- focus will always enter the tagsBox popup opened from the reader
- escape from within the popup with tagsBox will close the popup (vpat
- one should not be able to collapse the tagsBox. Added `collapsible`
getter and setters to the collapsible panel to prevent the section
from changing its open status. This may be also used in other cases,
such as to prevent itemBox from being collapsed in duplicates mode.
- patched a glitch where tab from the last empty tab input would loose
- changed the `menupopup` for `panel` to display the `tagsbox` because
`menupopup` has implicit `role="menu"` which is not meant to contain
inputs, so voiceover completely looses cursor when inputs are focused
inside of the popup. Also, tweaked spacing a bit to avoid the
focus-ring getting cutoff.
Addresses: #4222Fixes: #4230Fixes: #4226
Addresses: #4388
As opposed to 'change' event.
Because if the field is editted and another window is focused
while the cursor is in the field, the change event will be
swallowed and when the field finally looses focus, it will not
be saved.
This may address the reported issue of edits not being saved in
title and abstract fields.
Addresses: #4388
- display the first continuous span of emojis in the primary cell of
the itemTree for non-colored tags.
- the emojis appear after the colored tags' circles (if any)
- to keep things consistent with itemTree, sort tags in the tagsBox in
the following order: colored tags first sorted by their position,
emoji tags after sorted alphabetically, followed by remaining tags sorted
By moving the setAutoAttachmentTitle() calls to importFromFile() /
- Chop off file extension when setting the parent's title based on the
filename in Create Parent Item -> Manual Entry.
- Fix Manual Entry not renaming the attachment correctly by awaiting
When tabs' state is updated, refresh library tab's icon.
Do not skip it if the icon already exists (as for reader tabs).
Otherwise, when selected row from collectionTree changes,
the icons in the library tab will not update.
Fixes: #4385
- remove padding between the <dialog> and the window edges
- explicit width for all zoterosearch fields because otherwise
a menulist with a long content (e.g. longer collection name) name
can push the + and - buttons outside of the window
Fixes: #4374
- properly determine between which two bubbles a click landed
- set input direction
- delete the bubble on the left of the cursor
- in rtl, use selectionStart as the expected end of the input
and selectionEnd as the start. It fixes the issue of the
cursor getting stuck at the end of the input, as well as
fixes the Home/End not working from the right end.
- fix spacing issues for item descriptions in both layouts
Fixes: #4371
* Multiple accessiblity fixes
* Increase font size
* Nicer layout of the welcome screen
* Fix description in the welcome screen
* Add stripes to the table in citations matching screen
* Change icons for accept and resolve manually buttons
- getDOMElement relied on React.renderToStaticMarkup,
which is react 18 was moved to a different file than the
one exposed with react-dom-server. To not add another
file just for that one function, replace getDOMElement
with getCSSIcon.
- getDOMElement was mainly used for a few remaining
png icons that were not replaced with svg. For those
few icons, just record which background-url should be
set when the module loads and add it in getCSSIcon if
applicable. Alternatively, background-image setting
could be moved into a stylesheet?
- a few hardcoded twisty svgs in icons.jsx are not used anywhere
(they would be fetched via IconTwisty), so those are
- await for promise that is resolved in ref attribute
of root.render() as an alternative for removed callback
from ReactDOM.render
- await-ing for promise every time when ref needs to be
used after render (e.g. tag selector container), otherwise
ref will be undefined
- additional window.sizeToContent calls to properly size
dialogs with react-rendered content (e.g. create parent),
otherwise the window can cut off some of the content.
- revert change from 2401a34031
that only loads un-trashed collections in _loadCollections.
If an item only belongs to deleted collections, item._loaded.collections = true
from _loadCollections will never run, so an exception
will be thrown in item.toJSON() when syncing happens.
Instead, to address the problem of item.getCollections()
having stale data #4307, add 'includeTrashed' parameter to
item.getCollections() based on which item._collections
will be filtered. Fixes: #4346
- revert earlier, no more necessary, changes from a532cfb475
to not alter item._collections cache when collections are being trashed or restored.
Collection is removed from item._collections only when it is permanently
- removed unnecessary test checking for consistent item._collections
value before and after reload, since item._collections is no longer
- fix encountered bug where a trashed child collection is not
unloaded if a parent collection is erased without being trashed first.
- tweaked Zotero.Search sql construction to count items
that only belong to trashed collections into 'unfiled'. Fixes: #4347
Co-authored-by: Dan Stillman
Now we give the caller control over whether the pane should still be
shown after it loads. We're fine with showing in all cases when handling
a search, but we don't want to show when handling a navigation select
if the user already selected something else while the pane was still
By extracting Tab into a separate, memoized component, caching handlers
and tweaking how icons and other props are passed, we're able to only
re-render tabs that actually changed, rather than re-rendering the
entire tab bar all the time. This should be especially noticeable when
dragging tabs around but will reduce CPU cycles used in general.
- listen to 'collection' notifier events and re-render
the section if a relevant collection is moved to trash or
modified. That way, a deleted collection will be removed,
a restored collection will be added back, and renaming a
collection will update the name.
- fixed a bug where a restored collection would not
be added into item._collections cache. Fixed false-positive
test for it.
- do not add deleted collections into items. _collections cache in
Zotero.Items._loadCollections. Otherwise, deleted collections will
appear in librariesCollectionsBox after the app is restarted.
Should reduce jank when opening the item context menu and sidenav
Locate menu, especially on Windows (where the flash of blank menuitems
lasted an especially long time for some reason).