- Use real buttons and other tweaks from design
- Use existing .properties string for "Don't Ask Again" for now
- Remove close button
- Update submodule for reminder after 24 hours instead of 7
Tweak to Zotero.Utilities.Internal.activate to make
it more likely that qf receives focus. Addresses
the issue of qf not becoming focusable after the
first opening in word and makes it clearer when the
dialog appears in google docs when the dialog cannot
be pulled to the foreground.
getAttention() will flash the icon in the app bar
if the window could not be pulled into foreground,
for example with google docs.
focus() will try to bring the window to the foreground,
which fixes the issue of qf not getting focused
with word on the first opening. Also, without it,
a call to getAttention() interferes with focus landing
on the dialog during subsequent opening in gdocs.
* vpat: add more aria-labels to preferences btns
Per the VPAT review. "Add"/"Remove" instead of +/- as those
are not descriptive enough
* vpat: wrap radiogroup in a groupbox with label
That is so that the "Color scheme" label is not announced
as a description, which requires a specific setting
enabled in JAWS.
* vpat: link itemPaneHeader prefs labels to menus
- Replace flex attribute with flex-shrink and flex-grow style
to allow elements to be resized by splitter and window resizing.
- Set the max-width on collections pane to prevent it from pushing
other panes outside window border
- Set the min-width on window according to the size of both library
and reader tabs
- Use stacked layout when window width is small
fix: #4669
We display "Loading Cited items" while fetching fields as an
additional header before "My Library". Navigating the item list before
this change while the double-headers were displayed did not work with
the keyboard
In a new scaffold.ftl file.
Vpat 43 also indicates that the read-only state of the text field
does not get announced - it is a VoiceOver-specific issue on
Firefox, so it is not addressed here as it should be fixed
resolve: #4611
Try to avoid race condition in dense render calls.
We used to notify the preview to update
after all other renders are done,
which can cause unexpected race condition.
- explicitly add aria-labels to groupbox and vbox
sections of the settings. It's required for voiceover
to announce that label when focus enters the group.
It's not needed for NVDA and JAWS as they recognize
most h2 labels as labels of grouppings.
- add all relevant additionl text for the section
as aria-description/aria-describedby so it is
announced after the section's name when focus enters it
- add role="group" to vbox sections, since vbox
does not have any semantics
- skip tabstop on scrollable "#prefs-content" container
since it is not required
- vpat_7: When a popup is showing, mark menuseparators with
role="presentation" to clear whatever semantics a separator
has. It prevents the screen readers from counting it as
an interactable element while announcing the index of
a menuitem within the popup. It also makes the screen readers
count items across all sections, instead of stopping at
the first separator.
- vpat_14: When menupopup is hiding, for a moment, mark it
as aria-hidden. It forces VoiceOver to move cursor back to
the previously focused element. Otherwise, it is not aware that
the popup went away, the cursor gets stuck inside of the
invisible menu, no elements will be announced until the screen
readers is reloaded.
* qf: remove transparent window background from win
Because it seems to still sometimes cause the qf window
to disappear. I could not reproduce it but disabling
background: transparent did help with the issue of qf
disappearing in the past. It allows us to remove very
specific chromemargins which, apparently, do not work
in all cases.
Removed border-radius from qf on windows because now that
the window is not transparent, its corners would be visible.
But the window itself has rounded corners so it doesn't look
that different.
The main drawback now is that a secondary window without titlebar
on win becomes resizable, and having background: transparent was
a workaround to disable that. So now, we set max width and height
so that the window cannot be stretched but, unfortunately, the
resize cursor appears when you hover over the edge of the dialog.
* qf: minor style fixes
- hardcode light theme value for accept button and the
spinner so they don't disappear when the theme is dark
- make sure the item's color from reference panel is not
overriden by a lighter one from another stylesheet
And add a new beforesynctopreference event to replace the old behavior.
You almost always want the preference to be updated before acting on
the change.