- Move file-renaming prefs to separate prefs section
- Fix template preview not updating on paste
- Update documentation URL
- Tweak text, styling, and ids
- Change "Automatically rename attachment files using parent metadata"
to "Automatically rename locally added files" to reflect that
downloaded files are always renamed, and add an intro saying so
Firefox has switched on all platforms, Chrome and Edge on Windows use
"Settings", and we really don't want to have to say different things for
different platforms
(And update the en-US version with some strings that we don't use but
might if we updated to a slightly newer version of the updater before
they got rid of the dedicated update window)
So a custom build doesn't have to modify each .ftl file
`app-name` is redundant with the Firefox strings, but it's what we used
previously and is easier to remember.
From some 2017-era langpacks I had downloaded. These strings aren't in
current langpacks, which use a different update mechanism, but we're
bundling a modified version of updates.xhtml from Firefox.
- Show "More information" link next to relink option
- Automatically check relink option when coming from integration prompt
- Change done message to "[x] items were relinked" instead of "0 items
were imported"
New option only appears if importer version is < 1 or not present.
It will:
* Skip fetching collections and attachments
* Skip any new items
* Update relations on existing items
* Importer will now ask user for a login and password via form and will
perform sign-in directly using credentials rather than oauth
* Signing in this way enables importer to obtain desktop document ID
which is now stored for each item
* It's possible to switch back to the old method (ouath) by setting
`import.mendeleyUseOAuth` pref to `true`.
* New option to only import new items. This options only appears if
database contains previously imported items.
* Importer will now update mendeleyDB:documentUUID on existing items to
match value used in Mendeley Desktop if available
* Importer will no longer create collections when no new items are
imported * Importer will only report number of new items imported on
re-import * Importer will now preserve dateAdded on re-import
Co-authored-by: Dan Stillman <dstillman@zotero.org>
Now all included in `itemFields.`
We still use base-only fields as search conditions, and schema.json
consumers might want to do so as well, so it makes sense to include
- Render cell text in its native direction
- Fix context menu positioning
- Fix item box (localizations needed)
- Fix column resizing
- Fix bidi text in collection tree
- Always right-align in RTL, always left-align in LTR.
I'm going off advice from this excellent guide for RTL website design
by Ahmad Shadeed: https://rtlstyling.com/posts/rtl-styling#tables
- Join creators in the tree ("Smith and Jones") using a format string to
support languages like Arabic and Hebrew where there shouldn't be a
space after the "and".
- Fix tabs
- Fix toolbar on Mac, flip icons on other platforms