fix some mixed space+tab indentation
This fixes all instances of " \t" in the code base. Most common case seems to be after a "where" line; probably vim copied the two space layout of that line. Done as a background task while listening to episode 2 of the Type Theory podcast.
This commit is contained in:
131 changed files with 242 additions and 242 deletions
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ handleTransitions jl localts refs = do
ignoreRefs untransitionedrefs
return True
getreftransition ref = do
getreftransition ref = do
ts <- parseTransitionsStrictly "remote" . decodeBS
<$> catFile ref transitionsLog
return (ref, ts)
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ ignoreRefs rs = do
getIgnoredRefs :: Annex (S.Set Git.Ref)
getIgnoredRefs = S.fromList . mapMaybe Git.Sha.extractSha . lines <$> content
content = do
content = do
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexIgnoredRefs
liftIO $ catchDefaultIO "" $ readFile f
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ performTransitionsLocked jl ts neednewlocalbranch transitionedrefs = do
ref <- getBranch
commitIndex jl ref message (nub $ fullname:transitionedrefs)
| neednewlocalbranch && null transitionedrefs = "new branch for transition " ++ tdesc
| otherwise = "continuing transition " ++ tdesc
tdesc = show $ map describeTransition $ transitionList ts
@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ catKey' modeguaranteed sha mode
catLink :: Bool -> Sha -> Annex String
catLink modeguaranteed sha = fromInternalGitPath . decodeBS <$> get
-- If the mode is not guaranteed to be correct, avoid
-- If the mode is not guaranteed to be correct, avoid
-- buffering the whole file content, which might be large.
-- 8192 is enough if it really is a symlink.
| modeguaranteed = catObject sha
| otherwise = L.take 8192 <$> catObject sha
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ catKeyChecked :: Bool -> Ref -> Annex (Maybe Key)
catKeyChecked needhead ref@(Ref r) =
catKey' False ref =<< findmode <$> catTree treeref
pathparts = split "/" r
pathparts = split "/" r
dir = intercalate "/" $ take (length pathparts - 1) pathparts
file = fromMaybe "" $ lastMaybe pathparts
treeref = Ref $ if needhead then "HEAD" ++ dir ++ "/" else dir ++ "/"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import qualified Annex
checkIgnored :: FilePath -> Annex Bool
checkIgnored file = go =<< checkIgnoreHandle
go Nothing = return False
go Nothing = return False
go (Just h) = liftIO $ Git.checkIgnored h file
checkIgnoreHandle :: Annex (Maybe Git.CheckIgnoreHandle)
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ removeAnnex (ContentLock key) = withObjectLoc key remove removedirect
secureErase :: FilePath -> Annex ()
secureErase file = maybe noop go =<< annexSecureEraseCommand <$> Annex.getGitConfig
go basecmd = void $ liftIO $
go basecmd = void $ liftIO $
boolSystem "sh" [Param "-c", Param $ gencmd basecmd]
gencmd = massReplace [ ("%file", shellEscape file) ]
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ saveState nocommit = doSideAction $ do
downloadUrl :: [Url.URLString] -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
downloadUrl urls file = go =<< annexWebDownloadCommand <$> Annex.getGitConfig
go Nothing = Url.withUrlOptions $ \uo ->
go Nothing = Url.withUrlOptions $ \uo ->
anyM (\u -> u file uo) urls
go (Just basecmd) = liftIO $ anyM (downloadcmd basecmd) urls
downloadcmd basecmd url =
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ toDirectGen k f = do
(dloc:_) -> return $ Just $ fromdirect dloc
fromindirect loc = do
fromindirect loc = do
{- Move content from annex to direct file. -}
updateInodeCache k loc
void $ addAssociatedFile k f
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ checkEnvironmentIO =
ensureEnv "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" username
#ifndef __ANDROID__
-- existing environment is not overwritten
-- existing environment is not overwritten
ensureEnv var val = void $ setEnv var val False
-- Environment setting is broken on Android, so this is dealt with
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ checkEnvironmentIO =
ensureCommit :: Annex a -> Annex a
ensureCommit a = either retry return =<< tryNonAsync a
retry _ = do
retry _ = do
name <- liftIO myUserName
setConfig (ConfigKey "") name
setConfig (ConfigKey "") name
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ tokenizeMatcher = filter (not . null ) . concatMap splitparens . words
largeFilesMatcher :: Annex (FileMatcher Annex)
largeFilesMatcher = go =<< annexLargeFiles <$> Annex.getGitConfig
go Nothing = return matchAll
go Nothing = return matchAll
go (Just expr) = do
gm <- groupMap
rc <- readRemoteLog
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ replaceFileOr file action rollback = do
tmpfile <- liftIO $ setup tmpdir
go tmpfile `catchNonAsync` (const $ rollback tmpfile)
setup tmpdir = do
setup tmpdir = do
(tmpfile, h) <- openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions tmpdir "tmp"
hClose h
return tmpfile
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ bestSocketPath abssocketfile = do
then Just socketfile
else Nothing
-- ssh appends a 16 char extension to the socket when setting it
-- ssh appends a 16 char extension to the socket when setting it
-- up, which needs to be taken into account when checking
-- that a valid socket was constructed.
sshgarbage = replicate (1+16) 'X'
sshgarbage = replicate (1+16) 'X'
sshConnectionCachingParams :: FilePath -> [CommandParam]
sshConnectionCachingParams socketfile =
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ runTransfer' ignorelock t file shouldretry a = do
return False
else do
ok <- retry info metervar $
bracketIO (return fd) (cleanup tfile) (const $ a meter)
bracketIO (return fd) (cleanup tfile) (const $ a meter)
unless ok $ recordFailedTransfer t info
return ok
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ refineView origview = checksize . calc Unchanged origview
let (components', viewchanges) = runWriter $
mapM (\c -> updateViewComponent c field vf) (viewComponents view)
viewchange = if field `elem` map viewField (viewComponents origview)
then maximum viewchanges
then maximum viewchanges
else Narrowing
in (view { viewComponents = components' }, viewchange)
| otherwise =
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ viewComponentMatcher :: ViewComponent -> (MetaData -> Maybe [MetaValue])
viewComponentMatcher viewcomponent = \metadata ->
matcher (currentMetaDataValues metafield metadata)
metafield = viewField viewcomponent
metafield = viewField viewcomponent
matcher = case viewFilter viewcomponent of
FilterValues s -> \values -> setmatches $
S.intersection s values
@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ toViewPath = concatMap escapeslash . fromMetaValue
fromViewPath :: FilePath -> MetaValue
fromViewPath = toMetaValue . deescapeslash []
deescapeslash s [] = reverse s
deescapeslash s (c:cs)
deescapeslash s [] = reverse s
deescapeslash s (c:cs)
| c == pseudoSlash = case cs of
| c' == pseudoSlash -> deescapeslash (pseudoSlash:s) cs'
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ viewedFileReuse = takeFileName
dirFromViewedFile :: ViewedFile -> FilePath
dirFromViewedFile = joinPath . drop 1 . sep [] ""
sep l _ [] = reverse l
sep l _ [] = reverse l
sep l curr (c:cs)
| c == '%' = sep (reverse curr:l) "" cs
| c == '\\' = case cs of
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ startDaemon assistant foreground startdelay cannotrun listenhost startbrowser =
| assistant = "assistant"
| otherwise = "watch"
start daemonize webappwaiter = withThreadState $ \st -> do
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ syncResultAlert' succeeded failed = makeAlertFiller (not $ null succeeded) $
, alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords msg
| null succeeded = ["Failed to sync with", showRemotes failed]
| null failed = ["Synced with", showRemotes succeeded]
| otherwise =
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ mergeAlert i al m = maybe updatePrune updateCombine (alertCombiner al)
bloat = M.size m' - maxAlerts
pruneold l =
let (f, rest) = partition (\(_, a) -> isFiller a) l
let (f, rest) = partition (\(_, a) -> isFiller a) l
in drop bloat f ++ rest
updatePrune = pruneBloat $ M.filterWithKey pruneSame $
M.insertWith' const i al m
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ calcSyncRemotes = do
, syncingToCloudRemote = any iscloud syncdata
iscloud r = not (Remote.readonly r) && Remote.availability r == Remote.GloballyAvailable
iscloud r = not (Remote.readonly r) && Remote.availability r == Remote.GloballyAvailable
{- Updates the syncRemotes list from the list of all remotes in Annex state. -}
updateSyncRemotes :: Assistant ()
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ removableRemote urlrenderer uuid = do
<$> liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
mapM_ (queueremaining r) keys
queueremaining r k =
queueremaining r k =
queueTransferWhenSmall "remaining object in unwanted remote"
Nothing (Transfer Download uuid k) r
{- Scanning for keys can take a long time; do not tie up
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ newUserId :: IO UserId
newUserId = do
oldkeys <- secretKeys
username <- myUserName
let basekeyname = username ++ "'s git-annex encryption key"
let basekeyname = username ++ "'s git-annex encryption key"
return $ Prelude.head $ filter (\n -> M.null $ M.filter (== n) oldkeys)
( basekeyname
: map (\n -> basekeyname ++ show n) ([2..] :: [Int])
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ makeRsyncRemote :: RemoteName -> String -> Annex String
makeRsyncRemote name location = makeRemote name location $ const $ void $
go =<< Command.InitRemote.findExisting name
go Nothing = setupSpecialRemote name Rsync.remote config Nothing
go Nothing = setupSpecialRemote name Rsync.remote config Nothing
(Nothing, Command.InitRemote.newConfig name)
go (Just (u, c)) = setupSpecialRemote name Rsync.remote config Nothing
(Just u, c)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ checkImportantNetMessages (storedclient, sentclient) = go <<~ netMessager
queuePushInitiation :: NetMessage -> Assistant ()
queuePushInitiation msg@(Pushing clientid stage) = do
tv <- getPushInitiationQueue side
liftIO $ atomically $ do
liftIO $ atomically $ do
r <- tryTakeTMVar tv
case r of
Nothing -> putTMVar tv [msg]
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ queuePushInitiation msg@(Pushing clientid stage) = do
let !l' = msg : filter differentclient l
putTMVar tv l'
side = pushDestinationSide stage
side = pushDestinationSide stage
differentclient (Pushing cid _) = cid /= clientid
differentclient _ = True
queuePushInitiation _ = noop
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ runRepair u mrmt destructiverepair = do
return ok
localrepair fsckresults = do
localrepair fsckresults = do
-- Stop the watcher from running while running repairs.
changeSyncable Nothing False
@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ repairStaleGitLocks r = do
repairStaleLocks :: [FilePath] -> Assistant ()
repairStaleLocks lockfiles = go =<< getsizes
getsize lf = catchMaybeIO $
getsize lf = catchMaybeIO $
(\s -> (lf, fileSize s)) <$> getFileStatus lf
getsizes = liftIO $ catMaybes <$> mapM getsize lockfiles
getsizes = liftIO $ catMaybes <$> mapM getsize lockfiles
go [] = return ()
go l = ifM (liftIO $ null <$> Lsof.query ("--" : map fst l))
( do
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ parseSshUrl u
, sshCapabilities = []
(user, host) = if '@' `elem` userhost
(user, host) = if '@' `elem` userhost
then separate (== '@') userhost
else ("", userhost)
fromrsync s
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ setupSshKeyPair sshkeypair sshdata = do
fixSshKeyPairIdentitiesOnly :: IO ()
fixSshKeyPairIdentitiesOnly = changeUserSshConfig $ unlines . go [] . lines
go c [] = reverse c
go c [] = reverse c
go c (l:[])
| all (`isInfixOf` l) indicators = go (fixedline l:l:c) []
| otherwise = go (l:c) []
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ fixSshKeyPairIdentitiesOnly = changeUserSshConfig $ unlines . go [] . lines
| all (`isInfixOf` l) indicators && not ("IdentitiesOnly" `isInfixOf` next) =
go (fixedline l:l:c) (next:rest)
| otherwise = go (l:c) (next:rest)
indicators = ["IdentityFile", "key.git-annex"]
indicators = ["IdentityFile", "key.git-annex"]
fixedline tmpl = takeWhile isSpace tmpl ++ "IdentitiesOnly yes"
{- Add StrictHostKeyChecking to any ssh config stanzas that were written
@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ waitChangeTime a = waitchanges 0
aftermaxcommit oldchanges = loop (30 :: Int)
loop 0 = continue oldchanges
loop n = do
loop 0 = continue oldchanges
loop n = do
liftAnnex noop -- ensure Annex state is free
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 1)
changes <- getAnyChanges
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ handleAdds havelsof delayadd cs = returnWhen (null incomplete) $ do
add change@(InProcessAddChange { keySource = ks }) =
catchDefaultIO Nothing <~> doadd
doadd = sanitycheck ks $ do
doadd = sanitycheck ks $ do
(mkey, mcache) <- liftAnnex $ do
showStart "add" $ keyFilename ks
Command.Add.ingest $ Just ks
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ cronnerThread urlrenderer = namedThreadUnchecked "Cronner" $ do
liftIO $ waitNotification h
debug ["reloading changed activities"]
go h amap' nmap'
startactivities as lastruntimes = forM as $ \activity ->
startactivities as lastruntimes = forM as $ \activity ->
case connectActivityUUID activity of
Nothing -> do
runner <- asIO2 (sleepingActivityThread urlrenderer)
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ cronnerThread urlrenderer = namedThreadUnchecked "Cronner" $ do
sleepingActivityThread :: UrlRenderer -> ScheduledActivity -> Maybe LocalTime -> Assistant ()
sleepingActivityThread urlrenderer activity lasttime = go lasttime =<< getnexttime lasttime
getnexttime = liftIO . nextTime schedule
go _ Nothing = debug ["no scheduled events left for", desc]
getnexttime = liftIO . nextTime schedule
go _ Nothing = debug ["no scheduled events left for", desc]
go l (Just (NextTimeExactly t)) = waitrun l t Nothing
go l (Just (NextTimeWindow windowstart windowend)) =
waitrun l windowstart (Just windowend)
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ sleepingActivityThread urlrenderer activity lasttime = go lasttime =<< getnextti
go l =<< getnexttime l
else run nowt
tolate nowt tz = case mmaxt of
tolate nowt tz = case mmaxt of
Just maxt -> nowt > maxt
-- allow the job to start 10 minutes late
Nothing ->diffUTCTime
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ checkOldUnused :: UrlRenderer -> Assistant ()
checkOldUnused urlrenderer = go =<< annexExpireUnused <$> liftAnnex Annex.getGitConfig
go (Just Nothing) = noop
go (Just (Just expireunused)) = expireUnused (Just expireunused)
go (Just (Just expireunused)) = expireUnused (Just expireunused)
go Nothing = maybe noop prompt =<< describeUnusedWhenBig
prompt msg =
@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ upgradeWatcherThread urlrenderer = namedThread "UpgradeWatcher" $ do
let depth = length (splitPath dir) + 1
let nosubdirs f = length (splitPath f) == depth
void $ liftIO $ watchDir dir nosubdirs False hooks (startup mvar)
-- Ignore bogus events generated during the startup scan.
-- Ignore bogus events generated during the startup scan.
-- We ask the watcher to not generate them, but just to be safe..
startup mvar scanner = do
startup mvar scanner = do
r <- scanner
void $ swapMVar mvar Started
return r
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ upgraderThread urlrenderer = namedThread "Upgrader" $
h <- liftIO . newNotificationHandle False . networkConnectedNotifier =<< getDaemonStatus
go h =<< liftIO getCurrentTime
{- Wait for a network connection event. Then see if it's been
{- Wait for a network connection event. Then see if it's been
- half a day since the last upgrade check. If so, proceed with
- check. -}
go h lastchecked = do
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ runHandler handler file filestatus = void $ do
liftAnnex Annex.Queue.flushWhenFull
recordChange change
normalize f
normalize f
| "./" `isPrefixOf` file = drop 2 f
| otherwise = f
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ onAddDirect symlinkssupported matcher file fs = do
debug ["add direct", file]
add matcher file
{- On a filesystem without symlinks, we'll get changes for regular
{- On a filesystem without symlinks, we'll get changes for regular
- files that git uses to stand-in for symlinks. Detect when
- this happens, and stage the symlink, rather than annexing the
- file. -}
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ onAddSymlink isdirect file filestatus = unlessIgnored file $ do
onAddSymlink' :: Maybe String -> Maybe Key -> Bool -> Handler
onAddSymlink' linktarget mk isdirect file filestatus = go mk
go (Just key) = do
go (Just key) = do
when isdirect $
liftAnnex $ void $ addAssociatedFile key file
link <- liftAnnex $ inRepo $ gitAnnexLink file key
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ webAppThread assistantdata urlrenderer noannex cannotrun postfirstrun listenhost
urlfile <- getAnnex' $ fromRepo gitAnnexUrlFile
go tlssettings addr webapp htmlshim (Just urlfile)
-- The webapp thread does not wait for the startupSanityCheckThread
-- The webapp thread does not wait for the startupSanityCheckThread
-- to finish, so that the user interface remains responsive while
-- that's going on.
thread = namedThreadUnchecked "WebApp"
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ xmppClient urlrenderer d creds xmppuuid =
{- XEP-0199 says that the server will respond with either
- a ping response or an error message. Either will
- cause traffic, so good enough. -}
pingstanza = xmppPing selfjid
pingstanza = xmppPing selfjid
handlemsg selfjid (PresenceMessage p) = do
void $ inAssistant $
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ xmppReceivePackThread = pusherThread "XMPPReceivePack" ReceivePack
pusherThread :: String -> PushSide -> UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
pusherThread threadname side urlrenderer = namedThread threadname $ go Nothing
go lastpushedto = do
go lastpushedto = do
msg <- waitPushInitiation side $ selectNextPush lastpushedto
debug ["started running push", logNetMessage msg]
@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ selectNextPush lastpushedto l = go [] l
(Pushing clientid _)
| Just clientid /= lastpushedto -> (m, rejected ++ ms)
_ -> go (m:rejected) ms
go [] [] = undefined
go [] [] = undefined
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ queueTransfersMatching matching reason schedule k f direction
filterM (wantSend True (Just k) f . Remote.uuid) $
filter (\r -> not (inset s r || Remote.readonly r)) rs
locs = S.fromList <$> Remote.keyLocations k
locs = S.fromList <$> Remote.keyLocations k
inset s r = S.member (Remote.uuid r) s
gentransfer r = Transfer
{ transferDirection = direction
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ logNetMessage (Pushing c stage) = show $ Pushing (logClientID c) $
SendPackOutput n _ -> SendPackOutput n elided
s -> s
elided = T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack "<elided>"
elided = T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack "<elided>"
logNetMessage (PairingNotification stage c uuid) =
show $ PairingNotification stage (logClientID c) uuid
logNetMessage m = show m
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ upgradedEnv = "GIT_ANNEX_UPGRADED"
startDistributionDownload :: GitAnnexDistribution -> Assistant ()
startDistributionDownload d = go =<< liftIO . newVersionLocation d =<< liftIO oldVersionLocation
go Nothing = debug ["Skipping redundant upgrade"]
go Nothing = debug ["Skipping redundant upgrade"]
go (Just dest) = do
liftAnnex $ setUrlPresent k u
hook <- asIO1 $ distributionDownloadComplete d dest cleanup
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ makeAWSRemote maker remotetype defaultgroup (AWSCreds ak sk) name config =
setupCloudRemote defaultgroup Nothing $
maker hostname remotetype (Just creds) config
creds = (T.unpack ak, T.unpack sk)
creds = (T.unpack ak, T.unpack sk)
{- AWS services use the remote name as the basis for a host
- name, so filter it to contain valid characters. -}
hostname = case filter isAlphaNum name of
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ notCurrentRepo uuid a = do
then redirect DeleteCurrentRepositoryR
else go =<< liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
go Nothing = error "Unknown UUID"
go Nothing = error "Unknown UUID"
go (Just _) = a
handleXMPPRemoval :: UUID -> Handler Html -> Handler Html
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ setRepoConfig uuid mremote oldc newc = do
when syncableChanged $
liftAssistant $ changeSyncable mremote (repoSyncable newc)
syncableChanged = repoSyncable oldc /= repoSyncable newc
syncableChanged = repoSyncable oldc /= repoSyncable newc
associatedDirectoryChanged = repoAssociatedDirectory oldc /= repoAssociatedDirectory newc
groupChanged = repoGroup oldc /= repoGroup newc
nameChanged = isJust mremote && legalName oldc /= legalName newc
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ getGitRepoInfo r = do
getRepoEncryption :: Maybe Remote.Remote -> Maybe Remote.RemoteConfig -> Widget
getRepoEncryption (Just _) (Just c) = case extractCipher c of
Nothing ->
Nothing ->
[whamlet|not encrypted|]
(Just (SharedCipher _)) ->
[whamlet|encrypted: encryption key stored in git repository|]
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ getUpgradeRepositoryR :: RepoId -> Handler ()
getUpgradeRepositoryR (RepoUUID _) = redirect DashboardR
getUpgradeRepositoryR r = go =<< liftAnnex (repoIdRemote r)
go Nothing = redirect DashboardR
go Nothing = redirect DashboardR
go (Just rmt) = do
liftIO fixSshKeyPairIdentitiesOnly
liftAnnex $ setConfig
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ runFsckForm new activity = case activity of
ScheduledSelfFsck s d -> go s d =<< liftAnnex getUUID
ScheduledRemoteFsck ru s d -> go s d ru
go (Schedule r t) d ru = do
go (Schedule r t) d ru = do
u <- liftAnnex getUUID
repolist <- liftAssistant (getrepolist ru)
runFormPostNoToken $ \msg -> do
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ $if (not exists)
have been uploaded, and the Internet Archive has processed them.
bucket = fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup "bucket" c
bucket = fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup "bucket" c
#ifdef WITH_S3
url = S3.iaItemUrl bucket
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ getAndroidCameraRepositoryR :: Handler ()
getAndroidCameraRepositoryR =
startFullAssistant "/sdcard/DCIM" SourceGroup $ Just addignore
addignore = do
addignore = do
liftIO $ unlessM (doesFileExist ".gitignore") $
writeFile ".gitignore" ".thumbnails"
void $ inRepo $
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ getConfirmAddDriveR drive = ifM (liftIO $ probeRepoExists dir)
, newrepo
dir = removableDriveRepository drive
newrepo = do
dir = removableDriveRepository drive
newrepo = do
secretkeys <- sortBy (comparing snd) . M.toList
<$> liftIO secretKeys
page "Encrypt repository?" (Just Configuration) $
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ getFinishAddDriveR drive = go
liftAnnex $ defaultStandardGroup u TransferGroup
liftAssistant $ immediateSyncRemote r
redirect $ EditNewRepositoryR u
mountpoint = T.unpack (mountPoint drive)
mountpoint = T.unpack (mountPoint drive)
dir = removableDriveRepository drive
remotename = takeFileName mountpoint
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ getStartXMPPPairSelfR :: Handler Html
#ifdef WITH_XMPP
getStartXMPPPairSelfR = go =<< liftAnnex getXMPPCreds
go Nothing = do
go Nothing = do
-- go get XMPP configured, then come back
redirect XMPPConfigForPairSelfR
go (Just creds) = do
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ postEnableSshGCryptR :: UUID -> Handler Html
postEnableSshGCryptR u = whenGcryptInstalled $
enableSshRemote getsshinput enableRsyncNetGCrypt enablegcrypt u
enablegcrypt sshdata _ = prepSsh False sshdata $ \sshdata' ->
enablegcrypt sshdata _ = prepSsh False sshdata $ \sshdata' ->
sshConfigurator $
checkExistingGCrypt sshdata' $
error "Expected to find an encrypted git repository, but did not."
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ enableSshRemote getsshinput rsyncnetsetup genericsetup u = do
_ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
_ -> redirect AddSshR
unmangle sshdata = sshdata
unmangle sshdata = sshdata
{ sshHostName = T.pack $ unMangleSshHostName $
T.unpack $ sshHostName sshdata
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ getConfirmSshR sshdata u
secretkeys <- sortBy (comparing snd) . M.toList
<$> liftIO secretKeys
$(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/confirm")
handleexisting Nothing = sshConfigurator $
handleexisting Nothing = sshConfigurator $
-- Not a UUID we know, so prompt about combining.
$(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/combine")
handleexisting (Just _) = prepSsh False sshdata $ \sshdata' -> do
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ checkExistingGCrypt sshdata nope = checkGCryptRepoEncryption repourl nope nope $
combineExistingGCrypt sshdata u
Nothing -> error "The location contains a gcrypt repository that is not a git-annex special remote. This is not supported."
repourl = genSshUrl sshdata
repourl = genSshUrl sshdata
{- Enables an existing gcrypt special remote. -}
enableGCrypt :: SshData -> RemoteName -> Handler Html
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ combineExistingGCrypt sshdata u = do
reponame <- liftAnnex $ getGCryptRemoteName u repourl
enableGCrypt sshdata reponame
repourl = genSshUrl sshdata
repourl = genSshUrl sshdata
{- Sets up remote repository for ssh, or directory for rsync. -}
prepSsh :: Bool -> SshData -> (SshData -> Handler Html) -> Handler Html
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ postAddRsyncNetR = do
"That is not a host name."
_ -> showform UntestedServer
inpage = page "Add a repository" (Just Configuration)
inpage = page "Add a repository" (Just Configuration)
hostnamefield = textField `withExpandableNote` ("Help", help)
help = [whamlet|
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ getXMPPRemotes :: Assistant [(JID, Remote)]
getXMPPRemotes = catMaybes . map pair . filter Remote.isXMPPRemote . syncGitRemotes
<$> getDaemonStatus
pair r = maybe Nothing (\jid -> Just (jid, r)) $
pair r = maybe Nothing (\jid -> Just (jid, r)) $
parseJID $ getXMPPClientID r
data XMPPForm = XMPPForm
@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ testXMPP creds = do
_ -> return $ Left $ intercalate "; " $ map formatlog bad
formatlog ((h, p), Left e) = "host " ++ h ++ ":" ++ showport p ++ " failed: " ++ show e
formatlog _ = ""
formatlog ((h, p), Left e) = "host " ++ h ++ ":" ++ showport p ++ " failed: " ++ show e
formatlog _ = ""
showport (PortNumber n) = show n
showport (Service s) = s
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ withExpandableNote field (toggle, note) = withNote field $ [whamlet|
ident = "toggle_" ++ toggle
ident = "toggle_" ++ toggle
{- Adds a check box to an AForm to control encryption. -}
#if MIN_VERSION_yesod(1,2,0)
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ repoList reposelector
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
getconfig k = M.lookup k =<< M.lookup u m
getconfig k = M.lookup k =<< M.lookup u m
val iscloud r = Just (iscloud, (RepoUUID u, DisabledRepoActions $ r u))
list l = do
cc <- currentlyConnectedRemotes <$> liftAssistant getDaemonStatus
@ -232,13 +232,13 @@ getRepositoriesReorderR = do
liftAssistant updateSyncRemotes
go _ Nothing = noop
go list (Just remote) = do
go list (Just remote) = do
rs <- catMaybes <$> mapM repoIdRemote list
forM_ (reorderCosts remote rs) $ \(r, newcost) ->
when (Remote.cost r /= newcost) $
setRemoteCost (Remote.repo r) newcost
void remoteListRefresh
fromjs = fromMaybe (RepoUUID NoUUID) . readish . T.unpack
fromjs = fromMaybe (RepoUUID NoUUID) . readish . T.unpack
reorderCosts :: Remote -> [Remote] -> [(Remote, Cost)]
reorderCosts remote rs = zip rs'' (insertCostAfter costs i)
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ decodeMessage m = decode =<< gitAnnexTagInfo m
<*> a i
gen c i = c . toUUID <$> headMaybe (words (T.unpack (tagValue i)))
seqgen c i = do
packet <- decodeTagContent $ tagElement i
packet <- decodeTagContent $ tagElement i
let seqnum = fromMaybe 0 $ readish $ T.unpack $ tagValue i
return $ c seqnum packet
shasgen c i = do
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ xmppPush cid gitpush = do
fromxmpp outh controlh = withPushMessagesInSequence cid SendPack handlemsg
handlemsg (Just (Pushing _ (ReceivePackOutput _ b))) =
handlemsg (Just (Pushing _ (ReceivePackOutput _ b))) =
liftIO $ writeChunk outh b
handlemsg (Just (Pushing _ (ReceivePackDone exitcode))) =
liftIO $ do
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ xmppReceivePack cid = do
relaytoxmpp seqnum' outh
relayfromxmpp inh = withPushMessagesInSequence cid ReceivePack handlemsg
handlemsg (Just (Pushing _ (SendPackOutput _ b))) =
handlemsg (Just (Pushing _ (SendPackOutput _ b))) =
liftIO $ writeChunk inh b
handlemsg (Just _) = noop
handlemsg Nothing = do
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ handlePushNotice (Pushing cid (CanPush theiruuid shas)) =
, go
go = do
go = do
u <- liftAnnex getUUID
sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid (PushRequest u)
haveall l = liftAnnex $ not <$> anyM donthave l
@ -359,9 +359,9 @@ writeChunk h b = do
withPushMessagesInSequence :: ClientID -> PushSide -> (Maybe NetMessage -> Assistant ()) -> Assistant ()
withPushMessagesInSequence cid side a = loop 0
loop seqnum = do
loop seqnum = do
m <- timeout xmppTimeout <~> waitInbox cid side
let go s = a m >> loop s
let go s = a m >> loop s
let next = seqnum + 1
case extractSequence =<< m of
Just seqnum'
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ trivialMigrate oldkey newbackend
hashFile :: Hash -> FilePath -> Integer -> Annex String
hashFile hash file filesize = liftIO $ go hash
go (SHAHash hashsize) = case shaHasher hashsize filesize of
go (SHAHash hashsize) = case shaHasher hashsize filesize of
Left sha -> sha <$> L.readFile file
Right command ->
either error return
@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ parseGccLink = do
collect2params <- restOfLine
return $ CmdParams (path ++ collectcmd) (escapeDosPaths collect2params) cenv
collectcmd = "collect2.exe"
collectgccenv = "COLLECT_GCC"
collectcmd = "collect2.exe"
collectgccenv = "COLLECT_GCC"
collectltoenv = "COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER"
pathenv = "COMPILER_PATH"
libpathenv = "LIBRARY_PATH"
collectenv = do
collectenv = do
void $ many1 $ do
notFollowedBy $ string collectgccenv
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ runAtFile p s f extraparams = do
removeFile f
return out
c = case parse p "" s of
c = case parse p "" s of
Left e -> error $
(show e) ++
"\n<<<\n" ++ s ++ "\n>>>"
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ number = read <$> many1 digit
coordsParser :: Parser (Coord, Coord)
coordsParser = (try singleline <|> try weird <|> multiline) <?> "Coords"
singleline = do
singleline = do
line <- number
void $ char ':'
startcol <- number
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ spliceParser = do
(unlines codelines)
tosplicetype "declarations" = SpliceDeclaration
tosplicetype "declarations" = SpliceDeclaration
tosplicetype "expression" = SpliceExpression
tosplicetype s = error $ "unknown splice type: " ++ s
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ spliceParser = do
splicesExtractor :: Parser [Splice]
splicesExtractor = rights <$> many extract
extract = try (Right <$> spliceParser) <|> (Left <$> compilerJunkLine)
extract = try (Right <$> spliceParser) <|> (Left <$> compilerJunkLine)
compilerJunkLine = restOfLine
{- Modifies the source file, expanding the splices, which all must
@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ applySplices destdir imports splices@(first:_) = do
hPutStr h newcontent
hClose h
expand lls [] = lls
expand lls (s:rest)
expand lls [] = lls
expand lls (s:rest)
| isExpressionSplice s = expand (expandExpressionSplice s lls) rest
| otherwise = expand (expandDeclarationSplice s lls) rest
@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ expandExpressionSplice sp lls = concat [before, spliced:padding, end]
-- ie: bar $(splice)
| otherwise = s ++ " $ "
s' = filter (not . isSpace) s
s' = filter (not . isSpace) s
findindent = length . takeWhile isSpace
addindent n = unlines . map (i ++) . lines
i = take n $ repeat ' '
i = take n $ repeat ' '
{- Tweaks code output by GHC in splices to actually build. Yipes. -}
mangleCode :: String -> String
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
. remove_package_version
. emptylambda
{- Lambdas are often output without parens around them.
{- Lambdas are often output without parens around them.
- This breaks when the lambda is immediately applied to a
- parameter.
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
restofline = manyTill (noneOf "\n") newline
{- For some reason, GHC sometimes doesn't like the multiline
{- For some reason, GHC sometimes doesn't like the multiline
- strings it creates. It seems to get hung up on \{ at the
- start of a new line sometimes, wanting it to not be escaped.
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ parsecAndReplace p s = case parse find "" s of
Left _e -> s
Right l -> concatMap (either return id) l
find :: Parser [Either Char String]
find :: Parser [Either Char String]
find = many $ try (Right <$> p) <|> (Left <$> anyChar)
main :: IO ()
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ main = go =<< getArgs
go (destdir:log:header:[]) = run destdir log (Just header)
go (destdir:log:[]) = run destdir log Nothing
go _ = error "usage: EvilSplicer destdir logfile [headerfile]"
go _ = error "usage: EvilSplicer destdir logfile [headerfile]"
run destdir log mheader = do
r <- parseFromFile splicesExtractor log
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ makeInstaller gitannex license extrabins launchers = nsis $ do
name "git-annex"
outFile $ str installer
{- Installing into the same directory as git avoids needing to modify
- path myself, since the git installer already does it. -}
- path myself, since the git installer already does it. -}
installDir gitInstallDir
requestExecutionLevel Admin
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ expand_rpath libs replacement_libs cmd
return $ map (replacem m) libs
| otherwise = return libs
probe c = "DYLD_PRINT_RPATHS=1 " ++ c ++ " --getting-rpath-dummy-option 2>&1 | grep RPATH"
probe c = "DYLD_PRINT_RPATHS=1 " ++ c ++ " --getting-rpath-dummy-option 2>&1 | grep RPATH"
parse s = case words s of
("RPATH":"successful":"expansion":"of":old:"to:":new:[]) ->
Just (old, new)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ noDaemonRunning :: Command -> Command
noDaemonRunning = addCheck $ whenM (isJust <$> daemonpid) $
error "You cannot run this command while git-annex watch or git-annex assistant is running."
daemonpid = liftIO . checkDaemon =<< fromRepo gitAnnexPidFile
daemonpid = liftIO . checkDaemon =<< fromRepo gitAnnexPidFile
dontCheck :: CommandCheck -> Command -> Command
dontCheck check cmd = mutateCheck cmd $ \c -> filter (/= check) c
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ dispatch fuzzyok allargs allcmds commonoptions fields header getgitrepo = do
shutdown $ cmdnocommit cmd
go _flags params (Left e) = do
when fuzzy $
autocorrect =<<
autocorrect =<<
maybe (throw e) (\a -> a params) (cmdnorepo cmd)
err msg = msg ++ "\n\n" ++ usage header allcmds
cmd = Prelude.head cmds
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ options = commonOptions ++
check u = unexpectedUUID expected u
checkGCryptUUID expected = check =<< getGCryptUUID True =<< gitRepo
check (Just u) | u == toUUID expected = noop
check (Just u) | u == toUUID expected = noop
check Nothing = unexpected expected "uninitialized repository"
check (Just u) = unexpectedUUID expected u
unexpectedUUID expected u = unexpected expected $ "UUID " ++ fromUUID u
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ withFilesUnlocked' :: ([FilePath] -> Git.Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)) -> (F
withFilesUnlocked' typechanged a params = seekActions $
prepFiltered a unlockedfiles
check f = liftIO (notSymlink f) <&&>
check f = liftIO (notSymlink f) <&&>
(isJust <$> catKeyFile f <||> isJust <$> catKeyFileHEAD f)
unlockedfiles = filterM check =<< seekHelper typechanged params
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ withKeyOptions keyop fallbackop params = do
Just k -> go auto $ return [k]
_ -> error "Can only specify one of file names, --all, --unused, or --key"
go True _ = error "Cannot use --auto with --all or --unused or --key"
go True _ = error "Cannot use --auto with --all or --unused or --key"
go False a = do
matcher <- Limit.getMatcher
seekActions $ map (process matcher) <$> a
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ lockDown' file = ifM crippledFileSystem
- This is not done in direct mode, because files there need to
- remain writable at all times.
go tmp = do
go tmp = do
unlessM isDirect $
freezeContent file
withTSDelta $ \delta -> liftIO $ do
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ lockDown' file = ifM crippledFileSystem
hClose h
nukeFile tmpfile
withhardlink delta tmpfile `catchIO` const (nohardlink delta)
nohardlink delta = do
nohardlink delta = do
cache <- genInodeCache file delta
return KeySource
{ keyFilename = file
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ finishIngestDirect key source = do
perform :: FilePath -> CommandPerform
perform file = lockDown file >>= ingest >>= go
go (Just key, cache) = next $ cleanup file key cache True
go (Just key, cache) = next $ cleanup file key cache True
go (Nothing, _) = stop
{- On error, put the file back so it doesn't seem to have vanished.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ seek ps = do
start :: Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Int -> String -> CommandStart
start relaxed optfile pathdepth s = go $ fromMaybe bad $ parseURI s
(s', downloader) = getDownloader s
(s', downloader) = getDownloader s
bad = fromMaybe (error $ "bad url " ++ s') $
parseURI $ escapeURIString isUnescapedInURI s'
choosefile = flip fromMaybe optfile
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ start relaxed optfile pathdepth s = go $ fromMaybe bad $ parseURI s
performQuvi :: Bool -> URLString -> URLString -> FilePath -> CommandPerform
performQuvi relaxed pageurl videourl file = ifAnnexed file addurl geturl
quviurl = setDownloader pageurl QuviDownloader
addurl key = next $ cleanup quviurl file key Nothing
quviurl = setDownloader pageurl QuviDownloader
addurl key = next $ cleanup quviurl file key Nothing
geturl = next $ isJust <$> addUrlFileQuvi relaxed quviurl videourl file
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ download url file = do
, return Nothing
runtransfer dummykey tmp = Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download (Just file) $
runtransfer dummykey tmp = Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download (Just file) $
|||| webUUID dummykey (Just file) Transfer.forwardRetry $ const $ do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir tmp)
downloadUrl [url] tmp
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ start = do
showConfig coreGCryptId =<< fromRepo (Git.Config.get coreGCryptId "")
showConfig k v = liftIO $ putStrLn $ k ++ "=" ++ v
showConfig k v = liftIO $ putStrLn $ k ++ "=" ++ v
{- The repository may not yet have a UUID; automatically initialize it
- when there's a git-annex branch available. -}
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ seek ps = do
to <- getOptionField toOption Remote.byNameWithUUID
from <- getOptionField fromOption Remote.byNameWithUUID
(Command.Move.startKey to from False)
(Command.Move.startKey to from False)
(withFilesInGit $ whenAnnexed $ start to from)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ start (name:ws) = go =<< InitRemote.findExisting name
config = Logs.Remote.keyValToConfig ws
go Nothing = unknownNameError "Unknown special remote name."
go Nothing = unknownNameError "Unknown special remote name."
go (Just (u, c)) = do
let fullconfig = config `M.union` c
t <- InitRemote.findType fullconfig
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ checkKeySizeOr bad key file = case Types.Key.keySize key of
checkBackend :: Backend -> Key -> Maybe FilePath -> Annex Bool
checkBackend backend key mfile = go =<< isDirect
go False = do
go False = do
content <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLocation key
checkBackendOr badContent backend key content
go True = maybe nocheck checkdirect mfile
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ guardTest = unlessM (fromMaybe False . Git.Config.isTrue <$> getConfig key "") $
, "Refusing to run fuzz tests, since " ++ keyname ++ " is not set!"
key = annexConfig "eat-my-repository"
key = annexConfig "eat-my-repository"
(ConfigKey keyname) = key
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ existingDir = do
newFile :: IO (Maybe FuzzFile)
newFile = go (100 :: Int)
go 0 = return Nothing
go 0 = return Nothing
go n = do
f <- genFuzzFile
ifM (doesnotexist (toFilePath f))
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ newFile = go (100 :: Int)
newDir :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FuzzDir)
newDir parent = go (100 :: Int)
go 0 = return Nothing
go 0 = return Nothing
go n = do
(FuzzDir d) <- genFuzzDir
ifM (doesnotexist (parent </> d))
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ start' expensivecheck from key afile = stopUnless (not <$> inAnnex key) $
stopUnless (Command.Move.fromOk src key) $
go $ Command.Move.fromPerform src False key afile
go a = do
go a = do
showStart' "get" key afile
next a
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ getDuplicateMode = gen
<*> getflag cleanDuplicatesOption
<*> getflag skipDuplicatesOption
getflag = Annex.getFlag . optionName
gen False False False False = Default
getflag = Annex.getFlag . optionName
gen False False False False = Default
gen True False False False = Duplicate
gen False True False False = DeDuplicate
gen False False True False = CleanDuplicates
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ performDownload relaxed cache todownload = case location todownload of
rundownload videourl ("." ++ Quvi.linkSuffix link) $
addUrlFileQuvi relaxed quviurl videourl
forced = Annex.getState Annex.force
forced = Annex.getState Annex.force
{- Avoids downloading any urls that are already known to be
- associated with a file in the annex, unless forced. -}
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ performDownload relaxed cache todownload = case location todownload of
, return $ Just f
f = if n < 2
f = if n < 2
then file
let (d, base) = splitFileName file
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ perform = do
warnlocked :: SomeException -> Annex ()
warnlocked :: SomeException -> Annex ()
warnlocked e = do
warning $ show e
warning "leaving this file as-is; correct this problem and run git annex add on it"
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ localInfo dir = showCustom (unwords ["info", dir]) $ do
evalStateT (mapM_ showStat stats) =<< getLocalStatInfo dir
return True
tostats = map (\s -> s dir)
tostats = map (\s -> s dir)
selStats :: [Stat] -> [Stat] -> Annex [Stat]
selStats fast_stats slow_stats = do
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ upgradableKey backend key = isNothing (Types.Key.keySize key) || backendupgradab
perform :: FilePath -> Key -> Backend -> Backend -> CommandPerform
perform file oldkey oldbackend newbackend = go =<< genkey
go Nothing = stop
go Nothing = stop
go (Just (newkey, knowngoodcontent))
| knowngoodcontent = finish newkey
| otherwise = stopUnless checkcontent $ finish newkey
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ start key = fieldTransfer Download key $ \_p ->
Nothing -> return True
Just size -> do
size' <- fromIntegral . fileSize
<$> liftIO (getFileStatus tmp)
<$> liftIO (getFileStatus tmp)
return $ size == size'
if oksize
then case Backend.maybeLookupBackendName (Types.Key.keyBackendName key) of
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ start key = fieldTransfer Download key $ \_p ->
warning "recvkey: received key with wrong size; discarding"
return False
runfsck check = ifM (check key tmp)
runfsck check = ifM (check key tmp)
( return True
, do
warning "recvkey: received key from direct mode repository seems to have changed as it was transferred; discarding"
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ seek = withWords start
start :: [String] -> CommandStart
start = parse
parse (name:[]) = go name performGet
parse (name:[]) = go name performGet
parse (name:expr:[]) = go name $ \uuid -> do
showStart "schedile" name
performSet expr uuid
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ syncFile rs f k = do
handleDropsFrom locs' rs "unwanted" True k (Just f)
Nothing callCommandAction
wantget have = allM id
wantget have = allM id
[ pure (not $ null have)
, not <$> inAnnex k
, wantGet True (Just k) (Just f)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ runRequests readh writeh a = do
fileEncoding writeh
go =<< readrequests
go (d:rn:k:f:rest) = do
go (d:rn:k:f:rest) = do
case (deserialize d, deserialize rn, deserialize k, deserialize f) of
(Just direction, Just remotename, Just key, Just file) -> do
mremote <- Remote.byName' remotename
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ prepareRemoveAnnexDir annexdir =
removeUnannexed :: [Key] -> Annex [Key]
removeUnannexed = go []
go c [] = return c
go c [] = return c
go c (k:ks) = ifM (inAnnexCheck k $ liftIO . enoughlinks)
( do
lockContent k removeAnnex
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ genCfg cfg descs = unlines $ intercalate [""]
(\(s, u) -> line "group" u $ unwords $ S.toList s)
(\u -> lcom $ line "group" u "")
grouplist = unwords $ map fromStandardGroup [minBound..]
grouplist = unwords $ map fromStandardGroup [minBound..]
preferredcontent = settings cfg descs cfgPreferredContentMap
[ com "Repository preferred contents"
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ genCfg cfg descs = unlines $ intercalate [""]
(\(s, g) -> gline g s)
(\g -> gline g "")
gline g value = [ unwords ["groupwanted", g, "=", value] ]
gline g value = [ unwords ["groupwanted", g, "=", value] ]
allgroups = S.unions $ stdgroups : M.elems (cfgGroupMap cfg)
stdgroups = S.fromList $ map fromStandardGroup [minBound..maxBound]
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ seek = withWords start
start :: [String] -> CommandStart
start = parse
parse (name:[]) = go name performGet
parse (name:[]) = go name performGet
parse (name:expr:[]) = go name $ \uuid -> do
showStart "wanted" name
performSet expr uuid
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ insertCostAfter l pos
| otherwise =
firstsegment ++ [costBetween item nextitem ] ++ lastsegment
nextpos = pos + 1
nextpos = pos + 1
maxpos = length l - 1
item = l !! pos
@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ readProgramFile = do
cmd = "git-annex"
cmd = "git-annex"
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ catTree :: CatFileHandle -> Ref -> IO [(FilePath, FileMode)]
catTree h treeref = go <$> catObjectDetails h treeref
go (Just (b, _, TreeObject)) = parsetree [] b
go _ = []
go _ = []
parsetree c b = case L.break (== 0) b of
(modefile, rest)
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ pipeWriteRead params writer repo = assertLocal repo $
writeReadProcessEnv "git" (toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
(gitEnv repo) writer (Just adjusthandle)
adjusthandle h = do
adjusthandle h = do
fileEncoding h
hSetNewlineMode h noNewlineTranslation
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ gitCoProcessStart restartable params repo = CoProcess.start numrestarts "git"
(toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
(gitEnv repo)
{- If a long-running git command like cat-file --batch
{- If a long-running git command like cat-file --batch
- crashes, it will likely start up again ok. If it keeps crashing
- 10 times, something is badly wrong. -}
numrestarts = if restartable then 10 else 0
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ coreBare = "core.bare"
fromPipe :: Repo -> String -> [CommandParam] -> IO (Either SomeException (Repo, String))
fromPipe r cmd params = try $
withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p $ \h -> do
fileEncoding h
fileEncoding h
val <- hGetContentsStrict h
r' <- store val r
return (r', val)
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ isEncrypted _ = False
encryptedRemote :: Repo -> Repo -> IO Repo
encryptedRemote baserepo = go
go Repo { location = Url url }
go Repo { location = Url url }
| urlPrefix `isPrefixOf` u =
fromRemoteLocation (drop plen u) baserepo
| otherwise = notencrypted
u = show url
u = show url
plen = length urlPrefix
go _ = notencrypted
notencrypted = error "not a gcrypt encrypted repository"
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ getParticiantList globalconfigrepo repo remotename = KeyIds $ parse $ firstJust
defaultkey = "gcrypt.participants"
parse (Just "simple") = []
parse (Just "simple") = []
parse (Just l) = words l
parse Nothing = []
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ lsTreeParams t = [ Params "ls-tree --full-tree -z -r --", File $ fromRef t ]
lsTreeFiles :: Ref -> [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO [TreeItem]
lsTreeFiles t fs repo = map parseLsTree <$> pipeNullSplitStrict ps repo
ps = [Params "ls-tree --full-tree -z --", File $ fromRef t] ++ map File fs
ps = [Params "ls-tree --full-tree -z --", File $ fromRef t] ++ map File fs
{- Parses a line of ls-tree output.
- (The --long format is not currently supported.) -}
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ remoteLocationIsSshUrl _ = False
parseRemoteLocation :: String -> Repo -> RemoteLocation
parseRemoteLocation s repo = ret $ calcloc s
ret v
ret v
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
| dosstyle v = RemotePath (dospath v)
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ badBranches missing r = filterM isbad =<< getAllRefs r
getAllRefs :: Repo -> IO [Ref]
getAllRefs r = map toref <$> dirContentsRecursive refdir
refdir = localGitDir r </> "refs"
refdir = localGitDir r </> "refs"
toref = Ref . relPathDirToFile (localGitDir r)
explodePackedRefsFile :: Repo -> IO ()
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ displayList items header
putStrLn header
putStr $ unlines $ map (\i -> "\t" ++ i) truncateditems
numitems = length items
numitems = length items
| numitems > 10 = take 10 items ++ ["(and " ++ show (numitems - 10) ++ " more)"]
| otherwise = items
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ instance Show GitVersion where
installed :: IO GitVersion
installed = normalize . extract <$> readProcess "git" ["--version"]
extract s = case lines s of
extract s = case lines s of
[] -> ""
(l:_) -> unwords $ drop 2 $ words l
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ limitSize vs s = case readSize dataUnits s of
Nothing -> Left "bad size"
Just sz -> Right $ go sz
go sz _ (MatchingFile fi) = lookupFileKey fi >>= check fi sz
go sz _ (MatchingFile fi) = lookupFileKey fi >>= check fi sz
go sz _ (MatchingKey key) = checkkey sz key
checkkey sz key = return $ keySize key `vs` Just sz
check _ sz (Just key) = checkkey sz key
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ limitMetaData s = case parseMetaData s of
let cglob = compileGlob (fromMetaValue v) CaseInsensative
in Right $ const $ checkKey (check f cglob)
check f cglob k = not . S.null
check f cglob k = not . S.null
. S.filter (matchGlob cglob . fromMetaValue)
. metaDataValues f <$> getCurrentMetaData k
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ gitAnnexLink file key r = do
loc <- gitAnnexLocation' key r False
return $ relPathDirToFile (parentDir absfile) loc
whoops = error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
whoops = error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
{- File used to lock a key's content. -}
gitAnnexContentLock :: Key -> Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> IO FilePath
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ isLinkToAnnex s = (pathSeparator:objectDir) `isInfixOf` s
preSanitizeKeyName :: String -> String
preSanitizeKeyName = concatMap escape
escape c
escape c
| isAsciiUpper c || isAsciiLower c || isDigit c = [c]
| c `elem` ".-_ " = [c] -- common, assumed safe
| c `elem` "/%:" = [c] -- handled by keyFile
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ urlLogFileKey path
| ext == urlLogExt = fileKey base
| otherwise = Nothing
file = takeFileName path
file = takeFileName path
(base, ext) = splitAt (length file - extlen) file
extlen = length urlLogExt
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ chunkLogFileKey path
| ext == chunkLogExt = fileKey base
| otherwise = Nothing
file = takeFileName path
file = takeFileName path
(base, ext) = splitAt (length file - extlen) file
extlen = length chunkLogExt
@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ prop_logs_sane dummykey = and
, expect gotOtherLog (getLogVariety $ numcopiesLog)
expect = maybe False
expect = maybe False
gotUUIDBasedLog UUIDBasedLog = True
gotUUIDBasedLog _ = False
gotNewUUIDBasedLog NewUUIDBasedLog = True
gotNewUUIDBasedLog NewUUIDBasedLog = True
gotNewUUIDBasedLog _ = False
gotChunkLog (ChunkLog k) = k == dummykey
gotChunkLog _ = False
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ writeFsckResults u fsckresults = do
| S.null s -> nukeFile logfile
| otherwise -> store s t logfile
store s t logfile = do
store s t logfile = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir logfile)
liftIO $ viaTmp writeFile logfile $ serialize s t
serialize s t =
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ getCurrentMetaData k = do
return $ currentMetaData $ unionMetaData loggedmeta
(lastchanged ls loggedmeta)
lastchanged [] _ = emptyMetaData
lastchanged [] _ = emptyMetaData
lastchanged ls (MetaData currentlyset) =
let m = foldl' (flip M.union) M.empty (map genlastchanged ls)
in MetaData $
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ scheduleSet uuid@(UUID _) activities = do
Annex.Branch.change scheduleLog $
showLog id . changeLog ts uuid val . parseLog Just
val = fromScheduledActivities activities
val = fromScheduledActivities activities
scheduleSet NoUUID _ = error "unknown UUID; cannot modify"
scheduleMap :: Annex (M.Map UUID [ScheduledActivity])
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ showTransitions = unlines . map showTransitionLine . S.elems
parseTransitions :: String -> Maybe Transitions
parseTransitions = check . map parseTransitionLine . lines
check l
check l
| all isJust l = Just $ S.fromList $ catMaybes l
| otherwise = Nothing
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ showTransitionLine (TransitionLine ts t) = unwords [show t, show ts]
parseTransitionLine :: String -> Maybe TransitionLine
parseTransitionLine s = TransitionLine <$> pdate ds <*> readish ts
ws = words s
ts = Prelude.head ws
ws = words s
ts = Prelude.head ws
ds = unwords $ Prelude.tail ws
pdate = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$$> parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs"
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ knownUrls = do
return $ concat r
geturls Nothing = return []
geturls (Just logsha) = getLog . L.unpack <$> catObject logsha
geturls (Just logsha) = getLog . L.unpack <$> catObject logsha
data Downloader = DefaultDownloader | QuviDownloader
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ byName (Just n) = either error Just <$> byName' n
byNameWithUUID :: Maybe RemoteName -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
byNameWithUUID = checkuuid <=< byName
checkuuid Nothing = return Nothing
checkuuid Nothing = return Nothing
checkuuid (Just r)
| uuid r == NoUUID =
if remoteAnnexIgnore (gitconfig r)
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ handleRequest' lck external req mp responsehandler
| otherwise = go
go = do
go = do
sendMessage lck external req
loop = receiveMessage lck external responsehandler
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ rsyncTransport r
| ":" `isInfixOf` loc = sshtransport $ separate (== ':') loc
| otherwise = othertransport
loc = Git.repoLocation r
loc = Git.repoLocation r
sshtransport (host, path) = do
let rsyncpath = if "/~/" `isPrefixOf` path
then drop 3 path
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ gCryptSetup :: Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConf
gCryptSetup mu _ c = go $ M.lookup "gitrepo" c
remotename = fromJust (M.lookup "name" c)
go Nothing = error "Specify gitrepo="
go Nothing = error "Specify gitrepo="
go (Just gitrepo) = do
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
inRepo $
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ setupRepo gcryptid r
- create the objectDir on the remote,
- which is needed for direct rsync of objects to work.
rsyncsetup = Remote.Rsync.withRsyncScratchDir $ \tmp -> do
rsyncsetup = Remote.Rsync.withRsyncScratchDir $ \tmp -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ tmp </> objectDir
(rsynctransport, rsyncurl, _) <- rsyncTransport r
let tmpconfig = tmp </> "config"
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ isShell r = case method of
AccessShell -> True
_ -> False
method = toAccessMethod $ fromMaybe "" $
method = toAccessMethod $ fromMaybe "" $
remoteAnnexGCrypt $ gitconfig r
shellOrRsync :: Remote -> Annex a -> Annex a -> Annex a
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ checkKey r rsyncopts k
| Git.repoIsSsh (repo r) = shellOrRsync r checkshell checkrsync
| otherwise = unsupportedUrl
checkrsync = Remote.Rsync.checkKey (repo r) rsyncopts k
checkrsync = Remote.Rsync.checkKey (repo r) rsyncopts k
checkshell = Ssh.inAnnex (repo r) k
{- Annexed objects are hashed using lower-case directories for max
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ inAnnex rmt key
| Git.repoIsUrl r = checkremote
| otherwise = checklocal
r = repo rmt
r = repo rmt
checkhttp = do
showChecking r
ifM (Url.withUrlOptions $ \uo -> anyM (\u -> Url.checkBoth u (keySize key) uo) (keyUrls rmt key))
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ storeChunks u chunkconfig k f p storer checker =
loop bytesprocessed (chunk, bs) chunkkeys
| L.null chunk && numchunks > 0 = do
-- Once all chunks are successfully
-- Once all chunks are successfully
-- stored, update the chunk log.
chunksStored u k (FixedSizeChunks chunksize) numchunks
return True
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ storeChunks u chunkconfig k f p storer checker =
numchunks = numChunks chunkkeys
{- The MeterUpdate that is passed to the action
{- The MeterUpdate that is passed to the action
- storing a chunk is offset, so that it reflects
- the total bytes that have already been stored
- in previous chunks. -}
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ retrieveChunks retriever u chunkconfig encryptor basek dest basep sink
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek startpoint
return h
{- Progress meter updating is a bit tricky: If the Retriever
{- Progress meter updating is a bit tricky: If the Retriever
- populates a file, it is responsible for updating progress
- as the file is being retrieved.
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ specialRemote' cfg c preparestorer prepareretriever prepareremover preparecheckp
retrieveKeyFileGen k dest p enc =
safely $ prepareretriever k $ safely . go
go (Just retriever) = displayprogress p k $ \p' ->
go (Just retriever) = displayprogress p k $ \p' ->
retrieveChunks retriever (uuid baser) chunkconfig
enck k dest p' (sink dest enc)
go Nothing = return False
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ specialRemote' cfg c preparestorer prepareretriever prepareremover preparecheckp
checkPresentGen k enc = preparecheckpresent k go
go (Just checker) = checkPresentChunks checker (uuid baser) chunkconfig enck k
go (Just checker) = checkPresentChunks checker (uuid baser) chunkconfig enck k
go Nothing = cantCheck baser
enck = maybe id snd enc
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