Quite a few other fixes, including:
- Sending to contact with no avatar yet (not synced from mobile)
- Left pane doesn't update quickly or at all on new message
- Left pane doesn't show sent or error status
- Contributing.md: Ensure set of linux dev dependencies is complete
- messages.getQuoteObjectUrl: early return
- backup.js: explaining variables for long if statement
- types/messages.js: Log if thumbnail has neither data nor path
- sendmessage.js:
- remove extraneous logging
- fix indentation
- upload attachments and thumbnails in parallel
- preload: don't load fs for tests, just fse
- _conversation.scss: split two selectors into two lines, 0px -> 0
- backup_test.js: use fse.existsSync and comment twoSlashes regex
- network_tests_view_test.js: Comment duplicate assignment to window.getSocketStatus
Backup creates, in a target directory:
- An attachments folder, with all attachments, each named for their
parent message's id - a GUID. If there is more than one attachment
in a given message, each attachment beyond the first will end with
'-N', zero-indexed.
- A file named messages.zip. It contains exactly what went to disk in
the original export code, but zipped up.
Export is now only 'light,' and in this new messages.zip format.
Import supports both the new format and the old format. If the target
directory has a messages.zip file, we'll treat it as the new format.
Next up: Encrypting attachments and the messages.zip!