started on git-annex-shell cluster support
Works down to P2P protocol. The question now is, how to handle protocol version negotiation for clusters? Connecting to each node to find their protocol versions and using the lowest would be too expensive with a lot of nodes. So it seems that the cluster needs to pick its own protocol version to use with the client. Then it can either negotiate that same version with the nodes when it comes time to use them, or it can translate between multiple protocol versions. That seems complicated. Thinking it would be ok to refuse to use a node if it is not able to negotiate the same protocol version with it as with the client. That will mean that sometimes need nodes to be upgraded when upgrading the cluster's proxy. But protocol versions rarely change.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 87 additions and 62 deletions
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ data AnnexState = AnnexState
, urloptions :: Maybe UrlOptions
, insmudgecleanfilter :: Bool
, getvectorclock :: IO CandidateVectorClock
, proxyremote :: Maybe (Types.Remote.RemoteA Annex)
, proxyremote :: Maybe (Either ClusterUUID (Types.Remote.RemoteA Annex))
newAnnexState :: GitConfig -> Git.Repo -> IO AnnexState
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Remote.GCrypt (getGCryptUUID)
import P2P.Protocol (ServerMode(..))
import Git.Types
import Logs.Proxy
import Logs.Cluster
import Logs.UUID
import Remote
@ -193,21 +194,33 @@ checkProxy remoteuuid ouruuid = M.lookup ouruuid <$> getProxies >>= \case
Just proxies ->
case filter (\p -> proxyRemoteUUID p == remoteuuid) (S.toList proxies) of
[] -> notconfigured
ps -> do
-- This repository may have multiple
-- remotes that access the same repository.
-- Proxy for the lowest cost one that
-- is configured to be used as a proxy.
rs <- concat . byCost <$> remoteList
let sameuuid r = uuid r == remoteuuid
let samename r p = name r == proxyRemoteName p
case headMaybe (filter (\r -> sameuuid r && any (samename r) ps) rs) of
Nothing -> notconfigured
Just r -> do
Annex.changeState $ \st ->
st { Annex.proxyremote = Just r }
return True
ps -> case mkClusterUUID remoteuuid of
Just cu -> proxyforcluster cu
Nothing -> proxyfor ps
-- This repository may have multiple remotes that access the same
-- repository. Proxy for the lowest cost one that is configured to
-- be used as a proxy.
proxyfor ps = do
rs <- concat . byCost <$> remoteList
let sameuuid r = uuid r == remoteuuid
let samename r p = name r == proxyRemoteName p
case headMaybe (filter (\r -> sameuuid r && any (samename r) ps) rs) of
Nothing -> notconfigured
Just r -> do
Annex.changeState $ \st ->
st { Annex.proxyremote = Just (Right r) }
return True
proxyforcluster cu = do
clusters <- getClusters
if M.member cu (clusterUUIDs clusters)
then do
Annex.changeState $ \st ->
st { Annex.proxyremote = Just (Left cu) }
return True
else notconfigured
notconfigured = M.lookup remoteuuid <$> uuidDescMap >>= \case
Just desc -> giveup $ "not configured to proxy for repository " ++ (fromUUIDDesc desc)
Just desc -> giveup $ "not configured to proxy for repository " ++ fromUUIDDesc desc
Nothing -> return False
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Annex.UUID
import qualified CmdLine.GitAnnexShell.Checks as Checks
import Remote.Helper.Ssh (openP2PShellConnection', closeP2PShellConnection)
import Logs.Location
import Logs.Cluster
import qualified Remote
import System.IO.Error
@ -40,8 +41,12 @@ start theiruuid = startingCustomOutput (ActionItemOther Nothing) $ do
(False, True) -> P2P.ServeAppendOnly
(False, False) -> P2P.ServeReadWrite
Annex.getState Annex.proxyremote >>= \case
Nothing -> performLocal theiruuid servermode
Just r -> performProxy theiruuid servermode r
Nothing ->
performLocal theiruuid servermode
Just (Right r) ->
performProxy theiruuid servermode r
Just (Left clusteruuid) ->
performProxyCluster theiruuid clusteruuid servermode
performLocal :: UUID -> P2P.ServerMode -> CommandPerform
performLocal theiruuid servermode = do
@ -51,48 +56,60 @@ performLocal theiruuid servermode = do
||| $ P2P.sendMessage (P2P.AUTH_SUCCESS myuuid)
P2P.serveAuthed servermode myuuid
runst <- liftIO $ mkRunState $ Serving theiruuid Nothing
runFullProto runst conn server >>= \case
Right () -> done
-- Avoid displaying an error when the client hung up on us.
Left (ProtoFailureIOError e) | isEOFError e -> done
Left e -> giveup (describeProtoFailure e)
done = next $ return True
p2pErrHandler (const p2pDone) (runFullProto runst conn server)
performProxy :: UUID -> P2P.ServerMode -> Remote -> CommandPerform
performProxy clientuuid servermode remote = do
clientrunst <- liftIO (mkRunState $ Serving clientuuid Nothing)
let clientside = ClientSide clientrunst (stdioP2PConnection Nothing)
getClientProtocolVersion remote clientside
clientside <- proxyClientSide clientuuid
getClientProtocolVersion (Remote.uuid remote) clientside
(withclientversion clientside)
withclientversion clientside (Just (clientmaxversion, othermsg)) = do
remoteside <- connectremote clientmaxversion
proxy done proxymethods servermode clientside remoteside
othermsg protoerrhandler
withclientversion _ Nothing = done
remoteside <- proxySshRemoteSide clientmaxversion remote
proxy p2pDone proxymethods servermode clientside remoteside
othermsg p2pErrHandler
withclientversion _ Nothing = p2pDone
proxymethods = ProxyMethods
{ removedContent = \u k -> logChange k u InfoMissing
, addedContent = \u k -> logChange k u InfoPresent
-- FIXME: Support special remotes.
connectremote clientmaxversion = mkRemoteSide (Remote.uuid remote) $
openP2PShellConnection' remote clientmaxversion >>= \case
Just conn@(P2P.IO.OpenConnection (remoterunst, remoteconn, _)) ->
return $ Just
( remoterunst
, remoteconn
, void $ liftIO $ closeP2PShellConnection conn
_ -> return Nothing
performProxyCluster :: UUID -> ClusterUUID -> P2P.ServerMode -> CommandPerform
performProxyCluster clientuuid clusteruuid servermode = do
clientside <- proxyClientSide clientuuid
getClientProtocolVersion (fromClusterUUID clusteruuid) clientside
(withclientversion clientside)
withclientversion clientside (Just (clientmaxversion, othermsg)) = do
giveup "TODO"
withclientversion _ Nothing = p2pDone
protoerrhandler cont a = a >>= \case
-- Avoid displaying an error when the client hung up on us.
Left (ProtoFailureIOError e) | isEOFError e -> done
Left e -> giveup (describeProtoFailure e)
Right v -> cont v
done = next $ return True
proxyClientSide :: UUID -> Annex ClientSide
proxyClientSide clientuuid = do
clientrunst <- liftIO (mkRunState $ Serving clientuuid Nothing)
return $ ClientSide clientrunst (stdioP2PConnection Nothing)
-- FIXME: Support special remotes.
proxySshRemoteSide :: P2P.ProtocolVersion -> Remote -> Annex RemoteSide
proxySshRemoteSide clientmaxversion remote = mkRemoteSide (Remote.uuid remote) $
openP2PShellConnection' remote clientmaxversion >>= \case
Just conn@(P2P.IO.OpenConnection (remoterunst, remoteconn, _)) ->
return $ Just
( remoterunst
, remoteconn
, void $ liftIO $ closeP2PShellConnection conn
_ -> return Nothing
p2pErrHandler :: (a -> CommandPerform) -> Annex (Either ProtoFailure a) -> CommandPerform
p2pErrHandler cont a = a >>= \case
-- Avoid displaying an error when the client hung up on us.
Left (ProtoFailureIOError e) | isEOFError e -> p2pDone
Left e -> giveup (describeProtoFailure e)
Right v -> cont v
p2pDone :: CommandPerform
p2pDone = next $ return True
@ -8,14 +8,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TupleSections #-}
module Logs.Cluster (
module Types.Cluster,
) where
import qualified Annex
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ module P2P.Proxy where
import Annex.Common
import P2P.Protocol
import P2P.IO
import qualified Remote
import Utility.Metered (nullMeterUpdate)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
@ -60,20 +59,20 @@ type ProtoErrorHandled r =
- brought up yet.
:: Remote
-> ClientSide
-> (Maybe (ProtocolVersion, Maybe Message) -> Annex r)
-> ProtoErrorHandled r
getClientProtocolVersion remote (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) cont protoerrhandler =
protoerrhandler cont $ client $ getClientProtocolVersion' remote
getClientProtocolVersion remoteuuid (ClientSide clientrunst clientconn) cont protoerrhandler =
protoerrhandler cont $ client $ getClientProtocolVersion' remoteuuid
client = liftIO . runNetProto clientrunst clientconn
:: Remote
-> Proto (Maybe (ProtocolVersion, Maybe Message))
getClientProtocolVersion' remote = do
net $ sendMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS (Remote.uuid remote))
getClientProtocolVersion' remoteuuid = do
net $ sendMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS remoteuuid)
msg <- net receiveMessage
case msg of
Nothing -> return Nothing
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