* qf: remove transparent window background from win
Because it seems to still sometimes cause the qf window
to disappear. I could not reproduce it but disabling
background: transparent did help with the issue of qf
disappearing in the past. It allows us to remove very
specific chromemargins which, apparently, do not work
in all cases.
Removed border-radius from qf on windows because now that
the window is not transparent, its corners would be visible.
But the window itself has rounded corners so it doesn't look
that different.
The main drawback now is that a secondary window without titlebar
on win becomes resizable, and having background: transparent was
a workaround to disable that. So now, we set max width and height
so that the window cannot be stretched but, unfortunately, the
resize cursor appears when you hover over the edge of the dialog.
* qf: minor style fixes
- hardcode light theme value for accept button and the
spinner so they don't disappear when the theme is dark
- make sure the item's color from reference panel is not
overriden by a lighter one from another stylesheet
And add a new beforesynctopreference event to replace the old behavior.
You almost always want the preference to be updated before acting on
the change.
- This commit will retrigger the installation for all word processor
plugins. For the majority of users this will succeed silently.
- It will fail with an error for Windows users that have Word open.
- It will succeed with a warning for macOS users that have Word open.
- The updated error prompt links to the new documentation page for
failed plugin installs
- Return base field instead of throwing if base field is passed for a
type that has a base-mapped field
- Return false instead of throwing for invalid type-field combination
- vpat 31: mark which menuitems' button is checked,
otherwise selected options (e.g. Update plugins automatically)
are not announced as such
- vpat 33: when plugin details pane appears, remove
a misleading role="tabpanel" from its section because
it is not structured as a collection of tabs
So that on Windows, the separator text on white background
has a high enough contrast ratio for accessibility
Also remove opacity when reference panel opens. Without the opacity
on the reference panel, there is a shadow appearing below and to the
right of the panel on Windows. If we let the panel render with
opacity: 0.9 and only then set opacity: 1, the panel will no longer
be transparent and there will be no shadow.
For example, clicking in the middle of the Accessed field would move the
cursor to the end, no matter where the click happened. Clicking and
dragging when the field wasn't already focused would select from the
beginning of the field to the drag position.
- hide tooltip on click and make sure it does not appear
for a bit to avoid race conditions (e.g. clicking
right after mousemove stopped)
- do not display a tooltip if a mouse key is being
held (e.g. during drag in itemTree)
Fixes: #4519