git-annex p2phttp options
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 119 additions and 39 deletions
@ -15,11 +15,15 @@ import Command
import P2P.Http
import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
import Annex.Url
import Utility.Env
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Servant
import Servant.Client.Streaming
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Network.Socket (PortNumber)
import qualified Data.Map as M
cmd :: Command
cmd = command "p2phttp" SectionPlumbing
@ -27,20 +31,97 @@ cmd = command "p2phttp" SectionPlumbing
paramNothing (seek <$$> optParser)
data Options = Options
{ cmdParams :: CmdParams
{ portOption :: Maybe PortNumber
, authEnvOption :: Bool
, authEnvHttpOption :: Bool
, readOnlyOption :: Bool
, appendOnlyOption :: Bool
, unauthReadOnlyOption :: Bool
, unauthAppendOnlyOption :: Bool
, wideOpenOption :: Bool
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek ["server"] = startConcurrency commandStages $
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser Options
optParser _ = Options
<$> optional (option auto
( long "port" <> metavar paramNumber
<> help "specify port to listen on"
<*> switch
( long "authenv"
<> help "authenticate users from environment (https only)"
<*> switch
( long "authenv-http"
<> help "authenticate users from environment (including http)"
<*> switch
( long "unauth-readonly"
<> help "allow unauthenticated users to read the repository"
<*> switch
( long "unauth-appendonly"
<> help "allow unauthenticated users to read and append to the repository"
<*> switch
( long "wideopen"
<> help "give unauthenticated users full read+write access"
seek :: Options -> CommandSeek
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $
withLocalP2PConnections $ \acquireconn -> liftIO $ do
st <- mkP2PHttpServerState acquireconn
|||| 8080 (p2pHttpApp st)
seek ["client"] = testCheckPresent
authenv <- getAuthEnv
st <- mkP2PHttpServerState acquireconn $
mkGetServerMode authenv o
|||| (fromIntegral port) (p2pHttpApp st)
port = fromMaybe 80 (portOption o)
mkGetServerMode :: M.Map Auth P2P.ServerMode -> Options -> GetServerMode
mkGetServerMode _ o _ Nothing
| wideOpenOption o = Just P2P.ServeReadWrite
| unauthAppendOnlyOption o = Just P2P.ServeAppendOnly
| unauthReadOnlyOption o = Just P2P.ServeReadOnly
| otherwise = Nothing
mkGetServerMode authenv o issecure (Just auth) =
case (issecure, authEnvOption o, authEnvHttpOption o) of
(Secure, True, _) -> checkauth
(NotSecure, _, True) -> checkauth
_ -> noauth
checkauth = case M.lookup auth authenv of
Just servermode -> Just servermode
Nothing -> noauth
noauth = mkGetServerMode authenv o issecure Nothing
getAuthEnv :: IO (M.Map Auth P2P.ServerMode)
getAuthEnv = do
environ <- getEnvironment
let permmap = M.fromList (mapMaybe parseperms environ)
return $ M.fromList $
map (addperms permmap) $
mapMaybe parseusername environ
parseperms (k, v) = case deprefix "GIT_ANNEX_P2PHTTP_PERMISSIONS_" k of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just username -> case v of
"readonly" -> Just
(encodeBS username, P2P.ServeReadOnly)
"appendonly" -> Just
(encodeBS username, P2P.ServeAppendOnly)
_ -> Nothing
parseusername (k, v) = case deprefix "GIT_ANNEX_P2PHTTP_PASSWORD_" k of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just username -> Just $ Auth (encodeBS username) (encodeBS v)
deprefix prefix s
| prefix `isPrefixOf` s = Just (drop (length prefix) s)
| otherwise = Nothing
addperms permmap auth@(Auth user _) =
case M.lookup user permmap of
Nothing -> (auth, P2P.ServeReadWrite)
Just perms -> (auth, perms)
testKeepLocked = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
@ -67,4 +148,5 @@ testCheckPresent = do
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
liftIO $ print res
@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ type CheckPresentAPI
:> ClientUUID Required
:> ServerUUID Required
:> BypassUUIDs
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
:> Post '[JSON] CheckPresentResult
@ -172,10 +173,11 @@ serveCheckPresent
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler CheckPresentResult
serveCheckPresent st apiver (B64Key k) cu su bypass auth = do
res <- withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass auth ReadAction
serveCheckPresent st apiver (B64Key k) cu su bypass sec auth = do
res <- withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth ReadAction
$ \runst conn ->
liftIO $ runNetProto runst conn $ checkPresent k
case res of
@ -183,24 +185,6 @@ serveCheckPresent st apiver (B64Key k) cu su bypass auth = do
Right (Left err) -> throwError $ err500 { errBody = encodeBL err }
Left err -> throwError $ err500 { errBody = encodeBL (describeProtoFailure err) }
:: ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe Auth
-> ClientM CheckPresentResult
clientCheckPresent' (ProtocolVersion ver) = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3
2 -> v2 V2
1 -> v1 V1
0 -> v0 V0
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
@ -210,11 +194,20 @@ clientCheckPresent
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe Auth
-> IO Bool
clientCheckPresent clientenv protover key cu su bypass auth = do
let cli = clientCheckPresent' protover key cu su bypass auth
withClientM cli clientenv $ \case
clientCheckPresent clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) key cu su bypass auth =
withClientM (cli key cu su bypass auth) clientenv $ \case
Left err -> throwM err
Right (CheckPresentResult res) -> return res
cli = case ver of
3 -> v3 V3
2 -> v2 V2
1 -> v1 V1
0 -> v0 V0
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
type RemoveAPI result
= KeyParam
@ -46,12 +46,13 @@ withP2PConnection
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> ActionClass
-> (RunState -> P2PConnection -> Handler a)
-> Handler a
withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass auth actionclass connaction =
case (getServerMode st auth, actionclass) of
withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass connaction =
case (getServerMode st sec auth, actionclass) of
(Just P2P.ServeReadWrite, _) -> go P2P.ServeReadWrite
(Just P2P.ServeAppendOnly, RemoveAction) -> throwError err403
(Just P2P.ServeAppendOnly, _) -> go P2P.ServeAppendOnly
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass auth actionclass connaction =
-- Nothing when the server is not allowed to serve any requests.
type GetServerMode = Maybe Auth -> Maybe P2P.ServerMode
type GetServerMode = IsSecure -> Maybe Auth -> Maybe P2P.ServerMode
data ConnectionParams = ConnectionParams
{ connectionProtocolVersion :: P2P.ProtocolVersion
@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ data LockResult = LockResult Bool (Maybe LockID)
newtype UnlockRequest = UnlockRequest Bool
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
-- Not using servant's build-in basic authentication support,
-- Not using servant's built-in basic authentication support,
-- because whether authentication is needed depends on server
-- configuration.
data Auth = Auth B.ByteString B.ByteString
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData, Eq, Ord)
instance ToHttpApiData Auth where
toHeader (Auth u p) = "Basic " <> toB64 (u <> ":" <> p)
@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ a repository over HTTP with write access for authenticated users.
* `--port=N`
Port to listen on. Default is port 80.
* `--authenv`
Allows users to be authenticated with a username and password.
@ -35,19 +39,19 @@ a repository over HTTP with write access for authenticated users.
over HTTP. This is not secure, since HTTP basic authentication is not
* `--readonly`
* `--unauth-readonly`
Allows unauthenticated users to read the repository, but not make
modifications to it.
* `--appendonly`
* `--unauth-appendonly`
Allows unauthenticated users to read the repository, and store data in
it, but not remove data from it.
* `--wideopen`
Gives unauthenticated users full access to the repository.
Gives unauthenticated users full read+write access to the repository.
Please think carefully before enabling this option.
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