merge changes made on other repos into ExportTree
Now when one repository has exported a tree, another repository can get files from the export, after syncing. There's a bug: While the database update works, somehow the database on disk does not get updated, and so the database update is run the next time, etc. Wasn't able to figure out why yet. This commit was sponsored by Ole-Morten Duesund on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 90 additions and 87 deletions
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ gitAnnexExportDbDir u r = gitAnnexExportDir u r </> "db"
{- Lock file for export state for a special remote. -}
gitAnnexExportLock :: UUID -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexExportLock u r = gitAnnexExportDir u r ++ ".lck"
gitAnnexExportLock u r = gitAnnexExportDbDir u r ++ ".lck"
{- .git/annex/schedulestate is used to store information about when
- scheduled jobs were last run. -}
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import Annex.LockFile
import Logs.Location
import Logs.Export
import Database.Export
import Remote.Helper.Export
import Messages.Progress
import Utility.Tmp
@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ seek' o r = do
(\diff -> startUnexport r ea db (Git.DiffTree.file diff) (unexportboth diff))
oldtreesha new
updateExportTree db emptyTree new
liftIO $ recordDataSource db new
liftIO $ recordExportTreeCurrent db new
-- Waiting until now to record the export guarantees that,
-- if this export is interrupted, there are no files left over
@ -312,3 +311,28 @@ cleanupRename ea db ek src dest = do
if exportDirectories src /= exportDirectories dest
then removeEmptyDirectories ea db src [asKey ek]
else return True
-- | Remove empty directories from the export. Call after removing an
-- exported file, and after calling removeExportLocation and flushing the
-- database.
removeEmptyDirectories :: ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> ExportLocation -> [Key] -> Annex Bool
removeEmptyDirectories ea db loc ks
| null (exportDirectories loc) = return True
| otherwise = case removeExportDirectory ea of
Nothing -> return True
Just removeexportdirectory -> do
ok <- allM (go removeexportdirectory)
(reverse (exportDirectories loc))
unless ok $ liftIO $ do
-- Add location back to export database,
-- so this is tried again next time.
forM_ ks $ \k ->
addExportedLocation db k loc
flushDbQueue db
return ok
go removeexportdirectory d =
ifM (liftIO $ isExportDirectoryEmpty db d)
( removeexportdirectory d
, return True
@ -15,21 +15,21 @@ module Database.Export (
) where
import Database.Types
@ -50,29 +50,33 @@ import Database.Esqueleto hiding (Key)
newtype ExportHandle = ExportHandle H.DbQueue
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateExport"] [persistLowerCase|
-- Files that have been exported to the remote.
-- Files that have been exported to the remote and are present on it.
key IKey
file SFilePath
ExportedIndex key file
-- The tree that has been exported to the remote.
-- Not all of these files are necessarily present on the remote yet.
key IKey
file SFilePath
ExportTreeIndex key file
-- Directories that exist on the remote, and the files that are in them.
subdir SFilePath
file SFilePath
ExportedDirectoryIndex subdir file
-- Record of what tree the current database content comes from.
-- The content of the tree that has been exported to the remote.
-- Not all of these files are necessarily present on the remote yet.
key IKey
file SFilePath
ExportTreeIndex key file
-- The tree stored in ExportTree
tree SRef
UniqueTree tree
{- Opens the database, creating it if it doesn't exist yet. -}
{- Opens the database, creating it if it doesn't exist yet.
- Only a single process should write to the export at a time, so guard
- any writes with the gitAnnexExportLock.
openDb :: UUID -> Annex ExportHandle
openDb u = do
dbdir <- fromRepo (gitAnnexExportDbDir u)
@ -97,19 +101,19 @@ queueDb (ExportHandle h) = H.queueDb h checkcommit
flushDbQueue :: ExportHandle -> IO ()
flushDbQueue (ExportHandle h) = H.flushDbQueue h
recordDataSource :: ExportHandle -> Sha -> IO ()
recordDataSource h s = queueDb h $ do
recordExportTreeCurrent :: ExportHandle -> Sha -> IO ()
recordExportTreeCurrent h s = queueDb h $ do
delete $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. DataSourceTree ==. r ^. DataSourceTree)
void $ insertUnique $ DataSource (toSRef s)
where_ (r ^. ExportTreeCurrentTree ==. r ^. ExportTreeCurrentTree)
void $ insertUnique $ ExportTreeCurrent $ toSRef s
getDataSource :: ExportHandle -> IO (Maybe Sha)
getDataSource (ExportHandle h) = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
getExportTreeCurrent :: ExportHandle -> IO (Maybe Sha)
getExportTreeCurrent (ExportHandle h) = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- select $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. DataSourceTree ==. r ^. DataSourceTree)
return (r ^. DataSourceTree)
where_ (r ^. ExportTreeCurrentTree ==. r ^. ExportTreeCurrentTree)
return (r ^. ExportTreeCurrentTree)
case l of
(s:[]) -> return (Just (fromSRef (unValue s)))
(s:[]) -> return $ Just $ fromSRef $ unValue s
_ -> return Nothing
addExportedLocation :: ExportHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> IO ()
@ -167,7 +171,7 @@ getExportTree (ExportHandle h) k = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
addExportTree :: ExportHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> IO ()
addExportTree h k loc = queueDb h $
void $ insertUnique $ Exported ik ef
void $ insertUnique $ ExportTree ik ef
ik = toIKey k
ef = toSFilePath (fromExportLocation loc)
@ -12,13 +12,16 @@ module Remote.Helper.Export where
import Annex.Common
import Types.Remote
import Types.Backend
import Types.Export
import Types.Key
import Backend
import Remote.Helper.Encryptable (isEncrypted)
import Database.Export
import Logs.Export
import Annex.LockFile
import Git.Sha
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Concurrent.STM
-- | Use for remotes that do not support exports.
class HasExportUnsupported a where
@ -89,6 +92,33 @@ adjustExportable r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
isexport = do
db <- openDb (uuid r)
updateflag <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
let updateonce = liftIO $ atomically $
ifM (isEmptyTMVar updateflag)
( do
putTMVar updateflag ()
return True
, return False
-- Get export locations for a key. Checks once
-- if the export log is different than the database and
-- updates the database, to notice when an export has been
-- updated from another repository.
let getexportlocs = \k -> do
whenM updateonce $ withExclusiveLock (gitAnnexExportLock (uuid r)) $ do
old <- liftIO $ fromMaybe emptyTree
<$> getExportTreeCurrent db
l <- getExport (uuid r)
case map exportedTreeish l of
(new:[]) | new /= old -> do
updateExportTree db old new
liftIO $ recordExportTreeCurrent db new
liftIO $ flushDbQueue db
_ -> return ()
liftIO $ getExportTree db k
return $ r
-- Storing a key on an export could be implemented,
-- but it would perform unncessary work
@ -104,7 +134,7 @@ adjustExportable r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
, retrieveKeyFile = \k _af dest p -> unVerified $
if maybe False (isJust . verifyKeyContent) (maybeLookupBackendVariety (keyVariety k))
then do
locs <- liftIO $ getExportTree db k
locs <- getexportlocs k
case locs of
[] -> do
warning "unknown export location"
@ -135,34 +165,9 @@ adjustExportable r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
, checkPresent = \k -> do
ea <- exportActions r
anyM (checkPresentExport ea k)
=<< liftIO (getExportTree db k)
=<< getexportlocs k
, mkUnavailable = return Nothing
, getInfo = do
is <- getInfo r
return (is++[("export", "yes")])
-- | Remove empty directories from the export. Call after removing an
-- exported file, and after calling removeExportLocation and flushing the
-- database.
removeEmptyDirectories :: ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> ExportLocation -> [Key] -> Annex Bool
removeEmptyDirectories ea db loc ks
| null (exportDirectories loc) = return True
| otherwise = case removeExportDirectory ea of
Nothing -> return True
Just removeexportdirectory -> do
ok <- allM (go removeexportdirectory)
(reverse (exportDirectories loc))
unless ok $ liftIO $ do
-- Add location back to export database,
-- so this is tried again next time.
forM_ ks $ \k ->
addExportedLocation db k loc
flushDbQueue db
return ok
go removeexportdirectory d =
ifM (liftIO $ isExportDirectoryEmpty db d)
( removeexportdirectory d
, return True
@ -17,38 +17,8 @@ there need to be a new interface in supported remotes?
Work is in progress. Todo list:
* `git annex get --from export` works in the repo that exported to it,
but in another repo, the export db won't be populated, so it won't work.
Maybe just show a useful error message in this case?
However, exporting from one repository and then trying to update the
export from another repository also doesn't work right, because the
export database is not populated. So, seems that the export database needs
to get populated based on the export log in these cases.
This needs the db to contain a record of the data source,
the tree that most recently populated it.
When the export log contains a different tree than the data source,
the export was updated in another repository, and so the
export db needs to be updated.
Updating the export db could diff the data source with the
logged treeish. Add/delete exported files from the database to get
it to the same state as the remote database.
When an export is incomplete, the database is in some
state in between the data source tree and the incompletely
exported tree. Diffing won't resolve this.
When to record the data source? If it's done at the same time the export
is recorded (as no longer incomplete) in the export log, all the files
have not yet been uploaded to the export, and the the database is not
fully updated to match the data source.
Seems that we need a separate table, to be able to look up filenames
from the export tree by key. That table can be fully populated,
before the Exported table is.
* bug: export db update does not reash disk after Remote.Helper.Export calls
* tracking exports
Add table
Reference in a new issue