P2P protocol version 2, adding SUCCESS-PLUS and ALREADY-HAVE-PLUS
Client side support for SUCCESS-PLUS and ALREADY-HAVE-PLUS is complete, when a PUT stores to additional repositories than the expected on, the location log is updated with the additional UUIDs that contain the content. Started implementing PUT fanout to multiple remotes for clusters. It is untested, and I fear fencepost errors in the relative offset calculations. And it is missing proxying for the protocol after DATA.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 206 additions and 61 deletions
@ -50,8 +50,9 @@ proxyCluster clusteruuid proxydone servermode clientside protoerrhandler = do
-- that we and the client both speak.
let protocolversion = min maxProtocolVersion clientmaxversion
selectnode <- clusterProxySelector clusteruuid protocolversion
proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode clientside selectnode
protocolversion othermsg protoerrhandler
proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode clientside
(fromClusterUUID clusteruuid)
selectnode protocolversion othermsg protoerrhandler
withclientversion Nothing = proxydone
clusterProxySelector :: ClusterUUID -> ProtocolVersion -> Annex ProxySelector
@ -64,7 +65,10 @@ clusterProxySelector clusteruuid protocolversion = do
return $ ProxySelector
{ proxyCHECKPRESENT = nodecontaining remotesides
, proxyGET = nodecontaining remotesides
, proxyPUT = \k -> error "TODO"
-- Send the key to every node that does not yet contain it.
, proxyPUT = \k -> do
locs <- S.fromList <$> loggedLocations k
return $ filter (flip S.notMember locs . remoteUUID) remotesides
, proxyREMOVE = \k -> error "TODO"
-- Content is not locked on the cluster as a whole,
-- instead it can be locked on individual nodes that are
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ git-annex (10.20240532) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
complaining about missing tree objects.
* Tab completion of options like --from now includes special remotes,
as well as proxied remotes and clusters.
* P2P protocol version 2.
* Fix Windows build with Win32 2.13.4+
Thanks, Oleg Tolmatcev
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ performProxy clientuuid servermode remote = do
closeRemoteSide remoteside
proxy closer proxymethods servermode clientside
(Remote.uuid remote)
(singleProxySelector remoteside)
protocolversion othermsg p2pErrHandler
withclientversion _ Nothing = p2pDone
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ defaultProtocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion
defaultProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion 0
maxProtocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion
maxProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion 1
maxProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion 2
newtype ProtoAssociatedFile = ProtoAssociatedFile AssociatedFile
deriving (Show)
@ -85,7 +85,9 @@ data Message
| PUT ProtoAssociatedFile Key
| PUT_FROM Offset
| DATA Len -- followed by bytes of data
| VALIDITY Validity
@ -109,7 +111,9 @@ instance Proto.Sendable Message where
formatMessage (PUT af key) = ["PUT", Proto.serialize af, Proto.serialize key]
formatMessage (PUT_FROM offset) = ["PUT-FROM", Proto.serialize offset]
formatMessage (ALREADY_HAVE_PLUS uuids) = ("ALREADY-HAVE-PLUS":map Proto.serialize uuids)
formatMessage SUCCESS = ["SUCCESS"]
formatMessage (SUCCESS_PLUS uuids) = ("SUCCESS-PLUS":map Proto.serialize uuids)
formatMessage FAILURE = ["FAILURE"]
formatMessage (VALIDITY Valid) = ["VALID"]
formatMessage (VALIDITY Invalid) = ["INVALID"]
@ -133,7 +137,9 @@ instance Proto.Receivable Message where
parseCommand "PUT" = Proto.parse2 PUT
parseCommand "PUT-FROM" = Proto.parse1 PUT_FROM
parseCommand "ALREADY-HAVE" = Proto.parse0 ALREADY_HAVE
parseCommand "ALREADY-HAVE-PLUS" = Proto.parseList ALREADY_HAVE_PLUS
parseCommand "SUCCESS" = Proto.parse0 SUCCESS
parseCommand "SUCCESS-PLUS" = Proto.parseList SUCCESS_PLUS
parseCommand "FAILURE" = Proto.parse0 FAILURE
parseCommand "DATA" = Proto.parse1 DATA
parseCommand "ERROR" = Proto.parse1 ERROR
@ -244,7 +250,7 @@ data LocalF c
| ContentSize Key (Maybe Len -> c)
-- ^ Gets size of the content of a key, when the full content is
-- present.
| ReadContent Key AssociatedFile Offset (L.ByteString -> Proto Validity -> Proto Bool) (Bool -> c)
| ReadContent Key AssociatedFile Offset (L.ByteString -> Proto Validity -> Proto (Maybe [UUID])) (Maybe [UUID] -> c)
-- ^ Reads the content of a key and sends it to the callback.
-- Must run the callback, or terminate the protocol connection.
@ -362,16 +368,17 @@ get dest key iv af m p =
sizer = fileSize dest
storer = storeContentTo dest iv
put :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Proto Bool
put :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Proto (Maybe [UUID])
put key af p = do
net $ sendMessage (PUT (ProtoAssociatedFile af) key)
r <- net receiveMessage
case r of
Just (PUT_FROM offset) -> sendContent key af offset p
Just ALREADY_HAVE -> return True
Just ALREADY_HAVE -> return (Just [])
Just (ALREADY_HAVE_PLUS uuids) -> return (Just uuids)
_ -> do
net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected PUT_FROM or ALREADY_HAVE")
return False
return Nothing
data ServerHandler a
= ServerGot a
@ -539,7 +546,7 @@ checkCONNECTServerMode service servermode a =
(ServeReadOnly, UploadPack) -> a Nothing
(ServeReadOnly, ReceivePack) -> a (Just sendReadOnlyError)
sendContent :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Offset -> MeterUpdate -> Proto Bool
sendContent :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Offset -> MeterUpdate -> Proto (Maybe [UUID])
sendContent key af offset@(Offset n) p = go =<< local (contentSize key)
go (Just (Len totallen)) = do
@ -558,7 +565,13 @@ sendContent key af offset@(Offset n) p = go =<< local (contentSize key)
ver <- net getProtocolVersion
when (ver >= ProtocolVersion 1) $
net . sendMessage . VALIDITY =<< validitycheck
if ver >= ProtocolVersion 2
then checkSuccessPlus
else do
ok <- checkSuccess
if ok
then return (Just [])
else return Nothing
:: Observable t
@ -606,6 +619,17 @@ checkSuccess = do
net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected SUCCESS or FAILURE")
return False
checkSuccessPlus :: Proto (Maybe [UUID])
checkSuccessPlus = do
ack <- net receiveMessage
case ack of
Just SUCCESS -> return (Just [])
Just (SUCCESS_PLUS l) -> return (Just l)
Just FAILURE -> return Nothing
_ -> do
net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected SUCCESS or SUCCESS-PLUS or FAILURE")
return Nothing
sendSuccess :: Bool -> Proto ()
sendSuccess True = net $ sendMessage SUCCESS
sendSuccess False = net $ sendMessage FAILURE
@ -6,15 +6,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module P2P.Proxy where
import Annex.Common
import P2P.Protocol
import P2P.IO
import Utility.Metered (nullMeterUpdate)
import Utility.Metered
import Data.Either
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
type ProtoCloser = Annex ()
@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ data ProxySelector = ProxySelector
, proxyUNLOCKCONTENT :: Annex (Maybe RemoteSide)
, proxyREMOVE :: Key -> Annex RemoteSide
, proxyGET :: Key -> Annex (Maybe RemoteSide)
, proxyPUT :: Key -> Annex RemoteSide
, proxyPUT :: Key -> Annex [RemoteSide]
singleProxySelector :: RemoteSide -> ProxySelector
@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ singleProxySelector r = ProxySelector
, proxyUNLOCKCONTENT = pure (Just r)
, proxyREMOVE = const (pure r)
, proxyGET = const (pure (Just r))
, proxyPUT = const (pure r)
, proxyPUT = const (pure [r])
{- To keep this module limited to P2P protocol actions,
@ -120,9 +123,7 @@ getClientProtocolVersion' remoteuuid = do
-- If the client sends a newer version than we
-- understand, reduce it; we need to parse the
-- protocol too.
let v' = if v > maxProtocolVersion
then maxProtocolVersion
else v
let v' = min v maxProtocolVersion
in return (Just (v', Nothing))
Just othermsg -> return
(Just (defaultProtocolVersion, Just othermsg))
@ -135,16 +136,17 @@ proxy
-> ProxyMethods
-> ServerMode
-> ClientSide
-> ProxySelector
-> ProtocolVersion
-> Maybe Message
-- ^ non-VERSION message that was received from the client when
-- negotiating protocol version, and has not been responded to yet
-> ProtoErrorHandled r
proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) proxyselector protocolversion othermessage protoerrhandler = do
proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) remoteuuid proxyselector (ProtocolVersion protocolversion) othermessage protoerrhandler = do
case othermessage of
Nothing -> protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage $ VERSION protocolversion
client $ net $ sendMessage $ VERSION $ ProtocolVersion protocolversion
Just message -> proxyclientmessage (Just message)
client = liftIO . runNetProto clientrunst clientconn
@ -190,9 +192,9 @@ proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) prox
client $ net $ sendMessage $
ERROR "content not present"
PUT _ k -> do
remoteside <- proxyPUT proxyselector k
remotesides <- proxyPUT proxyselector k
servermodechecker checkPUTServerMode $
handlePUT remoteside k message
handlePUT remotesides k message
-- These messages involve the git repository, not the
-- annex. So they affect the git repository of the proxy,
-- not the remote.
@ -206,6 +208,7 @@ proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) prox
-- Messages that the client should only send after one of
-- the messages above.
SUCCESS -> protoerr
SUCCESS_PLUS _ -> protoerr
FAILURE -> protoerr
DATA _ -> protoerr
VALIDITY _ -> protoerr
@ -218,6 +221,7 @@ proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) prox
AUTH_FAILURE -> protoerr
PUT_FROM _ -> protoerr
ALREADY_HAVE -> protoerr
ALREADY_HAVE_PLUS _ -> protoerr
-- Early messages that the client should not send now.
AUTH _ _ -> protoerr
VERSION _ -> protoerr
@ -269,13 +273,21 @@ proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) prox
handleGET remoteside message = getresponse (runRemoteSide remoteside) message $
withDATA (relayGET remoteside)
handlePUT remoteside k message =
handlePUT (remoteside:[]) k message =
getresponse (runRemoteSide remoteside) message $ \resp -> case resp of
ALREADY_HAVE -> protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage resp
ALREADY_HAVE_PLUS _ -> protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage resp
getresponse client resp $ withDATA (relayPUT remoteside k)
getresponse client resp $
withDATA (relayPUT remoteside k)
_ -> protoerr
handlePUT [] _ _ =
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage ALREADY_HAVE
handlePUT remotesides k message =
handlePutMulti remotesides k message
withDATA a message@(DATA len) = a len message
withDATA _ _ = protoerr
@ -294,6 +306,9 @@ proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) prox
finished resp () = do
case resp of
SUCCESS -> addedContent proxymethods (remoteUUID remoteside) k
forM_ (remoteUUID remoteside:us) $ \u ->
addedContent proxymethods u k
_ -> return ()
proxynextclientmessage ()
@ -301,15 +316,96 @@ proxy proxydone proxymethods servermode (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) prox
protoerrhandler (\() -> receive) $
x $ net $ sendMessage message
relayDATACore len x y finishget = protoerrhandler send $
relayDATACore len x y a = protoerrhandler send $
x $ net $ receiveBytes len nullMeterUpdate
send b = protoerrhandler finishget $
send b = protoerrhandler a $
y $ net $ sendBytes len b nullMeterUpdate
relayDATAFinish x y sendsuccessfailure () = case protocolversion of
ProtocolVersion 0 -> sendsuccessfailure
relayDATAFinish x y sendsuccessfailure ()
| protocolversion == 0 = sendsuccessfailure
-- Protocol version 1 has a VALID or
-- INVALID message after the data.
_ -> relayonemessage x y (\_ () -> sendsuccessfailure)
| otherwise = relayonemessage x y (\_ () -> sendsuccessfailure)
handlePutMulti remotesides k message = do
let initiate remoteside = do
resp <- runRemoteSide remoteside $ net $ do
sendMessage message
case resp of
Right (Just (PUT_FROM (Offset offset))) ->
return $ Right $
Right (remoteside, offset)
Right (Just ALREADY_HAVE) ->
return $ Right $ Left remoteside
Right (Just _) -> protoerr
Right Nothing -> return (Left ())
Left _err -> return (Left ())
let alreadyhave = \case
Right (Left _) -> True
_ -> False
l <- forM remotesides initiate
if all alreadyhave l
then if protocolversion < 2
then protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage ALREADY_HAVE
else protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage $ ALREADY_HAVE_PLUS $
filter (/= remoteuuid) $
map remoteUUID (lefts (rights l))
else if null (rights l)
-- no response from any remote
then proxydone
else do
let l' = rights (rights l)
let minoffset = minimum (map snd l')
getresponse client (PUT_FROM (Offset minoffset)) $
withDATA (relayPUTMulti minoffset l' k)
relayPUTMulti minoffset remotes k (Len datalen) _ = do
let totallen = datalen + minoffset
-- Tell each remote how much data to expect, depending
-- on the remote's offset.
forM_ remotes $ \(remoteside, remoteoffset) ->
runRemoteSide remoteside $
net $ sendMessage $ DATA $ Len $
totallen - remoteoffset
protoerrhandler (send remotes minoffset) $
client $ net $ receiveBytes (Len datalen) nullMeterUpdate
chunksize = fromIntegral defaultChunkSize
-- Stream the lazy bytestring out to the remotes in chunks.
-- Only start sending to a remote once past its desired
-- offset.
send rs n b = do
let (chunk, b') = L.splitAt chunksize b
let chunklen = fromIntegral (L.length chunk)
let !n' = n + chunklen
rs' <- forM rs $ \r@(remoteside, remoteoffset) ->
if n >= remoteoffset
then skipfailed r $ runRemoteSide remoteside $
net $ sendBytes (Len chunklen) chunk nullMeterUpdate
else if (n' <= remoteoffset)
then do
let chunkoffset = remoteoffset - n
let subchunklen = chunklen - chunkoffset
let subchunk = L.drop (fromIntegral chunkoffset) chunk
skipfailed r $ runRemoteSide remoteside $
net $ sendBytes (Len subchunklen) subchunk nullMeterUpdate
else return (Just r)
if L.null b'
then sent (catMaybes rs')
else send (catMaybes rs') n' b'
sent [] = proxydone
sent rs = giveup "XXX" -- XXX
skipfailed r@(remoteside, _) a = a >>= \case
Right _ -> return (Just r)
Left _ -> do
-- This connection to the remote is
-- unrecoverable at this point, so close it.
closeRemoteSide remoteside
return Nothing
@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ copyToRemote' repo r st@(State connpool duc _ _ _) key file meterupdate
| Git.repoIsSsh repo =
P2PHelper.store (gitconfig r)
(Ssh.runProto r connpool (return False))
(Ssh.runProto r connpool (return Nothing))
key file meterupdate
| otherwise = giveup "copying to non-ssh repo not supported"
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Utility.Metered
import Utility.Tuple
import Types.NumCopies
import Annex.Verify
import Logs.Location
import Control.Concurrent
@ -32,14 +33,19 @@ type ProtoConnRunner c = forall a. P2P.Proto a -> ClosableConnection c -> Annex
-- the pool when done.
type WithConn a c = (ClosableConnection c -> Annex (ClosableConnection c, a)) -> Annex a
store :: RemoteGitConfig -> ProtoRunner Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
store :: RemoteGitConfig -> ProtoRunner (Maybe [UUID]) -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
store gc runner k af p = do
let sizer = KeySizer k (fmap (toRawFilePath . fst3) <$> prepSendAnnex k)
let bwlimit = remoteAnnexBwLimitUpload gc <|> remoteAnnexBwLimit gc
metered (Just p) sizer bwlimit $ \_ p' ->
runner (P2P.put k af p') >>= \case
Just True -> return ()
Just False -> giveup "Transfer failed"
Just (Just fanoutuuids) -> do
-- Storing on the remote can cause it
-- to be stored on additional UUIDs,
-- so record those.
forM_ fanoutuuids $ \u ->
logChange k u InfoPresent
Just Nothing -> giveup "Transfer failed"
Nothing -> remoteUnavail
retrieve :: RemoteGitConfig -> (ProtoRunner (Bool, Verification)) -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> VerifyConfig -> Annex Verification
@ -89,6 +89,12 @@ instance Observable (Maybe a) where
observeBool Nothing = False
observeFailure = Nothing
instance Observable (Either e (Maybe a)) where
observeBool (Left _) = False
observeBool (Right Nothing) = False
observeBool (Right (Just _)) = True
observeFailure = Right Nothing
class Transferrable t where
descTransfrerrable :: t -> Maybe String
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- Simple line-based protocols.
- Copyright 2013-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Copyright 2013-2024 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Utility.SimpleProtocol (
) where
@ -111,6 +112,10 @@ parse5 mk s = mk <$> deserialize p1 <*> deserialize p2 <*> deserialize p3 <*> de
splitWord :: String -> (String, String)
splitWord = separate isSpace
{- Only safe to use when the serialization does not include whitespace. -}
parseList :: Serializable p => ([p] -> a) -> Parser a
parseList mk v = mk <$> mapM deserialize (words v)
{- When a program speaks a simple protocol over stdio, any other output
- to stdout (or anything that attempts to read from stdin)
- will mess up the protocol. To avoid that, close stdin,
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ any authentication.
The client sends the highest protocol version it supports:
The server responds with the highest protocol version it supports
that is less than or equal to the version the client sent:
@ -132,7 +132,14 @@ spaces, since it's not the last token in the line. Use '%' to indicate
The server may respond with ALREADY-HAVE if it already
had the conent of that key. Otherwise, it responds with:
had the conent of that key.
In protocol version 2, the server can optionally reply with
ALREADY-HAVE-PLUS. The subsequent list of UUIDs are additional
UUIDs where the content is stored, in addition to the UUID where
the client was going to send it.
Otherwise, it responds with:
@ -152,6 +159,10 @@ was being sent.
If the server successfully receives the data and stores the content,
it replies with SUCCESS. Otherwise, FAILURE.
In protocol version 2, the server can optionally reply with SUCCESS-PLUS.
The subsequent list of UUIDs are additional UUIDs where the content was
stored, in addition to the UUID where the client was sending it.
## Getting content from the server
To get content from the server, the client sends:
@ -251,31 +251,19 @@ No other protocol extensions or special cases should be needed.
If we want to send a file to multiple repositories that are behind the same
proxy, it would be wasteful to upload it through the proxy repeatedly.
Perhaps a good user interface to this is `git-annex copy --to proxy`.
The proxy could fan out the upload and store it in one or more nodes behind
it. Using preferred content to select which nodes to use.
This would need `storeKey` to be changed to allow returning a UUID (or UUIDs)
where the content was actually stored.
This is certianly needed when doing `git-annex copy --to remote-cluster`,
the cluster picks the nodes to store the content in, and it needs to report
back some UUID that is different than the cluster UUID, in order for the
location log to get updated. (Cluster UUIDs are not written to the location
log.) So this will need a change to the P2P protocol to support reporting
back additional UUIDs where the content was stored.
Alternatively, `git-annex copy --to proxy-foo` could notice that proxy-bar
also wants the content, and fan out a copy to there. Then it could
record in its git-annex branch that the content is present in proxy-bar.
If the user later does `git-annex copy --to proxy-bar`, it would avoid
another upload (and the user would learn at that point that it was in
proxy-bar). This avoids needing to change the `storeKey` interface.
Should a proxy always fanout? if `git-annex copy --to proxy` is what does
fanout, and `git-annex copy --to proxy-foo` doesn't, then the user has
content. But if the latter does fanout, that might be annoying to users who
want to use proxies, but want full control over what lands where, and don't
want to use preferred content to do it. So probably fanout should be
configurable. But it can't be configured client side, because the fanout
happens on the proxy. Seems like remote.name.annex-fanout could be set to
false to prevent fanout to a specific remote. (This is analagous to a
remote having `git-annex assistant` running on it, it might fan out uploads
to it to other repos, and only the owner of that repo can control it.)
Alternatively, fanout could be limited to clusters.
This might also be useful for proxies. `git-annex copy --to proxy-foo`
could notice that proxy-bar also wants the content, and fan out a copy to
there. But that might be annoying to users, who want full control over what
goes where when using a proxy. Seems it would need a config setting. But
since clusters will support fanout, it seems unncessary to make proxies
also support it.
A command like `git-annex push` would see all the instantiated remotes and
would pick ones to send content to. If fanout is done, this would
@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ For June's work on [[design/passthrough_proxy]], implementation plan:
* Tab complete proxied remotes and clusters in eg --from option. (done)
* Basic proxying to special remote support (non-streaming).
* Getting a key from a cluster should proxy from one of the nodes that has
it. (done)
@ -63,7 +61,10 @@ For June's work on [[design/passthrough_proxy]], implementation plan:
other git-annex processes are currently using.
* Implement upload with fanout and reporting back additional UUIDs over P2P
protocol. (started, but incomplete)
* On upload to cluster, send to nodes where it's preferred content, and not
to other nodes.
* Implement cluster drops, trying to remove from all nodes, and returning
which UUIDs it was dropped from.
@ -87,6 +88,8 @@ For June's work on [[design/passthrough_proxy]], implementation plan:
And on download from a cluster, if the proxy repository has the content,
get it from there to avoid the overhead of proxying to a node.
* Basic proxying to special remote support (non-streaming).
* Support proxies-of-proxies better, eg foo-bar-baz.
Currently, it does work, but have to run `git-annex updateproxy`
on foo in order for it to notice the bar-baz proxied remote exists,
Add table
Reference in a new issue