proxying PUT now working
The almost identical code duplication between relayDATA and relayDATA' is very annoying. I tried quite a few things to parameterize them, but the type checker is having fits when I try it.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 78 additions and 54 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module P2P.Proxy where
@ -96,36 +96,6 @@ proxy proxydone servermode clientside remoteside othermessage protoerrhandler =
proxynextclientmessage () = protoerrhandler proxyclientmessage $
client (net receiveMessage)
-- Send a message to the remote and then
-- send its response back to the client.
proxyresponse message =
protoerrhandler (withresp handleresp) $
remote $ net $ do
sendMessage message
handleresp resp =
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage resp
withresp a (Just resp) = a resp
-- Whichever of the remote or client the message was read from
-- hung up.
withresp _ Nothing = proxydone
-- Send a message to the remote, that it will not respond to.
proxynoresponse message =
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
remote $ net $ sendMessage message
-- Read a message from one party, send it to the other,
-- and then call the continuation.
relayonemessage from to cont =
flip protoerrhandler (from $ net $ receiveMessage) $
withresp $ \resp ->
protoerrhandler cont $
to $ net $ sendMessage resp
servermodechecker c a = c servermode $ \case
Nothing -> a
Just notallowed ->
@ -140,12 +110,10 @@ proxy proxydone servermode clientside remoteside othermessage protoerrhandler =
servermodechecker checkREMOVEServerMode $
proxyresponse message
GET _ _ _ ->
protoerrhandler (handleGET message) $
remote $ net $ sendMessage message
GET _ _ _ -> handleGET message
PUT _ _ ->
servermodechecker checkPUTServerMode $
giveup "TODO PUT"
handlePUT message
-- These messages involve the git repository, not the
-- annex. So they affect the git repository of the proxy,
-- not the remote.
@ -172,29 +140,85 @@ proxy proxydone servermode clientside remoteside othermessage protoerrhandler =
AUTH _ _ -> protoerr
VERSION _ -> protoerr
handleGET message () =
protoerrhandler (withresp handleresp) $
remote $ net $ do
sendMessage message
handleresp resp@(DATA len) =
protoerrhandler (receive len) $
client $ net $ sendMessage resp
handleresp _ = protoerr
handleGET message = getresponse remote message $ relayDATA
receive len () = protoerrhandler (send len) $
handlePUT message = getresponse remote message $ \resp -> case resp of
ALREADY_HAVE -> protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage resp
getresponse client resp $ relayDATA'
_ -> protoerr
relayDATA message@(DATA len) =
protoerrhandler receive $
client $ net $ sendMessage message
receive () = protoerrhandler send $
remote $ net $ receiveBytes len nullMeterUpdate
send len b = protoerrhandler finishget $
send b = protoerrhandler finishget $
client $ net $ sendBytes len b nullMeterUpdate
finishget () = protocolversion >>= \case
ProtocolVersion 0 -> sendclientsuccessfailure ()
-- Protocol version 1 has the remote send a a VALID or
ProtocolVersion 0 -> sendsuccessfailure ()
-- Protocol version 1 has a VALID or
-- INVALID message after the data.
_ -> relayonemessage remote client sendclientsuccessfailure
sendclientsuccessfailure () =
_ -> relayonemessage remote client sendsuccessfailure
sendsuccessfailure () =
relayonemessage client remote proxynextclientmessage
relayDATA _ = protoerr
-- Identical to relayDATA, except client and remote are swapped.
-- Unfortunately, the type checker chokes on a version of this
-- with those parameterized.
relayDATA' message@(DATA len) =
protoerrhandler receive $
remote $ net $ sendMessage message
receive () = protoerrhandler send $
client $ net $ receiveBytes len nullMeterUpdate
send b = protoerrhandler finishget $
remote $ net $ sendBytes len b nullMeterUpdate
finishget () = protocolversion >>= \case
ProtocolVersion 0 -> sendsuccessfailure ()
-- Protocol version 1 has a VALID or
-- INVALID message after the data.
_ -> relayonemessage client remote sendsuccessfailure
sendsuccessfailure () =
relayonemessage remote client proxynextclientmessage
relayDATA' _ = protoerr
-- Send a message to the remote, send its response back to the
-- client, and proceed to proxying the next message from the
-- client.
proxyresponse message = getresponse remote message $ \resp ->
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
client $ net $ sendMessage resp
-- Send a message to the remote, that it will not respond to.
proxynoresponse message =
protoerrhandler proxynextclientmessage $
remote $ net $ sendMessage message
-- Send a message to the endpoint and get back its response.
getresponse endpoint message handleresp =
protoerrhandler (withresp handleresp) $
endpoint $ net $ do
sendMessage message
withresp a (Just resp) = a resp
-- Whichever of the remote or client the message was read from
-- hung up.
withresp _ Nothing = proxydone
-- Read a message from one party, send it to the other,
-- and then call the continuation.
relayonemessage from to cont =
flip protoerrhandler (from $ net $ receiveMessage) $
withresp $ \resp ->
protoerrhandler cont $
to $ net $ sendMessage resp
protoerr = do
_ <- client $ net $ sendMessage (ERROR "protocol error")
giveup "protocol error"
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ For June's work on [[design/passthrough_proxy]], implementation plan:
2. Remote instantiation for proxies. (done)
3. Implement proxying in git-annex-shell.
(Partly done, still need it for PUT, CONNECT, and NOTIFYCHANGES
3. Implement git-annex-shell proxying for CONNECT and NOTIFYCHANGES.
(For completeness, they will only be used when using tor-annex
to access a proxy.)
4. Either implement proxying for local path remotes, or prevent
listProxied from operating on them. Currently it seems to work,
Add table
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