addon commands
Seems only fair, that, like git runs git-annex, git-annex runs git-annex-foo. Implementation relies on O.forwardOptions, so that any options are passed through to the addon program. Note that this includes options before the subcommand, eg: git-annex -cx=y foo Unfortunately, git-annex eats the --help/-h options. This is because it uses O.hsubparser, which injects that option into each subcommand. Seems like this should be possible to avoid somehow, to let commands display their own --help, instead of the dummy one git-annex displays. The two step searching mirrors how git works, it makes finding git-annex-foo fast when "git annex foo" is run, but will also support fuzzy matching, once findAllAddonCommands gets implemented. This commit was sponsored by Dr. Land Raider on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 92 additions and 24 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
git-annex (8.20210128) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Commands can be added to git-annex, by installing a program in PATH
with a name starting with "git-annex-"
* Fix a reversion that made import of a tree from a special remote
result in a merge that deleted files that were not preferred content
of that special remote.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex command line parsing and dispatch
- Copyright 2010-2015 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ module CmdLine (
import qualified Options.Applicative as O
import qualified Options.Applicative.Help as H
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import System.Exit
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
@ -26,9 +28,26 @@ import Annex.Environment
import Command
import Types.Messages
{- Runs the passed command line. -}
dispatch :: Bool -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> [(String, String)] -> IO Git.Repo -> String -> String -> IO ()
dispatch fuzzyok allargs allcmds fields getgitrepo progname progdesc = do
{- Parses input arguments, finds a matching Command, and runs it. -}
dispatch :: Bool -> Bool -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> [(String, String)] -> IO Git.Repo -> String -> String -> IO ()
dispatch addonok fuzzyok allargs allcmds fields getgitrepo progname progdesc =
go addonok allcmds $
findAddonCommand subcommandname >>= \case
Nothing -> go False allcmds noop
Just c -> go addonok (c:allcmds) $
findAllAddonCommands >>= \cs ->
go False (cs++allcmds) noop
go p allcmds' cont =
let (fuzzy, cmds) = selectCmd fuzzyok allcmds' subcommandname
in if not p || (not fuzzy && not (null cmds))
then dispatch' subcommandname args fuzzy cmds allargs allcmds' fields getgitrepo progname progdesc
else cont
(subcommandname, args) = subCmdName allargs
dispatch' :: (Maybe String) -> CmdParams -> Bool -> [Command] -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> [(String, String)] -> IO Git.Repo -> String -> String -> IO ()
dispatch' subcommandname args fuzzy cmds allargs allcmds fields getgitrepo progname progdesc = do
go =<< tryNonAsync getgitrepo
@ -70,18 +89,15 @@ dispatch fuzzyok allargs allcmds fields getgitrepo progname progdesc = do
handleresult (parseCmd progname progdesc correctedargs allcmds getparser)
res -> handleresult res
autocorrect = Git.AutoCorrect.prepare (fromJust inputcmdname) cmdname cmds
autocorrect = Git.AutoCorrect.prepare (fromJust subcommandname) cmdname cmds
| fuzzy = case cmds of
(c:_) -> Just (cmdname c)
_ -> inputcmdname
| otherwise = inputcmdname
_ -> subcommandname
| otherwise = subcommandname
correctedargs = case name of
Nothing -> allargs
Just n -> n:args
(inputcmdname, args) = findCmdName allargs
(fuzzy, cmds) = findCmd fuzzyok allcmds inputcmdname
{- Parses command line, selecting one of the commands from the list. -}
parseCmd :: String -> String -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> (Command -> O.Parser v) -> O.ParserResult (Command, v, GlobalSetter)
@ -93,29 +109,30 @@ parseCmd progname progdesc allargs allcmds getparser =
mkcommand c = O.command (cmdname c) $ (mkparser c) $ O.fullDesc
<> O.header (synopsis (progname ++ " " ++ cmdname c) (cmddesc c))
<> O.footer ("For details, run: " ++ progname ++ " help " ++ cmdname c)
<> cmdinfomod c
mkparser c = (,,)
<$> pure c
<*> getparser c
<*> combineGlobalOptions (cmdglobaloptions c)
<*> parserGlobalOptions (cmdglobaloptions c)
synopsis n d = n ++ " - " ++ d
intro = mconcat $ concatMap (\l -> [H.text l, H.line])
(synopsis progname progdesc : commandList allcmds)
{- Finds the Command that matches the subcommand name.
{- Selects the Command that matches the subcommand name.
- Does fuzzy matching if necessary, which may result in multiple Commands. -}
findCmd :: Bool -> [Command] -> Maybe String -> (Bool, [Command])
findCmd fuzzyok cmds (Just n)
selectCmd :: Bool -> [Command] -> Maybe String -> (Bool, [Command])
selectCmd fuzzyok cmds (Just n)
| not (null exactcmds) = (False, exactcmds)
| fuzzyok && not (null inexactcmds) = (True, inexactcmds)
| otherwise = (False, [])
exactcmds = filter (\c -> cmdname c == n) cmds
inexactcmds = Git.AutoCorrect.fuzzymatches n cmdname cmds
findCmd _ _ Nothing = (False, [])
selectCmd _ _ Nothing = (False, [])
{- Parses command line params far enough to find the subcommand name. -}
findCmdName :: CmdParams -> (Maybe String, CmdParams)
findCmdName argv = (name, args)
subCmdName :: CmdParams -> (Maybe String, CmdParams)
subCmdName argv = (name, args)
(name, args) = findname argv []
findname [] c = (Nothing, reverse c)
@ -130,3 +147,36 @@ prepRunCommand cmd globalconfig = do
getParsed globalconfig
whenM (annexDebug <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $
liftIO enableDebugOutput
findAddonCommand :: Maybe String -> IO (Maybe Command)
findAddonCommand Nothing = return Nothing
findAddonCommand (Just subcommandname) =
searchPath c >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just p -> return (Just (mkAddonCommand p subcommandname))
c = "git-annex-" ++ subcommandname
findAllAddonCommands :: IO [Command]
findAllAddonCommands = return [] -- TODO
mkAddonCommand :: FilePath -> String -> Command
mkAddonCommand p subcommandname = Command
{ cmdcheck = []
, cmdnocommit = True
, cmdnomessages = True
, cmdname = subcommandname
, cmdparamdesc = "[PARAMS]"
, cmdsection = SectionAddOn
, cmddesc = "addon command"
, cmdglobaloptions = []
, cmdinfomod = O.forwardOptions
, cmdparser = parse
, cmdnorepo = Just parse
parse :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Parser (m ())
parse = (liftIO . run) <$> cmdParams "PARAMS"
run ps = withCreateProcess (proc p ps) $ \_ _ _ pid ->
exitWith =<< waitForProcess pid
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ addGitAnnexGlobalOptions c = c { cmdglobaloptions = gitAnnexGlobalOptions ++ cmd
run :: Parser TestOptions -> TestRunner -> MkBenchmarkGenerator -> [String] -> IO ()
run testoptparser testrunner mkbenchmarkgenerator args = go envmodes
go [] = dispatch True args
go [] = dispatch True True args
(cmds testoptparser testrunner mkbenchmarkgenerator)
[] Git.CurrentRepo.get
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ builtin cmd dir params = do
let (params', fieldparams, opts) = partitionParams params
rsyncopts = ("RsyncOptions", unwords opts)
fields = rsyncopts : filter checkField (parseFields fieldparams)
dispatch False (cmd : params') cmdsList fields mkrepo
dispatch False False (cmd : params') cmdsList fields mkrepo
"Restricted login shell for git-annex only SSH access"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex global options
- Copyright 2015 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2015-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ globalFlag setter = flag' (DeferredParse setter)
globalSetter :: (v -> Annex ()) -> Parser v -> GlobalOption
globalSetter setter parser = DeferredParse . setter <$> parser
combineGlobalOptions :: [GlobalOption] -> Parser GlobalSetter
combineGlobalOptions l = DeferredParse . mapM_ getParsed
parserGlobalOptions :: [GlobalOption] -> Parser GlobalSetter
parserGlobalOptions [] = DeferredParse <$> pure noop
parserGlobalOptions l = DeferredParse . mapM_ getParsed
<$> many (foldl1 (<|>) l)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Types.WorkerPool as ReExported
command :: String -> CommandSection -> String -> CmdParamsDesc -> (CmdParamsDesc -> CommandParser) -> Command
command name section desc paramdesc mkparser =
Command commonChecks False False name paramdesc
section desc (mkparser paramdesc) [] Nothing
section desc (mkparser paramdesc) mempty [] Nothing
{- Simple option parser that takes all non-option params as-is. -}
withParams :: (CmdParams -> v) -> CmdParamsDesc -> Parser v
@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
{- git-annex command data types
- Copyright 2010-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Types.Command where
import Data.Ord
import Options.Applicative.Types (Parser)
import Options.Applicative.Builder (InfoMod)
import Types
import Types.DeferredParse
@ -82,6 +85,8 @@ data Command = Command
-- ^ description of command for usage
, cmdparser :: CommandParser
-- ^ command line parser
, cmdinfomod :: forall a. InfoMod a
-- ^ command-specific modifier for ParserInfo
, cmdglobaloptions :: [GlobalOption]
-- ^ additional global options
, cmdnorepo :: Maybe (Parser (IO ()))
@ -115,6 +120,7 @@ data CommandSection
| SectionUtility
| SectionPlumbing
| SectionTesting
| SectionAddOn
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
descSection :: CommandSection -> String
@ -126,3 +132,4 @@ descSection SectionMetaData = "Metadata commands"
descSection SectionUtility = "Utility commands"
descSection SectionPlumbing = "Plumbing commands"
descSection SectionTesting = "Testing commands"
descSection SectionAddOn = "Addon commands"
@ -741,6 +741,12 @@ content from the key-value store.
See [[git-annex-benchmark]](1) for details.
In addition to all the commands listed above, more commands can be added to
git-annex by dropping commands named like "git-annex-foo" into a directory
in the PATH.
These common options are accepted by all git-annex commands, and
@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ search the path for all "git-annex-" commands and then
either dispatch the one matching the inputcmdname,
or do autocorrect with the list of those commands
included along with the builtins. --[[Joey]]
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]
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