implement p2p protocol for Handle
This is most of the way to having the p2p protocol working over tor hidden services, at least enough to do git push/pull. The free monad was split into two, one for network operations and the other for local (Annex) operations. This will allow git-remote-tor-annex to run only an IO action, not needing the Annex monad. This commit was sponsored by Remy van Elst on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 455 additions and 277 deletions
@ -7,20 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes #-}
module Remote.Helper.P2P (
) where
module Remote.Helper.P2P where
import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto
import Types.Key
@ -33,7 +20,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Free.TH
import Control.Monad.Catch
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.IO (Handle)
import System.IO
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
newtype AuthToken = AuthToken String
@ -49,10 +36,6 @@ newtype Len = Len Integer
data Service = UploadPack | ReceivePack
deriving (Show)
data RelayData
= RelayData L.ByteString
| RelayMessage Message
-- | Messages in the protocol. The peer that makes the connection
-- always initiates requests, and the other peer makes responses to them.
data Message
@ -75,264 +58,6 @@ data Message
| ERROR String
deriving (Show)
-- | Free monad for implementing actions that use the protocol.
data ProtoF next
= SendMessage Message next
| ReceiveMessage (Message -> next)
| SendBytes Len L.ByteString next
| ReceiveBytes Len (L.ByteString -> next)
-- ^ Lazily reads bytes from peer. Stops once Len are read,
-- or if connection is lost, and in either case returns the bytes
-- that were read. This allows resuming interrupted transfers.
| KeyFileSize Key (Len -> next)
-- ^ Checks size of key file (dne = 0)
| ReadKeyFile Key Offset (L.ByteString -> next)
| WriteKeyFile Key Offset Len L.ByteString (Bool -> next)
-- ^ Writes to key file starting at an offset. Returns True
-- once the whole content of the key is stored in the key file.
-- Note: The ByteString may not contain the entire remaining content
-- of the key. Only once the key file size == Len has the whole
-- content been transferred.
| CheckAuthToken UUID AuthToken (Bool -> next)
| SetPresent Key UUID next
| CheckContentPresent Key (Bool -> next)
-- ^ Checks if the whole content of the key is locally present.
| RemoveKeyFile Key (Bool -> next)
-- ^ If the key file is not present, still succeeds.
-- May fail if not enough copies to safely drop, etc.
| TryLockContent Key (Bool -> Proto ()) next
| WriteHandle Handle L.ByteString next
-- ^ Try to lock the content of a key, preventing it
-- from being deleted, and run the provided protocol action.
| Relay Handle (RelayData -> Proto (Maybe ExitCode)) (ExitCode -> next)
-- ^ Waits for data to be written to the Handle, and for messages
-- to be received from the peer, and passes the data to the
-- callback, continuing until it returns an ExitCode.
| RelayService Service
(Handle -> RelayData -> Proto (Maybe ExitCode))
(ExitCode -> next)
-- ^ Runs a service, and waits for it to output to stdout,
-- and for messages to be received from the peer, and passes
-- the data to the callback (which is also passed the service's
-- stdin Handle), continuing uniil the service exits.
deriving (Functor)
type Proto = Free ProtoF
$(makeFree ''ProtoF)
-- | Running Proto actions purely, to see what they do.
runPure :: Show r => Proto r -> [Message] -> [(String, Maybe Message)]
runPure (Pure r) _ = [("result: " ++ show r, Nothing)]
runPure (Free (SendMessage m next)) ms = (">", Just m):runPure next ms
runPure (Free (ReceiveMessage _)) [] = [("not enough Messages provided", Nothing)]
runPure (Free (ReceiveMessage next)) (m:ms) = ("<", Just m):runPure (next m) ms
runPure (Free (SendBytes _ _ next)) ms = ("> bytes", Nothing):runPure next ms
runPure (Free (ReceiveBytes _ next)) ms = ("< bytes", Nothing):runPure (next L.empty) ms
runPure (Free (KeyFileSize _ next)) ms = runPure (next (Len 100)) ms
runPure (Free (ReadKeyFile _ _ next)) ms = runPure (next L.empty) ms
runPure (Free (WriteKeyFile _ _ _ _ next)) ms = runPure (next True) ms
runPure (Free (CheckAuthToken _ _ next)) ms = runPure (next True) ms
runPure (Free (SetPresent _ _ next)) ms = runPure next ms
runPure (Free (CheckContentPresent _ next)) ms = runPure (next False) ms
runPure (Free (RemoveKeyFile _ next)) ms = runPure (next True) ms
runPure (Free (TryLockContent _ p next)) ms = runPure (p True >> next) ms
runPure (Free (WriteHandle _ _ next)) ms = runPure next ms
runPure (Free (Relay _ _ next)) ms = runPure (next ExitSuccess) ms
runPure (Free (RelayService _ _ next)) ms = runPure (next ExitSuccess) ms
protoDump :: [(String, Maybe Message)] -> String
protoDump = unlines . map protoDump'
protoDump' :: (String, Maybe Message) -> String
protoDump' (s, Nothing) = s
protoDump' (s, Just m) = s ++ " " ++ unwords (Proto.formatMessage m)
auth :: UUID -> AuthToken -> Proto (Maybe UUID)
auth myuuid t = do
sendMessage (AUTH myuuid t)
r <- receiveMessage
case r of
AUTH_SUCCESS theiruuid -> return $ Just theiruuid
AUTH_FAILURE -> return Nothing
_ -> do
sendMessage (ERROR "auth failed")
return Nothing
checkPresent :: Key -> Proto Bool
checkPresent key = do
sendMessage (CHECKPRESENT key)
{- Locks content to prevent it from being dropped, while running an action.
- Note that this only guarantees that the content is locked as long as the
- connection to the peer remains up. If the connection is unexpectededly
- dropped, the peer will then unlock the content.
:: MonadMask m
=> (forall r. Proto r -> m r)
-> Key
-> (Bool -> m ())
-> m ()
lockContentWhile runproto key a = bracket setup cleanup a
setup = runproto $ do
sendMessage (LOCKCONTENT key)
cleanup True = runproto $ sendMessage UNLOCKCONTENT
cleanup False = return ()
remove :: Key -> Proto Bool
remove key = do
sendMessage (REMOVE key)
get :: Key -> Proto Bool
get key = receiveContent key (`GET` key)
put :: Key -> Proto Bool
put key = do
sendMessage (PUT key)
r <- receiveMessage
case r of
PUT_FROM offset -> sendContent key offset
ALREADY_HAVE -> return True
_ -> do
sendMessage (ERROR "expected PUT_FROM")
return False
connect :: Service -> Handle -> Handle -> Proto ExitCode
connect service hin hout = do
sendMessage (CONNECT service)
relay hin (relayCallback hout)
relayCallback :: Handle -> RelayData -> Proto (Maybe ExitCode)
relayCallback hout (RelayMessage (DATA len)) = do
writeHandle hout =<< receiveBytes len
return Nothing
relayCallback _ (RelayMessage (CONNECTDONE exitcode)) =
return (Just exitcode)
relayCallback _ (RelayMessage _) = do
sendMessage (ERROR "expected DATA or CONNECTDONE")
return (Just (ExitFailure 1))
relayCallback _ (RelayData b) = do
let len = Len $ fromIntegral $ L.length b
sendMessage (DATA len)
sendBytes len b
return Nothing
-- | Serve the protocol.
-- Note that if the client sends an unexpected message, the server will
-- respond with PTOTO_ERROR, and always continues processing messages.
-- Since the protocol is not versioned, this is necessary to handle
-- protocol changes robustly, since the client can detect when it's
-- talking to a server that does not support some new feature, and fall
-- back.
-- When the client sends ERROR to the server, the server gives up,
-- since it's not clear what state the client is is, and so not possible to
-- recover.
serve :: UUID -> Proto ()
serve myuuid = go Nothing
go autheduuid = do
r <- receiveMessage
case r of
AUTH theiruuid authtoken -> do
ok <- checkAuthToken theiruuid authtoken
if ok
then do
sendMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS myuuid)
go (Just theiruuid)
else do
sendMessage AUTH_FAILURE
go autheduuid
ERROR _ -> return ()
_ -> do
case autheduuid of
Just theiruuid -> authed theiruuid r
Nothing -> sendMessage (ERROR "must AUTH first")
go autheduuid
authed _theiruuid r = case r of
LOCKCONTENT key -> tryLockContent key $ \locked -> do
sendSuccess locked
when locked $ do
r' <- receiveMessage
case r' of
UNLOCKCONTENT -> return ()
_ -> sendMessage (ERROR "expected UNLOCKCONTENT")
CHECKPRESENT key -> sendSuccess =<< checkContentPresent key
REMOVE key -> sendSuccess =<< removeKeyFile key
PUT key -> do
have <- checkContentPresent key
if have
then sendMessage ALREADY_HAVE
else do
ok <- receiveContent key PUT_FROM
when ok $
setPresent key myuuid
-- setPresent not called because the peer may have
-- requested the data but not permanatly stored it.
GET offset key -> void $ sendContent key offset
CONNECT service -> do
exitcode <- relayService service relayCallback
sendMessage (CONNECTDONE exitcode)
_ -> sendMessage (ERROR "unexpected command")
sendContent :: Key -> Offset -> Proto Bool
sendContent key offset = do
(len, content) <- readKeyFileLen key offset
sendMessage (DATA len)
sendBytes len content
receiveContent :: Key -> (Offset -> Message) -> Proto Bool
receiveContent key mkmsg = do
Len n <- keyFileSize key
let offset = Offset n
sendMessage (mkmsg offset)
r <- receiveMessage
case r of
DATA len -> do
ok <- writeKeyFile key offset len =<< receiveBytes len
sendSuccess ok
return ok
_ -> do
sendMessage (ERROR "expected DATA")
return False
checkSuccess :: Proto Bool
checkSuccess = do
ack <- receiveMessage
case ack of
SUCCESS -> return True
FAILURE -> return False
_ -> do
sendMessage (ERROR "expected SUCCESS or FAILURE")
return False
sendSuccess :: Bool -> Proto ()
sendSuccess True = sendMessage SUCCESS
sendSuccess False = sendMessage FAILURE
-- Reads key file from an offset. The Len should correspond to
-- the length of the ByteString, but to avoid buffering the content
-- in memory, is gotten using keyFileSize.
readKeyFileLen :: Key -> Offset -> Proto (Len, L.ByteString)
readKeyFileLen key (Offset offset) = do
(Len totallen) <- keyFileSize key
let len = totallen - offset
if len <= 0
then return (Len 0, L.empty)
else do
content <- readKeyFile key (Offset offset)
return (Len len, content)
instance Proto.Sendable Message where
formatMessage (AUTH uuid authtoken) = ["AUTH", Proto.serialize uuid, Proto.serialize authtoken]
formatMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS uuid) = ["AUTH-SUCCESS", Proto.serialize uuid]
@ -390,3 +115,296 @@ instance Proto.Serializable Service where
deserialize "git-upload-pack" = Just UploadPack
deserialize "git-receive-pack" = Just ReceivePack
deserialize _ = Nothing
-- | Free monad for the protocol, combining net communication,
-- and local actions.
data ProtoF c = Net (NetF c) | Local (LocalF c)
deriving (Functor)
type Proto = Free ProtoF
net :: Net a -> Proto a
net = hoistFree Net
local :: Local a -> Proto a
local = hoistFree Local
data NetF c
= SendMessage Message c
| ReceiveMessage (Message -> c)
| SendBytes Len L.ByteString c
| ReceiveBytes Len (L.ByteString -> c)
| Relay RelayHandle
(RelayData -> Net (Maybe ExitCode))
(ExitCode -> c)
-- ^ Waits for data to be written to the RelayHandle, and for messages
-- to be received from the peer, and passes the data to the
-- callback, continuing until it returns an ExitCode.
| RelayService Service
(RelayHandle -> RelayData -> Net (Maybe ExitCode))
(ExitCode -> c)
-- ^ Runs a service, and waits for it to output to stdout,
-- and for messages to be received from the peer, and passes
-- the data to the callback (which is also passed the service's
-- stdin RelayHandle), continuing uniil the service exits.
| WriteRelay RelayHandle L.ByteString c
-- ^ Write data to a relay's handle, flushing it immediately.
deriving (Functor)
type Net = Free NetF
data RelayData
= RelayData L.ByteString
| RelayMessage Message
newtype RelayHandle = RelayHandle Handle
data LocalF c
-- ^ Lazily reads bytes from peer. Stops once Len are read,
-- or if connection is lost, and in either case returns the bytes
-- that were read. This allows resuming interrupted transfers.
= KeyFileSize Key (Len -> c)
-- ^ Checks size of key file (dne = 0)
| ReadKeyFile Key Offset (L.ByteString -> c)
| WriteKeyFile Key Offset Len L.ByteString (Bool -> c)
-- ^ Writes to key file starting at an offset. Returns True
-- once the whole content of the key is stored in the key file.
-- Note: The ByteString may not contain the entire remaining content
-- of the key. Only once the key file size == Len has the whole
-- content been transferred.
| CheckAuthToken UUID AuthToken (Bool -> c)
| SetPresent Key UUID c
| CheckContentPresent Key (Bool -> c)
-- ^ Checks if the whole content of the key is locally present.
| RemoveKeyFile Key (Bool -> c)
-- ^ If the key file is not present, still succeeds.
-- May fail if not enough copies to safely drop, etc.
| TryLockContent Key (Bool -> Proto ()) c
-- ^ Try to lock the content of a key, preventing it
-- from being deleted, and run the provided protocol action.
deriving (Functor)
type Local = Free LocalF
-- Generate sendMessage etc functions for all free monad constructors.
$(makeFree ''NetF)
$(makeFree ''LocalF)
-- | Running Proto actions purely, to see what they do.
runPure :: Show r => Proto r -> [Message] -> [(String, Maybe Message)]
runPure (Pure r) _ = [("result: " ++ show r, Nothing)]
runPure (Free (Net n)) ms = runNet n ms
runPure (Free (Local n)) ms = runLocal n ms
runNet :: Show r => NetF (Proto r) -> [Message] -> [(String, Maybe Message)]
runNet (SendMessage m next) ms = (">", Just m):runPure next ms
runNet (ReceiveMessage _) [] = [("not enough Messages provided", Nothing)]
runNet (ReceiveMessage next) (m:ms) = ("<", Just m):runPure (next m) ms
runNet (SendBytes _ _ next) ms = ("> bytes", Nothing):runPure next ms
runNet (ReceiveBytes _ next) ms = ("< bytes", Nothing):runPure (next L.empty) ms
runNet (Relay _ _ next) ms = runPure (next ExitSuccess) ms
runNet (RelayService _ _ next) ms = runPure (next ExitSuccess) ms
runNet (WriteRelay _ _ next) ms = runPure next ms
runLocal :: Show r => LocalF (Proto r) -> [Message] -> [(String, Maybe Message)]
runLocal (KeyFileSize _ next) ms = runPure (next (Len 100)) ms
runLocal (ReadKeyFile _ _ next) ms = runPure (next L.empty) ms
runLocal (WriteKeyFile _ _ _ _ next) ms = runPure (next True) ms
runLocal (CheckAuthToken _ _ next) ms = runPure (next True) ms
runLocal (SetPresent _ _ next) ms = runPure next ms
runLocal (CheckContentPresent _ next) ms = runPure (next False) ms
runLocal (RemoveKeyFile _ next) ms = runPure (next True) ms
runLocal (TryLockContent _ p next) ms = runPure (p True >> next) ms
protoDump :: [(String, Maybe Message)] -> String
protoDump = unlines . map protoDump'
protoDump' :: (String, Maybe Message) -> String
protoDump' (s, Nothing) = s
protoDump' (s, Just m) = s ++ " " ++ unwords (Proto.formatMessage m)
auth :: UUID -> AuthToken -> Proto (Maybe UUID)
auth myuuid t = do
net $ sendMessage (AUTH myuuid t)
r <- net receiveMessage
case r of
AUTH_SUCCESS theiruuid -> return $ Just theiruuid
AUTH_FAILURE -> return Nothing
_ -> do
net $ sendMessage (ERROR "auth failed")
return Nothing
checkPresent :: Key -> Proto Bool
checkPresent key = do
net $ sendMessage (CHECKPRESENT key)
{- Locks content to prevent it from being dropped, while running an action.
- Note that this only guarantees that the content is locked as long as the
- connection to the peer remains up. If the connection is unexpectededly
- dropped, the peer will then unlock the content.
:: MonadMask m
=> (forall r. Proto r -> m r)
-> Key
-> (Bool -> m ())
-> m ()
lockContentWhile runproto key a = bracket setup cleanup a
setup = runproto $ do
net $ sendMessage (LOCKCONTENT key)
cleanup True = runproto $ net $ sendMessage UNLOCKCONTENT
cleanup False = return ()
remove :: Key -> Proto Bool
remove key = do
net $ sendMessage (REMOVE key)
get :: Key -> Proto Bool
get key = receiveContent key (`GET` key)
put :: Key -> Proto Bool
put key = do
net $ sendMessage (PUT key)
r <- net receiveMessage
case r of
PUT_FROM offset -> sendContent key offset
ALREADY_HAVE -> return True
_ -> do
net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected PUT_FROM")
return False
-- | Serve the protocol.
-- Note that if the client sends an unexpected message, the server will
-- respond with PTOTO_ERROR, and always continues processing messages.
-- Since the protocol is not versioned, this is necessary to handle
-- protocol changes robustly, since the client can detect when it's
-- talking to a server that does not support some new feature, and fall
-- back.
-- When the client sends ERROR to the server, the server gives up,
-- since it's not clear what state the client is is, and so not possible to
-- recover.
serve :: UUID -> Proto ()
serve myuuid = go Nothing
go autheduuid = do
r <- net receiveMessage
case r of
AUTH theiruuid authtoken -> do
ok <- local $ checkAuthToken theiruuid authtoken
if ok
then do
net $ sendMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS myuuid)
go (Just theiruuid)
else do
net $ sendMessage AUTH_FAILURE
go autheduuid
ERROR _ -> return ()
_ -> do
case autheduuid of
Just theiruuid -> authed theiruuid r
Nothing -> net $ sendMessage (ERROR "must AUTH first")
go autheduuid
authed _theiruuid r = case r of
LOCKCONTENT key -> local $ tryLockContent key $ \locked -> do
sendSuccess locked
when locked $ do
r' <- net receiveMessage
case r' of
UNLOCKCONTENT -> return ()
_ -> net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected UNLOCKCONTENT")
CHECKPRESENT key -> sendSuccess =<< local (checkContentPresent key)
REMOVE key -> sendSuccess =<< local (removeKeyFile key)
PUT key -> do
have <- local $ checkContentPresent key
if have
then net $ sendMessage ALREADY_HAVE
else do
ok <- receiveContent key PUT_FROM
when ok $
local $ setPresent key myuuid
-- setPresent not called because the peer may have
-- requested the data but not permanatly stored it.
GET offset key -> void $ sendContent key offset
CONNECT service -> do
exitcode <- net $ relayService service relayCallback
net $ sendMessage (CONNECTDONE exitcode)
_ -> net $ sendMessage (ERROR "unexpected command")
sendContent :: Key -> Offset -> Proto Bool
sendContent key offset = do
(len, content) <- readKeyFileLen key offset
net $ sendMessage (DATA len)
net $ sendBytes len content
receiveContent :: Key -> (Offset -> Message) -> Proto Bool
receiveContent key mkmsg = do
Len n <- local $ keyFileSize key
let offset = Offset n
net $ sendMessage (mkmsg offset)
r <- net receiveMessage
case r of
DATA len -> do
ok <- local . writeKeyFile key offset len
=<< net (receiveBytes len)
sendSuccess ok
return ok
_ -> do
net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected DATA")
return False
checkSuccess :: Proto Bool
checkSuccess = do
ack <- net receiveMessage
case ack of
SUCCESS -> return True
FAILURE -> return False
_ -> do
net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected SUCCESS or FAILURE")
return False
sendSuccess :: Bool -> Proto ()
sendSuccess True = net $ sendMessage SUCCESS
sendSuccess False = net $ sendMessage FAILURE
-- Reads key file from an offset. The Len should correspond to
-- the length of the ByteString, but to avoid buffering the content
-- in memory, is gotten using keyFileSize.
readKeyFileLen :: Key -> Offset -> Proto (Len, L.ByteString)
readKeyFileLen key (Offset offset) = do
(Len totallen) <- local $ keyFileSize key
let len = totallen - offset
if len <= 0
then return (Len 0, L.empty)
else do
content <- local $ readKeyFile key (Offset offset)
return (Len len, content)
connect :: Service -> Handle -> Handle -> Proto ExitCode
connect service hin hout = do
net $ sendMessage (CONNECT service)
net $ relay (RelayHandle hin) (relayCallback (RelayHandle hout))
relayCallback :: RelayHandle -> RelayData -> Net (Maybe ExitCode)
relayCallback hout (RelayMessage (DATA len)) = do
writeRelay hout =<< receiveBytes len
return Nothing
relayCallback _ (RelayMessage (CONNECTDONE exitcode)) =
return (Just exitcode)
relayCallback _ (RelayMessage _) = do
sendMessage (ERROR "expected DATA or CONNECTDONE")
return (Just (ExitFailure 1))
relayCallback _ (RelayData b) = do
let len = Len $ fromIntegral $ L.length b
sendMessage (DATA len)
sendBytes len b
return Nothing
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
{- P2P protocol, partial IO implementation
- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Remote.Helper.P2P.IO
( RunProto
, runProtoHandle
) where
import Remote.Helper.P2P
import Utility.Process
import Git
import Git.Command
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.SimpleProtocol
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Maybe
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
type RunProto = forall a m. MonadIO m => Proto a -> m a
data S = S
{ repo :: Repo
, hdl :: Handle
-- Implementation of the protocol, communicating with a peer
-- over a Handle. No Local actions will be run.
runProtoHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Repo -> Proto a -> m a
runProtoHandle h r = go
go :: RunProto
go (Pure a) = pure a
go (Free (Net n)) = runNetHandle (S r h) go n
go (Free (Local _)) = error "local actions not allowed"
runNetHandle :: MonadIO m => S -> RunProto -> NetF (Proto a) -> m a
runNetHandle s runner f = case f of
SendMessage m next -> do
liftIO $ do
hPutStrLn (hdl s) (unwords (formatMessage m))
hFlush (hdl s)
runner next
ReceiveMessage next -> do
l <- liftIO $ hGetLine (hdl s)
let m = fromMaybe (ERROR "protocol parse error")
(parseMessage l)
runner (next m)
SendBytes _len b next -> do
liftIO $ do
L.hPut (hdl s) b
hFlush (hdl s)
runner next
ReceiveBytes (Len n) next -> do
b <- liftIO $ L.hGet (hdl s) (fromIntegral n)
runner (next b)
Relay hout callback next ->
runRelay runner hout callback >>= runner . next
RelayService service callback next ->
runRelayService s runner service callback >>= runner . next
WriteRelay (RelayHandle h) b next -> do
liftIO $ do
L.hPut h b
hFlush h
runner next
:: MonadIO m
=> RunProto
-> RelayHandle
-> (RelayData -> Net (Maybe ExitCode))
-> m ExitCode
runRelay runner (RelayHandle hout) callback = do
v <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ readout v
feeder <- liftIO $ forkIO $ feedin v
exitcode <- liftIO $ drain v
liftIO $ killThread feeder
return exitcode
feedin v = forever $ do
m <- runner $ net receiveMessage
putMVar v $ RelayMessage m
readout v = do
b <- B.hGetSome hout 65536
if B.null b
then hClose hout
else do
putMVar v $ RelayData (L.fromChunks [b])
readout v
drain v = do
d <- takeMVar v
r <- runner $ net $ callback d
case r of
Nothing -> drain v
Just exitcode -> return exitcode
:: MonadIO m
=> S
-> RunProto
-> Service
-> (RelayHandle -> RelayData -> Net (Maybe ExitCode))
-> m ExitCode
runRelayService s runner service callback = do
v <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
(Just hin, Just hout, _, pid) <- liftIO $ createProcess serviceproc
{ std_out = CreatePipe
, std_in = CreatePipe
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ readout v hout
feeder <- liftIO $ forkIO $ feedin v
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ putMVar v . Left =<< waitForProcess pid
exitcode <- liftIO $ drain v hin
liftIO $ killThread feeder
return exitcode
cmd = case service of
UploadPack -> "upload-pack"
ReceivePack -> "receive-pack"
serviceproc = gitCreateProcess [Param cmd, File (repoPath (repo s))] (repo s)
drain v hin = do
d <- takeMVar v
case d of
Left exitcode -> do
hClose hin
return exitcode
Right relaydata -> do
_ <- runner $ net $
callback (RelayHandle hin) relaydata
drain v hin
readout v hout = do
b <- B.hGetSome hout 65536
if B.null b
then hClose hout
else do
putMVar v $ Right $
RelayData (L.fromChunks [b])
readout v hout
feedin v = forever $ do
m <- runner $ net receiveMessage
putMVar v $ Right $ RelayMessage m
@ -920,6 +920,7 @@ Executable git-annex
Add table
Reference in a new issue