Joey Hess aec2cf0abe
addon commands
Seems only fair, that, like git runs git-annex, git-annex runs

Implementation relies on O.forwardOptions, so that any options are passed
through to the addon program. Note that this includes options before the
subcommand, eg: git-annex -cx=y foo

Unfortunately, git-annex eats the --help/-h options.
This is because it uses O.hsubparser, which injects that option into each
subcommand. Seems like this should be possible to avoid somehow, to let
commands display their own --help, instead of the dummy one git-annex

The two step searching mirrors how git works, it makes finding
git-annex-foo fast when "git annex foo" is run, but will also support fuzzy
matching, once findAllAddonCommands gets implemented.

This commit was sponsored by Dr. Land Raider on Patreon.
2021-02-02 16:32:49 -04:00

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{- git-annex command line parsing and dispatch
- Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module CmdLine (
) where
import qualified Options.Applicative as O
import qualified Options.Applicative.Help as H
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import System.Exit
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.AutoCorrect
import qualified Git.Config
import Annex.Action
import Annex.Environment
import Command
import Types.Messages
{- Parses input arguments, finds a matching Command, and runs it. -}
dispatch :: Bool -> Bool -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> [(String, String)] -> IO Git.Repo -> String -> String -> IO ()
dispatch addonok fuzzyok allargs allcmds fields getgitrepo progname progdesc =
go addonok allcmds $
findAddonCommand subcommandname >>= \case
Nothing -> go False allcmds noop
Just c -> go addonok (c:allcmds) $
findAllAddonCommands >>= \cs ->
go False (cs++allcmds) noop
go p allcmds' cont =
let (fuzzy, cmds) = selectCmd fuzzyok allcmds' subcommandname
in if not p || (not fuzzy && not (null cmds))
then dispatch' subcommandname args fuzzy cmds allargs allcmds' fields getgitrepo progname progdesc
else cont
(subcommandname, args) = subCmdName allargs
dispatch' :: (Maybe String) -> CmdParams -> Bool -> [Command] -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> [(String, String)] -> IO Git.Repo -> String -> String -> IO ()
dispatch' subcommandname args fuzzy cmds allargs allcmds fields getgitrepo progname progdesc = do
go =<< tryNonAsync getgitrepo
go (Right g) = do
state <- g
Annex.eval state $ do
forM_ fields $ uncurry Annex.setField
(cmd, seek, globalconfig) <- parsewith False cmdparser
(\a -> inRepo $ a . Just)
(liftIO . O.handleParseResult)
prepRunCommand cmd globalconfig
performCommandAction cmd seek $
shutdown $ cmdnocommit cmd
go (Left norepo) = do
let ingitrepo = \a -> a =<<
-- Parse command line with full cmdparser first,
-- so that help can be displayed for bad parses
-- even when not run in a repo.
res <- parsewith False cmdparser ingitrepo return
case res of
Failure _ -> void (O.handleParseResult res)
_ -> do
-- Parse command line in norepo mode.
(_, a, _globalconfig) <- parsewith True
(fromMaybe (throw norepo) . cmdnorepo)
parsewith secondrun getparser ingitrepo handleresult =
case parseCmd progname progdesc allargs allcmds getparser of
O.Failure _ -> do
-- parse failed, so fall back to
-- fuzzy matching, or to showing usage
when (fuzzy && not secondrun) $
ingitrepo autocorrect
handleresult (parseCmd progname progdesc correctedargs allcmds getparser)
res -> handleresult res
autocorrect = Git.AutoCorrect.prepare (fromJust subcommandname) cmdname cmds
| fuzzy = case cmds of
(c:_) -> Just (cmdname c)
_ -> subcommandname
| otherwise = subcommandname
correctedargs = case name of
Nothing -> allargs
Just n -> n:args
{- Parses command line, selecting one of the commands from the list. -}
parseCmd :: String -> String -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> (Command -> O.Parser v) -> O.ParserResult (Command, v, GlobalSetter)
parseCmd progname progdesc allargs allcmds getparser =
O.execParserPure (O.prefs O.idm) pinfo allargs
pinfo = (O.helper <*> subcmds) (O.progDescDoc (Just intro))
subcmds = O.hsubparser $ mconcat $ map mkcommand allcmds
mkcommand c = O.command (cmdname c) $ (mkparser c) $ O.fullDesc
<> O.header (synopsis (progname ++ " " ++ cmdname c) (cmddesc c))
<> O.footer ("For details, run: " ++ progname ++ " help " ++ cmdname c)
<> cmdinfomod c
mkparser c = (,,)
<$> pure c
<*> getparser c
<*> parserGlobalOptions (cmdglobaloptions c)
synopsis n d = n ++ " - " ++ d
intro = mconcat $ concatMap (\l -> [H.text l, H.line])
(synopsis progname progdesc : commandList allcmds)
{- Selects the Command that matches the subcommand name.
- Does fuzzy matching if necessary, which may result in multiple Commands. -}
selectCmd :: Bool -> [Command] -> Maybe String -> (Bool, [Command])
selectCmd fuzzyok cmds (Just n)
| not (null exactcmds) = (False, exactcmds)
| fuzzyok && not (null inexactcmds) = (True, inexactcmds)
| otherwise = (False, [])
exactcmds = filter (\c -> cmdname c == n) cmds
inexactcmds = Git.AutoCorrect.fuzzymatches n cmdname cmds
selectCmd _ _ Nothing = (False, [])
{- Parses command line params far enough to find the subcommand name. -}
subCmdName :: CmdParams -> (Maybe String, CmdParams)
subCmdName argv = (name, args)
(name, args) = findname argv []
findname [] c = (Nothing, reverse c)
findname (a:as) c
| "-" `isPrefixOf` a = findname as (a:c)
| otherwise = (Just a, reverse c ++ as)
prepRunCommand :: Command -> GlobalSetter -> Annex ()
prepRunCommand cmd globalconfig = do
when (cmdnomessages cmd) $
Annex.setOutput QuietOutput
getParsed globalconfig
whenM (annexDebug <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $
liftIO enableDebugOutput
findAddonCommand :: Maybe String -> IO (Maybe Command)
findAddonCommand Nothing = return Nothing
findAddonCommand (Just subcommandname) =
searchPath c >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just p -> return (Just (mkAddonCommand p subcommandname))
c = "git-annex-" ++ subcommandname
findAllAddonCommands :: IO [Command]
findAllAddonCommands = return [] -- TODO
mkAddonCommand :: FilePath -> String -> Command
mkAddonCommand p subcommandname = Command
{ cmdcheck = []
, cmdnocommit = True
, cmdnomessages = True
, cmdname = subcommandname
, cmdparamdesc = "[PARAMS]"
, cmdsection = SectionAddOn
, cmddesc = "addon command"
, cmdglobaloptions = []
, cmdinfomod = O.forwardOptions
, cmdparser = parse
, cmdnorepo = Just parse
parse :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Parser (m ())
parse = (liftIO . run) <$> cmdParams "PARAMS"
run ps = withCreateProcess (proc p ps) $ \_ _ _ pid ->
exitWith =<< waitForProcess pid