avoid annexFileMode special case
This makes annexFileMode be just an application of setAnnexPerm', which avoids having 2 functions that do different versions of the same thing. Fixes some buggy behavior for some combinations of core.sharedRepository and umask. Sponsored-by: Jack Hill on Patreon
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 82 additions and 69 deletions
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ import Logs.Location
import Utility.InodeCache
import Utility.CopyFile
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.FileMode
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ lockContentForRemoval key fallback a = lockContentUsing lock key fallback $
type ContentLocker = RawFilePath -> Maybe LockFile -> (Annex (Maybe LockHandle), Maybe (Annex (Maybe LockHandle)))
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
posixLocker :: (Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)) -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
posixLocker :: (Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)) -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
posixLocker takelock lockfile = do
mode <- annexFileMode
modifyContentDirWhenExists lockfile $
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ lockFileCached file = go =<< fromLockCache file
go Nothing = do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
mode <- annexFileMode
lockhandle <- noUmask mode $ lockShared (Just mode) file
lockhandle <- lockShared (Just mode) file
lockhandle <- liftIO $ waitToLock $ lockShared file
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ withSharedLock lockfile a = debugLocks $ do
bracket (lock mode lockfile) (liftIO . dropLock) (const a)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
lock mode = noUmask mode . lockShared (Just mode)
lock mode = lockShared (Just mode)
lock _mode = liftIO . waitToLock . lockShared
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ takeExclusiveLock lockfile = debugLocks $ do
lock mode lockfile
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
lock mode = noUmask mode . lockExclusive (Just mode)
lock mode = lockExclusive (Just mode)
lock _mode = liftIO . waitToLock . lockExclusive
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ tryExclusiveLock lockfile a = debugLocks $ do
bracket (lock mode lockfile) (liftIO . unlock) go
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
lock mode = noUmask mode . tryLockExclusive (Just mode)
lock mode = tryLockExclusive (Just mode)
lock _mode = liftIO . lockExclusive
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import qualified Annex
import qualified Utility.LockPool.Posix as Posix
import qualified Utility.LockPool.PidLock as Pid
import qualified Utility.LockPool.LockHandle as H
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.LockPool.LockHandle (LockHandle, dropLock)
import Utility.LockFile.Posix (openLockFile)
import Utility.LockPool.STM (LockFile, LockMode(..))
@ -36,16 +37,16 @@ import Git.Quote
import System.Posix
lockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex LockHandle
lockShared :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> Annex LockHandle
lockShared m f = pidLock m f LockShared $ Posix.lockShared m f
lockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex LockHandle
lockExclusive :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> Annex LockHandle
lockExclusive m f = pidLock m f LockExclusive $ Posix.lockExclusive m f
tryLockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockShared :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockShared m f = tryPidLock m f LockShared $ Posix.tryLockShared m f
tryLockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockExclusive :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockExclusive m f = tryPidLock m f LockExclusive $ Posix.tryLockExclusive m f
checkLocked :: LockFile -> Annex (Maybe Bool)
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ pidLockCheck :: IO a -> (LockFile -> IO a) -> Annex a
pidLockCheck posixcheck pidcheck = debugLocks $
liftIO . maybe posixcheck pidcheck =<< pidLockFile
pidLock :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> LockMode -> IO LockHandle -> Annex LockHandle
pidLock :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> LockMode -> IO LockHandle -> Annex LockHandle
pidLock m f lockmode posixlock = debugLocks $ go =<< pidLockFile
go Nothing = liftIO posixlock
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ pidLock m f lockmode posixlock = debugLocks $ go =<< pidLockFile
liftIO $ dummyPosixLock m f
Pid.waitLock f lockmode timeout pidlock (warning . UnquotedString)
tryPidLock :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> LockMode -> IO (Maybe LockHandle) -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
tryPidLock :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> LockMode -> IO (Maybe LockHandle) -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
tryPidLock m f lockmode posixlock = debugLocks $ liftIO . go =<< pidLockFile
go Nothing = posixlock
@ -88,5 +89,5 @@ tryPidLock m f lockmode posixlock = debugLocks $ liftIO . go =<< pidLockFile
-- The posix lock file is created even when using pid locks, in order to
-- avoid complicating any code that might expect to be able to see that
-- lock file. But, it's not locked.
dummyPosixLock :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO ()
dummyPosixLock :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO ()
dummyPosixLock m f = bracket (openLockFile ReadLock m f) closeFd (const noop)
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ module Annex.Perms (
@ -60,24 +59,26 @@ setAnnexDirPerm = setAnnexPerm True
- don't change the mode, but with core.sharedRepository set,
- allow the group to write, etc. -}
setAnnexPerm :: Bool -> RawFilePath -> Annex ()
setAnnexPerm = setAnnexPerm' Nothing
setAnnexPerm isdir file = setAnnexPerm' Nothing isdir >>= \go -> liftIO (go file)
setAnnexPerm' :: Maybe ([FileMode] -> FileMode -> FileMode) -> Bool -> RawFilePath -> Annex ()
setAnnexPerm' modef isdir file = unlessM crippledFileSystem $
withShared go
setAnnexPerm' :: Maybe ([FileMode] -> FileMode -> FileMode) -> Bool -> Annex (RawFilePath -> IO ())
setAnnexPerm' modef isdir = ifM crippledFileSystem
( return (const noop)
, withShared $ \s -> return $ \file -> go s file
go GroupShared = void $ liftIO $ tryIO $ modifyFileMode file $ modef' $
go GroupShared file = void $ tryIO $ modifyFileMode file $ modef' $
groupSharedModes ++
if isdir then [ ownerExecuteMode, groupExecuteMode ] else []
go AllShared = void $ liftIO $ tryIO $ modifyFileMode file $ modef' $
go AllShared file = void $ tryIO $ modifyFileMode file $ modef' $
readModes ++
[ ownerWriteMode, groupWriteMode ] ++
if isdir then executeModes else []
go UnShared = case modef of
go UnShared file = case modef of
Nothing -> noop
Just f -> void $ liftIO $ tryIO $
Just f -> void $ tryIO $
modifyFileMode file $ f []
go (UmaskShared n) = void $ liftIO $ tryIO $ R.setFileMode file $
go (UmaskShared n) file = void $ tryIO $ R.setFileMode file $
if isdir then umaskSharedDirectory n else n
modef' = fromMaybe addModes modef
@ -96,20 +97,19 @@ resetAnnexPerm :: Bool -> RawFilePath -> Annex ()
resetAnnexPerm isdir file = unlessM crippledFileSystem $ do
defmode <- liftIO defaultFileMode
let modef moremodes _oldmode = addModes moremodes defmode
setAnnexPerm' (Just modef) isdir file
setAnnexPerm' (Just modef) isdir >>= \go -> liftIO (go file)
{- Gets the appropriate mode to use for creating a file in the annex
- (other than content files, which are locked down more). The umask is not
- taken into account; this is for use with actions that create the file
- and apply the umask automatically. -}
annexFileMode :: Annex FileMode
annexFileMode = withShared (pure . go)
{- Creates a ModeSetter which can be used for creating a file in the annex
- (other than content files, which are locked down more). -}
annexFileMode :: Annex ModeSetter
annexFileMode = do
modesetter <- setAnnexPerm' Nothing False
withShared (\s -> pure $ mk s modesetter)
go GroupShared = sharedmode
go AllShared = combineModes (sharedmode:readModes)
go UnShared = stdFileMode
go (UmaskShared n) = n
sharedmode = combineModes groupSharedModes
mk GroupShared = ModeSetter stdFileMode
mk AllShared = ModeSetter stdFileMode
mk UnShared = ModeSetter stdFileMode
mk (UmaskShared mode) = ModeSetter mode
{- Creates a directory inside the gitAnnexDir (or possibly the dbdir),
- creating any parent directories up to and including the gitAnnexDir.
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ sshCleanup = mapM_ cleanup =<< enumSocketFiles
let lockfile = socket2lock socketfile
unlockFile lockfile
mode <- annexFileMode
noUmask mode (tryLockExclusive (Just mode) lockfile) >>= \case
tryLockExclusive (Just mode) lockfile >>= \case
Nothing -> noop
Just lck -> do
forceStopSsh socketfile
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Annex.Perms
import Annex.Action
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Utility.FileMode
import Annex.LockPool
import Types.Key
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ runTransfer' ignorelock t eventualbackend afile stalldetection retrydecider tran
else recordFailedTransfer t info
return v
prep :: RawFilePath -> Annex () -> FileMode -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle, Bool)
prep :: RawFilePath -> Annex () -> ModeSetter -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle, Bool)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
prep tfile createtfile mode = catchPermissionDenied (const prepfailed) $ do
let lck = transferLockFile tfile
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ git-annex (10.20230408) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Bug fix: Create .git/annex/, .git/annex/fsckdb,
.git/annex/sentinal, .git/annex/sentinal.cache, and
.git/annex/journal/* with permissions configured by core.sharedRepository.
* Bug fix: Lock files were created with wrong modes for some combinations
of core.sharedRepository and umask.
-- Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> Sat, 08 Apr 2023 13:57:18 -0400
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ runHooks r starthook stophook a = do
unlockFile lck
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
mode <- annexFileMode
v <- noUmask mode $ tryLockExclusive (Just mode) lck
v <- tryLockExclusive (Just mode) lck
v <- liftIO $ lockExclusive lck
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- File mode utilities.
- Copyright 2010-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Copyright 2010-2023 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
@ -103,16 +103,19 @@ checkMode checkfor mode = checkfor `intersectFileModes` mode == checkfor
isExecutable :: FileMode -> Bool
isExecutable mode = combineModes executeModes `intersectFileModes` mode /= 0
{- Runs an action without that pesky umask influencing it, unless the
- passed FileMode is the standard one. -}
noUmask :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FileMode -> m a -> m a
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
noUmask mode a
| mode == stdFileMode = a
| otherwise = withUmask nullFileMode a
noUmask _ a = a
data ModeSetter = ModeSetter FileMode (RawFilePath -> IO ())
{- Runs an action which should create the file, passing it the desired
- initial file mode. Then runs the ModeSetter's action on the file, which
- can adjust the initial mode if umask prevented the file from being
- created with the right mode. -}
applyModeSetter :: Maybe ModeSetter -> RawFilePath -> (Maybe FileMode -> IO a) -> IO a
applyModeSetter (Just (ModeSetter mode modeaction)) file a = do
r <- a (Just mode)
void $ tryIO $ modeaction file
return r
applyModeSetter Nothing _ a =
a Nothing
withUmask :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FileMode -> m a -> m a
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
@ -172,10 +175,10 @@ writeFileProtected file content = writeFileProtected' file
(\h -> hPutStr h content)
writeFileProtected' :: RawFilePath -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
writeFileProtected' file writer = protectedOutput $
withFile (fromRawFilePath file) WriteMode $ \h -> do
void $ tryIO $ modifyFileMode file $ removeModes otherGroupModes
writer h
writeFileProtected' file writer = do
h <- protectedOutput $ openFile (fromRawFilePath file) WriteMode
void $ tryIO $ modifyFileMode file $ removeModes otherGroupModes
writer h
protectedOutput :: IO a -> IO a
protectedOutput = withUmask 0o0077
@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ trySideLock :: PidLockFile -> (SideLockHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
trySideLock lockfile a = do
sidelock <- sideLockFile lockfile
mlck <- catchDefaultIO Nothing $
withUmask nullFileMode $
Posix.tryLockExclusive (Just mode) sidelock
Posix.tryLockExclusive (Just modesetter) sidelock
-- Check the lock we just took, in case we opened a side lock file
-- belonging to another process that will have since deleted it.
case mlck of
@ -100,6 +99,7 @@ trySideLock lockfile a = do
-- delete another user's lock file there, so could not
-- delete a stale lock.
mode = combineModes (readModes ++ writeModes)
modesetter = ModeSetter mode (\f -> modifyFileMode f (const mode))
dropSideLock :: SideLockHandle -> IO ()
dropSideLock Nothing = return ()
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- Posix lock files
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Copyright 2014-2023 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Utility.LockFile.Posix (
import Utility.Exception
import Utility.Applicative
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.LockFile.LockStatus
import System.IO
@ -36,31 +37,31 @@ type LockFile = RawFilePath
newtype LockHandle = LockHandle Fd
-- Takes a shared lock, blocking until the lock is available.
lockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockShared :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockShared = lock ReadLock
-- Takes an exclusive lock, blocking until the lock is available.
lockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockExclusive :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockExclusive = lock WriteLock
-- Tries to take a shared lock, but does not block.
tryLockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockShared :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockShared = tryLock ReadLock
-- Tries to take an exclusive lock, but does not block.
tryLockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockExclusive :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockExclusive = tryLock WriteLock
-- Setting the FileMode allows creation of a new lock file.
-- If it's Nothing then this only succeeds when the lock file already exists.
lock :: LockRequest -> Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lock :: LockRequest -> Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lock lockreq mode lockfile = do
l <- openLockFile lockreq mode lockfile
waitToSetLock l (lockreq, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
return (LockHandle l)
-- Tries to take an lock, but does not block.
tryLock :: LockRequest -> Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLock :: LockRequest -> Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLock lockreq mode lockfile = uninterruptibleMask_ $ do
l <- openLockFile lockreq mode lockfile
v <- tryIO $ setLock l (lockreq, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
@ -71,9 +72,10 @@ tryLock lockreq mode lockfile = uninterruptibleMask_ $ do
Right _ -> return $ Just $ LockHandle l
-- Close on exec flag is set so child processes do not inherit the lock.
openLockFile :: LockRequest -> Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO Fd
openLockFile :: LockRequest -> Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO Fd
openLockFile lockreq filemode lockfile = do
l <- openFd lockfile openfor filemode defaultFileFlags
l <- applyModeSetter filemode lockfile $ \filemode' ->
openFd lockfile openfor filemode' defaultFileFlags
setFdOption l CloseOnExec True
return l
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Utility.LockFile.LockStatus
import qualified Utility.LockPool.STM as P
import Utility.LockPool.STM (LockFile, LockMode(..))
import Utility.LockPool.LockHandle
import Utility.FileMode
import System.IO
import System.Posix
@ -32,25 +33,25 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Prelude
-- Takes a shared lock, blocking until the lock is available.
lockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockShared :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockShared mode file = fst <$> makeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.waitTakeLock p f LockShared)
(\f _ -> mk <$> F.lockShared mode f)
-- Takes an exclusive lock, blocking until the lock is available.
lockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockExclusive :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockExclusive mode file = fst <$> makeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.waitTakeLock p f LockExclusive)
(\f _ -> mk <$> F.lockExclusive mode f)
-- Tries to take a shared lock, but does not block.
tryLockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockShared :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockShared mode file = fmap fst <$> tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.tryTakeLock p f LockShared)
(\f _ -> fmap mk <$> F.tryLockShared mode f)
-- Tries to take an exclusive lock, but does not block.
tryLockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockExclusive :: Maybe ModeSetter -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockExclusive mode file = fmap fst <$> tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.tryTakeLock p f LockExclusive)
(\f _ -> fmap mk <$> F.tryLockExclusive mode f)
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ With core.sharedRepository=0666, some lock files get created mode 644
(with umask 0022).
With core.sharedRepository=group, some lock files get created mode 660,
rather than 644 (with umask 0022).
rather than 664 (with umask 0022).
Root of the problem is uses of annexFileMode.
Some callers use noUmask with it, which works in cases other than these (at
least with umask 0022). But in the core.sharedRepository=group case, the
umask is cleared by noUmask, which is why the g+r bit is not set.
umask is cleared by noUmask, which is why the o+r bit is not set.
Some callers don't use noUmask with it, and when
core.sharedRepository=0666, that results in the umask being applied
@ -20,3 +20,5 @@ Fix will probably involve getting rid of annexFileMode, and noUmask, and
creating the lock file with default umask, then fixing up the mode if necessary,
before using it. Ie, the same pattern used everywhere else in git-annex.
> [[fixed|done]] --[[Joey]]
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