http p2p proxy is now largely working
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 180 additions and 87 deletions
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Annex.Tmp
import Logs.Proxy
import Logs.Cluster
import Logs.UUID
import Logs.Location
import Utility.Tmp.Dir
import Utility.Metered
@ -274,3 +275,9 @@ checkCanProxy' remoteuuid ouruuid = M.lookup ouruuid <$> getProxies >>= \case
Just desc -> return $ Left $ Just $
"not configured to proxy for repository " ++ fromUUIDDesc desc
Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing
mkProxyMethods :: ProxyMethods
mkProxyMethods = ProxyMethods
{ removedContent = \u k -> logChange k u InfoMissing
, addedContent = \u k -> logChange k u InfoPresent
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import qualified Annex
import Annex.Proxy
import Annex.UUID
import qualified CmdLine.GitAnnexShell.Checks as Checks
import Logs.Location
import Logs.Cluster
import Annex.Cluster
import qualified Remote
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ performProxy clientuuid servermode r = do
let errhandler = p2pErrHandler (closeRemoteSide remoteside)
proxystate <- liftIO mkProxyState
let proxyparams = ProxyParams
{ proxyMethods = proxymethods
{ proxyMethods = mkProxyMethods
, proxyState = proxystate
, proxyServerMode = servermode
, proxyClientSide = clientside
@ -92,11 +91,6 @@ performProxy clientuuid servermode r = do
sendClientProtocolVersion clientside othermsg protocolversion
runproxy errhandler
withclientversion _ Nothing = p2pDone
proxymethods = ProxyMethods
{ removedContent = \u k -> logChange k u InfoMissing
, addedContent = \u k -> logChange k u InfoPresent
performProxyCluster :: UUID -> ClusterUUID -> P2P.ServerMode -> CommandPerform
performProxyCluster clientuuid clusteruuid servermode = do
@ -116,11 +116,14 @@ serveGet st su apiver (B64Key k) cu bypass baf startat sec auth = do
validityv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
finalv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
annexworker <- liftIO $ async $ inAnnexWorker st $ do
let storer _offset len = sendContentWith $ \bs -> do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar bsv (len, bs)
liftIO $ atomically $ takeTMVar endv
liftIO $ signalFullyConsumedByteString $
connOhdl $ serverP2PConnection conn
let storer _offset len = sendContentWith $ \bs -> liftIO $ do
atomically $ putTMVar bsv (len, bs)
atomically $ takeTMVar endv
case serverP2PConnection conn of
Just c ->
signalFullyConsumedByteString $
connOhdl c
Nothing -> noop
return $ \v -> do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar validityv v
return True
@ -24,15 +24,17 @@ import Annex.UUID
import Types.NumCopies
import Types.WorkerPool
import Annex.WorkerPool
import Types.Cluster
import CmdLine.Action (startConcurrency)
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Utility.HumanTime
import Annex.Proxy
import qualified P2P.Proxy as Proxy
import Types.Cluster
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Servant
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
@ -225,52 +227,28 @@ withP2PConnections workerpool a = do
Right (Left reason) -> return $ Left $
ConnectionFailed $
fromMaybe "unknown uuid" reason
Right (Right (Right proxyremote)) -> do
openProxyConnectionToRemote proxyremote
>>= proxyConnection relv connparams workerpool
Right (Right (Left cluster)) -> do
openProxyConnectionToCluster cluster
>>= proxyConnection relv connparams workerpool
Right (Right (Right proxyremote)) ->
openProxyConnectionToRemote workerpool
(connectionProtocolVersion connparams)
(connectionBypass connparams)
>>= \case
Right conn -> proxyConnection relv connparams workerpool conn
Left ex -> return $ Left $
ConnectionFailed $ show ex
Right (Right (Left clusteruuid)) ->
undefined -- XXX todo
openProxyConnectionToCluster clusteruuid
>>= proxyConnection clusteruuid relv connparams workerpool
Left ex -> return $ Left $
ConnectionFailed $ show ex
:: TMVar (IO ())
-> ConnectionParams
-> AnnexWorkerPool
-> ProxyConnection
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
proxyConnection relv connparams workerpool proxyconn =
-- XXX fixme mkP2PConnectionPair is not quite right for this
mkP2PConnectionPair connparams relv $ \serverrunst serverconn ->
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $ do
let proxyparams = undefined -- XXX
let remoteside = undefined -- XXX
let requestmessage = undefined -- XXX
let proxydone = return ()
let requestcomplete = \() -> return ()
let protoerrhandler = \a -> \case
Left err -> giveup err
Right v -> return v
Proxy.proxyRequest proxydone proxyparams requestcomplete requestmessage protoerrhandler
:: TMVar (IO ())
-> ConnectionParams
-> AnnexWorkerPool
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
localConnection relv connparams workerpool =
mkP2PConnectionPair connparams relv $ \serverrunst serverconn ->
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $
void $ runFullProto serverrunst serverconn $
(connectionServerMode connparams)
(connectionServerUUID connparams)
data P2PConnectionPair = P2PConnectionPair
{ clientRunState :: RunState
, clientP2PConnection :: P2PConnection
, serverP2PConnection :: P2PConnection
, serverP2PConnection :: Maybe P2PConnection
, releaseP2PConnection :: IO ()
-- ^ Releases a P2P connection, which can be reused for other
-- requests.
@ -279,12 +257,47 @@ data P2PConnectionPair = P2PConnectionPair
-- longer usable.
:: TMVar (IO ())
-> ConnectionParams
-> AnnexWorkerPool
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
localConnection relv connparams workerpool =
localP2PConnectionPair connparams relv $ \serverrunst serverconn ->
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $
void $ runFullProto serverrunst serverconn $
(connectionServerMode connparams)
(connectionServerUUID connparams)
:: ConnectionParams
-> TMVar (IO ())
-> (RunState -> P2PConnection -> IO (Either SomeException ()))
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
mkP2PConnectionPair connparams relv startworker = do
localP2PConnectionPair connparams relv startworker = do
(clientconn, serverconn) <- mkP2PConnectionPair connparams
("http client", "http server")
clientrunst <- mkClientRunState connparams
serverrunst <- mkServerRunState connparams
asyncworker <- async $
startworker serverrunst serverconn
let releaseconn = atomically $ void $ tryPutTMVar relv $
liftIO $ wait asyncworker
>>= either throwM return
return $ Right $ P2PConnectionPair
{ clientRunState = clientrunst
, clientP2PConnection = clientconn
, serverP2PConnection = Just serverconn
, releaseP2PConnection = releaseconn
, closeP2PConnection = releaseconn
:: ConnectionParams
-> (String, String)
-> IO (P2PConnection, P2PConnection)
mkP2PConnectionPair connparams (n1, n2) = do
hdl1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
hdl2 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
wait1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO
@ -297,37 +310,89 @@ mkP2PConnectionPair connparams relv startworker = do
if connectionWaitVar connparams
then Just wait2
else Nothing
let serverconn = P2PConnection Nothing
(const True) h1 h2
(ConnIdent (Just "http server"))
let clientconn = P2PConnection Nothing
(const True) h2 h1
(ConnIdent (Just "http client"))
clientrunst <- mkclientrunst
serverrunst <- mkserverrunst
(ConnIdent (Just n1))
let serverconn = P2PConnection Nothing
(const True) h1 h2
(ConnIdent (Just n2))
return (clientconn, serverconn)
mkServerRunState :: ConnectionParams -> IO RunState
mkServerRunState connparams = do
prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams
mkRunState $ const $ Serving
(connectionClientUUID connparams)
mkClientRunState :: ConnectionParams -> IO RunState
mkClientRunState connparams = do
prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams
mkRunState $ const $ Client prototvar
:: TMVar (IO ())
-> ConnectionParams
-> AnnexWorkerPool
-> ProxyConnection
-> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair)
proxyConnection relv connparams workerpool proxyconn = do
(clientconn, proxyfromclientconn) <- mkP2PConnectionPair connparams
("http client", "proxy")
clientrunst <- mkClientRunState connparams
proxyfromclientrunst <- mkClientRunState connparams
asyncworker <- async $
startworker serverrunst serverconn
let releaseconn = atomically $ void $ tryPutTMVar relv $
liftIO $ wait asyncworker
>>= either throwM return
inAnnexWorker' workerpool $ do
proxystate <- liftIO Proxy.mkProxyState
concurrencyconfig <- Proxy.noConcurrencyConfig
-- TODO run remote protocol to get its version and
-- take minimum of that and connectionProtocolVersion
let protocolversion = connectionProtocolVersion connparams
let proxyparams = Proxy.ProxyParams
{ Proxy.proxyMethods = mkProxyMethods
, Proxy.proxyState = proxystate
, Proxy.proxyServerMode = connectionServerMode connparams
, Proxy.proxyClientSide = Proxy.ClientSide proxyfromclientrunst proxyfromclientconn
, Proxy.proxyUUID = proxyConnectionRemoteUUID proxyconn
, Proxy.proxySelector = Proxy.singleProxySelector $
proxyConnectionRemoteSide proxyconn
, Proxy.proxyConcurrencyConfig = concurrencyconfig
, Proxy.proxyProtocolVersion = protocolversion
let proxy mrequestmessage = case mrequestmessage of
Just requestmessage -> do
Proxy.proxyRequest proxydone proxyparams
requestcomplete requestmessage protoerrhandler
Nothing -> return ()
protoerrhandler proxy $
liftIO $ runNetProto proxyfromclientrunst proxyfromclientconn $
|||| P2P.receiveMessage
let releaseconn returntopool =
atomically $ void $ tryPutTMVar relv $
liftIO $ wait asyncworker
>>= either throwM return
return $ Right $ P2PConnectionPair
{ clientRunState = clientrunst
, clientP2PConnection = clientconn
, serverP2PConnection = serverconn
, releaseP2PConnection = releaseconn
, closeP2PConnection = releaseconn
, serverP2PConnection = Nothing
, releaseP2PConnection = releaseconn True
, closeP2PConnection = releaseconn False
mkserverrunst = do
prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams
mkRunState $ const $ Serving
(connectionClientUUID connparams)
mkclientrunst = do
prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams
mkRunState $ const $ Client prototvar
protoerrhandler cont a = a >>= \case
-- TODO protocol error, or client hung up, release the p2p
-- connection
Left err -> do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr ("protoerrhandler: " ++ show err)
return ()
Right v -> do
liftIO $ print "protoerrhandler returned"
cont v
proxydone = return ()
requestcomplete () = return ()
data Locker = Locker
{ lockerThread :: Async ()
@ -441,9 +506,27 @@ inAnnexWorker' poolv annexaction = do
return res
data ProxyConnection = ProxyConnection
{ proxyP2PConnectionPair :: P2PConnectionPair
{ proxyConnectionRemoteUUID :: UUID
, proxyConnectionRemoteSide :: Proxy.RemoteSide
:: AnnexWorkerPool
-> P2P.ProtocolVersion
-> [UUID]
-> Remote
-> IO (Either SomeException ProxyConnection)
openProxyConnectionToRemote workerpool protoversion bypass remote =
inAnnexWorker' workerpool (proxyRemoteSide protoversion bypass' remote) >>= \case
Left ex -> return (Left ex)
Right remoteside -> return $ Right $
ProxyConnection (Remote.uuid remote) remoteside
bypass' = P2P.Bypass (S.fromList bypass)
openProxyConnectionToCluster :: ClusterUUID -> IO ProxyConnection
openProxyConnectionToCluster cu = error "XXX" -- TODO
type ProxyConnectionPool =
M.Map (UUID, UUID, P2P.ProtocolVersion) [ProxyConnection]
@ -469,9 +552,3 @@ getProxyConnectionFromPool proxypool connparams = do
, connectionClientUUID connparams
, connectionProtocolVersion connparams
openProxyConnectionToRemote :: Remote -> IO ProxyConnection
openProxyConnectionToRemote remote = error "XXX" -- TODO
openProxyConnectionToCluster :: ClusterUUID -> IO ProxyConnection
openProxyConnectionToCluster cu = error "XXX" -- TODO
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ data ProtoFailure
= ProtoFailureMessage String
| ProtoFailureException SomeException
| ProtoFailureIOError IOError
deriving (Show)
describeProtoFailure :: ProtoFailure -> String
describeProtoFailure (ProtoFailureMessage s) = s
@ -28,9 +28,18 @@ Planned schedule of work:
## work notes
* Make http server support proxies and clusters.
* http server proxying hangs when git-annex copy --to it, maybe other
times. Need to fully test.
Current status: laying the keystone
* http server proxying needs to get the version negotiated with the proxied
remote and feed that into the proxy function.
* test http server proxying with special remotes
* http server proxying needs to reuse connections to special remotes,
keeping a pool of open ones. Question: How many to keep in the pool?
* Make http server support clusters.
* Support proxying to git remotes using annex+http urls.
(Current documentation says proxying only works with ssh remotes,
@ -51,6 +60,8 @@ Planned schedule of work:
* Allow using annex+http urls in
* Make http server support proxying.
## items deferred until later for p2p protocol over http
* `git-annex p2phttp` could support systemd socket activation. This would
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