p2phttp is almost working for checkpresent
The server is fully running annex actions, only the P2PConnection is wrong, currently using stdio.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 197 additions and 63 deletions
@ -13,8 +13,13 @@ module Command.P2PHttp where
import Command
import P2P.Http
import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
import Annex.Url
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Servant.Client.Streaming
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
cmd :: Command
cmd = command "p2phttp" SectionPlumbing
@ -22,7 +27,35 @@ cmd = command "p2phttp" SectionPlumbing
paramNothing (withParams seek)
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek ["server"] = liftIO $ do
st <- mkP2PHttpServerState
Warp.run 8080 (p2pHttpApp st)
seek ["client"] = liftIO testClientLock
seek ["server"] = startConcurrency commandStages $
withLocalP2PConnections $ \acquireconn -> liftIO $ do
st <- mkP2PHttpServerState acquireconn
Warp.run 8080 (p2pHttpApp st)
seek ["client"] = testCheckPresent
testKeepLocked = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
keeplocked <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ do
print "running, press enter to drop lock"
_ <- getLine
atomically $ writeTMVar keeplocked False
liftIO $ clientKeepLocked (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64UUID (toUUID ("lck" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("su" :: String)))
testCheckPresent = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
res <- liftIO $ clientCheckPresent (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("WORM--foo" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
liftIO $ print res
@ -21,14 +21,13 @@ module P2P.Http (
import Annex.Common
import P2P.Http.Types
import P2P.Http.State
import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
import P2P.Protocol hiding (Offset, Bypass)
import P2P.IO
import Servant
import Servant.Client.Streaming
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
import Network.HTTP.Client (defaultManagerSettings, newManager)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
type P2PHttpAPI
@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ serveGet
serveGet = undefined
:: P2P.ProtocolVersion
:: ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> Maybe (B64UUID ClientSide)
-> Maybe (B64UUID ServerSide)
@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ clientGet
-> Maybe B64FilePath
-> Maybe Offset
-> ClientM (Headers '[DataLengthHeader] (S.SourceT IO B.ByteString))
clientGet (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
clientGet (ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3
2 -> v2 V2
1 -> v1 V1
@ -171,22 +170,21 @@ serveCheckPresent
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Handler CheckPresentResult
serveCheckPresent st apiver (B64Key k) cu su bypass = do
res <- liftIO $ inP2PConnection st cu su bypass $ P2P.checkPresent k
res <- withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass $ \runst conn ->
liftIO $ runNetProto runst conn $ checkPresent k
case res of
Right (Right b) -> return (CheckPresentResult b)
Right (Left err) ->
throwError $ err500 { errBody = encodeBL err }
Left err ->
throwError $ err500 { errBody = encodeBL err }
Right (Left err) -> throwError $ err500 { errBody = encodeBL err }
Left err -> throwError $ err500 { errBody = encodeBL (describeProtoFailure err) }
:: P2P.ProtocolVersion
:: ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> ClientM CheckPresentResult
clientCheckPresent (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
clientCheckPresent' (ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3
2 -> v2 V2
1 -> v1 V1
@ -196,6 +194,20 @@ clientCheckPresent (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IO Bool
clientCheckPresent clientenv protover key cu su bypass = do
let cli = clientCheckPresent' protover key cu su bypass
withClientM cli clientenv $ \case
Left err -> throwM err
Right (CheckPresentResult res) -> return res
type RemoveAPI result
= KeyParam
:> ClientUUID Required
@ -216,13 +228,13 @@ serveRemove
serveRemove = undefined
:: P2P.ProtocolVersion
:: ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> ClientM RemoveResultPlus
clientRemove (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) k cu su bypass = case ver of
clientRemove (ProtocolVersion ver) k cu su bypass = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3 k cu su bypass
2 -> v2 V2 k cu su bypass
1 -> plus <$> v1 V1 k cu su bypass
@ -254,14 +266,14 @@ serveRemoveBefore
serveRemoveBefore = undefined
:: P2P.ProtocolVersion
:: ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Timestamp
-> ClientM RemoveResult
clientRemoveBefore (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
clientRemoveBefore (ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
@ -288,12 +300,12 @@ serveGetTimestamp
serveGetTimestamp = undefined
:: P2P.ProtocolVersion
:: ProtocolVersion
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> ClientM GetTimestampResult
clientGetTimestamp (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
clientGetTimestamp (ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
@ -332,7 +344,7 @@ servePut
servePut = undefined
:: P2P.ProtocolVersion
:: ProtocolVersion
-> Maybe Integer
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
@ -343,7 +355,7 @@ clientPut
-> DataLength
-> S.SourceT IO B.ByteString
-> ClientM PutResultPlus
clientPut (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) sz k cu su bypass af o l src = case ver of
clientPut (ProtocolVersion ver) sz k cu su bypass af o l src = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3 sz k cu su bypass af o l src
2 -> v2 V2 sz k cu su bypass af o l src
1 -> plus <$> v1 V1 sz k cu su bypass af o l src
@ -377,13 +389,13 @@ servePutOffset
servePutOffset = undefined
:: P2P.ProtocolVersion
:: ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> ClientM PutOffsetResultPlus
clientPutOffset (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
clientPutOffset (ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3
2 -> v2 V2
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
@ -415,13 +427,13 @@ serveLockContent
serveLockContent = undefined
:: P2P.ProtocolVersion
:: ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> ClientM LockResult
clientLockContent (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
clientLockContent (ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3
2 -> v2 V2
1 -> v1 V1
@ -470,8 +482,8 @@ serveKeepLocked st apiver lckid cu su _ _ _ unlockrequeststream = do
go (S.Yield (UnlockRequest False) s) = go s
go (S.Yield (UnlockRequest True) _) = dropLock lckid st
:: P2P.ProtocolVersion
:: ProtocolVersion
-> LockID
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
@ -480,7 +492,7 @@ clientKeepLocked
-> Maybe KeepAlive
-> S.SourceT IO UnlockRequest
-> ClientM LockResult
clientKeepLocked (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
clientKeepLocked' (ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3
2 -> v2 V2
1 -> v1 V1
@ -497,17 +509,17 @@ clientKeepLocked (P2P.ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
:: ClientEnv
-> P2P.ProtocolVersion
-> ProtocolVersion
-> LockID
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> TMVar Bool
-> IO ()
clientKeepLocked' clientenv protover lckid cu su bypass keeplocked = do
let cli = clientKeepLocked protover lckid cu su bypass
clientKeepLocked clientenv protover lckid cu su bypass keeplocked = do
let cli = clientKeepLocked' protover lckid cu su bypass
(Just connectionKeepAlive) (Just keepAlive)
(S.fromStepT unlocksender)
withClientM cli clientenv $ \case
@ -526,22 +538,6 @@ clientKeepLocked' clientenv protover lckid cu su bypass keeplocked = do
liftIO $ print "sending unlock request"
return $ S.Yield (UnlockRequest True) S.Stop
testClientLock = do
mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
burl <- parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
keeplocked <- newEmptyTMVarIO
_ <- forkIO $ do
print "running, press enter to drop lock"
_ <- getLine
atomically $ writeTMVar keeplocked False
clientKeepLocked' (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64UUID (toUUID ("lck" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("su" :: String)))
type PV3 = Capture "v3" V3
type PV2 = Capture "v2" V2
@ -13,29 +13,134 @@ module P2P.Http.State where
import Annex.Common
import P2P.Http.Types
import Annex.UUID (genUUID)
import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
import P2P.IO
import P2P.Annex
import Annex.UUID
import Annex.Concurrent
import Servant
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
data P2PHttpServerState = P2PHttpServerState
{ openLocks :: TMVar (M.Map LockID Locker)
{ acquireP2PConnection :: AcquireP2PConnection
, openLocks :: TMVar (M.Map LockID Locker)
mkP2PHttpServerState :: IO P2PHttpServerState
mkP2PHttpServerState = P2PHttpServerState
<$> newTMVarIO mempty
mkP2PHttpServerState :: AcquireP2PConnection -> IO P2PHttpServerState
mkP2PHttpServerState acquireconn = P2PHttpServerState
<$> pure acquireconn
<*> newTMVarIO mempty
:: P2PHttpServerState
:: APIVersion v
=> v
-> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> P2P.Proto a
-> IO (Either String a)
inP2PConnection st cu su bypass a = undefined
-> (RunState -> P2PConnection -> Handler a)
-> Handler a
withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass connaction = do
liftIO (acquireP2PConnection st cp) >>= \case
Left (ConnectionFailed err) ->
throwError err502 { errBody = encodeBL err }
Left TooManyConnections ->
throwError err503
Right (runst, conn, releaseconn) ->
connaction runst conn
`finally` liftIO releaseconn
cp = ConnectionParams
{ connectionProtocolVersion = protocolVersion apiver
, connectionServerUUID = fromB64UUID su
, connectionClientUUID = fromB64UUID cu
, connectionBypass = map fromB64UUID bypass
, connectionServerMode = P2P.ServeReadWrite -- XXX auth
data ConnectionParams = ConnectionParams
{ connectionProtocolVersion :: P2P.ProtocolVersion
, connectionServerUUID :: UUID
, connectionClientUUID :: UUID
, connectionBypass :: [UUID]
, connectionServerMode :: P2P.ServerMode
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data ConnectionProblem
= ConnectionFailed String
| TooManyConnections
deriving (Show, Eq)
type AcquireP2PConnection =
ConnectionParams -> IO
( Either ConnectionProblem
( RunState
, P2PConnection
, IO () -- ^ release connection
{- Runs P2P actions in the local repository only. -}
-- TODO need worker pool, this can only service a single request at
-- a time.
-- TODO proxies
-- TODO clusters
withLocalP2PConnections :: (AcquireP2PConnection -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withLocalP2PConnections a = do
reqv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
relv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
asyncservicer <- liftIO . async =<< forkState (servicer reqv relv)
a (acquireconn reqv) `finally` join (liftIO (wait asyncservicer))
acquireconn reqv connparams = do
respvar <- newEmptyTMVarIO
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar reqv (connparams, respvar)
liftIO $ atomically $ takeTMVar respvar
servicer reqv relv = do
reqrel <- liftIO $
atomically $
(Right <$> takeTMVar reqv)
(Left <$> takeTMVar relv)
case reqrel of
Right (connparams, respvar) ->
servicereq relv connparams respvar
Left releaseconn -> releaseconn
servicer reqv relv
servicereq relv connparams respvar = do
myuuid <- getUUID
resp <- if connectionServerUUID connparams /= myuuid
then return $ Left $ ConnectionFailed "unknown uuid"
else do
runst <- liftIO $ mkrunst connparams
-- TODO not this, need one with MVars.
let conn = stdioP2PConnection Nothing
-- TODO is this right? It needs to exit
-- when the client stops sending messages.
let server = P2P.serveAuthed
(connectionServerMode connparams)
(connectionServerUUID connparams)
let protorunner = void $
runFullProto runst conn server
asyncworker <- liftIO . async
=<< forkState protorunner
let releaseconn = atomically $ putTMVar relv $
join (liftIO (wait asyncworker))
return $ Right (runst, conn, releaseconn)
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar respvar resp
mkrunst connparams = do
prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams
mkRunState $ const $ Serving
(connectionClientUUID connparams)
data Locker = Locker
{ lockerThread :: Async ()
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ data ServerMode
-- ^ Allow reading, and storing new objects, but not deleting objects.
| ServeReadWrite
-- ^ Full read and write access.
deriving (Eq, Ord)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Serve the protocol, with a peer that has authenticated.
serveAuthed :: ServerMode -> UUID -> Proto ()
Reference in a new issue