Adds "Show Unfiled Items" context menu to libraries, which adds a virtual saved search for unfiled items. Right-click, Remove to hide. Per-library visibility is saved in prefs and persists across restarts.
Implemented as 'unfiled' search condition, but not accessible via search UI
Should probably use a different color icon to differentiate from real saved searches
also adds a parameter to disable proxy redirection by domain (although if I had known how much work would be involved in implementing this before I started, I wouldn't have bothered)
closes#1650: suppress author does not work for multiple sources
closes#1505: Edit Biblography Button Strips Year Disambiguation
closes#1503: Editing a bibliography resets all reference numbers to 1 (new)
closes#1262: Broken pluralization with et al. + other issues
closes#1238: Localize quotation marks
closes#1191: Harmonize 'plural/pluralize' label attribute with CSL schema
closes#1154: Only one works page numbers are added to the citation are when citing multiple works by the same author
closes#1097: Disambiguation issues
closes#1083: Defect in IEEE CSL with Multiple Citations
closes#993: more sophisticated subsequent-author-substitute
closes#833: text-transform doesn't work with name
- Renamed 'Repository' to 'Library Catalog' and added 'Archive'
- Moved 'Repository' data to 'Archive' for item types other than books, periodicals, and theses
- Mapped 'Archive' to CSL 'archive'
- For "Book Section", added "Book Author" (needs to be mapped to CSL container-author) (closes#872)
- For A/V item types, "Recording Type" mapped to "Type" is now "Format" mapped to "Medium" (closes#1060)
- For "Radio Broadcast" and "TV Broadcast", replaced "Series Title" with "Program Title" mapped to "Publication Title" (CSL field container-title rather than collection-title) (closes#860)
- For "Patent", added "Country" field, removed (nonfunctional) base-map from "Place" to "Country", added "Issuing Authority", replaced "Date" with "Filing Date" (not currently mapped to CSL), and moved "Date" data to "Filing Date". Kept "Issue Date" base-mapped to "Date". (closes#1375)
- For "Film", mapped "Distributor" to "Publisher" (closes#861) and added "Genre" mapped to "Type"
- For "Podcast", mapped "Audio File Type" to "Medium" rather than "Type"
- For "Bill", added "Cosponsor" creator type (closes#655)
- For "Case", added "Author" as primary creator type instead of "Counsel" (#655)
- For "Computer Program", added "Date" (closes#1502)
- For "Thesis" and "Newspaper Article", added "Place" (closes#1274)
- For "Thesis", replaced 'pages' with 'numPages' (closes#1618)
This can't yet sync, so upping sync API version and delaying dev XPI build.
- Fix search for January dates
- Support 'yesterday'/'today'/'tomorrow' and localized equivalents (case-insensitive) in date searches (e.g., [Date Added] [is] ['yesterday'])
- Make "Saved Search" a separate search condition from 'Collection' in drop-down menu
- Better handle invalid search conditions
- (Dev) Saved search conditions are now 'collection' and 'savedSearch' rather than 'collectionID' and 'savedSearchID', though the latter can be used as shortcuts when adding
This could use some testing.