filter out control characters in error messages
giveup changed to filter out control characters. (It is too low level to make it use StringContainingQuotedPath.) error still does not, but it should only be used for internal errors, where the message is not attacker-controlled. Changed a lot of existing error to giveup when it is not strictly an internal error. Of course, other exceptions can still be thrown, either by code in git-annex, or a library, that include some attacker-controlled value. This does not guard against those. Sponsored-by: Noam Kremen on Patreon
This commit is contained in:
69 changed files with 142 additions and 103 deletions
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ getBranch = maybe (hasOrigin >>= go >>= use) return =<< branchsha
, Param $ fromRef name
, Param $ fromRef originname
fromMaybe (error $ "failed to create " ++ fromRef name)
fromMaybe (giveup $ "failed to create " ++ fromRef name)
<$> branchsha
go False = withIndex' True $ do
-- Create the index file. This is not necessary,
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ withWorkTree d a = withAltRepo
(const a)
modlocation l@(Local {}) = l { worktree = Just (toRawFilePath d) }
modlocation _ = error "withWorkTree of non-local git repo"
modlocation _ = giveup "withWorkTree of non-local git repo"
{- Runs an action with the git index file and HEAD, and a few other
- files that are related to the work tree coming from an overlay
@ -458,10 +458,10 @@ importKeys remote importtreeconfig importcontent thirdpartypopulated importablec
gochunked db c
-- Downloading cannot be done when chunked, since only
-- the first chunk is processed before returning.
| importcontent = error "importKeys does not support downloading chunked import"
| importcontent = giveup "importKeys does not support downloading chunked import"
-- Chunked import is currently only used by thirdpartypopulated
-- remotes.
| not thirdpartypopulated = error "importKeys does not support chunked import when not thirdpartypopulated"
| not thirdpartypopulated = giveup "importKeys does not support chunked import when not thirdpartypopulated"
| otherwise = do
l <- forM (importableContentsSubTree c) $ \(loc, i) -> do
let loc' = importableContentsChunkFullLocation (importableContentsSubDir c) loc
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ sshOptionsTo remote gc localr
( unchanged
, do
let port = Git.Url.port remote
let sshhost = either error id (mkSshHost host)
let sshhost = either giveup id (mkSshHost host)
(msockfile, cacheparams) <- sshCachingInfo (sshhost, port)
case msockfile of
Nothing -> use []
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
- Remote data. -}
disableRemote :: UUID -> Assistant Remote
disableRemote uuid = do
remote <- fromMaybe (error "unknown remote")
remote <- fromMaybe (giveup "unknown remote")
<$> liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
liftAnnex $ do
inRepo $ Git.Remote.Remove.remove ( remote)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ removableRemote urlrenderer uuid = getkeys >>= \case
Just keys
| null keys -> finishRemovingRemote urlrenderer uuid
| otherwise -> do
r <- fromMaybe (error "unknown remote")
r <- fromMaybe (giveup "unknown remote")
<$> liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
mapM_ (queueremaining r) keys
Nothing -> noop
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ addRemote :: Annex RemoteName -> Annex Remote
addRemote a = do
name <- a
maybe (error "failed to add remote") return
maybe (giveup "failed to add remote") return
=<< Remote.byName (Just name)
{- Inits a rsync special remote, and returns its name. -}
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ initSpecialRemote name remotetype mcreds config = go 0
enableSpecialRemote :: SpecialRemoteMaker
enableSpecialRemote name remotetype mcreds config =
Annex.SpecialRemote.findExisting name >>= \case
[] -> error $ "Cannot find a special remote named " ++ name
[] -> giveup $ "Cannot find a special remote named " ++ name
((u, c, mcu):_) -> setupSpecialRemote' False name remotetype config mcreds (Just u, R.Enable c, c) mcu
setupSpecialRemote :: RemoteName -> RemoteType -> R.RemoteConfig -> Maybe CredPair -> (Maybe UUID, R.SetupStage, R.RemoteConfig) -> Maybe (Annex.SpecialRemote.ConfigFrom UUID) -> Annex RemoteName
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ makeRepo path bare = ifM (probeRepoExists path)
(transcript, ok) <-
processTranscript "git" (toCommand params) Nothing
unless ok $
error $ "git init failed!\nOutput:\n" ++ transcript
giveup $ "git init failed!\nOutput:\n" ++ transcript
return True
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
- side can immediately begin syncing. -}
setupAuthorizedKeys :: PairMsg -> FilePath -> IO ()
setupAuthorizedKeys msg repodir = case validateSshPubKey $ remoteSshPubKey $ pairMsgData msg of
Left err -> error err
Left err -> giveup err
Right pubkey -> do
absdir <- fromRawFilePath <$> absPath (toRawFilePath repodir)
unlessM (liftIO $ addAuthorizedKeys True absdir pubkey) $
error "failed setting up ssh authorized keys"
giveup "failed setting up ssh authorized keys"
{- When local pairing is complete, this is used to set up the remote for
- the host we paired with. -}
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ sshOpt k v = concat ["-o", k, "=", v]
{- user@host or host -}
genSshHost :: Text -> Maybe Text -> SshHost
genSshHost host user = either error id $ mkSshHost $
genSshHost host user = either giveup id $ mkSshHost $
maybe "" (\v -> T.unpack v ++ "@") user ++ T.unpack host
{- Generates a ssh or rsync url from a SshData. -}
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ genSshKeyPair = withTmpDir "git-annex-keygen" $ \dir -> do
, Param "-f", File $ dir </> "key"
unless ok $
error "ssh-keygen failed"
giveup "ssh-keygen failed"
<$> readFile (dir </> "")
<*> readFile (dir </> "key")
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ runHandler handler file _filestatus =
{- Called when there's an error with inotify. -}
onErr :: Handler
onErr = error
onErr = giveup
{- Called when a new branch ref is written, or a branch ref is modified.
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ runHandler handler file _filestatus =
{- Called when there's an error with inotify. -}
onErr :: Handler
onErr = error
onErr = giveup
{- Called when a new transfer information file is written. -}
onAdd :: Handler
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ upgradeToDistribution newdir cleanup distributionfile = do
, Param "--directory", File tmpdir
unless tarok $
error $ "failed to untar " ++ distributionfile
giveup $ "failed to untar " ++ distributionfile
sanitycheck $ tmpdir </> installBase
installby R.rename newdir (tmpdir </> installBase)
let deleteold = do
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ upgradeToDistribution newdir cleanup distributionfile = do
sanitycheck dir =
unlessM (doesDirectoryExist dir) $
error $ "did not find " ++ dir ++ " in " ++ distributionfile
giveup $ "did not find " ++ dir ++ " in " ++ distributionfile
makeorigsymlink olddir = do
let origdir = fromRawFilePath (parentDir (toRawFilePath olddir)) </> installBase
removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath origdir)
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ upgradeToDistribution newdir cleanup distributionfile = do
{- Finds where the old version was installed. -}
oldVersionLocation :: IO FilePath
oldVersionLocation = readProgramFile >>= \case
Nothing -> error "Cannot find old distribution bundle; not upgrading."
Nothing -> giveup "Cannot find old distribution bundle; not upgrading."
Just pf -> do
let pdir = fromRawFilePath $ parentDir $ toRawFilePath pf
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ oldVersionLocation = readProgramFile >>= \case
let olddir = pdir
when (null olddir) $
error $ "Cannot find old distribution bundle; not upgrading. (Looked in " ++ pdir ++ ")"
giveup $ "Cannot find old distribution bundle; not upgrading. (Looked in " ++ pdir ++ ")"
return olddir
{- Finds a place to install the new version.
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ notCurrentRepo uuid a = do
then redirect DeleteCurrentRepositoryR
else go =<< liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
go Nothing = error "Unknown UUID"
go Nothing = giveup "Unknown UUID"
go (Just _) = a
getDeleteRepositoryR :: UUID -> Handler Html
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ getDeleteRepositoryR uuid = notCurrentRepo uuid $ do
getStartDeleteRepositoryR :: UUID -> Handler Html
getStartDeleteRepositoryR uuid = do
remote <- fromMaybe (error "unknown remote")
remote <- fromMaybe (giveup "unknown remote")
<$> liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
liftAnnex $ do
trustSet uuid UnTrusted
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ editForm new (RepoUUID uuid)
mremote <- liftAnnex $ Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid
when (mremote == Nothing) $
whenM ((/=) uuid <$> liftAnnex getUUID) $
error "unknown remote"
giveup "unknown remote"
curr <- liftAnnex $ getRepoConfig uuid mremote
liftAnnex $ checkAssociatedDirectory curr mremote
mrepo <- liftAnnex $
@ -216,10 +216,10 @@ startLocalPairing stage oncancel alert muuid displaysecret secret = do
- background. -}
thread <- liftAssistant $ asIO $ do
keypair <- liftIO $ genSshKeyPair
let pubkey = either error id $ validateSshPubKey $ sshPubKey keypair
let pubkey = either giveup id $ validateSshPubKey $ sshPubKey keypair
pairdata <- liftIO $ PairData
<$> getHostname
<*> (either error id <$> myUserName)
<*> (either giveup id <$> myUserName)
<*> pure reldir
<*> pure pubkey
<*> (maybe genUUID return muuid)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ customPage' with_longpolling navbaritem content = do
addScript $ StaticR js_longpolling_js
$(widgetFile "page")
withUrlRenderer $(Hamlet.hamletFile $ hamletTemplate "bootstrap")
Just msg -> error msg
Just msg -> giveup msg
navdetails i = (navBarName i, navBarRoute i, Just i == navbaritem)
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ sha2Hasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher sha2_224 sha2_224_context
| hashsize == 384 = mkHasher sha2_384 sha2_384_context
| hashsize == 512 = mkHasher sha2_512 sha2_512_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SHA2 size " ++ show hashsize
| otherwise = giveup $ "unsupported SHA2 size " ++ show hashsize
sha3Hasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
sha3Hasher (HashSize hashsize)
@ -237,13 +237,13 @@ sha3Hasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher sha3_224 sha3_224_context
| hashsize == 384 = mkHasher sha3_384 sha3_384_context
| hashsize == 512 = mkHasher sha3_512 sha3_512_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SHA3 size " ++ show hashsize
| otherwise = giveup $ "unsupported SHA3 size " ++ show hashsize
skeinHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
skeinHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = mkHasher skein256 skein256_context
| hashsize == 512 = mkHasher skein512 skein512_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SKEIN size " ++ show hashsize
| otherwise = giveup $ "unsupported SKEIN size " ++ show hashsize
blake2bHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
blake2bHasher (HashSize hashsize)
@ -252,25 +252,25 @@ blake2bHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 160 = mkHasher blake2b_160 blake2b_160_context
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher blake2b_224 blake2b_224_context
| hashsize == 384 = mkHasher blake2b_384 blake2b_384_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2B size " ++ show hashsize
| otherwise = giveup $ "unsupported BLAKE2B size " ++ show hashsize
blake2bpHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
blake2bpHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 512 = mkHasher blake2bp_512 blake2bp_512_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2BP size " ++ show hashsize
| otherwise = giveup $ "unsupported BLAKE2BP size " ++ show hashsize
blake2sHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
blake2sHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = mkHasher blake2s_256 blake2s_256_context
| hashsize == 160 = mkHasher blake2s_160 blake2s_160_context
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher blake2s_224 blake2s_224_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2S size " ++ show hashsize
| otherwise = giveup $ "unsupported BLAKE2S size " ++ show hashsize
blake2spHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
blake2spHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = mkHasher blake2sp_256 blake2sp_256_context
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher blake2sp_224 blake2sp_224_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2SP size " ++ show hashsize
| otherwise = giveup $ "unsupported BLAKE2SP size " ++ show hashsize
sha1Hasher :: Hasher
sha1Hasher = mkHasher sha1 sha1_context
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ run (_remotename:address:[]) = forever $
"capabilities" -> putStrLn "connect" >> ready
"connect git-upload-pack" -> go UploadPack
"connect git-receive-pack" -> go ReceivePack
l -> error $ "git-remote-helpers protocol error at " ++ show l
l -> giveup $ "git-remote-helpers protocol error at " ++ show l
(onionaddress, onionport)
| '/' `elem` address = parseAddressPort $
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ withKeyOptions' ko auto mkkeyaction fallbackaction worktreeitems = do
in keyaction lt (SeekInput [], k, bfp)
Nothing -> noop
unlessM (liftIO cleanup) $
error ("git ls-tree " ++ Git.fromRef b ++ " failed")
giveup ("git ls-tree " ++ Git.fromRef b ++ " failed")
runfailedtransfers = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ checkUrl addunlockedmatcher r o si u = do
pathmax <- liftIO $ fileNameLengthLimit "."
let deffile = fromMaybe (urlString2file u (pathdepthOption o) pathmax) (fileOption (downloadOptions o))
go deffile =<< maybe
(error $ "unable to checkUrl of " ++ r)
(giveup $ "unable to checkUrl of " ++ r)
(tryNonAsync . flip id u)
(Remote.checkUrl r)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ breakHardLink file key obj = do
let tmp' = toRawFilePath tmp
mode <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fileMode <$> R.getFileStatus file
unlessM (checkedCopyFile key obj tmp' mode) $
error "unable to break hard link"
giveup "unable to break hard link"
thawContent tmp'
Database.Keys.storeInodeCaches key [tmp']
modifyContentDir obj $ freezeContent obj
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ makeHardLink file key = do
replaceWorkTreeFile (fromRawFilePath file) $ \tmp -> do
mode <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fileMode <$> R.getFileStatus file
linkFromAnnex' key (toRawFilePath tmp) mode >>= \case
LinkAnnexFailed -> error "unable to make hard link"
LinkAnnexFailed -> giveup "unable to make hard link"
_ -> noop
next $ return True
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ performDownload' started addunlockedmatcher opts cache todownload = case locatio
return (Just [])
else do
res <- tryNonAsync $ maybe
(error $ "unable to checkUrl of " ++ r)
(giveup $ "unable to checkUrl of " ++ r)
(flip id url)
(Remote.checkUrl r)
case res of
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ parseRawChangeLine = go . words
go _ = Nothing
parseTimeStamp :: String -> POSIXTime
parseTimeStamp = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds . fromMaybe (error "bad timestamp") .
parseTimeStamp = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds . fromMaybe (giveup "bad timestamp") .
parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%s"
showTimeStamp :: TimeZone -> POSIXTime -> String
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ linkKey file oldkey newkey = ifM (isJust <$> isAnnexLink file)
replaceWorkTreeFile (fromRawFilePath file) $ \tmp -> do
let tmp' = toRawFilePath tmp
unlessM (checkedCopyFile oldkey oldobj tmp' Nothing) $
error "can't lock old key"
giveup "can't lock old key"
thawContent tmp'
ic <- withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache file)
case v of
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ notAnnexed src a =
perform :: RawFilePath -> Key -> CommandPerform
perform src key = ifM move
( next $ cleanup key
, error "failed"
, giveup "failed"
move = checkDiskSpaceToGet key False $
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ cmd = noCommit $
run :: DaemonOptions -> CommandSeek
run o
| stopDaemonOption o = error "--stop not implemented for remotedaemon"
| stopDaemonOption o = giveup "--stop not implemented for remotedaemon"
| foregroundDaemonOption o = liftIO runInteractive
| otherwise = do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ start = starting "resolvemerge" (ActionItemOther Nothing) (SeekInput []) $ do
us <- fromMaybe nobranch <$> inRepo Git.Branch.current
d <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo Git.localGitDir
let merge_head = d </> "MERGE_HEAD"
them <- fromMaybe (error nomergehead) . extractSha
them <- fromMaybe (giveup nomergehead) . extractSha
<$> liftIO (S.readFile merge_head)
ifM (resolveMerge (Just us) them False)
( do
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ perform file key = do
else return True
if ok
then next $ cleanup key
else error "mv failed!"
else giveup "move failed!"
cleanup :: Key -> CommandCleanup
cleanup key = do
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ clean' file mk passthrough discardreststdin emitpointer =
postingest (Just k, _) = do
logStatus k InfoPresent
return k
postingest _ = error "could not add file to the annex"
postingest _ = giveup "could not add file to the annex"
cfg = LockDownConfig
{ lockingFile = False
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ encryptionVariants cache dr = [noenc, sharedenc]
-- Variant of a remote with exporttree disabled.
disableExportTree :: RemoteVariantCache -> Remote -> Annex Remote
disableExportTree cache r = maybe (error "failed disabling exportree") return
disableExportTree cache r = maybe (giveup "failed disabling exportree") return
=<< adjustRemoteConfig cache r (M.delete exportTreeField)
-- Variant of a remote with exporttree enabled.
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ runRequests readh writeh a = do
go rest
go [] = noop
go [""] = noop
go v = error $ "transferkeys protocol error: " ++ show v
go v = giveup $ "transferkeys protocol error: " ++ show v
readrequests = liftIO $ split fieldSep <$> hGetContents readh
sendresult b = liftIO $ do
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Command.Undo where
import Command
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ perform dest key = do
case r of
LinkAnnexOk -> return ()
LinkAnnexNoop -> return ()
LinkAnnexFailed -> error "unlock failed"
LinkAnnexFailed -> giveup "unlock failed"
, liftIO $ writePointerFile (toRawFilePath tmp) key destmode
withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache (toRawFilePath tmp))
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Remote.Web (getWebUrls)
import Annex.UUID
import qualified Utility.Format
import qualified Command.Find
import Types.ActionItem
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ getRemoteCredPair c gc storage = maybe fromcache (return . Just) =<< fromenv
writeCacheCredPair credpair storage
return $ Just credpair
_ -> error "bad creds"
_ -> giveup "bad creds"
getRemoteCredPairFor :: String -> ParsedRemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> CredPairStorage -> Annex (Maybe CredPair)
getRemoteCredPairFor this c gc storage = go =<< getRemoteCredPair c gc storage
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ cipherSize = 512
cipherPassphrase :: Cipher -> String
cipherPassphrase (Cipher c) = drop cipherBeginning c
cipherPassphrase (MacOnlyCipher _) = error "MAC-only cipher"
cipherPassphrase (MacOnlyCipher _) = giveup "MAC-only cipher"
cipherMac :: Cipher -> String
cipherMac (Cipher c) = take cipherBeginning c
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ benchmarkDbs mode n = withTmpDirIn "." "benchmark" $ \tmpdir -> do
benchmarkDbs _ = error "not built with criterion, cannot benchmark"
benchmarkDbs _ = giveup "not built with criterion, cannot benchmark"
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ queryDb (DbHandle _db _ jobs errvar) a = do
Right r -> either throwIO return r
Left BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar -> do
err <- takeMVar errvar
error $ "sqlite worker thread crashed: " ++ err
giveup $ "sqlite worker thread crashed: " ++ err
{- Writes a change to the database.
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ repoLocation Repo { location = UnparseableUrl url } = url
repoLocation Repo { location = Local { worktree = Just dir } } = fromRawFilePath dir
repoLocation Repo { location = Local { gitdir = dir } } = fromRawFilePath dir
repoLocation Repo { location = LocalUnknown dir } = fromRawFilePath dir
repoLocation Repo { location = Unknown } = error "unknown repoLocation"
repoLocation Repo { location = Unknown } = giveup "unknown repoLocation"
{- Path to a repository. For non-bare, this is the worktree, for bare,
- it's the gitdir, and for URL repositories, is the path on the remote
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ repoPath Repo { location = Url u } = toRawFilePath $ unEscapeString $ uriPath u
repoPath Repo { location = Local { worktree = Just d } } = d
repoPath Repo { location = Local { gitdir = d } } = d
repoPath Repo { location = LocalUnknown dir } = dir
repoPath Repo { location = Unknown } = error "unknown repoPath"
repoPath Repo { location = UnparseableUrl _u } = error "unknown repoPath"
repoPath Repo { location = Unknown } = giveup "unknown repoPath"
repoPath Repo { location = UnparseableUrl _u } = giveup "unknown repoPath"
repoWorkTree :: Repo -> Maybe RawFilePath
repoWorkTree Repo { location = Local { worktree = Just d } } = Just d
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ repoWorkTree _ = Nothing
{- Path to a local repository's .git directory. -}
localGitDir :: Repo -> RawFilePath
localGitDir Repo { location = Local { gitdir = d } } = d
localGitDir _ = error "unknown localGitDir"
localGitDir _ = giveup "unknown localGitDir"
{- Some code needs to vary between URL and normal repos,
- or bare and non-bare, these functions help with that. -}
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ repoIsLocalUnknown _ = False
assertLocal :: Repo -> a -> a
assertLocal repo action
| repoIsUrl repo = error $ unwords
| repoIsUrl repo = giveup $ unwords
[ "acting on non-local git repo"
, repoDescribe repo
, "not supported"
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ catObjectDetails h object = query (catFileProcess h) object newlinefallback $ \f
content <- readObjectContent from r
return $ Just (content, sha, objtype)
Just DNE -> return Nothing
Nothing -> error $ "unknown response from git cat-file " ++ show (header, object)
Nothing -> giveup $ "unknown response from git cat-file " ++ show (header, object)
-- Slow fallback path for filenames containing newlines.
newlinefallback = queryObjectType object (catFileGitRepo h) >>= \case
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ readObjectContent h (ParsedResp _ _ size) = do
eatchar expected = do
c <- hGetChar h
when (c /= expected) $
error $ "missing " ++ (show expected) ++ " from git cat-file"
giveup $ "missing " ++ (show expected) ++ " from git cat-file"
readObjectContent _ DNE = error "internal"
{- Gets the size and type of an object, without reading its content. -}
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ checkAttrs (h, attrs, currdir) want file = do
getvals l (x:xs) = case map snd $ filter (\(attr, _) -> attr == x) l of
["unspecified"] -> "" : getvals l xs
[v] -> v : getvals l xs
_ -> error $ "unable to determine " ++ x ++ " attribute of " ++ fromRawFilePath file
_ -> giveup $ "unable to determine " ++ x ++ " attribute of " ++ fromRawFilePath file
send to = B.hPutStr to $ file' `B.snoc` 0
receive c from = do
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ fromAbsPath :: RawFilePath -> IO Repo
fromAbsPath dir
| absoluteGitPath dir = fromPath dir
| otherwise =
error $ "internal error, " ++ show dir ++ " is not absolute"
giveup $ "internal error, " ++ show dir ++ " is not absolute"
{- Construct a Repo for a remote's url.
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ parseDiffRaw l = go l
go [] = []
go (info:f:rest) = case A.parse (parserDiffRaw (L.toStrict f)) info of
A.Done _ r -> r : go rest
A.Fail _ _ err -> error $ "diff-tree parse error: " ++ err
go (s:[]) = error $ "diff-tree parse error near \"" ++ decodeBL s ++ "\""
A.Fail _ _ err -> giveup $ "diff-tree parse error: " ++ err
go (s:[]) = giveup $ "diff-tree parse error near \"" ++ decodeBL s ++ "\""
-- :<srcmode> SP <dstmode> SP <srcsha> SP <dstsha> SP <status>
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Text.Printf
import Utility.PartialPrelude
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import Utility.Exception
{- This is a variable length binary string, but its size is limited to
- maxPktLineLength. Its serialization includes a 4 byte hexadecimal
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ encodePktLine b
stringPktLine :: String -> PktLine
stringPktLine s
| length s > maxPktLineLength =
error "textPktLine called with too-long value"
giveup "textPktLine called with too-long value"
| otherwise = PktLine (encodeBS s <> "\n")
{- Sends a PktLine to a Handle, and flushes it so that it will be
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Data.Char
getSha :: String -> IO S.ByteString -> IO Sha
getSha subcommand a = maybe bad return =<< extractSha <$> a
bad = error $ "failed to read sha from git " ++ subcommand
bad = giveup $ "failed to read sha from git " ++ subcommand
{- Extracts the Sha from a ByteString.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ data TreeContent
getTree :: LsTree.LsTreeRecursive -> Ref -> Repo -> IO Tree
getTree recursive r repo = do
(l, cleanup) <- lsTreeWithObjects recursive r repo
let !t = either (\e -> error ("ls-tree parse error:" ++ e)) id
let !t = either (\e -> giveup ("ls-tree parse error:" ++ e)) id
(extractTree l)
void cleanup
return t
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ adjustTree adjusttreeitem addtreeitems resolveaddconflict removefiles r repo =
Just (TreeItem f m s) ->
let commit = TreeCommit f m s
in go h wasmodified (commit:c) depth intree is
_ -> error ("unexpected object type \"" ++ decodeBS (LsTree.typeobj i) ++ "\"")
_ -> giveup ("unexpected object type \"" ++ decodeBS (LsTree.typeobj i) ++ "\"")
| otherwise = return (c, wasmodified, i:is)
adjustlist h depth ishere underhere l = do
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ doMerge hashhandle ch differ repo streamer = do
go [] = noop
go (info:file:rest) = mergeFile info file hashhandle ch >>=
maybe (go rest) (\l -> streamer l >> go rest)
go (_:[]) = error $ "parse error " ++ show differ
go (_:[]) = giveup $ "parse error " ++ show differ
{- Given an info line from a git raw diff, and the filename, generates
- a line suitable for update-index that union merges the two sides of the
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ add l = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.limit = prepend $ Annex.limit s }
{- Adds a new syntax token. -}
addSyntaxToken :: String -> Annex ()
addSyntaxToken = either error add . Utility.Matcher.syntaxToken
addSyntaxToken = either giveup add . Utility.Matcher.syntaxToken
{- Adds a new limit. -}
addLimit :: Either String (MatchFiles Annex) -> Annex ()
@ -105,4 +105,4 @@ outputSerialized = id
waitOutputSerializedResponse :: (IO (Maybe SerializedOutputResponse)) -> SerializedOutputResponse -> IO ()
waitOutputSerializedResponse getr r = tryIO getr >>= \case
Right (Just r') | r' == r -> return ()
v -> error $ "serialized output protocol error; expected " ++ show r ++ " got " ++ show v
v -> giveup $ "serialized output protocol error; expected " ++ show r ++ " got " ++ show v
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ runLocal runst runner a = case a of
-- known. Force content
-- verification.
return (rightsize, MustVerify)
Left e -> error $ describeProtoFailure e
Left e -> giveup $ describeProtoFailure e
sinkfile f (Offset o) checkchanged sender p ti = bracket setup cleanup go
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ remote = RemoteType
, enumerate = list
, generate = gen
, configParser = mkRemoteConfigParser []
, setup = error "not supported"
, setup = giveup "not supported"
, exportSupported = exportUnsupported
, importSupported = importUnsupported
, thirdPartyPopulated = False
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ store ddarrepo = fileStorer $ \k src _p -> do
{- Convert remote DdarRepo to host and path on remote end -}
splitRemoteDdarRepo :: DdarRepo -> (SshHost, String)
splitRemoteDdarRepo ddarrepo = (either error id $ mkSshHost host, ddarrepo')
splitRemoteDdarRepo ddarrepo = (either giveup id $ mkSshHost host, ddarrepo')
(host, remainder) = span (/= ':') (ddarRepoLocation ddarrepo)
ddarrepo' = drop 1 remainder
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ checkKey ddarrepo key = do
directoryExists <- ddarDirectoryExists ddarrepo
case directoryExists of
Left e -> error e
Right True -> either error return
Right True -> either giveup return
=<< inDdarManifest ddarrepo key
Right False -> return False
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ rsyncTransport r gc
let rsyncpath = if "/~/" `isPrefixOf` path
then drop 3 path
else path
sshhost = either error id (mkSshHost host)
sshhost = either giveup id (mkSshHost host)
mkopts = rsyncShell . (Param "ssh" :)
<$> sshOptions ConsumeStdin (sshhost, Nothing) gc []
in (mkopts, fromSshHost sshhost ++ ":" ++ rsyncpath, AccessGitAnnexShell)
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ gCryptSetup _ mu _ c gc = go $ fromProposedAccepted <$> M.lookup gitRepoField c
| Git.repoLocation r == url -> noop
| otherwise -> error "Another remote with the same name already exists."
| otherwise -> giveup "Another remote with the same name already exists."
pc <- either giveup return . parseRemoteConfig c'
=<< configParser remote c'
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ getGCryptId fast r gc
| Git.repoIsLocal r || Git.repoIsLocalUnknown r = extract <$>
liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ r)
| not fast = extract . liftM fst3 <$> getM (eitherToMaybe <$>)
[ Ssh.onRemote NoConsumeStdin r (\f p -> liftIO (Git.Config.fromPipe r f p Git.Config.ConfigList), return (Left $ error "configlist failed")) "configlist" [] []
[ Ssh.onRemote NoConsumeStdin r (\f p -> liftIO (Git.Config.fromPipe r f p Git.Config.ConfigList), return (Left $ giveup "configlist failed")) "configlist" [] []
, getConfigViaRsync r gc
| otherwise = return (Nothing, r)
@ -331,4 +331,4 @@ toB64bs = w82s . B.unpack . B64.encode . B.pack . s2w8
fromB64bs :: String -> String
fromB64bs s = either (const bad) (w82s . B.unpack) (B64.decode $ B.pack $ s2w8 s)
bad = error "bad base64 encoded data"
bad = giveup "bad base64 encoded data"
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ toRepo :: ConsumeStdin -> Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> SshCommand -> Annex (Fi
toRepo cs r gc remotecmd = do
let host = maybe
(giveup "bad ssh url")
(either error id . mkSshHost)
(either giveup id . mkSshHost)
(Git.Url.hostuser r)
sshCommand cs (host, Git.Url.port r) gc remotecmd
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ cannotModify = giveup "httpalso special remote is read only"
httpAlsoSetup :: SetupStage -> Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
httpAlsoSetup _ Nothing _ _ _ =
error "Must use --sameas when initializing a httpalso remote."
giveup "Must use --sameas when initializing a httpalso remote."
httpAlsoSetup _ (Just u) _ c gc = do
_url <- maybe (giveup "Specify url=")
(return . fromProposedAccepted)
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ remote = RemoteType
, enumerate = const (return [])
, generate = \_ _ _ _ _ -> return Nothing
, configParser = mkRemoteConfigParser []
, setup = error "P2P remotes are set up using git-annex p2p"
, setup = giveup "P2P remotes are set up using git-annex p2p"
, exportSupported = exportUnsupported
, importSupported = importUnsupported
, thirdPartyPopulated = False
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ rsyncTransport gc url
case fromNull ["ssh"] (remoteAnnexRsyncTransport gc) of
"ssh":sshopts -> do
let (port, sshopts') = sshReadPort sshopts
userhost = either error id $ mkSshHost $
userhost = either giveup id $ mkSshHost $
takeWhile (/= ':') url
return $ (Param "ssh":) <$> sshOptions ConsumeStdin
(userhost, port) gc
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ testDav url (Just (u, p)) = do
user = toDavUser u
pass = toDavPass p
testDav _ Nothing = error "Need to configure webdav username and password."
testDav _ Nothing = giveup "Need to configure webdav username and password."
{- Tries to make all the parent directories in the WebDAV urls's path,
- right down to the root.
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ choke :: IO (Either String a) -> IO a
choke f = do
x <- f
case x of
Left e -> error e
Left e -> giveup e
Right r -> return r
data DavHandle = DavHandle DAVContext DavUser DavPass URLString
@ -491,11 +491,11 @@ retrieveLegacyChunked d k p dav = liftIO $
inLocation l $
snd <$> getContentM
onerr = error "download failed"
onerr = giveup "download failed"
checkKeyLegacyChunked :: DavHandle -> CheckPresent
checkKeyLegacyChunked dav k = liftIO $
either error id <$> withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr check
either giveup id <$> withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr check
check [] = return $ Right True
check (l:ls) = do
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ runInteractive = do
let reader = forever $ do
l <- hGetLine readh
case parseMessage l of
Nothing -> error $ "protocol error: " ++ l
Nothing -> giveup $ "protocol error: " ++ l
Just cmd -> atomically $ writeTChan ichan cmd
let writer = forever $ do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan ochan
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ testRemote testvariants remotetype setupremote =
innewrepo $ do
git_annex "init" [reponame, "--quiet"] "init"
setupremote remotename
r <- annexeval $ either error return
r <- annexeval $ either giveup return
=<< Remote.byName' remotename
cache <- Command.TestRemote.newRemoteVariantCache
unavailr <- annexeval $ Types.Remote.mkUnavailable r
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Utility.AuthToken (
import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto
import Utility.Hash
import Utility.Exception
import Data.SecureMem
import Data.Maybe
@ -79,8 +80,8 @@ genAuthToken len = do
g <- newGenIO :: IO SystemRandom
return $
case genBytes 512 g of
Left e -> error $ "failed to generate auth token: " ++ show e
Right (s, _) -> fromMaybe (error "auth token encoding failed") $
Left e -> giveup $ "failed to generate auth token: " ++ show e
Right (s, _) -> fromMaybe (giveup "auth token encoding failed") $
toAuthToken $ T.pack $ take len $
show $ sha2_512 $ L.fromChunks [s]
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Utility.Base64 where
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import Utility.QuickCheck
import Utility.Exception
import qualified "sandi" Codec.Binary.Base64 as B64
import Data.Maybe
@ -36,12 +37,12 @@ fromB64Maybe' = either (const Nothing) Just . B64.decode
fromB64 :: String -> String
fromB64 = fromMaybe bad . fromB64Maybe
bad = error "bad base64 encoded data"
bad = giveup "bad base64 encoded data"
fromB64' :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
fromB64' = fromMaybe bad . fromB64Maybe'
bad = error "bad base64 encoded data"
bad = giveup "bad base64 encoded data"
-- Only ascii strings are tested, because an arbitrary string may contain
-- characters not encoded using the FileSystemEncoding, which would thus
@ -36,13 +36,17 @@ import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError, ioeGetErrorType)
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(..))
import Utility.Data
import Utility.SafeOutput
{- Like error, this throws an exception. Unlike error, if this exception
- is not caught, it won't generate a backtrace. So use this for situations
- where there's a problem that the user is expected to see in some
- circumstances. -}
- circumstances.
- Also, control characters are filtered out of the message.
giveup :: [Char] -> a
giveup = errorWithoutStackTrace
giveup = errorWithoutStackTrace . safeOutput
{- Catches IO errors and returns a Bool -}
catchBoolIO :: MonadCatch m => m Bool -> m Bool
@ -110,4 +110,4 @@ parse s = bundle $ go [] $ lines s
splitnull = splitc '\0'
parsefail = error $ "failed to parse lsof output: " ++ show s
parsefail = giveup $ "failed to parse lsof output: " ++ show s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{- Safe output to the terminal of possibly attacker-controlled strings,
- avoiding displaying control characters.
- Copyright 2023 Joey Hess <>
- License: BSD-2-clause
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
module Utility.SafeOutput (safeOutput) where
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
class SafeOutputtable t where
safeOutput :: t -> t
instance SafeOutputtable String where
safeOutput = filter (not . isControl)
instance SafeOutputtable S.ByteString where
safeOutput = S.filter (not . isControl . chr . fromIntegral)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ getSocket h = do
-- getAddrInfo didn't used to work on windows; current status
-- unknown.
when (isJust h) $
error "getSocket with HostName not supported on this OS"
giveup "getSocket with HostName not supported on this OS"
let addr = tupleToHostAddress (127,0,0,1)
sock <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol
preparesocket sock
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ getSocket h = do
case (partition (\a -> addrFamily a == AF_INET) addrs) of
(v4addr:_, _) -> go v4addr
(_, v6addr:_) -> go v6addr
_ -> error "unable to bind to a local socket"
_ -> giveup "unable to bind to a local socket"
hostname = fromMaybe localhost h
localhost = "localhost"
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ getSocket h = do
- unknown reason on OSX. -}
go addr = go' 100 addr
go' :: Int -> AddrInfo -> IO Socket
go' 0 _ = error "unable to bind to local socket"
go' 0 _ = giveup "unable to bind to local socket"
go' n addr = do
r <- tryIO $ bracketOnError (open addr) close (useaddr addr)
either (const $ go' (pred n) addr) return r
@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ webAppSessionBackend :: Yesod.Yesod y => y -> IO (Maybe Yesod.SessionBackend)
webAppSessionBackend _ = do
g <- newGenIO :: IO SystemRandom
case genBytes 96 g of
Left e -> error $ "failed to generate random key: " ++ show e
Left e -> giveup $ "failed to generate random key: " ++ show e
Right (s, _) -> case CS.initKey s of
Left e -> error $ "failed to initialize key: " ++ show e
Left e -> giveup $ "failed to initialize key: " ++ show e
Right key -> use key
timeout = 120 * 60 -- 120 minutes
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ behave more like git.
> Update: Most git-annex commands now quote filenames, due to work on
> ActionItem display. `git-annex find`, `git-annex info $file`,
> and everywhere filenames get
> embedded in error messages, warnings, info messages, still need to be done.
> embedded in warnings, info messages, still need to be done.
@ -59,3 +59,9 @@ out control characters. If such an url even can be parsed?
Also: git-annex initremote with autoenable may be able to cause a remote
with a malicious name to be set up?
Also: Any place that an exception is thrown with an attacker-controlled value.
`giveup` has been made to filter out control characters, but that leave
other exceptions, including ones thrown by libraries. Catch all exceptions
at top-level (of program and/or worker threads) and filter out control
@ -1133,6 +1133,7 @@ Executable git-annex
Add table
Reference in a new issue