I think this was only in Everything for historical reasons -- in the
initial implementation of search modes, tags, notes, and (old)
annotations were all in Everything, but tags and notes were later moved
to All Fields & Tags. The old `annotation` condition wasn't moved, and
when I added `annotationComment` and `annotationText`, I just left them
in the same place. But if we match notes in All Fields & Tags, we should
match annotation comments, and if we're matching comments, we might as
well match annotation text as well.
Selecting custom data directory radio button in advanced
settings opens up a modal to select the directory. It is
not a typical behavior for radio button, so it conflicts
with 3.2.2 success criteria.
This is a rework of the data directory setting interface to be
similar to LABD. It does not have radio buttons and the
directory explorer pops up on button click.
- adds View > Columns and View > Sort By menu options
to all windows that contains an itemTree (Select Items dialog,
Advanced Search, classic Add Citation, Edit Bibliography
- the menubar is global on macOS. On Windows/Linux it is
displayed and focused on Alt keypress
- added menu option to move a selected column left,
which we need as an alternative for drag-drop reordering
that would not require using a mouse
- made the wrapper of the dialog focusable and added aria-description
so that when the dialog opens it announces how to use the dialog
- added aria-labels to buttons, references list, and editor
- make sure that the references list always selects an item when
focused without clicking
- added a border to focused buttons from simple editor to make it visually
clear when they received focus
More specific labels for the button to turn selected item(s)
into standalone:
- "Convert to Standalone Sttachment(s)" when only attachments
are selected
- "Convert to Standalone Note(s)" when only notes are selected
- "Convert to Standalone" otherwise (e.g. if a note and an attachment
are selected together)
Fixes: #4766
* Remove unused element in select items window
* Move and rename zotero/ingester/selectitems to scaffold/select to
avoid confusion with selectItemsDialog
Filter out ASCII control characters in renderItemTitle, since
an error is thrown if those characters are present when
the innerHTML of a tab name in tab bar is set via
Fixes: #4758
Co-authored-by: Dan Stillman <dstillman@zotero.org>
- Added menuitems to move collections within the same
library and to copy collections
- "Move to" only displays collections within the
current library
- "Copy to" displays all libraries, if more than
one library exists. If there is only one library,
top-level collections from "My Library" are displayed.
- while copying within the same library, create copies
of all collections and add items into them, without
actually duplicating items
- while copying between different libraries, items
will be duplicated, the same way it is done when
collections are dragged and dropped in another library
Do not move focus from the tab onto the editor/input
during keyboard navigation to not change context per
Focus will still shift if tab selection changed on mouse click.
- added focus ring to tabs. Additional mouseup handling
to prevent the focus ring from briefly appearing on click.
- on Escape from within the editor, focus the current
- on shift-tab from the beginning of the editor,
tab out of the editor to previous element.
- added "Change Parent Item…" context menu option to
itemTree as a non-drag-drop alternative to changing the
parent of attachments or notes
- context menu option appears only when all selected
items are notes or attachments
- upon activation, a dialog to select the new parent
will appear. Added a tweak to the dialog to disable
the "accept" button if a selected item is not top level
- minor edit to itemTree to set the multiselect property
based on a prop, since we do not want to have multiselect
enabled in this instance
- hide all virtual collections in selectItemsDialog via new
io.hideCollections parameter
- "Convert to Standalone Attachment" button in dialog if
child attachment is selected
- Use eslint instead of teslint
- Remove debug logging, since we're running this constantly now
- Kill ESLint at the end, although it should exit on its own
Includes API changes in Zotero.Translators in order to support
in-memory translator serialization.
Type changes in docstrings are corrections, not actual changes.
Apparently _error() does get called!
detect* methods were already logging syntax errors as expected.
TranslationChild handles errors in detect* and do* identically. Odd.
Minimize, maximize, close, etc. window buttons are generally
not accessible for focus. They can get focused on mac with
voiceover enabled which can be confusing.
Added aria-hidden attribute to prevent voiceover from
placing the cursor on them.
- linked all labels to their respective inputs so they are announced by
screen readers
- added aria-labels for the actual editor and preview iframes
- locator type and locator input are assigned aria-labels
- added visible labels to citation style and language menus,
since vpat 40 specifically asks for visible labels
- shift enter on a creator row will add a new empty creator
row after focused row. If shift-Enter is on the last creator
before "More creators", all creators will be rendered.
- fixed encountered glitch where switching the mode of
creator would not always update the pref, so next time
a new creator row is added, it would not be of correct
- fixed encountered bug where a newly added creator row
could receive an index of an existing creator that is not rendered
( "More creators" label is displayed). In that case,
saving such creator would override an existing creator
and erasing that creator would remove invisible creators.
- added a few tests for these edge cases
- on shift-enter in unsaved creator row that only
has whitespace, do nothing, the focus will stay
in that row. It will be discarded if the focus leaves
it with nothing but whitespace.
- fix focus getting lost on shift-enter on an edited
creator field after adding just some whitespace.
Fixes: #4393Fixes: #4710