AssociatedFile newtype
To prevent any further mistakes like 301aff34c4
This commit was sponsored by Francois Marier on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
43 changed files with 179 additions and 138 deletions
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ handleDropsFrom locs rs reason fromhere key afile preverified runner = do
map (`fromTopFilePath` g) <$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
let fs = case afile of
Just f -> nub (f : l)
Nothing -> l
AssociatedFile (Just f) -> nub (f : l)
AssociatedFile Nothing -> l
n <- getcopies fs
void $ if fromhere && checkcopies n Nothing
then go fs rs n >>= dropl fs
@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ handleDropsFrom locs rs reason fromhere key afile preverified runner = do
checkdrop fs n u a
| null fs = check $ -- no associated files; unused content
wantDrop True u (Just key) Nothing
wantDrop True u (Just key) (AssociatedFile Nothing)
| otherwise = check $
allM (wantDrop True u (Just key) . Just) fs
allM (wantDrop True u (Just key) . AssociatedFile . Just) fs
check c = ifM c
( dodrop n u a
@ -107,7 +107,9 @@ handleDropsFrom locs rs reason fromhere key afile preverified runner = do
( do
liftIO $ debugM "drop" $ unwords
[ "dropped"
, fromMaybe (key2file key) afile
, case afile of
AssociatedFile Nothing -> key2file key
AssociatedFile (Just af) -> af
, "(from " ++ maybe "here" show u ++ ")"
, "(copies now " ++ show (fromNumCopies have - 1) ++ ")"
, ": " ++ reason
@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ type GetFileMatcher = FilePath -> Annex (FileMatcher Annex)
checkFileMatcher :: GetFileMatcher -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
checkFileMatcher getmatcher file = do
matcher <- getmatcher file
checkMatcher matcher Nothing (Just file) S.empty True
checkMatcher matcher Nothing (AssociatedFile (Just file)) S.empty True
checkMatcher :: FileMatcher Annex -> Maybe Key -> AssociatedFile -> AssumeNotPresent -> Bool -> Annex Bool
checkMatcher matcher mkey afile notpresent d
| isEmpty matcher = return d
| otherwise = case (mkey, afile) of
(_, Just file) -> go =<< fileMatchInfo file
(_, AssociatedFile (Just file)) -> go =<< fileMatchInfo file
(Just key, _) -> go (MatchingKey key)
_ -> return d
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ noNotification = NotifyWitness
{- Wrap around an action that performs a transfer, which may run multiple
- attempts. Displays notification when supported and when the user asked
- for it. -}
notifyTransfer :: Direction -> Maybe FilePath -> (NotifyWitness -> Annex Bool) -> Annex Bool
notifyTransfer _ Nothing a = a NotifyWitness
notifyTransfer :: Direction -> AssociatedFile -> (NotifyWitness -> Annex Bool) -> Annex Bool
notifyTransfer _ (AssociatedFile Nothing) a = a NotifyWitness
notifyTransfer direction (Just f) a = do
notifyTransfer direction (AssociatedFile (Just f)) a = do
wanted <- Annex.getState Annex.desktopnotify
if (notifyStart wanted || notifyFinish wanted)
then do
@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ notifyTransfer direction (Just f) a = do
return ok
else a NotifyWitness
notifyTransfer _ (Just _) a = a NotifyWitness
notifyTransfer _ (AssociatedFile (Just _)) a = a NotifyWitness
notifyDrop :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> Annex ()
notifyDrop Nothing _ = noop
notifyDrop :: AssociatedFile -> Bool -> Annex ()
notifyDrop (AssociatedFile Nothing) _ = noop
notifyDrop (Just f) ok = do
notifyDrop (AssociatedFile (Just f)) ok = do
wanted <- Annex.getState Annex.desktopnotify
when (notifyFinish wanted) $ liftIO $ do
client <- DBus.Client.connectSession
void $ Notify.notify client (droppedNote ok f)
notifyDrop (Just _) _ = noop
notifyDrop (AssociatedFile (Just _)) _ = noop
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ guardHaveUUID u a
- An upload can be run from a read-only filesystem, and in this case
- no transfer information or lock file is used.
runTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> Maybe FilePath -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer = runTransfer' False
{- Like runTransfer, but ignores any existing transfer lock file for the
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ runTransfer = runTransfer' False
- Note that this may result in confusing progress meter display in the
- webapp, if multiple processes are writing to the transfer info file. -}
alwaysRunTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> Maybe FilePath -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
alwaysRunTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
alwaysRunTransfer = runTransfer' True
runTransfer' :: Observable v => Bool -> Transfer -> Maybe FilePath -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer' ignorelock t file shouldretry transferaction = checkSecureHashes t $ do
info <- liftIO $ startTransferInfo file
runTransfer' :: Observable v => Bool -> Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer' ignorelock t afile shouldretry transferaction = checkSecureHashes t $ do
info <- liftIO $ startTransferInfo afile
(meter, tfile, metervar) <- mkProgressUpdater t info
mode <- annexFileMode
(lck, inprogress) <- prep tfile mode info
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ removableRemote urlrenderer uuid = do
queueremaining r k =
queueTransferWhenSmall "remaining object in unwanted remote"
Nothing (Transfer Download uuid k) r
(AssociatedFile Nothing) (Transfer Download uuid k) r
{- Scanning for keys can take a long time; do not tie up
- the Annex monad while doing it, so other threads continue to
- run. -}
@ -503,9 +503,10 @@ checkChangeContent change@(Change { changeInfo = i }) =
Just k -> whenM (scanComplete <$> getDaemonStatus) $ do
present <- liftAnnex $ inAnnex k
void $ if present
then queueTransfers "new file created" Next k (Just f) Upload
else queueTransfers "new or renamed file wanted" Next k (Just f) Download
handleDrops "file renamed" present k (Just f) []
then queueTransfers "new file created" Next k af Upload
else queueTransfers "new or renamed file wanted" Next k af Download
handleDrops "file renamed" present k af []
f = changeFile change
af = AssociatedFile (Just f)
checkChangeContent _ = noop
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ runActivity' urlrenderer (ScheduledSelfFsck _ d) = do
void $ repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer u Nothing fsckresults
mapM_ reget =<< liftAnnex (dirKeys gitAnnexBadDir)
reget k = queueTransfers "fsck found bad file; redownloading" Next k Nothing Download
reget k = queueTransfers "fsck found bad file; redownloading" Next k (AssociatedFile Nothing) Download
runActivity' urlrenderer (ScheduledRemoteFsck u s d) = dispatch =<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID u)
dispatch Nothing = debug ["skipping remote fsck of uuid without a configured remote", fromUUID u, fromSchedule s]
@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ dailyCheck urlrenderer = do
unused <- liftAnnex unusedKeys'
void $ liftAnnex $ setUnusedKeys unused
forM_ unused $ \k -> do
unlessM (queueTransfers "unused" Later k Nothing Upload) $
handleDrops "unused" True k Nothing []
unlessM (queueTransfers "unused" Later k (AssociatedFile Nothing) Upload) $
handleDrops "unused" True k (AssociatedFile Nothing) []
return True
@ -154,8 +154,9 @@ expensiveScan urlrenderer rs = batch <~> do
enqueue f (r, t) =
queueTransferWhenSmall "expensive scan found missing object"
(Just f) t r
(AssociatedFile (Just f)) t r
findtransfers f unwanted key = do
let af = AssociatedFile (Just f)
{- The syncable remotes may have changed since this
- scan began. -}
syncrs <- syncDataRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
@ -163,14 +164,14 @@ expensiveScan urlrenderer rs = batch <~> do
present <- liftAnnex $ inAnnex key
liftAnnex $ handleDropsFrom locs syncrs
"expensive scan found too many copies of object"
present key (Just f) [] callCommandAction
present key af [] callCommandAction
liftAnnex $ do
let slocs = S.fromList locs
let use a = return $ mapMaybe (a key slocs) syncrs
ts <- if present
then filterM (wantSend True (Just key) (Just f) . Remote.uuid . fst)
then filterM (wantSend True (Just key) af . Remote.uuid . fst)
=<< use (genTransfer Upload False)
else ifM (wantGet True (Just key) (Just f))
else ifM (wantGet True (Just key) af)
( use (genTransfer Download True) , return [] )
let unwanted' = S.difference unwanted slocs
return (unwanted', ts)
@ -153,10 +153,11 @@ genTransfer t info = case transferRemote info of
go remote transferrer = ifM (liftIO $ performTransfer transferrer t info)
( do
maybe noop
(void . addAlert . makeAlertFiller True
. transferFileAlert direction True)
(associatedFile info)
case associatedFile info of
AssociatedFile Nothing -> noop
AssociatedFile (Just af) -> void $
addAlert $ makeAlertFiller True $
transferFileAlert direction True af
unless isdownload $
("object uploaded to " ++ show remote)
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ startDistributionDownload d = go =<< liftIO . newVersionLocation d =<< liftIO ol
hook <- asIO1 $ distributionDownloadComplete d dest cleanup
modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s
{ transferHook = M.insert k hook (transferHook s) }
maybe noop (queueTransfer "upgrade" Next (Just f) t)
maybe noop (queueTransfer "upgrade" Next (AssociatedFile (Just f)) t)
=<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID webUUID)
startTransfer t
k = distributionKey d
@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ transfersDisplay = do
ident = "transfers"
isrunning info = not $
transferPaused info || isNothing (startedTime info)
desc transfer info = case associatedFile info of
AssociatedFile Nothing -> key2file $ transferKey transfer
AssociatedFile (Just af) -> af
{- Simplifies a list of transfers, avoiding display of redundant
- equivilant transfers. -}
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ trivialMigrate oldkey newbackend afile
{- Fast migration from hash to hashE backend. -}
| migratable && hasExt oldvariety = case afile of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just file -> Just $ oldkey
AssociatedFile Nothing -> Nothing
AssociatedFile (Just file) -> Just $ oldkey
{ keyName = keyHash oldkey ++ selectExtension file
, keyVariety = newvariety
@ -171,7 +171,9 @@ downloadRemoteFile r relaxed uri file sz = checkCanAdd file $ do
-- so that the remote knows what url it
-- should use to download it.
setTempUrl urlkey loguri
let downloader = \dest p -> fst <$> Remote.retrieveKeyFile r urlkey (Just file) dest p
let downloader = \dest p -> fst
<$> Remote.retrieveKeyFile r urlkey
(AssociatedFile (Just file)) dest p
ret <- downloadWith downloader urlkey (Remote.uuid r) loguri file
removeTempUrl urlkey
return ret
@ -255,8 +257,8 @@ addUrlFileQuvi relaxed quviurl videourl file = checkCanAdd file $ do
checkDiskSpaceToGet sizedkey Nothing $ do
tmp <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation key
ok <- Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download (Just file) $
|||| webUUID key (Just file) Transfer.forwardRetry $ \p -> do
ok <- Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download afile $
|||| webUUID key afile Transfer.forwardRetry $ \p -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir tmp)
downloadUrl key p [videourl] tmp
if ok
@ -265,6 +267,8 @@ addUrlFileQuvi relaxed quviurl videourl file = checkCanAdd file $ do
return (Just key)
else return Nothing
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
addUrlChecked :: Bool -> URLString -> UUID -> (Key -> Annex (Bool, Bool)) -> Key -> CommandPerform
addUrlChecked relaxed url u checkexistssize key
@ -328,10 +332,11 @@ downloadWith downloader dummykey u url file =
, return Nothing
runtransfer tmp = Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download (Just file) $
|||| u dummykey (Just file) Transfer.forwardRetry $ \p -> do
runtransfer tmp = Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download afile $
|||| u dummykey afile Transfer.forwardRetry $ \p -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir tmp)
downloader tmp p
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
{- Adds the url size to the Key. -}
addSizeUrlKey :: Url.UrlInfo -> Key -> Key
@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ start o file key = stopUnless shouldCopy $
| otherwise = return True
want = case Command.Move.fromToOptions (moveOptions o) of
ToRemote dest -> (Remote.uuid <$> getParsed dest) >>=
wantSend False (Just key) (Just file)
wantSend False (Just key) (AssociatedFile (Just file))
FromRemote _ ->
wantGet False (Just key) (Just file)
wantGet False (Just key) (AssociatedFile (Just file))
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $
start :: DropOptions -> FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start o file key = start' o key afile (mkActionItem afile)
afile = Just file
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
start' :: DropOptions -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
start' o key afile ai = do
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ start' o key afile ai = do
| otherwise = return True
startKeys :: DropOptions -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
startKeys o key = start' o key Nothing
startKeys o key = start' o key (AssociatedFile Nothing)
startLocal :: AssociatedFile -> ActionItem -> NumCopies -> Key -> [VerifiedCopy] -> CommandStart
startLocal afile ai numcopies key preverified = stopUnless (inAnnex key) $ do
@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ requiredContent = do
{- In auto mode, only runs the action if there are enough
- copies on other semitrusted repositories. -}
checkDropAuto :: Bool -> Maybe Remote -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> (NumCopies -> CommandStart) -> CommandStart
checkDropAuto automode mremote afile key a = go =<< maybe getNumCopies getFileNumCopies afile
checkDropAuto automode mremote (AssociatedFile afile) key a =
go =<< maybe getNumCopies getFileNumCopies afile
go numcopies
| automode = do
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ perform :: Maybe Remote -> NumCopies -> Key -> CommandPerform
perform from numcopies key = case from of
Just r -> do
showAction $ "from " ++ r
Command.Drop.performRemote key Nothing numcopies r
Command.Drop.performRemote key (AssociatedFile Nothing) numcopies r
Nothing -> ifM (inAnnex key)
( Command.Drop.performLocal key Nothing numcopies []
( Command.Drop.performLocal key (AssociatedFile Nothing) numcopies []
, next (return True)
@ -110,9 +110,10 @@ start from inc file key = do
numcopies <- getFileNumCopies file
case from of
Nothing -> go $ perform key file backend numcopies
Just r -> go $ performRemote key (Just file) backend numcopies r
Just r -> go $ performRemote key afile backend numcopies r
go = runFsck inc (mkActionItem (Just file)) key
go = runFsck inc (mkActionItem afile) key
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
perform :: Key -> FilePath -> Backend -> NumCopies -> Annex Bool
perform key file backend numcopies = do
@ -123,10 +124,12 @@ perform key file backend numcopies = do
, verifyLocationLog key keystatus file
, verifyAssociatedFiles key keystatus file
, verifyWorkTree key file
, checkKeySize key keystatus (Just file)
, checkBackend backend key keystatus (Just file)
, checkKeyNumCopies key (Just file) numcopies
, checkKeySize key keystatus afile
, checkBackend backend key keystatus afile
, checkKeyNumCopies key afile numcopies
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
{- To fsck a remote, the content is retrieved to a tmp file,
- and checked locally. -}
@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ performRemote key afile backend numcopies remote =
return False
dispatch (Right False) = go False Nothing
go present localcopy = check
[ verifyLocationLogRemote key (maybe (key2file key) id afile) remote present
[ verifyLocationLogRemote key afile remote present
, withLocalCopy localcopy $ checkKeySizeRemote key remote afile
, withLocalCopy localcopy $ checkBackendRemote backend key remote afile
, checkKeyNumCopies key afile numcopies
@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ performRemote key afile backend numcopies remote =
, ifM (Annex.getState
( return Nothing
, Just . fst <$>
Remote.retrieveKeyFile remote key Nothing tmp dummymeter
Remote.retrieveKeyFile remote key (AssociatedFile Nothing) tmp dummymeter
, return (Just False)
@ -181,16 +184,16 @@ startKey from inc key ai numcopies =
Just backend -> runFsck inc ai key $
case from of
Nothing -> performKey key backend numcopies
Just r -> performRemote key Nothing backend numcopies r
Just r -> performRemote key (AssociatedFile Nothing) backend numcopies r
performKey :: Key -> Backend -> NumCopies -> Annex Bool
performKey key backend numcopies = do
keystatus <- getKeyStatus key
[ verifyLocationLog key keystatus (key2file key)
, checkKeySize key keystatus Nothing
, checkBackend backend key keystatus Nothing
, checkKeyNumCopies key Nothing numcopies
, checkKeySize key keystatus (AssociatedFile Nothing)
, checkBackend backend key keystatus (AssociatedFile Nothing)
, checkKeyNumCopies key (AssociatedFile Nothing) numcopies
check :: [Annex Bool] -> Annex Bool
@ -249,10 +252,12 @@ verifyLocationLog key keystatus desc = do
then return True
else verifyLocationLog' key desc present u (logChange key u)
verifyLocationLogRemote :: Key -> String -> Remote -> Bool -> Annex Bool
verifyLocationLogRemote key desc remote present =
verifyLocationLogRemote :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Remote -> Bool -> Annex Bool
verifyLocationLogRemote key (AssociatedFile afile) remote present =
verifyLocationLog' key desc present (Remote.uuid remote)
(Remote.logStatus remote key)
desc = fromMaybe (key2file key) afile
verifyLocationLog' :: Key -> String -> Bool -> UUID -> (LogStatus -> Annex ()) -> Annex Bool
verifyLocationLog' key desc present u updatestatus = do
@ -356,7 +361,7 @@ checkKeySizeRemote key remote afile localcopy =
checkKeySizeOr (badContentRemote remote localcopy) key localcopy afile
checkKeySizeOr :: (Key -> Annex String) -> Key -> FilePath -> AssociatedFile -> Annex Bool
checkKeySizeOr bad key file afile = case keySize key of
checkKeySizeOr bad key file (AssociatedFile afile) = case keySize key of
Nothing -> return True
Just size -> do
size' <- liftIO $ getFileSize file
@ -396,7 +401,9 @@ checkBackend backend key keystatus afile = go =<< isDirect
( nocheck
, checkBackendOr badContent backend key content afile
go True = maybe nocheck checkdirect afile
go True = case afile of
AssociatedFile Nothing -> nocheck
AssociatedFile (Just f) -> checkdirect f
checkdirect file = ifM (Direct.goodContent key file)
( checkBackendOr' (badContentDirect file) backend key file afile
(Direct.goodContent key file)
@ -416,7 +423,7 @@ checkBackendOr bad backend key file afile =
-- in order to detect situations where the file is changed while being
-- verified (particularly in direct mode).
checkBackendOr' :: (Key -> Annex String) -> Backend -> Key -> FilePath -> AssociatedFile -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool
checkBackendOr' bad backend key file afile postcheck =
checkBackendOr' bad backend key file (AssociatedFile afile) postcheck =
case Types.Backend.verifyKeyContent backend of
Nothing -> return True
Just verifier -> do
@ -436,21 +443,23 @@ checkBackendOr' bad backend key file afile postcheck =
checkKeyNumCopies :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> NumCopies -> Annex Bool
checkKeyNumCopies key afile numcopies = do
let file = fromMaybe (key2file key) afile
let (desc, hasafile) = case afile of
AssociatedFile Nothing -> (key2file key, False)
AssociatedFile (Just af) -> (af, True)
locs <- loggedLocations key
(untrustedlocations, otherlocations) <- trustPartition UnTrusted locs
(deadlocations, safelocations) <- trustPartition DeadTrusted otherlocations
let present = NumCopies (length safelocations)
if present < numcopies
then ifM (pure (isNothing afile) <&&> checkDead key)
then ifM (pure (not hasafile) <&&> checkDead key)
( do
showLongNote $ "This key is dead, skipping."
return True
, do
untrusted <- Remote.prettyPrintUUIDs "untrusted" untrustedlocations
dead <- Remote.prettyPrintUUIDs "dead" deadlocations
warning $ missingNote file present numcopies untrusted dead
when (fromNumCopies present == 0 && isNothing afile) $
warning $ missingNote desc present numcopies untrusted dead
when (fromNumCopies present == 0 && not hasafile) $
showLongNote "(Avoid this check by running: git annex dead --key )"
return False
@ -51,14 +51,15 @@ seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
start :: GetOptions -> Maybe Remote -> FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start o from file key = start' expensivecheck from key afile (mkActionItem afile)
afile = Just file
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
| autoMode o = numCopiesCheck file key (<) <||> wantGet False (Just key) (Just file)
| autoMode o = numCopiesCheck file key (<)
<||> wantGet False (Just key) afile
| otherwise = return True
startKeys :: Maybe Remote -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
startKeys from key ai = checkFailedTransferDirection ai Download $
start' (return True) from key Nothing ai
start' (return True) from key (AssociatedFile Nothing) ai
start' :: Annex Bool -> Maybe Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
start' expensivecheck from key afile ai = stopUnless (not <$> inAnnex key) $
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Logs.Transfer
import Types.Key
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.FileMatcher
import Types.ActionItem
import qualified Limit
import Messages.JSON (DualDisp(..), ObjectMap(..))
import Annex.BloomFilter
@ -420,7 +421,9 @@ transfer_list = stat desc $ nojson $ lift $ do
desc = "transfers in progress"
line uuidmap t i = unwords
[ formatDirection (transferDirection t) ++ "ing"
, fromMaybe (key2file $ transferKey t) (associatedFile i)
, actionItemDesc
(ActionItemAssociatedFile (associatedFile i))
(transferKey t)
, if transferDirection t == Upload then "to" else "from"
, maybe (fromUUID $ transferUUID t) $
M.lookup (transferUUID t) uuidmap
@ -428,9 +431,11 @@ transfer_list = stat desc $ nojson $ lift $ do
jsonify t i = object $ map (\(k, v) -> (T.pack k, v)) $
[ ("transfer", toJSON (formatDirection (transferDirection t)))
, ("key", toJSON (key2file (transferKey t)))
, ("file", toJSON (associatedFile i))
, ("file", toJSON afile)
, ("remote", toJSON (fromUUID (transferUUID t)))
AssociatedFile afile = associatedFile i
disk_size :: Stat
disk_size = simpleStat "available local disk space" $
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ seek o = case batchOption o of
start :: POSIXTime -> MetaDataOptions -> FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start now o file k = startKeys now o k (mkActionItem afile)
afile = Just file
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
startKeys :: POSIXTime -> MetaDataOptions -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
startKeys now o k ai = case getSet o of
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ startBatch (i, (MetaData m)) = case i of
Left f -> do
mk <- lookupFile f
case mk of
Just k -> go k (mkActionItem (Just f))
Just k -> go k (mkActionItem (AssociatedFile (Just f)))
Nothing -> giveup $ "not an annexed file: " ++ f
Right k -> go k (mkActionItem k)
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ perform file oldkey oldbackend newbackend = go =<< genkey
go (Just (newkey, knowngoodcontent))
| knowngoodcontent = finish newkey
| otherwise = stopUnless checkcontent $ finish newkey
checkcontent = Command.Fsck.checkBackend oldbackend oldkey Command.Fsck.KeyLocked $ Just file
checkcontent = Command.Fsck.checkBackend oldbackend oldkey Command.Fsck.KeyLocked afile
finish newkey = ifM (Command.ReKey.linkKey file oldkey newkey)
( do
copyMetaData oldkey newkey
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ perform file oldkey oldbackend newbackend = go =<< genkey
next $ Command.ReKey.cleanup file oldkey newkey
, error "failed"
genkey = case maybe Nothing (\fm -> fm oldkey newbackend (Just file)) (fastMigrate oldbackend) of
genkey = case maybe Nothing (\fm -> fm oldkey newbackend afile) (fastMigrate oldbackend) of
Just newkey -> return $ Just (newkey, True)
Nothing -> do
content <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLocation oldkey
@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ perform file oldkey oldbackend newbackend = go =<< genkey
return $ case v of
Just (newkey, _) -> Just (newkey, False)
_ -> Nothing
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ instance DeferredParseClass MirrorOptions where
seek :: MirrorOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $
withKeyOptions (keyOptions o) False
(startKey o Nothing)
(startKey o (AssociatedFile Nothing))
(withFilesInGit $ whenAnnexed $ start o)
(mirrorFiles o)
start :: MirrorOptions -> FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start o file k = startKey o afile k (mkActionItem afile)
afile = Just file
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
startKey :: MirrorOptions -> Maybe FilePath -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
startKey :: MirrorOptions -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
startKey o afile key ai = case fromToOptions o of
ToRemote r -> checkFailedTransferDirection ai Upload $ ifM (inAnnex key)
( Command.Move.toStart False afile key ai =<< getParsed r
@ -72,4 +72,6 @@ startKey o afile key ai = case fromToOptions o of
, stop
getnumcopies = maybe getNumCopies getFileNumCopies afile
getnumcopies = case afile of
AssociatedFile Nothing -> getNumCopies
AssociatedFile (Just af) -> getFileNumCopies af
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $
start :: MoveOptions -> Bool -> FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start o move f k = start' o move afile k (mkActionItem afile)
afile = Just f
afile = AssociatedFile (Just f)
startKey :: MoveOptions -> Bool -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
startKey o move = start' o move Nothing
startKey o move = start' o move (AssociatedFile Nothing)
start' :: MoveOptions -> Bool -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
start' o move afile key ai =
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ start key = do
fieldTransfer :: Direction -> Key -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool) -> CommandStart
fieldTransfer direction key a = do
liftIO $ debugM "fieldTransfer" "transfer start"
afile <- Fields.getField Fields.associatedFile
afile <- AssociatedFile <$> Fields.getField Fields.associatedFile
ok <- maybe (a $ const noop)
-- Using noRetry here because we're the sender.
(\u -> runner (Transfer direction (toUUID u) key) afile noRetry a)
@ -519,8 +519,8 @@ seekSyncContent o rs = do
liftIO $ not <$> isEmptyMVar mvar
seekworktree mvar l bloomfeeder = seekHelper LsFiles.inRepo l >>=
mapM_ (\f -> ifAnnexed f (go (Right bloomfeeder) mvar (Just f)) noop)
seekkeys mvar bloom k _ = go (Left bloom) mvar Nothing k
mapM_ (\f -> ifAnnexed f (go (Right bloomfeeder) mvar (AssociatedFile (Just f))) noop)
seekkeys mvar bloom k _ = go (Left bloom) mvar (AssociatedFile Nothing) k
go ebloom mvar af k = commandAction $ do
whenM (syncFile ebloom rs af k) $
void $ liftIO $ tryPutMVar mvar ()
@ -155,8 +155,9 @@ test st r k =
Nothing -> return True
Just verifier -> verifier k (key2file k)
get = getViaTmp (RemoteVerify r) k $ \dest ->
Remote.retrieveKeyFile r k Nothing dest nullMeterUpdate
store = Remote.storeKey r k Nothing nullMeterUpdate
Remote.retrieveKeyFile r k (AssociatedFile Nothing)
dest nullMeterUpdate
store = Remote.storeKey r k (AssociatedFile Nothing) nullMeterUpdate
remove = Remote.removeKey r k
testUnavailable :: Annex.AnnexState -> Remote -> Key -> [TestTree]
@ -164,15 +165,15 @@ testUnavailable st r k =
[ check (== Right False) "removeKey" $
Remote.removeKey r k
, check (== Right False) "storeKey" $
Remote.storeKey r k Nothing nullMeterUpdate
Remote.storeKey r k (AssociatedFile Nothing) nullMeterUpdate
, check (`notElem` [Right True, Right False]) "checkPresent" $
Remote.checkPresent r k
, check (== Right False) "retrieveKeyFile" $
getViaTmp (RemoteVerify r) k $ \dest ->
Remote.retrieveKeyFile r k Nothing dest nullMeterUpdate
Remote.retrieveKeyFile r k (AssociatedFile Nothing) dest nullMeterUpdate
, check (== Right False) "retrieveKeyFileCheap" $
getViaTmp (RemoteVerify r) k $ \dest -> unVerified $
Remote.retrieveKeyFileCheap r k Nothing dest
Remote.retrieveKeyFileCheap r k (AssociatedFile Nothing) dest
check checkval desc a = testCase desc $ do
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ start (k:[]) = do
case file2key k of
Nothing -> error "bad key"
(Just key) -> whenM (inAnnex key) $ do
file <- Fields.getField Fields.associatedFile
afile <- AssociatedFile <$> Fields.getField Fields.associatedFile
u <- maybe (error "missing remoteuuid") toUUID
<$> Fields.getField Fields.remoteUUID
let t = Transfer
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ start (k:[]) = do
, transferUUID = u
, transferKey = key
tinfo <- liftIO $ startTransferInfo file
tinfo <- liftIO $ startTransferInfo afile
(update, tfile, _) <- mkProgressUpdater t tinfo
liftIO $ mapM_ void
[ tryIO $ forever $ do
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser TransferKeyOptions
optParser desc = TransferKeyOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> parseFromToOptions
<*> optional (strOption
<*> (AssociatedFile <$> optional (strOption
( long "file" <> metavar paramFile
<> help "the associated file"
instance DeferredParseClass TransferKeyOptions where
finishParse v = TransferKeyOptions
@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ instance TCSerialized Direction where
deserialize _ = Nothing
instance TCSerialized AssociatedFile where
serialize (Just f) = f
serialize Nothing = ""
deserialize "" = Just Nothing
deserialize f = Just $ Just f
serialize (AssociatedFile (Just f)) = f
serialize (AssociatedFile Nothing) = ""
deserialize "" = Just (AssociatedFile Nothing)
deserialize f = Just (AssociatedFile (Just f))
instance TCSerialized RemoteName where
serialize n = n
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ seek o = do
start :: M.Map UUID Remote -> FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start remotemap file key = startKeys remotemap key (mkActionItem afile)
afile = Just file
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
startKeys :: M.Map UUID Remote -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
startKeys remotemap key ai = do
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
module Key (
@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ import Limit
import Types.FileMatcher
addWantGet :: Annex ()
addWantGet = addLimit $ Right $ const $ checkWant $ wantGet False Nothing
addWantGet = addLimit $ Right $ const $ checkWant $
wantGet False Nothing
addWantDrop :: Annex ()
addWantDrop = addLimit $ Right $ const $ checkWant $ wantDrop False Nothing Nothing
addWantDrop = addLimit $ Right $ const $ checkWant $
wantDrop False Nothing Nothing
checkWant :: (Maybe FilePath -> Annex Bool) -> MatchInfo -> Annex Bool
checkWant a (MatchingFile fi) = a (Just $ matchFile fi)
checkWant :: (AssociatedFile -> Annex Bool) -> MatchInfo -> Annex Bool
checkWant a (MatchingFile fi) = a (AssociatedFile (Just $ matchFile fi))
checkWant _ (MatchingKey _) = return False
checkWant _ (MatchingInfo {}) = return False
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
module Logs.Transfer where
import Types.Transfer
import Types.ActionItem
import Annex.Common
import Annex.Perms
import qualified Git
@ -27,7 +28,9 @@ describeTransfer :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> String
describeTransfer t info = unwords
[ show $ transferDirection t
, show $ transferUUID t
, fromMaybe (key2file $ transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
, actionItemDesc
(ActionItemAssociatedFile (associatedFile info))
(transferKey t)
, show $ bytesComplete info
@ -67,8 +70,8 @@ mkProgressUpdater t info = do
Just sz -> sz `div` 100
Nothing -> 100 * 1024 -- arbitrarily, 100 kb
startTransferInfo :: Maybe FilePath -> IO TransferInfo
startTransferInfo file = TransferInfo
startTransferInfo :: AssociatedFile -> IO TransferInfo
startTransferInfo afile = TransferInfo
<$> (Just . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> getCurrentTime)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
<*> pure Nothing -- pid not stored in file, so omitted for speed
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ startTransferInfo file = TransferInfo
<*> pure Nothing -- tid ditto
<*> pure Nothing -- not 0; transfer may be resuming
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure file
<*> pure afile
<*> pure False
{- If a transfer is still running, returns its TransferInfo.
@ -228,7 +231,9 @@ writeTransferInfo info = unlines
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
, maybe "" show (transferPid info)
, fromMaybe "" $ associatedFile info -- comes last; arbitrary content
-- comes last; arbitrary content
, let AssociatedFile afile = associatedFile info
in fromMaybe "" afile
readTransferInfoFile :: Maybe PID -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe TransferInfo)
@ -246,7 +251,7 @@ readTransferInfo mpid s = TransferInfo
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure Nothing
<*> bytes
<*> pure (if null filename then Nothing else Just filename)
<*> pure (AssociatedFile (if null filename then Nothing else Just filename))
<*> pure False
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
@ -136,8 +136,9 @@ instance Proto.Serializable Service where
-- These mungings are ok, because an AssociatedFile is only ever displayed
-- to the user and does not need to match a file on disk.
instance Proto.Serializable AssociatedFile where
serialize Nothing = ""
serialize (Just af) = toInternalGitPath $ concatMap esc af
serialize (AssociatedFile Nothing) = ""
serialize (AssociatedFile (Just af)) =
toInternalGitPath $ concatMap esc af
esc '%' = "%%"
esc c
@ -145,9 +146,9 @@ instance Proto.Serializable AssociatedFile where
| otherwise = [c]
deserialize s = case fromInternalGitPath $ deesc [] s of
[] -> Just Nothing
[] -> Just (AssociatedFile Nothing)
| isRelative f -> Just (Just f)
| isRelative f -> Just (AssociatedFile (Just f))
| otherwise -> Nothing
deesc b [] = reverse b
@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ store r rsyncopts
return True
| Git.repoIsSsh (repo r) = if accessShell r
then fileStorer $ \k f p -> Ssh.rsyncHelper (Just p)
=<< Ssh.rsyncParamsRemote False r Upload k f Nothing
=<< Ssh.rsyncParamsRemote False r Upload k f
(AssociatedFile Nothing)
else fileStorer $ rsyncopts
| otherwise = unsupportedUrl
@ -336,8 +337,10 @@ retrieve r rsyncopts
guardUsable (repo r) (return False) $
sink =<< liftIO (L.readFile $ gCryptLocation r k)
| Git.repoIsSsh (repo r) = if accessShell r
then fileRetriever $ \f k p ->
unlessM (Ssh.rsyncHelper (Just p) =<< Ssh.rsyncParamsRemote False r Download k f Nothing) $
then fileRetriever $ \f k p -> do
ps <- Ssh.rsyncParamsRemote False r Download k f
(AssociatedFile Nothing)
unlessM (Ssh.rsyncHelper (Just p) ps) $
giveup "rsync failed"
else fileRetriever $ Remote.Rsync.retrieve rsyncopts
| otherwise = unsupportedUrl
@ -479,8 +479,9 @@ copyFromRemote' r key file dest meterupdate
feedprogressback' a = do
u <- getUUID
let AssociatedFile afile = file
let fields = (Fields.remoteUUID, fromUUID u)
: maybe [] (\f -> [(Fields.associatedFile, f)]) file
: maybe [] (\f -> [(Fields.associatedFile, f)]) afile
Just (cmd, params) <- Ssh.git_annex_shell ConsumeStdin
(repo r) "transferinfo"
[Param $ key2file key] fields
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ rsyncHelper m params = do
{- Generates rsync parameters that ssh to the remote and asks it
- to either receive or send the key's content. -}
rsyncParamsRemote :: Bool -> Remote -> Direction -> Key -> FilePath -> AssociatedFile -> Annex [CommandParam]
rsyncParamsRemote unlocked r direction key file afile = do
rsyncParamsRemote unlocked r direction key file (AssociatedFile afile) = do
u <- getUUID
let fields = (Fields.remoteUUID, fromUUID u)
: (Fields.unlocked, if unlocked then "1" else "")
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Types (
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ import Key
import Types.Transfer
import Git.FilePath
import Data.Maybe
data ActionItem
= ActionItemAssociatedFile AssociatedFile
| ActionItemKey
@ -37,15 +35,15 @@ instance MkActionItem (Transfer, TransferInfo) where
mkActionItem = uncurry ActionItemFailedTransfer
actionItemDesc :: ActionItem -> Key -> String
actionItemDesc (ActionItemAssociatedFile (Just f)) _ = f
actionItemDesc (ActionItemAssociatedFile Nothing) k = key2file k
actionItemDesc (ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile (Just f))) _ = f
actionItemDesc (ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile Nothing)) k = key2file k
actionItemDesc ActionItemKey k = key2file k
actionItemDesc (ActionItemBranchFilePath bfp) _ = descBranchFilePath bfp
actionItemDesc (ActionItemFailedTransfer _ i) k =
fromMaybe (key2file k) (associatedFile i)
actionItemDesc (ActionItemFailedTransfer _ i) k =
actionItemDesc (ActionItemAssociatedFile (associatedFile i)) k
actionItemWorkTreeFile :: ActionItem -> Maybe FilePath
actionItemWorkTreeFile (ActionItemAssociatedFile af) = af
actionItemWorkTreeFile (ActionItemAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile af)) = af
actionItemWorkTreeFile _ = Nothing
actionItemTransferDirection :: ActionItem -> Maybe Direction
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ data Key = Key
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
{- A filename may be associated with a Key. -}
type AssociatedFile = Maybe FilePath
newtype AssociatedFile = AssociatedFile (Maybe FilePath)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- There are several different varieties of keys. -}
data KeyVariety
@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ data TransferInfo = TransferInfo
, transferTid :: Maybe ThreadId
, transferRemote :: Maybe Remote
, bytesComplete :: Maybe Integer
, associatedFile :: Maybe FilePath
, associatedFile :: AssociatedFile
, transferPaused :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
stubTransferInfo :: TransferInfo
stubTransferInfo = TransferInfo Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False
stubTransferInfo = TransferInfo Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (AssociatedFile Nothing) False
data Direction = Upload | Download
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
@ -64,5 +64,5 @@ instance Arbitrary TransferInfo where
<*> pure Nothing -- remote not needed
<*> arbitrary
-- associated file cannot be empty (but can be Nothing)
<*> arbitrary `suchThat` (/= Just "")
<*> (AssociatedFile <$> arbitrary `suchThat` (/= Just ""))
<*> arbitrary
@ -6,10 +6,7 @@
<div .row>
<div .col-sm-10>
<h3 .forcewrap .small-margin-top .tiny-margin-bottom>
$maybe file <- associatedFile info
#{key2file $ transferKey transfer}
#{desc transfer info}
$case transferDirection transfer
$of Upload
Add table
Reference in a new issue