Now when one repository has exported a tree, another repository can get
files from the export, after syncing.
There's a bug: While the database update works, somehow the database on
disk does not get updated, and so the database update is run the next
time, etc. Wasn't able to figure out why yet.
This commit was sponsored by Ole-Morten Duesund on Patreon.
Use ExportTree rather than ExportedLocation for retrieveKeyFile and
checkPresent. When another remote exported the content, ExportTree will
be populated, but ExportedLocation will not be.
It would be possible to implement storeKey to exports as well, but it
risks performing a lot of unncessary work when another repository
already stored the key on the export and the local repository doesn't
know about it.
The only way to avoid that work would be for storeKey to use checkPresentExport
before uploading. But, the other repository could have changed the
exported tree as well, so that can't be trusted, and if it were used in
storeKey, could result in bad information getting into the location log.
This commit was sponsored by Bruno BEAUFILS on Patreon.
New table needed to look up what filenames are used in the currently
exported tree, for reasons explained in export.mdwn.
Also, added smart constructors for ExportLocation and ExportDirectory to
make sure they contain filepaths with the right direction slashes.
And some code refactoring.
This commit was sponsored by Francois Marier on Patreon.
There does not seem to be a use case for supporting that, and it would
need a lot of complication to support it in a way that allows eventual
consistency when two repositories are updating the same export.
This commit was sponsored by Henrik Riomar on Patreon.
The subtle part of this is what happens when the remote fails to remove
an empty directory. The removal from the export needs to fail in that
case, so the removal will be tried again later. However, removeExportLocation
has already been run and changed the export db, so if the next run
checks getExportLocation, it might decide nothing remains to be done,
leaving the empty directory.
Dealt with that by making removeEmptyDirectories, handle a failure
by calling addExportLocation, reverting the database changes so the next
run will be guaranteed to try deleting the empty directory again.
This commit was sponsored by Thomas Hochstein on Patreon.
Not yet called by Command.Export.
WebDAV needs this to clean up empty collections. Also, turned
out to not be cleaning up directories when removing content
from them, so it made sense for it to use this.
Remote.Directory did not need it, and since its cleanup method for empty
directories is more efficient than what Command.Export will need to do
to find empty directories, it uses Nothing so that extra work can be
This commit was sponsored by Thom May on Patreon.
Don't allow "exporttree=yes" to be set when the special remote
does not support exports. That would be confusing since the user would
set up a special remote for exports, but `git annex export` to it would
later fail.
This commit was supported by the NSF-funded DataLad project.
Straightforward enough, except for the needed belt-and-suspenders sanity
checks to avoid foot shooting due to exports not being key/value stores.
* Even when annex.verify=false, always verify from exports.
* Only get files from exports that use a backend that supports
checksum verification.
* Never trust exports, even if the user says to, because then
`git annex drop` would drop content if the export seemed to contain
a copy.
This commit was supported by the NSF-funded DataLad project.
* Only export to remotes that were initialized to support it.
* Prevent storing key/value on export remotes.
* Prevent enabling exporttree=yes and encryption in the same remote.
SetupStage Enable was changed to take the old RemoteConfig.
This allowed only setting exporttree when initially setting up a
remote, and not configuring it later after stuff might already be stored
in the remote.
Went with =yes rather than =true for consistency with other parts of
git-annex. Changed docs accordingly.
This commit was supported by the NSF-funded DataLad project.
This will allow disabling exports for remotes that are not configured to
allow them. Also, exportSupported will be useful for the external
special remote to probe.
This commit was supported by the NSF-funded DataLad project
Security fix: Disallow hostname starting with a dash, which would get
passed to ssh and be treated an option. This could be used by an attacker
who provides a crafted ssh url (for eg a git remote) to execute arbitrary
code via ssh -oProxyCommand.
No CVE has yet been assigned for this hole.
The same class of security hole recently affected git itself,
Method: Identified all places where ssh is run, by git grep '"ssh"'
Converted them all to use a SshHost, if they did not already, for
specifying the hostname.
SshHost was made a data type with a smart constructor, which rejects
hostnames starting with '-'.
Note that git-annex already contains extensive use of Utility.SafeCommand,
which fixes a similar class of problem where a filename starting with a
dash gets passed to a program which treats it as an option.
This commit was sponsored by Jochen Bartl on Patreon.
Removed dependency on MissingH, instead depending on the split
After laying groundwork for this since 2015, it
was mostly straightforward. Added Utility.Tuple and
Utility.Split. Eyeballed System.Path.WildMatch while implementing
the same thing.
Since MissingH's progress meter display was being used, I re-implemented
my own. Bonus: Now progress is displayed for transfers of files of
unknown size.
This commit was sponsored by Shane-o on Patreon.
They are handled close the same as they are by git. However, unlike git,
git-annex sometimes needs to pass the -n parameter when using these.
So, this has the potential for breaking some setup, and perhaps there ought
to be a ANNEX_USE_GIT_SSH=1 needed to use these. But I'd rather avoid that
if possible, so let's see if anyone complains.
Almost all places where "ssh" was run have been changed to support the env
vars. Anything still calling sshOptions does not support them. In
particular, rsync special remotes don't. Seems that annex-rsync-transport
already gives sufficient control there.
(Fixed in passing: Remote.Helper.Ssh.toRepo used to extract
remoteAnnexSshOptions and pass them to sshOptions, which was redundant
since sshOptions also extracts those.)
This commit was sponsored by Jeff Goeke-Smith on Patreon.
... to avoid it consuming stdin that it shouldn't.
This fixes git-annex-checkpresentkey --batch remote, which didn't output
results for all keys passed into it.
Other git-annex commands that communicate with a remote over ssh may also
have been consuming stdin that they shouldn't have, which could have
impacted using them in eg, shell scripts. For example, a shell script
reading files from stdin and passing them to git annex drop would be
impacted by this bug, whenever git annex drop ran git-annex-shell
checkpresent, it would consume part/all of the stdin that the shell script
was supposed to consume.
Fixed by adding a ConsumeStdin parameter to Annex.Ssh.sshOptions, which
is used throughout git-annex to run ssh (in order for ssh connection
caching to work). Every call site was checked to see if it used
CreatePipe for stdin, and if not was marked NoConsumeStdin.
Turns out that Data.List.Utils.split is slow and makes a lot of
allocations. Here's a much simpler single character splitter that behaves
the same (even in wacky corner cases) while running in half the time and
75% the allocations.
As well as being an optimisation, this helps move toward eliminating use of
(Data.List.Split.splitOn is nearly as slow as Data.List.Utils.split and
allocates even more.)
I have not benchmarked the effect on git-annex, but would not be surprised
to see some parsing of eg, large streams from git commands run twice as
fast, and possibly in less memory.
This commit was sponsored by Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on Patreon.
git upload-pack makes some uncessary writes in sequence, this tries to
gather them together to avoid needing to send multiple DATA packets when
just one will do.
In a small pull, this reduces the average number of DATA packets from
4.5 to 2.5.
Still a couple bugs:
* Closing the connection to the server leaves git upload-pack /
receive-pack running, which could be used to DOS.
* Sometimes the data is transferred, but it fails at the end, sometimes
git-remote-tor-annex: <socket: 10>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
Must be a race condition around shutdown.
Almost working, but there's a bug in the relaying.
Also, made tor hidden service setup pick a random port, to make it harder
to port scan.
This commit was sponsored by Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on Patreon.
This is most of the way to having the p2p protocol working over tor
hidden services, at least enough to do git push/pull.
The free monad was split into two, one for network operations and the
other for local (Annex) operations. This will allow git-remote-tor-annex
to run only an IO action, not needing the Annex monad.
This commit was sponsored by Remy van Elst on Patreon.
A bit tricky since Proto doesn't support threads. Rather than adding
threading support to it, ended up using a callback that waits for both
data on a Handle, and incoming messages at the same time.
This commit was sponsored by Denis Dzyubenko on Patreon.
Is content locking needed in the P2P protocol? Based on re-reading
I think so: Peers can form cycles, and multiple peers can all be trying
to drop the same content.
So, added content locking to the protocol, with some difficulty.
The implementation is fine as far as it goes, but note the warning
comment for lockContentWhile -- if the connection to the peer is dropped
unexpectedly, the peer will then unlock the content, and yet the local
side will still think it's locked.
To be honest I'm not sure if Remote.Git's lockKey for ssh remotes
doesn't have the same problem. It checks that the
"ssh remote git-annex-shell lockcontent"
process has not exited, but if the connection closes afer that check,
the lockcontent command will unlock it, and yet the local side will
still think it's locked.
Probably this needs to be fixed by eg, making lockcontent catch any
execptions due to the connection closing, and in that case, wait a
significantly long time before dropping the lock.
This commit was sponsored by Anthony DeRobertis on Patreon.
For use with tor hidden services, and perhaps other transports later.
Based on Utility.SimpleProtocol, it's a line-based protocol,
interspersed with transfers of bytestrings of a specified size.
Implementation of the local and remote sides of the protocol is done
using a free monad. This lets monadic code be included here, without
tying it to any particular way to get bytes peer-to-peer.
This adds a dependency on the haskell package "free", although that
was probably pulled in transitively from other dependencies already.
This commit was sponsored by Jeff Goeke-Smith on Patreon.