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{- git-annex ssh interface, with connection caching
- Copyright 2012-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.Ssh (
2013-05-14 13:53:29 -04:00
) where
import Annex.Common
2014-07-10 00:32:23 -04:00
import Annex.LockFile
import qualified BuildInfo
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Url
import Config
import Annex.Path
2013-05-11 18:23:41 -04:00
import Utility.Env
import Utility.Hash
import Types.CleanupActions
import Annex.Concurrent.Utility
import Types.Concurrency
2016-02-25 13:46:31 -04:00
import Git.Env
import Git.Ssh
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
2013-08-04 13:12:18 -04:00
import Annex.Perms
2020-03-20 11:47:09 -04:00
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Annex.LockPool
2013-08-04 13:12:18 -04:00
2017-05-11 18:29:51 -04:00
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
{- Some ssh commands are fed stdin on a pipe and so should be allowed to
- consume it. But ssh commands that are not piped stdin should generally
- not be allowed to consume the process's stdin. -}
data ConsumeStdin = ConsumeStdin | NoConsumeStdin
{- Generates a command to ssh to a given host (or user@host) on a given
- port. This includes connection caching parameters, and any ssh-options.
- If GIT_SSH or GIT_SSH_COMMAND is enabled, they are used instead. -}
sshCommand :: ConsumeStdin -> (SshHost, Maybe SshPort) -> RemoteGitConfig -> SshCommand -> Annex (FilePath, [CommandParam])
sshCommand cs (host, port) gc remotecmd = ifM (liftIO safe_GIT_SSH)
( maybe go return
=<< liftIO (gitSsh' host port remotecmd (consumeStdinParams cs))
, go
go = do
ps <- sshOptions cs (host, port) gc []
return ("ssh", Param (fromSshHost host):ps++[Param remotecmd])
{- Generates parameters to ssh to a given host (or user@host) on a given
- port. This includes connection caching parameters, and any
- ssh-options. Note that the host to ssh to and the command to run
- are not included in the returned options. -}
sshOptions :: ConsumeStdin -> (SshHost, Maybe Integer) -> RemoteGitConfig -> [CommandParam] -> Annex [CommandParam]
sshOptions cs (host, port) gc opts = go =<< sshCachingInfo (host, port)
2012-12-13 00:24:19 -04:00
go (Nothing, params) = return $ mkparams cs params
2012-12-13 00:24:19 -04:00
go (Just socketfile, params) = do
prepSocket socketfile host (mkparams NoConsumeStdin params)
return $ mkparams cs params
mkparams cs' ps = concat
[ ps
, map Param (remoteAnnexSshOptions gc)
, opts
, portParams port
, consumeStdinParams cs'
, [Param "-T"]
{- Due to passing -n to GIT_SSH and GIT_SSH_COMMAND, some settings
- of those that expect exactly git's parameters will break. So only
- use those if the user set GIT_ANNEX_USE_GIT_SSH to say it's ok. -}
safe_GIT_SSH :: IO Bool
safe_GIT_SSH = (== Just "1") <$> getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_USE_GIT_SSH"
consumeStdinParams :: ConsumeStdin -> [CommandParam]
consumeStdinParams ConsumeStdin = []
consumeStdinParams NoConsumeStdin = [Param "-n"]
{- Returns a filename to use for a ssh connection caching socket, and
- parameters to enable ssh connection caching. -}
sshCachingInfo :: (SshHost, Maybe Integer) -> Annex (Maybe FilePath, [CommandParam])
sshCachingInfo (host, port) = go =<< sshCacheDir'
go (Right dir) =
liftIO (bestSocketPath $ dir P.</> hostport2socket host port) >>= return . \case
Nothing -> (Nothing, [])
Just socketfile ->
let socketfile' = fromRawFilePath socketfile
in (Just socketfile', sshConnectionCachingParams socketfile')
-- No connection caching with concurrency is not a good
-- combination, so warn the user.
go (Left whynocaching) = do
getConcurrency >>= \case
NonConcurrent -> return ()
Concurrent {} -> warnnocaching whynocaching
ConcurrentPerCpu -> warnnocaching whynocaching
return (Nothing, [])
warnnocaching whynocaching =
whenM (annexAdviceNoSshCaching <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $ do
warning $ UnquotedString nocachingwarning
warning $ UnquotedString whynocaching
nocachingwarning = unwords
[ "You have enabled concurrency, but git-annex is not able"
, "to use ssh connection caching. This may result in"
, "multiple ssh processes prompting for passwords at the"
, "same time."
{- Given an absolute path to use for a socket file,
- returns whichever is shorter of that or the relative path to the same
- file.
- If no path can be constructed that is a valid socket, returns Nothing. -}
bestSocketPath :: RawFilePath -> IO (Maybe RawFilePath)
bestSocketPath abssocketfile = do
relsocketfile <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile abssocketfile
let socketfile = if S.length abssocketfile <= S.length relsocketfile
then abssocketfile
else relsocketfile
return $ if valid_unix_socket_path socketfile sshgarbagelen
then Just socketfile
else Nothing
-- ssh appends a 16 char extension to the socket when setting it
-- up, which needs to be taken into account when checking
-- that a valid socket was constructed.
sshgarbagelen = 1+16
sshConnectionCachingParams :: FilePath -> [CommandParam]
sshConnectionCachingParams socketfile =
[ Param "-S", Param socketfile
, Param "-o", Param "ControlMaster=auto"
, Param "-o", Param "ControlPersist=yes"
sshSocketDirEnv :: String
{- Returns the directory where ssh connection caching sockets can be
- stored.
- The directory will be created if it does not exist.
sshCacheDir :: Annex (Maybe RawFilePath)
sshCacheDir = eitherToMaybe <$> sshCacheDir'
sshCacheDir' :: Annex (Either String RawFilePath)
sshCacheDir' =
ifM (fromMaybe BuildInfo.sshconnectioncaching . annexSshCaching <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( ifM crippledFileSystem
( gettmpdir >>= \case
Nothing ->
return (Left crippledfswarning)
Just tmpdir ->
liftIO $ catchMsgIO $
usetmpdir tmpdir
, do
d <- fromRepo gitAnnexSshDir
createAnnexDirectory d
return (Right d)
, return (Left "annex.sshcaching is not set to true")
gettmpdir = liftIO $ getEnv sshSocketDirEnv
usetmpdir tmpdir = do
let socktmp = tmpdir </> "ssh"
createDirectoryIfMissing True socktmp
return (toRawFilePath socktmp)
crippledfswarning = unwords
[ "This repository is on a crippled filesystem, so unix named"
, "pipes probably don't work, and ssh connection caching"
, "relies on those. One workaround is to set"
, sshSocketDirEnv
, "to point to a directory on a non-crippled filesystem."
portParams :: Maybe Integer -> [CommandParam]
portParams Nothing = []
portParams (Just port) = [Param "-p", Param $ show port]
{- Prepare to use a socket file for ssh connection caching.
- When concurrency is enabled, this blocks until a ssh connection
- has been made to the host. So, any password prompting by ssh will
- happen in this call, and only one ssh process will prompt at a time.
- Locks the socket lock file to prevent other git-annex processes from
- stopping the ssh multiplexer on this socket.
prepSocket :: FilePath -> SshHost -> [CommandParam] -> Annex ()
prepSocket socketfile sshhost sshparams = do
-- There could be stale ssh connections hanging around
-- from a previous git-annex run that was interrupted.
2017-05-11 18:29:51 -04:00
-- This must run only once, before we have made any ssh connection,
-- and any other prepSocket calls must block while it's run.
tv <- Annex.getRead Annex.sshstalecleaned
2017-05-11 18:29:51 -04:00
join $ liftIO $ atomically $ do
cleaned <- takeTMVar tv
if cleaned
then do
putTMVar tv cleaned
return noop
else return $ do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar tv True
-- Cleanup at shutdown.
Annex.addCleanupAction SshCachingCleanup sshCleanup
let socketlock = socket2lock socketfile
getConcurrency >>= \case
NonConcurrent -> return ()
Concurrent {} -> makeconnection socketlock
ConcurrentPerCpu -> makeconnection socketlock
lockFileCached socketlock
-- When the LockCache already has the socketlock in it,
-- the connection has already been started. Otherwise,
-- get the connection started now.
makeconnection socketlock = debugLocks $
whenM (isNothing <$> fromLockCache socketlock) $
-- See if ssh can connect in batch mode,
-- if so there's no need to block for a password
-- prompt.
2018-11-20 11:43:33 -04:00
unlessM (tryssh ["-o", "BatchMode=true"]) $
-- ssh needs to prompt (probably)
-- If the user enters the wrong password,
-- ssh will tell them, so we can ignore
-- failure.
2018-11-20 11:43:33 -04:00
void $ prompt $ tryssh []
-- Try to ssh to the host quietly. Returns True if ssh apparently
-- connected to the host successfully. If ssh failed to connect,
-- returns False.
-- Even if ssh is forced to run some specific command, this will
-- return True.
-- (Except there's an unlikely false positive where a forced
-- ssh command exits 255.)
tryssh extraps = liftIO $ withNullHandle $ \nullh -> do
let p = (proc "ssh" $ concat
[ extraps
, toCommand sshparams
, [fromSshHost sshhost, "true"]
{ std_out = UseHandle nullh
, std_err = UseHandle nullh
withCreateProcess p $ \_ _ _ pid -> do
exitcode <- waitForProcess pid
return $ case exitcode of
ExitFailure 255 -> False
_ -> True
{- Find ssh socket files.
- The check that the lock file exists makes only socket files
- that were set up by prepSocket be found. On some NFS systems,
- a deleted socket file may linger for a while under another filename;
- and this check makes such files be skipped since the corresponding lock
- file won't exist.
enumSocketFiles :: Annex [FilePath]
enumSocketFiles = liftIO . go =<< sshCacheDir
go Nothing = return []
go (Just dir) = filterM (R.doesPathExist . socket2lock)
=<< filter (not . isLock)
<$> catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents (fromRawFilePath dir))
{- Stop any unused ssh connection caching processes. -}
sshCleanup :: Annex ()
sshCleanup = mapM_ cleanup =<< enumSocketFiles
2012-12-13 00:24:19 -04:00
cleanup socketfile = do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
2012-12-13 00:24:19 -04:00
-- Drop any shared lock we have, and take an
-- exclusive lock, without blocking. If the lock
-- succeeds, nothing is using this ssh, and it can
-- be stopped.
-- After ssh is stopped cannot remove the lock file;
-- other processes may be waiting on our exclusive
-- lock to use it.
2012-12-13 00:24:19 -04:00
let lockfile = socket2lock socketfile
unlockFile lockfile
mode <- annexFileMode
tryLockExclusive (Just mode) lockfile >>= \case
Nothing -> noop
Just lck -> do
forceStopSsh socketfile
liftIO $ dropLock lck
forceStopSsh socketfile
{- Stop all ssh connection caching processes, even when they're in use. -}
forceSshCleanup :: Annex ()
forceSshCleanup = mapM_ forceStopSsh =<< enumSocketFiles
forceStopSsh :: FilePath -> Annex ()
forceStopSsh socketfile = withNullHandle $ \nullh -> do
let (dir, base) = splitFileName socketfile
let p = (proc "ssh" $ toCommand $
[ Param "-O", Param "stop" ] ++
sshConnectionCachingParams base ++
[Param "localhost"])
{ cwd = Just dir
-- "ssh -O stop" is noisy on stderr even with -q
, std_out = UseHandle nullh
, std_err = UseHandle nullh
void $ liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ withCreateProcess p $ \_ _ _ pid ->
forceSuccessProcess p pid
liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath socketfile)
{- This needs to be as short as possible, due to limitations on the length
- of the path to a socket file. At the same time, it needs to be unique
- for each host.
hostport2socket :: SshHost -> Maybe Integer -> RawFilePath
hostport2socket host Nothing = hostport2socket' $ fromSshHost host
hostport2socket host (Just port) = hostport2socket' $
fromSshHost host ++ "!" ++ show port
hostport2socket' :: String -> RawFilePath
hostport2socket' s
| length s > lengthofmd5s = toRawFilePath $ show $ md5 $ encodeBL s
| otherwise = toRawFilePath s
lengthofmd5s = 32
socket2lock :: FilePath -> RawFilePath
socket2lock socket = toRawFilePath (socket ++ lockExt)
isLock :: FilePath -> Bool
isLock f = lockExt `isSuffixOf` f
lockExt :: String
lockExt = ".lock"
{- This is the size of the sun_path component of sockaddr_un, which
- is the limit to the total length of the filename of a unix socket.
- On Linux, this is 108. On OSX, 104. TODO: Probe
sizeof_sockaddr_un_sun_path :: Int
sizeof_sockaddr_un_sun_path = 100
{- Note that this looks at the true length of the path in bytes, as it will
- appear on disk. -}
valid_unix_socket_path :: RawFilePath -> Int -> Bool
valid_unix_socket_path f n = S.length f + n < sizeof_sockaddr_un_sun_path
{- Parses the SSH port, and returns the other OpenSSH options. If
- several ports are found, the last one takes precedence. -}
sshReadPort :: [String] -> (Maybe Integer, [String])
sshReadPort params = (port, reverse args)
(port,args) = aux (Nothing, []) params
aux (p,ps) [] = (p,ps)
aux (_,ps) ("-p":p:rest) = aux (readPort p, ps) rest
aux (p,ps) (q:rest) | "-p" `isPrefixOf` q = aux (readPort $ drop 2 q, ps) rest
| otherwise = aux (p,q:ps) rest
readPort p = fmap fst $ listToMaybe $ reads p
{- When this env var is set, git-annex runs ssh with the specified
- options. (The options are separated by newlines.)
- This is a workaround for GIT_SSH not being able to contain
2017-02-20 12:58:08 -04:00
- additional parameters to pass to ssh. (GIT_SSH_COMMAND can,
- but is not supported by older versions of git.) -}
sshOptionsEnv :: String
toSshOptionsEnv :: [CommandParam] -> String
toSshOptionsEnv = unlines . toCommand
fromSshOptionsEnv :: String -> [CommandParam]
fromSshOptionsEnv = map Param . lines
{- Enables ssh caching for git push/pull to a particular
- remote git repo. (Can safely be used on non-ssh remotes.)
- Also propagates any configured ssh-options.
- Like inRepo, the action is run with the local git repo.
- But here it's a modified version, with gitEnv to set GIT_SSH=git-annex,
- and sshOptionsEnv set so that git-annex will know what socket
- file to use. -}
inRepoWithSshOptionsTo :: Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> (Git.Repo -> IO a) -> Annex a
inRepoWithSshOptionsTo remote gc a =
liftIO . a =<< sshOptionsTo remote gc =<< gitRepo
{- To make any git commands be run with ssh caching enabled,
- and configured ssh-options alters the local Git.Repo's gitEnv
- to set GIT_SSH=git-annex, and set sshOptionsEnv when running git
- commands.
- If GIT_SSH or GIT_SSH_COMMAND are enabled, this has no effect. -}
sshOptionsTo :: Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> Git.Repo -> Annex Git.Repo
sshOptionsTo remote gc localr
| not (Git.repoIsUrl remote) || Git.repoIsHttp remote = unchanged
| otherwise = case Git.Url.hostuser remote of
2015-08-04 15:44:46 -04:00
Nothing -> unchanged
Just host -> ifM (liftIO $ safe_GIT_SSH <&&> gitSshEnvSet)
( unchanged
, do
let port = Git.Url.port remote
let sshhost = either giveup id (mkSshHost host)
(msockfile, cacheparams) <- sshCachingInfo (sshhost, port)
case msockfile of
Nothing -> use []
Just sockfile -> do
prepSocket sockfile sshhost $ concat
[ cacheparams
, map Param (remoteAnnexSshOptions gc)
, portParams port
, consumeStdinParams NoConsumeStdin
, [Param "-T"]
use cacheparams
unchanged = return localr
use opts = do
let sshopts = concat
[ opts
, map Param (remoteAnnexSshOptions gc)
if null sshopts
then unchanged
else do
command <- liftIO programPath
liftIO $ do
localr' <- addGitEnv localr sshOptionsEnv
2015-08-04 17:07:45 -04:00
(toSshOptionsEnv sshopts)
addGitEnv localr' gitSshEnv command
runSshOptions :: [String] -> String -> IO ()
runSshOptions args s = do
let args' = toCommand (fromSshOptionsEnv s) ++ args
let p = proc "ssh" args'
exitcode <- withCreateProcess p $ \_ _ _ pid -> waitForProcess pid
exitWith exitcode
{- When this env var is set, git-annex is being used as a ssh-askpass
- program, and should read the password from the specified location,
- and output it for ssh to read. -}
sshAskPassEnv :: String
runSshAskPass :: FilePath -> IO ()
runSshAskPass passfile = putStrLn =<< readFile passfile