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{- P2P protocol proxying
- Copyright 2024 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module P2P.Proxy where
import Annex.Common
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import qualified Annex
import P2P.Protocol
import P2P.IO
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.MonotonicClock
import Git.FilePath
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import Types.Concurrency
import Annex.Concurrent
import qualified Remote
import Data.Either
import Control.Concurrent.STM
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import Control.Concurrent.Async
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MSem as MSem
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Unique
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import GHC.Conc
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type ProtoCloser = Annex ()
data ClientSide = ClientSide RunState P2PConnection
newtype RemoteSideId = RemoteSideId Unique
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data RemoteSide = RemoteSide
{ remote :: Remote
, remoteConnect :: Annex (Maybe (RunState, P2PConnection, ProtoCloser))
, remoteTMVar :: TMVar (RunState, P2PConnection, ProtoCloser)
, remoteSideId :: RemoteSideId
mkRemoteSide :: Remote -> Annex (Maybe (RunState, P2PConnection, ProtoCloser)) -> Annex RemoteSide
mkRemoteSide r remoteconnect = RemoteSide
<$> pure r
<*> pure remoteconnect
<*> liftIO (atomically newEmptyTMVar)
<*> liftIO (RemoteSideId <$> newUnique)
runRemoteSide :: RemoteSide -> Proto a -> Annex (Either ProtoFailure a)
runRemoteSide remoteside a =
liftIO (atomically $ tryReadTMVar $ remoteTMVar remoteside) >>= \case
Just (runst, conn, _closer) -> liftIO $ runNetProto runst conn a
Nothing -> remoteConnect remoteside >>= \case
Just (runst, conn, closer) -> do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar
(remoteTMVar remoteside)
(runst, conn, closer)
liftIO $ runNetProto runst conn a
Nothing -> giveup "Unable to connect to remote."
closeRemoteSide :: RemoteSide -> Annex ()
closeRemoteSide remoteside =
liftIO (atomically $ tryTakeTMVar $ remoteTMVar remoteside) >>= \case
Just (_, _, closer) -> closer
Nothing -> return ()
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{- Selects what remotes to proxy to for top-level P2P protocol
- actions.
- -}
data ProxySelector = ProxySelector
{ proxyCHECKPRESENT :: Key -> Annex (Maybe RemoteSide)
, proxyLOCKCONTENT :: Key -> Annex (Maybe RemoteSide)
, proxyUNLOCKCONTENT :: Annex (Maybe RemoteSide)
, proxyREMOVE :: Key -> Annex [RemoteSide]
-- ^ remove from all of these remotes
, proxyGETTIMESTAMP :: Annex [RemoteSide]
-- ^ should send every remote that proxyREMOVE can
-- ever return for any key
, proxyGET :: Key -> Annex (Maybe RemoteSide)
, proxyPUT :: AssociatedFile -> Key -> Annex [RemoteSide]
-- ^ put to some/all of these remotes
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singleProxySelector :: RemoteSide -> ProxySelector
singleProxySelector r = ProxySelector
{ proxyCHECKPRESENT = const (pure (Just r))
, proxyLOCKCONTENT = const (pure (Just r))
, proxyUNLOCKCONTENT = pure (Just r)
, proxyREMOVE = const (pure [r])
, proxyGETTIMESTAMP = pure [r]
, proxyGET = const (pure (Just r))
, proxyPUT = const (const (pure [r]))
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{- To keep this module limited to P2P protocol actions,
- all other actions that a proxy needs to do are provided
- here. -}
data ProxyMethods = ProxyMethods
{ removedContent :: UUID -> Key -> Annex ()
-- ^ called when content is removed from a repository
, addedContent :: UUID -> Key -> Annex ()
-- ^ called when content is added to a repository
{- Type of function that takes a error handler, which is
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- used to handle a ProtoFailure when receiving a message
- from the client or remote.
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type ProtoErrorHandled r =
(forall t. ((t -> Annex r) -> Annex (Either ProtoFailure t) -> Annex r)) -> Annex r
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{- This is the first thing run when proxying with a client.
- The client has already authenticated. Most clients will send a
- VERSION message, although version 0 clients will not and will send
- some other message, which is returned to handle later.
- But before the client will send VERSION, it needs to see AUTH_SUCCESS.
- So send that, although the connection with the remote is not actually
- brought up yet.
-> ClientSide
-> (Maybe (ProtocolVersion, Maybe Message) -> Annex r)
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-> ProtoErrorHandled r
getClientProtocolVersion remoteuuid (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) cont protoerrhandler =
protoerrhandler cont $ client $ getClientProtocolVersion' remoteuuid
client = liftIO . runNetProto clientrunst clientconn
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-> Proto (Maybe (ProtocolVersion, Maybe Message))
getClientProtocolVersion' remoteuuid = do
net $ sendMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS remoteuuid)
msg <- net receiveMessage
case msg of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (VERSION v) ->
-- If the client sends a newer version than we
-- understand, reduce it; we need to parse the
-- protocol too.
let v' = min v maxProtocolVersion
in return (Just (v', Nothing))
Just othermsg -> return
(Just (defaultProtocolVersion, Just othermsg))
{- Send negotiated protocol version to the client.
- With a version 0 client, preserves the other protocol message
- received in getClientProtocolVersion. -}
:: ClientSide
-> Maybe Message
-> ProtocolVersion
-> (Maybe Message -> Annex r)
-> ProtoErrorHandled r
sendClientProtocolVersion (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) othermsg protocolversion cont protoerrhandler =
case othermsg of
Nothing -> protoerrhandler (\() -> cont Nothing) $
client $ net $ sendMessage $ VERSION protocolversion
Just _ -> cont othermsg
client = liftIO . runNetProto clientrunst clientconn
{- When speaking to a version 2 client, get the BYPASS message which may be
- sent immediately after VERSION. Returns any other message to be handled
- later. -}
:: ClientSide
-> ProtocolVersion
-> Maybe Message
-> ((Bypass, Maybe Message) -> Annex r)
-> ProtoErrorHandled r
getClientBypass (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) (ProtocolVersion protocolversion) Nothing cont protoerrhandler
| protocolversion < 2 = cont (Bypass S.empty, Nothing)
| otherwise = protoerrhandler cont $
client $ net receiveMessage >>= return . \case
Just (BYPASS bypass) -> (bypass, Nothing)
Just othermsg -> (Bypass S.empty, Just othermsg)
Nothing -> (Bypass S.empty, Nothing)
client = liftIO . runNetProto clientrunst clientconn
getClientBypass _ _ (Just othermsg) cont _ =
-- Pass along non-BYPASS message from version 0 client.
cont (Bypass S.empty, (Just othermsg))
data ProxyState = ProxyState
{ proxyRemoteLatestTimestamps :: TVar (M.Map RemoteSideId MonotonicTimestamp)
, proxyRemoteLatestLocalTimestamp :: TVar (Maybe MonotonicTimestamp)
mkProxyState :: IO ProxyState
mkProxyState = ProxyState
<$> newTVarIO mempty
<*> newTVarIO Nothing
{- Proxy between the client and the remote. This picks up after
- sendClientProtocolVersion.
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:: Annex r
-> ProxyMethods
-> ProxyState
-> ServerMode
-> ClientSide
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-> ProxySelector
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-> ConcurrencyConfig
-> ProtocolVersion
-- ^ Protocol version being spoken between the proxy and the
-- client. When there are multiple remotes, some may speak an
-- earlier version.
-> Maybe Message
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-- ^ non-VERSION message that was received from the client when
-- negotiating protocol version, and has not been responded to yet
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-> ProtoErrorHandled r
proxy proxydone proxymethods proxystate servermode (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) remoteuuid proxyselector concurrencyconfig (ProtocolVersion protocolversion) othermsg protoerrhandler = do
case othermsg of
Nothing -> proxynextclientmessage ()
Just message -> proxyclientmessage (Just message)
client = liftIO . runNetProto clientrunst clientconn
proxynextclientmessage () = protoerrhandler proxyclientmessage $
client (net receiveMessage)
servermodechecker c a = c servermode $ \case
Nothing -> a
Just notallowed ->
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client notallowed
proxyclientmessage Nothing = proxydone
proxyclientmessage (Just message) = case message of
CHECKPRESENT k -> proxyCHECKPRESENT proxyselector k >>= \case
Just remoteside ->
proxyresponse remoteside message
(const proxynextclientmessage)
Nothing ->
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage FAILURE
LOCKCONTENT k -> proxyLOCKCONTENT proxyselector k >>= \case
Just remoteside ->
proxyresponse remoteside message
(const proxynextclientmessage)
Nothing ->
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage FAILURE
UNLOCKCONTENT -> proxyUNLOCKCONTENT proxyselector >>= \case
Just remoteside ->
proxynoresponse remoteside message
Nothing -> proxynextclientmessage ()
REMOVE k -> do
remotesides <- proxyREMOVE proxyselector k
servermodechecker checkREMOVEServerMode $
handleREMOVE remotesides k message
remotesides <- proxyREMOVE proxyselector k
servermodechecker checkREMOVEServerMode $
handleREMOVE remotesides k message
remotesides <- proxyGETTIMESTAMP proxyselector
handleGETTIMESTAMP remotesides
GET _ _ k -> proxyGET proxyselector k >>= \case
Just remoteside -> handleGET remoteside message
Nothing ->
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage $
ERROR "content not present"
PUT paf k -> do
af <- getassociatedfile paf
remotesides <- proxyPUT proxyselector af k
servermodechecker checkPUTServerMode $
handlePUT remotesides k message
BYPASS _ -> proxynextclientmessage ()
-- These messages involve the git repository, not the
-- annex. So they affect the git repository of the proxy,
-- not the remote.
CONNECT service ->
servermodechecker (checkCONNECTServerMode service) $
-- P2P protocol does not continue after
-- relaying from git.
protoerrhandler (\() -> proxydone) $
client $ net $ relayService service
NOTIFYCHANGE -> protoerr
-- Messages that the client should only send after one of
-- the messages above.
SUCCESS -> protoerr
SUCCESS_PLUS _ -> protoerr
FAILURE -> protoerr
FAILURE_PLUS _ -> protoerr
DATA _ -> protoerr
VALIDITY _ -> protoerr
-- If the client errors out, give up.
ERROR msg -> giveup $ "client error: " ++ msg
-- Messages that only the server should send.
CONNECTDONE _ -> protoerr
CHANGED _ -> protoerr
AUTH_SUCCESS _ -> protoerr
AUTH_FAILURE -> protoerr
PUT_FROM _ -> protoerr
ALREADY_HAVE -> protoerr
ALREADY_HAVE_PLUS _ -> protoerr
TIMESTAMP _ -> protoerr
-- Early messages that the client should not send now.
AUTH _ _ -> protoerr
VERSION _ -> protoerr
-- Send a message to the remote, send its response back to the
-- client, and pass it to the continuation.
proxyresponse remoteside message a =
getresponse (runRemoteSide remoteside) message $ \resp ->
protoerrhandler (a resp) $
client $ net $ sendMessage resp
-- Send a message to the remote, that it will not respond to.
proxynoresponse remoteside message a =
protoerrhandler a $
runRemoteSide remoteside $ net $ sendMessage message
-- Send a message to the endpoint and get back its response.
getresponse endpoint message handleresp =
protoerrhandler (withresp handleresp) $
endpoint $ net $ do
sendMessage message
withresp a (Just resp) = a resp
-- Whichever of the remote or client the message was read from
-- hung up.
withresp _ Nothing = proxydone
-- Read a message from one party, send it to the other,
-- and then pass the message to the continuation.
relayonemessage from to cont =
flip protoerrhandler (from $ net $ receiveMessage) $
withresp $ \message ->
protoerrhandler (cont message) $
to $ net $ sendMessage message
protoerr = do
_ <- client $ net $ sendMessage (ERROR "protocol error X")
giveup "protocol error M"
-- When there is a single remote, reply with its timestamp,
-- to avoid needing timestamp translation.
handleGETTIMESTAMP (remoteside:[]) = do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "!!!! single remote side"
liftIO $ atomically $ do
writeTVar (proxyRemoteLatestTimestamps proxystate)
writeTVar (proxyRemoteLatestLocalTimestamp proxystate)
proxyresponse remoteside GETTIMESTAMP
(const proxynextclientmessage)
-- When there are multiple remotes, reply with our local timestamp,
-- and do timestamp translation when sending REMOVE-FROM.
handleGETTIMESTAMP remotesides = do
-- Order of getting timestamps matters.
-- Getting the local time after the time of the remotes
-- means that if there is some delay in getting the time
-- from a remote, that is reflected in the local time,
-- and so reduces the allowed time.
remotetimes <- (M.fromList . mapMaybe join) <$> getremotetimes
localtime <- liftIO currentMonotonicTimestamp
liftIO $ atomically $ do
writeTVar (proxyRemoteLatestTimestamps proxystate)
writeTVar (proxyRemoteLatestLocalTimestamp proxystate)
(Just localtime)
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage (TIMESTAMP localtime)
getremotetimes = forMC concurrencyconfig remotesides $ \r ->
runRemoteSideOrSkipFailed r $ do
net $ sendMessage GETTIMESTAMP
net receiveMessage >>= return . \case
Just (TIMESTAMP ts) ->
Just (remoteSideId r, ts)
_ -> Nothing
proxyTimestamp ts _ _ Nothing = ts -- not proxying timestamps
proxyTimestamp ts r tsm (Just correspondinglocaltime) =
case M.lookup (remoteSideId r) tsm of
Just oldts -> oldts + (ts - correspondinglocaltime)
Nothing -> ts -- not reached
handleREMOVE [] _ _ =
-- When no places are provided to remove from,
-- don't report a successful remote.
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage FAILURE
handleREMOVE remotesides k message = do
tsm <- liftIO $ readTVarIO $
proxyRemoteLatestTimestamps proxystate
oldlocaltime <- liftIO $ readTVarIO $
proxyRemoteLatestLocalTimestamp proxystate
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v <- forMC concurrencyconfig remotesides $ \r ->
runRemoteSideOrSkipFailed r $ do
case message of
REMOVE_BEFORE ts _ -> do
v <- net getProtocolVersion
if v < ProtocolVersion 3
then net $ sendMessage $
else net $ sendMessage $
REMOVE_BEFORE (proxyTimestamp ts r tsm oldlocaltime) k
_ -> net $ sendMessage message
net receiveMessage >>= return . \case
Just ((True, Nothing), [Remote.uuid (remote r)])
Just (SUCCESS_PLUS us) ->
Just ((True, Nothing), Remote.uuid (remote r):us)
Just ((False, Nothing), [])
Just (FAILURE_PLUS us) ->
Just ((False, Nothing), us)
Just (ERROR err) ->
Just ((False, Just err), [])
_ -> Nothing
let v' = map join v
let us = concatMap snd $ catMaybes v'
mapM_ (\u -> removedContent proxymethods u k) us
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage $
let nonplussed = all (== remoteuuid) us
|| protocolversion < 2
in if all (maybe False (fst . fst)) v'
then if nonplussed
else if nonplussed
then case mapMaybe (snd . fst) (catMaybes v') of
(err:_) -> ERROR err
handleGET remoteside message = getresponse (runRemoteSide remoteside) message $
withDATA (relayGET remoteside) $ \case
ERROR err -> protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage (ERROR err)
_ -> protoerr
handlePUT (remoteside:[]) k message
| Remote.uuid (remote remoteside) == remoteuuid =
getresponse (runRemoteSide remoteside) message $ \resp -> case resp of
ALREADY_HAVE -> protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage resp
ALREADY_HAVE_PLUS _ -> protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage resp
getresponse client resp $
(relayPUT remoteside k)
(const protoerr)
_ -> protoerr
handlePUT [] _ _ =
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage ALREADY_HAVE
handlePUT remotesides k message =
handlePutMulti remotesides k message
withDATA a _ message@(DATA len) = a len message
withDATA _ a message = a message
relayGET remoteside len = relayDATAStart client $
relayDATACore len (runRemoteSide remoteside) client $
relayDATAFinish (runRemoteSide remoteside) client $
relayonemessage client (runRemoteSide remoteside) $
const proxynextclientmessage
relayPUT remoteside k len = relayDATAStart (runRemoteSide remoteside) $
relayDATACore len client (runRemoteSide remoteside) $
relayDATAFinish client (runRemoteSide remoteside) $
relayonemessage (runRemoteSide remoteside) client finished
finished resp () = do
void $ relayPUTRecord k remoteside resp
proxynextclientmessage ()
relayPUTRecord k remoteside SUCCESS = do
addedContent proxymethods (Remote.uuid (remote remoteside)) k
return $ Just [Remote.uuid (remote remoteside)]
relayPUTRecord k remoteside (SUCCESS_PLUS us) = do
let us' = (Remote.uuid (remote remoteside)) : us
forM_ us' $ \u ->
addedContent proxymethods u k
return $ Just us'
relayPUTRecord _ _ _ =
return Nothing
handlePutMulti remotesides k message = do
let initiate remoteside = do
resp <- runRemoteSideOrSkipFailed remoteside $ net $ do
sendMessage message
case resp of
Just (Just (PUT_FROM (Offset offset))) ->
return $ Right $
Right (remoteside, offset)
Just (Just ALREADY_HAVE) ->
return $ Right $ Left remoteside
Just (Just _) -> protoerr
Just Nothing -> return (Left ())
Nothing -> return (Left ())
let alreadyhave = \case
Right (Left _) -> True
_ -> False
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l <- forMC concurrencyconfig remotesides initiate
if all alreadyhave l
then if protocolversion < 2
then protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage ALREADY_HAVE
else protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage $ ALREADY_HAVE_PLUS $
filter (/= remoteuuid) $
map (Remote.uuid . remote) (lefts (rights l))
else if null (rights l)
-- no response from any remote
then proxydone
else do
let l' = rights (rights l)
let minoffset = minimum (map snd l')
getresponse client (PUT_FROM (Offset minoffset)) $
withDATA (relayPUTMulti minoffset l' k)
(const protoerr)
relayPUTMulti minoffset remotes k (Len datalen) _ = do
let totallen = datalen + minoffset
-- Tell each remote how much data to expect, depending
-- on the remote's offset.
rs <- forMC concurrencyconfig remotes $ \r@(remoteside, remoteoffset) ->
runRemoteSideOrSkipFailed remoteside $ do
net $ sendMessage $ DATA $ Len $
totallen - remoteoffset
return r
protoerrhandler (send (catMaybes rs) minoffset) $
client $ net $ receiveBytes (Len datalen) nullMeterUpdate
chunksize = fromIntegral defaultChunkSize
-- Stream the lazy bytestring out to the remotes in chunks.
-- Only start sending to a remote once past its desired
-- offset.
send rs n b = do
let (chunk, b') = L.splitAt chunksize b
let chunklen = fromIntegral (L.length chunk)
let !n' = n + chunklen
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rs' <- forMC concurrencyconfig rs $ \r@(remoteside, remoteoffset) ->
if n >= remoteoffset
then runRemoteSideOrSkipFailed remoteside $ do
net $ sendBytes (Len chunklen) chunk nullMeterUpdate
return r
else if (n' > remoteoffset)
then do
let chunkoffset = remoteoffset - n
let subchunklen = chunklen - chunkoffset
let subchunk = L.drop (fromIntegral chunkoffset) chunk
runRemoteSideOrSkipFailed remoteside $ do
net $ sendBytes (Len subchunklen) subchunk nullMeterUpdate
return r
else return (Just r)
if L.null b'
then sent (catMaybes rs')
else send (catMaybes rs') n' b'
sent [] = proxydone
sent rs = relayDATAFinishMulti k (map fst rs)
runRemoteSideOrSkipFailed remoteside a =
runRemoteSide remoteside a >>= \case
Right v -> return (Just v)
Left _ -> do
-- This connection to the remote is
-- unrecoverable at this point, so close it.
closeRemoteSide remoteside
return Nothing
relayDATAStart x receive message =
protoerrhandler (\() -> receive) $
x $ net $ sendMessage message
relayDATACore len x y a = protoerrhandler send $
x $ net $ receiveBytes len nullMeterUpdate
send b = protoerrhandler a $
y $ net $ sendBytes len b nullMeterUpdate
relayDATAFinish x y sendsuccessfailure ()
| protocolversion == 0 = sendsuccessfailure
-- Protocol version 1 has a VALID or
-- INVALID message after the data.
| otherwise = relayonemessage x y (\_ () -> sendsuccessfailure)
relayDATAFinishMulti k rs
| protocolversion == 0 =
finish $ net receiveMessage
| otherwise =
flip protoerrhandler (client $ net $ receiveMessage) $
withresp $ \message ->
finish $ do
-- Relay VALID or INVALID message
-- only to remotes that support
-- protocol version 1.
net getProtocolVersion >>= \case
ProtocolVersion 0 -> return ()
_ -> net $ sendMessage message
net receiveMessage
finish a = do
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storeduuids <- forMC concurrencyconfig rs $ \r ->
runRemoteSideOrSkipFailed r a >>= \case
Just (Just resp) ->
relayPUTRecord k r resp
_ -> return Nothing
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage $
case concat (catMaybes storeduuids) of
| protocolversion < 2 -> SUCCESS
| otherwise -> SUCCESS_PLUS us
-- The associated file received from the P2P protocol
-- is relative to the top of the git repository. But this process
-- may be running with a different cwd.
getassociatedfile (ProtoAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile (Just f))) =
AssociatedFile . Just
<$> fromRepo (fromTopFilePath (asTopFilePath f))
getassociatedfile (ProtoAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile Nothing)) =
return $ AssociatedFile Nothing
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data ConcurrencyConfig = ConcurrencyConfig Int (MSem.MSem Int)
noConcurrencyConfig :: Annex ConcurrencyConfig
noConcurrencyConfig = liftIO $ ConcurrencyConfig 1 <$> 1
getConcurrencyConfig :: Annex ConcurrencyConfig
getConcurrencyConfig = (annexJobs <$> Annex.getGitConfig) >>= \case
NonConcurrent -> noConcurrencyConfig
Concurrent n -> go n
ConcurrentPerCpu -> go =<< liftIO getNumProcessors
go n = do
c <- liftIO getNumCapabilities
when (n > c) $
liftIO $ setNumCapabilities n
setConcurrency (ConcurrencyGitConfig (Concurrent n))
msem <- liftIO $ n
return (ConcurrencyConfig n msem)
forMC :: ConcurrencyConfig -> [a] -> (a -> Annex b) -> Annex [b]
forMC _ (x:[]) a = do
r <- a x
return [r]
forMC (ConcurrencyConfig n msem) xs a
| n < 2 = forM xs a
| otherwise = do
runners <- forM xs $ \x ->
forkState $ bracketIO
(MSem.wait msem)
(const $ MSem.signal msem)
(const $ a x)
mapM id =<< liftIO (forConcurrently runners id)