Update strings
This commit is contained in:
65 changed files with 8147 additions and 1582 deletions
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} en {conversationTitle} is dieselfde rekening. Jou boodskapgeskiedenis vir albei kletse is hier.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Jou boodskapgeskiedenis met {conversationTitle} en hul nommer {obsoleteConversationNumber} is saamgevoeg.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Jou boodskapgeskiedenis met {conversationTitle} en 'n ander klets wat aan hulle behoort het, is saamgevoeg.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Vind meer uit",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} behoort aan {conversationTitle}. Julle is albei lede van {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} behoort aan {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Duimnael van die beeld uit die aangehaalde boodskap",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Druk Herlaai Signal om die bywerkings toe te pas."
"message": "Druk Herlaai Signal om die bywerkings toe te pas.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Herlaai Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Kan nie details van geskenkwapen ophaal nie",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Kan nie detail van skenking herroep nie",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Bekyk hierdie boodskap op mobiele toestel om dit oop te maak",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Bekyk hierdie boodskap op mobiele toestel om dit oop te maak",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Tik op hierdie boodskap op jou mobiele toestel om jou geskenk te sien",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Tik op hierdie boodskap op jou mobiele toestel om jou skenking te sien",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Geskenk",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} het namens jou 'n skenking aan Signal gemaak",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Kyk op jou foon om geskenk oop te maak",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Kyk op jou foon om hierdie skenking oop te maak",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Kyk op jou foon om jou geskenk te sien",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Kyk op jou foon om jou skenking te sien",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Jy het ’n geskenk ontvang",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} het namens jou 'n skenking gemaak",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Jy het 'n geskenkwapen afgelos",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Jy het 'n skenking afgelos",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Jy het 'n geskenkwapen gestuur",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Jy het namens {recipient} 'n skenking gemaak",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Geskenkwapen",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Skenking",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Geskenk",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Skenking",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ dae oor",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} dae oor",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ uur oor",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} uur oor",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minute oor",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minuut oor} other {{minutes,number} minute oor}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minuut oor",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Verval",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Het verval",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Kyk",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Bekyk",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Afgelos",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Afgelos",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Dankie vir jou ondersteuning!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Dankie vir jou ondersteuning!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Jy het 'n wapen geskenk aan $name$. Wanneer hulle dit aanvaar, sal hulle 'n keuse gegee word om hulle wapen te wys of te versteek.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Jy het 'n skenking aan Signal gemaak namens {name}. Hulle sal die keuse kry om hul ondersteuning op hul profiel te wys.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Plakkerpakket kon nie geïnstalleer word nie",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Hierdie syfers help om jou gebruikersnaam privaat te hou sodat jy ongevraagde boodskappe kan voorkom. Deel jou gebruikersnaam slegs met die mense en groepe met wie jy wil klets. As jy gebruikersname verander, sal jy 'n nuwe stel syfers ontvang.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal vir rekenaars sal binnekort nie meer jou rekenaar se weergawe van {OS} ondersteun nie. Om voort te gaan om Signal te gebruik, doen 'n opdatering van jou rekenaar se bedryfstelsel teen {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Vind meer uit</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal vir rekenaars werk nie meer op hierdie rekenaar nie. Doen 'n opdatering van jou rekenaar se weergawe van {OS} om Signal vir rekenaars weer te kan gebruik. <learnMoreLink>Vind meer uit</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal vir rekenaars werk nie meer op hierdie rekenaar nie. Doen 'n opdatering van jou rekenaar se weergawe van {OS} om Signal vir rekenaars weer te kan gebruik.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Wat is nuut",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Wanneer jy 'n groepoproep vir klein groepe (tot 16 mense) begin, kan jy kies om 'n luitoon as kennisgewing te stuur. Groeplede sal 'n luitoon hoor as hulle op iOS-beta is, of Desktop of Android gebruik.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dubbelklik op enige boodskapry in 'n klets om 'n aangehaalde antwoord te begin. Dis soos 'n kortpad vir nuwe gedagtes oor ou idees. Dankie aan {whynothugo} en die Signal-gemeenskap vir die implementering van hierdie kenmerk en die verskaffing van terugvoer.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nou is dit makliker om buite 'n beeld te klik om van daardie galerybeeld ontslae te raak sonder dat dit inzoem. Soms wou jy die beeld net toemaak, nie opblaas nie. Dankie aan {jojomatik} vir hierdie regstelling!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} و {conversationTitle} هما نفس الحساب. سَتجد سِجل رسائلك مع الدردشتين هنا.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "تمّ دمج سِجّل رسائلك مع {conversationTitle} ورقمه {obsoleteConversationNumber}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "تمّ دمج سِجّل رسائلك مع {conversationTitle} ودردشة أخرى تخصه.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "معرفة المزيد",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} يعود إلى {conversationTitle}. كلاكُما عضو في {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} يعود إلى {conversationTitle}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "صورة مصغّرة للصورة من الرسالة المقتبسة",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "يُرجى الضغط على إعادة تشغيل Signal لتطبيق التحديثات."
"message": "يُرجى الضغط على إعادة تشغيل Signal لتطبيق التحديثات.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "إعادة تشغيل Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "تعذّر البحث عن رمز الشارة المُهداة",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "تعذّر البحث عن معلومات التبرّع",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "اعرض هذه الرسالة على الجوال لفتحها",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "اعرض هذه الرسالة على الجوال لفتحها",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "انقر على هذه الرسالة على الهاتف المحمول لِعرض هديتك",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "انقر على هذه الرسالة على الهاتف المحمول لِعرض تبرّعك",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "هدية",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "قدّم {sender} تبرّعًا لـ Signal نيابة عنك",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "تحقّق من هاتفك لفتح الهدية",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "تحقّق من هاتفك لفتح هذا التبرّع",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "تحقّق من هاتفك لإلقاء نظرة على الهدية",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "تحقّق من هاتفك لعرض هذا التبرّع",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "لقد تلقيت هدية",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "تبرّع {sender} لك",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "لقد قبلت شارة هدية",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "لقد استردَدت تبرّعًا",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "لقد أرسلت شارة مُهداة",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "تبرّعت لـ {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "شارة مُهداة",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "تبرُّع",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "هدية",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "تبرُّع",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ أيام مُتبقيّة",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} أيام مُتبقيّة",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ ساعات مُتبقيّة",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} ساعات مُتبقيّة",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ دقائق مُتبقيّة",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, zero {{minutes,number} دقائق مُتبقيّة} one {1 دقيقة مُتبقيّة} two {{minutes,number} دقائق مُتبقيّة} few {{minutes,number} دقائق مُتبقيّة} many {{minutes,number} دقيقة مُتبقيّة} other {{minutes,number} دقيقة مُتبقيّة}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 دقيقة متبقية",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "انتهت الصلاحية",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "انتهت الصلاحية",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "إظهار",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "عرض",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "تمّ قبول الهدية",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "تمّ القبول",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "شكراً لدعمك!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "شكراً لدعمك!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "لقد أهديت شارة لـ $name$. عندما يقبلونها، سيتم منحهم خيار إظهار أو إخفاء شارتهم.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "قدّمت تبرّعًا لـ Signal نيابة عن {name}. سَيتم منحهم خيار إظهار دعمهم على حسابهم الشخصي.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "لم يتم تثبيت حزمة الملصقات",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "تُساعد هذه الأرقام في الحفاظ على خصوصية اسم المستخدم الخاص بك حتى تتجنب الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها. شارك اسم المستخدم الخاص بك فقط مع الأشخاص والمجموعات الذين ترغب في الدردشة معهم. إذا غيّرتَ أسماء المُستخدم الخاص بك، فسَتحصل على مجموعة جديدة من الأرقام.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "سيتوقف تطبيق Signal الخاص بالحاسوب عن دعم إصدار {OS} على جهازك قريبًا. للاستمرار في استخدام Signal، يُرجى تحديث نظام تشغيل حاسوبك قبل {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>معرفة المزيد</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "لم يعُد تطبيق Signal يَعمل على هذا الحاسوب. لاستخدام تطبيق Signal الخاص بالحاسوب مرة أخرى، يُرجى تحديث إصدار حاسوبك {OS}. <learnMoreLink>معرفة المزيد</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "لم يعُد تطبيق Signal يَعمل على هذا الحاسوب. لاستخدام تطبيق Signal الخاص بالحاسوب مرة أخرى، يُرجى تحديث إصدار {OS} لحاسوبك.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "ما الجديد",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "عندما تقوم ببدء مُكالمة مجموعة لمجموعات صغيرة (حتى 16 شخصًا)، يمكنك اختيار إرسال إشعار رنّان. سيسمع أعضاء المجموعة رنينًا إذا كانوا يستخدمون iOS beta أو Desktop أو Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "انقر مرتين على أي صف رسائل في دردشة لِبدء رد مقتبس. إنه بمثابة اختصار للخواطر الجديدة عن الأفكار القديمة. شكرًا لـ {whynothugo} ومجتمع Signal على تفعيل هذه الميزة وتقديم الملاحظات.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "أصبح من السهل الآن النقر خارج صورة لتجاهل العرض الكامل دون تكبير الصورة. أحيانًا كنت تودّ فقط أن تغلق الصورة لكن بدلا من ذلك تقترب. شكرًا لـ {jojomatik} على التصليح!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} və {conversationTitle} eyni hesaba aiddir. Hər iki çat üçün mesaj tarixçəniz buradadır.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} ilə olan mesaj tarixçəniz və onun {obsoleteConversationNumber} əlaqə nömrəsi birləşdirildi.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} ilə olan mesaj tarixçəniz və ona aid digər bir söhbət birləşdirildi.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Daha ətraflı",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} nömrəsi {conversationTitle} adlı istifadəçiyə aiddir. Hər ikiniz də {sharedGroup} qrupunun üzvüsünüz.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} nömrəsi {conversationTitle} adlı istifadəçiyə aiddir.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Sitat mesajdan təsvirin eskizi",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Yeniləmələri tətbiq etmək üçün \"Signal-ı yenidən başlat\"a basın."
"message": "Yeniləmələri tətbiq etmək üçün \"Signal-ı yenidən başlat\"a basın.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal-ı yenidən başlat"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Hədiyyə nişanı təfərrüatlarını almaq mümkün olmadı",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "İanə məlumatlarını əldə etmək mümkün olmadı",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Açmaq üçün bu mesaja mobil cihazınızda baxın",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Açmaq üçün bu mesaja mobil cihazınızda baxın",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Hədiyyənizi görmək üçün mobil telefonunuzda bu mesaja toxunun",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "İanənizə baxmaq üçün mobil cihazda bu mesaja toxunun",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Hədiyyə",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} sizin adınızdan Signal-a ianə verdi",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Hədiyyəni açmaq üçün telefonda yoxlayın",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Bu ianəni açmaq üçün telefonunuzu yoxlayın",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Hədiyyənizə baxmaq üçün telefonunuzu yoxlayın",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "İanənizə baxmaq üçün telefonunuzu yoxlayın",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Bir hədiyyə aldınız",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} sizin üçün ianə verdi",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Bir hədiyyə nişanı aldınız.",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Bir ianə aldınız",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Bir nişan hədiyyə etdiniz",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "{recipient} adlı şəxs üçün ianə verdiniz",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Hədiyyə nişan",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "İanə",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Hədiyyə",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "İanə",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ gün qalıb",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} gün qalıb",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ saat qalıb",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} saat qalıb",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ dəqiqə qalıb",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 dəqiqə qalıb} other {{minutes,number} dəqiqə qalıb}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 dəqiqə qalıb",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Başa çatdı",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Başa çatdı",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Bax",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Baxış",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Alındı",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Alındı",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Dəstəyiniz üçün təşəkkürlər!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Dəstəyiniz üçün təşəkkürlər!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "$name$ üçün bir nişan hədiyyə etdiniz. Qəbul ediləndə ona nişanı göstərmə və ya gizlətmə seçimi təqdim olunur.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Siz {name} adından Signal-a ianə verdiniz. Ona öz dəstəyini profilində göstərmə imkanı veriləcək.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Stiker paketi quraşdırıla bilmədi",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Bu rəqəmlər istifadəçi adınızın məxfiliyini qorumağa və bununla da arzuolunmaz mesajlardan yayınmanıza kömək edir. İstifadəçi adınızı yalnız söhbət etmək istədiyiniz insanlar və qruplarla paylaşın. İstifadəçi adlarını dəyişsəniz, yeni rəqəmlər toplusu alacaqsınız.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop tezliklə kompüterinizin {OS} versiyasını artıq dəstəkləməyəcək. Signal-dan istifadəyə davam etmək üçün kompüterinizin əməliyyat sistemini {expirationDate} tarixinə qədər yeniləyin. <learnMoreLink>Daha ətraflı</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop artıq bu kompüterdə işləmir. Signal desktop-dan yenidən istifadə etmək üçün kompüterinizin {OS} versiyasını yeniləyin. <learnMoreLink>Daha ətraflı</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop artıq bu kompüterdə işləmir. Signal desktop-dan yenidən istifadə etmək üçün kompüterinizin {OS} versiyasını yeniləyin.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Yeni nə var",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kiçik qruplara (16 nəfərə qədər) qrup zəngi başlatdığınız zaman, zəng bildirişi göndərmə funksiyasını seçə bilərsiniz. Qrup üzvləri iOS beta, yaxud da Desktop və ya Android istifadə edirsə, bu zəngi görəcək.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Sitatlı cavaba başlamaq üçün bir söhbətdə istənilən mesaj sətirinə iki dəfə klikləyin. Bu, köhnə ideyalar haqqında yeni düşüncələr paylaşmaq üçün qısa yol kimidir. Bu funksiyanı tətbiq etdiyi və rəy bildirdiyi üçün {whynothugo} və Signal icmasına təşəkkür edirik.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Artıq qalereya görüntüsündən asanlıqla çıxmaq üçün sadəcə bir şəklin xaricinə klikləmək kifayətdir. Bəzən ağlınıza gəlməyənlər başınıza gələ bilər. Bizi bu cür hallardan qoruduğun üçün təşəkkürlər {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} и {conversationTitle} са един и същ акаунт. Вашата хронология на съобщенията и за двата чата е тук.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Хронологията на съобщенията между вас и {conversationTitle} и между вас и номер {obsoleteConversationNumber} беше слята.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Хронологията на съобщенията между вас и {conversationTitle} и друг чат със същия контакт беше слята.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Научете повече",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} принадлежи на {conversationTitle}. И двамата сте членове на {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} принадлежи на {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Преглед на изображение от цитирано съобщение",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Натиснете Рестарт на Signal, за да валидирате промените."
"message": "Натиснете Рестарт на Signal, за да валидирате промените.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Рестарт на Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Неуспешно извличане на данни за значката за подарък",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Неуспешно извличане на данни за дарение",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Вижте това съобщение на мобилния си телефон, за да го отворите",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Вижте това съобщение на мобилния си телефон, за да го отворите",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Докоснете това съобщение на мобилния си телефон, за да видите подаръка си",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Докоснете това съобщение на мобилния си телефон, за да видите дарението си",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Подарък",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} дари на Signal от ваше име",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Проверете телефона си, за да отворите подаръка",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Проверете телефона си, за да отворите това дарение",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Проверете телефона си, за да видите подаръка си",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Проверете телефона си, за да видите дарението си",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Получихте подарък",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} дари за вас",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Осребрихте значка за подарък",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Вие осребрихте дарение",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Изпратихте значка за подарък",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Вие дарихте за {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Значка за подарък",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Дарение",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Подарък",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Дарение",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Остават $days$ дни",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Остават {days} дни",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Остават $hours$ часа",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Остават {hours} часа",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Остават $minutes$ минути",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Остава 1 минута} other {Остават {minutes,number} минути}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Остава 1 минута",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Изтекла",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Изтекла",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Преглед",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Преглед",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Осребрена",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Осребрена",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Благодарим ви за подкрепата!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Благодарим ви за подкрепата!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Вие подарихте значка на $name$. Когато потребителят приеме, ще може да избере дали да покаже, или скрие значката си.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Направихте дарение за Signal от името на {name}. Ще им бъде дадена опцията да покажат своята подкрепа в профила си.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Пакетът със стикери не беше инсталиран",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Тези цифри ни помагат да запазим поверителността на вашето потребителско име, за да избегнете нежелани съобщения. Споделяйте потребителското си име само с хората и групите, с които искате да чатите. При промяна на потребителско име ще получите нова комбинация от цифри.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Сайтът на Signal скоро няма да поддържа версията на {OS} на компютъра ви. За да продължите да използвате Signal, актуализирайте операционната система на компютъра ви до {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Научете повече</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Сайтът на Signal вече не работи на този компютър. За да използвате сайта на Signal отново, актуализирайте версията на {OS} на вашия компютър. <learnMoreLink>Научете повече</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Сайтът на Signal вече не работи на този компютър. За да използвате сайта на Signal отново, актуализирайте версията на {OS} на вашия компютър.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Какво ново има",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Когато започвате групово повикване за малки групи (до 16 души), можете да изберете да изпратите известие за звънене. Членовете на групата ще чуят звънене, ако са с бета версията за iOS или версията за десктоп или Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Кликнете два пъти върху произволен ред със съобщение в чат, за да започнете отговор с цитат. Това е като пряк път към нови мисли за стари идеи. Благодарим на {whynothugo} и общността на Signal за имплементацията на тази функция и предоставянето на обратна връзка.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Вече е по-лесно да кликнете извън изображение, за да излезете от изгледа на галерията, без да увеличавате мащаба. Понякога просто искаш да излезеш от изображението, а вместо това влизаш все по-навътре. Благодарим на {jojomatik} за корекцията!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} এবং {conversationTitle} একই অ্যাকাউন্ট৷ উভয় চ্যাটের ম্যাসেজ ইতিহাসই এখানে আছে।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle}-এর সাথে আপনার ম্যাসেজের ইতিহাস এবং তাদের নম্বর {obsoleteConversationNumber} একত্রিত করা হয়েছে।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle}-এর সাথে আপনার ম্যাসেজের ইতিহাস এবং তাদের সাথে সম্পর্কিত অন্য একটি চ্যাট একত্রিত করা হয়েছে।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "আরো জানুন",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} নম্বরটি {conversationTitle}-এর। আপনারা দুজনই {sharedGroup} গ্ৰুপের সদস্য।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} নম্বরটি {conversationTitle}-এর।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "ছবি এবং উদ্ধৃত মেসেজের থাম্বনেইল",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "আপডেটগুলি প্রয়োগ করতে Signal পূনরায় চালু করুন।"
"message": "আপডেটগুলি প্রয়োগ করতে Signal পূনরায় চালু করুন।",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal পুনরায় চালু করুন"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "গিফট ব্যাজের বিস্তারিত সংগ্রহ করা সম্ভব হয়নি",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "ডোনেশনের বিস্তারিত তথ্য সংগ্রহ করা সম্ভব হয়নি",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "এটি খুলতে মোবাইলে এই ম্যাসেজটি দেখুন",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "এটি খুলতে মোবাইলে এই ম্যাসেজটি দেখুন",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "মোবাইলে এই ম্যাসেজটি ট্যাপ করে আপনার উপহার দেখুন",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "আপনার ডোনেশন দেখতে মোবাইলে এই ম্যাসেজটি আলতো চাপুন",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "উপহার",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "আপনার পক্ষ হয়ে {sender} Signal-কে ডোনেট করেছেন",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "গিফট খুলতে আপনার ফোন চেক করুন",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "এই ডোনেশনটি খুলে দেখতে আপনার ফোন চেক করুন",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "গিফট দেখতে আপনার ফোন চেক করুন",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "আপনার ডোনেশনটি খুলে দেখতে আপনার ফোন চেক করুন",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "আপনি একটি উপহার পেয়েছেন",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} আপনার জন্য ডোনেট করেছেন",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "আপনি একটি গিফট ব্যাজ ফিরে পেয়েছেন",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "আপনি একটি ডোনেশন ছাড় করেছেন",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "আপনি একটি গিফট ব্যাজ পাঠিয়েছেন",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "আপনি {recipient}-এর পক্ষ হয়ে ডোনেট করেছেন",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "গিফট ব্যাজ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "ডোনেশন",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "উপহার",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "ডোনেশন",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ দিন বাকি",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} দিন বাকি",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ ঘন্টা বাকি",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} ঘন্টা বাকি",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ মিনিট বাকি",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 মিনিট বাকি আছে} other {{minutes,number} মিনিট বাকি আছে}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 মিনিট বাকি",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "বাতিল",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "বাতিল",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "দেখুন",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "দেখান",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "ফিরে পাওয়া গেছে",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "ছাড় করা হয়েছে",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "আপনার সহযোগীতার জন্য ধন্যবাদ!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "আপনার সহযোগিতার জন্য ধন্যবাদ!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "আপনি $name$-কে একটি ব্যাজ উপহার দিয়েছেন। তিনি এটি গ্রহণ করলে, ব্যাজটি দেখানো বা লুকিয়ে রাখার জন্য তাদেরকে একটি অপশন দেওয়া হবে।",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "আপনি {name}-এর পক্ষ হয়ে Signal-এ একটি ডোনেশন দিয়েছেন। তাদের প্রোফাইলে তাদের সমর্থন প্রদর্শন করার জন্য সুযোগ দেওয়া হবে।",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "স্টিকার প্যাক ইনস্টল করা যায়নি",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "এই সংখ্যাগুলো আপনার ইউজারনেমটি গোপন রাখতে সাহায্য করে, যাতে আপনি অবাঞ্ছিত ম্যাসেজ এড়িয়ে যেতে পারেন। আপনি যে ব্যক্তি ও গ্রুপের সাথে চ্যাট করতে চান শুধুমাত্র তাদের সাথে আপনার ইউজারনেমটি শেয়ার করুন। ইউজারনেমটি পরিবর্তন করলে আপনি একগুচ্ছ নতুন সংখ্যা পাবেন।",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "কিছুদিনের মধ্যে Signal আর আপনার কম্পিউটারের {OS} সংস্করণ সমর্থন করবে না। Signal ব্যবহার চালিয়ে যেতে, {expirationDate}-এর মধ্যে আপনার কম্পিউটারের অপারেটিং সিস্টেম আপডেট করুন। <learnMoreLink>আরো জানুন</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal ডেস্কটপ এই কম্পিউটারে আর কাজ করে না। আবার Signal ডেস্কটপ ব্যবহার করতে, আপনার কম্পিউটারের {OS} সংস্করণ আপডেট করুন। <learnMoreLink>আরো জানুন</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal ডেস্কটপ এই কম্পিউটারে আর কাজ করে না। আবার Signal ডেস্কটপ ব্যবহার করতে, আপনার কম্পিউটারের {OS} সংস্করণ আপডেট করুন।",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "নতুন কি",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "আপনি যখন একটি ছোট গ্রুপকে গ্রুপ কল দিতে শুরু করেন (16 জন পর্যন্ত), তখন আপনি একটি রিংগিং নোটিফিকেশন পাঠাতে পারেন। গ্ৰুপের সদস্যরা যদি iOS বেটা সংস্করণে থাকেন বা ডেস্কটপ বা Android ব্যবহার করে থাকেন, তবে তারা রিং শুনতে পাবেন।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "উদ্ধৃত করে উত্তর দিতে চ্যাটের যেকোনো ম্যাসেজের সারিতে দুইবার ক্লিক করুন। এটি পুরানো ধারণার ব্যাপারে নতুন চিন্তাধারা দেওয়ার জন্য একটি শর্টকাটের মতো কাজ করে। এই ফিচারটি বাস্তবায়ন ও ফিচারটি সম্পর্কে প্রতিক্রিয়া জানানোর জন্য {whynothugo} এবং Signal কমিউনিটিকে ধন্যবাদ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "জুম ইন না করে গ্যালারি ভিউ বন্ধ করতে এখন ছবির বাইরে ক্লিক করুন সহজেই। কখনো হয়তো আপনি চেয়েছিলেন ছবিটি বন্ধ করতে, কিন্তু দেখা গেলো তার পরিবর্তে ছবিটি পুরো স্ক্রীনজুড়ে খুলে গিয়েছে। এটি সংশোধন করার জন্য {jojomatik}-কে ধন্যবাদ!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} i {conversationTitle} predstavljaju isti račun. Vaša historija poruka za oba chata je ovdje.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Vaša historija razmjenjivanja poruka s korisnikom {conversationTitle} i njihovim brojem {obsoleteConversationNumber} je spojena.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Vaša historija razmjenjivanja poruka s korisnikom {conversationTitle} i drugim chatom koji je pripadao toj osobi je spojena.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saznaj više",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pripada korisniku/ci {conversationTitle}. Oboje ste članovi grupe {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pripada korisniku/ci {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Sličica slike iz citirane poruke",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Pritisnite Ponovo pokreni Signal da primijenite ažuriranja."
"message": "Pritisnite Ponovo pokreni Signal da primijenite ažuriranja.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Restart Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Dohvatanje detalja o poklon znački nije uspjelo",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Dohvatanje detalja o donaciji nije uspjelo",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Da otvorite ovu poruku, prikažite je na mobilnom telefonu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Da otvorite ovu poruku, prikažite je na mobilnom telefonu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Dodirnite ovu poruku na mobilnom telefonu da vidite poklon",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Dodirnite ovu poruku na mobilnom telefonu da vidite donaciju",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Poklon",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} je donirao/la Signalu u vaše ime",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Provjerite telefon da otvorite poklon",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Provjerite telefon da otvorite ovu donaciju",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Provjerite telefon da prikažete poklon",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Provjerite telefon da vidite donaciju",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Dobili ste poklon",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} je donirao/la za vas",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Prihvatili ste značku na poklon",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Iskoristili ste donaciju",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Poslali ste poklon značku",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Donirali ste za korisnika/cu {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Poklon značka",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donacija",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Poklon",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donacija",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Preostalo dana: $days$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Preostalo dana: {days}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Preostalo sati: $hours$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Preostalo sati: {hours}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Preostalo minuta: $minutes$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Preostala je još {minutes,number} minuta} few {Preostale su još {minutes,number} minute} many {Preostalo je još {minutes,number} minuta} other {Preostalo je još {minutes,number} minuta}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Preostala je 1 minuta",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Istekao",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Istekla",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Pregled",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Pregled",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Prihvaćeno",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Iskorištena",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Hvala Vam za Vašu podršku!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Hvala Vam za Vašu podršku!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Poklonili ste značku korisniku $name$. Kada je prihvate, moći će odlučiti žele li je pokazati ili sakriti.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Donirali ste Signalu u ime korisnika/ce {name}. Imat će opciju da pokažu svoju podršku na svom profilu.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Instaliranje paketa naljepnica nije uspjelo",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Ovi brojevi pomažu održati privatnost vašeg korisničkog imena da možete izbjeći neželjene poruke. Dijelite korisničko ime samo s osobama i grupama s kojim se želite dopisivati. Ako promijenite korisničko ime, dobit ćete novi komplet brojeva.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop uskoro više neće podržavati verziju {OS} -a vašeg računara. Da nastavite koristiti Signal, ažurirajte operativni sistem računara do {expirationDate} . <learnMoreLink>Saznajte više</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop više ne radi na ovom računaru. Za ponovnokorištenje Signal desktopa, ažurirajte verziju {OS}-a na računaru. Saznajte više",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop više ne radi na ovom računaru. Za ponovnokorištenje Signal desktopa, ažurirajte verziju {OS}-a na računaru.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Šta je novo",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kada započnete grupni poziv za male grupe (do 16 osoba), možete odabrati da pošaljete obavještenje zvonom. Članovi grupe će čuti zvono ako su na iOS beta verziji ili koriste Desktop ili Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvaput kliknite na bilo koji red poruke u chatu da započnete citirani odgovor. To je kao prečica za nova razmišljanja o starim idejama. Zahvaljujemo {whynothugo} i Signal zajednici na implementaciji ove funkcije i pružanju povratnih informacija.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Sada je lakše kliknuti izvan slike da odbacite galerijski prikaz bez zumiranja. Ponekad ste samo htjeli zatvoriti, a umjesto toga stvari su se previše zumirale. Zahvaljujemo {jojomatik} na popravci!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} i {conversationTitle} són el mateix compte. El teu historial de missatges per als dos xats és aquí.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "El teu historial de missatges amb {conversationTitle} i el teu número {obsoleteConversationNumber} s'han combinat.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "El teu historial de missatges amb {conversationTitle} i un altre xat amb la mateixa persona s'han combinat.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Més informació",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertany a {conversationTitle}. Tots dos sou membres de {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertany a {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatura d'una imatge d'un missatge citat",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Premeu Reinicia el Signal per a aplicar les actualitzacions."
"message": "Premeu Reinicia el Signal per a aplicar les actualitzacions.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Reinicia el Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "No s'han pogut obtenir els detalls de la insígnia regal",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "No s'han pogut obtenir els detalls de la donació",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Mostra aquest missatge al mòbil per obrir-lo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Mostra aquest missatge al mòbil per obrir-lo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Toca sobre aquest missatge des del mòbil per veure el teu regal",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Toca sobre aquest missatge des del mòbil per veure la teva donació",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Regal",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ha fet una donació a Signal en nom teu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Mireu el teu telèfon per obrir el regal",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Mira el teu telèfon per obrir la donació",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Mireu telèfon per veure el regal",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Mira el teu telèfon per veure la teva donació",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Heu rebut un regal.",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ha fet una donació per tu",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Heu bescanviat una insígnia de regal.",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Has bescanviat una donació",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Heu enviat una insígnia de regal",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Has fet una donació per {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Insígnia de regal",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donació",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Regal",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donació",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ dies restants",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} dies restants",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ hores restants",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} hores restants",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minuts restants",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minut restant} other {{minutes,number} minuts restants}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Falta 1 minut",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Ha vençut",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Ha vençut",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Vista",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Mostra",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Bescanviat",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Bescanviat",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Gràcies pel vostre suport!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Gràcies pel vostre suport!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Heu regalat una insígnia a $name$. Quan l'accepti, tindrà l'opció de mostrar-la o amagar-la.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Has fet una donació a Signal en nom de {name}. Se'ls donarà l'opció de mostrar el seu suport al seu perfil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "No s'ha pogut instal·lar el paquet d'adhesius.",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Aquests dígits ajudaran a mantenir el teu nom d'usuari en privat per tal d'evitar rebre missatges no desitjats. Comparteix el teu nom d'usuari només amb aquelles persones i grups amb les que desitges parlar. Si canvies el teu nom d'usuari, rebràs una nova sèrie de dígits.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal per a Escriptori aviat deixarà de ser compatible amb la versió de {OS} del teu ordinador. Per continuar utilitzant Signal, actualitza el sistema operatiu de l'ordinador abans de {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Més informació</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal per a Escriptori ja no funciona en aquest ordinador. Per tornar a utilitzar Signal per a Escriptori, actualitza la versió de l'ordinador de {OS}. <learnMoreLink>Més informació</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal per a Escriptori ja no funciona en aquest ordinador. Per tornar a utilitzar Signal per a Escriptori, actualitza la versió de l'ordinador de {OS}.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Què hi ha de nou",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "A l'inici d'una trucada de grup per a grups petits (fins a 16 persones), tindràs l'opció d'enviar una notificació de trucada. Els membres del grup sentiran un timbre si tenen la versió beta d'iOS o si utilitzen les versions d'escriptori o Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Fes doble clic a qualsevol missatge d'un xat per iniciar una resposta citada. És com una drecera per afegir nous pensaments sobre idees velles. Gràcies a {whynothugo} i a la comunitat de Signal per implementar aquesta funció i enviar comentaris.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Ara és més fàcil fer clic fora d'una imatge per sortit de la visualització de la galeria sense fer zoom. De vegades només volies tancar i, en canvi, augmentaves el contingut. Gràcies a {jojomatik} per la correcció!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} a {conversationTitle} patří ke stejnému účtu. Historie vašich zpráv z obou konverzací je zde.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "Historie vašich zpráv s uživatelem {conversationTitle} a další konverzace s ním byly sloučeny.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Historie vašich zpráv s uživatelem {conversationTitle} a jeho číslem {obsoleteConversationNumber} byla sloučena.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Historie vašich zpráv s uživatelem {conversationTitle} a další konverzace s ním byly sloučeny.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Zjistit více",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} patří k {conversationTitle}. Oba jste členové skupiny {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} patří k {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatura obrázku z citované zprávy",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Stisknutím tlačítka Restartovat Signal provedete aktualizace."
"message": "Stisknutím tlačítka Restartovat Signal provedete aktualizace.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Restartovat Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Nelze načíst údaje o dárkovém odznaku",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Nelze načíst údaje o příspěvcích",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Pro otevření této zprávy si ji zobrazte na mobilu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Tuto zprávu otevřete zobrazením na mobilním telefonu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Klepněte na tuhle zprávu na mobilním telefonu a zobrazte si svůj dárek",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Klepnutím na tuto zprávu v mobilním telefonu zobrazíte svůj příspěvek",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Dárek",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} přispěl/a na službu Signal vaším jménem",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Zkontrolujte telefon a otevřete dárek",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Zkontrolujte svůj telefon a otevřete tento příspěvek",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Zkontrolujte telefon a zobrazte dárek",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Zkontrolujte svůj telefon a zobrazte svůj příspěvek",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Obdrželi jste dárek",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} za vás přispěl/a",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Uplatnili jste dárkový odznak",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Uplatnili jste příspěvek",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Odeslali jste dárkový odznak",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Přispěli jste za uživatele {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Dárkový odznak",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Příspěvek",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Dárek",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Příspěvek",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Zbývá $days$ dnů",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Zbývá {days} dnů",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Zbývá $hours$ hodin",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Zbývá {hours} hodin",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Zbývá $minutes$ minut",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Zbývá {minutes,number} minuta} few {Zbývají {minutes,number}{minutes,number} minuty} many {Zbývá {minutes,number} minut} other {Zbývá {minutes,number} minut}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Zbývá 1 minuta",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Vypršel",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Vypršel",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Zobrazit",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Zobrazit",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Uplatněno",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Uplatněno",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Díky za vaši podporu!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Děkujeme za vaši podporu!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Darovali jste odznak uživateli $name$. Když jej přijme, dostane na výběr, zda si chce odznak zobrazit nebo skrýt.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Přispěli jste na aplikaci Signal jménem uživatele {name}. Bude mít možnost ukázat svou podporu na svém profilu.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Balíček nálepek nelze nainstalovat",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Tyto číslice pomáhají udržet vaše uživatelské jméno v soukromí, abyste se vyhnuli nechtěným zprávám. Uživatelské jméno sdílejte pouze s lidmi a skupinami, se kterými chcete konverzovat. Pokud uživatelské jméno změníte, obdržíte novou sadu číslic.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop již brzy nebude podporovat verzi {OS} na vašem počítači. Chcete-li službu Signal používat i nadále, aktualizujte operační systém svého počítače do {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Zjistit více</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Aplikace Signal desktop již na tomto počítači nefunguje. Pokud chcete aplikaci Signal desktop opět používat, aktualizujte na svém počítači verzi {OS}. <learnMoreLink>Zjistit více</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Aplikace Signal desktop již na tomto počítači nefunguje. Pokud chcete aplikaci Signal desktop opět používat, aktualizujte na svém počítači verzi {OS}.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Co je nového",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Při zahájení skupinového hovoru pro malé skupiny (do 16 osob) máte možnost poslat vyzváněcí oznámení. Členové skupiny vyzvánění uslyší, pokud používají beta verzi systému iOS nebo verzi pro počítač či Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvojím kliknutím na libovolný řádek zprávy v konverzaci spustíte citovanou odpověď. Je to taková zkratka pro nové myšlenky o starých nápadech. Děkujeme {whynothugo} a komunitě Signal za zavedení této funkce a poskytnutí zpětné vazby.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Kliknutím mimo obrázek lze nyní snadněji zrušit zobrazení galerie bez nutnosti přibližování. Někdy jste chtěli jen zavřít a místo toho se začaly dít věci. Za opravu děkujeme {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} og {conversationTitle} er den samme konto. Din beskedhistorik for begge chats er her.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "Din meddelelseshistorik med {conversationTitle} og en anden chat, der tilhørte vedkommende, er slået sammen.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Din meddelelseshistorik med {conversationTitle} og vedkommendes nummer {obsoleteConversationNumber} er flettet.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Din meddelelseshistorik med {conversationTitle} og en anden chat, der tilhørte vedkommende, er flettet.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Lær mere",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} tilhører {conversationTitle}. I er begge medlemmer af {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} tilhører {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniature af billede fra citeret besked",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Genstart Signal for at anvende opdateringerne."
"message": "Genstart Signal for at anvende opdateringerne.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Genstart Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Kan ikke hente oplysninger om gavebadges",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Kunne ikke hente donationsoplysninger",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Se denne besked på mobilen for at åbne den",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Se denne besked på mobilen for at åbne den",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Tryk på denne besked på mobilen for at se din gave",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Tryk på denne besked på mobilen for at se din donation",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Gave",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} donerede til Signal på dine vegne",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Tjek din telefon for at åbne gave",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Tjek din telefon for at åbne denne donation",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Tjek din telefon for at se din gave",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Tjek din telefon for at se din donation",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Du modtog en gave",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} donerede for dig",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Du indløste et gaveemblem",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Du har indløst en donation",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Du sendte et gaveemblem",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Du donerede for {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gaveemblem",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donation",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gave",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donation",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ dage tilbage",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} dage tilbage",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ timer tilbage",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} timer tilbage",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutter tilbage",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minut tilbage} other {{minutes,number} minutter tilbage}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minut tilbage",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Udløbet",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Udløbet",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Vis",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Vis",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Indløst",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Indløst",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Tak for din støtte!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Tak for din støtte!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Du har givet et emblem til $name$. Når de accepterer, får de mulighed for at vælge at vise eller skjule deres emblem.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Du har foretaget en donation til Signal på vegne af {name}. De vil få mulighed for at vise deres støtte på deres profil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Klistermærkepakke kunne ikke installeres",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Disse cifre hjælper med at skjule dit brugernavn, så du ikke modtager uønskede beskeder. Del kun dit brugernavn med de personer og grupper, du gerne vil chatte med. Hvis du ændrer brugernavn, får du et nyt sæt cifre.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Snart vil Signal Desktop ikke længere understøtte din computers version af {OS}. Hvis du fortsat vil kunne bruge Signal, skal du opdatere computerens operativsystem inden {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Få mere at vide</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop fungerer ikke længere på denne computer. Hvis du vil bruge Signal Desktop igen, skal du opdatere din computers version af {OS}. <learnMoreLink>Få mere at vide</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop fungerer ikke længere på denne computer. Hvis du vil bruge Signal Desktop igen, skal du opdatere din computers version af {OS}.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Nyheder",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Når du starter et gruppeopkald for små grupper (op til 16 personer), kan du vælge at sende en ringenotifikation. Gruppemedlemmer vil høre en ringetone, hvis de bruger iOS-betaversionen, computer eller Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dobbeltklik på en meddelelse i en chat for at starte et citeret svar. Det er som en genvej til nye tanker om gamle idéer. Tak til {whynothugo} og Signal-fællesskabet for at have implementeret denne funktion og givet feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nu er det nemmere at klikke uden for et billede for at afvise gallerivisningen uden at zoome ind. Nogle gange ville man bare gerne lukke, men i stedet kom man lidt for tæt på. Tak for rettelsen, {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} und {conversationTitle} gehören zum selben Konto. Deinen Nachrichtenverlauf für beide Unterhaltungen findest du hier.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Dein Nachrichtenverlauf mit {conversationTitle} und seiner:ihrer Nummer {obsoleteConversationNumber} wurde zusammengeführt.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Dein Nachrichtenverlauf mit {conversationTitle} und einer anderen Unterhaltung, die dazu gehört, wurde zusammengeführt.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Mehr erfahren",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} gehört zu {conversationTitle}. Ihr seid beide Mitglieder von {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} gehört zu {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniaturbild aus zitierter Nachricht",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Zum Aktualisieren klicke auf »Signal neu starten«."
"message": "Zum Aktualisieren klicke auf »Signal neu starten«.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal neu starten"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Geschenkabzeichen-Details können nicht abgerufen werden",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Spendendetails können nicht abgerufen werden",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Diese Nachricht auf dem Mobilgerät anzeigen, um sie zu öffnen",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Diese Nachricht auf dem Mobilgerät anzeigen, um sie zu öffnen",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Tippe auf deinem Mobilgerät auf diese Nachricht, um dein Geschenk anzuzeigen.",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Tippe auf deinem Mobilgerät auf diese Nachricht, um deine Spende anzuzeigen",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Geschenk",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} hat in deinem Namen an Signal gespendet",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Nutze dein Mobilgerät, um das Geschenk zu öffnen",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Nutze dein Mobiltelefon, um diese Spende zu öffnen",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Nutze dein Mobilgerät, um dein Geschenk anzusehen",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Nutze dein Mobiltelefon, um diese Spende anzuzeigen",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Du hast ein Geschenk erhalten",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} hat für dich gespendet",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Du hast ein Geschenkabzeichen eingelöst",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Du hast eine Spende eingelöst",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Du hast ein Geschenkabzeichen gesendet",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Du hast für {recipient} gespendet",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Geschenkabzeichen",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Spende",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Geschenk",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Spende",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ Tage verbleibend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} Tage verbleibend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ Stunden verbleibend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} Stunden verbleibend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ Minuten verbleibend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} Minute verbleibend} other {{minutes,number} Minuten verbleibend}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 Minute verbleibend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Abgelaufen",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Abgelaufen",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Anzeigen",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Anzeigen",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Eingelöst",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Eingelöst",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Danke für deine Unterstützung!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Danke für deine Unterstützung!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Du hast $name$ ein Abzeichen geschenkt. Wenn der Empfänger es annimmt, kann er auswählen, ob er das Abzeichen anzeigt oder ausblendet.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Du hast im Namen von {name} eine Spende an Signal getätigt. Sie erhalten die Möglichkeit, ihre Unterstützung in ihrem Profil zu zeigen.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Sticker-Set konnte nicht installiert werden",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Diese Ziffern helfen, deinen Usernamen privat zu halten, damit du keine unerwünschten Nachrichten erhältst. Teile deinen Usernamen nur mit den Personen und Gruppen, mit denen du dich unterhalten möchtest. Wenn du deinen Usernamen änderst, bekommst du einen neuen Zifferncode.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop wird bald nicht mehr die {OS}-Version deines Computers unterstützen. Um Signal weiterhin nutzen zu können, aktualisiere das Betriebssystem deines Computers bis {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Mehr erfahren</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop funktioniert auf diesem Computer nicht mehr. Um Signal Desktop wieder verwenden zu können, aktualisiere die {OS}-Version deines Computers. <learnMoreLink>Mehr erfahren</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop funktioniert auf diesem Computer nicht mehr. Um Signal Desktop wieder verwenden zu können, aktualisiere die {OS}-Version deines Computers.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Was ist neu",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Wenn du einen Gruppenanruf für kleine Gruppen (bis zu 16 Personen) startest, kannst du wählen, ob du eine Klingelbenachrichtigung senden möchtest. Die Gruppenmitglieder hören ein Klingeln, wenn sie auf iOS Beta sind bzw. wenn sie Desktop oder Android nutzen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Klicke zweimal auf eine beliebige Nachrichtenzeile in einer Unterhaltung, um eine zitierte Antwort zu erstellen. Das ist wie eine Abkürzung für neue Gedanken zu alten Ideen. Danke an {whynothugo} und die Signal-Community für die Implementierung dieser Funktion und das Feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Jetzt ist es einfacher, die Galerie-Ansicht durch Klicken außerhalb eines Bildes zu schließen, ohne hineinzuzoomen. Manchmal wolltest du einfach nur abschalten, aber stattdessen kamen dir die Dinge zu nahe. Danke an {jojomatik} für den Lösungsvorschlag!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "Οι συνομιλίες {obsoleteConversationTitle} και {conversationTitle} ανήκουν στον ίδιο λογαριασμό. Το ιστορικό των μηνυμάτων σου και για τις δύο συνομιλίες είναι εδώ.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Συγχωνεύτηκαν το ιστορικό μηνυμάτων σου με τον χρήστη {conversationTitle} και τον αριθμό του, {obsoleteConversationNumber}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Το ιστορικό μηνυμάτων σου με τον χρήστη {conversationTitle} και μια άλλη συνομιλία που του άνηκε συγχωνεύτηκε.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Μάθε περισσότερα",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "Ο αριθμός {phoneNumber} ανήκει στον χρήστη {conversationTitle}. Είστε και οι δύο μέλη της ομάδας {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "Ο αριθμός {phoneNumber} ανήκει στον χρήστη {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Μικρογραφία της εικόνας από το αναφερόμενο μήνυμα",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Πάτα Επανεκκίνηση για να εφαρμοστούν οι αναβαθμίσεις."
"message": "Πάτα Επανεκκίνηση για να εφαρμοστούν οι αναβαθμίσεις.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Επανεκκίνηση του Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Αδυναμία ανάκτησης στοιχείων σήματος δώρου",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Αδυναμία ανάκτησης στοιχείων δωρεάς",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Δες αυτό το μήνυμα στο κινητό για να το ανοίξεις",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Δες αυτό το μήνυμα στο κινητό για να το ανοίξεις",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Πάτα αυτό το μήνυμα σε κινητό για να δεις το δώρο σου",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Πάτα αυτό το μήνυμα σε κινητό για να δεις τη δωρεά σου",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Δώρο",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "Ο/Η {sender} έκανε δωρεά στη Signal εκ μέρους σου",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Δες το τηλέφωνό σου για να ανοίξεις το δώρο",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Δες το τηλέφωνό σου για να ανοίξεις αυτήν τη δωρεά",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Δες το τηλέφωνό σου για να δεις το δώρο",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Δες το τηλέφωνό σου για να δεις τη δωρεά",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Έλαβες ένα δώρο",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "Ο/Η {sender} έκανε δωρεά για σένα",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Εξαργύρωσες ένα έμβλημα δώρο",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Εξαργύρωσες μια δωρεά",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Έστειλες ένα έμβλημα δώρο",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Έκανες δωρεά για τον/την {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Έμβλημα δώρο",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Δωρεά",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Δώρο",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Δωρεά",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Απομένουν $days$ ημέρες",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Απομένουν {days} ημέρες",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Απομένουν $hours$ ώρες",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Απομένουν {hours} ώρες",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Απομένουν $minutes$ λεπτά",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Απομένει 1 λεπτό} other {Απομένουν {minutes,number} λεπτά}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Απομένει 1 λεπτό",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Έληξε",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Έληξε",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Εμφάνιση",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Εμφάνιση",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Εξαργυρώθηκε",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Εξαργυρώθηκε",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Ευχαριστούμε για την υποστήριξη!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Ευχαριστούμε για την υποστήριξη!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Έκανες δώρο ένα έμβλημα στον/στην $name$. Όταν το αποδεχτεί, θα έχει την επιλογή να το εμφανίσει ή να το αποκρύψει.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Έκανες δωρεά στη Signal εκ μέρους του/της {name}. Θα τους δοθεί η επιλογή να δείξουν την υποστήριξή τους στο προφίλ τους.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Το πακέτο αυτοκολλήτων δεν μπόρεσε να εγκατασταθεί",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Αυτά τα ψηφία διατηρούν απόρρητο το δικό σου όνομα χρήστη, ώστε να μη λαμβάνεις ανεπιθύμητα μηνύματα. Να μοιράζεσαι το όνομα χρήστη σου μόνο με άτομα και ομάδες που θέλεις να συνομιλείς. Εάν θέλεις να αλλάξεις όνομα χρήστη, θα λάβεις έναν νέο σετ ψηφίων.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Το Signal desktop δεν θα υποστηρίζει πλέον την έκδοση του υπολογιστή σου {OS} σύντομα. Για να συνεχίσεις να χρησιμοποιείς τη Signal, ενημέρωσε το λειτουργικό σύστημα του υπολογιστή σου έως τις {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Μάθε περισσότερα</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Το Signal desktop δεν λειτουργεί πλέον σε αυτόν τον υπολογιστή. Για να χρησιμοποιήσεις ξανά το Signal desktop, ενημέρωσε την έκδοση του υπολογιστή σου {OS}. <learnMoreLink>Μάθε περισσότερα</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Το Signal desktop δεν λειτουργεί πλέον σε αυτόν τον υπολογιστή. Για να χρησιμοποιήσεις ξανά το Signal desktop, ενημέρωσε την έκδοση του υπολογιστή σου {OS}.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Νέες δυνατότητες",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Όταν ξεκινάς μια ομαδική κλήση για μικρές ομάδες (έως 16 άτομα), μπορείς να επιλέξεις να στείλεις μια ειδοποίηση κλήσης. Τα μέλη της ομάδας θα ακούσουν ένα κουδούνισμα εάν έχουν iOS beta ή χρησιμοποιούν σταθερό υπολογιστή ή λογισμικό Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Κάνε διπλό κλικ σε οποιαδήποτε σειρά μηνυμάτων σε μια συνομιλία για να ξεκινήσεις μια απάντηση σε εισαγωγικά. Είναι σαν μια συντόμευση για νέες σκέψεις σχετικά με παλιές ιδέες. Ευχαριστούμε τον χρήστη {whynothugo} και την κοινότητα Signal για την εφαρμογή αυτής της δυνατότητας και την παροχή σχολίων.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Τώρα είναι πιο εύκολο να κάνεις κλικ έξω από μια εικόνα για να απορρίψεις την προβολή της συλλογής χωρίς να κάνεις ζουμ. Μερικές φορές ήθελες απλώς να κλείσεις, και αντί αυτού τα πράγματα μεγάλωναν πολύ. Ευχαριστούμε τον χρήστη {jojomatik} για τη διόρθωση!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} y {conversationTitle} son la misma cuenta. Tu historial de mensajes para ambos chats está aquí.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Tu historial de mensajes con {conversationTitle} y su número {obsoleteConversationNumber} se han fusionado.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Tu historial de mensajes con {conversationTitle} y con otro chat con la misma persona se han fusionado.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertenece a {conversationTitle}. Ambos son miembros de {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertenece a {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatura de imagen en mensaje citado",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Pulsa en «Reiniciar Signal» para aplicar cambios."
"message": "Pulsa en «Reiniciar Signal» para aplicar cambios.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Reiniciar Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Fallo al recuperar los detalles de la insignia de regalo",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Fallo al recuperar los detalles de la donación",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Abre este mensaje en tu celular/móvil para verlo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Abre este mensaje en tu dispositivo móvil para verlo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Toca sobre este mensaje desde tu teléfono para ver tu regalo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Pulsa sobre este mensaje desde tu teléfono para ver tu donación",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Regalo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ha donado a Signal en tu nombre",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Comprueba tu celular/móvil para abrir el regalo",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Comprueba tu dispositivo móvil para abrir la donación",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Comprueba tu celular/móvil para ver tu regalo",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Comprueba tu dispositivo móvil para ver tu donación",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Has recibido un regalo",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ha hecho una donación por ti",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Has canjeado un distintivo de regalo",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Has canjeado una donación",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Has enviado un distintivo como regalo",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Has hecho una donación por {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Distintivo de regalo",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donación",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Regalo",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donación",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ días restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} días restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ horas restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} horas restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutos restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minuto restante} other {{minutes,number} minutos restantes}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minuto restante",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Caducado",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Caducado",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Ver",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Ver más",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Canjeado",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Canjeado",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "¡Gracias por tu apoyo!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "¡Gracias por tu apoyo!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Has regalado un distintivo a $name$. Cuando lo acepte, podrá seleccionar la opción de mostrarlo o no en su perfil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Has hecho una donación a Signal en nombre de {name}. Tendrán la opción de mostrar su apoyo en su perfil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Fallo al instalar el paquete de stickers",
@ -6066,7 +6147,7 @@
"description": "Shown in the composer area of the reply-to-story modal when a user can't make a reply because they are no longer a member"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__delete-reply": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar sólo para mi",
"messageformat": "Eliminar solo para mí",
"description": "Shown as a menu item in the context menu of a story reply, to the author of the reply, for deleting the reply just for the author"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__delete-reply-for-everyone": {
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Estos dígitos te ayudarán a mantener tu alias en privado para así evitar que recibas mensajes no deseados. Comparte tu alias solo con aquellas personas y grupos con los que quieras charlar. Si cambias tu alias, recibirás una nueva serie de dígitos.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal para Escritorio pronto dejará de ser compatible con la versión de {OS} de tu ordenador. Para seguir usando Signal, actualiza el sistema operativo de tu ordenador antes del {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Saber más</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal para Escritorio ya no funciona en este ordenador. Para volver a usar Signal para Escritorio, actualiza la versión de {OS} de tu ordenador. <learnMoreLink>Saber más</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal para Escritorio ya no funciona en este ordenador. Para volver a usar Signal para Escritorio, actualiza la versión de {OS} de tu ordenador.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Novedades",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Cuando se inicia una llamada de grupo para grupos pequeños (hasta 16 personas), tienes la opción de enviar una notificación de llamada. Los miembros del grupo escucharán un timbre si están en la versión beta de iOS o si utilizan Desktop o Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Haz doble clic en cualquier mensaje en un chat para iniciar una respuesta citada. Es un atajo para expresar nuevos pensamientos acerca de ideas viejas. Gracias a {whynothugo} y a la comunidad de Signal por implementar esta función y enviar comentarios.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Ahora es más fácil hacer clic fuera de una imagen para descartar la vista de galería sin hacer zoom. A veces solo querías cerrar y, en cambio, las cosas se acercaban demasiado. ¡Gracias a {jojomatik} por la solución!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} ja {conversationTitle} on sama konto. Sinu mõlema vestluse sõnumiajalugu on siin.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Sinu sõnumiajalugu kasutajaga {conversationTitle} ja tema numbriga {obsoleteConversationNumber} on liidetud.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Sinu sõnumiajalugu kasutajaga {conversationTitle} ja tema teise vestlusega on liidetud.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Uuri täpsemalt",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} kuulub vestlusesse {conversationTitle}. Olete mõlemad grupi {sharedGroup} liikmed.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} kuulub vestlusesse {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Tsiteeritud sõnumist pärit pildi pisipilt",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Uuenduste paigaldamiseks vajuta \"Taaskäivita Signal\"."
"message": "Uuenduste paigaldamiseks vajuta \"Taaskäivita Signal\".",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Taaskäivita Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Kinkemärgi andmeid ei õnnestunud saada",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Annetuse andmeid ei õnnestunud saada",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Sõnumi avamiseks vaata seda mobiiltelefonis",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Sõnumi avamiseks vaata seda mobiiltelefonis",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Kingituse nägemiseks toksa mobiilis seda sõnumit",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Oma annetuse nägemiseks toksa mobiilis seda sõnumit",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Kingitus",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} annetas Signalile sinu nimel",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Kingituse avamiseks kontrolli oma telefoni",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Selle annetuse avamiseks kontrolli oma telefoni",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Oma kingituse vaatamiseks kontrolli oma telefoni",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Oma annetuse vaatamiseks kontrolli oma telefoni",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Said kingituse",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} annetas sinu nimel",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Lunastasid kinkemärgi",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Lunastasid annetuse",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Saatsid kinkemärgi",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Annetasid kasutaja {recipient} nimel",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Kinkemärk",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Annetus",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Kingitus",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Annetus",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ päeva jäänud",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} päeva jäänud",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ tundi jäänud",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} tundi jäänud",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutit jäänud",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minut jäänud} other {{minutes,number} minutit jäänud}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minut jäänud",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Aegunud",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Aegunud",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Näita",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Vaata",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Lunastatud",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Lunastatud",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Aitäh sinu toetuse eest!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Aitäh sinu toetuse eest!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Kinkisid kasutajale $name$ märgi. Kui ta selle vastu võtab, antakse talle valik, kas märki kuvada või mitte.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Tegid Signalile kasutaja {name} nimel annetuse. Pakume talle võimalust oma profiilil toetust avaldada.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Kleebisepaki paigaldamine ei õnnestunud",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "See numbrikombinatsioon aitab sinu kasutajanime privaatsena hoida, et saaksid soovimatuid sõnumeid vältida. Jaga oma kasutajanime ainult nende inimeste ja gruppidega, kellega soovid suhelda. Kui kasutajanime muudad, saadetakse sulle uus numbrikombinatsioon.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signali veebiversioon lõpetab varsti sinu arvuti {OS} versiooni toetamise. Kui soovid jätkata Signali kasutamist, uuenda oma arvuti operatsioonisüsteemi hiljemalt {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Rohkem teavet</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signali veebiversioon ei tööta enam selles arvutis. Kui soovid jätkata Signali kasutamist, uuenda oma arvuti {OS} versiooni. <learnMoreLink>Rohkem teavet</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signali veebiversioon ei tööta enam selles arvutis. Kui soovid jätkata Signali kasutamist, uuenda oma arvuti {OS} versiooni.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Mis on uut",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kui alustad grupikõnet väikese grupiga (kuni 16 inimest), on sul võimalik saata heliteavitus. Grupi liikmed kuulevad helinat, kui nad kasutavad iOS betat, Desktopi või Androidi.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Kui soovid sõnumit tsiteerida ja sellele vastata, topeltklõpsa mis tahes sõnumireale vestluses. See on nagu otsetee, millega vanade ideede kohta uusi mõtteid väljendada. Täname selle funktsiooni elluviimise ja tagasisidestamise eest kasutajat {whynothugo} ja Signali kogukonda.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nüüd on lihtsam pildi välisservale toksata ja galeriivaatest väljuda, selle asemel et pilti suurendada. Enne kippus juhtuma, et kui sina püüdsid pilti sulgeda, näitas rakendus seda sulle veel lähemalt. Täname kasutajat {jojomatik}, kes asja korda tegi!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} eta {conversationTitle} kontu bera dira. Bi txatetako mezuen historia hemen dago.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle}(r)ekin izandako mezuen historia eta hari zegokion beste txat bat bateratu egin dira.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Hauekin izandako mezuen historiak bateratu egin dira: {conversationTitle} eta haren zenbakia, {obsoleteConversationNumber}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} erabiltzailearekin izandako mezuen historia eta hari zegokion beste txat bat bateratu egin dira.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Informazio gehiago",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle} erabiltzailearena da. Biak zarete {sharedGroup} taldeko kideak.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle} erabiltzailearena da",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Aipatutako mezuaren miniatura edo irudia",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Sakatu Berrabiarazi Signal egunerapenak egiteko."
"message": "Sakatu Berrabiarazi Signal egunerapenak egiteko.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Berrabiarazi Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Ezin dira eskuratu opari-bereizgarriaren xehetasunak",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Ezin dira eskuratu dohaintzaren xehetasunak",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Mezu hau irekitzeko, ikus ezazu mugikorrean",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Mezu hau irekitzeko, ikusi mugikorrean",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Sakatu mezu hau mugikorrean oparia ikusteko",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Dohaintza ikusteko, sakatu mezu hau mugikorrean",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Oparia",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} erabiltzaileak dohaitza bat egin dio Signal-i zure izenean",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Oparia irekitzeko, eman begiratu bat telefonoari",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Dohaintza hau irekitzeko, erabili telefonoa",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Oparia ikusteko, eman begiratu bat telefonoari",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Dohaintza ikusteko, erabili telefonoa",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Opari bat jaso duzu",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} erabiltzaileak dohaintza bat egin dizu",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Opari-bereizgarri bat erabili duzu",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Dohaintza bat trukatu duzu",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Opari-berreizgarri bat bidali duzu",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "{recipient} erabiltzaileari dohaintza bat egin diozu",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Opari-bereizgarria",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Dohaintza",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Oparia",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Dohaintza",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ egun falta dira",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} egun falta dira",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ ordu falta dira",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} ordu falta dira",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutu falta dira",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} minutu falta da} other {{minutes,number} minutu falta dira}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Minutu bat falta da",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Iraungita",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Iraungita",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Ikusi",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Ikusi",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Erabilita",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Erabilita",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Eskerrik asko laguntzeagatik!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Eskerrik asko laguntzeagatik!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "$name$(r)i bereizgarri bat oparitu diozu. Onartzen duenean, bereizgarria erakusteko edo ezkutatzeko aukera izango du.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Dohaintza bat egin diozu Signal-i {name} erabiltzailearen izenean. Bere profilean laguntza eman duela erakusteko aukera emango zaio.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Eranskailuen paketea ezin izan da instalatu",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Digitu hauei esker, erabiltzaile-izena pribatu mantentzen da, nahi ez dituzun mezuak jaso ez ditzazun. Partekatu zure erabiltzaile-izena txateatu nahi duzun pertsona eta taldeekin soilik. Erabiltzaile-izena aldatzen baduzu, digitu multzo berri bat esleituko zaizu.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Ordenagailurako Signal aplikazioak laster ez du onartuko ordenagailuaren bertsioa ({OS}). Signal erabiltzen jarraitzeko, eguneratu ordenagailuaren sistema eragilea {expirationDate} aurretik. <learnMoreLink>Informazio gehiago</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Ordenagailuko Signal aplikazioak jada ez du funtzionatzen ordenagailu honetan. Ordenagailuko Signal aplikazioa berriro erabiltzeko, eguneratu ordenagailuaren bertsioa ({OS}). <learnMoreLink>Informazio gehiago</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Ordenagailuko Signal aplikazioak jada ez du funtzionatzen ordenagailu honetan. Ordenagailuko Signal aplikazioa berriro erabiltzeko, eguneratu ordenagailuaren bertsioa ({OS}).",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Zer berri",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Gehienez 16 pertsona dituen talde txiki batekin talde-dei bat hasten duzunean, tonu-jakinarazpen bat bidaltzea aukera dezakezu. Taldeko kideak iOS-erako beta, ordenagailua edo Android erabiltzen ari badira, tonu bat entzungo dute.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Aipamen batekin erantzuteko, egin klik bikoitza txat bateko edozein mezu-errenkadatan. Ideia zaharrei buruzko pentsamendu berrietarako lasterbide bat bezalakoa da. Eskerrik asko {whynothugo} eta Signal-eko komunitateari eginbide hau inplementatzeagatik eta iritzia emateagatik.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Orain errazagoa da irudi batetik kanpo klik egitea galeriaren ikuspegitik irteteko, zooma handitu gabe. Lehen, irudi bat ixten saiatzean, itxi ordez handitu egiten zen batzuetan. Eskerrik asko, {jojomatik}, arazoa konpontzeagatik!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} و {conversationTitle} یک حساب هستند. تاریخچه پیام هر دو چت شما اینجا هست.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "سابقه پیام شما با {conversationTitle} و چت دیگری که متعلق به او بود ادغام شده است.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "تاریخچه پیام شما با {conversationTitle} و شماره او {obsoleteConversationNumber} ادغام شده است.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "تاریخچه پیام شما با {conversationTitle} و گفتگویی دیگر که متعلق به او بود ادغام شده است.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "اطلاعات بیشتر",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} متعلق به {conversationTitle} است. شما هر دو عضو {sharedGroup} هستید.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} متعلق به {conversationTitle} است",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "تامبنیل تصویر از پیام نقل قول شده",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "برای اعمال آپدیت ها سیگنال را ری استارت کنید."
"message": "برای اعمال آپدیت ها سیگنال را ری استارت کنید.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "راه اندازی مجدد سیگنال"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "جزئیات نشان هدیه دریافت نشد",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "دریافت جزئیات کمک مالی امکانپذیر نیست",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "برای باز کردن این پیام، آن را در تلفن همراه مشاهده کنید",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "برای باز کردن این پیام، آن را در تلفن همراه مشاهده کنید",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "برای مشاهده هدیه خود، روی این پیام در تلفن همراه ضربه بزنید",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "برای مشاهده کمک مالی خود، روی این پیام در تلفن همراهتان ضربه بزنید",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "هدیه",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} از طرف شما به سیگنال کمک مالی کرد",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "برای باز کردن هدیه تلفن خود را بررسی کنید",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "برای باز کردن این کمک مالی، تلفنتان را ببینید",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "برای مشاهده هدیه خود تلفن خود را بررسی کنید",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "برای مشاهده کمک مالی خود، تلفنتان را ببینید",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "شما یک هدیه دریافت کردید",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} از طرف شما کمک مالی کرد",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "شما یک نشان هدیه آزادسازی کردید",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "شما یک کمک مالی آزادسازی کردید",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "شما یک نشان هدیه فرستادید",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "از طرف {recipient} کمک مالی کردید",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "نشان هدیه",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "کمک مالی",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "هدیه",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "کمک مالی",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ روز باقی مانده",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} روز باقی مانده",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ ساعت باقی مانده",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} ساعت باقی مانده",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ دقیقه باقی مانده",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {۱ دقیقه باقی مانده} other {{minutes,number} دقیقه باقی مانده}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 دقیقه باقی مانده",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "منقضی شده",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "منقضی شده",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "مشاهده",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "مشاهده",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "آزادسازی شده",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "آزادسازیشده",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "از پشتیبانی شما سپاسگذاریم!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "از حمایت شما سپاسگزاریم!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "شما به $name$ یک نشان هدیه دادهاید. وقتی آن را قبول کرد، به او حق انتخاب داده میشود که نشان خود را در معرض دید قرار دهد یا آن را پنهان کند.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "شما از طرف {name} به سیگنال کمک مالی کردهاید. به او امکان داده میشود که حمایت خود را در نمایه اش نشان دهد.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "پک استیکر نمی تواند نصب شود",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "این ارقام به حفظ حریم خصوصی نام کاربریتان کمک میکند تا بتوانید از پیامهای ناخواسته جلوگیری کنید. نام کاربری خود را فقط با افراد و گروههایی که میخواهید با آنها گفتگو کنید به اشتراک بگذارید. اگر نام کاربری را تغییر دهید، مجموعه اعداد جدیدی دریافت خواهید کرد.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "سیگنال دسکتاپ بهزودی دیگر از نسخه {OS} رایانه شما پشتیبانی نخواهد کرد. برای ادامه استفاده از سیگنال، سیستمعامل رایانه خود را تا تاریخ {expirationDate} بهروزرسانی کنید. <learnMoreLink>اطلاعات بیشتر</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "سیگنال دسکتاپ دیگر روی این رایانه کار نمیکند. برای استفاده دوباره از سیگنال دسکتاپ، نسخه {OS} رایانه خود را بهروزرسانی کنید. <learnMoreLink>اطلاعات بیشتر</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "سیگنال دسکتاپ دیگر روی این رایانه کار نمیکند. برای استفاده دوباره از سیگنال دسکتاپ، نسخه {OS} رایانه خود را بهروزرسانی کنید.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "تازهها",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "وقتی یک تماس گروهی در گروههای کوچک (حداکثر ۱۶ نفر) شروع میکنید، میتوانید انتخاب کنید که اعلان زنگ ارسال شود. اگر اعضای گروه نسخه بتای iOS داشته باشند یا از دسکتاپ یا اندروید استفاده کنند، صدای زنگ را خواهند شنید.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "برای شروع یک پاسخ نقلقولی، دو بار روی هر یک از ردیفهای پیام در گفتگو کلیک کنید. این به مانند میانبُری است برای ثبت نظرات جدید درباره ایدههای قدیمی. با تشکر از {whynothugo} و جامعه سیگنال برای اجرای این قابلیت و ارائه بازخورد.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "حالا دیگر آسانتر از قبل میتوانید بیرون یک تصویر کلیک کنید تا از نمای گالری خارج شوید و دیگر ناخواسته جایی از تصویر را بزرگنمایی نکنید. گاهی اوقات فقط میخواستید تصویر را ببندید ولی در عوض بازترش میکردید. با سپاس از {jojomatik} برای این رفع اشکال!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "Keskusteluissa {obsoleteConversationTitle} ja {conversationTitle} on kyse samasta tilistä. Molempien keskusteluiden viestihistoria on täällä.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "Viestihistoriasi yhteystiedon {conversationTitle} kanssa ja toinen siihen kuulunut keskustelu on yhdistetty.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Viestihistoriasi keskustelussa {conversationTitle} ja numero {obsoleteConversationNumber} on yhdistetty.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Viestihistoriasi keskustelussa {conversationTitle} ja toinen siihen kuulunut keskustelu on yhdistetty.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Lue lisää",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} kuuluu keskusteluun {conversationTitle}. Olette molemmat ryhmän {sharedGroup} jäseniä.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} kuuluu keskusteluun {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Lainatun kuvaviestin pikkukuva",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Asenna päivitykset napsauttamalla Käynnistä Signal uudelleen."
"message": "Asenna päivitykset napsauttamalla Käynnistä Signal uudelleen.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Käynnistä Signal uudelleen"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Lahjamerkin tietoja ei voitu noutaa",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Lahjoituksen tietoja ei voitu noutaa",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Avaa tämä viesti puhelimellasi",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Avaa tämä viesti puhelimellasi",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Katso saamasi lahja avaamalla tämä viesti puhelimellasi",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Katso lahjoituksen tiedot napauttamalla tätä viestiä puhelimellasi",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Lahja",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} lahjoitti Signalille puolestasi",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Tarkista puhelimesi avataksesi lahjasi",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Tarkista puhelimesi avataksesi tämän lahjoituksen",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Tarkista puhelimesi nähdäksesi lahjasi",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Tarkista puhelimesi nähdäksesi lahjoituksesi",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Olet saanut lahjan",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} lahjoitti puolestasi",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Lunastit lahjaksi saadun kunniamerkin",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Lunastit lahjoituksen",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Lähetit kunniamerkin lahjaksi",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Lahjoitit henkilön {recipient} puolesta",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Lahjaksi saatu kunniamerkki",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Lahjoitus",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Lahja",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Lahjoitus",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ päivää jäljellä",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} päivää jäljellä",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ tunti jäljellä",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} tuntia jäljellä",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minuuttia jäljellä",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} minuutti jäljellä} other {{minutes,number} minuuttia jäljellä}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minuutti jäljellä",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Vanhentunut",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Vanhentunut",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Näytä",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Näytä",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Lunastettu",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Lunastettu",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Kiitämme tuestasi!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Kiitos tuestasi!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Olet lahjoittanut kunniamerkin käyttäjälle $name$. Kun hän vastaanottaa sen, hän voi itse valita lisääkö hän merkin profiilikuvaansa.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Olet tehnyt lahjoituksen Signalille henkilön {name} puolesta. Hän saa mahdollisuuden näyttää omassa profiilissaan, että hän tukee Signalia.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Tarrapakettia ei voitu asentaa",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Nämä numerot auttavat suojaamaan yksityisyyttäsi, jotta voit välttää ei-toivottuja viestejä. Jaa käyttäjänimesi vain niille henkilöille ja ryhmille, joiden kanssa haluat keskustella. Jos vaihdat käyttäjänimeä, saat uuden numerosarjan.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signalin työpöytäsovelluksen tuki tietokoneesi {OS}-versiolle päättyy pian. Jos haluat jatkaa Signalin käyttöä, päivitä tietokoneesi käyttöjärjestelmä {expirationDate} mennessä. <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signalin työpöytäsovellus ei enää toimi tässä tietokoneessa. Jos haluat käyttää Signalin työpöytäsovellusta uudelleen, päivitä tietokoneesi {OS}-versio. <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signalin työpöytäsovellus ei enää toimi tässä tietokoneessa. Jos haluat käyttää Signalin työpöytäsovellusta uudelleen, päivitä tietokoneesi {OS}-versio.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Uudet ominaisuudet",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kun aloitat ryhmäpuhelun pienelle ryhmälle (enintään 16 henkilöä), voit halutessasi lähettää soittoilmoituksen. Ryhmän jäsenet kuulevat soittoäänen, jos he käyttävät iOS-beetaversiota, työpöytäversiota tai Androidia.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Aloita lainattu vastaus kaksoisnapsauttamalla keskustelussa mitä tahansa viestiriviä. Se toimii kuin oikotie: vanhoista ideoista syntyy uusia ajatuksia. Kiitos {whynothugo} ja Signal-yhteisö tämän ominaisuuden toteuttamisesta ja palautteesta.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nyt voit helpommin poistua gallerianäkymästä napsauttamalla kuvan ulkopuolella, sillä napsautus ei enää lähennä kuvaa. Joskus ehkä halusit vain sulkea kuvan etkä suurentaa sitä entisestään. Kiitos {jojomatik}, että korjasit ongelman!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} et {conversationTitle} appartiennent au même compte. L'historique de vos messages est ici.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "L'historique de vos messages avec {conversationTitle} et une autre conversation que cette personne a créée ont été fusionnés.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "L’historique de vos messages dans {conversationTitle} et son numéro {obsoleteConversationNumber} ont été fusionnés.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "L’historique de vos messages dans {conversationTitle} et une autre conversation appartenant à ce groupe ont été fusionnés.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "En apprendre davantage",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} appartient à {conversationTitle}. Vous êtes tous deux membres du groupe {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} appartient à {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Imagette du message cité",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Appuyez sur « Redémarrer Signal » pour appliquer les mises à jour."
"message": "Appuyez sur « Redémarrer Signal » pour appliquer les mises à jour.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Redémarrer Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Impossible de récupérer le code du macaron cadeau",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Impossible de récupérer les détails du don",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Afficher ce message sur un téléphone pour l'ouvrir",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Afficher ce message sur un téléphone portable pour l’ouvrir",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Depuis votre téléphone, appuyez sur ce message pour découvrir votre cadeau",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Appuyez sur ce message sur un téléphone portable pour voir votre don",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Cadeau",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} a effectué un don de votre part",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Consultez votre téléphone pour ouvrir le cadeau",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Consultez votre téléphone portable pour ouvrir ce don",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Consultez votre téléphone pour afficher votre cadeau",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Consultez votre téléphone portable pour voir ce don",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Vous avez reçu un cadeau",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} a effectué un don de votre part",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Vous avez utilisé un macaron cadeau",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez récupéré un macaron",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Vous avez envoyé un macaron",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez effectué un don de la part de {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Macaron cadeau",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Don",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "cadeau",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Don",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ jours restants",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} jours restants",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ heures restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} heures restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutes restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minute restante} other {{minutes,number} minutes restantes}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minute restante",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Expiré",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Expiré",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Afficher",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Afficher",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Échangé",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Récupéré",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Merci pour votre soutien !",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Merci pour votre soutien !",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Vous avez offert un macaron à $name$. Une fois votre cadeau accepté, votre destinataire pourra choisir d'afficher ou de masquer son macaron.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez effectué un don à Signal de la part de {name}. Il/elle aura la possibilité d’afficher son soutien sur son profil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Le paquet d’autocollants n’a pas pu être installé",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Ces chiffres servent à préserver la confidentialité de votre nom d’utilisateur et ainsi d’éviter les messages indésirables. Ne partagez votre nom d’utilisateur qu’avec les personnes et les groupes avec lesquels vous souhaitez échanger. Si vous changez votre nom d’utilisateur, un nouvel ensemble de chiffres vous sera attribué.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "La version Desktop de Signal ne prendra bientôt plus en charge la version {OS} de votre ordinateur. Pour continuer d’utiliser Signal, veuillez mettre à jour le système d’exploitation de votre ordinateur avant le {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>En savoir plus</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "La version Desktop de Signal ne fonctionne plus sur cet ordinateur. Pour continuer d’utiliser la version Desktop de Signal, veuillez mettre à jour la version {OS} de votre ordinateur. <learnMoreLink>En savoir plus</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "La version Desktop de Signal ne fonctionne plus sur cet ordinateur. Pour continuer d’utiliser la version Desktop de Signal, veuillez mettre à jour la version {OS} de votre ordinateur.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Les nouveautés",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Lorsque vous organisez un appel de groupe pour un petit groupe (jusqu'à 16 participants), vous avez la possibilité d'envoyer une notification sonore. Les membres du groupe entendront une sonnerie s'ils utilisent la version Desktop, la version Android ou la version bêta d'iOS.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Double-cliquez sur n’importe quel message pour y répondre. Il s’agit en gros d’une fonction vous permettant de partager vos idées à propos d’anciens sujets. Nous souhaitons remercier {whynothugo} et la communauté Signal pour avoir mis en œuvre cette fonctionnalité et partagé leurs retours.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Cliquer en dehors de l’image vous permettra désormais de quitter la vue galerie au lieu de zoomer dessus. En fermant une page, vous vous retrouviez avec tout en grand. Nous souhaitons remercier {jojomatik} pour avoir corrigé ce bug !",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "Baineann {obsoleteConversationTitle} agus {conversationTitle} leis an gcuntas céanna. Tá stair na dteachtaireachtaí don dá chomhrá anseo.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "Cumascadh stair do theachtaireachtaí le {conversationTitle} agus comhrá eile ar leis an duine sin é.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Cumascadh stair do theachtaireachtaí le {conversationTitle} agus uimhir an duine sin {obsoleteConversationNumber}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Cumascadh stair do theachtaireachtaí le {conversationTitle} agus comhrá eile leis an duine sin.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Tuilleadh Faisnéise",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "Is le {conversationTitle} {phoneNumber}. Tá sibh beirt in bhur mball de {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "Is le {conversationTitle} {phoneNumber}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Mionsamhail íomhá ón teachtaireacht luaite",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Brúigh Atosaigh Signal chun na nuashonruithe a chur i bhfeidhm."
"message": "Brúigh Atosaigh Signal chun na nuashonruithe a chur i bhfeidhm.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Atosaigh Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Níorbh fhéidir sonraí an tsuaitheantais bhronntanais a fháil",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Ní féidir sonraí an tabhartais a fháil",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Féach ar an teachtaireacht seo ar an nguthán póca lena hoscailt",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Féach ar an teachtaireacht seo ar ghuthán póca lena hoscailt",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Tapáil an teachtaireacht seo ar an nguthán póca chun do bhronntanas a fheiceáil",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Tapáil an teachtaireacht seo ar ghuthán póca le féachaint ar do thabhartas",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Bronntanas",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "Thug {sender} tabhartas do Signal ar do shon",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Seiceáil do ghuthán chun an bronntanas a oscailt",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Seiceáil do ghuthán chun an tabhartas sin a oscailt",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Seiceáil do ghuthán do bhronntanas a fheiceáil",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Seiceáil do ghuthán le féachaint ar do thabhartas",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Fuair tú bronntanas",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "Thug {sender} tabhartas ar do shon",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "D’fhuascail tú suaitheantas bronntanais",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "D’fhuascail tú tabhartas",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Sheol tú suaitheantas bronntanais",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Thug tú tabhartas ar son {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Suaitheantas Bronntanais",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Tabhartas",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Bronntanas",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Tabhartas",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ lá fágtha",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} lá fágtha",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Uaireanta an chloig fágtha: $hours$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Uaireanta an chloig fágtha: {hours}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ nóiméad fágtha",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 nóiméad fágtha} two {{minutes,number} nóiméad fágtha} few {{minutes,number} nóiméad fágtha} many {{minutes,number} nóiméad fágtha} other {{minutes,number} nóiméad fágtha}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 nóiméad fágtha",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Expired",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "As feidhm",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Amharc",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Amharc ar",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Fuascailte",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Fuascailte",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Go raibh maith agat as do thacaíocht!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Go raibh maith agat as do thacaíocht!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Thug tú suaitheantas mar bhronntanas do $name$. Nuair a ghlactar leis, tabharfar an rogha an suaitheantas a thaispeáint nó a fholú.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Thug tú tabhartas do Signal ar son {name}. Tabharfar rogha don duine sin tacaíocht a léiriú ar an bpróifíl.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Níorbh fhéidir beart greamán a shuiteáil",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Cabhraíonn na digití seo le d'ainm úsáideora a choimeád príobháideach agus teachtaireachtaí gan iarraidh a sheachaint. Ná comhroinn d'ainm úsáideora ach le daoine agus le grúpaí ar mhaith leat comhrá a dhéanamh leo. Má athraíonn tú d'ainm úsáideora gheobhaidh tú tacar nua digití.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Ní bheidh tacú ag Signal Desktop a thuilleadh don leagan de {OS} ar do ríomhaire. Le leanúint le Signal a úsáid, nuashonraigh córas oibriúcháin do ríomhaire faoin {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Tuilleadh faisnéise</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Ní oibríonn Signal Desktop ar an ríomhaire seo a thuilleadh. Le Signal Desktop a úsáid arís, nuashonraigh an leagan de {OS} ar do ríomhaire. <learnMoreLink>Tuilleadh faisnéise</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Ní oibríonn Signal Desktop ar an ríomhaire seo a thuilleadh. Le Signal Desktop a úsáid arís, nuashonraigh an leagan de {OS} ar do ríomhaire.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Cad Atá Nua",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Nuair a thosaíonn tú ar ghlao grúpa do ghrúpaí beaga (suas le 16 duine), is féidir leat a roghnú fógra glaoigh a sheoladh. Cluinfidh baill den ghrúpa glaoch má tá siad ar an mbéite iOS nó ag úsáid Ríomhaire deisce nó Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Cliceáil faoi dhó ar aon ró teachtaireachta i gcomhrá chun tús a chur le freagra luaite. Tá sé mar a bheadh aicearra le haghaidh smaointe nua faoi sheanchuimhnimh. Buíochas le {whynothugo} agus le pobal Signal as an ngné seo a chur i bhfeidhm agus aiseolas a thabhairt.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Tá sé níos éasca anois cliceáil ag imeall íomhá le hamharc an ghailearaí a ruaigeadh gan zúmáil isteach. Uaireanta b'fhearr leat rudaí a dhúnadh, in ionad a bheith iomarcach. Buíochas le {jojomatik} as an réiteach!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} e {conversationTitle} pertencen á mesma conta. O teu historial de mensaxes para ambas conversas está aquí.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "O teu historial de mensaxes con {conversationTitle} e o seu número {obsoleteConversationNumber} uníronse.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "O teu historial de mensaxes con {conversationTitle} e outra conversa que lle pertencía uníronse.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber máis",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertence a {conversationTitle}. Ámbolos dous sodes membros de {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertence a {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatura da imaxe da mensaxe citada",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Preme Reiniciar Signal para implementar as actualizacións."
"message": "Preme Reiniciar Signal para implementar as actualizacións.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Reiniciar Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Erro ao recompilar os detalles da insignia de regalo",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Erro ao compilar os detalles da doazón",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Ver esta mensaxe no móbil para abrila",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Ver esta mensaxe no móbil para abrila",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Preme esta mensaxe no móbil para visualizar o teu regalo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Preme nesta mensaxe no móbil para ver a túa doazón",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Regalo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} doou a Signal no teu nome",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Comproba o teu teléfono para abrir regalo",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Comproba o teu teléfono para abrir esta doazón",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Comproba o teu teléfono para ver o teu regalo",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Comproba o teu teléfono para ver a túa doazón",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Recibiches un regalo",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} doou por ti",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Trocaches unha insignia regalo",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Trocaches unha doazón",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Enviaches unha insignia de regalo",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Doaches por {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Insignia de regalo",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Doazón",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Regalo",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Doazón",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ días restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} días restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ horas restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} horas restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutos restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} minuto restante} other {{minutes,number} minutos restantes}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minuto restante",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Caducado",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Caducado",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Ver",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Ver",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Troco realizado con éxito",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Troco realizado con éxito",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Grazas polo teu apoio!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Grazas polo teu apoio!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Regalaches unha insignia a $name$. Cando a acepte, poderá escoller se quere amosala ou ocultala.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Doaches a Signal en nome de {name}. Recibirán a opción de mostrar o seu apoio no seu perfil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Non se instalou o paquete de stickers",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Estas cifras manteñen o teu nome de usuario privado para que non recibas mensaxes non desexadas. Comparte o teu usuario só coas persoas e grupos cos que queiras conversar. Se cambias o teu nome de usuario, terás unha nova serie de cifras.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop deixará de funcionar na túa versión do ordenador de {OS}. Para seguir empregando Signal, actualiza o sistema operativo do teu ordenador antes do {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Máis información</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop xa non funciona neste ordenador. Para empregar Signal de novo, actualiza a túa versión de ordenador de {OS}. <learnMoreLink>Máis información</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop xa non funciona neste ordenador. Para empregar Signal de novo, actualiza a túa versión de ordenador de {OS}.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Novidades",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Cando comeces unha chamada de grupo de poucas persoas (máximo 16 persoas), podes elixir enviar unha notificación de son. Os membros do grupo escoitarán un timbre se teñen iOS beta ou se empregan Signal Desktop ou Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Preme dúas veces en calquera mensaxe dentro dunha conversa para crear unha resposta citada. É coma un atallo para xerar novas ideas de antigas ocorrencias. Grazas a {whynothugo} e á comunidade de Signal por implementar esta función e proporcionar suxestións.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Agora é máis doado premer no exterior dunha imaxe para ignorar a vista de galería sen facer zoom. Ás veces só querías pechar algo e, polo contrario, só conseguías agrandalo. Grazas a {jojomatik} pola corrección!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} અને {conversationTitle} એક જ અકાઉન્ટ છે. બંને ચેટ માટે તમારી મેસેજ હિસ્ટ્રી અહીં છે.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} સાથેની તમારી મેસેજ હિસ્ટ્રી અને તેમનો નંબર {obsoleteConversationNumber} ભેગા કરી દેવામાં આવ્યા છે.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} સાથેની તમારી મેસેજ હિસ્ટ્રી અને તેમની સાથેની બીજી ચેટને ભેગી કરી દેવામાં આવી છે.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "વધુ શીખો",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber}એ {conversationTitle} નો નંબર છે. તમે બંને {sharedGroup} ના સભ્યો છો.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber}એ {conversationTitle} નો નંબર છે",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "અવતરણ કરેલ મેસેજથી ઈમેજની થંબનેલ",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "અપડેટ્સ લાગુ કરવા માટે રિસ્ટાર્ટ Signal દબાવો."
"message": "અપડેટ્સ લાગુ કરવા માટે રિસ્ટાર્ટ Signal દબાવો.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal ફરીથી પ્રારંભ કરો"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "ગિફ્ટ બૅજ મેળવવામાં અસમર્થ",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "દાનની વિગતો મેળવવામાં અસમર્થ",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "આ મેસેજને ખોલવા માટે તેને મોબાઇલ પર જુઓ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "આ મેસેજને ખોલવા માટે તેને મોબાઇલ પર જુઓ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "તમારી ગિફ્ટ જોવા માટે આ મેસેજને મોબાઇલ પર ટૅપ કરો",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "તમારું દાન જોવા માટે મોબાઇલ પર આ મેસેજને ટૅપ કરો",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "ગિફ્ટ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender}એ તમારા વતી Signalને દાન આપ્યું",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "ગિફ્ટ ખોલવા માટે તમારો ફોન તપાસો",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "આ દાન ખોલવા માટે તમારો ફોન તપાસો",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "તમારી ગિફ્ટ જોવા માટે તમારો ફોન તપાસો",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "આ દાન જોવા માટે તમારો ફોન તપાસો",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "તમને એક ગિફ્ટ મળી છે",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender}એ તમારા માટે દાન કર્યું",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "તમે એક ગિફ્ટ બૅજ રિડિમ કર્યું",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "તમે એક દાન રિડિમ કર્યું",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "તમે એક ગિફ્ટ બૅજ મોકલ્યું",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "તમે {recipient} માટે દાન આપ્યું",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "ગિફ્ટ બૅજ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "દાન",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "ગિફ્ટ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "દાન",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ દિવસો બાકી",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} દિવસ બાકી",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ કલાક બાકી",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} કલાક બાકી",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ મિનિટ બાકી",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 મિનિટ બાકી} other {{minutes,number} મિનિટ બાકી}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 મિનિટ બાકી",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "સમાપ્ત થઈ ગઈ",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "સમયસીમા સમાપ્ત",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "વ્યૂ",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "જુઓ",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "રિડિમ કર્યું",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "રિડિમ કર્યું",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "આપના સહયોગ બદલ આભાર!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "તમારા સપોર્ટ બદલ આભાર!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "તમે $name$ને એક બૅજ ગિફ્ટ કર્યું. જ્યારે તેઓ સ્વીકારશે, પછી તેઓને તેમનું બૅજ બતાવવા કે છુપાવવાની પસંદગી આપવામાં આવશે.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "તમે {name} વતી Signalને દાન આપ્યું છે. તેમની પ્રોફાઇલ પર તેમનો સપોર્ટ બતાવવાનો વિકલ્પ તેઓને આપવામાં આવશે.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "સ્ટીકર પેક ઈન્સ્ટોલ કરી શકાયું નથી",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "આ અંકો તમારા યુઝરનેમને ખાનગી રાખવામાં મદદ કરે છે જેથી તમે અનિચ્છનીય મેસેજને ટાળી શકો. તમારું યુઝરનેમ ફક્ત એ લોકો અને ગ્રુપ સાથે જ શેર કરો જેમની સાથે તમને ચેટ કરવું ગમે છે. જો તમે યુઝરનેમ બદલો છો તો તમને નવા અંકો મળશે.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal હવે ટૂંક સમયમાં તમારા ડિવાઇસના {OS} વર્ઝનને સપોર્ટ કરશે નહીં. Signalનો ઉપયોગ ચાલુ રાખવા માટે, તમારા કમ્પ્યુટરની ઓપરેટિંગ સિસ્ટમને {expirationDate} સુધીમાં અપડેટ કરો. <learnMoreLink>વધુ જાણો</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal ડેસ્કટોપ હવે આ કમ્પ્યુટર પર કામ કરતું નથી. Signal ડેસ્કટોપનો ફરીથી ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે, તમારા કમ્પ્યુટરની {OS}નું વર્ઝન અપડેટ કરો. <learnMoreLink>વધુ જાણો</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal ડેસ્કટોપ હવે આ કમ્પ્યુટર પર કામ કરતું નથી. Signal ડેસ્કટોપનો ફરીથી ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે, તમારા કમ્પ્યુટરની {OS}નું વર્ઝન અપડેટ કરો.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "નવું શું છે",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "જ્યારે તમે નાના ગ્રુપ (16 લોકો સુધી) માટે ગ્રુપ કૉલ શરૂ કરો છો, ત્યારે તમે રિંગિંગ નોટિફિકેશન મોકલવાનું પસંદ કરી શકો છો. જો ગ્રુપના સભ્યો iOS બીટા પર હોય અથવા ડેસ્કટૉપ અથવા Androidનો ઉપયોગ કરતા હોય તો તેઓને રિંગ સંભળાશે.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "અવતરિત જવાબ શરૂ કરવા માટે ચેટમાં મેસેજની કોઈ પણ પંક્તિ પર ડબલ-ક્લિક કરો. તે જૂની તરકીબો વિશેના નવા વિચારો માટેના શોર્ટકટ જેવું છે. આ ફીચરનો અમલ કરવા અને પ્રતિસાદ આપવા બદલ {whynothugo} અને Signal કોમ્યુનિટીનો આભાર.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "હવે ઝૂમ ઇન કર્યા વિના ગેલેરી વ્યૂને કાઢી નાખવા માટે ફોટાની બહાર ક્લિક કરવું વધુ સરળ છે. કેટલીક વાર તમે ફક્ત બંધ કરવા માગતા હતા અને તેના બદલે વસ્તુઓ ખૂબ નજીક આવી જતી હતી. આને ઉકેલવા માટે {jojomatik} નો આભાર!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} ו{conversationTitle} שייכים לאותו חשבון. היסטוריית ההודעות שלך לשני הצ׳אטים נמצאת כאן.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "היסטוריית ההודעות שלך עם {conversationTitle} וצ׳אט נוסף ששייך אליו/ה מוזגו יחד.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "היסטוריית ההודעות שלך עם {conversationTitle} והמספר שלו או שלה {obsoleteConversationNumber} מוזגו יחד.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "היסטוריית ההודעות שלך עם {conversationTitle} וצ׳אט נוסף ששייך אליו או אליה מוזגו יחד.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "למידע נוסף",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} שייך ל{conversationTitle}. שניכם חברים ב{sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} שייך ל{conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "תמונה ממוזערת מהודעה מצוטטת",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "לחץ על הפעל מחדש את Signal כדי להחיל את העדכונים."
"message": "לחץ על הפעל מחדש את Signal כדי להחיל את העדכונים.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "הפעל מחדש את Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "לא ניתן למשוך פרטי תג מתנה",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "לא ניתן למשוך פרטי תרומה",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "הצג הודעה זו בנייד כדי לפתוח אותה",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "צריך להציג את ההודעה זו בנייד כדי לפתוח אותה",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "יש ללחוץ על הודעה זו בנייד כדי לראות את המתנה שלך",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "צריך ללחוץ על ההודעה הזו בנייד כדי לראות את התרומה שלך",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "שי",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} תרם/ה ל–Signal בשמך",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "בדוק את הטלפון שלך כדי לפתוח שי",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "צריך לבדוק את הטלפון שלך כדי לפתוח את התרומה",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "בדוק את הטלפון שלך כדי להציג את השי שלך",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "צריך לבדוק את הטלפון שלך כדי לראות את התרומה שלך",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "קיבלת שי",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} תרם/ה בשבילך",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "מימשת תג שי",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "מימשת תרומה",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "שלחת תג שי",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "תרמת בשביל {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "תג שי",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "תרומה",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "שי",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "תרומה",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ ימים נותרו",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} ימים נותרו",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ שעות נותרו",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} שעות נותרו",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ דקות נותרו",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {דקה 1 נותרה} two {{minutes,number} דקות נותרו} many {{minutes,number} דקות נותרו} other {{minutes,number} דקות נותרו}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "דקה 1 נותרה",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "פג",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "פג תוקף",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "הצג",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "צפיה",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "מומש",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "מומש",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "תודה על התמיכה שלך!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "תודה על התמיכה שלך!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "נתת תג כשי אל $name$. כשהוא/היא יסכים/תסכים, תינתן לו/לה בחירה להראות או להסתיר את התג שלו/שלה.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "ביצעת תרומה ל–Signal בשם {name}. הוא או היא יקבלו את האפשרות להשוויץ בתמיכה שלהם בפרופיל.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "חבילת מדבקות לא יכלה להיות מותקנת",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "הספרות האלה עוזרות לשמור על שם המשתמש שלך פרטי כדי להימנע מהודעות לא רצויות. ניתן לשתף את שם המשתמש שלך רק עם אנשים וקבוצות שמתחשק לך לשוחח איתם. אם משנים את שם המשתמש, מקבלים סט חדש של ספרות.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal לשולחן עבודה בקרוב תפסיק לתמוך בגרסת {OS} של המחשב שלך. כדי להמשיך להשתמש ב–Signal, צריך לעדכן את מערכת ההפעלה של המחשב שלך עד {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>למידע נוסף</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal לשולחן עבודה כבר לא פועלת על המחשב הזה. כדי לחזור להשתמש ב–Signal לשולחן עבודה, צריך לעדכן את גרסת {OS} של המחשב שלך. <learnMoreLink>למידע נוסף</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal לשולחן עבודה כבר לא פועלת על המחשב הזה. כדי לחזור להשתמש ב–Signal לשולחן עבודה, צריך לעדכן את גרסת {OS} של המחשב שלך.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "מה חדש",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "כשמתחילים שיחה קבוצתית לקבוצות קטנות (עד 16 אנשים), אפשר לבחור לשלוח התראת צלצול. חברי הקבוצה ישמעו צלצול אם הם משתמשים ב–iOS beta או בגרסאות שולחן העבודה או Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "אפשר ללחוץ פעמיים על כל שורת טקסט בצ׳אט כדי ליצור תשובה מצוטטת. זה כמו קיצור דרך למחשבות חדשות על רעיונות ישנים. תודה ל–{whynothugo} ולקהילת Signal על יישום הפיצ׳ר הזה ומתן פידבק.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "עכשיו קל יותר ללחוץ מחוץ לתמונה כדי לסגור את תצוגת הגלריה בלי לעשות זום אין. לפעמים פשוט בא לסגור עניין וזהו. תודה ל–{jojomatik} על התיקון!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} और {conversationTitle} एक ही अकाउंट हैं। दोनों चैट हेतु आपकी संदेश हिस्ट्री यहाँ हैं।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} के साथ आपके संदेश इतिहास को उनके नंबर {obsoleteConversationNumber} के साथ जोड़ दिया गया है।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} के साथ आपके संदेश इतिहास को उनके साथ ही किसी अन्य चैट के साथ जोड़ दिया गया है।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "और जानें",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} का फ़ोन नंबर {phoneNumber} है। आप दोनों ही {sharedGroup} के सदस्य हैं।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle} का है",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "कोटेड मेसेज में से तस्वीर का थंबनेल",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "अपडेट लागू करने के लिये Signal फिर से शुरु करें"
"message": "अपडेट लागू करने के लिये Signal फिर से शुरु करें",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal पुनः आरंभ करे"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "गिफ़्ट बैज का विवरण पाने में असमर्थ",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "दान विवरण प्राप्त करने में असमर्थ",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "इस संदेश को खोलने के लिए इसे मोबाइल पर देखें",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "इस संदेश को खोलने के लिए इसे मोबाइल पर देखें",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "मोबाइल पर इस संदेश को टैप करके अपना गिफ़्ट देखें",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "अपना दान देखने के लिए मोबाइल पर इस संदेश को टैप करें",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "गिफ़्ट",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ने आपकी ओर से Signal को दान दिया",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "गिफ़्ट खोलने के लिए अपना फ़ोन जाँचें।",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "इस दान को खोलने के लिए अपना फोन देखें",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "अपना गिफ़्ट देखने के लिए अपना फ़ोन जाँचें।",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "अपना दान देखने के लिए अपना फोन देखें",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "आपको एक गिफ़्ट मिला है",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ने आपके लिए दान दिया",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "आपने एक गिफ़्ट बैज रिडीम किया",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "आपने एक दान को रिडीम किया है",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "आपने एक गिफ़्ट बैज भेजा",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "आपने {recipient} के लिए दान दिया",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "गिफ़्ट बैज",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "दान",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "गिफ़्ट",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "दान",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ दिन शेष",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} दिन शेष",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ घंटे शेष",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} घंटे शेष",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ मिनट शेष",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} मिनट शेष} other {{minutes,number} मिनट सहेश हैं}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 मिनट शेष",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "समाप्त हो गया",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "समाप्त हो गया",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "देखना",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "राय",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "रिडीम किया गया",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "रिडीम किया गया",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "आपके समर्थन के लिए शुक्रिया!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "आपके समर्थन के लिए शुक्रिया!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "आपने $name$ को एक बैज गिफ़्ट किया है। जब वे इसे स्वीकार करेंगे तब उन्हें अपना बैज दिखाने या छिपाने का विकल्प दिया जाएगा।",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "आपने {name} की ओर से Signal को एक दान दिया है। उन्हें अपना सहयोग अपनी प्रोफ़ाइल पर दर्शाने का विकल्प दिया जाएगा।",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "स्टीकर पैक इंस्टॉल नहीं हो पाया",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "यह अंक आपके यूज़रनेम को निजी रखने में मदद करते हैं ताकि आप अवांछित संदेशों से बच सकें। अपना यूज़रनेम केवल उन लोगों और ग्रुप्स के साथ साझा करें जिनसे आप चैट करना पसंद करते हैं। यदि आप यूज़रनेम बदलते हैं तो आपको अंकों का एक नया सेट मिलेगा।",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal डेस्कटॉप जल्द ही आपके कंप्यूटर के {OS} संस्करण को सपोर्ट नहीं करेगा। Signal का इस्तेमाल जारी रखने के लिए, अपने कंप्यूटर के ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम को {expirationDate} पर अपडेट करें। <learnMoreLink>अधिक जानें</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal डेस्कटॉप अब इस कंप्यूटर पर काम नहीं करता। Signal डेस्कटॉप दोबारा इस्तेमाल करने के लिए, अपने कंप्यूटर के {OS} के संस्करण को अपडेट करें। <learnMoreLink>अधिक जानें</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal डेस्कटॉप अब इस कंप्यूटर पर काम नहीं करता। Signal डेस्कटॉप दोबारा इस्तेमाल करने के लिए, अपने कंप्यूटर के {OS} के संस्करण को अपडेट करें।",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "नया क्या है",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "जब आप छोटे समूहों (16 लोगों तक वाले) के लिए ग्रुप कॉल शुरू करते हैं तब आप एक रिंग होनेवाला नोटिफ़िकेशन भेजने का चुनाव कर सकते हैं। समूह के सदस्य यही iOS बीटा पर हों या डेस्कटॉप या ऐंड्रॉयड का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हों तो उन्हें एक रिंग सुनाई देगी।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "कुओटेड रिप्लाई शुरू करने के लिए चैट में किसी भी संदेश पंक्ति पर डबल-क्लिक करें। यह पुराने विचारों के बारे में नए विचारों के शॉर्टकट की तरह है। इस फ़ीचर को लागू करने और फीडबैक प्रदान करने के लिए {whynothugo} और Signal समुदाय का धन्यवाद।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "अब ज़ूम इन किए बिना गैलरी व्यू को डिसमिस करने के लिए छवि के बाहर क्लिक करना आसान हो गया है। कभी-कभी आप बस बंद करना चाहते थे, और इसके बजाये चीजें बहुत करीब आ गईं। इसे दुरुस्त करने के लिए {jojomatik} का धन्यवाद!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} i {conversationTitle} pripadaju istom računu. Vaša povijest poruka za oba razgovora nalazi se ovdje.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Povijest vašeg razgovora s korisnikom {conversationTitle} sada je povezana s njegovim brojem {obsoleteConversationNumber}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Povijest vašeg razgovora s korisnikom {conversationTitle} sada je povezana s drugim razgovorom s istim korisnikom.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saznajte više",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "Broj {phoneNumber} pripada korisniku {conversationTitle}. Oboje ste članovi grupe {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "Broj {phoneNumber} pripada korisniku {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Sličica fotografije iz citirane poruke",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Kliknite Ponovno pokreni Signal za primjenu ažuriranja."
"message": "Kliknite Ponovno pokreni Signal za primjenu ažuriranja.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Ponovno pokreni Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Nije moguće dohvatiti detalje poklonjene značke",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Nije moguće učitati podatke o donaciji",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Otvorite ovu poruku na mobilnom uređaju da biste je pročitali",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Otvorite ovu poruku na mobilnom uređaju da biste je pročitali",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Dodirnite ovu poruku za prikaz vašeg poklona",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Dodirnite ovu poruku na mobilnom uređaju za prikaz vaše donacije",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Poklon",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "Korisnik {sender} donirao je Signalu u vaše ime",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Provjerite svoj telefon i otvorite poklon",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Provjerite svoj telefon i otvorite donaciju",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Provjerite svoj telefon da biste vidjeli svoj poklon",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Provjerite svoj telefon za prikaz donacije",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Dobili ste poklon",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "Korisnik {sender} donirao je u vaše ime",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Preuzeli ste poklonjenu značku",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Preuzeli ste donaciju",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Poslali ste značku na poklon",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Izvršili ste donaciju u ime korisnika {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Značka na poklon",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donacija",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Poklon",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donacija",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Preostalo je $days$ dana",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Preostalo je {days} dana",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Preostalo sati: $hours$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Preostalo je {hours} sati",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Preostale minute: $minutes$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Preostala je {minutes,number} minuta} few {Preostale su {minutes,number} minute} many {Preostalo je {minutes,number} minuta} other {Preostalo je {minutes,number} minuta}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 preostala minuta",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Isteklo",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Isteklo",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Prikaz",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Pregled",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Preuzeto",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Preuzeto",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Hvala vam na podršci!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Hvala vam na podršci!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Poklonili ste značku korisniku $name$. Kad ju prihvati, moći će izabrati hoće li ju prikazati ili sakriti.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Izvršili ste donaciju Signalu u ime korisnika {name}. Korisnik će moći izabrati hoće li iskazati podršku na svom profilu.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Paket naljepnica nije moguće instalirati",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Ove znamenke čuvaju privatnost vašeg korisničkog imena kako bi se izbjeglo primanje neželjenih poruka. Podijelite svoje korisničko ime samo s osobama i grupama s kojima želite razgovarati. Ako promijenite korisničko ime, dobit ćete novi skup znamenki.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal uskoro više neće biti kompatibilan s verzijom {OS} na vašem računalu. Da biste nastavili koristiti Signal, ažurirajte operacijski sustav vašeg računala do {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Saznajte više</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal za desktop više nije kompatibilan s ovim računalom. Ažurirajte verziju {OS} na svom računalu da biste ponovno koristili Signal za desktop. <learnMoreLink>Saznajte više</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal za desktop više nije kompatibilan s ovim računalom. Ažurirajte verziju {OS} na svom računalu da biste ponovno koristili Signal za desktop.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Novosti",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kada započnete grupni poziv za manje grupe (do 16 osoba), možete odabrati slanje zvučne obavijesti. Članovi grupe čut će zvučnu obavijest ako koriste beta verziju iOS-a, Desktop ili Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvaput kliknite na bilo koji red poruke u razgovoru da biste započeli citirani odgovor. To je poput prečaca za nove misli o starim idejama. Hvala {whynothugo} i zajednici Signal na implementaciji ove značajke i pružanju povratnih informacija.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Sada je lakše kliknuti izvan slike za zatvaranje prikaza galerije bez nepotrebnog zumiranja. Ponekad ste samo htjeli zatvoriti sliku, a umjesto toga bi proradio zoom. Hvala {jojomatik} na ispravku!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} és {conversationTitle} ugyanaz a fiók. Itt található mindkét csevegés üzenetelőzménye.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} és számának ({obsoleteConversationNumber}) üzenetelőzményei egyesítésre kerültek.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} és a hozzá tartozó csevegés üzenetelőzményei egyesítésre kerültek.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Tudj meg többet",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "A(z) {phoneNumber} telefonszám a(z) {conversationTitle} beszélgetéshez tartozik. Mindketten tagjai vagytok a(z) {sharedGroup} csoportnak.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "A(z) {phoneNumber} telefonszám a(z) {conversationTitle} beszélgetéshez tartozik",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Az idézett üzenetben megjelenített fotó előnézeti képe",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Kattints a Signal újraindítására a frissítések alkalmazásához!"
"message": "Kattints a Signal újraindítására a frissítések alkalmazásához!",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal újraindítása"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Nem sikerült lekérni az ajándékjelvény adatait",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Nem sikerült lekérni az adomány részleteit",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "A megtekintéshez nyisd meg ezt az üzenetet mobilon",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "A megtekintéshez nyisd meg ezt az üzenetet mobilon",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Az ajándék megtekintéséhez koppints erre az üzenetre a mobilodon",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Az adomány mobilon való megtekintéséhez koppints erre az üzenetre",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Ajándék",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} adományozott a Signalnak a nevedben",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Használd telefonodat az ajándék megnyitásához",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Az adomány megnyitásához ellenőrizd a telefonod",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Használd telefonodat az ajándék megtekintéséhez",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Az adományod megtekintéséhez ellenőrizd a telefonod",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Ajándékot kaptál",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} adományozott neked",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Beváltottál egy ajándék kitűzőt",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Beváltottál egy adományt",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Elküldtél egy ajándék kitűzőt",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Adományoztál {recipient} számára",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Ajándék kitűző",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Adományozás",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Ajándék",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Adományozás",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ nap van hátra",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} nap van hátra",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ óra van hátra",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} óra van hátra",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ perc van hátra",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} perc van hátra} other {{minutes,number} perc van hátra}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 perc van hátra",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Lejárt",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Lejárt",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Megtekintés",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Megtekintés",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Beváltva",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Beváltva",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Köszönjük a támogatásodat!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Köszönjük a támogatásodat!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Kitűzőt ajándékoztál $name$ részére. Amikor elfogadja, lehetősége lesz kitűzni vagy elrejteni azt.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Adományoztál a Signal számára {name} nevében. Lehetőséget kap arra, hogy a profilján megjelenítse a támogatást.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "A matricacsomagot nem sikerült telepíteni",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Ezek a számok segítenek megőrizni a felhasználóneved privát jellegét, hogy elkerüld a nem kívánt üzeneteket. Csak azokkal az emberekkel és csoportokkal oszd meg a felhasználóneved, akikkel csevegni szeretnél. Ha módosítod a felhasználóneved, új számsort kapsz.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "A Signal asztali számítógépen elérhető változata hamarosan nem fogja támogatni a számítógépeden megtalálható {OS} verziót. A Signal asztali számítógépen elérhető változatának folytatásához frissítsd a számítógéped operációs rendszerét eddig: {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Tudj meg többet</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "A Signal már nem működik ezen a készüléken. A Signal asztali számítógépről elérhető változatának ismételt használatához frissítsd a számítógépeden a(z) {OS} verzióját. <learnMoreLink>Tudj meg többet</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "A Signal asztali számítógépről elérhető változata már nem működik ezen a számítógépen. A Signal asztali számítógépről elérhető változatának ismételt használatához frissítsd a számítógépeden a(z) {OS} verzióját.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Újdonságok",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Amikor csoportos hívást indítasz kis csoportok számára (max. 16 fő), eldöntheted, hogy küldesz-e csengő értesítést. A csoport tagjai csengetést fognak hallani, ha iOS bétaverziót, asztali számítógépet vagy Android-eszközt használnak.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Kattints duplán bármelyik üzenetsorra a csevegésben az idézett válasz indításához. Olyan, mint egy parancsikon a régi ötletekkel kapcsolatos új gondolatokhoz. Köszönet {whynothugo} partnerünknek és a Signal-közösségnek a funkció megvalósításáért és a visszajelzésért.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Mostantól egyszerűbb kikattintani egy képből, hogy nagyítás nélkül kilépj a Galérianézetből. Van, hogy csak be akarsz zárni valamit, de helyette ráközelítesz. Köszönjük a javítást, {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} dan {conversationTitle} adalah milik akun yang sama. Riwayat pesan Anda untuk kedua obrolan ada di sini.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "Riwayat pesan Anda dengan {conversationTitle} dan satu obrolan lain dengan mereka telah digabungkan.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Riwayat pesan Anda dengan {conversationTitle} dan nomor {obsoleteConversationNumber} telah digabungkan.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Riwayat pesan Anda dengan {conversationTitle} dan satu obrolan lain milik mereka telah digabungkan.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Pelajari Lebih Lanjut",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} milik dari {conversationTitle}. Kalian berdua adalah anggota dari {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} milik dari {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Cuplikan gambar dari pesan yang dikutip",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Tekan memulai awal Signal untuk mendapatkan versi terbaru."
"message": "Tekan memulai awal Signal untuk mendapatkan versi terbaru.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Mulai ulang Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Tidak bisa mengambil detail lencana hadiah",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Tidak dapat mengambil detail donasi",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Lihat pesan ini di perangkat seluler untuk membukanya",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Lihat pesan ini di perangkat seluler untuk membukanya",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Ketuk pesan ini di perangkat seluler untuk melihat hadiah Anda",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Ketuk pesan ini di perangkat seluler untuk melihat donasi Anda",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Hadiah",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} berdonasi ke Signal atas nama Anda",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Periksa ponsel Anda untuk membuka hadiah",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Periksa ponsel Anda untuk membuka donasi ini",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Periksa ponsel Anda untuk melihat hadiah",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Periksa ponsel Anda untuk melihat donasi",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Anda mendapatkan hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} berdonasi untuk Anda",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Anda telah menebus lencana hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Anda menebus donasi",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Anda mengirimkan lencana hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Anda berdonasi untuk {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Lencana Hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donasi",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donasi",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ hadiah tersisa",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Sisa {days} hari",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ jam tersisa",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Sisa {hours} jam",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ menit tersisa",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {Sisa {minutes,number} menit}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 menit tersisa",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Kadaluwarsa",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Kedaluwarsa",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Lihat",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Lihat",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Tertukar",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Ditebus",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Terima kasih untuk dukungan Anda!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Terima kasih untuk dukungan Anda!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Anda menghadiahkan lencana ke $name$. Saat menerimanya, mereka akan diberi pilihan untuk menampilkan atau menyembunyikan lencana.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Anda memberikan donasi ke Signal atas nama {name}. Dia akan diberi opsi untuk menunjukkan dukungan di profilnya.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Paket stiker tidak dapat dipasang",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Nomor ini membantu memastikan nama pengguna Anda tetap privat sehingga Anda terhindar dari pesan yang tidak diinginkan. Bagikan nama pengguna Anda hanya dengan orang dan grup yang diinginkan. Jika mengganti nama pengguna, Anda akan mendapatkan serangkaian nomor baru.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop tidak lagi mendukung versi {OS} di komputer Anda dalam waktu dekat. Untuk terus menggunakan Signal, perbarui sistem operasi komputer Anda paling lambat {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Selengkapnya</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop sudah tidak berfungsi di komputer ini. Untuk menggunakan Signal Desktop lagi, perbarui versi {OS} komputer Anda. <learnMoreLink>Selengkapnya</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop sudah tidak berfungsi di komputer ini. Untuk menggunakan Signal Desktop lagi, perbarui versi {OS} komputer Anda.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Yang Baru",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Saat Anda memulai panggilan grup untuk grup kecil (maksimal 16 orang), Anda dapat memilih untuk mengirimkan notifikasi dering. Anggota grup akan mendengar dering jika mereka menggunakan iOS beta atau menggunakan Desktop atau Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Klik dua kali baris pesan apa pun dalam obrolan untuk memulai balasan yang dikutip. Ini seperti jalan pintas untuk pemikiran baru tentang ide lama. Terima kasih kepada {whynothugo} dan komunitas Signal telah menerapkan fitur ini dan memberikan masukan.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Sekarang lebih mudah mengeklik di luar gambar untuk menutup tampilan galeri tanpa memperbesar. Terkadang Anda hanya ingin menutup, tetapi justru jadi terlalu dekat. Terima kasih kepada {jojomatik} untuk perbaikannya!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} e {conversationTitle} appartengono allo stesso account. La cronologia dei messaggi per entrambe le chat è qui.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "La tua cronologia dei messaggi con {conversationTitle} è stata collegata al suo numero {obsoleteConversationNumber}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "La tua cronologia dei messaggi con {conversationTitle} è stata collegata a un'altra sua chat.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Scopri di più",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} appartiene a {conversationTitle}. Fate parte di questo gruppo: {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} appartiene a {conversationTitle}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Anteprima dell'immagine dal messaggio citato",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Premi \"Riavvia Signal\" per applicare gli aggiornamenti."
"message": "Premi \"Riavvia Signal\" per applicare gli aggiornamenti.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Riavvia Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Impossibile recuperare le informazioni legate al badge regalato",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Impossibile recuperare i dettagli della donazione",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Visualizza questo messaggio sul cellulare per aprirlo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Visualizza questo messaggio sul cellulare per aprirlo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Tocca questo messaggio sull'app per smartphone per vedere il tuo regalo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Tocca questo messaggio sull'app per visualizzare la donazione",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Regalo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ha fatto una donazione a Signal per tuo conto",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Controlla il telefono per aprire il regalo",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Controlla il tuo telefono per aprire questa donazione",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Controlla il tuo telefono per vedere il tuo regalo",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Controlla il tuo telefono per visualizzare questa donazione",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Hai ricevuto un regalo",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ha fatto una donazione per tuo conto",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Hai riscattato un badge regalo",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Hai riscattato una donazione",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Hai inviato un badge regalo",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Hai fatto una donazione per conto di {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Badge regalo",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donazione",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Regalo",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donazione",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ giorni rimanenti",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} giorni rimanenti",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ ore rimanenti",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} ore rimanenti",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minuti rimanenti",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minuto rimanente} other {{minutes,number} minuti rimanenti}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minuto rimanente",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Scaduto",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Scaduto",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Mostra",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Mostra",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Riscattato",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Riscattato",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Grazie per il tuo supporto!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Grazie per il tuo supporto!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Hai regalato un badge a $name$. Quando accetterà, gli verrà data la possibilità di scegliere se mostrare o nascondere il suo badge.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Hai fatto una donazione a Signal per conto di {name}. Adesso potrà scegliere se mostrare un badge per supportare Signal sul proprio profilo.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Il pacchetto di adesivi potrebbe non essere installato",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Questi numeri fanno in modo che il tuo nome utente rimanga privato, così da evitare di ricevere messaggi indesiderati. Ti consigliamo di condividere il tuo nome utente solamente con le persone e i gruppi con cui vuoi chattare. Se cambi il nome utente, riceverai una nuova serie di numeri.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Presto Signal desktop non supporterà più la versione di {OS} presente sul tuo computer. Per continuare a usare Signal, aggiorna il sistema operativo del tuo computer entro questa data: {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Scopri di più</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop non funziona più su questo computer. Per usare di nuovo Signal desktop, aggiorna la versione di {OS} presente sul tuo computer. <learnMoreLink>Scopri di più</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop non funziona più su questo computer. Per usare di nuovo Signal desktop, aggiorna la versione di {OS} presente sul tuo computer.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Cosa c'è di nuovo",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Quando inizi una chiamata di gruppo con un gruppo piccolo (fino a 16 persone) puoi scegliere di inviare una notifica di chiamata. Le persone nel gruppo sentiranno squillare se stanno usando la versione beta di Signal su iOS oppure l'app da PC o Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Per rispondere a un messaggio specifico in chat, fai doppio clic sul messaggio in questione: è come rispolverare vecchi messaggi con idee nuove. Grazie a {whynothugo} e alla community di Signal per questa funzione e il relativo feedback!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Ora cliccando fuori dall'immagine uscirai dalla visualizzazione a schermo intero: niente più zoom, promesso. Grazie a {jojomatik} per aver risolto il problema!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} と {conversationTitle} は同じアカウントから発せられています。両方のチャットのメッセージ履歴はこちらです。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} さんと{obsoleteConversationNumber} のメッセージ履歴が統合されました。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} さんとのメッセージ履歴と、同じ人との別のチャットが統合されました。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "詳しく見る",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} は {conversationTitle}に所属しています。あなたは{sharedGroup}の両方のメンバーです。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} は {conversationTitle}に所属しています",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "引用したメッセージの画像のサムネイル",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "アップデートを適用するにはSignalを再起動してください。"
"message": "アップデートを適用するにはSignalを再起動してください。",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signalを再起動する"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "ギフトバッジの詳細を取得できません",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "寄付の詳細を取得できません",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "モバイルでこのメッセージを表示して開きます",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "携帯電話を開いてこのメッセージを表示します",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "モバイルでこのメッセージをタップするとギフトが表示されます",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "携帯電話でこのメッセージをタップすると寄付が表示されます",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "ギフト",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} さんがあなたに代わってSignalに寄付しました",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "ギフトを開けるために携帯電話を確認してください",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "携帯電話でこの寄付を確認してください",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "ギフトを表示するために携帯電話を確認してください",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "携帯電話で寄付を見ることができます",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "ギフトを受け取りました",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} があなたに代わって寄付しました",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "ギフトバッジを交換しました",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "寄付を引き換えました",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "ギフトバッジを送りました",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "{recipient} に代わって寄付しました",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "ギフトバッジ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "寄付",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "ギフト",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "寄付",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "残り$days$日",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "残り{days}日",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "残り$hours$時間",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "残り{hours}時間",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "残り$minutes$分",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {残り{minutes,number}分}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "残り1分",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "期限切れ",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "期限切れ",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "表示する",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "表示",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "交換",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "引換え済",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "ご支援をありがとうございます!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "ご支援をありがとうございます!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "$name$にバッジをプレゼントしました。 承認すると、相手はバッジの表示・非表示を選択できるようになります。",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "{name} さんに代わってあなたがSignalに寄付しました。その人のプロフィールには、サポートしていることを表示するオプションが付与されます。",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "ステッカーパックをインストールできませんでした",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "これらの数字は、ユーザーネームを非公開にし、不要なメッセージを避けるのに役立ちます。ユーザーネームは、チャットをしたい人やグループとだけ共有してください。ユーザーネームを変更すると、新しい数字に更新されます。",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktopは、まもなくお使いのコンピュータの{OS}バージョンのサポートを終了します。Signalを引き続き利用するには、{expirationDate}までにコンピュ―タのオペレーティングシステムを更新してください。<learnMoreLink>詳しく見る</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "このコンピュータではSignal desktopは動作しなくなりました。Signal desktopを再びご利用になる場合は、お使いのコンピュータのバージョン{OS}をアップデートしてください。<learnMoreLink>詳しく見る</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "このコンピュータではSignal desktopは動作しなくなりました。Signal desktopを再びご利用になる場合は、お使いのコンピュータのバージョン{OS}をアップデートしてください。",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "更新情報",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "小人数(最大16人)でグル-プ通話を開始する時、呼び出し通知の送信を選択できます。iOSベータ版、デスクトップ、Androidを使用してるグループメンバーには呼び出し音が聞こえます。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "チャット内のいずれかのメッセージ行をダブルクリックすると、引用返信をすることができます。従来の概念に対して新しい発想をするためのショートカットのようなものです。この機能を搭載し、フィードバックを提供してくれた{whynothugo}とSignalコミュニティにお礼を申し上げます。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "画像の外側をクリックしてギャラリービューを解除することができるようになりました。画像が拡大されることはありません。画像を閉じたいのにむしろ拡大される、なんて真逆でしたよね。修正してくれた {jojomatik}に感謝します!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} და {conversationTitle} ერთი და იგივე ანგარიშია. ორივე ჩატში შენი მიმოწერის ისტორია აქაა.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle}-სთან შენი მიმოწერის ისტორია და მისი ნომერი {obsoleteConversationNumber} გაერთიანდა.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle}-სთან შენი მიმოწერის ისტორია და სხვა ჩატი, რომელიც მას ეკუთვნოდა, გაერთიანდა.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "გაიგე მეტი",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle}-ს ეკუთვნის. ორივე {sharedGroup}-ის წევრები ხართ.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle}-ს ეკუთვნის",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "სურათის მინიატურა ციტირებული შეტყობინებიდან",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "დააჭირე Signal-ის გადატვირთვას, რომ განახლებები გააქტიურო."
"message": "დააჭირე Signal-ის გადატვირთვას, რომ განახლებები გააქტიურო.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Restart Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "საჩუქრის ემბლემის დეტალების მოძიება შეუძლებელია",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "დონაციის დეტალების მიღება ვერ მოხერხდა",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "იხილე ეს შეტყობინება მობილურზე, რომ გახსნა",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "გასახსნელად, ეს წერილი მობილურში ნახე",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "შეეხე ამ შეტყობინებას მობილურზე, რათა შენი საჩუქრი ნახო",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "შენი დონაციის სანახავად, დააჭირე ამ წერილს მობილურზე",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "საჩუქარი",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender}-მა Signal-ს დონაცია შენს სახელზე გაუკეთა",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "საჩუქრის გასახსნელად შეამოწმე შენი მობილური",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ამ დონაციის გასახსნელად, შეამოწმე შენი ტელეფონი",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "შენი საჩუქრის სანახავად შეამოწმე მობილური",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "შენი დონაციის გასახსნელად, შეამოწმე შენი ტელეფონი",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "შენ მიიღე საჩუქარი",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender}-მა დონაცია გაგიკეთა",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "შენ გამოიყენე სასაჩუქრე ემბლემა",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "შენ გაანაღდე დონაცია",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "შენ საჩუქრად გააგზავნე ემბლემა",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "{recipient}-ს დონაცია გაუკეთე",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "სასაჩუქრე ემბლემა",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "დონაცია",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "საჩუქარი",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "დონაცია",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "დარჩა $days$ დღე",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "დარჩა {days} დღე",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "დარჩა $hours$ საათი",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "დარჩა {hours} საათი",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "დარჩა $minutes$ წუთი",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {დარჩა {minutes,number} წუთი} other {დარჩა {minutes,number} წუთი}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "დარჩა 1 წუთი",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "ვადა ამოიწურა",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "ვადა ამოიწურა",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "View",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "ნახვა",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "მიღებულია",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "მიღებულია",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "მადლობა მხარდაჭერისთვის!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "მადლობა მხარდაჭერისთვის!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "$name$ -ს ემბლემა აჩუქე. როცა ის ამას დაეთანხმება, მას მიეცემა არჩევანი, აჩვენოს ან დამალოს ემბლემა.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "შენ Signal-ს დონაცია {name}-ის სახელზე გაუკეთე. მას საშუალება მიეცემა მხარდაჭერა საკუთარ პროფილზე გამოხატოს.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "სტიკერების ნაკრების გადმოწერა ვერ მოხერხდა",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "ეს ციფრები შენი მომხმარებლის სახელის კონფიდენციალურობის შენარჩუნებაში დაგეხმარება, რათა არასასურველი შეტყობინებები თავიდან აიცილო. შენი მომხმარებლის სახელი მხოლოდ იმ ადამიანებსა და ჯგუფებს გაუზიარე, რომლებთანაც მიმოწერა გსურს. თუ მომხმარებლის სახელს შეცვლი, ციფრთა ახალ კომბინაციას მიიღებ.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop-ს მალე აღარ ექნება შენი კომპიუტერის {OS} ვერსიის მხარდაჭერა. Signal-ის გამოყენების გასაგრძელებლად, განაახლე შენი კომპიუტერის ოპერაციული სისტემა {expirationDate}-მდე. <learnMoreLink>გაიგე მეტი</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop-ი ამ კომპიუტერზე აღარ მუშაობს. იმისათვის, რომ Signal Desktop-ის გამოყენება ისევ შეძლო, შენი კომპიუტერის {OS}-ის ვერსია განაახლე. <learnMoreLink>გაიგე მეტი</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop-ი ამ კომპიუტერზე აღარ მუშაობს. იმისათვის, რომ Signal Desktop-ის გამოყენება ისევ შეძლო, შენი კომპიუტერის {OS}-ის ვერსია განაახლე.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "რა არის ახალი",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "როცა მცირე ზომის ჯგუფში (16 პერსონამდე) ჯგუფურ ზარს ახორციელებ, შეგიძლია წევრებს ზარის მრეკავი შეტყობინება გაუგზავნო. ჯგუფის წევრები ზარის ხმას გაიგებენ თუ iOS ბეტაზე არიან ან Desktop-ს თუ Android-ს იყენებენ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ციტირებული პასუხის დასაწყებად, ჩატში შეტყობინებების ნებისმიერ სტრიქონზე ორჯერ დააწკაპუნე. ეს ძველი იდეების შესახებ ახალი აზრების მალსახმობივითაა. მადლობა {whynothugo}-ს და Signal-ის საზოგადოებას ამ ფუნქციის დანერგვისა და მასზე უკუკავშირის მოწოდებისთვის.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ახლა გალერიის ხედის გაუქმება უფრო მარტივად, მისი გადიდების გარეშე, სურათის გარეთ დაწკაპუნებით შეგიძლია. ხანდახან უბრალოდ დახურვა გინდოდა, მაგრამ პირიქით, მიახლოება გამოდიოდა. მადლობა {jojomatik}-ს ამის გამოსწორებისთვის!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} және {conversationTitle} екеуі – бір аккаунт. Екі чат үшін де хаттар тарихын осы жерден таба аласыз.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} деген кісімен жазған хаттарыңыз және оның {obsoleteConversationNumber} деген нөмірі біріктірілді.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} чаты бар хаттар тарихы мен оған тиесілі тағы бір чат біріктірілді.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Толығырақ мәлімет",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} нөмірі {conversationTitle} деген кісіге тиесілі. Екеуіңіз де {sharedGroup} тобына мүше болып келесіздер.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} нөмірі {conversationTitle} деген кісіге тиесілі",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Сілтеме жасалған хаттағы суреттің нобайы",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Жаңа нұсқаны қолдану үшін \"Signal-ды өшіріп, қайта қосу\" түймесін басыңыз."
"message": "Жаңа нұсқаны қолдану үшін \"Signal-ды өшіріп, қайта қосу\" түймесін басыңыз.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal-ды қайта іске қосу"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Сыйлық таңбасы туралы мәліметті алу мүмкін емес",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Демеушілік туралы мәліметті алу мүмкін болмады",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Оны ашу үшін бұл хатты мобильдік құрылғыдан көру",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Бұл хатты мобильдік құрылғы арқылы ашыңыз",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Сыйлығыңызды көру үшін мобильдік құрылғыда мына хатты басыңыз",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Демеуіңізді көру үшін мобильдік құрылғыда осы хатты түртіңіз",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Сыйлық",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} сіздің атыңыздан Signal-ға демеу берді",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Сыйлықты ашу үшін телефоныңызды тексеріңіз",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Бұл демеуді ашу үшін телефоныңызды тексеріңіз",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Сыйлығыңызды көру үшін телефоныңызды тексеріңіз",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Демеуіңізді көру үшін телефоныңызды тексеріңіз",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Сыйлық алдыңыз",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} сізге демеу берді",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Сыйлық таңбасын белсендірдіңіз",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Демеуді іске қостыңыз",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Сыйлық таңбасын жібердіңіз",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Сіз {recipient} деген кісіге демеу бердіңіз",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Сыйлық таңбасы",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Демеушілік",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Сыйлық",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Демеушілік",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ күн қалды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} күн қалды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ сағат қалды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} сағат қалды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ минут қалды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 минут қалды} other {{minutes,number} минут қалды}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 минут қалды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Мерзімі өтіп кетті",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Мерзімі өтіп кетті",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Көру",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Көру",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Белсендірілді",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Белсендірілді",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Қолдау көрсеткеніңіз үшін рақмет!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Қолдау көрсеткеніңіз үшін рақмет!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "$name$ деген кісіге таңба сыйладыңыз. Ол қабылдағанда, ол таңбаны көрсетіп немесе жасырып қоя алады.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Сіз {name} деген кісінің атынан Signal-ға демеу жасадыңыз. Ол өз профилінен демеу бергенін көрсете алады.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Стикерлер жинағын орнату мүмкін болмады",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Бұл цифрлар пайдаланушы атыңызды құпия сақтайды, соның арқасында қажетсіз хаттар алмайсыз. Пайдаланушы атыңызды тек сөйлескіңіз келетін адамдармен және топтармен бөлісіңіз. Пайдаланушы атыңызды өзгертсеңіз, сізге жаңа цифрлар жинағы беріледі.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal-дың компьютерлік нұсқасы жақында компьютеріңіздегі {OS} нұсқасымен жұмыс істемейтін болады. Signal-ды пайдалана беру үшін {expirationDate} күніне дейін компьютеріңіздің операциялық жүйесін жаңартыңыз. <learnMoreLink>Толығырақ</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal-дың компьютерлік нұсқасы бұдан былай бұл компьютерде жұмыс істемейді. Signal-дың компьютерлік нұсқасын қайта пайдалану үшін компьютеріңіздегі {OS} нұсқасын жаңартыңыз. <learnMoreLink>Толығырақ</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal-дың компьютерлік нұсқасы бұдан былай бұл компьютерде жұмыс істемейді. Signal-дың компьютерлік нұсқасын қайта пайдалану үшін компьютеріңіздегі {OS} нұсқасын жаңартыңыз.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Жаңалықтар",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Шағын топтарға (16 адамға дейін) топтық қоңырау шалғанда, шырылдайтын хабарландыру жіберу опциясын таңдай аласыз. Топ мүшелері iOS бета нұсқасын пайдаланып жатса немесе компьютер немесе Android жүйесін пайдаланып жатса, шырылдаған дауыс естиді.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Біреудің жіберген хатына жауап беру үшін чаттағы хат жолын екі рет басыңыз. Осылайша жауап арқылы алдыңғы жіберілген хаттарды тез табуға да болады. Осы функцияны енгізіп, кері байланыс білдіргені үшін {whynothugo} және Signal қауымдастығына рақмет.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Енді суреттен тыс жерді басып қалып, суретті ұлғайтпай-ақ галерея көрінісін жабуға болады. Кейде жай ғана суретті жабайын дегенде, ол үлкейіп кететін. Осыны түзеткені үшін {jojomatik} ұжымына рақмет!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} និង {conversationTitle} គឺជាគណនីតែមួយ។ ប្រវត្តិសាររបស់អ្នកសម្រាប់ការជជែកទាំងពីរមាននៅទីនេះ។",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "ប្រវត្តិសាររបស់អ្នកជាមួយ {conversationTitle} និងលេខ {obsoleteConversationNumber} របស់គេត្រូវបានបញ្ចូលគ្នា។",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "ប្រវត្តិសាររបស់អ្នកជាមួយ {conversationTitle} និងការជជែកមួយផ្សេងទៀតដែលមានគេនៅក្នុងនោះដែរត្រូវបានបញ្ចូលគ្នា។",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែម",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ជាលេខរបស់ {conversationTitle}។ អ្នកទាំងពីរជាសមាជិកនៃ {sharedGroup}។",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ជាលេខរបស់ {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "រូបភាពតូចៗនៃរូបភាពពីសារដែលបានដកស្រង់",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "ចុច បើក Signalឡើងវិញ ដើម្បីដំណើការបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព។"
"message": "ចុច បើក Signalឡើងវិញ ដើម្បីដំណើការបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព។",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "បើកSignal ឡើងវិញ"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "មិនអាចបើកព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីស្លាកកាដូបានទេ",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "មិនអាចបើកព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីការបរិច្ចាគបានទេ",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "មើលសារនេះនៅលើទូរសព្ទដៃដើម្បីបើកមើលវា",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "មើលសារនេះនៅលើទូរសព្ទដៃដើម្បីបើកមើលវា",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "ចុចសារនេះនៅលើទូរសព្ទដើម្បីមើលកាដូរបស់អ្នក",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "ចុចលើសារនេះនៅលើទូរសព្ទដៃ ដើម្បីមើលការបរិច្ចាគរបស់អ្នក",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "កាដូ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} បានបរិច្ចាគទៅ Signal ជំនួសឲ្យអ្នក",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "មើលទូរសព្ទរបស់អ្នកដើម្បីបើកមើលកាដូ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "សូមពិនិត្យមើលទូរសព្ទរបស់អ្នក ដើម្បីបើកមើលការបរិច្ចាគនេះ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "មើលទូរសព្ទរបស់អ្នកដើម្បីមើលកាដូសម្រាប់អ្នក",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "សូមពិនិត្យមើលទូរសព្ទរបស់អ្នក ដើម្បីមើលការបរិច្ចាគនេះ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "អ្នកទទួលបានកាដូមួយ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} បានបរិច្ចាគសម្រាប់អ្នក",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "អ្នកបានប្តូរយកស្លាកកាដូ",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "អ្នកបានប្តូរយកការបរិច្ចាគមួយ",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "អ្នកបានផ្ញើស្លាកកាដូ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "អ្នកបានបរិច្ចាគសម្រាប់ {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "ស្លាកកាដូ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "ការបរិច្ចាគ",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "កាដូ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "ការបរិច្ចាគ",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "នៅសល់ $days$ ថ្ងៃទៀត",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "នៅសល់ {days} ថ្ងៃទៀត",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "នៅសល់ $hours$ ម៉ោងទៀត",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "នៅសល់ {hours} ម៉ោងទៀត",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "នៅសល់ $minutes$ នាទីទៀត",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {នៅសល់ {minutes,number} នាទីទៀត}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "នៅសល់ 1 នាទីទៀត",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "បានផុតកំណត់",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "បានផុតកំណត់",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "បង្ហាញ",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "មើល",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "បានប្តូរ",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "បានប្តូរយក",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "អរគុណសម្រាប់ការគាំទ្ររបស់អ្នក!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "អរគុណចំពោះការគាំទ្ររបស់អ្នក!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "អ្នកបានផ្តល់ស្លាកមួយទៅ $name$។ ពេលគេទទួលយករួច គេនឹងមានជម្រើសបង្ហាញ ឬលាក់ស្លាករបស់គេ។",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "អ្នកបានធ្វើការបរិច្ចាគទៅ Signal ជំនួសឲ្យ {name}។ គេនឹងត្រូវបានផ្តល់ជម្រើសដើម្បីបង្ហាញការគាំទ្ររបស់គេនៅលើប្រូហ្វាល់របស់គេ។",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "កញ្ចប់ស្ទីកគ័រមិនអាចដំឡើងបាន",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "លេខទាំងនេះជួយរក្សាឲ្យឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើរបស់អ្នកស្ថិតក្នុងភាពឯកជន ដើម្បីឲ្យអ្នកអាចជៀសវាងនូវការទទួលសារដែលមិនចង់បាន។ សូមចែករំលែកឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើរបស់អ្នកតែជាមួយមនុស្ស និងក្រុមដែលអ្នកចង់ជជែកជាមួយប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកប្តូរឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើ អ្នកនឹងទទួលបានសំណុំលេខថ្មី។",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop នឹងប្រើលែងបាននៅលើកំណែ {OS} របស់កុំព្យូទ័រអ្នកទៀតហើយក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗនេះ។ ដើម្បីបន្តប្រើប្រាស់ Signal សូមដំឡើងកំណែប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការកុំព្យូទ័ររបស់អ្នកត្រឹម {expirationDate}។ <learnMoreLink>ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែម</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop លែងដំណើរការលើកុំព្យូទ័រនេះទៀតហើយ។ ដើម្បីប្រើ Signal desktop ម្តងទៀត សូមដំឡើងកំណែ {OS} របស់កុំព្យូទ័រអ្នក។ <learnMoreLink>ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែម</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop លែងដំណើរការលើកុំព្យូទ័រនេះទៀតហើយ។ ដើម្បីប្រើ Signal desktop ម្តងទៀត សូមដំឡើងកំណែ {OS} របស់កុំព្យូទ័រអ្នក។",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "អ្វីដែលថ្មី",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "នៅពេលអ្នកចាប់ផ្តើមការហៅទូរសព្ទជាក្រុមសម្រាប់ក្រុមត្រូចៗ (រហូតដល់ទៅ 16 នាក់) អ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើសផ្ញើការជូនដំណឹងភ្ជាប់ជាមួយសំឡេងរោទ៍បាន។ សមាជិកក្រុមនឹងឮសំឡេងរោទ៍ប្រសិនបើពួកគេប្រើ iOS បេតា ឬកំពុងប្រើកម្មវិធីសម្រាប់កុំព្យូទ័រ ឬ Android។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ចុចពីរដងលើជួរសារណាមួយនៅក្នុងការជជែក ដើម្បីចាប់ផ្តើមការឆ្លើយតបចំពោះសារដកស្រង់ណាមួយ។ វាដូចជាផ្លូវកាត់សម្រាប់គំនិតថ្មីៗអំពីគំនិតចាស់ៗ។ សូមអរគុណដល់ {whynothugo} និងសហគមន៍ Signal ចំពោះការប្រើប្រាស់មុខងារនេះ និងផ្តល់ជាមតិកែលម្អ។",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ឥឡូវនេះកាន់តែងាយស្រួលក្នុងការចុចនៅខាងក្រៅរូបភាពដើម្បីបិទទិដ្ឋភាពសាលរូបភាពដោយមិនបាច់ពង្រីក។ កាលពីមុន ពេលខ្លះអ្នកគ្រាន់តែចង់បិទវាទេ ប៉ុន្តែវាបែរជាពង្រីកមកជិតខ្លាំងពេកទៅវិញ។ សូមអរគុណដល់ {jojomatik} ចំពោះការកែលម្អនេះ!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} ಮತ್ತು {conversationTitle} ಒಂದೇ ಖಾತೆಯಾಗಿದೆ. ಎರಡೂ ಚಾಟ್ಗಳ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂದೇಶ ಇತಿಹಾಸ ಇಲ್ಲಿದೆ.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} ಅವರೊಂದಿಗಿನ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಇತಿಹಾಸ ಮತ್ತು ಅವರ ನಂಬರ್ {obsoleteConversationNumber} ಅನ್ನು ವಿಲೀನಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} ಅವರೊಂದಿಗಿನ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಇತಿಹಾಸ ಮತ್ತು ಅವರಿಗೆ ಸೇರಿದ ಬೇರೊಂದು ಚಾಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ವಿಲೀನಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ತಿಳಿಯಿರಿ",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ಯು {conversationTitle} ಅವರದ್ದಾಗಿದೆ. ನೀವಿಬ್ಬರೂ {sharedGroup} ನ ಸದಸ್ಯರಾಗಿದ್ದೀರಿ.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ಯು {conversationTitle} ಅವರದ್ದಾಗಿದೆ",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "ಕೋಟ್ ಮಾಡಿದ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ನಿಂದ ಥಂಬ್ನೇಲ್ ಇಮೇಜ್",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಅನ್ವಯಿಸಲು Signal ರಿಸ್ಟಾರ್ಟ್ ಒತ್ತಿ"
"message": "ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಅನ್ವಯಿಸಲು Signal ರಿಸ್ಟಾರ್ಟ್ ಒತ್ತಿ",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal ಮರುಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಿ"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "ಗಿಫ್ಟ್ ಬ್ಯಾಡ್ಜ್ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "ದೇಣಿಗೆ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "ಈ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯಲು ಇದನ್ನು ಮೊಬೈಲ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ನೋಡಿ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ಈ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯಲು ಇದನ್ನು ಮೊಬೈಲ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ನೋಡಲು ಮೊಬೈಲ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಅನ್ನು ಟ್ಯಾಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇಣಿಗೆಯನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸಲು ಮೊಬೈಲ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಟ್ಯಾಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "ಉಡುಗೊರೆ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ಅವರು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪರವಾಗಿ Signalಗೆ ದೇಣಿಗೆ ನೀಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ತೆರೆಯಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ಈ ದೇಣಿಗೆಯನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ನೋಡಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇಣಿಗೆಯನ್ನು ನೋಡಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "ನೀವು ಒಂದು ಉಡುಗೊರೆಯನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಿದ್ದೀರಿ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ಅವರು ನಿಮಗಾಗಿ ದೇಣಿಗೆ ನೀಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "ನೀವು ಒಂದು ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ಬ್ಯಾಡ್ಜ್ ಅನ್ನು ರಿಡೀಮ್ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದೀರಿ",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "ನೀವು ದೇಣಿಗೆಯನ್ನು ರಿಡೀಮ್ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದೀರಿ",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "ನೀವು ಒಂದು ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ಬ್ಯಾಡ್ಜ್ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿದ್ದೀರಿ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "ನೀವು {recipient} ಅವರಿಗಾಗಿ ದೇಣಿಗೆ ನೀಡಿದ್ದೀರಿ",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ಬ್ಯಾಡ್ಜ್",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "ದೇಣಿಗೆ",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "ಉಡುಗೊರೆ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "ದೇಣಿಗೆ",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ ದಿನಗಳು ಬಾಕಿಯಿವೆ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} ದಿನಗಳು ಬಾಕಿಯಿವೆ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ ಗಂಟೆಗಳು ಬಾಕಿಯಿವೆ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} ಗಂಟೆಗಳು ಬಾಕಿಯಿವೆ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ ನಿಮಿಷಗಳು ಬಾಕಿಯಿವೆ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 ನಿಮಿಷ ಬಾಕಿಯಿದೆ} other {{minutes,number} ನಿಮಿಷಗಳು ಬಾಕಿಯಿವೆ}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 ನಿಮಿಷ ಬಾಕಿಯಿದೆ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "ಅವಧಿ ಮುಗಿದಿದೆ",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "ಅವಧಿ ಮುಗಿದಿದೆ",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "ತೋರಿಸು",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿ",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "ರೀಡೀಮ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "ರೀಡೀಮ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬೆಂಬಲಕ್ಕೆ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬೆಂಬಲಕ್ಕೆ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "ನೀವು $name$ ಅವರಿಗೆ ಬ್ಯಾಡ್ಜ್ ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ನೀಡಿದ್ದೀರಿ. ಅವರು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಿದಾಗ, ತಮ್ಮ ಬ್ಯಾಡ್ಜ್ ತೋರಿಸಲು ಅಥವಾ ಮರೆಮಾಡಲು ಅವರಿಗೊಂಡು ಅವಕಾಶ ನೀಡಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "{name} ಅವರ ಪರವಾಗಿ Signal ಗೆ ನೀವು ದೇಣಿಗೆ ನೀಡಿದ್ದೀರಿ. ತಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರೊಫೈಲ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ತಮ್ಮ ಬೆಂಬಲವನ್ನು ಪ್ರದರ್ಶಿಸಲು ಅವರಿಗೆ ಆಯ್ಕೆಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್ ಪ್ಯಾಕ್ ಅನ್ನು ಇನ್ಸ್ಟಾಲ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗದು",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "ಈ ಅಂಕಿಗಳು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಯೂಸರ್ನೇಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಗೌಪ್ಯವಾಗಿರಿಸಲು ನೆರವಾಗುತ್ತವೆ, ಹಾಗಾಗಿ ನೀವು ಅನಪೇಕ್ಷಿತ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ಗಳನ್ನು ತಪ್ಪಿಸಬಹುದು. ನೀವು ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಬಯಸುವ ಜನರು ಮತ್ತು ಗ್ರೂಪ್ಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ ಮಾತ್ರ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಯೂಸರ್ನೇಮ್ ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ. ಯೂಸರ್ನೇಮ್ಗಳನ್ನು ನೀವು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿದರೆ ಅಂಕಿಗಳ ಹೊಸ ಸೆಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ನೀವು ಪಡೆಯುತ್ತೀರಿ.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "ಶೀಘ್ರದಲ್ಲೇ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್ನ {OS} ಆವೃತ್ತಿಯನ್ನು Signal desktop ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. Signal ಬಳಕೆಯನ್ನು ಮುಂದುವರಿಸಲು, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್ನ ಆಪರೇಟಿಂಗ್ ಸಿಸ್ಟಮ್ ಅನ್ನು {expirationDate} ನ ಒಳಗೆ ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ. <learnMoreLink>ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ತಿಳಿಯಿರಿ</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "ಈ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್ನಲ್ಲಿ Signal desktop ಇನ್ನು ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರ್ವಹಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. Signal desktop ಅನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೆ ಬಳಸಲು, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್ನ {OS} ಆವೃತ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ. <learnMoreLink>ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ತಿಳಿಯಿರಿ</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "ಈ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್ನಲ್ಲಿ Signal desktop ಇನ್ನು ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರ್ವಹಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. Signal desktop ಅನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೆ ಬಳಸಲು, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್ನ {OS} ಆವೃತ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "ಹೊಸತೇನಿದೆ",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "ನೀವು ಸಣ್ಣ ಗ್ರೂಪ್ಗಳಿಗೆ (16 ಜನರ ತನಕ) ಗ್ರೂಪ್ ಕಾಲ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸುವಾಗ, ರಿಂಗಣಿಸುವ ಅಧಿಸೂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು. ಗ್ರೂಪ್ ಸದಸ್ಯರು iOS ಬೀಟಾದಲ್ಲಿದ್ದರೆ ಅಥವಾ Desktop ಅಥವಾ Android ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದರೆ ರಿಂಗ್ ಆಲಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಿತ ಉತ್ತರವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಲು ಚಾಟ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವುದೇ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಸಾಲಿನ ಮೇಲೆ ಡಬಲ್ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ. ಇದೊಂಥರಾ ಹಳೇ ಐಡಿಯಾಗಳ ಕುರಿತಾದ ಹೊಸ ಆಲೋಚನೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಶಾರ್ಟ್ಕಟ್ ಇದ್ದಂತೆ. ಈ ಫೀಚರ್ ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಷ್ಠಾನಗೊಳಿಸಿದ ಮತ್ತು ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆಯನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸಿದ {whynothugo} ಮತ್ತು Signal ಸಮುದಾಯಕ್ಕೆ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ಝೂಮ್ ಇನ್ ಮಾಡದೆಯೇ ಗ್ಯಾಲರಿ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಇಮೇಜ್ನ ಹೊರಗಡೆ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡುವುದು ಈಗ ಸುಲಭ. ಕೆಲವೊಮ್ಮೆ ಸಂಗತಿಗಳನ್ನು ತೀರಾ ಝೂಮ್ ಮಾಡುವುದು ಹಿತವಾಗದೆ ಮುಚ್ಚಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ. ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ {jojomatik} ಅವರಿಗೆ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} 님과 {conversationTitle} 님은 같은 계정입니다. 두 채팅 모두의 메시지 기록을 여기서 확인하세요.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} 님과 해당 사용자 번호 {obsoleteConversationNumber}의 메시지 기록을 병합했습니다.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} 님과의 메시지 기록과 해당 사용자가 속하는 다른 채팅의 메시지 기록을 병합했습니다.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "자세히 알아보기",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber}번은 {conversationTitle} 님의 전화번호입니다. 두 사람 다 {sharedGroup}의 멤버입니다.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber}번은 {conversationTitle} 님의 전화번호입니다.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "인용된 메시지의 이미지 섬네일",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Signal을 다시 시작하여 업데이트를 적용하세요."
"message": "Signal을 다시 시작하여 업데이트를 적용하세요.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal 재시작"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "선물 배지 세부 정보를 찾아올 수 없습니다.",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "기부 세부 정보를 가져오지 못했습니다.",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "모바일에서 이 메시지를 확인하여 선물을 열어 보세요.",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "모바일에서 이 메시지를 확인하여 선물을 열어 보세요.",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "모바일에서 이 메시지를 탭하여 선물을 확인하세요.",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "모바일에서 이 메시지를 탭하여 기부를 확인하세요.",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "선물",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} 님이 귀하를 대신해 Signal에 기부했습니다.",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "휴대전화에서 선물을 열어 보세요.",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "이 기부를 열려면 휴대전화를 확인하세요.",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "휴대전화에서 선물을 확인하세요.",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "이 기부를 보려면 휴대전화를 확인하세요.",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "선물을 받았습니다.",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} 님이 귀하를 대신해 기부했습니다.",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "선물 배지를 사용했습니다.",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "기부를 사용했습니다.",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "선물 배지를 보냈습니다.",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "{recipient} 님을 대신해 기부했습니다.",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "선물 배지",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "기부",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "선물",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "기부",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$일 남음",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days}일 남음",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$시간 남음",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours}시간 남음",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$분 남음",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {{minutes,number}분 남음}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1분 남음",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "만료됨",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "만료됨",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "보기",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "보기",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "사용함",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "사용함",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "지원해 주셔서 감사합니다!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "지지와 성원에 감사드립니다!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "$name$ 님에게 배지를 선물했습니다. 받는 사람이 선물을 수락한 후 배지 표시 여부를 결정할 수 있습니다.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "{name} 님을 대신하여 Signal에 기부했습니다. 프로필을 통해 지지를 표현할 옵션이 제공됩니다.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "스티커 팩을 설치할 수 없음",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "이 일련번호는 사용자 이름을 비공개로 유지하여 원치 않는 메시지를 피할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 채팅을 원하는 사용자 및 그룹과만 사용자 이름을 공유하세요. 사용자 이름을 변경하면 새로운 일련번호가 부여됩니다.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal 데스크톱이 곧 귀하의 컴퓨터에서 사용하는 {OS} 버전에 대한 지원을 중단합니다. Signal을 계속 사용하려면 {expirationDate}까지 컴퓨터 운영 체제를 업데이트하세요. 자세히 알아보기",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal 데스크톱이 이 컴퓨터에서 더 이상 작동하지 않습니다. Signal 데스크톱을 다시 사용하려면 컴퓨터의 {OS} 버전을 업데이트하세요. 자세히 알아보기",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal 데스크톱이 이 컴퓨터에서 더 이상 작동하지 않습니다. Signal 데스크톱을 다시 사용하려면 컴퓨터의 {OS} 버전을 업데이트하세요.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "업데이트 내용",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "소규모 그룹(최대 16명)과 그룹 통화를 시작할 경우 전화벨 알림을 보낼 수 있습니다. iOS 베타, 데스크톱, Android를 사용 중일 경우 그룹 구성원의 전화벨이 울립니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "메시지를 두 번 클릭하여 채팅에서 답장할 때 메시지를 인용해 보세요. 지난 아이디어에 대한 새로운 생각을 공유하는 지름길입니다. 좋은 의견을 제시해준 Signal 커뮤니티와 이 기능을 실현하도록 도와준 {whynothugo}에게 감사드립니다.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "이제 이미지 밖을 클릭하면 이미지가 확대되는 대신 갤러리 보기가 종료됩니다. 가까운 것도 좋지만 자고로 관계란 적절한 거리가 유지될 때 더 아름다운 법이죠. 이 문제를 해결해 준 {jojomatik}에 감사드립니다!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} менен {conversationTitle} бир эле аккаунт Эки маектеги билдирүүлөр ушул жерде көрүнөт.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} менен болгон билдирүүлөр таржымалыңыз жана аларга таандык маек бирикти.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} темасындагы жазышууңуз бул номердеги {obsoleteConversationNumber} жазышуу менен бирикти.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} темасындагы жазышууңуз алар менен болгон жазышуу менен бирикти.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Кененирээк маалымат",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "Бул телефон номеринин ({phoneNumber}) ээси - {conversationTitle}. Экөөңөр тең ушул топтун мүчөлөрүсүз: {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "({phoneNumber}) {conversationTitle} таандык.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Цитаталанган билдирүүдөгү сүрөттүн эскизи",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Жаңыртууларды колдонуу үчүн \"Signal'ды кайра иштетүү\" дегенди басыңыз."
"message": "Жаңыртууларды колдонуу үчүн \"Signal'ды кайра иштетүү\" дегенди басыңыз.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal'ды кайра иштетүү"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Белек төшбелги тууралуу маалымат алынбай жатат.",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Колдоо тууралуу чоо-жайы алынбай жатат",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Бул билдирүүнү көрүү үчүн мобилдик түзмөктөн ачыңыз",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Бул билдирүүнү көрүү үчүн аны мобилдик түзмөктөн ачыңыз",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Белегиңизди көрүү үчүн мобилдик түзмөгүңүздөн ушул билдирүүнү басыңыз",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Колдооңузду көрүү үчүн мобилдик түзмөгүңүздөн бул билдирүүнү басыңыз",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Белек",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} сиздин атыңыздан Signal'га колдоо көрсөттү",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Белекти ачуу үчүн телефонуңузду текшериңиз",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Белекти ачуу үчүн телефонуңузду текшериңиз",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Белекти көрүү үчүн телефонуңузду текшериңиз",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Белегиңизди көрүү үчүн телефонуңузду текшериңиз",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Белек алдыңыз",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} сиз үчүн колдоо көрсөттү",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Белек төшбелги алдыңыз",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Төшбелги алдыңыз",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Белек төшбелги жөнөттүңүз",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "{recipient} үчүн колдоо көрсөттүңүз",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Белек төшбелги",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Колдоо",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Белек",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Колдоо",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ күн калды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} күн калды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ саат калды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} саат калды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ мүнөт калды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {{minutes,number} мүнөт калды}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 мүнөт калды",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Мөөнөтү бүттү",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Мөөнөтү бүттү",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Карап көрүү",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Карап көрүү",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Алынды",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Алынды",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Колдооңуз үчүн рахмат!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Колдооңуз үчүн рахмат!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Сиз $name$ байланышыңызга төшбелги белек кылдыңыз. Ал белекти кабыл алгандан кийин, аларга төшбелгисин көрсөтүү же жашыруу тандоосу берилет.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "{name} атынан Signal'га колдоо көрсөттүңүз. Signal'ды колдогонун профилинде көрсөтө алышат.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Стикерлер топтому орнотулбай койду",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Бул сандар аркылуу колдонуучу атыңызды купуя кылып, кереги жок билдирүүлөрдү албайсыз. Колдонуучу атыңызды байланышкыңыз келген адамдар жана топтор менен гана бөлүшүңүз. Колдонуучу аттарын өзгөртсөңүз, жаңы сандардын топтомун аласыз.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal жакында сиздин компьютериңиздин версиясында {OS} иштебей калат. Signal'ды колдоно бергиңиз келсе, компьютериңиздин системасын {expirationDate} чейин жаңыртыңыз. <learnMoreLink>Кененирээк маалымат</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Мындан ары Signal бул компьютерде иштебейт. Signal'ды кайра колдонгуңуз келсе, компьютериңиздин версиясын {OS} жаңыртыңыз. <learnMoreLink>Кененирээк маалымат</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Мындан ары Signal бул компьютерде иштебейт. Signal'ды кайра колдонгуңуз келсе, компьютериңиздин версиясын {OS} жаңыртыңыз.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Жаңылыктар",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Чакан (16 адамга чейин) топтун ичинде чалып баштасаңыз, чалуу билдирмесин жөнөтсөңүз болот. Топтун мүчөлөрү iOS сынамык версиясын же компьютерди же Android түзмөгүн колдонуп жатышкан болсо, шыңгырды угушат.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Тырмакчага алып жооп берүү үчүн маектеги каалаган билдирүүнү эки жолу басыңыз. Мындай жол менен, кимдир бирөөнүн оюна өз пикириңизди ыкчам билдире аласыз. Ушул функцияны тартуулагандар: {whynothugo} менен Signal коомдоштугу.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Эми сүрөттү кичирейтип отурбастан, анын четин басып туруп, галерея көрүнүшүнөн чыгып кетесиз. Кээде кандайдыр бир нерсени өзүңүзгө өтө жакындатпай туруп, жаап салганыңыз оң. Түзөткөнүңүз үчүн рахмат {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} ir {conversationTitle} yra ta pati paskyra. Abiejų pokalbių žinučių istorija yra čia.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Tavo ir {conversationTitle} žinučių istorija susieta su šio žmogaus numeriu {obsoleteConversationNumber}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Tavo ir {conversationTitle} žinučių istorija susieta su kitu šiam žmogui priklausiusiu pokalbiu.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Sužinoti daugiau",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} priklauso {conversationTitle}. Abu esate šioje grupėje: {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} priklauso {conversationTitle}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Paveikslo iš cituotos žinutės miniatiūra",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Norėdami pritaikyti atnaujinimus, paspauskite \"Paleisti Signal iš naujo\"."
"message": "Norėdami pritaikyti atnaujinimus, paspauskite \"Paleisti Signal iš naujo\".",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Paleisti Signal iš naujo"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Nepavyko gauti dovanos ženklelio informacijos",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Nepavyko gauti paramos informacijos",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Norėdami peržiūrėti šią žinutę, atverkite ją mobiliajame įrenginyje",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Jei nori peržiūrėti, atverk šią žinutę telefone",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Bakstelėk šią žinutę telefone ir pažiūrėk savo dovaną",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Bakstelėk šią žinutę telefone ir peržiūrėk savo skirtą paramą",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Dovana",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} skyrė „Signal“ paramą tavo vardu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Norėdami atverti dovaną, patikrinkite savo telefoną",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Atverk šios paramos informaciją telefone",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Norėdami pamatyti dovaną, patikrinkite savo telefoną",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Peržiūrėk savo paramos informaciją telefone",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Jūs gavote dovaną",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} skyrė paramą tavo vardu",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Jūs atsiėmėte dovanos ženkliuką",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Tu pasiėmei paramos ženklelį",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Jūs išsiuntėte dovanos ženkliuką",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Tu skyrei paramą {recipient} vardu",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Dovanos ženkliukas",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Parama",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Dovana",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Parama",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Liko dienų: $days$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Liko dienų: {days}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Liko valandų: $hours$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Liko valandų: {hours}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Liko minučių: $minutes$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Liko 1 minutė} few {Liko {minutes,number} minutės} many {Liko {minutes,number} minutės} other {Liko {minutes,number} minučių}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Liko 1 minutė",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Nebegalioja",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Nebegalioja",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Rodyti",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Žiūrėti",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Atsiimtas",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Atsiimtas",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Ačiū už jūsų palaikymą!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Ačiū tau už palaikymą!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Jūs padovanojote ženkliuką naudotojui $name$. Kai naudotojas jį priims, jam bus leista pasirinkti ar rodyti, ar slėpti ženkliuką.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Tu skyrei „Signal“ paramą {name} vardu. Šis žmogus turės galimybę parodyti palaikymą savo profilyje.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Nepavyko įdiegti lipdukų paketo",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Šie skaitmenys padeda užtikrinti tavo naudotojo vardo privatumą, kad išvengtum nepageidaujamų žinučių. Savo naudotojo vardą pasakyk tik tiems žmonėms ir grupėms, su kuriais (-iomis) nori bendrauti. Pakeitus naudotojo vardą suteikiama nauja skaitmenų kombinacija.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Netrukus „Signal“ nebepalaikys tavo kompiuteryje esančios {OS} versijos. Jei nori toliau naudoti „Signal“, atnaujink kompiuterio operacinę sistemą iki {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Sužinok daugiau</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "„Signal“ nebeveikia šiame kompiuteryje. Jei vėl nori naudoti „Signal“, atnaujink savo kompiuteryje esančią {OS} versiją. <learnMoreLink>Sužinok daugiau</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "„Signal“ nebeveikia šiame kompiuteryje. Jei vėl nori naudoti „Signal“, atnaujink savo kompiuteryje esančią {OS} versiją.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Kas naujo",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kai inicijuoji grupės skambutį mažai grupei (iki 16 žmonių), gali pasirinkti siųsti skambėjimo pranešimą. Grupės nariai išgirs skambėjimą, jeigu turi „iOS“ beta versiją arba naudoja kompiuterį ar „Android“.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dukart spustelėk bet kurią pranešimo eilutę pokalbyje, jei nori pradėti atsakymą citata. Tai tarsi nuoroda į naujas mintis apie senas idėjas. Dėkojame {whynothugo} ir „Signal“ bendruomenei už šios funkcijos įdiegimą ir atsiliepimus.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Dabar lengviau spustelėti už vaizdo ribų ir išjungti galerijos rodinį nepriartinant. Juk kartais norėdavai nebematyti, o vietoj to pamatydavai iš arčiau. Dėkojame {jojomatik} už pataisymą!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} un {conversationTitle} ir viens un tas pats konts. Šeit ir pieejama abu sarunu ziņu vēsture.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Jūsu ziņu vēsture ar lietotāju {conversationTitle} un šī lietotāja numuru {obsoleteConversationNumber} ir apvienota.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Jūsu ziņu vēsture ar lietotāju {conversationTitle} un citu šī lietotāja sarunu ir apvienota.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Uzzināt vairāk",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ir kontakta {conversationTitle} tālruņa numurs. Jūs abi esat grupas {sharedGroup} dalībnieki.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ir kontakta {conversationTitle} tālruņa numurs",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Attēla sīktēls no citētās ziņas",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Nospiediet Restartēt Signal, lai lietotu atjauninājumus."
"message": "Nospiediet Restartēt Signal, lai lietotu atjauninājumus.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Pārstartēt Signālu"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Nevar iegūt informāciju par dāvanas nozīmīti",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Nevar iegūt informāciju par ziedojumu",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Lai atvērtu šo ziņu, skatiet to mobilajā ierīcē",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Lai atvērtu šo ziņu, skatiet to mobilajā ierīcē",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Pieskarieties šai ziņai mobilajā ierīcē, lai skatītu savu dāvanu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Pieskarieties šai ziņai mobilajā ierīcē, lai skatītu savu ziedojumu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Dāvana",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ziedoja Signal jūsu vārdā",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Lai atvērtu dāvanu, skatiet šo ziņu tālrunī",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Lai atvērtu šo ziedojumu, skatiet šo ziņu tālrunī",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Lai skatītu dāvanu, atveriet ziņu tālrunī",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Lai skatītu ziedojumu, atveriet ziņu tālrunī",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Jūs saņēmāt dāvanu",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ziedoja jūsu vārdā",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Jūs izpirkāt dāvanas nozīmīti",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Jūs izmantojāt ziedojumu",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Jūs nosūtījāt nozīmīti kā dāvanu",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Jūs ziedojāt lietotāja {recipient} vārdā",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Dāvināta nozīmīte",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Ziedojums",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Dāvana",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Ziedojums",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Atlikušas $days$ dienas",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Atlikušas {days} dienas",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Atlikušas $hours$ stundas",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Atlikušas {hours} stundas",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Atlikušas $minutes$ minūtes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, zero {Atlikušas {minutes,number} minūtes} one {Atlikusi {minutes,number} minūte} other {Atlikušas {minutes,number} minūtes}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Atlikusi 1 minūte",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Beidzies termiņš",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Beidzies termiņš",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Skatīt",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Skatīt",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Izpirkts",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Izpirkts",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Paldies par jūsu atbalstu!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Paldies par jūsu atbalstu!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Jūs uzdāvinājāt nozīmīti lietotājam $name$. Pieņemot dāvanu, lietotājs varēs izvēlēties, vai parādīt nozīmīti.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Jūs atbalstījāt Signal ar ziedojumu lietotāja {name} vārdā. Lietotājam būs iespēja parādīt savu atbalstu profilā.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Uzlīmju komplektu nevarēja instalēt",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Šie cipari palīdz saglabāt jūsu lietotājvārdu slepenībā un izvairīties no nevēlamām ziņām. Izpaudiet savu lietotājvārdu tikai lietotājiem un grupām, ar kurām vēlaties čatot. Ja mainīsiet lietotājvārdu, saņemsiet jaunu ciparu virkni.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Drīzumā Signal Desktop vairs neatbalstīs jūsu datora {OS} versiju. Lai turpinātu lietot Signal, atjauniniet datora operētājsistēmu līdz {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Lasīt vairāk</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop vairs nedarbojas šajā datorā. Lai atkal izmantotu Signal Desktop, atjauniniet sava datora {OS} versiju. <learnMoreLink>Lasīt vairāk</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop vairs nedarbojas šajā datorā. Lai atkal izmantotu Signal Desktop, atjauniniet sava datora {OS} versiju.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Jaunumi",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kad sākat grupas zvanu nelielā grupā (līdz 16 personām), varat izvēlēties nosūtīt zvana paziņojumu. Grupas dalībnieki dzirdēs zvana signālu, ja viņi izmanto iOS beta, Desktop vai Android versiju.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Veiciet dubultklikšķi uz jebkuras ziņas rindas sarunā, lai sāktu citēto atbildi. Tas ir ātrs veids, kā dalīties ar jaunām domām par vecajām idejām. Paldies {whynothugo} un Signal kopienai par šīs funkcijas ieviešanu un atsauksmju sniegšanu.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Tagad ir vieglāk noklikšķināt ārpus attēla, lai aizvērtu galerijas skatu bez tuvināšanas. Iepriekš varēja gadīties, ka jūs vienkārši gribējāt aizvērt skatu, bet tā vietā pietuvinājāt attēlu. Paldies {jojomatik} par labojumu!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} и {conversationTitle} се истата сметка. Историјата за двата разговори е тука.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Историјата на вашиот разговор со {conversationTitle} и нивниот број {obsoleteConversationNumber} се споени.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Историјата на вашиот разговор со {conversationTitle} и друг разговор со нив се споени.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Дознајте повеќе",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} припаѓа на {conversationTitle}. И двајцата сте членови на {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} припаѓа на {conversationTitle}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Мала сликичка од сликата од цитираната порака",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Притиснете на „Рестартирај го Signal“ за да ја примените надградбата."
"message": "Притиснете на „Рестартирај го Signal“ за да ја примените надградбата.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Рестартирај го Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Не е можно да се добијат деталите за подарок беџот",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Не е можно да се добијат деталите за донацијата",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Видете ја оваа порака на мобилен за да ја отворите",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Погледнете ја оваа порака на мобилен за да ја отворите",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Допри ја оваа порака на мобилниот за да го видиш твојот подарок",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Допрете ја оваа порака на мобилен за да ја видите вашата донација",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Подарок",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} донираше на Signal во ваше име",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Проверете го телефонот за да го отворите подарокот",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Отворете ја апликацијата на телефонот за да ја отворите оваа донација",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Проверете го телефонот за да го видите подарокот",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Отворете ја апликацијата на телефонот за да ја видите вашата донација",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Добивте подарок",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} донираше за вас",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Искористивте подарок беџ.",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Прифативте донација",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Испративте подарок беџ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Дониравте за {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Подарок беџ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Донација",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Подарок",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Донација",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ преостанати денови",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} преостанати денови",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ преостанати часови",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} преостанати часови",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ преостанати минути",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Преостанува уште 1 минута} other {Преостануваат уште {minutes,number} минути}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 преостаната минута",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Истечен",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Истечен",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Прегледај",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Прегледај",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Прифатено",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Прифатено",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Ви благодариме за Вашата поддршка!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Ви благодариме за поддршката!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Подаривте беџ на $name$. Кога ќе прифатат, ќе имаат можност да го прикажат или скријат беџот.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Дониравте до Signal во име на {name}. Ќе имаат можност да ја покажат поддршката на нивниот профил.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Пакетот со стикер не може да се инсталира",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Со помош на овие бројки вашето корисничко име останува приватно, со што можете да избегнете непосакувани пораки. Споделувајте го вашето корисничко име само со луѓето и групите со кои сакате да разговарате. Ако го смените корисничкото име, ќе добиете нови низа бројки.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal за десктоп наскоро ќе престане да ја поддржува верзијата на {OS} на вашиот компјутер. За да продолжите да користите Signal, ажурирајте го оперативниот систем на вашиот компјутер до {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Дознајте повеќе</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal за десктоп повеќе не функционира на овој компјутер. За повторно да користите Signal за десктоп, ажурирајте ја верзијата на {OS} на вашиот компјутер. <learnMoreLink>Дознајте повеќе</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal за десктоп повеќе не функционира на овој компјутер. За повторно да користите Signal за десктоп, ажурирајте ја верзијата на {OS} на вашиот компјутер.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Што е ново",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Кога почнувате групен повик со помали групи (до 16 лица), можете да одберете да испратите известување со ѕвонење. Членовите на групата ќе слушнат ѕвонење ако ја користат iOS бета верзијата или ако ja користат десктоп или Android верзијата.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Кликнете двапати на која било порака во разговорот за да ја цитирате во одговор. Тоа е пократок начин за изразување нови мисли за стари идеи. Благодарност до {whynothugo} и Signal заедницата за воведување на оваа функција и давање фидбек.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Сега е лесно да кликнете надвор од сликата за да не биде прикажана на цел екран, без истата да се зумира. Некогаш сакавте само да излезете од прозорецот, а не да го зголемите. Благодарност до {jojomatik} што го среди ова!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} , {conversationTitle} എന്നിവ ഒരേ അക്കൗണ്ടാണ്. രണ്ട് ചാറ്റുകൾക്കുമുള്ള നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശ ചരിത്രം ഇവിടെയുണ്ട്.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} എന്നതുമായുള്ള നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശ ചരിത്രവും അവരുടേതായ മറ്റൊരു ചാറ്റും ലയിപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} എന്നതുമായുള്ള നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശ ചരിത്രവും അവരുടെ {obsoleteConversationNumber} നമ്പറും ലയിപ്പിച്ചു.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} എന്നതുമായുള്ള നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശ ചരിത്രവും അവരുടേതായ മറ്റൊരു ചാറ്റും ലയിപ്പിച്ചു.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "കൂടുതൽ അറിയുക",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} എന്ന ഫോൺ നമ്പർ {conversationTitle} എന്നയാളുടേതാണ്. നിങ്ങൾ രണ്ടുപേരും {sharedGroup} എന്നതിലെ അംഗങ്ങളാണ്.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle} എന്നയാളുടെ നമ്പറാണ്",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "ഉദ്ധരിച്ച സന്ദേശം-ത്തിൽ നിന്നുള്ള ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ ലഘുചിത്രം",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "അപ്ഡേറ്റുകൾ ബാധകമാക്കുന്നതിന് Signal പുന:ആരംഭിക്കുക അമർത്തുക."
"message": "അപ്ഡേറ്റുകൾ ബാധകമാക്കുന്നതിന് Signal പുന:ആരംഭിക്കുക അമർത്തുക.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal പുനരാരംഭിക്കുക"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "ഗിഫ്റ്റ് ബാഡ്ജ് വിശദാംശങ്ങൾ കണ്ടെത്താൻ കഴിയുന്നില്ല",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "സംഭാവനാ വിശദാംശങ്ങൾ ലഭ്യമാക്കാനായില്ല",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "ഈ സന്ദേശം തുറക്കാൻ അത് മൊബൈലിൽ കാണുക",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ഈ സന്ദേശം തുറക്കാൻ അത് മൊബൈലിൽ കാണുക",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗിഫ്റ്റ് കാണാൻ, മൊബൈലിലെ ഈ സന്ദേശത്തിൽ ടാപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ സംഭാവന കാണാൻ മൊബൈലിൽ ഈ സന്ദേശം ടാപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "ഗിഫ്റ്റ്",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} നിങ്ങളുടെ പേരിൽ Signal-ലേക്ക് സംഭാവന നൽകി",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "ഗിഫ്റ്റ് തുറക്കാൻ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോൺ പരിശോധിക്കുക",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ഈ സംഭാവന തുറക്കാൻ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോൺ പരിശോധിക്കുക",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "ഗിഫ്റ്റ് കാണാൻ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോൺ പരിശോധിക്കുക",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ സംഭാവന കാണാൻ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോൺ പരിശോധിക്കുക",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "നിങ്ങൾക്കൊരു ഗിഫ്റ്റ് ലഭിച്ചു",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} നിങ്ങൾക്കായി സംഭാവന ചെയ്തു",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "നിങ്ങളൊരു ഗിഫ്റ്റ് ബാഡ്ജ് റിഡീം ചെയ്തു",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളൊരു സംഭാവന റിഡീം ചെയ്തു",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു ഗിഫ്റ്റ് ബാഡ്ജ് അയച്ചു",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങൾ {recipient} എന്നയാൾക്ക് സംഭാവന നൽകി",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "ഗിഫ്റ്റ് ബാഡ്ജ്",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "സംഭാവന",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "ഗിഫ്റ്റ്",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "സംഭാവന",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ ദിവസം ശേഷിക്കുന്നു",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} ദിവസം ശേഷിക്കുന്നു",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ മണിക്കൂർ ശേഷിക്കുന്നു",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} മണിക്കൂർ ശേഷിക്കുന്നു",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ മിനിറ്റ് ശേഷിക്കുന്നു",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {ഒരു മിനിറ്റ് ശേഷിക്കുന്നു} other {{minutes,number} മിനിറ്റ് ശേഷിക്കുന്നു}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 മിനിറ്റ് ശേഷിക്കുന്നു",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "കാലഹരണപ്പെട്ടു",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "കാലഹരണപ്പെട്ടു",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "കാണുക",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "കാണുക",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "റിഡീം ചെയ്തു",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "റിഡീം ചെയ്തു",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "നിങ്ങളുടെ പിന്തുണയ്ക്ക് നന്ദി!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ പിന്തുണയ്ക്ക് നന്ദി!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "നിങ്ങൾ $name$ എന്നയാൾക്ക് ഒരു ബാഡ്ജ് സമ്മാനിച്ചു. ബാഡ്ജ് സ്വീകരിക്കുമ്പോൾ, അത് പ്രദർശിപ്പിക്കാനോ മറയ്ക്കാനോ അവര്ക്ക് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാം.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "{name} എന്നയാൾക്ക് വേണ്ടി നിങ്ങൾ Signal-ലേക്ക് സംഭാവന നൽകി. അവരുടെ പ്രൊഫൈലിൽ പിന്തുണ കാണിക്കാനുള്ള ഓപ്ഷൻ അവർക്ക് നൽകും.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "സ്റ്റിക്കർ പായ്ക്ക് ഇൻസ്റ്റാൾ ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "അനാവശ്യ സന്ദേശങ്ങൾ ഒഴിവാക്കുന്നതിന്, ഈ അക്കങ്ങൾ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഉപയോക്തൃനാമം സ്വകാര്യമായി സൂക്ഷിക്കാൻ സഹായിക്കുന്നു. നിങ്ങൾ ചാറ്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന ആളുകളുമായും ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളുമായും മാത്രം നിങ്ങളുടെ ഉപയോക്തൃനാമം പങ്കിടുക. ഉപയോക്തൃനാമങ്ങൾ മാറ്റുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒരു കൂട്ടം പുതിയ അക്കങ്ങൾ ലഭിക്കും.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിലെ {OS} പതിപ്പിനുള്ള പിന്തുണ Signal ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പിൽ ഉടൻ അവസാനിക്കും. Signal ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നത് തുടരാൻ {expirationDate}-ന് മുമ്പ് നിങ്ങളുടെ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിന്റെ ഓപ്പറേറ്റിംഗ് സിസ്റ്റം അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക. <learnMoreLink>കൂടുതലറിയുക</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പ് ഈ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിൽ ഇനി പ്രവർത്തിക്കില്ല. Signal ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പ് വീണ്ടും ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ നിങ്ങളുടെ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിന്റെ {OS} പതിപ്പ് അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക. <learnMoreLink>കൂടുതലറിയുക</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പ് ഈ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിൽ ഇനി പ്രവർത്തിക്കില്ല. Signal ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പ് വീണ്ടും ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ നിങ്ങളുടെ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിന്റെ {OS} പതിപ്പ് അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "പുതിയതായി എന്തുണ്ട്",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "നിങ്ങൾ ചെറിയ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകൾക്കായി (16 ആളുകൾ വരെയുള്ളത്) ഒരു ഗ്രൂപ്പ് കോൾ ആരംഭിക്കുമ്പോൾ, നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒരു റിംഗിംഗ് അറിയിപ്പ് അയയ്ക്കാൻ തീരുമാനിക്കാം. ഗ്രൂപ്പ് അംഗങ്ങൾ iOS ബീറ്റയിലാണെങ്കിലോ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പ് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ Android ഉപയോഗിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിലോ അവർ ഒരു റിംഗ് കേൾക്കും.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ലഭിച്ച ചാറ്റിനെ ഉദ്ധരിച്ച് മറുപടി നൽകാൻ ഏതെങ്കിലും സന്ദേശത്തിന്റെ വരിയിൽ ഡബിൾ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക. പഴയ ആശയങ്ങളിലെ പുതിയൊരു ചിന്തയ്ക്കുള്ള കുറുക്കുവഴി പോലെയാണത്. ഈ ഫീച്ചർ കൊണ്ടുവന്നതിനും ഫീഡ്ബാക്ക് നൽകിയതും {whynothugo} എന്നതിനും Signal കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റിക്കും നന്ദി.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "സൂം ചെയ്യാതെ തന്നെ ഗ്യാലറി കാഴ്ച്ച നിരാകരിക്കാൻ ഒരു ചിത്രത്തിന് പുറത്ത് ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യാൻ ഇപ്പോൾ വളരെ എളുപ്പമാണ്. നിങ്ങൾക്കത് അടയ്ക്കണമെന്ന് തോന്നിയാലും ചിലത് വല്ലാതങ്ങ് പറ്റിച്ചേർന്നിരിക്കുന്നതിനാൽ സാധിച്ചിരുന്നില്ല. ഈ പരിഹാരത്തിന് {jojomatik} എന്നതിന് നന്ദി!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} आणि {conversationTitle} ही एकच खाती आहेत. दोन्ही चॅटस् साठीचा आपला संदेश इतिहास येथे आहे.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "आपला {conversationTitle} यांच्यासह असलेला संदेश इतिहास आणि त्यांचा नंबर {obsoleteConversationNumber} एकत्रित करण्यात आला आहे.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "आपला {conversationTitle} यांच्यासह संदेश इतिहास आणि त्यांच्याशी संबंधित असलेले अन्य चॅट एकत्रित करण्यात आले आहेत.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "अधिक जाणा",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} हा {conversationTitle} च्या मालकीचा आहे. आपण दोघेही {sharedGroup} चे सदस्य आहात.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} हा {conversationTitle} च्या मालकीचा आहे",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "उद्धरित संदेशावरील चित्राचे थंबनेल",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "अद्यतन लागू करण्यासाठी Signal पुन्हा सुरू करा दाबा."
"message": "अद्यतन लागू करण्यासाठी Signal पुन्हा सुरू करा दाबा.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal पुन्हा सुरू करा"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "भेट बॅज चा तपशील काढण्यास असमर्थ",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "देणगी तपशील काढण्यात अक्षम",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "हा संदेश मोबाईल वर पाहण्यासाठी तो उघडा",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "हा संदेश उघडण्यासाठी तो मोबाईल वर पहा",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "आपली भेट पाहण्यासाठी मोबाईल वर हा संदेश टॅप करा",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "आपली देणगी पाहण्यासाठी मोबाइलवर या संदेशावर टॅप करा",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "भेट",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ने आपल्या वतीने Signal ला देणगी दिली",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "भेट उघडण्यासाठी आपला फोन तपासा",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ही देणगी उघडण्यासाठी आपला फोन तपासा",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "आपली भेट पाहण्यास आपला फोन तपासा",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "आपली देणगी पाहण्यासाठी आपला फोन तपासा",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "आपल्याला भेट मिळाली",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} नी आपल्यासाठी देणगी दिली",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "आपण एक भेट बॅज रिडीम केला",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "आपण देणगी रिडीम केली",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "आपण भेट बॅज पाठवला",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "आपण {recipient} साठी देणगी दिली",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "भेट बॅज",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "देणगी",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "भेट",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "देणगी",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ दिवस उरले आहेत",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} दिवस शिल्लक",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ तास उरले आहेत",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} तास शिल्लक",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ मिनिट उरले आहेत",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 मिनिट शिल्लक} other {{minutes,number} मिनिटे शिल्लक}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 मिनिट उरला आहे",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "कालबाह्य झालेे",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "कालबाह्य झालेे",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "बघा",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "पहा",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "रिडीम केले ",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "रिडीम केले",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "आपल्या समर्थनासाठी धन्यवाद !",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "आपल्या समर्थनासाठी धन्यवाद!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "आपण $name$ ना बॅच भेट दिला आहे. ते जेव्हा स्वीकारतील, त्यांना त्याचा बॅज दाखवणे किंवा लपवणे याची निवड करू दिले जाईल.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "आपण {name} च्या वतीने Signal ला देणगी दिली. त्यांना त्यांच्या प्रोफाईलवर त्यांचे समर्थन दाखवण्याचा पर्याय दिला जाईल.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "स्टिकर पॅक स्थापित करू शकले नाही",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "हे अंक आपले वापरकर्तानाव गोपनीय ठेवण्यास मदत करतील ज्यामुळे आपण नको असलेले संदेश टाळू शकता. आपणाला ज्यांच्या सोबत चॅट करणे आवडते फक्त अशा लोकांसह आणि ग्रुप्ससह आपले वापरकर्तानाव शेअर करा. आपण वापरकर्तानाव बदलल्यास आपणाला अंकांचा नवीन संच मिळेल.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop यापुढे आपल्या संगणकावरील {OS} च्या आवृत्तीला समर्थन करणे लवकरच बंद करेल. Signal वापरणे पुढे सुरू ठेवण्यासाठी, {expirationDate} पर्यंत आपल्या संगणकाची ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टिम अद्यतनित करा. <learnMoreLink>अधिक जाणून घ्या</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop या संगणकावर यापुढे काम करणार नाही. Signal desktop पुन्हा वापरण्यासाठी, आपल्या संगणकाच्या {OS} ची आवृत्ती अद्यतनित करा. <learnMoreLink>अधिक जाणून घ्या</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop या संगणकावर यापुढे काम करणार नाही. Signal desktop पुन्हा वापरण्यासाठी, आपल्या संगणकाच्या {OS} ची आवृत्ती अद्यतनित करा.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "नवीन काय आहे",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "आपण जेव्हा लहान ग्रुप्ससाठी (16 व्यक्तिंपर्यंतच्या) ग्रुप कॉल करण्यास सुरुवात करता, आपण रिंग होण्याची अधिसूचना पाठवण्याचे देखील निवडू शकता. ग्रुप सदस्यांना जर ते iOS बिटा वर असल्यास किंवा डेस्कटॉप किंवा Android वापरत असल्यास रिंग ऐकू जाईल.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "उद्धरित उत्तर देण्याला आरंभ करण्यासाठी चॅट मधील कोणत्याही संदेशातील ओळीवर डबल-क्लिक करा. ते जुन्या कल्पनाबद्दलच्या नवीन विचारांसाठीचा एक शॉर्टकट असल्यासारखे आहे. हे वैशिष्ट्य लागू केल्याबद्दल आणि अभिप्राय प्रदान केल्याबद्दल {whynothugo} आणि Signal समुदायाचे आभार.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "गॅलरी दृश्य डिसमिस करण्यासाठी आता झूम इन न करता प्रतिमेच्या बाहेर क्लिक करणे सोपे आहे. काहीवेळा आपण गोष्टीच्या अतिशय जवळ जाण्याऐवजी, आणि आपणाला फक्त बंद करावयाचे असते. दोष निवारणासाठी {jojomatik} चे आभार!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} dan {conversationTitle} adalah akaun yang sama. Sejarah mesej anda untuk kedua-dua sembang ada di sini.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Sejarah mesej anda dengan {conversationTitle} dan nombor mereka {obsoleteConversationNumber} telah digabungkan.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Sejarah mesej anda dengan {conversationTitle} dan sembang lain milik mereka telah digabungkan.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Ketahui Lebih Lanjut",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} milik {conversationTitle}. Anda berdua ahli {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} milik {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Imej kecil daripada mesej yang dipetik",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Tekan Mula Semula Signal untuk gunakan kemas kini."
"message": "Tekan Mula Semula Signal untuk gunakan kemas kini.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Mulakan semula Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Tidak dapat mengambil butiran lencana hadiah",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Tidak dapat mengambil butiran derma",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Lihat mesej ini pada mudah alih untuk membukanya",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Lihat mesej ini pada peranti mudah alih untuk membukanya",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Ketik mesej ini pada peranti mudah alih untuk melihat hadiah anda",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Ketik mesej ini pada peranti mudah alih untuk melihat derma anda",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Hadiah",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} menderma kepada Signal bagi pihak anda",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Periksa telefon anda untuk membuka hadiah",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Periksa telefon anda untuk membuka derma ini",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Periksa telefon anda untuk melihat hadiah anda",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Periksa telefon anda untuk melihat derma anda",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Anda telah menerima hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} menderma untuk anda",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Anda telah menebus lencana hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Anda telah menebus derma",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Anda telah menghantar lencana hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Anda menderma untuk {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Lencana Hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Derma",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Hadiah",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Derma",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ hari lagi",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} hari lagi",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ jam lagi",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} jam lagi",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minit lagi",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {{minutes,number} minit lagi}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minit lagi",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Tamat tempoh",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Tamat tempoh",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Lihat",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Lihat",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Ditebus",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Ditebus",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Terima kasih di atas sokongan anda!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Terima kasih atas sokongan anda!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Anda telah menghadiahkan lencana kepada $name$. Apabila mereka menerima, mereka diberi pilihan untuk menunjukkan atau menyembunyikan lencana mereka.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Anda telah membuat derma kepada Signal bagi pihak {name}. Mereka akan diberi pilihan untuk menunjukkan sokongan pada profil mereka.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Pek pelekat tidak dapat dipasang",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Digit ini membantu mengekalkan privasi nama pengguna anda supaya anda boleh mengelakkan mesej yang tidak diingini. Kongsi nama pengguna anda hanya dengan orang dan kumpulan yang anda mahu bersembang. Jika anda menukar nama pengguna, anda akan menerima set digit baru.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop tidak lagi akan menyokong versi {OS} komputer anda tidak lama lagi. Untuk terus menggunakan Signal, kemas kini sistem pengendalian komputer anda dengan {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Ketahui lebih lanjut</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop tidak lagi berfungsi pada komputer ini. Untuk menggunakan Signal desktop sekali lagi, kemas kini versi {OS} komputer anda. <learnMoreLink>Ketahui lebih lanjut</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop tidak lagi berfungsi pada komputer ini. Untuk menggunakan Signal desktop lagi, kemas kini versi {OS} komputer anda.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Perkara Baharu",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Apabila anda memulakan panggilan kumpulan untuk kumpulan kecil (sehingga 16 orang), anda boleh memilih untuk menghantar pemberitahuan deringan. Ahli kumpulan akan mendengar deringan jika mereka menggunakan iOS beta atau menggunakan Desktop atau Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Klik dua kali pada mana-mana baris mesej dalam sembang untuk memulakan balasan yang dipetik. Ia seperti jalan pintas untuk pemikiran baru tentang idea lama. Terima kasih kepada {whynothugo} dan komuniti Signal kerana melaksanakan ciri ini dan memberikan maklum balas.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Kini lebih mudah untuk mengklik di luar imej untuk mengetepikan paparan galeri tanpa mengezum masuk. Kadang-kadang anda hanya mahu menutupnya, tetapi lain pula yang jadi. Terima kasih kepada {jojomatik} untuk pembaikan!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} နှင့် {conversationTitle} သည် တူညီသော အကောင့်မှ ဖြစ်ပါသည်။ ချက်(တ်)နှစ်ခုလုံးအတွက် မက်ဆေ့ချ်မှတ်တမ်းကို ဤနေရာတွင် တွေ့နိုင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} နှင့် သင်၏ မက်ဆေ့ချ်မှတ်တမ်း၊ ၎င်းတို့နှင့် သက်ဆိုင်သည့် အခြား ချက်(တ်)ကို ပေါင်းစည်းထားပါသည်။",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} နှင့် သင်၏ မက်ဆေ့ချ်မှတ်တမ်း၊ ၎င်းတို့၏ နံပါတ် {obsoleteConversationNumber} တို့ကို ပေါင်းစည်းထားပါသည်။",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} နှင့် သင်၏ မက်ဆေ့ချ်မှတ်တမ်း၊ ၎င်းတို့ပိုင်ဆိုင်သည့် အခြားချက်(တ်)ကို ပေါင်းစည်းထားပါသည်။",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "ပိုလေ့လာရန်",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ကို {conversationTitle} က ပိုင်ဆိုင်ပါသည်။ သင်တို့သည် {sharedGroup} အဖွဲ့ဝင်များ ဖြစ်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ကို {conversationTitle} က ပိုင်ဆိုင်ပါသည်",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Quote လုပ်ထားသော မက်ဆေ့ချ်မှ ပုံကြမ်း",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "အပ်ဒိတ်များကို သုံးရန်အတွက် Signal ကို ပြန်စတင်ရန်ကို နှိပ်ပါ။"
"message": "အပ်ဒိတ်များကို သုံးရန်အတွက် Signal ကို ပြန်စတင်ရန်ကို နှိပ်ပါ။",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Restart Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "လက်ဆောင်ဘဲ့ဂျ်အကြောင်း အသေးစိတ်ကို ရယူ၍ မရနိုင်ပါ",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "လှူဒါန်းမှု အသေးစိတ်ကို ရယူ၍ မရနိုင်ပါ",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "ဤမက်ဆေ့ချ်ကို ဖွင့်ရန် ၎င်းကို မိုဘိုင်းတွင် ကြည့်ပါ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ဤမက်ဆေ့ချ်ကို ဖွင့်ရန် ၎င်းကို မိုဘိုင်းတွင် ကြည့်ပါ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "သင်၏ လက်ဆောင်ကို ကြည့်ရန် မိုဘိုင်းတွင် ဤမက်ဆေ့ချ်ကို နှိပ်ပါ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "သင်၏ လှူဒါန်းမှုကို ကြည့်ရန် မိုဘိုင်းတွင် ဤမက်ဆေ့ချ်ကို နှိပ်ပါ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "လက်ဆောင်",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} သည် သင့်ကိုယ်စား Signal သို့ လှူထားပါသည်",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "လက်ဆောင်ကို ဖွင့်ရန် သင့်ဖုန်းကို စစ်ဆေးပါ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ဤလှူဒါန်းမှုကို ဖွင့်ရန် သင့်ဖုန်းကို စစ်ဆေးပါ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "သင့်လက်ဆောင်ကို ကြည့်ရန် သင့်ဖုန်းကို စစ်ဆေးပါ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "သင့်လှူဒါန်းမှုကို ကြည့်ရန် သင့်ဖုန်းကို စစ်ဆေးပါ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "လက်ဆောင်တစ်ခု ရခဲ့ပါသည်",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} သည် သင့်အတွက် လှူထားပါသည်",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "လက်ဆောင် ဘဲ့ဂျ်ကို လဲလှယ်ခဲ့ပါသည်",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "သင်သည် လှူဒါန်းမှုကို လဲလှယ်ထားပါသည်",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "သင်သည် လက်ဆောင်ဘဲ့ဂျ် ပို့ထားသည်",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "သင်သည် {recipient} အတွက် လှူထားပါသည်",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "လက်ဆောင်ဘဲ့ဂျ်",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "လှူဒါန်းမှု",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "လက်ဆောင်",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "လှူဒါန်းမှု",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ ရက် ကျန်ရှိသည်",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} ရက် ကျန်ရှိသည်",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ နာရီ ကျန်ရှိသည်",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} နာရီ ကျန်ရှိသည်",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ မိနစ် ကျန်ရှိသည်",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {{minutes,number} မိနစ် ကျန်ရှိသည်}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "၁ မိနစ် ကျန်ရှိသည်",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "သက်တမ်းကုန်ပြီး",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "သက်တမ်းကုန်ပြီး",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "ကြည့်မယ်",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "ကြည့်ရန်",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "လဲလှယ်ပြီး",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "လဲလှယ်ပြီး",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "သင့်ပံ့ပိုးကူညီမှုအတွက် ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "သင့်ပံ့ပိုးကူညီမှုအတွက် ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "သင်သည် $name$ သို့ ဘဲ့ဂျ်တစ်ခု လက်ဆောင်ပေးထားပါသည်။ ၎င်းတို့ လက်ခံသည့်အခါ ၎င်းတို့၏ ဘဲ့ဂျ်ကို ပြသရန် သို့မဟုတ် ဝှက်ရန် ရွေးချယ်ခွင့် ရှိပါမည်။",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "သင်သည် {name} ကိုယ်စား Signal သို့ လှူဒါန်းထားပါသည်။ ၎င်းတို့၏ ပရိုဖိုင်တွင် ပံ့ပိုးမှုကို ပြသရန်အတွက် ၎င်းတို့အား ရွေးချယ်ခွင့် ပေးပါမည်။",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "စတစ်ကာတွဲကို ထည့်သွင်းမရပါ",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "ဤဂဏန်းများသည် သင့်သုံးစွဲသူအမည်ကို သီးသန့်လျှို့ဝှက်ပေးထားသောကြောင့် မလိုချင်သည့် မက်ဆေ့ချ်များကို ရှောင်နိုင်ပါသည်။ သင့်သုံးစွဲသူအမည်ကို သင် ချက်(တ်)လိုသည့် လူများ၊ အဖွဲ့များထံသာ ဝေမျှနိုင်ပါသည်။ သုံးစွဲသူအမည်များကို ပြောင်းလိုက်ပါက ဂဏန်းတွဲအသစ် ရရှိပါမည်။",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "သင့်ကွန်ပျူတာ၏ {OS} ဗားရှင်းကို Signal Desktop က မကြာမီ ပံ့ပိုးပေးတော့မည် မဟုတ်ပါ။ Signal ကို ဆက်သုံးရန် သင့်ကွန်ပျူတာ၏ လုပ်ဆောင်မှုစနစ်ကို {expirationDate} မတိုင်မီ အပ်ဒိတ်လုပ်ပါ။ <learnMoreLink>ပိုမိုလေ့လာရန်</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop သည် ဤကွန်ပျူတာတွင် အလုပ်မလုပ်တော့ပါ။ Signal Desktop တွင် ထပ်မံသုံးရန် သင့်ကွန်ပျူတာ၏ {OS} ဗားရှင်းကို အပ်ဒိတ်လုပ်ပါ။ <learnMoreLink>ပိုမိုလေ့လာရန်</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop သည် ဤကွန်ပျူတာတွင် အလုပ်မလုပ်တော့ပါ။ Signal Desktop တွင် ထပ်မံသုံးရန် သင့်ကွန်ပျူတာ၏ {OS} ဗားရှင်းကို အပ်ဒိတ်လုပ်ပါ။",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "အသစ်များ",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "အဖွဲ့ငယ် (လူ 16 ဦးအထိ) အတွက် အဖွဲ့ကောလ်ကို စတင်သည့်အခါ ဖုန်းမြည်သံ အသိပေးချက် ပို့ရန် ရွေးချယ်နိုင်ပါသည်။ အဖွဲ့ဝင်များသည် iOS beta သို့မဟုတ် ဒတ်ခ်စတော့(ပ်) သို့မဟုတ် Android ကို သုံးနေပါက ဖုန်းမြည်သံကို ကြားရပါမည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Quote လုပ်ထားသော အကြောင်းပြန်စာကို စတင်ရန် ချက်(တ်)ရှိ မက်ဆေ့ချ် တစ်ခုခုကို နှစ်ချက်နှိပ်ပါ။ ယင်းသည် အိုင်ဒီယာဟောင်းများနှင့်ပတ်သက်သော အတွေးသစ်များအတွက် ရှော့တ်ကတ်ဖြစ်ပါသည်။ ဤအင်္ဂါရပ်ကို အကောင်အထည်ဖော်၍ တုံ့ပြန်ချက်ပေးသည့်အတွက် {whynothugo} နှင့် Signal အဖွဲ့အစည်းကို ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ဇူးမ် မချဲ့ဘဲ ပုံပြခန်းကြည့်ရှုမှုကို ဖယ်ရန် ပုံပြင်ပကို နှိပ်ရသည်မှာ ယခုဆို ပိုမိုလွယ်ကူသွားပါသည်။ တစ်ခါတစ်ရံ ပိတ်ချလိုက်လိုသော်လည်း ထိုအစား မျက်စိမှောက်နေတတ်သည်။ ပြုပြင်ပေးမှုအတွက် {jojomatik} ကို ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} og {conversationTitle} tilhører samme konto. Du finner meldingsloggene for begge samtalene her.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "Meldingsloggen din med {conversationTitle} har blitt slått sammen med en annen samtale som tilhørte vedkommende.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Meldingsloggen din med {conversationTitle} ({obsoleteConversationNumber}) og vedkommendes telefonnummer har blitt slått sammen.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Meldingsloggen din med {conversationTitle} har blitt slått sammen med en annen samtale som også tilhørte vedkommende.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Les mer",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} tilhører {conversationTitle}. Dere er begge medlemmer av {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} tilhører {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatyrbilde i sitert melding",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Trykk «Start Signal på nytt» for å fullføre oppdateringen."
"message": "Trykk «Start Signal på nytt» for å fullføre oppdateringen.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Start Signal på nytt"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Kunne ikke hente detaljer om gavemerket",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Kunne ikke hente detaljene om pengegaven",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Denne meldingen må åpnes på mobil",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Denne meldingen må åpnes på mobil",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Trykk på denne meldingen på mobilen din for å åpne gaven",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Trykk på denne meldingen på mobilen din for å se pengegaven",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Gave",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ga penger til Signal på dine vegne",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Åpne gaven på mobilen din",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Åpne pengegaven på telefonen din",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Se gaven på mobilen din",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Åpne appen på telefonen din for å se pengegaven",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Du har fått en gave",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ga en pengegave for deg",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Du løste inn et gavemerke",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Du løste inn en pengegave",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Du sendte et gavemerke",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Du ga en pengegave for {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gavemerke",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Pengegave",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gave",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Pengegave",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ dager igjen",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} dager igjen",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ timer igjen",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} timer igjen",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutter igjen",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} minutt igjen} other {{minutes,number} minutter igjen}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minutt igjen",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Utløpt",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Utløpt",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Vis",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Vis",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Innløst",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Innløst",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Takk for støtten!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Takk for støtten!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Du har gitt et merke i gave til $name$. Når vedkommende løser det inn, får han eller hun valget om å vise frem eller skjule merket.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Du har gitt en pengegave til Signal på vegne av {name}. Vedkommende vil få muligheten til å vise frem støtten på profilen sin.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Klistremerkepakke kunne ikke installeres",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Disse tallene holder brukernavnet ditt skjult slik at du unngår uønskede meldinger. Det kan være lurt å bare dele brukernavnet ditt med personer og grupper du ønsker å ha samtaler med. Du får en ny tallrekke hvis du bytter brukernavn.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop vil snart ikke fungere på denne versjonen av {OS} på datamaskinen din. Du må oppdatere operativsystemet innen {expirationDate} for å fortsette å bruke Signal. <learnMoreLink>Les mer</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop fungerer ikke lenger på denne datamaskinen. Du må oppdatere til en nyere versjon av {OS} for å kunne bruke Signal igjen. <learnMoreLink>Les mer</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop fungerer ikke lenger på denne datamaskinen. Du må oppdatere til en nyere versjon av {OS} for å kunne bruke Signal igjen.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Siste nytt",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Når du starter en gruppesamtale for små grupper (opptil 16 personer), kan du velge å sende et ringevarsel. Gruppemedlemmene får en ringelyd hvis de bruker betaversjonen for iOS eller Desktop eller Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dobbelttrykk på en meldingsrad i en samtale for å sende et sitert svar. Det fungerer som en snarvei til nye tanker om gamle ideer. Tusen takk til {whynothugo} og resten av Signal-fellesskapet for at de både introduserte og ga oss tilbakemeldinger om denne funksjonen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nå kan du lukke en fullskjermsvisning ved å trykke utenfor bildet uten å zoome inn på det. Noen ganger vil du bare avslutte uten å komme tettere innpå. Takk til {jojomatik} for denne løsningen!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} en {conversationTitle} zijn hetzelfde account. Hier vind je je berichtengeschiedenis voor beide chats.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Je berichtengeschiedenis met {conversationTitle} en het nummer {obsoleteConversationNumber} zijn samengevoegd.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Je berichtengeschiedenis met {conversationTitle} en een andere chat met hen zijn samengevoegd.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Meer lezen",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} is van {conversationTitle}. Jullie zijn allebei lid van {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} is van {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatuur van afbeelding uit aangehaald bericht",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Klik op ‘Signal herstarten’ om de updates toe te passen."
"message": "Klik op ‘Signal herstarten’ om de updates toe te passen.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal herstarten"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Kan gegevens van geschenkbadge niet ophalen",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Donatiegegevens kunnen niet worden opgehaald",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Bekijk dit bericht op je mobiele telefoon om deze te openen",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Bekijk dit bericht op je mobiele telefoon om deze te openen",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Tik op dit bericht op je mobiel om je cadeau te bekijken",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Tik op dit bericht op mobiel om je donatie te bekijken",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Cadeau",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} heeft namens jou gedoneerd aan Signal",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Je kunt dit cadeau openen in de Signal-app op je mobiele telefoon",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Check je telefoon om deze donatie te openen",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Je kunt dit cadeau bekijken in de Signal-app op je mobiele telefoon",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Check je telefoon om deze donatie te bekijken",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Je hebt een cadeau ontvangen",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} heeft namens jou gedoneerd",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Je hebt een cadeau-badge in ontvangst genomen",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Je hebt een donatie ingewisseld",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Je hebt een cadeau-badge verzonden",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Je hebt gedoneerd namens {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Cadeau-badge",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donatie",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Cadeau",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donatie",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ dagen resterend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} dagen resterend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ uur resterend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} uur resterend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minuten resterend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} minuut resterend} other {{minutes,number} minuten resterend}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minuut resterend",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Verlopen",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Verlopen",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Weergeven",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Weergeven",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "In ontvangst genomen",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "In ontvangst genomen",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Bedankt voor je steun!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Bedankt voor je steun!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Je hebt een badge cadeau gedaan aan $name$. Als hij of zij de badge in ontvangt neemt dan kan hij of zij kiezen of hij of zij die wil weergeven op zijn of haar profiel.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Je hebt namens {name} een donatie gedaan aan Signal. Ze krijgen de mogelijkheid om hun steun op hun profiel te tonen.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Stickerpakket kon niet worden geïnstalleerd",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Deze cijfers helpen jou je gebruikersnaam privé te houden zodat je ongewenste berichten kunt voorkomen. Deel jouw gebruikersnaam alleen met mensen en groepen waarmee je zou willen chatten. Als je je gebruikersnaam wijzigt, krijg je een nieuwe cijferset.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ondersteunt binnenkort jouw computers versie van {OS} niet meer. Als je Signal wilt blijven gebruiken, moet je het besturingssysteem van je computer vóór {expirationDate} bijwerken. <learnMoreLink>Meer informatie</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop werkt niet meer op deze computer. Werk de versie van {OS} op je computer bij om Signal Desktop weer te gebruiken. <learnMoreLink>Meer informatie</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop werkt niet meer op deze computer. Werk de versie van {OS} op je computer bij om Signal Desktop weer te gebruiken.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "wat er nieuw is",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Als je een groepsgesprek start voor kleine groepen (tot 16 personen), kun je ervoor kiezen om een oproepmelding te versturen. Groepsleden zullen dan een belletje horen als ze op iOS-bèta zitten of Desktop of Android gebruiken.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dubbelklik op een berichtrij in een chat om een geciteerd antwoord te starten. Het is een soort hulpmiddel voor nieuwe gedachten over oude ideeën. Met dank aan {whynothugo} en de Signal-community voor het implementeren van deze functie en het geven van feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Het is nu gemakkelijker om buiten een afbeelding te klikken om de galerijweergave te sluiten zonder in te zoomen. Soms wil je je scherm gewoon sluiten, en in plaats daarvan kwamen de dingen te dichtbij. Met dank aan {jojomatik} voor de oplossing!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} ਅਤੇ {conversationTitle} ਇੱਕੋ ਖਾਤਾ ਹੈ। ਤੁਹਾਡੀਆਂ ਦੋਵਾਂ ਚੈਟਾਂ ਦੇ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਇੱਥੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹਨ।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਪੁਰਾਣੀ ਚੈਟ ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਤ ਇੱਕ ਹੋਰ ਚੈਟ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਿਲਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਨੰਬਰ {obsoleteConversationNumber} ਨਾਲ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਪੁਰਾਣੀ ਚੈਟ ਨੂੰ ਇਕੱਠਾ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਪੁਰਾਣੀ ਚੈਟ ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਤ ਇੱਕ ਹੋਰ ਚੈਟ ਨੂੰ ਇਕੱਠਾ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣੋ",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ਨੰਬਰ {conversationTitle} ਦਾ ਹੈ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਦੋਵੇਂ {sharedGroup} ਦੇ ਮੈਂਬਰ ਹੋ।",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} ਨੰਬਰ {conversationTitle} ਦਾ ਹੈ",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "ਹਵਾਲਾ ਦਿੱਤੇ ਸੁਨੇੇਹੇ ਤੋਂ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦਾ ਥੰਬਨੇਲ",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਲਾਗੂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ Signal ਮੁੜ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰੋ ਨੂੰ ਦਬਾਓ।"
"message": "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਲਾਗੂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ Signal ਮੁੜ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰੋ ਨੂੰ ਦਬਾਓ।",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal ਮੁੜ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰੋ"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "ਬੈਜ ਦੇ ਤੋਹਫ਼ੇ ਦੇ ਵੇਰਵੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਰਹੇ",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "ਦਾਨ ਦੇ ਵੇਰਵੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਰਹੇ",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "ਇਸ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਦੇਖਣ ਲਈ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਡਿਵਾਈਸ 'ਤੇ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ਇਸ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਦੇਖਣ ਲਈ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਡਿਵਾਈਸ 'ਤੇ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "ਆਪਣਾ ਤੋਹਫ਼ਾ ਦੇਖਣ ਲਈ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ 'ਤੇ ਟੈਪ ਕਰੋ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "ਆਪਣਾ ਦਾਨ ਦੇਖਣ ਲਈ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ 'ਤੇ ਟੈਪ ਕਰੋ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "ਤੋਹਫ਼ਾ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਤਰਫ਼ ਤੋਂ Signal ਨੂੰ ਦਾਨ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "ਤੋਹਫ਼ਾ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਣ ਲਈ ਆਪਣਾ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਚੈੱਕ ਕਰੋ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ਇਸ ਦਾਨ ਨੂੰ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਣ ਲਈ ਆਪਣਾ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਦੇਖੋ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "ਆਪਣਾ ਤੋਹਫ਼ਾ ਦੇਖਣ ਲਈ ਆਪਣਾ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਚੈੱਕ ਕਰੋ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "ਆਪਣਾ ਦਾਨ ਦੇਖਣ ਲਈ ਆਪਣਾ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਦੇਖੋ",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਤੋਹਫ਼ਾ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਹੈ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਤਰਫ਼ ਤੋਂ ਦਾਨ ਦਿੱਤਾ",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਤੋਹਫ਼ੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਬੈਜ ਰੀਡੀਮ ਕੀਤਾ",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਦਾਨ ਰੀਡੀਮ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਤੋਹਫ਼ੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਬੈਜ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਹੈ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "ਤੁਸੀਂ {recipient} ਦੀ ਤਰਫ਼ ਤੋਂ ਦਾਨ ਦਿੱਤਾ",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "ਬੈਜ ਦਾ ਤੋਹਫ਼ਾ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "ਦਾਨ",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "ਤੋਹਫ਼ਾ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "ਦਾਨ",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ ਦਿਨ ਬਾਕੀ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} ਦਿਨ ਬਾਕੀ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ ਘੰਟੇ ਬਾਕੀ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} ਘੰਟੇ ਬਾਕੀ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ ਮਿੰਟ ਬਾਕੀ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 ਮਿੰਟ ਬਾਕੀ} other {{minutes,number} ਮਿੰਟ ਬਾਕੀ}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 ਮਿੰਟ ਬਾਕੀ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "ਮਿਆਦ ਪੁੱਗੀ",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "ਮਿਆਦ ਪੁੱਗੀ",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "ਵੇਖੋ",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "ਦੇਖੋ",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "ਰੀਡੀਮ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "ਰੀਡੀਮ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "ਸਹਿਯੋਗ ਦੇਣ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "ਸਹਿਯੋਗ ਦੇਣ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "ਤੁਸੀਂ $name$ ਨੂੰ ਤੋਹਫ਼ੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਬੈਜ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ। ਜਦੋਂ ਉਹ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਸਵੀਕਾਰ ਕਰ ਲੈਣਗੇ, ਤਾਂ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣਾ ਬੈਜ ਦਿਖਾਉਣ ਜਾਂ ਲੁਕਾਉਣ ਦਾ ਵਿਕਲਪ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "ਤੁਸੀਂ {name} ਦੀ ਤਰਫ਼ ਤੋਂ Signal ਨੂੰ ਦਾਨ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ। ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਪ੍ਰੋਫਾਈਲ ਉੱਤੇ ਆਪਣਾ ਸਹਿਯੋਗ ਦਿਖਾਉਣ ਦਾ ਵਿਕਲਪ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "ਸਟਿੱਕਰ ਪੈਕ ਸਥਾਪਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "ਇਹ ਅੰਕ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਾਈਵੇਟ ਰੱਖਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਦਦ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਅਣਚਾਹੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਚ ਸਕੋ। ਆਪਣਾ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨਾਂ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਗਰੁੱਪਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰੋ ਜਿਹਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਚੈਟ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ। ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨਾਂ ਬਦਲਦੇ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ ਅੰਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੀ ਬਦਲ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ਜਲਦੀ ਹੀ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਦੇ {OS} ਵਰਜਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਨਾ ਬੰਦ ਕਰ ਦੇਵੇਗਾ। Signal ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਦੇ ਰਹਿਣ ਲਈ, {expirationDate} ਤੱਕ ਆਪਣੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਦੇ ਓਪਰੇਟਿੰਗ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਨੂੰ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰੋ। <learnMoreLink>ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣੋ</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ਹੁਣ ਇਸ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ 'ਤੇ ਕੰਮ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ। Signal Desktop ਦੀ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ, ਆਪਣੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਦੇ {OS} ਦਾ ਵਰਜ਼ਨ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰੋ। <learnMoreLink>ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣੋ</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ਹੁਣ ਇਸ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ 'ਤੇ ਕੰਮ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ। Signal Desktop ਦੀ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ, ਆਪਣੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਦੇ {OS} ਦਾ ਵਰਜ਼ਨ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰੋ।",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "ਨਵਾਂ ਕੀ ਹੈ",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "ਜਦੋਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਛੋਟੇ ਗਰੁੱਪ (ਵੱਧ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ 16 ਲੋਕ) ਲਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਕਾਲ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰਿੰਗ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਭੇਜਣ ਦੀ ਚੋਣ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। ਜੇਕਰ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਦੇ ਮੈਂਬਰ iOS ਬੀਟਾ ਜਾਂ Desktop ਜਾਂ Android ਐਪ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ ਤਾਂ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਰਿੰਗ ਸੁਣਾਈ ਦੇਵੇਗੀ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ਕਿਸੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਦਾ ਹਵਾਲਾ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹੋਏ ਉਸਦਾ ਜਵਾਬ ਦੇਣ ਲਈ ਚੈਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ 'ਤੇ ਦੋ ਵਾਰ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ। ਇਹ ਕਿਸੇ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਬਾਰੇ ਕੋਈ ਨਵੀਂ ਗੱਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਸ਼ਾਰਟਕੱਟ ਵਾਂਗ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਫੀਚਰ ਨੂੰ ਲਾਗੂ ਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਬਾਰੇ ਫੀਡਬੈਕ ਪ੍ਰਦਾਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ {whynothugo} ਅਤੇ Signal ਭਾਈਚਾਰੇ ਦਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ।",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ਹੁਣ ਜ਼ੂਮ ਇਨ ਕੀਤੇ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਗੈਲਰੀ ਵਿਊ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਆਸਾਨੀ ਨਾਲ ਬਾਹਰ ਜਾਣ ਲਈ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਦੇ ਬਾਹਰ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੈ। ਕਈ ਵਾਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਬਸ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਨੂੰ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਪਰ ਗਲਤੀ ਨਾਲ ਜ਼ੂਮ ਹੋ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਨੂੰ ਠੀਕ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ {jojomatik} ਦਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} i {conversationTitle} należą do tego samego konta. Tutaj znajdziesz historię wiadomości dla obu Waszych rozmów.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Twoja historia wiadomości z {conversationTitle} i jego/jej numerem {obsoleteConversationNumber} została połączona.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Twoja historia wiadomości z {conversationTitle} i należącą do niego/niej inną rozmową została połączona.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Dowiedz się więcej",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} należy do {conversationTitle}. Oboje należycie do {sharedGroup}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} należy do {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatura obrazu z cytowanej wiadomości",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Naciśnij \"Uruchom ponownie\", aby zakończyć aktualizację."
"message": "Naciśnij \"Uruchom ponownie\", aby zakończyć aktualizację.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Uruchom ponownie"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Nie można pobrać szczegółów odznaki-prezentu",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Nie można pobrać szczegółów darowizny",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Otwórz tę wiadomość na telefonie",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Otwórz tę wiadomość na telefonie",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Otwórz tę wiadomość na telefonie, aby wyświetlić prezent",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Otwórz tę wiadomość na telefonie, aby wyświetlić darowiznę",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Prezent",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} wpłacił(a) w Twoim imieniu darowiznę na rzecz Signal",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Otwórz prezent na swoim telefonie",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Otwórz darowiznę na swoim telefonie",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Obejrzyj prezent na swoim telefonie",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Wyświetl darowiznę na swoim telefonie",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Otrzymałeś(aś) prezent",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} wpłacił(a) darowiznę w Twoim imieniu",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Odebrałeś(aś) podarowaną odznakę",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Odznaka została odebrana",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Wysłałeś(aś) odznakę w prezencie",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Wpłaciłeś(-aś) darowiznę w imieniu {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Podarowana odznaka.",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Darowizna",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Prezent",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Darowizna",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Pozostało $days$ dni",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Pozostało: {days} dni",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Pozostało $hours$ godzin(y)",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Pozostało: {hours} godzin(y)",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Pozostało $minutes$ minut(y)",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Pozostała {minutes,number} minuta} few {Pozostały {minutes,number} minuty} many {Pozostało {minutes,number} minut} other {Pozostały {minutes,number} minuty}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Pozostała 1 minuta",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Wygasła",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Wygasła",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Pokaż",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Wyświetlona",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Odebrane",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Odebrana",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Dziękujemy za Twoje wsparcie!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Dziękujemy za Twoje wsparcie!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Wysłałeś(aś) odznakę do $name$. Gdy odbiorca ją przyjmie, będzie mieć możliwość wyświetlić lub ukryć swoją odznakę.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Wpłaciłeś(-aś) darowiznę na rzecz Signal w imieniu {name}. Otrzyma on(a) możliwość pochwalenia się wsparciem na swoim profilu.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Nie można zainstalować pakietu naklejek",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Te cyfry pomagają zachować prywatność Twojej nazwy użytkownika, dzięki czemu unikasz niechcianych wiadomości. Udostępniaj swoją nazwę użytkownika tylko tym osobom i grupom, z którymi chcesz rozmawiać. Jeśli zmienisz nazwę użytkownika, otrzymasz nowy zestaw cyfr.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop już wkrótce przestanie obsługiwać {OS} na Twoim komputerze. Aby nadal korzystać z usługi Signal, zaktualizuj system operacyjny swojego komputera do {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Dowiedz się więcej</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop już nie działa na tym komputerze. Aby móc znów obsługiwać Signal Desktop, zaktualizuj {OS} na swoim komputerze. <learnMoreLink>Dowiedz się więcej</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop już nie działa na tym komputerze. Aby móc znów obsługiwać Signal Desktop, zaktualizuj {OS} na swoim komputerze.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Co nowego",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Gdy rozpoczynasz połączenie grupowe dla małych grup (do 16 osób), możesz wybrać opcję powiadomienia o połączeniu dzwonkiem. Dzwonek usłyszą użytkownicy korzystający z wersji iOS beta, komputera stacjonarnego lub Androida.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Kliknij dwukrotnie dowolny wiersz wiadomości w rozmowie, aby rozpocząć cytowanie wiadomości. Już nie pogubisz się w gąszczu wątków. Podziękowania dla {whynothugo} i całej społeczności Signal za wdrożenie tej funkcji i opinie na temat jej działania.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Od teraz, klikając poza obrazem, zamkniesz widok galerii, zamiast powiększać grafikę. Bo czasem wyraźniej widać na odległość. Dzięki, {jojomatik}, za tę poprawkę!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} e {conversationTitle} são a mesma conta. Seu histórico de mensagens dos dois chats está aqui.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Seu histórico de mensagens com {conversationTitle} e o número {obsoleteConversationNumber} foram mesclados.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Seu histórico de mensagens com {conversationTitle} e outro chat pertencente a este usuário foram mesclados.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saiba mais",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertence à conversa {conversationTitle}. Você são membros do grupo {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertence à conversa {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatura da imagem na citação",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Clique em Reiniciar Signal para aplicar as atualizações."
"message": "Clique em Reiniciar Signal para aplicar as atualizações.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Reiniciar Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Não foi possível obter os detalhes do selo de presente",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Não foi possível obter os detalhes da doação",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Abra esta mensagem no celular para vê-la",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Veja esta mensagem no celular para abrir",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Toque nesta mensagem no celular para ver seu presente",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Toque nessa mensagem no celular para ver sua doação",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Presente",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} fez uma doação para o Signal no seu nome",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Veja seu telefone para abrir um presente",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Confira seu celular para abrir esta doação",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Veja seu telefone para ver seu presente",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Confira seu celular para ver sua doação",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Você recebeu um presente",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} fez uma doação pra você",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Você resgatou um selo de presente",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Você resgatou uma doação",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Você enviou um selo de presente",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Você fez uma doação para {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Selo de presente",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Doação",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Presente",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Doação",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ dias restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} dias restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ horas restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} horas restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutos restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} minuto restante} other {{minutes,number} minutos restantes}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minuto restante",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Perdeu a validade",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Perdeu a validade",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Exibir",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Exibir",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Resgatado",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Resgatado",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Agradecemos por seu apoio!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Agradecemos por seu apoio!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Você deu um selo para $name$. Quando for aceito, a pessoa terá a opção de mostrar ou esconder este selo.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Você fez uma doação para o Signal no nome de {name}. Essa pessoa poderá escolher se quer mostrar que apoia o Signal no perfil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "O pacote de figurinhas não pôde ser instalado",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Esses dígitos ajudam a manter seu nome de usuário privado para evitar mensagens indesejadas. Compartilhe seu nome de usuário apenas com as pessoas e grupos com os quais gostaria de conversar. Se mudar seu nome de usuário, você receberá um novo conjunto de dígitos.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "O Signal para desktop não será mais compatível com a versão do {OS} do seu computador em breve. Para continuar usando o Signal, atualize o sistema operacional do seu computador até {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Saiba mais</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "O Signal para desktop não funciona mais neste computador. Para usar o Signal para desktop novamente, atualize a versão do {OS} do seu computador. <learnMoreLink>Saiba mais</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "O Signal para desktop não funciona mais neste computador. Para usar o Signal para desktop novamente, atualize a versão do {OS} do seu computador.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Novidades",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Ao iniciar uma chamada em grupo com grupos pequenos (até 16 pessoas), você pode decidir se quer enviar uma notificação de ligação. Os membros do grupo ouvirão um toque se estiverem usando a versão beta do iOS ou as versões para Desktop ou Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Toque duas vezes em qualquer linha de mensagem em um chat para responder a uma pergunta anterior diretamente. É tipo um atalho para ideias novas sobre ideias antigas. Agradecemos a {whynothugo} e a comunidade do Signal por implementarem esse recurso e fornecer feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Agora ficou mais fácil clicar fora de uma imagem para ignorar a visão da galeria, sem dar zoom. Às vezes, você só quer fechar a imagem e não quer ficar vendo aquele carão, né? Pode agradecer a {jojomatik} pela correção!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} e {conversationTitle} são a mesma conta. O seu histórico de mensagens para ambos os chats está aqui.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "O seu histórico de mensagens com {conversationTitle} e outra conversa com esta pessoa foram juntados.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "O seu histórico de mensagens com {conversationTitle} e o seu número {obsoleteConversationNumber} foram agregados.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "O seu histórico de mensagens com {conversationTitle} e outra conversa com esta pessoa foram agregados.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber mais",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertence a {conversationTitle}. Ambos são membros de {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pertence a {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatura da imagem da mensagem",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Pressione 'Reiniciar o Signal' para aplicar as atualizações."
"message": "Pressione 'Reiniciar o Signal' para aplicar as atualizações.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Reiniciar o Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Não foi possível aceder aos detalhes do crachá de presente",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Impossível aceder aos detalhes da doação",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Veja esta mensagem no dispositivo móvel para a abrir",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Veja esta mensagem no dispositivo móvel para a abrir",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Toca nesta mensagem no telemóvel para veres o teu presente",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Toque nesta mensagem num dispositivo móvel para ver a sua doação",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Oferta",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} doou ao Signal em seu nome",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Veja o seu telemóvel para abrir a oferta",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Veja o seu telemóvel para ver esta doação",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Veja o seu telemóvel para ver a sua oferta",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Veja o seu telemóvel para ver a sua doação",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Recebeu uma oferta",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} doou em seu nome",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Resgatou um crachá de oferta",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Resgatou uma doação",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Enviou um crachá de oferta",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Doou em nome de {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Crachá de oferta",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Doação",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Oferta",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Doação",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ dias remanescentes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} dias restante",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ horas remanescentes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} horas restantes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutos remanescentes",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} minuto restante} other {{minutes,number} minutos restantes}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minuto remanescente",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Expirado(a)",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Expirado",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Ver",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Ver",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Resgatado",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Resgatado",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Obrigado pelo seu apoio!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Obrigado pelo seu apoio!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Ofereceu um crachá a $name$. Quando ele aceitar, ser-lhe-á dada uma escolha para mostrar ou ocultar.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Fez uma doação ao Signal em nome de {name}. A pessoa terá a opção de mostrar o seu apoio no perfil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Não foi possível instalar o pacote de autocolantes",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Estes dígitos ajudam a manter o seu nome de utilizador privado, para que possa evitar mensagens indesejadas. Partilhe o seu nome de utilizador apenas com as pessoas e grupos com quem gostaria de conversar. Se mudar de nome de utilizador, receberá um novo conjunto de dígitos.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Em breve a versão desktop do Signal já não será suportada na versão do {OS} do seu computador. Para continuar a usar o Signal, atualize o sistema operativo do seu computador até {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Saber mais</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "A versão desktop do Signal já não funciona neste computador. Para usar a versão desktop do Signal outra vez, atualize a versão do {OS} do seu computador. <learnMoreLink>Saber mais</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "A versão desktop do Signal já não funciona neste computador. Para usar a versão desktop do Signal outra vez, atualize a versão do {OS} do seu computador.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Novidades",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Quando inicia uma chamada de grupo para pequenos grupos (até 16 pessoas), pode optar por enviar uma notificação de toque. Os membros do grupo ouvirão um toque se estiverem no iOS beta ou a utilizar o Desktop ou Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Clique duas vezes em qualquer linha de mensagem de um chat para iniciar uma resposta citada. É tipo um atalho para novos pensamentos acerca de velhas ideias. Agradecemos a {whynothugo} e à comunidade Signal por implementarem esta funcionalidade e fornecerem feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Agora é mais fácil clicar fora de uma imagem para ignorar a visualização da galeria sem ampliar. Às vezes é mesmo melhor ir embora do que ficar a olhar. Agradecemos a {jojomatik} pela correção!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} și {conversationTitle} sunt același cont. Istoricul de mesaje pentru ambele conversații sunt aici.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Istoricul mesajelor tale cu {conversationTitle} și numărul său {obsoleteConversationNumber} au fost unite.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Istoricul mesajelor tale cu {conversationTitle} și altă conversație care le aparținea au fost unite.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Află mai multe",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} aparține lui {conversationTitle}. Sunteți membri ai {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} aparține persoanei {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatură a unei imagini dintr-un mesaj citat",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Apasă pe Repornire Signal pentru a aplica actualizările."
"message": "Apasă pe Repornire Signal pentru a aplica actualizările.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Repornește Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Nu s-au putut obține detaliile insignei cadou",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Nu am putut să obținem detaliile donației",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Vizualizează acest mesaj pe mobil pentru a-l deschide",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Vizualizează acest mesaj pe mobil pentru a-l deschide",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Atinge acest mesaj pe mobil ca să-ți vezi cadoul",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Atinge acest mesaj pe mobil pentru a vizualiza donația ta",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Cadou",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} donați către Signal în numele tău",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Verifică telefonul pentru a deschide cadoul",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Verifică-ți telefonul pentru a deschide această donație",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Verifică telefonul pentru a vedea cadoul",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Verifică-ți telefonul pentru a-ți vizualiza donația",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Ai primit un cadou",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} donați pentru tine",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Ai răscumpărat o insignă cadou",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Ai răscumpărat o donație",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Ai trimis o insignă cadou",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Ai donat pentru {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Insignă cadou",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donație",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Cadou",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donație",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Au mai rămas $days$ zile",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Au mai rămas {days} zile",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Au mai rămas $hours$ ore",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Au mai rămas {hours} ore",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Au mai rămas $minutes$ minute",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {A mai rămas 1 minut} few {Au mai rămas {minutes,number} minute} other {Au mai rămas {minutes,number} de minute}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "A mai rămas 1 minut",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Expirat",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Expirat",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Vizualizare",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Vizualizare",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Revendicat",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Revendicat",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Îți mulțumim pentru sprijin!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Îți mulțumim pentru sprijin!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Ai dat cadou o insignă lui $name$. Când vor accepta, vor avea opțiunea de a afișa sau ascunde insigna.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Ai făcut o donație către Signal în numele {name}. Persoana pe care ai ales-o va primi opțiunea de a-și afișa sprijinul la profil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Pachetul cu autocolante nu a putut fi instalat",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Aceste cifre ajută la păstrarea confidențialității numelui tău de utilizator ca să eviți mesajele nedorite. Trimite numele tău de utilizator doar persoanelor și grupurilor cu care dorești să conversezi. Dacă îți schimbi numele de utilizator, vei primi un set nou de cifre.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop nu va mai accepta versiunea calculatorului tău de {OS} în curând. Ca să continui să folosești Signal, actualizează-ți sistemul de operare al calculatorului până la {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Află mai multe</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop nu mai funcționează pe acest calculator. Ca să folosești Signal desktop din nou, actualizează-ți versiunea calculatorului de {OS}. <learnMoreLink>Află mai multe</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop nu mai funcționează pe acest calculator. Ca să folosești Signal desktop din nou, actualizează-ți versiunea calculatorului de {OS}.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Ce este nou",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Când începi un apel de grup pentru grupuri mici (până la 16 persoane), poți să alegi să trimiți o notificare sonoră. Membri grupului vor auzi un sunet dacă sunt pe iOS beta sau dacă folosesc Desktop sau Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dă dublu clic pe orice rând într-o conversație ca să începi un răspuns citat. E ca o scurtătură pentru gânduri noi despre idei vechi. Mulțumim {whynothugo} și comunității Signal pentru implementarea acestei funcții și oferirea de feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Acum este mai simplu să dai clic în afara unei imagini ca să închizi vizualizarea de tip galerie fără să mărești. Uneori voiai doar să închizi, dar în schimb măreai lucruri. Mulțumim {jojomatik} pentru reparare!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} и {conversationTitle} — это один и тот же аккаунт. История сообщений для обоих чатов находится здесь.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Ваши истории сообщений с {conversationTitle} и его/её номером {obsoleteConversationNumber} были объединены.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Ваши истории сообщений с {conversationTitle} и другим чатом, который принадлежал ему/ей, были объединены.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Узнать больше",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} принадлежит {conversationTitle}. Вы оба являетесь участниками {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} принадлежит {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Миниатюра изображения из цитируемого сообщения",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Для применения обновлений нажмите «Перезапустить Signal»."
"message": "Для применения обновлений нажмите «Перезапустить Signal».",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Перезапустить Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Невозможно получить данные о значке в подарок",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Невозможно получить данные о пожертвовании",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Просмотрите это сообщение на своём телефоне, чтобы открыть его",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Просмотрите это сообщение на своём телефоне, чтобы открыть его",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Просмотрите это сообщение на своём телефоне, чтобы увидеть ваш подарок",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Просмотрите это сообщение на своём телефоне, чтобы увидеть ваше пожертвование",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Подарок",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} сделал(-а) пожертвование Signal от вашего имени",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Просмотрите это сообщение на своём телефоне, чтобы открыть подарок",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Просмотрите это сообщение на своём телефоне, чтобы открыть пожертвование",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Просмотрите это сообщение на своём телефоне, чтобы просмотреть свой подарок",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Просмотрите это сообщение на своём телефоне, чтобы просмотреть пожертвование",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Вы получили подарок",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} пожертвовал(-а) за вас",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Вы приняли значок, полученный в подарок",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Вы приняли пожертвование",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Вы отправили значок в подарок",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Вы пожертвовали за {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Значок в подарок",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Пожертвование",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Подарок",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Пожертвование",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Осталось $days$ дня",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Осталось {days} дня",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Осталось $hours$ часа",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Осталось {hours} часа",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Осталось $minutes$ минуты",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Осталась {minutes,number} минута} few {Осталось {minutes,number} минуты} many {Осталось {minutes,number} минут} other {Осталось {minutes,number} минуты}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Осталась 1 минута",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Истёк",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Истёк",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Просмотреть",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Просмотреть",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Принят",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Принят",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Спасибо за вашу поддержку!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Спасибо за вашу поддержку!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Вы подарили $name$ значок. Когда получатель примет его, он сможет выбрать, показать или скрыть свой значок.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Вы сделали пожертвование в Signal от имени {name}. Этот пользователь при желании сможет продемонстрировать свою поддержку в профиле.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Не удалось установить набор стикеров",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Эти цифры помогают сохранить ваше имя пользователя в тайне и избежать нежелательных сообщений. Делитесь своим именем пользователя только с теми людьми и группами, с которыми вы хотели бы общаться. Если вы измените имя пользователя, вы получите новый набор цифр.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "В скором времени Signal перестанет поддерживать версию {OS}, установленную на вашем компьютере. Чтобы продолжить использование Signal, обновите ОС на вашем компьютере до {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Узнать больше</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal больше не работает на этом компьютере. Чтобы продолжить использовать Signal Desktop, обновите версию {OS} на своём компьютере. <learnMoreLink>Узнать больше</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop больше не работает на этом компьютере. Чтобы продолжить использовать Signal Desktop, обновите версию {OS} на своём компьютере.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Что нового",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "В начале группового звонка для небольших групп (до 16 человек) можно выбрать отправку звонка вместо уведомления. Участники группы услышат звонок, если они используют бета-версию iOS либо версии для настольного компьютера или Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Дважды щелкните на любой строке сообщения в чате, чтобы добавить в ответ цитату. Это короткий путь к новому взгляду на старые идеи. Спасибо {whynothugo} и сообществу Signal за внедрение этой функции и отзывы о ней.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Теперь достаточно кликнуть за пределами изображения, чтобы закрыть вид галереи, а не увеличивать фото. Раньше иногда вы просто хотели закрыть, а вместо этого приближали. Спасибо {jojomatik} за исправление!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} a {conversationTitle} patria tomu istému účtu. Históriu správ pre oba čety nájdete tu.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "Vaša história správ s používateľom {conversationTitle} a ďalším četom, ktorého je súčasťou, bola zlúčená.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Vaša história správ s používateľom {conversationTitle} a jeho číslom {obsoleteConversationNumber} bola zlúčená.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Vaša história správ s používateľom {conversationTitle} a ďalším četom, ktorého bol súčasťou, bola zlúčená.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Zistiť viac",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} patrí používateľovi {conversationTitle}. Obaja ste členmi skupiny {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} patrí používateľovi {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Náhľad obrázku z citovanej správy.",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Reštartujte Signal pre dokončenie aktualizácie."
"message": "Reštartujte Signal pre dokončenie aktualizácie.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Reštartovať Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Nepodarilo sa získať podrobnosti o darčekovom odznaku",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Nepodarilo sa získať podrobnosti príspevku",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Ak chcete túto správu otvoriť, zobrazte ju v mobile",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Ak chcete túto správu otvoriť, zobrazte ju v mobile",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Ťuknutím na túto správu v mobile zobrazíte svoj darček",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Ťuknutím na túto správu v mobile zobrazíte svoj príspevok",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Dar",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "Používateľ {sender} prispel na Signal vo vašom mene",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Ak chcete otvoriť darček, skontrolujte svoj telefón",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Ak chcete otvoriť príspevok, skontrolujte svoj telefón",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Ak chcete zobraziť darček, skontrolujte svoj telefón",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Ak chcete zobraziť príspevok, skontrolujte svoj telefón",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Dostali ste darček",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "Používateľ {sender} za vás poslal príspevok",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Uplatnili ste darčekový odznak",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Uplatnili ste príspevok",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Poslali ste darčekový odznak",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Poslali ste príspevok za používateľa {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Darčekový odznak",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Príspevok",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Dar",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Príspevok",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Ostáva ešte $days$ dní",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Počet zostávajúcich dní: {days}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Ostáva ešte $hours$ hodín",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Počet zostávajúcich hodín: {hours}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Ostáva ešte $minutes$ minút",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} zostávajúca minúta} few {{minutes,number} zostávajúce minúty} many {{minutes,number} zostávajúcej minúty} other {{minutes,number} zostávajúcich minút}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Zostáva 1 minúta",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Platnosť vypršala",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Platnosť vypršala",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Zobraziť",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Zobraziť",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Uplatnené",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Uplatnené",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Ďakujem za tvoju podporu!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Ďakujeme za vašu podporu!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Darovali ste odznak $name$. Keď to prijme, dostane na výber, či svoj odznak ukáže, alebo skryje.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Prispeli ste na Signal v mene používateľa {name}. Svoju podporu bude môcť zobraziť na svojom profile.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Nepodarilo sa nainštalovať balík nálepiek",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Tieto číslice pomáhajú zachovať súkromie vášho používateľského mena, vďaka čomu sa vyhnete neželaným správam. Svoje používateľské meno zdieľajte iba s ľuďmi a skupinami, s ktorými chcete četovať. Ak si používateľské meno zmeníte, bude vám priradená nová sada číslic.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop už čoskoro nebude podporovať verziu {OS} na vašom počítači. Ak chcete naďalej používať Signal, aktualizujte operačný systém svojho počítača do {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Zistiť viac</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop už na tomto počítači nefunguje. Ak chcete znova používať Signal desktop, aktualizujte verziu {OS} na svojom počítači. <learnMoreLink>Zistiť viac</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop už na tomto počítači nefunguje. Ak chcete znova používať Signal desktop, aktualizujte verziu {OS} na svojom počítači.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Čo je nové",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Po spustení skupinového hovoru pre malé skupiny (do 16 ľudí), môžete odoslať upozornenie so zvonením. Členovia skupiny budú počuť zvonenie, ak používajú beta verziu iOS, počítač alebo Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvojitým kliknutím na ľubovoľný riadok správy v čete začnete citovanú odpoveď. Je to priama cesta vyjadrenia nových postrehov k predošlým nápadom. Sme vďační {whynothugo} a komunite Signal za implementáciu tejto funkcie a poskytnutie spätnej väzby.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Teraz je jednoduchšie kliknúť mimo fotografie a zrušiť plný náhľad bez približovania. Možno sa vám stalo, že ste fotku chceli len zavrieť, no namiesto toho sa vám zobrazila v tých najmenších detailoch. Ďakujeme {jojomatik} za opravu!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} in {conversationTitle} pripadata istemu računu. Vaša zgodovina sporočil za oba klepeta je tukaj.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Vaša zgodovina sporočil z uporabnikom_co {conversationTitle} in njena_gova telefonska številka {obsoleteConversationNumber} sta bili združeni.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Vaša zgodovina sporočil z uporabnikom_co {conversationTitle} in še en njen_gov klepet sta bila združena.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Več o tem",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pripada {conversationTitle}. Oba_e sta člana_ici {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} pripada {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Predogled slike citiranega sporočila",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Za uveljavitev nadgradenj pritisnite tipko Ponovno zaženi Signal"
"message": "Za uveljavitev nadgradenj pritisnite tipko Ponovno zaženi Signal",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Ponovno zaženi Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Podatkov o darilni znački ni mogoče pridobiti",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Podatkov o donaciji ni mogoče pridobiti",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Odprite to sporočilo na mobilnem telefonu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Odprite to sporočilo na mobilnem telefonu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Za ogled darila tapnite na to sporočilo na svojem mobilnem telefonu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Za ogled donacije tapnite na to sporočilo na svojem mobilnem telefonu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Darilo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} je doniral_a Signalu v vašem imenu",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Odprite darilo na mobilnem telefonu",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Odprite donacijo na mobilnem telefonu",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Oglejte si darilo na mobilnem telefonu",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Donacijo si oglejte na mobilnem telefonu",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Prejeli ste darilo",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} je doniral_a za vas",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Vnovčili ste darilno značko",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Unovčili ste donacijo",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Poslali ste darilno značko",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Donirali ste za uporabnika_co {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Darilna značka",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donacija",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Darilo",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donacija",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "še $days$ dni",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "še {days} dni",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "še $hours$ ur",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "še {hours} ur",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "še $minutes$ minut",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {še 1 minuto} two {še {minutes,number} minuti} few {še {minutes,number} minute} other {še {minutes,number} minut}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "še minuta",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Poteklo",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Potekla",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Prikaz",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Prikaz",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Vnovčeno",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Unovčeno",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Hvala za vašo podporo!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Hvala za vašo podporo!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Podarili ste značko uporabniku_ci $name$. Ko potrdi prejem, bo lahko značko prikazal_a ali skril_a.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Donirali ste Signalu v imenu uporabnika_ce {name}. Imel_a bo možnost, da svojo podporo pokaže na svojem profilu.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Paket nalepk ni mogel biti nameščen",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Te številke pomagajo ohranjati zasebnost vašega uporabniškega imena, tako da se lahko izognete neželenim sporočilom. Svoje uporabniško ime delite samo z osebami in skupinami, s katerimi želite klepetati. Če spremenite uporabniška imena, boste prejeli nov nabor številk.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop kmalu ne bo več podpiral različice {OS} na vašem računalniku. Če želite še naprej uporabljati Signal posodobite operacijski sistem na vašem računalniku do {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Preberite več</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop na tem računalniku ne deluje več. Če želite znova uporabljati Signal Desktop, posodobite različico {OS} na vašem računalniku. <learnMoreLink>Preberite več</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop na tem računalniku ne deluje več. Če želite znova uporabljati Signal Desktop, posodobite različico {OS} na vašem računalniku.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Kaj je novega",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Ko začnete skupinski klic za majhne skupine (do 16 oseb), lahko izberete pošiljanje obvestila o zvonjenju. Člani skupine bodo slišali zvonjenje, če uporabljajo iOS beta, namizni računalnik ali Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dvokliknite katerokoli vrstico sporočila v klepetu, da začnete citiran odgovor. Je kot bližnjica do novih misli o starih idejah. Hvala {whynothugo} in skupnosti Signal za implementacijo te funkcije in posredovanje povratnih informacij.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Zdaj je lažje klikniti zunaj slike, da opustite ogled fotografije, brez da bi jo povečali. Včasih ste želeli samo zapreti, namesto tega pa so stvari prišle preblizu. Hvala {jojomatik} za popravek!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} dhe {conversationTitle} janë e njëjta llogari. Historiku yt i mesazheve për të dyja bisedat është këtu.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Historiku i mesazheve të tua me {conversationTitle} dhe numrin e tyre {obsoleteConversationNumber} është bashkuar.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Historiku i mesazheve të tua me {conversationTitle} dhe një bisedë tjetër që i përkiste atyre është bashkuar.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Mësoni më tepër",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} i përket {conversationTitle}. Të dy ju jeni anëtarë të {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} i përket {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniaturë e figurës nga mesazhi i cituar",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Shtypni Rinise Signal-in që të zbatohen përditësimet."
"message": "Shtypni Rinise Signal-in që të zbatohen përditësimet.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Riniseni Signal-in"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Detajet e distinktivit të dhuratës nuk mund të merren",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Detajet e dhurimit nuk mund të shfaqen",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Shiheni këtë mesazh në celular, që ta hapni",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Shikoje këtë mesazh në celular, që ta hapësh",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Prek mesazhin në telefon që të shohësh dhuratën",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Kliko këtë mesazh në celular për të parë dhurimin tënd",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Dhuratë",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} dhuroi për Signal në emrin tënd",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Shihni te telefoni juaj që ta hapni dhuratën",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Kontrollo telefonin për të hapur këtë dhurim",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Shihni te telefoni juaj për të parë dhuratën",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Kontrollo telefonin për të parë dhurimin tënd",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Morët një dhuratë",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} dhuroi për ty",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Ju përdorët një distinktiv dhuratë",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Ti përdore një dhurim",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Dërguat një stemë dhuratë",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Ti dhurove për {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Stemë Dhuratë",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Dhurim",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Dhuratë",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Dhurim",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Edhe $days$ ditë",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Edhe {days} ditë",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Edhe $hours$ orë",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Edhe {hours} orë",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Edhe $minutes$ minuta",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Edhe 1 minutë ka mbetur} other {{minutes,number} minuta të mbetura}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Edhe 1 minutë",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Ka skaduar",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Ka skaduar",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Shihni",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Shih",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "U përdor",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "U përdor",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Faleminderit për përkrahjen tuaj!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Faleminderit për përkrahjen tënde!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Dhuruat një stemë për $name$. Kur ta pranojë, do t’i jepet mundësia ta shfaqë ose fshehë stemën e vet.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Ti ke bërë një dhurim për Signal në emër të {name}. Atyre do t'u jepet mundësia të shfaqin mbështetjen në profilin e tyre.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Paketa e ngjitësve s’u instalua dot",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Këto shifra ndihmojnë të ruash fshehtësinë e emrit të përdoruesit, që të shmangësh mesazhet e padëshiruara. Ndaj emrin e përdoruesit vetëm me personat dhe grupet me të cilat dëshiron të bisedosh. Nëse ndryshon emrin e përdoruesit, atëherë do të marrësh një bashkësi të re shifrash.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop së shpejti nuk do të mbështesë më versionin e {OS} të kompjuterit tënd. Për të vazhduar përdorimin e Signal, përditëso sistemin operativ të kompjuterit tënd deri më {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Mëso më tepër</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop nuk funksionon më në këtë kompjuter. Për të përdorur sërish Signal desktop, përditëso versionin e {OS} të kompjuterit tënd. <learnMoreLink>Mëso më tepër</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop nuk funksionon më në këtë kompjuter. Për të përdorur sërish Signal desktop, përditëso versionin e {OS} të kompjuterit tënd.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Ç’ka të Re",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kur nis një telefonatë në grup për grupe të vogla (deri në 16 persona), mund të zgjedhësh të dërgosh një njoftim me zile. Anëtarët e grupit do të dëgjojnë një zile nëse kanë versionin beta të iOS ose nëse përdorin Desktop ose Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Kliko dy herë në çdo rresht mesazhi në një bisedë për të filluar një përgjigje të cituar. Është si një lidhje e shkurtër për mendime të reja rreth ideve të vjetra. Faleminderit {whynothugo} dhe komunitetit Signal për zbatimin e kësaj veçorie dhe mundësimin e komenteve.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Tani është më e lehtë të klikosh jashtë një imazhi për të hequr pamjen e galerisë pa e zmadhuar. Ndonjëherë thjesht doje ta mbyllje, por në vend të kësaj gjërat zmadhoheshin. Faleminderit {jojomatik} për rregullimin!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} и {conversationTitle} су исти налог. Историја порука за оба ћаскања је овде.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Историја порука које сте разменили ви и {conversationTitle} и број тог корисника {obsoleteConversationNumber} сада су спојени.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Историја порука које сте разменили ви и {conversationTitle} и друго ћаскање које је припадало том кориснику сада су спојени.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Сазнајте више",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} је власник броја {phoneNumber}. Обоје сте чланови групе {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} је власник броја {phoneNumber}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Сличица слике из цитиране поруке",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Притисните Рестарт Signal да примените исправке."
"message": "Притисните Рестарт Signal да примените исправке.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Поново покрени Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Није могуће преузети податке о поклон-значки",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Нисмо успели да преузмемо детаље о донацији",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Погледајте ову поруку на мобилном телефону да бисте је отворили",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Погледајте ову поруку на мобилном телефону да бисте је отворили",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Dodirnite ovu poruku na mobilnom uređaju da vidite poklon",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Додирните ову поруку на мобилном телефону да бисте видели донацију",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Поклон",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} је дао/ла донацију Signal-у у ваше име",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Проверите свој телефон да бисте отворили поклон",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Проверите телефон да бисте отворили ову донацију",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Проверите свој телефон да бисте видели поклон",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Проверите телефон да бисте видели донацију",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Добили сте поклон",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} је донирао/ла за вас",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Искористили сте поклон значку",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Преузели сте значку донације",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Послали сте поклон ознаку",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "{recipient} је особа за коју сте донирали",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Поклон ознака",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Донација",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Поклон",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Донација",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Остало $days$ дана",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Преостало дана: {days}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Остало $hours$ сада",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Преостало сати: {hours}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Остало $minutes$ минута",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Преостало минута: {minutes,number}} other {Преостало минута: {minutes,number}}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Остало 1 минут",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Истекло",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Истекло",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Приказ",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Прикажи",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Откупљено",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Искоришћено",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Хвала вам на подршци!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Хвала вам на подршци!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "$name$ je od vas dobio/la značku. Kada prihvati značku, moći će da bira da li želi da je prikaže ili sakrije.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Дали сте донацију Signal-у у име корисника ({name}). Имаће могућност да прикаже подршку на свом профилу.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Пакет налепница не може да се инсталира",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Овај број омогућава да ваше корисничко име остане приватно како бисте избегли нежељене поруке. Поделите корисничко име само са људима и групама са којима бисте желели да ћаскате. Ако промените корисничко име, биће вам додељен нови број.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ускоро више неће подржавати верзију {OS}-а на вашем уређају. Да бисте наставили да користите Signal, ажурирајте оперативни систем рачунара до {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Сазнајте више</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop више не ради на овом рачунару. Да бисте поново користили Signal Desktop, ажурирајте верзију {OS}-а на рачунару. <learnMoreLink>Сазнајте више</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop више не ради на овом рачунару. Да бисте поново користили Signal Desktop, ажурирајте верзију {OS}-а на рачунару.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Шта ново",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Када започнете групни позив у малим групама (до 16 особа), можете да пошаљете обавештење у виду звона. Чланови групе ће чути звоно ако су на бета верзији за iOS или ако користе верзију за рачунар или Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Двапут кликните на било који ред поруке у ћаскању да бисте започели цитирани одговор. То је као пречица за нова размишљања о старим идејама. Хвала програмеру {whynothugo} и Signal заједници што су применили ову функцију и пружили повратне информације.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Сада је можете да кликнете изван слике да бисте одбацили приказ галерије без потребе да зумирате. Можете да затворите слику без претераног приближавања. Хвала програмеру {jojomatik} на овој поправци!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} och {conversationTitle} är samma konto. Din meddelandehistorik för båda chattarna finns här.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Din meddelandehistorik med {conversationTitle} och deras nummer {obsoleteConversationNumber} har slagits samman.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Din meddelandehistorik med {conversationTitle} och en annan chatt som tillhörde dem har slagits samman.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Läs mer",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} tillhör {conversationTitle}. Ni är båda medlemmar i {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} tillhör {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Miniatyr av bild för citerat meddelande",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Starta om Signal för att uppdatera"
"message": "Starta om Signal för att uppdatera",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Starta om Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Det går inte att hämta information om gåvomärket",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Det gick inte att hämta information om donationen",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Visa det här meddelandet på mobilen för att öppna det",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Visa det här meddelandet på mobilen för att öppna det",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Tryck på det här meddelandet på mobilen för att se din gåva",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Tryck på det här meddelandet på mobilen för att visa din donation",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Gåva",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} har donerat till Signal å dina vägnar",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Kolla din telefon för att öppna gåvan",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Kontrollera din telefon för att öppna den här donationen",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Kolla din telefon för att se din gåva",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Kontrollera din telefon för att visa din donation",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Du har fått en gåva",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} har donerat åt dig",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Du har löst in ett gåvomärke",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Du löste in en donation",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Du har skickat ett gåvomärke",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Du donerade åt {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gåvomärke",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donation",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gåva",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donation",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ dagar kvar",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} dagar kvar",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ timmar kvar",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} timmar kvar",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minuter kvar",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minut kvar} other {{minutes,number} minuter kvar}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minut kvar",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Utgånget",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Utgånget",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Visa",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Visa",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Inlöst",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Inlöst",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Tack för ditt stöd!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Tack för ditt stöd!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Du har gett ett märke till $name$. När de accepterar får de ett val att visa eller dölja sitt märke.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "{name} har gjort en donation till Signal för din räkning. De får möjlighet att visa sitt stöd på sin profil.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Klistermärkespaketet kan inte installeras",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "De här siffrorna hjälper till att hålla ditt användarnamn privat så att du kan undvika oönskade meddelanden. Dela ditt användarnamn endast med de personer och grupper som du vill chatta med. Om du ändrar användarnamn får du en ny uppsättning siffror.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Snart stöder Signal Desktop inte längre din dators version av{OS}. Uppdatera datorns operativsystem senast den {expirationDate} för att fortsätta använda Signal. <learnMoreLink>Läs mer</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop fungerar inte längre på den här datorn. Uppdatera datorns version av {OS} för att använda Signal Desktop igen. <learnMoreLink>Läs mer</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop fungerar inte längre på den här datorn. Uppdatera datorns version av {OS} för att använda Signal Desktop igen.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Vad är nytt",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "När du startar ett gruppsamtal för små grupper (upp till 16 personer) kan du välja att skicka en ringsignal som avisering. Gruppmedlemmar kommer att höra en ringsignal om de använder iOS beta, Android eller skrivbordsversionen.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Dubbelklicka på valfri meddelanderad i en chatt för att starta ett citerat svar. Det är som en genväg för nya tankar om gamla idéer. Tack till {whynothugo} och Signal-communityn för implementerande av den här funktionen och delandet av feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Nu är det lättare att klicka utanför en bild för att avvisa gallerivyn utan att zooma in. Ibland ville du bara stänga, och istället kom saker för nära. Tack till {jojomatik} för fixande!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} na {conversationTitle} ni akaunti moja. Historia ya jumbe zote mbili zipo hapa.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Historia ya jumbe zako na {conversationTitle} na nambari zao {obsoleteConversationNumber} zimeunganishwa.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Historia ya jumbe zako na {conversationTitle} na gumzo lao lingine zimeunganishwa.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Jifunze Zaidi",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} inamilikiwa na {conversationTitle}. Nyote ni wanachama wa {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} inamilikiwa na {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Kijipicha cha taswira kutoka kwa ujumbe ulionukuliwa",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Tafadhali Washa Upya Signal ili kutekeleza sasisho."
"message": "Tafadhali Washa Upya Signal ili kutekeleza sasisho.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Washa upya Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Imeshindikana kupata taarifa za beji ya zawadi",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Imeshindwa kuchukua taarifa za michango",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Tazama ujumbe huu kwenye simu ili kuufungua",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Tazama ujumbe huu kwenye simu ili kuufungua",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Bonyeza ujumbe huu kwenye kifaa chako cha mkononi ili kutazama zawadi yako",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Gusa ujumbe kwenye kifaa chako cha mkononi ili kuangalia mchango wako",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Zawadi",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ameichangia Signal kwa niaba yako",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Angalia simu yako ili kufungua zawadi",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Angalia simu yako kufungua mchango huu",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Angalia simu yako kutazama zawadi yako",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Angalia simu yako kuangalia mchango wako",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Umepokea zawadi",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} amekuchangia",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Umekomboa beji ya zawadi",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Umekomboa mchango",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Umetuma beji ya zawadi",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Umemchangia {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Beji ya Zawadi",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Mchango",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Zawadi",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Mchango",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "zimebaki siku $days$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "zimebaki siku {days}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "zimebaki saa $hours$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "zimebaki saa {hours}",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "zimebaki dakika $minutes$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Imebaki dakika 1} other {zimebaki dakika {minutes,number}}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Imebaki dakika 1",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Imekwisha muda",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Imekwisha muda",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Tazama",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Tazama",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Imekombolewa",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Imekombolewa",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Asante kwa kutuunga mkono!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Asante kwa kutuunga mkono!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Umemzawadi $name$ beji. Watakapokubali, watapatiwa chaguzi ya kuonyesha ama kuficha beji yao.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Umetoa mchango kwa Signal kwa niaba ya {name}. Watapatiwa uchaguzi wa kuonyesha kuunga mkono kwao kwenye wasifu wao.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Pakiti ya vibandiko haikuweza kusimikwa",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Tarakimu hizi zinasaidia kuliweka jina lako la mtumiaji kibinafsi ili kuepuke jumbe zisizotakikana. Share jina lako la mtumiaji na watu na makundi ambayo ungependa kuzungumza nayo tu. Ukibadili jina lako la mtumiaji utatumiwa seti mpya ya tarakimu.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Muda si mrefu Signal desktop haitaikubali tena toleo lako la {OS} mfumo wa uendeshaji wa kompyuta yako. Ili kuendelea kutumia Signal, sasisha mfumo wa uendeshaji wa kompyuta kabla ya {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Jifunze zaidi</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop haifanyi tena kazi kwenye kompyuta hii. Ili kutumia Signal desktop tena, sasisha toleo la mfumo wako wa uendeshaji wa {OS}. <learnMoreLink>Jifunze zaidi</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop haifanyi tena kazi kwenye kompyuta hii. Ili kutumia Signal desktop tena, sasisha toleo la mfumo wako wa uendeshaji wa {OS}.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Kuna Lipi Jipya?",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Unapopiga simu ya kikundi kwa vikundi vidogo (vya hadi watu 16), unaweza kuchagua kutuma arifa ya mlio. Wana kikundi watasikia mlio ikiwa wanatumia toleo la beta la iOS au wanatumia Desktop au Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Bofya mara mbili kwenye safu yoyote ya ujumbe ili kujibu kwa kunukuu. Ni kama njia ya mkato ya mawazo mapya kuhusu mawazo ya zamani. Shukrani kwa {whynothugo} na jumuiya ya Signal kwa kutekeleza kipengele hiki na kutoa mrejesho.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Sasa ni rahisi kubofya nje ya picha ili kuondosha muonekano wa galeri bila kukuza zaidi. Wakati mwingine ulitaka tu kufunga, na badala yake mambo yakaharibika zaidi. Shukrani kwa {jojomatik} kwa kutuwezesha!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} மற்றும் {conversationTitle} ஆகியவை ஒரே கணக்கைச் சேர்ந்தவை. இரண்டு சாட்களுக்கான உங்கள் மெசேஜ் வரலாறு இங்கே உள்ளது.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} உடனான உங்கள் செய்தி வரலாறும் அவர்களுக்குச் சொந்தமான மற்றொரு சாட்டும் இணைக்கப்பட்டது.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} உடனான உங்கள் மெசேஜ் வரலாறு மற்றும் அவர்களின் எண் {obsoleteConversationNumber} இணைக்கப்பட்டன.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} உடனான உங்கள் மெசேஜ் வரலாறும் அவர்களுக்குச் சொந்தமான மற்றொரு சாட்டும் இணைக்கப்பட்டன.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "மேலும் அறிக",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle} க்கு சொந்தமானது. நீங்கள் இருவரும் {sharedGroup} இன் உறுப்பினர்கள்.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle} க்கு சொந்தமானது",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "மேற்கோள் செய்தியிலிருந்து படத்தின் சிறு உருவம்",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "புதுப்பிப்புகளைப் பயன்படுத்த மறுதொடக்கம் Signal லை அழுத்தவும்."
"message": "புதுப்பிப்புகளைப் பயன்படுத்த மறுதொடக்கம் Signal லை அழுத்தவும்.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "சிக்னலை மறுதொடக்கம் செய்யுங்கள்"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "கிஃப்ட் பேட்ஜ் விவரங்களைப் பெற முடியவில்லை",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "நன்கொடை விவரங்களைப் பெற முடியவில்லை",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "இந்த செய்தியைத் திறக்க மொபைலில் பார்க்கவும்",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "இந்த மெசேஜைத் திறக்க மொபைலில் பார்க்கவும்",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "உங்கள் பரிசைக் காண மொபைலில் இந்த செய்தியைத் தட்டவும்",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "உங்கள் நன்கொடையைக் காண மொபைலில் இந்த மெசேஜைத் தட்டவும்",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "பரிசு",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "உங்கள் சார்பாக Signalக்கு {sender} நன்கொடை அளித்துள்ளார்",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "பரிசைத் திறக்க உங்கள் மொபைலைச் சரிபார்க்கவும்",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "இந்த நன்கொடையைத் திறக்க உங்கள் மொபைலைச் சரிபார்க்கவும்",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "உங்கள் பரிசைப் பார்க்க உங்கள் மொபைலைச் சரிபார்க்கவும்",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "உங்கள் நன்கொடையைப் பார்க்க உங்கள் மொபைலைச் சரிபார்க்கவும்",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "நீங்கள் ஒரு பரிசு பெற்றுள்ளீர்கள்",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} உங்களுக்காக நன்கொடை அளித்துள்ளார்",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "நீங்கள் ஒரு பரிசு பேட்ஜை மீட்டெடுத்துள்ளீர்கள்",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "நீங்கள் நன்கொடையை ரிடீம் செய்தீர்கள்",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "நீங்கள் ஒரு பரிசு பேட்ஜ்-ஐ அனுப்பியுள்ளீர்கள்",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "நீங்கள் {recipient} க்காக நன்கொடை அளித்துள்ளீர்கள்",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "பரிசு பேட்ஜ்",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "நன்கொடை",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "பரிசு",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "நன்கொடை",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ நாட்கள் மீதம்",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} நாட்கள் மீதமுள்ளன",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ மணிநேரம் மீதம்",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} மணிநேரம் மீதமுள்ளன",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ நிமிடங்கள் மீதம்",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 நிமிடம் மீதமுள்ளது} other {{minutes,number} நிமிடங்கள் மீதமுள்ளது}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 நிமிடம் மீதம்",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "காலாவதியாகிவிட்டது",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "காலாவதியாகிவிட்டது",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "காண்க",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "காண்க",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "மீட்டெடுக்கப்பட்டது",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "ரிடீம் செய்யப்பட்டது",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "உங்கள் ஆதரவுக்கு நன்றி!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "உங்கள் ஆதரவுக்கு நன்றி!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "$name$ க்கு ஒரு பேட்ஜ்-ஐப் பரிசளித்துள்ளீர்கள். அவர்கள் ஏற்றுக்கொண்டால், அவர்களின் பேட்ஜைக் காட்ட அல்லது மறைக்க அவர்களுக்கு விருப்பம் வழங்கப்படும்.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "{name} சார்பாக Signalக்கு நன்கொடை அளித்துள்ளீர்கள். அவர்களின் புரொஃபைலில் தங்கள் ஆதரவைக் காட்ட அவர்களுக்கு விருப்பம் வழங்கப்படும்.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "ஸ்டிக்கர் பேக் நிறுவ முடியவில்லை",
@ -4738,7 +4819,7 @@
"description": "Moment.js format for date headers in the message timeline, for dates <6 months old. See https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/."
"TimelineDateHeader--date-older-than-6-months": {
"message": "MMM D, YYYY",
"message": "D, MMM, YYYY",
"description": "Moment.js format for date headers in the message timeline, for dates >=6 months old. See https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/."
"MessageRequestWarning__learn-more": {
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "இந்த இலக்கங்கள் உங்கள் பயனர்பெயரை தனிப்பட்டதாக வைத்திருக்க உதவுவதால் தேவையற்ற செய்திகளைத் தவிர்க்கலாம். நீங்கள் சாட் செய்ய விரும்பும் நபர்கள் மற்றும் குழுக்களுடன் மட்டும் உங்கள் பயனர் பெயரைப் பகிரவும். நீங்கள் பயனர்பெயர்களை மாற்றினால், புதிய இலக்கங்களின் தொகுப்பைப் பெறுவீர்கள்.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal டெஸ்க்டாப் விரைவில் உங்கள் கணினியின் {OS} பதிப்பை ஆதரிக்காது. சிக்னலைத் தொடர்ந்து பயன்படுத்த, உங்கள் கணினியின் இயங்குதளத்தை {expirationDate} க்குள் புதுப்பிக்கவும். <learnMoreLink>மேலும் அறிக</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "இந்த கணினியில் இனிமேலும் Signal டெஸ்க்டாப் வேலை செய்யாது. Signal டெஸ்க்டாப்பை மீண்டும் பயன்படுத்த, உங்கள் கணினியின் {OS} பதிப்பைப் புதுப்பிக்கவும். <learnMoreLink>மேலும் அறிக</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "இந்த கணினியில் இனிமேலும் Signal டெஸ்க்டாப் வேலை செய்யாது. Signal டெஸ்க்டாப்பை மீண்டும் பயன்படுத்த, உங்கள் கணினியின் {OS} பதிப்பைப் புதுப்பிக்கவும்.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "புதிதாக என்ன உள்ளது",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "சிறிய குழுக்களுக்கு (16 பேர் வரை) நீங்கள் ஒரு குழு அழைப்பைத் தொடங்கும்போது, ஒரு அழைப்பு அறிவிப்பை அனுப்ப நீங்கள் தேர்வு செய்யலாம். குழு உறுப்பினர்கள் ஐ.ஓ.எஸ் பீட்டாவில் இருந்தால் அல்லது டெஸ்க்டாப் அல்லது ஆண்ட்ராய்டைப் பயன்படுத்தினால் அவர்கள் ஒரு அழைப்பு ஒலியைக் கேட்பார்கள்.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "மேற்கோள் காட்டப்பட்ட பதிலைத் தொடங்க, சாட்டில் ஏதேனும் செய்தி வரிசையில் இருமுறை கிளிக் செய்யவும். பழைய யோசனைகளைப் பற்றிய புதிய எண்ணங்களுக்கு இது ஒரு குறுக்குவழி போன்றது. இந்த அம்சத்தை செயல்படுத்தி கருத்து வழங்கியதற்காக {whynothugo} மற்றும் சிக்னல் சமூகத்திற்கு நன்றி.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "இப்போது பெரிதாக்காமல் கேலரி காட்சியை நிராகரிக்க படத்தின் வெளியே கிளிக் செய்வது எளிது. சில நேரங்களில் நீங்கள் மூட முயன்றால், பதிலாக காட்சி மிக நெருக்கமாகிவிடுகின்றது. சரிசெய்ததற்கு {jojomatik} க்கு நன்றி!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} మరియు {conversationTitle} లు ఒకే అకౌంట్. రెండు చాట్ల కొరకు మీ సందేశం చరిత్ర ఇక్కడ ఉంది.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} తో మీ సందేశ చరిత్ర మరియు వాటికి సంబంధించిన మరో చాట్ విలీనం చేయబడ్డాయి.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} తో మీ సందేశ చరిత్ర మరియు వాటి {obsoleteConversationNumber} నంబరు కలిపేయబడ్డాయి.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} తో మీ సందేశ చరిత్ర మరియు వాటికి సంబంధించిన మరో చాట్ కలిపేయబడ్డాయి.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "మరింత తెలుసుకోండి",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle} కు చెందినది. మీరు {sharedGroup} రెండింటి సభ్యులు.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} {conversationTitle} కు చెందినది",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "కోట్ చేసిన సందేశం నుండి చిత్రం యొక్క సూక్ష్మచిత్రం",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "నవీకరణలను వర్తింపచేయడానికి పున Sign ప్రారంభించు Signal నొక్కండి."
"message": "నవీకరణలను వర్తింపచేయడానికి పున Sign ప్రారంభించు Signal నొక్కండి.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal పున ప్రారంభించండి"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "గిఫ్ట్ బ్యాడ్జీ వివరాలను పొందలేకపోయారు",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "విరాళం వివరాలను పొందలేకపోయింది",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "దీనిని ఓపెన్ చేయడానికి మొబైల్పై ఈ సందేశాన్ని వీక్షించండి",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "దీనిని తెరవడానికి మొబైల్పై ఈ సందేశాన్ని వీక్షించండి",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "మీ గిఫ్ట్ని చూడటానికి మొబైల్పై ఈ సందేశాన్ని తట్టండి",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "మీ విరాళాన్ని వీక్షించడానికి మొబైల్పై ఈ సందేశాన్ని తట్టండి",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "బహుమతి",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "మీ తరఫున Signal కు {sender} విరాళం ఇచ్చారు",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "బహుమతిని ఓపెన్ చేయడానికి మీ ఫోన్ని చెక్ చేయండి",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "ఈ విరాళాన్ని తెరవడానికి మీ ఫోన్ను తనిఖీ చేయండి",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "మీ బహుమతిని వీక్షించడానికి మీ ఫోన్ చెక్ చేయండి",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "మీ విరాళాన్ని వీక్షించడానికి మీ ఫోన్ను తనిఖీ చేయండి",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "మీరు ఒక బహుమతిని అందుకున్నారు",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "మీ కొరకు {sender} విరాళం ఇచ్చారు",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "మీరు ఒక బహుమతి బ్యాడ్జిని రీడిమ్ చేసుకున్నారు",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "మీరు ఒక విరాళాన్ని రీడిమ్ చేసుకున్నారు",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "మీరు ఒక బహుమతి బ్యాడ్జిని పంపారు",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "మీరు {recipient} కొరకు విరాళం ఇచ్చారు",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "బహుమతి బ్యాడ్జి",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "విరాళం",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "బహుమతి",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "విరాళం",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ రోజులు మిగిలి ఉన్నాయి",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} రోజులు మిగిలి ఉన్నాయి",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ గంటలు మిగిలి ఉన్నాయి",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} గంటలు మిగిలి ఉన్నాయి",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ నిమిషాలు మిగిలి ఉన్నాయి",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {{minutes,number} నిమిషం మిగిలి ఉంది} other {{minutes,number} నిమిషాలు మిగిలి ఉన్నాయి}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 నిమిషం మిగిలి ఉంది",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "గడువు తీరింది",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "గడువు తీరింది",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "వీక్షణ",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "వీక్షించండి",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "రీడిమ్ చేయబడింది",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "రీడిమ్ చేయబడింది",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "మీ సపోర్ట్కు ధన్యవాదాలు!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "మీ మద్దతుకు ధన్యవాదాలు!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "మీరు $name$కు బ్యాడ్జిని బహుమతిగా ఇచ్చారు. వారు ఆమోదించినప్పుడు, వారికి బ్యాడ్జిని చూపించడం లేదా దాచిపెట్టాలని ఎంపిక ఇవ్వబడుతుంది.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "మీరు {name} తరఫున Signal కు విరాళం ఇచ్చారు. వారి ప్రొఫైల్లో తమ మద్దతును చూపించేందుకు ఎంపిక వారికి ఇవ్వబడుతుంది.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "స్టిక్కర్ ప్యాక్ వ్యవస్థాపించబడలేదు",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "ఈ అంకెలు మీ యూజర్నేమ్ను గోప్యంగా ఉంచడానికి సహాయపడతాయి, కాబట్టి మీరు అవాంఛిత సందేశాలను నివారించవచ్చు. మీరు చాట్ చేయడానికి ఇష్టపడే వ్యక్తులు మరియు గ్రూపులతో మాత్రమే మీ యూజర్నేమ్ను పంచుకోండి. ఒకవేళ మీరు యూజర్నేమ్లను మార్చితే, మీరు కొత్త అంకెల అమరికను పొందుతారు.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "త్వరలో {OS} యొక్క మీ కంప్యూటర్ వెర్షన్కు Signal డెస్క్టాప్ ఇక ఏమాత్రం మద్దతు ఇవ్వదు. Signal ఉపయోగించడాన్నికొనసాగించేందుకు, {expirationDate} లోపు మీ కంప్యూటర్ ఆపరేటింగ్ సిస్టమ్ను అప్డేట్ చేసుకోండి. <learnMoreLink>మరింత తెలుసుకోండి</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal డెస్క్టాప్ ఈ కంప్యూటర్పై ఇక ఏమాత్రం పనిచేయదు. Signal డెస్క్టాప్ను మళ్ళీ ఉపయోగించడానికి, {OS} యొక్క మీ కంప్యూటర్ వెర్షన్ను అప్డేట్ చేయండి. <learnMoreLink>మరింత తెలుసుకోండి</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal డెస్క్టాప్ ఈ కంప్యూటర్పై ఇక ఏమాత్రం పనిచేయదు. Signal డెస్క్టాప్ను మళ్ళీ ఉపయోగించడానికి, {OS} యొక్క మీ కంప్యూటర్ వెర్షన్ను అప్డేట్ చేయండి.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "కొత్తది ఏమిటి",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "చిన్న గ్రూపుల కోసం (16 మంది వరకు) మీరు గ్రూప్ కాల్ను ప్రారంభించినప్పుడు, మీరు రింగింగ్ నోటిఫికేషన్ను పంపేందుకు ఎంచుకోవచ్చు. ఒకవేళ వారు iOS బీటాలో ఉన్నా లేదా డెస్క్టాప్ లేదా ఆండ్రాయిడ్ ఉపయోగిస్తున్నా గ్రూప్ సభ్యులు రింగ్ వింటారు.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "కోట్ చేసిన ప్రత్యుత్తరాన్ని ప్రారంభించడానికి చాట్లోని ఏదైనా సందేశం వరుసపై డబుల్ క్లిక్ చేయండి. పాత ఆలోచనల గురించి కొత్త ఆలోచనల కొరకు ఇది షార్ట్కట్ వంటిది. ఈ ఫీచర్ అమలు చేసినందుకు మరియు అభిప్రాయాన్ని అందించినందుకు {whynothugo} కు మరియు Signal కమ్యూనిటీకి ధన్యవాదాలు.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "జూమ్ ఇన్ చేయకుండానే గ్యాలరీ వీక్షణను రద్దు చేయడానికి చిత్రం వెలుపల క్లిక్ చేయడం ఇప్పుడు సులభం. కొన్నిసార్లు మీరు కేవలం మూసివేయాలని అనుకుంటారు మరియు బదులుగా విషయాలు చాలా దగ్గరగా అవుతాయి. పరిష్కరించినందుకు {jojomatik} కు ధన్యవాదాలు!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} และ {conversationTitle} เป็นบัญชีเดียวกัน ประวัติการส่งข้อความสำหรับแชททั้งสองรายการอยู่ในนี้",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "ประวัติการส่งข้อความของคุณกับ {conversationTitle} รวมถึงหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ {obsoleteConversationNumber} ถูกรวมเข้าด้วยกันเรียบร้อยแล้ว",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "ประวัติการส่งข้อความของคุณกับ {conversationTitle} และอีกแชทของผู้ติดต่อถูกรวมเข้าด้วยกันเรียบร้อยแล้ว",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} เป็นหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของ {conversationTitle} คุณทั้งคู่เป็นสมาชิกของ {sharedGroup}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} เป็นหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของ {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "รูปย่อของภาพในข้อความที่ยกมา",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "กด เริ่ม Signal ใหม่ เพื่อเริ่มการปรับปรุง"
"message": "กด เริ่ม Signal ใหม่ เพื่อเริ่มการปรับปรุง",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "เริ่ม Signal ใหม่"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "ไม่สามารถเรียกดูข้อมูลโล่ของขวัญได้",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "ไม่สามารถเรียกดูรายละเอียดการบริจาคได้",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "เปิดได้ด้วยการดูข้อความนี้บนมือถือ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "เปิดดูข้อความนี้บนมือถือ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "แตะที่ข้อความนี้บนมือถือเพื่อดูของขวัญของคุณ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "แตะที่ข้อความนี้บนมือถือเพื่อดูการบริจาคของคุณ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "ของขวัญ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} บริจาคให้ Signal ในนามของคุณ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "เปิดของขวัญด้วยการตรวจสอบบนโทรศัพท์",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "เปิดดูการบริจาคนี้ได้บนโทรศัพท์",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "ดูของขวัญของคุณด้วยการตรวจสอบบนโทรศัพท์",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "ดูการบริจาคของคุณได้บนโทรศัพท์",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "คุณได้รับของขวัญ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} บริจาคในนามของคุณ",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "คุณแลกเครื่องหมายของขวัญแล้ว",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "คุณแลกโล่บริจาคแล้ว",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "คุณส่งโล่ของขวัญแล้ว",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "คุณบริจาคในนามของ {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "โล่ของขวัญ",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "การบริจาค",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "ของขวัญ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "การบริจาค",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "เหลือ $days$ วัน",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "เหลืออีก {days} วัน",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "เหลือ $hours$ ชั่วโมง",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "เหลืออีก {hours} ชั่วโมง",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "เหลือ $minutes$ นาที",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {เหลืออีก {minutes,number} นาที}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "เหลือ 1 นาที",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "หมดอายุ",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "หมดอายุ",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "ดู",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "ดู",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "แลกเปลี่ยนแล้ว",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "แลกรับแล้ว",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "ขอบคุณสำหรับการสนับสนุน!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "ขอบคุณสำหรับการสนับสนุน!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "คุณได้ให้โล่ของขวัญกับ $name$ โดยผู้รับสามารถเลือกได้ว่าจะแสดงหรือซ่อนโล่",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "คุณบริจาคให้ Signal ในนามของ {name} ผู้ใช้คนดังกล่าวสามารถเลือกได้ว่าจะแสดงการสนับสนุนครั้งนี้บนโปรไฟล์หรือไม่",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "ไม่สามารถติดตั้งชุดสติกเกอร์ได้",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "ตัวเลขนี้จะช่วยรักษาความเป็นส่วนตัวให้ชื่อผู้ใช้ของคุณ ป้องกันไม่ให้คุณได้รับข้อความที่ไม่พึงประสงค์ เราขอแนะนำให้แชร์ชื่อผู้ใช้ของคุณเฉพาะกับคนและกลุ่มที่คุณอยากติดต่อด้วยเท่านั้น โดยหากเปลี่ยนชื่อผู้ใช้ คุณก็จะได้รับชุดตัวเลขใหม่",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal เดสก์ท็อปกำลังจะหยุดรองรับเวอร์ชันของ {OS} ที่คอมพิวเตอร์คุณใช้งานอยู่ เพื่อการใช้งานอย่างต่อเนื่อง กรุณาอัปเดตระบบปฏิบัติการของคอมพิวเตอร์ภายใน {expirationDate} <learnMoreLink>เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "คอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องนี้ไม่รองรับการใช้งาน Signal เดสก์ท็อปอีกต่อไป หากต้องการใช้งาน Signal เดสก์ท็อปต่อ กรุณาอัปเดตเวอร์ชันของ {OS} ที่คอมพิวเตอร์คุณใช้งานอยู่ <learnMoreLink>เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "คอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องนี้ไม่รองรับการใช้งาน Signal เดสก์ท็อปอีกต่อไป หากต้องการใช้งาน Signal เดสก์ท็อปต่อ กรุณาอัปเดตเวอร์ชันของ {OS} ที่คอมพิวเตอร์คุณใช้งานอยู่",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "ฟีเจอร์และบริการใหม่ๆ",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "เมื่อคุณเริ่มการโทรแบบกลุ่มกับกลุ่มขนาดเล็ก (สมาชิกไม่เกิน 16 คน) คุณสามารถเลือกได้ว่าจะส่งเสียงแจ้งเตือนหรือไม่ สมาชิกในกลุ่มที่ใช้ iOS รุ่นเบต้า หรือใช้แอปบนเดสก์ท็อปหรือ Android จะได้ยินเสียงโทรเข้า",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "ดับเบิลคลิกที่ข้อความฝั่งใดก็ได้ในแชทเพื่อตอบกลับข้อความนั้นๆ นี่เป็นเหมือนทางลัดที่เชื่อมโยงความคิดใหม่กลับไปยังคำพูดก่อนหน้านี้ เราขอขอบคุณ {whynothugo} และชุมชน Signal ที่นำฟีเจอร์นี้เข้ามาใช้และคอยให้ข้อเสนอแนะ",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "ปิดหน้าต่างที่แสดงรูปภาพแบบเต็มจอได้ง่ายขึ้น เพียงคลิกนอกขอบเขตรูป แอปจะพาคุณกลับมายังหน้าเดิม และไม่ซูมเข้าอีกต่อไป เพราะบางครั้งคุณแค่อยากกลับไปหน้าเก่า แต่รูปบนจอดันขยายหลายเท่าจนตกใจ ต้องขอบคุณ {jojomatik} ที่ช่วยแก้ไขปัญหานี้!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "Magkaparehong account ang {obsoleteConversationTitle} at {conversationTitle}. Nandito ang iyong message history sa parehong chats.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "Pinagsama na ang iyong message history ni {conversationTitle} at isa pa niyang chat.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Pinagsama na ang message history ninyo ni {conversationTitle} at ang number niyang {obsoleteConversationNumber}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Pinagsama na ang message history ninyo ni {conversationTitle} at ang isa pang chat na pag-aari niya.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Matuto pa",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "Kay {conversationTitle} ang {phoneNumber}. Pareho kayong members ng {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "Kay {conversationTitle} ang {phoneNumber}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Thumbnail of image mula sa quoted message",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "I-press ang Restart Signal para ma-apply ang updates."
"message": "I-press ang Restart Signal para ma-apply ang updates.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Restart Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Hindi makuha ang gift badge details",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Hindi makuha ang donation details",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "I-view ang message sa mobile para mabuksan ito",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "I-view ang message sa mobile para mabuksan ito",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "I-tap ang message na ito sa iyong mobile device para makita ang iyong gift",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "I-tap ang message na ito sa mobile para makita ang donation mo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Gift",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "Nag-donate sa Signal si {sender} para sa iyo",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "I-check ang iyong phone para mabuksan ang gift",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "I-check ang iyong phone para mabuksan ang donation na ito",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "I-check ang iyong phone para ma-view ang gift",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "I-check ang iyong phone para matingnan ang donation mo",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Naka-receive ka ng gift",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "Nag-donate si {sender} para sa iyo",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Nag-redeem ka ng gift badge",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Nag-redeem ka ng donation",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Nag-send ka ng gift badge",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Nag-donate ka para kay {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gift badge",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donation",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gift",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Donation",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ days remaining",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} araw ang natitira",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ hours remaining",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} oras ang natitira",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutes remaining",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minuto ang natitira} other {{minutes,number} minuto ang natitira}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minute remaining",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Expired",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Expired",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Tingnan",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Tingnan",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Redeemed",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Na-redeem na",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Maraming salamat sa iyong suporta!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Maraming salamat sa iyong suporta!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Nagregalo ka ng isang badge kay $name$. Kapag tinanggap niya ito, mabibigyan sila ng choice na ipakita o itago ang kanyang natanggap na badge.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Nag-donate ka sa Signal para kay {name}. Mabibigyan siya ng option na ipakita sa kanyang profile ang kanyang suporta.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Hindi ma-install ang sticker pack",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Nakatutulong ang digits na ito para mapanatiling private ang username mo at para hindi ka makatanggap ng unwanted messages. I-share lamang ang iyong username sa mga tao at groups na gusto mong maka-chat. Kung magpalit ka ng username, makakakuha ka ng bagong set ng digits.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Malapit nang hindi masuportahan ng Signal ang {OS} version ng iyong computer. Para patuloy na magamit ang Signal, i-update ang operating system ng computer mo bago sumapit ang {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Matuto pa</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Hindi na gumagana ang Signal desktop sa computer na ito. Para magamit muli ang Signal desktop, i-update ang {OS} version ng iyong computer. <learnMoreLink>Matuto pa</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Hindi na gumagana ang Signal desktop sa computer na ito. Para magamit muli ang Signal desktop, i-update ang {OS} version ng iyong computer.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "what's new",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Kapag nagsimula ka ng isang group call sa maliliit na groups (hanggang 16 users), pwede kang mag-send ng ringing notification. Makakarinig ang group members ng ringing notification kung sila'y nasa iOS beta o gumagamit ng Desktop o Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Mag-double-click sa anumang message row sa chat para gumawa ng quoted reply. Ito'y parang shortcut para magbigay ng update sa lumang ideas. Maraming salamat sa {whynothugo} at sa Signal community sa pag-implement ng feature na ito at sa pagbibigay ng feedback.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Mas madali nang mag-click sa labas ng image para i-dismiss ang gallery view nang hindi kinakailangang mag-zoom in. Minsan kasi masyadong nagiging feeling close ang pic 'pag gusto mo lang naman i-close ang gallery. Maraming salamat sa {jojomatik} para sa fix!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} ve {conversationTitle} aynı hesap. Her iki konuşmanın mesaj geçmişi burada.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} ile mesaj geçmişin ve {obsoleteConversationNumber} numarası birleştirildi.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} ile olan mesaj geçmişin ve onlara ait başka bir sohbet birleştirildi.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Daha Fazlasını Öğren",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} , {conversationTitle} adlı kişiye aittir. İkiniz de {sharedGroup} grubunun üyesisiniz.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber}, {conversationTitle} adlı kişiye aittir",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Alıntılanmış iletideki görüntünün önizlemesi",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Güncellemeleri uygulamak için 'Signal'i Yeniden Başlat'a basınız."
"message": "Güncellemeleri uygulamak için 'Signal'i Yeniden Başlat'a basınız.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal'i Yeniden Başlat"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Hediye rozetinin ayrıntıları gösterilemiyor",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Bağış ayrıntıları getirilemiyor",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Açmak için bu mesajı mobil cihazınızda görüntüleyin",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Açmak için bu mesajı mobil cihazında görüntüle",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Hediyeni görüntülemek için mobil cihazında bu mesaja dokun",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Bağışını görüntülemek için cep telefonunda bu mesaja dokun",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Hediye",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} senin adına Signal'e bağış yaptı",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Hediyeyi açmak için telefonunuzu kontrol edin",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Bu bağışı açmak için telefonunu kontrol et",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Hediyenizi görmek için telefonunuzu kontrol edin",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Bağışını görüntülemek için telefonunu kontrol et",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Bir hediye aldınız",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} senin için bağış yaptı",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Bir hediye rozeti kullandınız",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Bir bağış kullandın",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Bir hediye rozeti gönderdiniz",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "{recipient} için bağış yaptın",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Hediye Rozeti",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Bağış",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Hediye",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Bağış",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ gün kaldı",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} gün kaldı",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ saat kaldı",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} saat kaldı",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ dakika kaldı",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 dakika kaldı} other {{minutes,number} dakika kaldı}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 dakika kaldı",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Sona erdi",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Sona erdi",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Görüntüle",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Görüntüle",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Ödendi",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Ödendi",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Desteğin için teşekkürler!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Desteğin için teşekkürler!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "$name$'ye bir rozet hediye ettiniz. Kabul ettiklerinde, rozetlerini gösterme veya gizleme seçeneği sunulur.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "{name} adına Signal'e bağış yaptın. Böylece Signal'e olan desteklerini profillerinde gösterebilecekler.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Çıkartma paketi yüklenemedi",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Bu rakamlar, istenmeyen mesajlar almaman için kullanıcı adının gizli kalmasına yardımcı olur. Kullanıcı adını yalnızca sohbet etmek istediğin kişi ve gruplarla paylaş. Kullanıcı adını değiştirirsen, yeni bir rakam seti alırsın.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal masaüstü, yakında bilgisayarının {OS} sürümünü artık desteklemeyecek. Signal'i kullanmaya devam etmek için {expirationDate} tarihine kadar bilgisayarının işletim sistemini güncelle. <learnMoreLink>Daha fazlasını öğren</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal masaüstü artık bu bilgisayarda çalışmıyor. Signal masaüstünü tekrar kullanmak için bilgisayarının {OS} sürümünü güncelle. <learnMoreLink>Daha fazlasını öğren</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal masaüstü artık bu bilgisayarda çalışmıyor. Signal masaüstünü tekrar kullanmak için bilgisayarının {OS} sürümünü güncelle.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Neler Yeni",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Küçük gruplar (16 kişiye kadar) için bir grup araması başlattığında sesli bir bildirim göndermeyi seçebilirsin. Grup üyeleri, iOS beta, Masaüstü veya Android kullanıyorlarsa bir zil sesi duyarlar.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Alıntılanmış bir yanıt yazmak için sohbetteki herhangi bir mesaj satırına çift tıkla. Bunu daha önce bahsi geçen fikirler hakkında yeni şeyler yazabilmeni sağlayan bir kısa yol gibi düşünebilirsin. Bu özelliği uygulayıp geri bildirimde bulunduğu için {whynothugo} ve Signal topluluğuna teşekkür ederiz.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Galeri görünümünü yakınlaştırmadan kapatmak için bir resmin dışına tıklamak artık daha kolay. Bazen sadece resmi kapatmak isterken bunun yerine yanlışlıkla her şeyi yakınlaştırırsın ya? Düzeltme için teşekkürler {jojomatik}!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} і {conversationTitle} належить одному акаунту. Ваша історія повідомлень для обох чатів знаходиться тут.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Об’єднано вашу історію повідомлень із користувачем {conversationTitle} і номером {obsoleteConversationNumber}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Об’єднано вашу історію повідомлень із користувачем {conversationTitle} й іншим чатом, який належить йому.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Дізнатися більше",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} володіє номером {phoneNumber}. Ви є учасниками цієї групи: {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} володіє номером {phoneNumber}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Мініатюрні зображення з цитованих повідомлень",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Натисніть Перезапустити Signal, щоб застосувати зміни."
"message": "Натисніть Перезапустити Signal, щоб застосувати зміни.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Перезапустити Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Не вдалось отримати відомості про подарунковий значок",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Не вдалось отримати відомості про донат",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Переглянути це повідомлення на мобільному пристрої для відкриття подарунку",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Перегляньте це повідомлення на мобільному пристрої, щоб відкрити",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Щоб переглянути подарунок, торкніться цього повідомлення на мобільному пристрої",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Щоб переглянути донат, торкніться цього повідомлення на мобільному пристрої",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Подарунок",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} підтримує Signal донатом від вашого імені",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Перегляньте телефон для відкриття подарунку",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Щоби переглянути донат, відкрийте Signal у телефоні",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Перегляньте телефон для огляду вашого подарунка",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Щоби переглянути донат, відкрийте Signal у телефоні",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Ви отримали подарунок",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} донатить від вашого імені",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Ви придбали емблему у подарунок",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Ви активували донат",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Ви відправили емблему у подарунок",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Ви задонатили від імені користувача {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Емблема у подарунок",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Донат",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Подарунок",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Донат",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Залишилось днів $days$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Лишається {days} дн.",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Залишилось годин $hours$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Лишається {hours} год",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Залишилось хвилин $minutes$",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {Залишилась {minutes,number} хвилина} few {Залишилось {minutes,number} хвилини} many {Залишилось {minutes,number} хвилин} other {Залишилось {minutes,number} хвилини}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Залишилась 1 хвилина",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Строк дії закінчився",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Термін дії минув",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Переглянути",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Переглянути",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Придбано",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Активовано",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Дякуємо за вашу підтримку!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Дякуємо за вашу підтримку!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Ви придбали емблему у подарунок $name$. Коли користувач її отримає, у нього буде можливість показувати чи приховати її.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Ви підтримали Signal донатом від імені користувача {name}. Користувач зможе розказати іншим про підтримку, відобразивши в профілі значок.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Не вдалося встановити набір стікерів",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Ці цифри зберігають конфіденційність вашого імені користувача і допомагають захистити вас від небажаних повідомлень. Діліться своїм іменем користувача тільки з тими людьми і групами, з якими ви хочете спілкуватися. Якщо змінити ім'я користувача, цифри також зміняться.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Незабаром Signal припинить підтримувати версію {OS} вашого комп'ютера. Щоб користуватися Signal і надалі, оновіть операційну систему комп'ютера до {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Подробиці</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal більше не працює на цьому комп'ютері. Щоб знову користуватися Signal, оновіть версію {OS} вашого комп'ютера. <learnMoreLink>Подробиці</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal більше не працює на цьому комп'ютері. Щоб знову користуватися Signal, оновіть версію {OS} вашого комп'ютера.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Що нового",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Розпочинаючи виклик для невеликої групи (до 16 людей), ви можете надіслати звукове сповіщення. Учасники групи почують виклик, якщо користуються бета-версією на iOS або комп'ютером чи Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Двічі клацніть будь-який рядок повідомлення в чаті, щоб написати цитовану відповідь. Це короткий шлях до нового погляду на старі ідеї. Дякуємо {whynothugo} і спільноті Signal за цю функцію та відгуки!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Тепер можна просто клацнути за межами зображення, щоб закрити відображення галереї, не збільшуючи випадково масштаб. Дякуємо {jojomatik} за виправлення!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} اور {conversationTitle} یکساں اکاؤنٹ ہیں۔ دونوں چیٹس کے لیے آپ کے پیغام کی ہسٹری یہاں ہیں۔",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} اور ان کے نمبر {obsoleteConversationNumber} کے ساتھ آپ کی میسج ہسٹری ضم کر دی گئی ہے۔",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "{conversationTitle} اور ایک اور چیٹ کے ساتھ آپ کی میسج ہسٹری کو ضم کر دیا گیا ہے جو ان سے متعلقہ تھی۔",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "مزید پڑھیں",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} کا تعلق {conversationTitle} سے ہے۔ آپ دونوں {sharedGroup} کے ممبرز ہیں۔",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} کا تعلق {conversationTitle} سے ہے",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "تصویر کے تھمب نیل سے پیغام حوالے کردیا",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "اپ ڈیٹ کو لاگو کرنے کے لئے دوبارہ اسٹارٹ Signal دبائیں۔"
"message": "اپ ڈیٹ کو لاگو کرنے کے لئے دوبارہ اسٹارٹ Signal دبائیں۔",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal کو دوبارہ شروع کریں"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "گفٹ بیج کی تفصیلات حاصل کرنے سے قاصر",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "عطیے کی تفصیلات حاصل کرنے سے قاصر ہیں",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "پیغام کو کھولنے کے لیے اسے موبائل پر دیکھیں",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "میسج کو کھولنے کے لیے اسے موبائل پر دیکھیں",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "اپنا گفٹ ملاحظہ کرنے کے لیے موبائل پر اس پیغام کو ٹیپ کریں",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "اپنے عطیے کو ویو کرنے کے لیے موبائل پر اس میسج پر ٹیپ کریں",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "گفٹ",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} نے آپ کی جانب سے Signal کو عطیہ کیا",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "گفٹ کھولنے کے لیے اپنا فون چیک کریں",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "اس عطیے کو کھولنے کے لیے اپنا فون چیک کریں",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "اپنا گفٹ دیکھنے کے لیے اپنا فون چیک کریں",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "اپنا عطیہ ویو کرنے کے لیے اپنا فون چیک کریں",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "آپ نے گفٹ موصول کیا",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} نے آپ کے لیے عطیہ کیا ہے",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "آپ نے گفٹ بیج گروی رکھوایا",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "آپ نے عطیہ ریڈیم کیا ہے",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "آپ نے گفٹ بیج بھیجا تھا",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "آپ نے {recipient} کے لیے عطیہ کیا ہے",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "گفٹ بیج",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "عطیہ",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "گفٹ",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "عطیہ",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ دن بقایا ہیں",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "{days} دن بقایا ہیں",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ گھنٹے بقایا ہیں",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "{hours} گھنٹے بقایا ہیں",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ منٹ بقایا ہیں",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, one {1 منٹ بقایا ہے} other {{minutes,number} منٹ بقایا ہیں}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 منٹ بقایا ہے",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "زائد المیعاد",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "زائد المیعاد",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "دیکھیں",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "ویو",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "گروی رکھ دیا گیا",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "ریڈیم کر دیا گیا",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "آپ کی حمایت کا شکریہ",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "آپ کی سپورٹ کا شکریہ!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "آپ نے $name$ کو بیج گفٹ کیا ہے۔ ان کے قبول کرنے پر، انہیں اپنا بیج ظاہر کرنے یا چھپانے کا انتخاب دیا جائے گا۔",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "آپ نے {name} کی جانب سے Signal کو عطیہ کیا ہے۔ انہیں اپنی پروفائل پر سپورٹ ظاہر کرنے کا آپشن دیا جائے گا۔",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "اسٹیکر پیک انسٹال نہیں ہو سکتا",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "یہ ہندسے آپ کا صارفی نام نجی رکھنے میں مدد کرتے ہیں تاکہ آپ غیر مطلوبہ پیغامات سے بچ سکیں۔ اپنے صارفی نام کا اشتراک صرف ان افراد اور گروپس کے ساتھ کریں جن سے آپ چیٹ کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔ صارفی نام تبدیل کرنے کی صورت میں آپ کو ہندسوں کا ایک نیا سیٹ ملے گا۔",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal ڈیسک ٹاپ جلد ہی {OS} کے آپ کے کمپیوٹر ورژن کی مزید معاونت نہیں کرے گا۔ Signal استعمال کرنا جاری رکھنے کے لیے، اپنے کمپیوٹر کے آپریٹنگ سسٹم کو {expirationDate} تک اپ ڈیٹ کریں۔ <learnMoreLink>مزید جانیں</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal ڈیسک ٹاپ مزید اس کمپیوٹر پر کام نہیں کرتا۔ Signal ڈیسک ٹاپ دوبارہ استعمال کرنے کے لیے، {OS} کے اپنے کمپیوٹر ورژن کو اپ ڈیٹ کریں۔ <learnMoreLink>مزید جانیں</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal ڈیسک ٹاپ مزید اس کمپیوٹر پر کام نہیں کرتا۔ Signal ڈیسک ٹاپ دوبارہ استعمال کرنے کے لیے، {OS} کے اپنے کمپیوٹر ورژن کو اپ ڈیٹ کریں۔",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "نیا کیا ہے",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "جب آپ چھوٹے گروپ (16 تک افراد) کے لیے گروپ کال شروع کرتے ہیں، تو آپ رنگنگ اطلاعات بھیجنے کا انتخاب کر سکتے ہیں۔ گروپ ممبرز اگر iOS بی ٹا پر ہیں یا Desktop یا Android استعمال کر رہے ہیں تو وہ رنگ سنیں گے۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "حوالہ یافتہ جواب شروع کرنے کے لیے چیٹ میں کسی میسج کی قطار پر دو بار کلک کریں۔ یہ پرانے تصورات کے متعلق نئے خیالات کے لیے شارٹ کٹ جیسا ہے۔ اس فیچر کے نفاذ کرنے اور فیڈ بیک دینے کے لیے {whynothugo} اور Signal کمیونٹی کا شکریہ۔",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "اب زوم ان کیے بغیر گیلری ویو کو ختم کرنے کے لیے تصویر کے باہر کلک کرنا مزید آسان ہو گیا ہے۔ کبھی کبھار آپ قریب ہونا چاہتے ہیں، لیکن چیزیں کہیں زیادہ قریب ہو جاتی ہیں۔ درستگی کے لیے {jojomatik} کا شکریہ!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} và {conversationTitle} là cùng một tài khoản. Lịch sử tin nhắn của bạn của các cuộc trò chuyện ở hai bên đều ở đây.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Lịch sử tin nhắn của bạn với {conversationTitle} và số điện thoại {obsoleteConversationNumber} của liên hệ này đã được hợp nhất.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Lịch sử tin nhắn của bạn với {conversationTitle} và một cuộc trò chuyện khác của liên hệ này đã được hợp nhất.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Tìm hiểu thêm",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} thuộc về {conversationTitle}. Các bạn đều là thành viên của {sharedGroup}.",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} thuộc về {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Hình thu nhỏ của hình ảnh từ tin nhắn được trích dẫn",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Nhấn Khởi động lại Signal để áp dụng bản cập nhật."
"message": "Nhấn Khởi động lại Signal để áp dụng bản cập nhật.",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Khởi động lại Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "Không thể lấy thông tin của huy hiệu quà tặng",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "Không thể lấy thông tin ủng hộ",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "Xem tin nhắn này trên điện thoại để mở",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Xem tin nhắn này trên điện thoại để mở",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Nhấn vào tin nhắn này trên điện thoại để xem món quà của bạn",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Nhấn vào tin nhắn này trên điện thoại để xem khoản ủng hộ của bạn",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Quà tặng",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} đã thay mặt bạn ủng hộ Signal",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Kiểm tra điện thoại của bạn để mở quà",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "Kiểm tra điện thoại của bạn để mở khoản ủng hộ này",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Kiểm tra điện thoại của bạn để xem quà",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Kiểm tra điện thoại của bạn để xem khoản ủng hộ của bạn",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "Bạn nhận được một món quà",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} đã ủng hộ thay cho bạn",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "Bạn đã nhận một huy hiệu quà tặng",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Bạn đã nhận một khoản ủng hộ",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "Bạn đã gửi một huy hiệu quà tặng",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "Bạn đã ủng hộ thay cho {recipient}",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Huy hiệu Quà tặng",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "Khoản Ủng hộ",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Quà tặng",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "Khoản Ủng hộ",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "Còn $days$ ngày",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "Còn {days} ngày",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "Còn $hours$ giờ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "Còn {hours} giờ",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "Còn $minutes$ phút",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {Còn {minutes,number} phút}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "Còn 1 phút",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Đã hết hạn",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "Đã hết hạn",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "Xem",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "Xem",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Đã nhận",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Đã nhận",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Cảm ơn bạn đã đống góp!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "Cảm ơn bạn đã đóng góp!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "Bạn đã tặng một huy hiệu cho $name$. Khi chấp nhận, người đó sẽ có quyền chọn hiển thị hoặc ẩn huy hiệu của mình.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Bạn đã gửi một khoản ủng hộ cho Signal thay cho {name}. Họ sẽ có tuỳ chọn để thể hiện sự ủng hộ của mình trên hồ sơ.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Không thể cài đặt gói nhãn dán",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "Các ký tự này giúp giữ bí mật tên người dùng của bạn giúp bạn tránh các tin nhắn ngoài ý muốn. Chỉ chia sẻ tên người dùng của bạn với những người hoặc nhóm bạn muốn trò chuyện. Nếu bạn đổi tên người dùng, bạn sẽ nhận được một dãy ký tự mới.",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop sẽ sớm không còn hỗ trợ phiên bản hiện tại của hệ điều hành {OS} trên máy tính bạn. Để có thể tiếp tục sử dụng Signal, cập nhật phiên bản hệ điều hành trên máy tính bạn trước {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Tìm hiểu thêm</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop không còn hoạt động được trên máy tính này. Để có thể tiếp tục sử dụng Signal desktop, cập nhật phiên bản của hệ điều hành {OS} trên máy tính bạn. <learnMoreLink>Tìm hiểu thêm</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop không còn hoạt động được trên máy tính này. Để có thể tiếp tục sử dụng Signal desktop, cập nhật phiên bản của hệ điều hành {OS} trên máy tính bạn.",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "Có gì mới",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "Khi bạn bắt đầu cuộc gọi nhóm cho nhóm nhỏ (đến 16 người), bạn có thể chọn thông báo bằng cách đổ chuông. Các thành viên nhóm sẽ nghe thấy tiếng chuông báo nếu đang sử dụng phiên bản iOS beta hoặc bản Desktop hay Android.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "Nhấn đúp vào bất kỳ dòng tin nhắn nào để trả lời với trích dẫn. Một cách để nhanh chóng chia sẻ suy nghĩ của mình về một vấn đề được thảo luận ở trên. Cảm ơn thành viên {whynothugo} và cộng đồng Signal đã giúp triển khai và đóng góp phản hồi cho tính năng này.",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "Giờ đây bạn có thể dễ dàng nhấn phía ngoài một bức ảnh để thoát khỏi chế độ xem ảnh lớn. Thao tác này trước đây chỉ giúp phóng to ảnh hơn. Cảm ơn thành viên {jojomatik} đã giúp khắc phục điểm này!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle}和{conversationTitle}来自同一个账户。这是两个聊天的消息历史记录。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "您与{conversationTitle}的消息记录和对方的号码 {obsoleteConversationNumber} 已合并。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "您与{conversationTitle}的消息记录和属于对方的其他聊天信息已合并。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "了解更多",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} 属于{conversationTitle}。你们均是{sharedGroup}的成员。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} 属于{conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "引用消息图片的缩略图",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "点击“重启 Signal”来安装更新。"
"message": "点击“重启 Signal”来安装更新。",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "重启 Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "无法获取礼品徽章的详细信息",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "无法获取捐款详情",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "在手机上查看此消息以打开",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "在手机上查看此消息以打开",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "在移动设备上点击这条消息以查看您的礼物",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "在手机上点击此条消息以查看您的捐款徽章",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "礼物",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender}代您给 Signal 捐了款",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "查看您的手机以打开礼物",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "查看您的手机以打开此捐款徽章",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "查看您的手机以查看礼物",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "查看您的手机以显示此捐款徽章",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "您收到了一个礼物",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender}代您捐了款",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "您领取了一个礼品徽章",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "您领取了一枚捐款徽章",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "您送出了一个礼品徽章",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "您代{recipient}捐了款",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "礼品徽章",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "捐款",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "礼物",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "捐款",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "还剩 $days$ 天",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "还剩 {days} 天",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "还剩 $hours$ 小时",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "还剩 {hours} 小时",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "还剩 $minutes$ 分钟",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {还剩 {minutes,number} 分钟}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "还剩 1 分钟",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "已到期",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "已到期",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "查看",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "查看",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "已领取",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "已领取",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "感谢您的支持!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "感谢您的支持!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "您给$name$赠送了一个徽章。对方领取徽章后可以选择显示或隐藏徽章。",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "您以{name}的名义给 Signal 捐了款。对方可以选择是否在个人资料中显示自己对 Signal 的支持。",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "无法安装表情包",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "这些数字可以将您的用户名保密,以免您收到骚扰消息。请仅将您的用户名分享给您想要聊天的对象和群组。如果您更改用户名,您将会收到一组新的数字。",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop 即将不再兼容您电脑的 {OS} 版本。如您希望继续使用 Signal,请在 {expirationDate}前更新电脑操作系统。<learnMoreLink>了解详情</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop 无法在此电脑上运行。如您希望再次使用 Signal desktop,请更新您电脑的 {OS} 版本。<learnMoreLink>了解详情</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal desktop 无法在此电脑上运行。如您希望再次使用 Signal desktop,请更新您电脑的 {OS} 版本。",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "最新消息",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "当您对小型群组(至多 16 人)发起群组通话时,你可以选择发送铃声通知。使用 iOS 测试版、桌面版或 Android 版 Signal 的群组成员可以听到通知铃声。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "双击聊天中任意一条消息,即可引用回复。轻松补充你的新想法。感谢 {whynothugo} 与 Signal 社群,协助上线此功能并提供反馈。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "现在,点击图片以外的屏幕即可轻松退出图库浏览模式,避免误操作放大图片。我们懂你的心思。感谢 {jojomatik} 修复这一功能!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} 及 {conversationTitle} 是相同的帳戶。兩個聊天的訊息紀錄均在此處。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"messageformat": "你與 {conversationTitle} 的訊息紀錄和屬於他們的另一個聊天已經合併。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "你與 {conversationTitle} 的訊息紀錄及其號碼 {obsoleteConversationNumber} 已經合併。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "你與 {conversationTitle} 的訊息紀錄和另一個與對方的聊天已經合併。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "了解更多",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} 是屬於 {conversationTitle}。你們都是 {sharedGroup} 的成員。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} 是屬於 {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "引用訊息的縮圖",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "點選重啟 Signal 來套用更新。"
"message": "點選重啟 Signal 來套用更新。",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "重啟 Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "無法擷取饋贈徽章的詳情",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "無法擷取捐款詳情",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "在手機上查看此訊息以開啟",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "在手機上查看此訊息即可開啟",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "在行動裝置上點選此訊息,即可查看禮物",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "在手機上點按此訊息,即可查看捐款",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "禮品",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} 已代表你向 Signal 捐款",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "檢查你的手機以開啟禮物",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "請檢查手機以開啟捐款",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "檢查看你的手機以查看你的禮物",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "請檢查手機以查看捐款",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "你已收到一份禮物",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} 已為你捐款",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "你已加值了一個禮品徽章",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "你已兌換捐款",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "你已送出一個禮品徽章",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "你已為 {recipient} 捐款",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "禮品徽章",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "捐款",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "禮品",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "捐款",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "剩下 $days$ 天",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "尚餘 {days} 天",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "剩下 $hours$ 小時",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "尚餘 {hours} 小時",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "剩下 $minutes$ 分鐘",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {尚餘 {minutes,number} 分鐘}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "剩下 1 分鐘",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "已過期",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "已過期",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "檢視",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "查看",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "已加值",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "已兌換",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "謝謝您的支持!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "謝謝你的支持!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "你已將徽章贈送給 $name$。 當他們接受後,他們可以選擇展示或隱藏他們的徽章。",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "你已代表 {name} 向 Signal 捐款。對方可以選擇在個人檔案上展示。",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "貼圖包無法安裝",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "這組數字有助將你的用戶名稱保密,以免你受到不必要的訊息騷擾。請僅向你願意與其通訊的聯絡人和群組分享你的用戶名稱。如要更改用戶名稱,你將會收到一組新的數字。",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal 桌面版即將停止支援你的電腦使用的 {OS} 版本。如要繼續使用 Signal,請在 {expirationDate}前更新電腦的作業系統。<learnMoreLink>了解更多</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal 桌面版不再適用於此電腦。如要再次使用 Signal 桌面版,請更新電腦的 {OS} 版本。<learnMoreLink>了解更多</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal 桌面版不再適用於此電腦。如要再次使用 Signal 桌面版,請更新電腦的 {OS} 版本。",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "有甚麼新的",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "當您為小組(最多 16 人)發起群組通話時,您可以選擇發送響鈴通知。如果群組成員使用的是 iOS 測試版、桌面或 Android 裝置,他們將聽到響鈴聲。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "在聊天內任何一個訊息列上點按兩下,即可開始引用回覆。這猶如接通新舊想法的捷徑。全賴 {whynothugo} 和 Signal 社區積極推動此功能並提供意見。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "現在用戶只需點擊圖片以外的位置,無需放大畫面,即可輕鬆關閉圖庫檢視模式。有時候,你只希望將畫面關閉,不想將東西放得太大。感謝 {jojomatik} 協助修復此功能!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
@ -1236,9 +1236,13 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} 及 {conversationTitle} 是相同的帳戶。兩個聊天的訊息紀錄均在此處。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-e164": {
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "你與 {conversationTitle} 的訊息紀錄及其號碼 {obsoleteConversationNumber} 已經合併。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we have the phone number for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "你與 {conversationTitle} 的訊息紀錄和屬於他們的另一個聊天已經合併。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the phone number for the old conversation"
"description": "Shown when we've discovered that two local conversations are the same remote account in an unusual way, but we don't have the title for the old conversation"
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "了解更多",
@ -1254,11 +1258,11 @@
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--withSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} 是屬於 {conversationTitle}。你們都是 {sharedGroup} 的成員。",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with."
"icu:PhoneNumberDiscovery--notification--noSharedGroup": {
"messageformat": "{phoneNumber} 是屬於 {conversationTitle}",
"description": "Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/11) Shown when we've discovered a phone number for a contact you've been communicating with, but you have no shared groups."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "引用訊息的縮圖",
@ -2158,7 +2162,8 @@
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "點選重啟 Signal 來套用更新。"
"message": "點選重啟 Signal 來套用更新。",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/18)"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "重啟 Signal"
@ -2279,83 +2284,159 @@
"giftBadge--missing": {
"message": "無法擷取饋贈徽章的詳情",
"description": "Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Aria label for gift badge when we can't fetch the details"
"icu:donation--missing": {
"messageformat": "無法擷取捐款詳情",
"description": "Aria label for donation when we can't fetch the details."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "在手機上查看此訊息以開啟",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--incoming": {
"messageformat": "在手機上查看此訊息以開啟",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "在行動裝置上點選此訊息,即可查看禮物",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "在手機上點按此訊息,即可查看捐款",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a donation badge to a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "禮品",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} 已代表你向 Signal 捐款",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a donation badge from a contact."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "檢查你的手機以開啟禮物",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"messageformat": "請檢查手機以開啟捐款",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming donation you haven't yet redeemed."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "檢查看你的手機以查看你的禮物",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "請檢查手機以查看捐款",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing donation badge."
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "你已收到一份禮物",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} 已為你捐款",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "你已加值了一個禮品徽章",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "你已兌換捐款",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed donation badge in notifications and the left pane."
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "你已送出一個禮品徽章",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"icu:message--donation--preview--sent": {
"messageformat": "你已為 {recipient} 捐款",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "禮品徽章",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"icu:message--donation": {
"messageformat": "捐款",
"description": "Shown to label the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "禮品",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"icu:quote--donation": {
"messageformat": "捐款",
"description": "Shown to label a donation badge you've replied to."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "剩下 $days$ 天",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--days": {
"messageformat": "剩下 {days} 天",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "剩下 $hours$ 小時",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--hours": {
"messageformat": "剩下 {hours} 小時",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "剩下 $minutes$ 分鐘",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"icu:message--donation--remaining--minutes": {
"messageformat": "{minutes, plural, other {尚餘 {minutes,number} 分鐘}}",
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device."
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "剩下 1 分鐘",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Describes how long remains for the donation badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "已過期",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"icu:message--donation--expired": {
"messageformat": "已過期",
"description": "Shows that a donation badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "檢視",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"icu:message--donation--view": {
"messageformat": "檢視",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a donation badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "已加值",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "已加值",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the donation badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "謝謝您的支持!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--title": {
"messageformat": "謝謝您的支持!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "你已將徽章贈送給 $name$。 當他們接受後,他們可以選擇展示或隱藏他們的徽章。",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"description": "(deleted 2023/01/20) The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "你已代表 {name} 向 Signal 捐款。他們可以選擇在個人檔案上展現支持。",
"description": "The description of the outgoing donation badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "貼圖包無法安裝",
@ -6253,6 +6334,18 @@
"message": "這組數字有助將你的用戶名稱保密,以免你受到不必要的訊息騷擾。請僅向你願意與其通訊的聯絡人和群組分享你的用戶名稱。如要更改用戶名稱,你將會收到一組新的數字。",
"description": "Body of the popup with information about discriminator in username"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal 桌面版即將停止支援你的電腦使用的 {OS} 版本。如要繼續使用 Signal,請在 {expirationDate}前更新電腦的作業系統。<learnMoreLink>了解更多</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal 桌面版不再適用於此電腦。如要再次使用 Signal 桌面版,請更新電腦的 {OS} 版本。<learnMoreLink>了解更多</learnMoreLink>",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal 桌面版不再適用於此電腦。如要再次使用 Signal 桌面版,請更新電腦的 {OS} 版本。",
"description": "Body of a dialog displayed on unsupported operating systems"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "有甚麼新的",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
@ -6300,5 +6393,13 @@
"WhatsNew__v6.1--1": {
"message": "當您為小組(最多 16 人)發起群組通話時,您可以選擇發送響鈴通知。如果群組成員使用的是 iOS 測試版、桌面或 Android 裝置,他們將聽到響鈴聲。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.1"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--0": {
"messageformat": "在聊天內任何一個訊息列上點按兩下,即可開始引用回覆。這猶如接通新舊想法的捷徑。全賴 {whynothugo} 和 Signal 社區積極推動此功能並提供意見。",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
"icu:WhatsNew__v6.3--1": {
"messageformat": "現在用戶只需點擊圖片以外的位置,無需放大畫面,即可輕鬆關閉圖庫檢視模式。有時候,你只希望將畫面關閉,不想將東西放得太大。感謝 {jojomatik} 協助修復此功能!",
"description": "Release notes for v6.3"
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