move global options handling closer to Command definitions
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 20 additions and 15 deletions
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import Types.Benchmark
import Types.Command
import CmdLine.Action
import CmdLine
import CmdLine.GitAnnex.Options
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ mkGenerator cmds userinput = do
-- matching or out-of-repo commands.
parsesubcommand ps = do
(cmd, seek, globalconfig) <- liftIO $ O.handleParseResult $
parseCmd "git-annex" "benchmarking" gitAnnexGlobalOptions ps cmds cmdparser
parseCmd "git-annex" "benchmarking" ps cmds cmdparser
-- Make an entirely separate Annex state for each subcommand,
-- and prepare it to run the cmd.
st <- liftIO . =<< Annex.getState Annex.repo
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import Command
import Types.Messages
{- Runs the passed command line. -}
dispatch :: Bool -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> [GlobalOption] -> [(String, String)] -> IO Git.Repo -> String -> String -> IO ()
dispatch fuzzyok allargs allcmds globaloptions fields getgitrepo progname progdesc = do
dispatch :: Bool -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> [(String, String)] -> IO Git.Repo -> String -> String -> IO ()
dispatch fuzzyok allargs allcmds fields getgitrepo progname progdesc = do
go =<< tryNonAsync getgitrepo
@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ dispatch fuzzyok allargs allcmds globaloptions fields getgitrepo progname progde
parsewith secondrun getparser ingitrepo handleresult =
case parseCmd progname progdesc globaloptions allargs allcmds getparser of
case parseCmd progname progdesc allargs allcmds getparser of
O.Failure _ -> do
-- parse failed, so fall back to
-- fuzzy matching, or to showing usage
when (fuzzy && not secondrun) $
ingitrepo autocorrect
handleresult (parseCmd progname progdesc globaloptions correctedargs allcmds getparser)
handleresult (parseCmd progname progdesc correctedargs allcmds getparser)
res -> handleresult res
autocorrect = Git.AutoCorrect.prepare (fromJust inputcmdname) cmdname cmds
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ dispatch fuzzyok allargs allcmds globaloptions fields getgitrepo progname progde
(fuzzy, cmds) = findCmd fuzzyok allcmds inputcmdname
{- Parses command line, selecting one of the commands from the list. -}
parseCmd :: String -> String -> [GlobalOption] -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> (Command -> O.Parser v) -> O.ParserResult (Command, v, GlobalSetter)
parseCmd progname progdesc globaloptions allargs allcmds getparser =
parseCmd :: String -> String -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> (Command -> O.Parser v) -> O.ParserResult (Command, v, GlobalSetter)
parseCmd progname progdesc allargs allcmds getparser =
O.execParserPure (O.prefs O.idm) pinfo allargs
pinfo = (O.helper <*> subcmds) (O.progDescDoc (Just intro))
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ parseCmd progname progdesc globaloptions allargs allcmds getparser =
mkparser c = (,,)
<$> pure c
<*> getparser c
<*> combineGlobalOptions (globaloptions ++ cmdglobaloptions c)
<*> combineGlobalOptions (cmdglobaloptions c)
synopsis n d = n ++ " - " ++ d
intro = mconcat $ concatMap (\l -> [H.text l, H.line])
(synopsis progname progdesc : commandList allcmds)
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ import qualified Command.TestRemote
import qualified Command.Benchmark
cmds :: Parser TestOptions -> TestRunner -> MkBenchmarkGenerator -> [Command]
cmds testoptparser testrunner mkbenchmarkgenerator =
cmds testoptparser testrunner mkbenchmarkgenerator = map addGitAnnexGlobalOptions $
[ Command.Help.cmd
, Command.Add.cmd
, Command.Get.cmd
@ -237,12 +237,15 @@ cmds testoptparser testrunner mkbenchmarkgenerator =
mkbenchmarkgenerator $ cmds testoptparser testrunner (\_ _ -> return noop)
addGitAnnexGlobalOptions :: Command -> Command
addGitAnnexGlobalOptions c = c { cmdglobaloptions = gitAnnexGlobalOptions ++ cmdglobaloptions c }
run :: Parser TestOptions -> TestRunner -> MkBenchmarkGenerator -> [String] -> IO ()
run testoptparser testrunner mkbenchmarkgenerator args = go envmodes
go [] = dispatch True args
(cmds testoptparser testrunner mkbenchmarkgenerator)
gitAnnexGlobalOptions [] Git.CurrentRepo.get
[] Git.CurrentRepo.get
"manage files with git, without checking their contents in"
go ((v, a):rest) = maybe (go rest) a =<< getEnv v
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ cmdsMap = M.fromList $ map mk
, (ServeReadWrite, allcmds)
readonlycmds =
readonlycmds = map addGlobalOptions
[ Command.ConfigList.cmd
, gitAnnexShellCheck Command.InAnnex.cmd
, gitAnnexShellCheck Command.LockContent.cmd
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ cmdsMap = M.fromList $ map mk
-- determine the security policy to use
, gitAnnexShellCheck Command.P2PStdIO.cmd
appendcmds = readonlycmds ++
appendcmds = readonlycmds ++ map addGlobalOptions
[ gitAnnexShellCheck Command.RecvKey.cmd
, gitAnnexShellCheck Command.Commit.cmd
allcmds =
allcmds = map addGlobalOptions
[ gitAnnexShellCheck Command.DropKey.cmd
, Command.GCryptSetup.cmd
@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ cmdsFor = fromMaybe [] . flip M.lookup cmdsMap
cmdsList :: [Command]
cmdsList = concat $ M.elems cmdsMap
addGlobalOptions :: Command -> Command
addGlobalOptions c = c { cmdglobaloptions = globalOptions ++ cmdglobaloptions c }
globalOptions :: [GlobalOption]
globalOptions =
globalSetter checkUUID (strOption
@ -119,7 +122,7 @@ builtin cmd dir params = do
let (params', fieldparams, opts) = partitionParams params
rsyncopts = ("RsyncOptions", unwords opts)
fields = rsyncopts : filter checkField (parseFields fieldparams)
dispatch False (cmd : params') cmdsList globalOptions fields mkrepo
dispatch False (cmd : params') cmdsList fields mkrepo
"Restricted login shell for git-annex only SSH access"
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