- Switch to Mozilla's Timer.jsm for timer functions in XPCOM scope
- Add setInterval/clearInterval/requestIdleCallback/cancelIdleCallback
- Add all timer functions to plugins sandbox
Firefox has switched on all platforms, Chrome and Edge on Windows use
"Settings", and we really don't want to have to say different things for
different platforms
ScienceDirect sometimes puts the `name` directive at the end of the Content-Type
header instead of in Content-Disposition. That isn't strictly spec-approved, but
there are other directives (`charset` and `boundary`) that can also be appended
to Content-Type per the spec. We want to strip them before looking for handlers.
This was triggering an erroneous warning dialog about a failure to check
for Firefox profiles during Linux tests (where the profile is at
something like /tmp/tmp.l5phnqSxBH/Zotero), but it could also affect a
custom profile directory location.
- Set zotero-noteQuickCopy-menu's preference attribute to the correct key
- Warn about all ID-ish preference attribute values
- zotero-noteQuickCopy-menu's preference attribute was being set to the ID of
a now-nonexistent <preference> element. preference attribute values should
be preference keys now, but we were only warning if the associated
<preference> element was actually there
- We can't warn in all cases where the preference doesn't yet exist, because
some preferences don't have default values, and we shouldn't limit to
preferences that don't exist, because then the warning will stop showing
after the preference is persisted once
- When a <preference> ID is replaced by the associated key, update the
preference attribute so future syncFromPref() and syncToPrefOnModify() calls
will set the correct preference
- Listen to a range of events on all bound nodes, no matter their type
- Don't resolve _firstPaneLoadDeferred until actually done loading
To run a short-lived command and return stdout
The Subprocess module can also start long-running process and
communicate with them, but we'll implement something different for that
if we need it.
(And update the en-US version with some strings that we don't use but
might if we updated to a slightly newer version of the updater before
they got rid of the dedicated update window)
If the file wasn't an XPI at all, or it didn't contain valid metadata for fx102,
the error message would previously show "%S" where the add-on name should be.
Now we fall back to the file path.
So a custom build doesn't have to modify each .ftl file
`app-name` is redundant with the Firefox strings, but it's what we used
previously and is easier to remember.