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2024-07-09 01:11:01 +00:00
{- P2P protocol over HTTP, server state
- Copyright 2024 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
2024-07-09 01:11:01 +00:00
module P2P.Http.State where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
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import P2P.Http.Types
import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
import qualified P2P.IO as P2P
import P2P.IO
import P2P.Annex
import Annex.UUID
import Types.NumCopies
import Types.WorkerPool
import Annex.WorkerPool
import Annex.BranchState
2024-07-26 14:24:23 +00:00
import Types.Cluster
import CmdLine.Action (startConcurrency)
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Utility.HumanTime
import Annex.Proxy
import Annex.Cluster
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import qualified P2P.Proxy as Proxy
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import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
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import Servant
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
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import qualified Data.Set as S
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import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
2024-07-09 01:11:01 +00:00
data P2PHttpServerState = P2PHttpServerState
{ acquireP2PConnection :: AcquireP2PConnection
, annexWorkerPool :: AnnexWorkerPool
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, getServerMode :: GetServerMode
, openLocks :: TMVar (M.Map LockID Locker)
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type AnnexWorkerPool = TMVar (WorkerPool (Annex.AnnexState, Annex.AnnexRead))
-- Nothing when the server is not allowed to serve any requests.
type GetServerMode = IsSecure -> Maybe Auth -> Maybe P2P.ServerMode
mkP2PHttpServerState :: AcquireP2PConnection -> AnnexWorkerPool -> GetServerMode -> IO P2PHttpServerState
mkP2PHttpServerState acquireconn annexworkerpool getservermode = P2PHttpServerState
<$> pure acquireconn
<*> pure annexworkerpool
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<*> pure getservermode
<*> newTMVarIO mempty
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data ActionClass = ReadAction | WriteAction | RemoveAction
deriving (Eq)
:: APIVersion v
=> v
-> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
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-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> ActionClass
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-> (ConnectionParams -> ConnectionParams)
-> (P2PConnectionPair -> Handler (Either ProtoFailure a))
-> Handler a
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withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams connaction =
withP2PConnection' apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams connaction'
connaction' conn = connaction conn >>= \case
Right r -> return r
Left err -> throwError $
err500 { errBody = encodeBL (describeProtoFailure err) }
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:: APIVersion v
=> v
-> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> ActionClass
-> (ConnectionParams -> ConnectionParams)
-> (P2PConnectionPair -> Handler a)
-> Handler a
withP2PConnection' apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams connaction = do
conn <- getP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams
connaction conn
`finally` liftIO (releaseP2PConnection conn)
:: APIVersion v
=> v
-> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> ActionClass
-> (ConnectionParams -> ConnectionParams)
-> Handler P2PConnectionPair
getP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams =
checkAuthActionClass st sec auth actionclass go
go servermode = liftIO (acquireP2PConnection st cp) >>= \case
Left (ConnectionFailed err) ->
throwError err502 { errBody = encodeBL err }
Left TooManyConnections ->
throwError err503
Right v -> return v
cp = fconnparams $ ConnectionParams
{ connectionProtocolVersion = protocolVersion apiver
, connectionServerUUID = fromB64UUID su
, connectionClientUUID = fromB64UUID cu
, connectionBypass = map fromB64UUID bypass
, connectionServerMode = servermode
, connectionWaitVar = True
:: P2PHttpServerState
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> ActionClass
-> (P2P.ServerMode -> Handler a)
-> Handler a
checkAuthActionClass st sec auth actionclass go =
case (getServerMode st sec auth, actionclass) of
(Just P2P.ServeReadWrite, _) -> go P2P.ServeReadWrite
(Just P2P.ServeAppendOnly, RemoveAction) -> throwError err403
(Just P2P.ServeAppendOnly, _) -> go P2P.ServeAppendOnly
(Just P2P.ServeReadOnly, ReadAction) -> go P2P.ServeReadOnly
(Just P2P.ServeReadOnly, _) -> throwError err403
(Nothing, _) -> throwError basicAuthRequired
basicAuthRequired :: ServerError
basicAuthRequired = err401 { errHeaders = [(h, v)] }
h = "WWW-Authenticate"
v = "Basic realm=\"git-annex\", charset=\"UTF-8\""
data ConnectionParams = ConnectionParams
{ connectionProtocolVersion :: P2P.ProtocolVersion
, connectionServerUUID :: UUID
, connectionClientUUID :: UUID
, connectionBypass :: [UUID]
, connectionServerMode :: P2P.ServerMode
, connectionWaitVar :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data ConnectionProblem
= ConnectionFailed String
| TooManyConnections
deriving (Show, Eq)
proxyClientNetProto :: P2PConnectionPair -> P2P.Proto a -> IO (Either P2P.ProtoFailure a)
proxyClientNetProto conn = runNetProto
(clientRunState conn) (clientP2PConnection conn)
type AcquireP2PConnection
= ConnectionParams
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
:: AnnexWorkerPool
-> ProxyConnectionPoolSize
-> ClusterConcurrency
-> (AcquireP2PConnection -> Annex a)
-> Annex a
withP2PConnections workerpool proxyconnectionpoolsize clusterconcurrency a = do
myuuid <- getUUID
reqv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
relv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
endv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
proxypool <- liftIO $ newTMVarIO (0, mempty)
asyncservicer <- liftIO $ async $
servicer myuuid proxypool reqv relv endv
let endit = do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar endv ()
liftIO $ wait asyncservicer
a (acquireconn reqv) `finally` endit
acquireconn reqv connparams = do
respvar <- newEmptyTMVarIO
atomically $ putTMVar reqv (connparams, respvar)
atomically $ takeTMVar respvar
servicer myuuid proxypool reqv relv endv = do
reqrel <- liftIO $
atomically $
(Right <$> takeTMVar reqv)
(Left . Right <$> takeTMVar relv)
(Left . Left <$> takeTMVar endv)
case reqrel of
Right (connparams, respvar) -> do
servicereq myuuid proxypool relv connparams
>>= atomically . putTMVar respvar
servicer myuuid proxypool reqv relv endv
Left (Right releaseconn) -> do
servicer myuuid proxypool reqv relv endv
Left (Left ()) -> return ()
servicereq myuuid proxypool relv connparams
| connectionServerUUID connparams == myuuid =
localConnection relv connparams workerpool
| otherwise =
atomically (getProxyConnectionPool proxypool connparams) >>= \case
Just conn -> proxyConnection proxyconnectionpoolsize relv connparams workerpool proxypool conn
Nothing -> checkcanproxy myuuid proxypool relv connparams
checkcanproxy myuuid proxypool relv connparams =
inAnnexWorker' workerpool
(checkCanProxy' (connectionServerUUID connparams) myuuid)
>>= \case
Right (Left reason) -> return $ Left $
ConnectionFailed $
fromMaybe "unknown uuid" reason
Right (Right (Right proxyremote)) -> proxyconnection $
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openProxyConnectionToRemote workerpool
(connectionProtocolVersion connparams)
bypass proxyremote
Right (Right (Left clusteruuid)) -> proxyconnection $
openProxyConnectionToCluster workerpool
(connectionProtocolVersion connparams)
bypass clusteruuid clusterconcurrency
Left ex -> return $ Left $
ConnectionFailed $ show ex
bypass = P2P.Bypass $ S.fromList $ connectionBypass connparams
proxyconnection openconn = openconn >>= \case
Right conn -> proxyConnection proxyconnectionpoolsize
relv connparams workerpool proxypool conn
Left ex -> return $ Left $
ConnectionFailed $ show ex
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2024-07-26 14:24:23 +00:00
data P2PConnectionPair = P2PConnectionPair
{ clientRunState :: RunState
, clientP2PConnection :: P2PConnection
, serverP2PConnection :: P2PConnection
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, releaseP2PConnection :: IO ()
-- ^ Releases a P2P connection, which can be reused for other
-- requests.
, closeP2PConnection :: IO ()
-- ^ Closes a P2P connection, which is in a state where it is no
-- longer usable.
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:: TMVar (IO ())
-> ConnectionParams
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-> AnnexWorkerPool
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
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localConnection relv connparams workerpool =
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localP2PConnectionPair connparams relv $ \serverrunst serverconn ->
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inAnnexWorker' workerpool $
void $ runFullProto serverrunst serverconn $
(connectionServerMode connparams)
(connectionServerUUID connparams)
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:: ConnectionParams
-> TMVar (IO ())
-> (RunState -> P2PConnection -> IO (Either SomeException ()))
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
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localP2PConnectionPair connparams relv startworker = do
(clientconn, serverconn) <- mkP2PConnectionPair connparams
("http client", "http server")
clientrunst <- mkClientRunState connparams
serverrunst <- mkServerRunState connparams
asyncworker <- async $
startworker serverrunst serverconn
let releaseconn = atomically $ void $ tryPutTMVar relv $
liftIO $ wait asyncworker
>>= either throwM return
return $ Right $ P2PConnectionPair
{ clientRunState = clientrunst
, clientP2PConnection = clientconn
, serverP2PConnection = serverconn
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, releaseP2PConnection = releaseconn
, closeP2PConnection = releaseconn
:: ConnectionParams
-> (String, String)
-> IO (P2PConnection, P2PConnection)
mkP2PConnectionPair connparams (n1, n2) = do
hdl1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
hdl2 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
wait1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
wait2 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
closed1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
closed2 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
let h1 = P2PHandleTMVar hdl1
(if connectionWaitVar connparams then Just wait1 else Nothing)
let h2 = P2PHandleTMVar hdl2
(if connectionWaitVar connparams then Just wait2 else Nothing)
let clientconn = P2PConnection Nothing
(const True) h2 h1
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(ConnIdent (Just n1))
let serverconn = P2PConnection Nothing
(const True) h1 h2
(ConnIdent (Just n2))
return (clientconn, serverconn)
mkServerRunState :: ConnectionParams -> IO RunState
mkServerRunState connparams = do
prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams
mkRunState $ const $ Serving
(connectionClientUUID connparams)
mkClientRunState :: ConnectionParams -> IO RunState
mkClientRunState connparams = do
prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams
mkRunState $ const $ Client prototvar
:: ProxyConnectionPoolSize
-> TMVar (IO ())
2024-07-26 14:24:23 +00:00
-> ConnectionParams
-> AnnexWorkerPool
-> TMVar ProxyConnectionPool
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-> ProxyConnection
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
proxyConnection proxyconnectionpoolsize relv connparams workerpool proxypool proxyconn = do
(clientconn, proxyfromclientconn) <-
mkP2PConnectionPair connparams ("http client", "proxy")
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clientrunst <- mkClientRunState connparams
proxyfromclientrunst <- mkClientRunState connparams
asyncworker <- async $
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inAnnexWorker' workerpool $ do
proxystate <- liftIO Proxy.mkProxyState
let proxyparams = Proxy.ProxyParams
{ Proxy.proxyMethods = mkProxyMethods
, Proxy.proxyState = proxystate
, Proxy.proxyServerMode = connectionServerMode connparams
, Proxy.proxyClientSide = Proxy.ClientSide proxyfromclientrunst proxyfromclientconn
, Proxy.proxyUUID = proxyConnectionRemoteUUID proxyconn
, Proxy.proxySelector = proxyConnectionSelector proxyconn
, Proxy.proxyConcurrencyConfig = proxyConnectionConcurrency proxyconn
, Proxy.proxyClientProtocolVersion = connectionProtocolVersion connparams
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let proxy mrequestmessage = case mrequestmessage of
Just requestmessage -> do
Proxy.proxyRequest proxydone proxyparams
requestcomplete requestmessage protoerrhandler
Nothing -> return ()
protoerrhandler proxy $
liftIO $ runNetProto proxyfromclientrunst proxyfromclientconn $ P2P.receiveMessage
let releaseconn returntopool =
atomically $ void $ tryPutTMVar relv $ do
r <- liftIO $ wait asyncworker
liftIO $ closeConnection proxyfromclientconn
liftIO $ closeConnection clientconn
if returntopool
then liftIO $ do
now <- getPOSIXTime
evicted <- atomically $ putProxyConnectionPool proxypool proxyconnectionpoolsize connparams $
proxyconn { proxyConnectionLastUsed = now }
maybe noop closeproxyconnection evicted
else closeproxyconnection proxyconn
either throwM return r
return $ Right $ P2PConnectionPair
{ clientRunState = clientrunst
, clientP2PConnection = clientconn
, serverP2PConnection = proxyfromclientconn
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, releaseP2PConnection = releaseconn True
, closeP2PConnection = releaseconn False
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protoerrhandler cont a = a >>= \case
Left _ -> proxyConnectionCloser proxyconn
Right v -> cont v
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proxydone = return ()
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requestcomplete () = return ()
closeproxyconnection =
void . inAnnexWorker' workerpool . proxyConnectionCloser
2024-07-09 01:11:01 +00:00
data Locker = Locker
{ lockerThread :: Async ()
, lockerVar :: TMVar Bool
-- ^ Left empty until the thread has taken the lock
-- (or failed to do so), then True while the lock is held,
-- and setting to False causes the lock to be released.
, lockerTimeoutDisable :: TMVar ()
-- ^ Until this is filled, the lock will be subject to timeout.
-- Once filled the lock will remain held until explicitly dropped.
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mkLocker :: (IO (Maybe a)) -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO (Maybe (Locker, LockID))
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mkLocker lock unlock = do
lv <- newEmptyTMVarIO
timeoutdisablev <- newEmptyTMVarIO
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let setlocked = putTMVar lv
locktid <- async $ lock >>= \case
Nothing ->
atomically $ setlocked False
Just st -> do
atomically $ setlocked True
atomically $ do
v <- takeTMVar lv
if v
then retry
else setlocked False
unlock st
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locksuccess <- atomically $ readTMVar lv
if locksuccess
then do
timeouttid <- async $ do
threadDelaySeconds $ Seconds $ fromIntegral $
durationSeconds p2pDefaultLockContentRetentionDuration
atomically (tryReadTMVar timeoutdisablev) >>= \case
Nothing -> void $ atomically $
writeTMVar lv False
Just () -> noop
tid <- async $ do
wait locktid
cancel timeouttid
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lckid <- B64UUID <$> genUUID
return (Just (Locker tid lv timeoutdisablev, lckid))
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else do
wait locktid
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return Nothing
storeLock :: LockID -> Locker -> P2PHttpServerState -> IO ()
storeLock lckid locker st = atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar (openLocks st)
let !m' = M.insert lckid locker m
putTMVar (openLocks st) m'
keepingLocked :: LockID -> P2PHttpServerState -> IO ()
keepingLocked lckid st = do
m <- atomically $ readTMVar (openLocks st)
case M.lookup lckid m of
Nothing -> return ()
Just locker ->
atomically $ void $
tryPutTMVar (lockerTimeoutDisable locker) ()
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dropLock :: LockID -> P2PHttpServerState -> IO ()
dropLock lckid st = do
v <- atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar (openLocks st)
let (mlocker, !m') =
M.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) lckid m
putTMVar (openLocks st) m'
case mlocker of
Nothing -> return Nothing
-- Signal to the locker's thread that it can
-- release the lock.
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Just locker -> do
_ <- swapTMVar (lockerVar locker) False
return (Just locker)
case v of
Nothing -> return ()
Just locker -> wait (lockerThread locker)
getAnnexWorkerPool :: (AnnexWorkerPool -> Annex a) -> Annex a
getAnnexWorkerPool a = startConcurrency transferStages $
Annex.getState Annex.workers >>= \case
Nothing -> giveup "Use -Jn or set to configure the number of worker threads."
Just wp -> a wp
inAnnexWorker :: P2PHttpServerState -> Annex a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
inAnnexWorker st = inAnnexWorker' (annexWorkerPool st)
inAnnexWorker' :: AnnexWorkerPool -> Annex a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
inAnnexWorker' poolv annexaction = do
(workerstrd, workerstage) <- atomically $ waitStartWorkerSlot poolv
resv <- newEmptyTMVarIO
aid <- async $ do
(res, strd) <- workerstrd annexaction
atomically $ putTMVar resv res
return strd
atomically $ do
pool <- takeTMVar poolv
let !pool' = addWorkerPool (ActiveWorker aid workerstage) pool
putTMVar poolv pool'
(res, workerstrd') <- waitCatch aid >>= \case
Right strd -> do
r <- atomically $ takeTMVar resv
return (Right r, strd)
Left err -> return (Left err, workerstrd)
atomically $ do
pool <- takeTMVar poolv
let !pool' = deactivateWorker pool aid workerstrd'
putTMVar poolv pool'
return res
data ProxyConnection = ProxyConnection
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{ proxyConnectionRemoteUUID :: UUID
, proxyConnectionSelector :: Proxy.ProxySelector
, proxyConnectionCloser :: Annex ()
, proxyConnectionConcurrency :: Proxy.ConcurrencyConfig
, proxyConnectionLastUsed :: POSIXTime
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instance Show ProxyConnection where
show pc = unwords
[ "ProxyConnection"
, show (proxyConnectionRemoteUUID pc)
, show (proxyConnectionLastUsed pc)
-> Proxy.ProxySelector
-> Annex ()
-> Proxy.ConcurrencyConfig
-> IO ProxyConnection
openedProxyConnection u selector closer concurrency = do
now <- getPOSIXTime
return $ ProxyConnection u selector closer concurrency now
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:: AnnexWorkerPool
-> P2P.ProtocolVersion
-> P2P.Bypass
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-> Remote
-> IO (Either SomeException ProxyConnection)
openProxyConnectionToRemote workerpool clientmaxversion bypass remote =
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $ do
remoteside <- proxyRemoteSide clientmaxversion bypass remote
concurrencyconfig <- Proxy.noConcurrencyConfig
liftIO $ openedProxyConnection (Remote.uuid remote)
(Proxy.singleProxySelector remoteside)
(Proxy.closeRemoteSide remoteside)
type ClusterConcurrency = Int
:: AnnexWorkerPool
-> P2P.ProtocolVersion
-> P2P.Bypass
-> ClusterUUID
-> ClusterConcurrency
-> IO (Either SomeException ProxyConnection)
openProxyConnectionToCluster workerpool clientmaxversion bypass clusteruuid concurrency =
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $ do
(proxyselector, closenodes) <-
clusterProxySelector clusteruuid clientmaxversion bypass
concurrencyconfig <- Proxy.mkConcurrencyConfig concurrency
liftIO $ openedProxyConnection (fromClusterUUID clusteruuid)
proxyselector closenodes concurrencyconfig
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type ProxyConnectionPool = (Integer, M.Map ProxyConnectionPoolKey [ProxyConnection])
type ProxyConnectionPoolSize = Integer
-- Returns any older ProxyConnection that was evicted from the pool.
:: TMVar ProxyConnectionPool
-> ProxyConnectionPoolSize
-> ConnectionParams
-> ProxyConnection
-> STM (Maybe ProxyConnection)
putProxyConnectionPool proxypool maxsz connparams conn = do
(sz, m) <- takeTMVar proxypool
let ((sz', m'), evicted) = case M.lookup k m of
Nothing -> ((succ sz, M.insert k [conn] m), Nothing)
Just [] -> ((succ sz, M.insert k [conn] m), Nothing)
Just cs -> if sz >= maxsz
then ((sz, M.insert k (conn : dropFromEnd 1 cs) m), lastMaybe cs)
else ((sz, M.insert k (conn : cs) m), Nothing)
let ((sz'', m''), evicted') = if sz' > maxsz
then removeOldestProxyConnectionPool (sz', m')
else ((sz', m'), Nothing)
putTMVar proxypool (sz'', m'')
return (evicted <|> evicted')
k = proxyConnectionPoolKey connparams
removeOldestProxyConnectionPool :: ProxyConnectionPool -> (ProxyConnectionPool, Maybe ProxyConnection)
removeOldestProxyConnectionPool (sz, m) =
((pred sz, m'), snd <$> headMaybe l)
m' = M.fromListWith (++) $ map (\(k', v) -> (k', [v])) (drop 1 l)
l = sortOn (proxyConnectionLastUsed . snd) $
concatMap (\(k', pl) -> map (k', ) pl) $
M.toList m
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:: TMVar ProxyConnectionPool
-> ConnectionParams
-> STM (Maybe ProxyConnection)
getProxyConnectionPool proxypool connparams = do
(sz, m) <- takeTMVar proxypool
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case M.lookup k m of
Just (c:cs) -> do
putTMVar proxypool (sz-1, M.insert k cs m)
return (Just c)
_ -> do
putTMVar proxypool (sz, m)
return Nothing
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k = proxyConnectionPoolKey connparams
type ProxyConnectionPoolKey = (UUID, UUID, [UUID], P2P.ProtocolVersion)
proxyConnectionPoolKey :: ConnectionParams -> ProxyConnectionPoolKey
proxyConnectionPoolKey connparams =
( connectionServerUUID connparams
, connectionClientUUID connparams
, connectionBypass connparams
, connectionProtocolVersion connparams