Use single quotes for identifiers
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 73 additions and 73 deletions
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const PATH = 'attachments.noindex';
// getPath :: AbsolutePath -> AbsolutePath
exports.getPath = (userDataPath) => {
if (!isString(userDataPath)) {
throw new TypeError('"userDataPath" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'userDataPath' must be a string");
return path.join(userDataPath, PATH);
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ exports.getPath = (userDataPath) => {
// ensureDirectory :: AbsolutePath -> IO Unit
exports.ensureDirectory = async (userDataPath) => {
if (!isString(userDataPath)) {
throw new TypeError('"userDataPath" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'userDataPath' must be a string");
await fse.ensureDir(exports.getPath(userDataPath));
@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ exports.ensureDirectory = async (userDataPath) => {
// IO (Promise ArrayBuffer)
exports.createReader = (root) => {
if (!isString(root)) {
throw new TypeError('"root" must be a path');
throw new TypeError("'root' must be a path");
return async (relativePath) => {
if (!isString(relativePath)) {
throw new TypeError('"relativePath" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'relativePath' must be a string");
const absolutePath = path.join(root, relativePath);
@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ exports.createReader = (root) => {
// IO (Promise RelativePath)
exports.createWriterForNew = (root) => {
if (!isString(root)) {
throw new TypeError('"root" must be a path');
throw new TypeError("'root' must be a path");
return async (arrayBuffer) => {
if (!isArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer)) {
throw new TypeError('"arrayBuffer" must be an array buffer');
throw new TypeError("'arrayBuffer' must be an array buffer");
const name = exports.createName();
@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ exports.createWriterForNew = (root) => {
// IO (Promise RelativePath)
exports.createWriterForExisting = (root) => {
if (!isString(root)) {
throw new TypeError('"root" must be a path');
throw new TypeError("'root' must be a path");
return async ({ data: arrayBuffer, path: relativePath } = {}) => {
if (!isString(relativePath)) {
throw new TypeError('"relativePath" must be a path');
throw new TypeError("'relativePath' must be a path");
if (!isArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer)) {
throw new TypeError('"arrayBuffer" must be an array buffer');
throw new TypeError("'arrayBuffer' must be an array buffer");
const buffer = Buffer.from(arrayBuffer);
@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ exports.createWriterForExisting = (root) => {
// IO Unit
exports.createDeleter = (root) => {
if (!isString(root)) {
throw new TypeError('"root" must be a path');
throw new TypeError("'root' must be a path");
return async (relativePath) => {
if (!isString(relativePath)) {
throw new TypeError('"relativePath" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'relativePath' must be a string");
const absolutePath = path.join(root, relativePath);
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ exports.createName = () => {
// getRelativePath :: String -> IO Path
exports.getRelativePath = (name) => {
if (!isString(name)) {
throw new TypeError('"name" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'name' must be a string");
const prefix = name.slice(0, 2);
@ -100,11 +100,11 @@
getOrCreate: function(id, type) {
if (typeof id !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('"id" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'id' must be a string");
if (type !== 'private' && type !== 'group') {
throw new TypeError('"type" must be "private" or "group"; got: ' + type);
throw new TypeError(`'type' must be 'private' or 'group'; got: '${type}'`);
if (!this._initialFetchComplete) {
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ async function writeAttachment(attachment, options) {
if (!Attachment.hasData(attachment)) {
throw new TypeError('"" is required');
throw new TypeError("'' is required");
const ciphertext = await crypto.encryptSymmetric(key,;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ exports.getVersion = async (name) => {
exports.getCount = async ({ store } = {}) => {
if (!isObject(store)) {
throw new TypeError('"store" is required');
throw new TypeError("'store' is required");
const request = store.count();
@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ exports.createConversation = async ({
} = {}) => {
if (!isObject(ConversationController) ||
!isFunction(ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait)) {
throw new TypeError('"ConversationController" is required');
throw new TypeError("'ConversationController' is required");
if (!isNumber(numMessages) || numMessages <= 0) {
throw new TypeError('"numMessages" must be a positive number');
throw new TypeError("'numMessages' must be a positive number");
if (!isFunction(WhisperMessage)) {
throw new TypeError('"WhisperMessage" is required');
throw new TypeError("'WhisperMessage' is required");
const conversation =
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ const SAMPLE_MESSAGES = [
const createRandomMessage = async ({ conversationId } = {}) => {
if (!isString(conversationId)) {
throw new TypeError('"conversationId" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'conversationId' must be a string");
const sentAt = - random(100 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ exports.processNext = async ({
} = {}) => {
if (!isFunction(BackboneMessage)) {
throw new TypeError('"BackboneMessage" (Whisper.Message) constructor is required');
throw new TypeError("'BackboneMessage' (Whisper.Message) constructor is required");
if (!isFunction(BackboneMessageCollection)) {
throw new TypeError('"BackboneMessageCollection" (Whisper.MessageCollection)' +
throw new TypeError("'BackboneMessageCollection' (Whisper.MessageCollection)" +
' constructor is required');
if (!isNumber(numMessagesPerBatch)) {
throw new TypeError('"numMessagesPerBatch" is required');
throw new TypeError("'numMessagesPerBatch' is required");
if (!isFunction(upgradeMessageSchema)) {
throw new TypeError('"upgradeMessageSchema" is required');
throw new TypeError("'upgradeMessageSchema' is required");
const startTime =;
@ -85,19 +85,19 @@ exports.dangerouslyProcessAllWithoutIndex = async ({
} = {}) => {
if (!isString(databaseName)) {
throw new TypeError('"databaseName" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'databaseName' must be a string");
if (!isNumber(minDatabaseVersion)) {
throw new TypeError('"minDatabaseVersion" must be a number');
throw new TypeError("'minDatabaseVersion' must be a number");
if (!isNumber(numMessagesPerBatch)) {
throw new TypeError('"numMessagesPerBatch" must be a number');
throw new TypeError("'numMessagesPerBatch' must be a number");
if (!isFunction(upgradeMessageSchema)) {
throw new TypeError('"upgradeMessageSchema" is required');
throw new TypeError("'upgradeMessageSchema' is required");
const connection = await;
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ exports.processNextBatchWithoutIndex = async ({
} = {}) => {
if (!isFunction(upgradeMessageSchema)) {
throw new TypeError('"upgradeMessageSchema" is required');
throw new TypeError("'upgradeMessageSchema' is required");
const connection = await _getConnection({ databaseName, minDatabaseVersion });
@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ exports.processNextBatchWithoutIndex = async ({
// Private API
const _getConnection = async ({ databaseName, minDatabaseVersion }) => {
if (!isString(databaseName)) {
throw new TypeError('"databaseName" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'databaseName' must be a string");
if (!isNumber(minDatabaseVersion)) {
throw new TypeError('"minDatabaseVersion" must be a number');
throw new TypeError("'minDatabaseVersion' must be a number");
const connection = await;
@ -194,15 +194,15 @@ const _processBatch = async ({
} = {}) => {
if (!isObject(connection)) {
throw new TypeError('"connection" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'connection' must be a string");
if (!isFunction(upgradeMessageSchema)) {
throw new TypeError('"upgradeMessageSchema" is required');
throw new TypeError("'upgradeMessageSchema' is required");
if (!isNumber(numMessagesPerBatch)) {
throw new TypeError('"numMessagesPerBatch" is required');
throw new TypeError("'numMessagesPerBatch' is required");
const isAttachmentMigrationComplete =
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ const _saveMessageBackbone = ({ BackboneMessage } = {}) => (message) => {
const _saveMessage = ({ transaction } = {}) => (message) => {
if (!isObject(transaction)) {
throw new TypeError('"transaction" is required');
throw new TypeError("'transaction' is required");
const messagesStore = transaction.objectStore(MESSAGES_STORE_NAME);
@ -289,12 +289,12 @@ const _saveMessage = ({ transaction } = {}) => (message) => {
const _fetchMessagesRequiringSchemaUpgrade =
async ({ BackboneMessageCollection, count } = {}) => {
if (!isFunction(BackboneMessageCollection)) {
throw new TypeError('"BackboneMessageCollection" (Whisper.MessageCollection)' +
throw new TypeError("'BackboneMessageCollection' (Whisper.MessageCollection)" +
' constructor is required');
if (!isNumber(count)) {
throw new TypeError('"count" is required');
throw new TypeError("'count' is required");
const collection = new BackboneMessageCollection();
@ -318,15 +318,15 @@ const _fetchMessagesRequiringSchemaUpgrade =
const _dangerouslyFetchMessagesRequiringSchemaUpgradeWithoutIndex =
({ connection, count, lastIndex } = {}) => {
if (!isObject(connection)) {
throw new TypeError('"connection" is required');
throw new TypeError("'connection' is required");
if (!isNumber(count)) {
throw new TypeError('"count" is required');
throw new TypeError("'count' is required");
if (lastIndex && !isString(lastIndex)) {
throw new TypeError('"lastIndex" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'lastIndex' must be a string");
const hasLastIndex = Boolean(lastIndex);
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ const _dangerouslyFetchMessagesRequiringSchemaUpgradeWithoutIndex =
const _getNumMessages = async ({ connection } = {}) => {
if (!isObject(connection)) {
throw new TypeError('"connection" is required');
throw new TypeError("'connection' is required");
const transaction = connection.transaction(MESSAGES_STORE_NAME, 'readonly');
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ const closeDatabaseConnection = ({ Backbone } = {}) =>
exports.runMigrations = async ({ Backbone, database } = {}) => {
if (!isObject(Backbone) || !isObject(Backbone.Collection) ||
!isFunction(Backbone.Collection.extend)) {
throw new TypeError('"Backbone" is required');
throw new TypeError("'Backbone' is required");
if (!isObject(database) || !isString( ||
!Array.isArray(database.migrations)) {
throw new TypeError('"database" is required');
throw new TypeError("'database' is required");
const {
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ exports.runMigrations = async ({ Backbone, database } = {}) => {
const getMigrationVersions = (database) => {
if (!isObject(database) || !Array.isArray(database.migrations)) {
throw new TypeError('"database" is required');
throw new TypeError("'database' is required");
const firstMigration = head(database.migrations);
@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ const REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER = '[REDACTED]';
// _redactPath :: Path -> String -> String
exports._redactPath = (filePath) => {
if (!is.string(filePath)) {
throw new TypeError('"filePath" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'filePath' must be a string");
const filePathPattern = exports._pathToRegExp(filePath);
return (text) => {
if (!is.string(text)) {
throw new TypeError('"text" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string");
if (!is.regExp(filePathPattern)) {
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ exports._pathToRegExp = (filePath) => {
// redactPhoneNumbers :: String -> String
exports.redactPhoneNumbers = (text) => {
if (!is.string(text)) {
throw new TypeError('"text" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string");
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ exports.redactPhoneNumbers = (text) => {
// redactGroupIds :: String -> String
exports.redactGroupIds = (text) => {
if (!is.string(text)) {
throw new TypeError('"text" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string");
return text.replace(
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ exports.markAttachmentMigrationComplete = connection =>
// Private API
exports._getItem = (connection, key) => {
if (!isObject(connection)) {
throw new TypeError('"connection" is required');
throw new TypeError("'connection' is required");
if (!isString(key)) {
throw new TypeError('"key" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'key' must be a string");
const transaction = connection.transaction(ITEMS_STORE_NAME, 'readonly');
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ exports._getItem = (connection, key) => {
exports._setItem = (connection, key, value) => {
if (!isObject(connection)) {
throw new TypeError('"connection" is required');
throw new TypeError("'connection' is required");
if (!isString(key)) {
throw new TypeError('"key" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'key' must be a string");
const transaction = connection.transaction(ITEMS_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite');
@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ exports._setItem = (connection, key, value) => {
exports._deleteItem = (connection, key) => {
if (!isObject(connection)) {
throw new TypeError('"connection" is required');
throw new TypeError("'connection' is required");
if (!isString(key)) {
throw new TypeError('"key" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'key' must be a string");
const transaction = connection.transaction(ITEMS_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite');
@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ exports.syncReadReceiptConfiguration = async ({
}) => {
if (!is.string(deviceId)) {
throw new TypeError('"deviceId" is required');
throw new TypeError("'deviceId' is required");
if (!is.function(sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage)) {
throw new TypeError('"sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage" is required');
throw new TypeError("'sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage' is required");
if (!is.object(storage)) {
throw new TypeError('"storage" is required');
throw new TypeError("'storage' is required");
const isPrimaryDevice = deviceId === '1';
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
exports.stringToArrayBuffer = (string) => {
if (typeof string !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('"string" must be a string');
throw new TypeError("'string' must be a string");
const array = new Uint8Array(string.length);
@ -116,12 +116,12 @@ exports.hasData = attachment =>
// IO (Promise Attachment)
exports.loadData = (readAttachmentData) => {
if (!isFunction(readAttachmentData)) {
throw new TypeError('"readAttachmentData" must be a function');
throw new TypeError("'readAttachmentData' must be a function");
return async (attachment) => {
if (!exports.isValid(attachment)) {
throw new TypeError('"attachment" is not valid');
throw new TypeError("'attachment' is not valid");
const isAlreadyLoaded = exports.hasData(attachment);
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ exports.loadData = (readAttachmentData) => {
if (!isString(attachment.path)) {
throw new TypeError('"attachment.path" is required');
throw new TypeError("'attachment.path' is required");
const data = await readAttachmentData(attachment.path);
@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ exports.loadData = (readAttachmentData) => {
// IO Unit
exports.deleteData = (deleteAttachmentData) => {
if (!isFunction(deleteAttachmentData)) {
throw new TypeError('"deleteAttachmentData" must be a function');
throw new TypeError("'deleteAttachmentData' must be a function");
return async (attachment) => {
if (!exports.isValid(attachment)) {
throw new TypeError('"attachment" is not valid');
throw new TypeError("'attachment' is not valid");
const hasDataInMemory = exports.hasData(attachment);
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ exports.deleteData = (deleteAttachmentData) => {
if (!isString(attachment.path)) {
throw new TypeError('"attachment.path" is required');
throw new TypeError("'attachment.path' is required");
await deleteAttachmentData(attachment.path);
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ const {
// Promise Attachment
exports.migrateDataToFileSystem = async (attachment, { writeNewAttachmentData } = {}) => {
if (!isFunction(writeNewAttachmentData)) {
throw new TypeError('"writeNewAttachmentData" must be a function');
throw new TypeError("'writeNewAttachmentData' must be a function");
const { data } = attachment;
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ exports.initializeSchemaVersion = (message) => {
// SchemaVersion -> UpgradeStep -> UpgradeStep
exports._withSchemaVersion = (schemaVersion, upgrade) => {
if (!SchemaVersion.isValid(schemaVersion)) {
throw new TypeError('"schemaVersion" is invalid');
throw new TypeError("'schemaVersion' is invalid");
if (!isFunction(upgrade)) {
throw new TypeError('"upgrade" must be a function');
throw new TypeError("'upgrade' must be a function");
return async (message, context) => {
@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ exports.createAttachmentLoader = (loadAttachmentData) => {
// IO (Promise Message)
exports.createAttachmentDataWriter = (writeExistingAttachmentData) => {
if (!isFunction(writeExistingAttachmentData)) {
throw new TypeError('"writeExistingAttachmentData" must be a function');
throw new TypeError("'writeExistingAttachmentData' must be a function");
return async (rawMessage) => {
if (!exports.isValid(rawMessage)) {
throw new TypeError('"rawMessage" is not valid');
throw new TypeError("'rawMessage' is not valid");
const message = exports.initializeSchemaVersion(rawMessage);
@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ exports.createAttachmentDataWriter = (writeExistingAttachmentData) => {
attachments.forEach((attachment) => {
if (!Attachment.hasData(attachment)) {
throw new TypeError('"" is required during message import');
throw new TypeError("'' is required during message import");
if (!isString(attachment.path)) {
throw new TypeError('"attachment.path" is required during message import');
throw new TypeError("'attachment.path' is required during message import");
@ -246,14 +246,14 @@ describe('Message', () => {
const toVersionX = () => {};
() => Message._withSchemaVersion(toVersionX, 2),
'"schemaVersion" is invalid'
"'schemaVersion' is invalid"
it('should require an upgrade function', () => {
() => Message._withSchemaVersion(2, 3),
'"upgrade" must be a function'
"'upgrade' must be a function"
Add table
Reference in a new issue