اشتراک کریں جو 24 گھنٹے بعد خودکار طور پر غائب ہو جاتی ہیں۔ ہر وہ فرد جسے سٹوریز کا اشتراک کرنا پسند ہے، اس کے لیے نجی طور پر اور اشتہار دیکھے بغیر کرنے کا طریقہ یہاں ہے۔ اگر آپ سٹوریز دیکھنا یا اشتراک نہیں کرنا چاہتے، تو آپ اپنی ترجیحات > پرائیویسی میں ان سب سے آپٹ آؤٹ کر سکتے ہیں۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "جب آپ چھوٹے گروپ (16 تک افراد) کے لیے گروپ کال شروع کرتے ہیں، تو آپ رنگنگ اطلاعات بھیجنے کا انتخاب کر سکتے ہیں۔ گروپ ممبرز اگر iOS بی ٹا پر ہیں یا Desktop یا Android استعمال کر رہے ہیں تو وہ رنگ سنیں گے۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "حوالہ یافتہ جواب شروع کرنے کے لیے چیٹ میں کسی میسج کی قطار پر دو بار کلک کریں۔ یہ پرانے تصورات کے متعلق نئے خیالات کے لیے شارٹ کٹ جیسا ہے۔ اس فیچر کے نفاذ کرنے اور فیڈ بیک دینے کے لیے {whynothugo} اور Signal کمیونٹی کا شکریہ۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "اب زوم ان کیے بغیر گیلری ویو کو ختم کرنے کے لیے تصویر کے باہر کلک کرنا مزید آسان ہو گیا ہے۔ کبھی کبھار آپ قریب ہونا چاہتے ہیں، لیکن چیزیں کہیں زیادہ قریب ہو جاتی ہیں۔ درستگی کے لیے {jojomatik} کا شکریہ!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "اپنے رد عمل کے وقت کی رفتار بڑھائیں۔ اب آپ سٹوری کا جواب دیتے وقت کسی ایموجی پر کلک کر کے زیادہ تیزی سے ری ایکٹ کر سکتے ہیں۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "اب چینی اور جاپانی زبانوں میں انفرادی حروف کے حوالے سے اپنی میسج ہسٹری تلاش کرنا ممکن ہے۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "وائس اور ویڈیو کالز کے لیے پائیداری اور کارکردگی کی متعدد بہتریوں کو ٹیسٹ کرنے میں ہماری کرتا ہے۔ اس بی ٹا ریلیز میں کچھ نقص کی درستگیاں اور کچھ چھوٹی UI اپ ڈیٹس شامل ہیں (نئے لنک کے پیش منظر کے اضافوں کو تلاش کریں!)۔ بی ٹا ٹیسٹر ہونے پر آپ کا شکریہ، اور اگر آپ کوئی نقائص دیکھیں تو براہ کرم ہم سے کمیونٹی فورم پر رابطہ کریں۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "آپ کار ڈاؤن لوڈ نہیں کر سکیں گے، تاہم اب جب آپ کوئی MP3 وائس نوٹ ڈاؤن لوڈ کرتے ہیں تو اسے مناسب فائل ایکسٹینشن کے ساتھ محفوظ کر دیا جائے گا۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "فائل منسلک کرنے کے بعد فوری طور پر میسج ٹائپ کرنا شروع کر دیں، یا بغیر کسی اضافی کلکس کے فائل بھیجنے کے لیے محض Enter/واپس بھیجیں دبائیں۔ شکریہ، {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "بڑے کمپوزیشن ویو میں بھیجنے کے بٹن کو ترتیب دیا گیا ہے۔ شکریہ، {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "اگر گروپ میں (تاحال) صرف آپ اکیلے فرد موجود ہیں اور آپ گروپ کال شروع کرنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں، تو اب آپ کال میں شامل ہو سکتے ہیں اور کال کی گھنٹی بجنے کا انتظار کیے بغیر فوراً خود سے بات چیت کرنا شروع کر سکتے ہیں۔ شکریہ، {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "ایک نئے نمایاں فیچر کی بدولت جو یہ ظاہر کرتا ہے کہ آپ کو کہاں دیکھنا ہے آپ فوری طور پر یہ دیکھ سکتے ہیں کہ گروپ کالز کے دوران کون بات چیت کر رہا ہے۔ اگر بات چیت کرنے کی باری آپ کی ہے، تو آپ کو سامنے کی طرف دیکھنے کی ضرورت ہو گی۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "میڈیا ایڈیٹر میں متعدد قسم کے اسٹیکرز کے ساتھ لطف اندوز ہوں جو آپ کو بھیجی گئی تصاویر پر وقت کی دل آویز سجاوٹیں شامل کرنے کی اجازت فراہم کرتا ہے۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "ایک مختلف چیٹ پر سوئچ کرنے کے بعد بھی طویل میسجز سننا جاری رکھنے کے لیے وائس نوٹس منی پلیئر کا استعمال کریں۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "اپنی پرانی یادوں کو بصری طور پر تازہ کرنے کے لیے کسی تصویر یا ویڈیو پر کلک کریں اور میڈیا ویور میں موجود نئے فارورڈ اور بیک ورڈ بٹنز استعمال کریں۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "اگرآپ ریکارڈنگ کے زیر عمل ہوتے ہوئے کسی دوسری چیٹ پر سوئچ کرتے ہیں تو وائس میسجز اب ڈرافٹس کے طور پر محفوظ ہوتے ہیں۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "اسٹیکر بھیجنے سے ڈرافٹ کا متن اب مزید صاف نہیں ہوتا۔ شکریہ، {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "گفتگو کے سرچ بار کے آئیکنز کو دوبارہ ترتیب دینے کے لیے ہم {norstbox} کا بھی شکریہ ادا کرنا چاہیں گے۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "Hủy",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "Gửi",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "Hôm nay $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "Hôm qua $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "Tái liên kết"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Cập nhật có sẵn"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Thử cập nhật lại"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "Vui lòng cài Signal trên điện thoại và máy tính để sử dụng Công Cụ Tạo Nhãn Dán Signal",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Lỗi trong việc gửi sự bày tỏ. Xin thử lại",
"message": "Lỗi trong việc gửi bày tỏ cảm xúc. Xin thử lại.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "Cập nhật liên phiên bản $version$ có sẵn",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal không thể đóng",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "Không để người khác tìm thấy bạn qua số điện thoại bằng cách vào Cài đặt > Riêng tư > Số điện thoại > Ai có thể tìm số điện thoại của tôi, để sử dụng tên người dùng làm phương tiện để người khác liên hệ bạn.",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "Các tinh chỉnh, sửa lỗi, và cải thiện hiệu năng. Cảm ơn bạn đã sử dụng Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "Nỗ lực sửa các lỗi và cải thiện hiệu năng để ứng dụng của bạn có thể chạy một cách trơn tru.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "Bắt đầu sử dụng và thử nghiệm tính năng story mới của chúng tôi. Bạn có thể sử dụng tính năng này cùng các thành viên thử nghiệm phiên bản beta khác và cho chúng tôi biết tính năng hoạt động có ổn không.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Story đã có mặt trên Signal! Chia sẻ các cập nhật văn bản, hình ảnh, và video với những người bạn hoặc nhóm bạn chọn, tự động biến mất sau 24 giờ. Với những thành viên thích story, đây là một cách chia sẻ riêng tư và không có quảng cáo. Nếu bạn không muốn chia sẻ hoặc thấy story, bạn có thể tắt tính năng này trong mục Cài đặt > Riêng tư.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Khi bạn bắt đầu cuộc gọi nhóm cho nhóm nhỏ (đến 16 người), bạn có thể chọn thông báo bằng cách đổ chuông. Các thành viên nhóm sẽ nghe thấy tiếng chuông báo nếu đang sử dụng phiên bản iOS beta hoặc bản Desktop hay Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Nhấn đúp vào bất kỳ dòng tin nhắn nào để trả lời với trích dẫn. Một cách để nhanh chóng chia sẻ suy nghĩ của mình về một vấn đề được thảo luận ở trên. Cảm ơn thành viên {whynothugo} và cộng đồng Signal đã giúp triển khai và đóng góp phản hồi cho tính năng này.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Giờ đây bạn có thể dễ dàng nhấn phía ngoài một bức ảnh để thoát khỏi chế độ xem ảnh lớn. Thao tác này trước đây chỉ giúp phóng to ảnh hơn. Cảm ơn thành viên {jojomatik} đã giúp khắc phục điểm này!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "Giúp thời gian phản hồi của bạn nhanh hơn. Giờ đây bạn có thể bày tỏ cảm xúc nhanh hơn bằng cách bấm vào bất kỳ emoji nào khi trả lời một story.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "Người dùng nay có thể tìm kiếm lịch sử tin nhắn bằng các ký tự riêng lẻ của tiếng Trung và tiếng Nhật.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "Giúp chúng tôi kiểm tra độ tin cậy và các cải thiện về mặt hiệu năng của cuộc gọi thoại và cuộc gọi video. Bản beta này cũng bao gồm một số sửa lỗi và cập nhật UI nhỏ (giao diện xem trước đường dẫn đã được nâng cấp!). Cảm ơn bạn vì đã giúp thử nghiệm bản beta, và hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi thông qua diễn đàn dành cho cộng đồng nếu bạn gặp bất kỳ lỗi nào.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "Tệp ghi chú định dạng MP3 tải về sẽ được lưu với phần mở rộng chính xác.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "Có thể nhanh chóng bắt đầu nhập nội dung sau khi đính kèm tệp, hoặc ấn nút Enter để gửi tệp mà không cần thao tác thêm. Cảm ơn, {zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "Nút gửi trong giao diện lớn nay đã được tinh chỉnh. Cảm ơn, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "Nếu bạn là người duy nhất trong nhóm và bạn bắt đầu cuộc gọi nhóm, giờ đây bạn có thể tham gia ngay vào cuộc gọi chỉ có một mình bạn và không cần chờ đổ chuông. Cảm ơn, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "Dễ dàng thấy được ai là người đang nói trong cuộc gọi nhóm với tính năng làm nổi bật mới để bạn biết cần nhìn ở vị trí nào. Trải nghiệm cuộc gọi nhóm nay càng tuyệt hơn.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "Thoải mái sáng tạo với nhiều gói nhãn dán trong công cụ chỉnh sửa cho phép bạn thêm các chi tiết trang trí lên hình ảnh sẵn có.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "Dùng công cụ nghe ghi chú âm thanh để tiếp tục nghe các tin nhắn dài ngay cả khi bạn chuyển sang cuộc trò chuyện khác.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "Bấm vào bất kỳ ảnh hoặc video nào và sử dụng các nút Tua tới và Tua lùi trong công cụ xem tệp đa phương tiện để thuận tiện trong việc xem.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "Tin nhắn thoại giờ đây được lưu ở dạng bản nháp nếu bạn chuyển qua một cuộc trò chuyện khác trong lúc đang ghi âm.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "Việc gửi nhãn dán sẽ không làm mất nội dung tin nhắn văn bản bạn đang soạn. Cảm ơn, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "Chúng tôi cũng muốn cảm ơn {norstbox} vì đã giúp điều chỉnh đồng đều các biểu tượng của thanh tìm kiếm.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "取消",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "发送",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "无法将来自 $sender$ 的消息、贴纸、反应、已读回执或媒体发送给您。它们可能是直接发送或在群组中发送。",
"message": "来自$sender$的消息、贴纸、回应、已读回执或媒体无法发送给您。对方可能曾经尝试直接发送给您,或在群组中发送。",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "$sender$的消息、贴纸、反应、已读回执或媒体无法在此聊天中发送给您。",
"message": "来自$sender$的消息、贴纸、回应、已读回执或媒体无法在此聊天中发送给您。",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$对您的消息回应了$emoji$"
"message": "$sender$用 $emoji$ 回应了您的消息"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$对$message$回应了$emoji$"
"message": "$sender$用 $emoji$ 回应了:$message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "发送失败",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "今天 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "昨天 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "重新连接"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "有可用更新"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "重试更新"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "选中消息时切换表情反应选取器",
"message": "为选中的消息切换表情回应选择器",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,15 +3189,15 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "如要使用贴纸包创建器,请设置您的手机版和电脑版 Signal",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "移除反应",
"message": "移除回应",
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "发送反应失败,请重试。",
"message": "发送回应失败,请重试。",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "$version$ 版本有更新",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal 无法关闭",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "自定义反应",
"message": "自定义回应",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "正在发送反应……",
"message": "正在发送回应……",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5985,15 +5993,15 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "回复和反应",
"message": "回复和回应",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "允许回复和反应",
"message": "允许回复和回应",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "允许可见您动态的对象回应和回复。",
"message": "允许动态的可见对象回应和回复。",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "您可以在“设置 > 隐私 > 电话号码 >谁可以查找我的电话号码”中关闭电话号码搜索功能,将您的用户名用作其他人联系您的主要方式。",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "我们进行了功能微调、漏洞修复和性能强化。感谢使用 Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "我们努力修复了漏洞并增强了性能,让您的应用可以顺畅运行。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "欢迎立即体验和测试我们的新动态功能。您可以和其他测试用户一起体验此功能,并与我们分享使用反馈。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal 现在推出动态功能啦!您现在可以给选定的好友或群组分享限时文本、图片和视频动态。这些动态将会在 24 小时后自动消失。喜欢分享动态的用户可以进行私密分享,并且不会看到任何广告。如果您不想浏览其他人的动态,也不想分享动态,您可以在“偏好 > 隐私”中选择退出此功能。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "当您对小型群组(至多 16 人)发起群组通话时,你可以选择发送铃声通知。使用 iOS 测试版、桌面版或 Android 版 Signal 的群组成员可以听到通知铃声。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "双击聊天中任意一条消息,即可引用回复。轻松补充你的新想法。感谢 {whynothugo} 与 Signal 社群,协助上线此功能并提供反馈。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "现在,点击图片以外的屏幕即可轻松退出图库浏览模式,避免误操作放大图片。我们懂你的心思。感谢 {jojomatik} 修复这一功能!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "回应速度得到提升。在回复动态时,您现在可以通过点击任何一个表情符号来更快回应动态。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "您现在可以搜索消息历史记录中的单个中文或日语字符。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "帮助我们测试语音和视频通话的几项可靠性和一些功能优化吧。此测试版还包括一些漏洞修复和 UI 方面的一些小更新(欢迎查看新链接预览方面的增强效果!)。感谢成为我们的测试用户,如您发现任何漏洞,请在社群论坛上联系我们。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "当你下载 MP3 语音记录时,它会以正确的文件扩展名保存。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "附上文件后快速输入消息或直接点击 Enter/Return 键即可发送文件,无需其他操作。谢谢,{zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "大组合视图中的发送按钮现已对齐。谢谢,{hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "如果你(目前)是群组中的唯一成员,而你想发起群组通话,现在你无需等待通话铃声响起即可加入通话并开始直接和自己通话。谢谢,{lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "如果你想在群组通话中快速看到是谁在说话,新上线的突显功能可以提示你看向哪里。当轮到你说话时,你要看的就是摄像头啦。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "媒体编辑器中的多款贴纸支持让你给发送的图片添加风格化的时间装饰。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "语音记录迷你播放器可以让你在切换聊天对象时仍能继续听取未播放完的长消息。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "点击任何图片或视频并在媒体查看器中使用新推出的“前进”和“后退”按钮可以让您轻松浏览媒体文件。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "当您切换到另一个聊天界面,而前一个界面中的录音仍在进行时,您的语音消息将会保存为草稿。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "发送贴纸已不会导致草稿被清除。谢谢,{lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "我们还要感谢{norstbox}帮助我们将对话搜索栏图标重新对齐。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "取消",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "傳送",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "對訊息的回應",
"message": "對訊息傳送心情回應",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "無法從 $sender$向你傳送訊息、貼圖、回應、已讀回執或媒體。 他們可能已經嘗試將其直接傳送給你,或以群組形式傳送給你。",
"message": "系統無法將 $sender$ 的訊息、貼圖、心情回應、已讀標記或多媒體檔案傳送給你。他們可能是直接或透過群組向你傳送的。",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "無法從$sender$聊天中向你傳送訊息、貼圖、回應、已讀回執或媒體檔。",
"message": "系統無法在此聊天中將 $sender$ 的訊息、貼圖、心情回應、已讀標記或多媒體檔案傳送給你。",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1786,10 +1786,10 @@
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$回應了 $emoji$你的訊息"
"message": "$sender$ 對你的訊息表達了 $emoji$ 心情"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ 對 $message$ 回應了 $emoji$"
"message": "$sender$ 表達 $emoji$ 心情的訊息:$message$"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "傳送失敗",
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "今天 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "昨天 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "重新連結"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "有可用更新"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "再重試更新"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "切換所選訊息的表情符號反應選擇器",
"message": "為所選訊息切換表情符號心情回應選擇器",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,15 +3189,15 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "請在手機和桌上型電腦設定 Signal 以使用貼圖包編輯器",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "移除回應",
"message": "移除心情回應",
"describe": "Shown when you want to remove a reaction you've made"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "傳送回應失敗。請再試一次。",
"message": "無法傳送心情回應。請再試一次。",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "更新到可用的 $version$ 版本",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal 無法關閉。",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5637,7 +5645,7 @@
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "自定義回應",
"message": "自訂心情回應",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
@ -5909,7 +5917,7 @@
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "正在傳送反應…",
"message": "正在傳送心情回應…",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
@ -5985,15 +5993,15 @@
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a custom distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "回覆及反應",
"message": "回覆及心情回應",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "允許回覆及反應",
"message": "允許回覆及心情回應",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "允許看到你限時動態的人傳送心情回應和回覆內容。",
"message": "允許看到你限時動態的人傳送心情回應和回覆。",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6281,11 +6289,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "對限時動態傳送心情回應",
"message": "對限時動態表達心情回應",
"description": "(deleted 01/25/23) aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "已對限時動態傳送心情回應",
"message": "對限時動態表達了心情回應",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__not-a-member": {
@ -6449,11 +6457,11 @@
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "已對 $name$ 的限時動態傳送心情回應",
"message": "對 $name$ 的限時動態表達了心情回應",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "已對限時動態傳送心情回應",
"message": "對限時動態表達了心情回應",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "要關閉電話號碼搜索功能,請前往「設定」>「隱私」>「電話號碼」>「誰可以找到我的電話號碼」,以便使用你的用戶名稱作為其他人聯絡你的主要方式。",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "細微的調整、問題修復和效能改善。感謝各位使用 Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "努力修復問題並改善各項功能運作,讓 App 使用起來更順暢無礙。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "開始使用和測試最新的限時動態功能。你可以與測試版的其他測試者一同使用該功能,並讓我們知道是否好用。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal 現已推出限時動態功能!與選定的好友或群組分享自動銷毀的訊息、圖像和影片更新,這些內容會在 24 小時後自動消失。喜歡分享限時動態的你,可以透過這種方法私下分享,而無需看到任何廣告。如果你不想瀏覽或分享限時動態,可以在「偏好設定」>「隱私」關閉所有相關功能。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "當您為小組(最多 16 人)發起群組通話時,您可以選擇發送響鈴通知。如果群組成員使用的是 iOS 測試版、桌面或 Android 裝置,他們將聽到響鈴聲。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "在聊天內任何一個訊息列上點按兩下,即可開始引用回覆。這猶如接通新舊想法的捷徑。全賴 {whynothugo} 和 Signal 社區積極推動此功能並提供意見。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "現在用戶只需點擊圖片以外的位置,無需放大畫面,即可輕鬆關閉圖庫檢視模式。有時候,你只希望將畫面關閉,不想將東西放得太大。感謝 {jojomatik} 協助修復此功能!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "加快您的回應時間。您現在可以點擊任何表情符號來迅速回覆限時動態。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "您現在可以在訊息紀錄中搜尋中文和日文單字。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "幫助我們測試多項語音和視訊通話的可靠性和性能改進。此測試版還包括一些錯誤修復和一些用戶介面的小更新 (查看全新的連結預覽增強功能!)。感謝您成為測試版的測試者。如果您發現任何錯誤,請在社群討論區上與我們聯絡。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "你未必會非法下載,但是現在當你下載 MP3 語音筆記時,它將以適當的檔案擴展名儲存。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "附加檔案後快速開始輸入訊息,或者只需單擊 Enter /Return 即可發送檔案,而無需任何額外點擊。謝謝,{zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "大構圖畫面中的發送按鈕已對齊。謝謝,{hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "如果你是群組中唯一的人(到目前為止),並且想要開始群組通話,現在你可以加入通話並立即開始與自己交談,而不是等待通話鈴聲。謝謝,{lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "想快速看到群組通話期間有誰正在發言,全新的重點顯示功能可讓你知道該看哪個地方。如果輪到你發言,你只需要仔細思考。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "在媒體編輯器中加上幾張貼圖,為傳出的圖片添加一抹個人風格,享受生活中的美好時光。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "使用語音筆記迷你播放器讓你即使切換到其他聊天,仍可繼續聆聽長訊息。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "點擊任何圖片或影片,然後使用多媒體瀏覽器中新加入的「快轉」和「倒回」按鈕來回顧難忘的影像內容。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "如果你在錄製語音訊息時切換到另一個聊天,系統現在會將該語音訊息儲存為草稿。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "現在即使發送貼圖都不會再令你的文字草稿遭到清除。{lamemakes},謝謝你!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "我們還要感謝 {norstbox} 將對話搜索欄的圖標重新對齊。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "取消",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "傳送",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "今天 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "昨天 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "重新連結"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "有可用更新"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "再重試更新"
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "請在手機和桌上型電腦設定 Signal 以使用貼圖包編輯器",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "更新到可用的 $version$ 版本",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal 無法關閉。",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "要關閉電話號碼搜索功能,請前往「設定」>「隱私」>「電話號碼」>「誰可以找到我的電話號碼」,以使用你的用戶名稱作為其他人聯絡你的主要方式。",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "細微的調整、問題修復和效能改善。感謝各位使用 Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "努力修復問題並改善各項功能運作,讓 App 使用起來更順暢無礙。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "開始使用和測試最新的限時動態功能。你可以與測試版的其他測試者一同使用該功能,並讓我們知道是否好用。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal 現已推出限時動態功能!與選定的好友或群組分享自動銷毀的訊息、圖像和影片更新,這些內容會在 24 小時後自動消失。喜歡分享限時動態的你,可以透過這種方法私下分享,而無需看到任何廣告。如果你不想瀏覽或分享限時動態,可以在「偏好設定」>「隱私」關閉所有相關功能。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "當您為小組(最多 16 人)發起群組通話時,您可以選擇發送響鈴通知。如果群組成員使用的是 iOS 測試版、桌面或 Android 裝置,他們將聽到響鈴聲。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "在聊天內任何一個訊息列上點按兩下,即可開始引用回覆。這猶如接通新舊想法的捷徑。全賴 {whynothugo} 和 Signal 社區積極推動此功能並提供意見。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "現在用戶只需點擊圖片以外的位置,無需放大畫面,即可輕鬆關閉圖庫檢視模式。有時候,你只希望將畫面關閉,不想將東西放得太大。感謝 {jojomatik} 協助修復此功能!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "加快您的回應時間。您現在可以點擊任何表情符號來迅速回覆限時動態。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "您現在可以在訊息紀錄中搜尋中文和日文單字。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "幫助我們測試多項語音和視訊通話的可靠性和性能改進。此測試版還包括一些錯誤修復和一些用戶介面的小更新 (查看全新的連結預覽增強功能!)。感謝您成為測試版的測試者。如果您發現任何錯誤,請在社群討論區上與我們聯絡。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "你未必會非法下載,但是現在當你下載 MP3 語音筆記時,它將以適當的檔案擴展名儲存。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "附加檔案後快速開始輸入訊息,或者只需單擊 Enter /Return 即可發送檔案,而無需任何額外點擊。謝謝,{zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "大構圖畫面中的發送按鈕已對齊。謝謝,{hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "如果你是群組中唯一的人(到目前為止),並且想要開始群組通話,現在你可以加入通話並立即開始與自己交談,而不是等待通話鈴聲。謝謝,{lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "想快速看到群組通話期間有誰正在發言,全新的重點顯示功能可讓你知道該看哪個地方。如果輪到你發言,你只需要仔細思考。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "在媒體編輯器中加上幾張貼圖,為傳出的圖片添加一抹個人風格,享受生活中的美好時光。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "使用語音筆記迷你播放器讓你即使切換到其他聊天,仍可繼續聆聽長訊息。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "點擊任何圖片或影片,然後使用多媒體瀏覽器中新加入的「快轉」和「倒回」按鈕來回顧難忘的影像內容。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "如果你在錄製語音訊息時切換到另一個聊天,系統現在會將該語音訊息儲存為草稿。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "現在即使發送貼圖都不會再令你的文字草稿遭到清除。{lamemakes},謝謝你!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "我們還要感謝 {norstbox} 將對話搜索欄的圖標重新對齊。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"description": "Shown in toast while a user is being added to a group"
"icu:RecordingComposer__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel",
"messageformat": "取消",
"description": "Label of cancel button on voice note recording UI"
"icu:RecordingComposer__send": {
"messageformat": "Send",
"messageformat": "傳送",
"description": "Label of send button on voice note recording UI"
"GroupListItem__message-default": {
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "對訊息俾心情回應",
"message": "對訊息傳送心情回應",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "傳送唔到 $sender$ 俾您嘅訊息、貼圖、心情回應、已讀標記或者媒體檔案。佢哋可能係直接或者喺群組入面傳送俾你嘅。",
"message": "系統傳送唔到 $sender$ 俾你嘅訊息、貼圖、心情回應、已讀標記或者媒體檔案。佢哋可能係直接或者透過群組傳送俾你嘅。",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "喺呢個聊天入面傳送唔到 $sender$ 俾你嘅訊息、貼圖、心情回應、已讀標記或者媒體檔案。",
"message": "系統冇辦法喺呢個聊天度傳送 $sender$ 俾你嘅訊息、貼圖、心情回應、已讀標記或者媒體檔案。",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@
"description": "(deleted 01/25/2023) Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long--today": {
"message": "Today $time$",
"message": "今日 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long--yesterday": {
"message": "Yesterday $time$",
"message": "琴日 $time$",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
"message": "重新連結"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "更新版本有得下載喇"
"message": "Update Available"
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "再試吓更新"
@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "切換選定訊息嘅表情符號回應選擇器",
"message": "切換選定訊息嘅表情符號心情回應選擇器",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Please set up Signal on your phone and desktop to use the Sticker Pack Creator",
"messageformat": "如果要用貼圖包製作器嘅話,請你喺手機同桌面電腦設定 Signal。",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
@ -5600,6 +5600,14 @@
"message": "更新版本 $version$ 已經推出咗",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Downloading Update...",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is in progress."
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Update Downloaded",
"description": "The title of update dialog when update download is completed."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "閂唔到 Signal。",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
@ -5993,7 +6001,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "睇到你嘅限時動態嘅人都可以俾心情回應同回覆。",
"message": "睇到你限時動態嘅人都可以俾心情回應同回覆。",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
@ -6457,15 +6465,15 @@
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--incoming": {
"message": "用 $emoji$ 回應咗你嘅限時動態",
"message": "對你嘅限時動態傳送咗 $emoji$ 心情回應",
"description": "Notification test for incoming story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing": {
"message": "你對 $name$ 嘅限時動態傳送咗 $emoji$ 回應",
"message": "你對 $name$ 嘅限時動態傳送咗 $emoji$ 心情回應",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions"
"Quote__story-reaction-notification--outgoing--nameless": {
"message": "你對限時動態傳送咗 $emoji$ 回應",
"message": "你對一個限時動態傳送咗 $emoji$ 心情回應",
"description": "Notification test for outgoing story reactions but no name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
@ -6509,7 +6517,7 @@
"description": "Content of the second row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__lock": {
"messageformat": "Turn off phone number discovery under Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > Who can find my number, to use your username as the primary way others can contact you.",
"messageformat": "如果要用你嘅用戶名稱嚟做其他人聯絡你嘅主要方式,請你去「設定」>「私隱」>「電話號碼」>「邊個可以搵到我嘅電話號碼」度關閉電話號碼搜尋功能。",
"description": "Content of the third row of username onboarding modal"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__learn-more": {
@ -6564,84 +6572,24 @@
"message": "我哋做咗啲調整、修復咗一啲錯誤,同埋加強咗程式功能。多謝你使用 Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--0": {
"message": "我哋好努力咁修復錯誤同埋加強程式功能,確保應用程式可以順暢運作。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v5.63--beta.2": {
"message": "開始使用同測試我哋全新嘅限時動態功能。你可以同其他測試版嘅用戶一齊試用呢個功能,話俾我哋知你對呢個功能有咩意見。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.63"
"WhatsNew__v6.0": {
"message": "Signal 推出限時動態功能!同你選定嘅好友或者群組分享自動銷毀嘅訊息、圖像同埋影片更新,呢啲內容會喺 24 小時後自動銷毀。鍾意分享限時動態嘅你,可以透過呢種方法私下分享,仲唔使睇到任何廣告。如果你唔想瀏覽或者分享限時動態,可以去「偏好設定」> 「私隱」關閉所有相關功能。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.0"
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "當你為小組 (最多 16 人) 發起群組通話嘅時候,可以選擇發送鈴聲通知。如果群組成員用緊 iOS 測試版、桌面版或者 Android,佢哋就會聽到鈴聲。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "喺聊天入面任何一行訊息度㩒兩吓就可以開始引用回覆,就好似接通新舊想法嘅捷徑。多謝 {whynothugo} 同埋 Signal 社群積極推動呢個功能並且提供意見。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "用戶而家只需要點擊圖片以外嘅位置,無需放大畫面,就可以輕鬆關閉圖庫檢視模式。有時候,你只係希望關閉畫面,而唔係想將畫面放得太大。多謝 {jojomatik} 修復咗呢個功能!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--0": {
"messageformat": "縮短你嘅回應時間。你而家可以點擊任何表情符號,更快回覆限時動態。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.5--1": {
"messageformat": "你而家可以喺訊息紀錄入面搜尋中文同日文單字喇。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.5"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.6--0": {
"messageformat": "協助我哋測試多項經改善嘅語音同視像通話功能嘅可靠度同性能。呢個測試版仲包含幾項錯誤修復同埋用戶介面嘅小型更新 (請特別留意全新嘅連結預覽加強功能!)。多謝你試用測試版。如果你發現任何錯誤,請喺社群討論區同我哋聯絡。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.6"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--0": {
"messageformat": "冇人會想俾人話「成個樂壇俾你攪軭晒啦」,而家當你下載 MP3 語音筆記嘅時候,個檔案會用啱嘅副檔名儲存喇。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--1": {
"messageformat": "附加檔案之後即刻開始輸入訊息,或者簡單㩒一下輸入/返回鍵就可以傳送檔案,唔使再㩒其他掣。唔該晒,{zyphlar}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--2": {
"messageformat": "大型撰寫檢視模式入面嘅傳送按鈕已經對齊返。唔該晒, {hackerbirds}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.8--3": {
"messageformat": "如果群組入面 (暫時) 得你一個,而你又想嘗試開始群組通話嘅話,而家唔使再等個通話鈴聲響完喇。你即刻就可以加入通話,同埋開始同自己講嘢喇。唔該晒, {lamemakes}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.8"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--0": {
"messageformat": "全新嘅重點顯示功能會話你知你要留意嘅位置,幫你快速睇到群組通話期間邊個講緊嘢。輪到你講嘢嗰陣,你就要望向中間。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--1": {
"messageformat": "你可以喺媒體編輯器入面用唔同嘅貼圖,為傳送出去嘅圖片加入個人風格。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.9--2": {
"messageformat": "想轉去另一個聊天嘅時候,可以用語音筆記迷你播放器繼續收聽長訊息。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.9"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--0": {
"messageformat": "Click on any picture or video and use the new Forward and Backward buttons in the media viewer to take a visual walk down memory lane.",
"messageformat": "只要㩒一吓任何圖片或者影片,然後用媒體瀏覽器入面新增嘅「快轉」同「倒轉」按鈕,就可以回顧難忘嘅影像內容。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--1": {
"messageformat": "Voice messages are now saved as drafts if you switch to another chat while a recording is in progress.",
"messageformat": "而家如果你喺錄製語音訊息期間切換到另一個聊天,系統就會將你嘅語音訊息儲存做草稿。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--2": {
"messageformat": "Sending a sticker no longer causes draft text to get cleared. Thanks, {lamemakes}!",
"messageformat": "而家即使發送貼圖都唔會再令你嘅文字草稿消失。{lamemakes},多謝你!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.10--3": {
"messageformat": "We'd also like to thank {norstbox} for bringing the conversation search bar icons back into alignment.",
"messageformat": "我哋仲要多謝 {norstbox} 將對話搜尋列嘅圖標重新對齊。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.10"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.11--0": {
"messageformat": "Start talking to yourself even faster with a new icon that makes the “Note to Self” chat easier to find. Thanks to {hackerbirds} on GitHub for their contribution.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.11"
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