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{- git-annex simulator
- Copyright 2024 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Annex.Sim where
import Annex.Common
import Utility.DataUnits
import Types.NumCopies
import Types.Group
import Types.StandardGroups
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.Difference
import Git
2024-09-20 14:34:52 +00:00
import Git.FilePath
import Backend.Hash (genTestKey)
import Annex.UUID
import Annex.FileMatcher
import Annex.Init
import Annex.Startup
2024-09-09 15:28:30 +00:00
import Annex.Link
import Annex.Wanted
2024-09-20 14:34:52 +00:00
import Annex.CatFile
import Logs.Group
import Logs.Trust
import Logs.PreferredContent
import Logs.NumCopies
import Logs.Remote
import Logs.MaxSize
import Logs.Difference
import Logs.UUID
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
import Logs.Location
import qualified Annex
import qualified Remote
import qualified Git.Construct
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import qualified Git.LsFiles
2024-09-09 15:28:30 +00:00
import qualified Annex.Queue
import System.Random
import Data.Word
import Text.Read
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.UUID as U
import qualified Data.UUID.V5 as U5
2024-09-09 15:28:30 +00:00
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
data SimState t = SimState
{ simRepos :: M.Map RepoName UUID
, simRepoState :: M.Map UUID (SimRepoState t)
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, simConnections :: M.Map UUID (S.Set RemoteName)
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, simFiles :: M.Map RawFilePath Key
, simRng :: Int
, simTrustLevels :: M.Map UUID TrustLevel
, simNumCopies :: NumCopies
, simMinCopies :: MinCopies
, simGroups :: M.Map UUID (S.Set Group)
, simWanted :: M.Map UUID PreferredContentExpression
, simRequired :: M.Map UUID PreferredContentExpression
, simGroupWanted :: M.Map Group PreferredContentExpression
, simMaxSize :: M.Map UUID MaxSize
, simRebalance :: Bool
, simHistory :: [SimCommand]
, simVectorClock :: VectorClock
, simRootDirectory :: FilePath
deriving (Show, Read)
emptySimState :: Int -> FilePath -> SimState t
emptySimState rngseed rootdir = SimState
{ simRepos = mempty
, simRepoState = mempty
, simConnections = mempty
, simFiles = mempty
, simRng = rngseed
, simTrustLevels = mempty
, simNumCopies = configuredNumCopies 1
, simMinCopies = configuredMinCopies 1
, simGroups = mempty
, simWanted = mempty
, simRequired = mempty
, simGroupWanted = mempty
, simMaxSize = mempty
, simRebalance = False
, simHistory = []
, simVectorClock = VectorClock 0
, simRootDirectory = rootdir
-- State that can vary between different repos in the simulation.
data SimRepoState t = SimRepoState
{ simLocations :: M.Map Key (M.Map UUID LocationState)
, simIsSpecialRemote :: Bool
, simRepo :: Maybe t
, simRepoName :: RepoName
deriving (Show, Read)
data LocationState = LocationState VectorClock Bool
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
newtype VectorClock = VectorClock Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
newerLocationState :: LocationState -> LocationState -> LocationState
newerLocationState l1@(LocationState vc1 _) l2@(LocationState vc2 _)
| vc1 > vc2 = l1
| otherwise = l2
{- Updates the state of stu to indicate that a key is present or not in u. -}
setPresentKey :: Bool -> UUID -> Key -> UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> SimState SimRepo
setPresentKey present u k stu st = st
{ simRepoState = case M.lookup stu (simRepoState st) of
Just rst -> M.insert stu
(setPresentKey' present (simVectorClock st) u k rst)
(simRepoState st)
Nothing -> error "no simRepoState in setPresentKey"
setPresentKey' :: Bool -> VectorClock -> UUID -> Key -> SimRepoState t -> SimRepoState t
setPresentKey' present vc u k rst = rst
{ simLocations =
M.insertWith (M.unionWith newerLocationState) k
(M.singleton u (LocationState vc present))
(simLocations rst)
getSimLocations :: SimRepoState t -> Key -> S.Set UUID
getSimLocations rst k =
maybe mempty getSimLocations' $
M.lookup k (simLocations rst)
getSimLocations' :: M.Map UUID LocationState -> S.Set UUID
getSimLocations' = M.keysSet . M.filter present
present (LocationState _ b) = b
addHistory :: SimState t -> SimCommand -> SimState t
addHistory st c = st { simHistory = c : simHistory st }
recordSeed :: SimState t -> [SimCommand] -> SimState t
recordSeed st (CommandSeed _:_) = st
recordSeed st _ = addHistory st (CommandSeed (simRng st))
newtype RepoName = RepoName { fromRepoName :: String }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
newtype RemoteName = RemoteName { fromRemoteName :: String }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
remoteNameToRepoName :: RemoteName -> RepoName
remoteNameToRepoName (RemoteName n) = RepoName n
repoNameToRemoteName :: RepoName -> RemoteName
repoNameToRemoteName (RepoName n) = RemoteName n
data Connections
= RepoName :-> RemoteName
| RemoteName :<- RepoName
| RepoName :<-> RepoName
| RepoName :=> Connections
| RemoteName :<= Connections
| RepoName :<=> Connections
deriving (Show, Read)
leftSideOfConnection :: Connections -> RepoName
leftSideOfConnection (reponame :-> _) = reponame
leftSideOfConnection (remotename :<- _) = remoteNameToRepoName remotename
leftSideOfConnection (reponame :<-> _) = reponame
leftSideOfConnection (reponame :=> _) = reponame
leftSideOfConnection (remotename :<= _) = remoteNameToRepoName remotename
leftSideOfConnection (reponame :<=> _) = reponame
getConnection :: Connections -> (RepoName, RemoteName, Maybe Connections)
getConnection (reponame :-> remotename) = (reponame, remotename, Nothing)
getConnection (remotename :<- reponame) = (reponame, remotename, Nothing)
getConnection (reponame1 :<-> reponame2) =
( reponame1
, repoNameToRemoteName reponame2
, Just (reponame2 :-> repoNameToRemoteName reponame1)
getConnection (reponame :=> c) =
(reponame, repoNameToRemoteName (leftSideOfConnection c), Just c)
getConnection (remotename :<= c) = (leftSideOfConnection c, remotename, Just c)
getConnection (reponame :<=> c) =
( reponame
, repoNameToRemoteName (leftSideOfConnection c)
, Just (reponame :=> c)
data SimCommand
= CommandInit RepoName
| CommandInitRemote RepoName
| CommandUse RepoName String
| CommandConnect Connections
| CommandDisconnect Connections
| CommandAddTree RepoName PreferredContentExpression
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| CommandAdd RawFilePath ByteSize [RepoName]
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| CommandAddMulti Int String ByteSize ByteSize [RepoName]
| CommandStep Int
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| CommandAction SimAction
| CommandSeed Int
| CommandPresent RepoName RawFilePath
| CommandNotPresent RepoName RawFilePath
| CommandNumCopies Int
| CommandMinCopies Int
| CommandTrustLevel RepoName TrustLevel
| CommandGroup RepoName Group
| CommandUngroup RepoName Group
| CommandWanted RepoName PreferredContentExpression
| CommandRequired RepoName PreferredContentExpression
| CommandGroupWanted Group PreferredContentExpression
| CommandMaxSize RepoName MaxSize
| CommandRebalance Bool
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| CommandComment String
| CommandBlank
deriving (Show, Read)
data SimAction
2024-09-17 13:33:55 +00:00
= ActionPull RepoName RemoteName
| ActionPush RepoName RemoteName
| ActionSync RepoName RemoteName
| ActionGetWanted RepoName RemoteName
| ActionDropUnwanted RepoName (Maybe RemoteName)
| ActionSendWanted RepoName RemoteName
| ActionGitPush RepoName RemoteName
| ActionGitPull RepoName RemoteName
| ActionWhile SimAction SimAction
deriving (Show, Read)
runSimCommand :: SimCommand -> GetExistingRepoByName -> SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)
runSimCommand cmd repobyname st =
case applySimCommand cmd st repobyname of
Left err -> giveup err
Right (Right st') -> return st'
Right (Left mkst) -> mkst
:: SimCommand
-> SimState SimRepo
-> GetExistingRepoByName
-> Either String (Either (Annex (SimState SimRepo)) (SimState SimRepo))
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applySimCommand cmd st =
applySimCommand' cmd $ flip addHistory cmd $ st
{ simVectorClock =
2024-09-11 15:53:25 +00:00
let (VectorClock clk) = simVectorClock st
in VectorClock (succ clk)
:: SimCommand
-> SimState SimRepo
-> GetExistingRepoByName
-> Either String (Either (Annex (SimState SimRepo)) (SimState SimRepo))
applySimCommand' (CommandInit reponame) st _ =
checkNonexistantRepo reponame st $
let (u, st') = genSimUUID st reponame
in Right $ Right $ addRepo reponame (newSimRepoConfig u False) st'
applySimCommand' (CommandInitRemote reponame) st _ =
checkNonexistantRepo reponame st $
let (u, st') = genSimUUID st reponame
in Right $ Right $ addRepo reponame (newSimRepoConfig u True) st'
applySimCommand' (CommandUse reponame s) st repobyname =
case getExistingRepoByName repobyname s of
Right existingrepo -> checkNonexistantRepo reponame st $
Right $ Right $ addRepo reponame existingrepo st
Left msg -> Left $ "Unable to use a repository \""
++ fromRepoName reponame
++ "\" in the simulation because " ++ msg
applySimCommand' (CommandConnect connections) st repobyname =
let (repo, remote, mconnections) = getConnection connections
in checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
let st' = st
{ simConnections =
let s = case M.lookup u (simConnections st) of
Just cs -> S.insert remote cs
Nothing -> S.singleton remote
in M.insert u s (simConnections st)
in case mconnections of
Nothing -> Right $ Right st'
Just connections' ->
applySimCommand' (CommandConnect connections') st' repobyname
applySimCommand' (CommandDisconnect connections) st repobyname =
let (repo, remote, mconnections) = getConnection connections
in checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
let st' = st
{ simConnections =
let sc = case M.lookup u (simConnections st) of
Just s -> S.delete remote s
Nothing -> S.empty
in M.insert u sc (simConnections st)
in case mconnections of
Nothing -> Right $ Right $ st
Just connections' ->
applySimCommand' (CommandDisconnect connections') st' repobyname
applySimCommand' (CommandAddTree repo expr) st _ =
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checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr $ Left $ do
matcher <- makematcher u
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ Git.LsFiles.inRepo [] []
st' <- go matcher u st l
liftIO $ void cleanup
return st'
go _ _ st' [] = return st'
go matcher u st' (f:fs) = catKeyFile f >>= \case
Just k -> do
afile <- AssociatedFile . Just . getTopFilePath
<$> inRepo (toTopFilePath f)
ifM (checkMatcher matcher (Just k) afile NoLiveUpdate mempty (pure False) (pure False))
( let st'' = setPresentKey True u k u $ st'
{ simFiles = M.insert f k (simFiles st')
in go matcher u st'' fs
, go matcher u st' fs
Nothing -> go matcher u st' fs
makematcher :: UUID -> Annex (FileMatcher Annex)
makematcher u = do
groupmap <- groupMap
configmap <- remoteConfigMap
gm <- groupPreferredContentMapRaw
case makeMatcher groupmap configmap gm u id preferredContentTokens parseerr expr of
Right matcher -> return
( matcher
, MatcherDesc "provided preferred content expression"
Left err -> giveup err
parseerr = Left "preferred content expression parse error"
applySimCommand' (CommandAdd file sz repos) st _ =
let (k, st') = genSimKey sz st
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in go k st' repos
go _k st' [] = Right $ Right st'
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go k st' (repo:rest) = checkKnownRepo repo st' $ \u ->
let st'' = setPresentKey True u k u $ st'
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{ simFiles = M.insert file k (simFiles st')
in go k st'' rest
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applySimCommand' (CommandAddMulti n suffix minsz maxsz repos) st repobyname =
let (sz, st') = simRandom st (randomR (minsz, maxsz)) id
file = toRawFilePath (show n ++ suffix)
in case applySimCommand' (CommandAdd file sz repos) st' repobyname of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st'') ->
2024-09-17 15:19:59 +00:00
case pred n of
0 -> Right (Right st'')
n' -> applySimCommand' (CommandAddMulti n' suffix minsz maxsz repos) st'' repobyname
Right (Left _) -> error "applySimCommand' CommandAddMulti"
applySimCommand' (CommandStep n) st _ =
Right $ Left $ handleStep n n st
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applySimCommand' (CommandAction act) st _ =
case getSimActionComponents act st of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st') -> Right (Right st')
Right (Left (st', l)) -> Right $ Left $ go l st'
go [] st' = return st'
go (a:as) st' = do
(st'', _) <- a st'
go as st''
applySimCommand' (CommandSeed rngseed) st _ =
Right $ Right $ st
{ simRng = rngseed
applySimCommand' (CommandPresent repo file) st _ = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
case (M.lookup file (simFiles st), M.lookup u (simRepoState st)) of
(Just k, Just rst)
| u `S.member` getSimLocations rst k ->
Right $ Right st
| otherwise -> missing
(Just _, Nothing) -> missing
(Nothing, _) -> Left $ "Expected " ++ fromRawFilePath file
++ " to be present in " ++ fromRepoName repo
++ ", but the simulation does not include that file."
missing = Left $ "Expected " ++ fromRawFilePath file
++ " to be present in "
++ fromRepoName repo ++ ", but it is not."
applySimCommand' (CommandNotPresent repo file) st _ = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
case (M.lookup file (simFiles st), M.lookup u (simRepoState st)) of
(Just k, Just rst)
| u `S.notMember` getSimLocations rst k ->
Right $ Right st
| otherwise -> present
(Just _, Nothing) -> present
(Nothing, _) -> Left $ "Expected " ++ fromRawFilePath file
++ " to not be present in " ++ fromRepoName repo
++ ", but the simulation does not include that file."
present = Left $ "Expected " ++ fromRawFilePath file
++ " not to be present in "
++ fromRepoName repo ++ ", but it is present."
applySimCommand' (CommandNumCopies n) st _ =
Right $ Right $ st
{ simNumCopies = configuredNumCopies n
applySimCommand' (CommandMinCopies n) st _ =
Right $ Right $ st
{ simMinCopies = configuredMinCopies n
applySimCommand' (CommandTrustLevel repo trustlevel) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simTrustLevels = M.insert u trustlevel
(simTrustLevels st)
applySimCommand' (CommandGroup repo groupname) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simGroups = M.insertWith S.union u
(S.singleton groupname)
(simGroups st)
applySimCommand' (CommandUngroup repo groupname) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simGroups = M.adjust (S.delete groupname) u (simGroups st)
applySimCommand' (CommandWanted repo expr) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr $ Right $ st
{ simWanted = M.insert u expr (simWanted st)
applySimCommand' (CommandRequired repo expr) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr $ Right $ st
{ simRequired = M.insert u expr (simRequired st)
applySimCommand' (CommandGroupWanted groupname expr) st _ =
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr $ Right $ st
{ simGroupWanted = M.insert groupname expr (simGroupWanted st)
applySimCommand' (CommandMaxSize repo sz) st _ =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simMaxSize = M.insert u sz (simMaxSize st)
applySimCommand' (CommandRebalance b) st _ =
Right $ Right $ st
{ simRebalance = b
applySimCommand' (CommandComment _) st _ = Right $ Right st
applySimCommand' CommandBlank st _ = Right $ Right st
handleStep :: Int -> Int -> SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)
handleStep startn n st
| n > 0 = do
let (st', actions) = getcomponents [] st $
getactions [] (M.toList (simRepos st))
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(st'', stable) <- runoneaction actions st'
if stable
then return st''
else handleStep startn (pred n) st''
| otherwise = return st
getactions c [] = c
getactions c ((repo, u):repos) =
case M.lookup u (simConnections st) of
Nothing -> getactions c repos
Just remotes ->
let c' = map (ActionSync repo)
(S.toList remotes)
in getactions (c'++c) repos
getcomponents c st' [] = (st', concat c)
getcomponents c st' (a:as) = case getSimActionComponents a st' of
Left _ -> getcomponents c st' as
Right (Right st'') -> getcomponents c st'' as
Right (Left (st'', cs)) -> getcomponents (cs:c) st'' as
runoneaction [] st' = do
showLongNote $ UnquotedString $
"Simulation has stabilized after "
2024-09-20 19:39:52 +00:00
++ show (startn - n)
++ " steps."
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return (st', True)
runoneaction actions st' = do
let (idx, st'') = simRandom st'
(randomR (0, length actions - 1))
let action = actions !! idx
let restactions = take idx actions ++ drop (idx+1) actions
action st'' >>= \case
(st''', False) -> runoneaction restactions st'''
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(st''', True) -> return (st''', False)
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:: SimAction
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, Bool)]) (SimState SimRepo))
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getSimActionComponents (ActionGetWanted repo remote) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
let go _remoteu f k _r st' = setPresentKey True u k u $
addHistory st' $ CommandPresent repo f
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in overFilesRemote repo u remote S.member S.notMember wanted go st
wanted k f _ = wantGet NoLiveUpdate False k f
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getSimActionComponents (ActionSendWanted repo remote) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
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overFilesRemote repo u remote S.notMember S.member wanted (go u) st
wanted = wantGetBy NoLiveUpdate False
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go u remoteu f k _r st' =
-- Sending to a remote updates the location log
-- of both the repository sending and the remote.
setPresentKey True remoteu k remoteu $
setPresentKey True remoteu k u $
addHistory st' $ CommandPresent (remoteNameToRepoName remote) f
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getSimActionComponents (ActionDropUnwanted repo Nothing) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
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simulateDropUnwanted st u repo u
getSimActionComponents (ActionDropUnwanted repo (Just remote)) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkKnownRemote remote repo u st $ \ru ->
simulateDropUnwanted st u (remoteNameToRepoName remote) ru
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getSimActionComponents (ActionGitPush repo remote) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkKnownRemote remote repo u st $ \_ ->
simulateGitAnnexMerge repo (remoteNameToRepoName remote) st
getSimActionComponents (ActionGitPull repo remote) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
checkKnownRemote remote repo u st $ \_ ->
simulateGitAnnexMerge (remoteNameToRepoName remote) repo st
getSimActionComponents (ActionWhile a b) st =
case getSimActionComponents a st of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st') -> getSimActionComponents b st'
Right (Left (st', as)) ->
case getSimActionComponents b st' of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st'') -> Right $ Left (st'', as)
Right (Left (st'', bs)) ->
Right $ Left $ mingle as bs st'' []
mingle [] subbs st' c = (st', reverse c ++ subbs)
mingle subas [] st' c = (st', reverse c ++ subas)
mingle (suba:subas) (subb:subbs) st' c =
let (coinflip, st'') = simRandom st' random id
in if coinflip
then mingle subas (subb:subbs) st'' (suba:c)
else mingle (suba:subas) subbs st'' (subb:c)
getSimActionComponents (ActionPull repo remote) st =
[ ActionGitPull repo remote
, ActionGetWanted repo remote
, ActionDropUnwanted repo Nothing
] st
getSimActionComponents (ActionPush repo remote) st =
[ ActionSendWanted repo remote
, ActionDropUnwanted repo (Just remote)
, ActionGitPush repo remote
] st
getSimActionComponents (ActionSync repo remote) st =
[ ActionGitPull repo remote
, ActionGetWanted repo remote
, ActionSendWanted repo remote
, ActionDropUnwanted repo (Just remote)
, ActionGitPush repo remote
] st
:: [SimAction]
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, Bool)]) (SimState SimRepo))
simActionSequence [] st = Right (Right st)
simActionSequence (a:as) st = case getSimActionComponents a st of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st') -> simActionSequence as st'
Right (Left (st', subas)) -> go st' subas as
go st' c [] = Right $ Left (st', c)
go st' c (a':as') = case getSimActionComponents a' st' of
Left err -> Left err
Right (Right st'') -> go st'' c as'
Right (Left (st'', subas)) -> go st'' (c ++ subas) as'
:: RepoName
-> RemoteName
-> (UUID -> S.Set UUID -> Bool)
2024-09-20 19:39:52 +00:00
-> (UUID -> S.Set UUID -> Bool)
-> (Maybe Key -> AssociatedFile -> UUID -> Annex Bool)
-> (UUID -> RawFilePath -> Key -> RepoName -> SimState SimRepo -> SimState SimRepo)
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, Bool)]) (SimState SimRepo))
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overFilesRemote r u remote remotepred localpred checkwant handlewanted st =
checkKnownRemote remote r u st $ \remoteu ->
2024-09-17 13:33:55 +00:00
Right (Left (st, map (go remoteu) $ M.toList $ simFiles st))
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go remoteu (f, k) st' =
let af = AssociatedFile $ Just f
in liftIO $ runSimRepo u st' $ \rst ->
case M.lookup remoteu (simRepoState st') of
Nothing -> return (st', False)
Just rmtst
| not (checkremotepred remoteu rst k) -> return (st', False)
| not (checkremotepred remoteu rmtst k) -> return (st', False)
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| not (checklocalpred rst k) -> return (st', False)
| otherwise -> ifM (checkwant (Just k) af remoteu)
( return (handlewanted remoteu f k r st', True)
, return (st', False)
checkremotepred remoteu rst k =
remotepred remoteu (getSimLocations rst k)
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checklocalpred rst k =
localpred u (getSimLocations rst k)
:: RepoName
-> RepoName
-> SimState SimRepo
2024-09-17 13:33:55 +00:00
-> Either String (Either a (SimState SimRepo))
simulateGitAnnexMerge src dest st =
case (M.lookup src (simRepos st), M.lookup dest (simRepos st)) of
(Just srcu, Just destu) -> case M.lookup destu (simRepoState st) of
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to find simRepoState for " ++ fromRepoName dest
Just destst -> case M.lookup srcu (simRepoState st) of
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to find simRepoState for " ++ fromRepoName src
Just srcst -> Right $ Right $
let locs = M.unionWith
(M.unionWith newerLocationState)
(simLocations destst)
(simLocations srcst)
destst' = destst { simLocations = locs }
in st
{ simRepoState = M.insert destu
(simRepoState st)
_ -> Left $ "Unable to find " ++ fromRepoName src ++ " or " ++ fromRepoName dest ++ " in simRepos"
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:: SimState SimRepo
-> RepoName
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, Bool)]) (SimState SimRepo))
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simulateDropUnwanted st u dropfromname dropfrom =
Right $ Left (st, map go $ M.toList $ simFiles st)
go (f, k) st' = liftIO $ runSimRepo u st' $ \rst ->
let af = AssociatedFile $ Just f
in if present dropfrom rst k
then ifM (wantDrop NoLiveUpdate False (Just dropfrom) (Just k) af Nothing)
( return $ checkdrop rst k f st'
, return (st', False)
2024-09-17 17:35:27 +00:00
else return (st', False)
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present ru rst k = ru `S.member` getSimLocations rst k
checkdrop rst k f st' =
let numcopies = simNumCopies st'
mincopies = simMinCopies st'
verifiedcopies = mapMaybe (verifypresent k st') $
filter (/= dropfrom) $ S.toList $ getSimLocations rst k
in case safeDropAnalysis numcopies mincopies verifiedcopies Nothing of
UnsafeDrop -> (st', False)
SafeDrop -> (dodrop k f st', True)
SafeDropCheckTime -> (dodrop k f st', True)
2024-09-17 17:35:27 +00:00
dodrop k f st' =
setPresentKey False dropfrom k u $
setPresentKey False dropfrom k dropfrom $
addHistory st' $ CommandNotPresent dropfromname f
remotes = S.fromList $ mapMaybe
(\remote -> M.lookup (remoteNameToRepoName remote) (simRepos st))
(maybe mempty S.toList $ M.lookup u $ simConnections st)
verifypresent k st' ru = do
rst <- M.lookup ru (simRepoState st')
if present ru rst k
then if ru `S.member` remotes || ru == u
then Just $ if simIsSpecialRemote rst
then mkVerifiedCopy RecentlyVerifiedCopy ru
else mkVerifiedCopy LockedCopy ru
else case M.lookup ru (simTrustLevels st') of
Just Trusted -> Just $
mkVerifiedCopy TrustedCopy ru
_ -> Nothing
else Nothing
checkNonexistantRepo :: RepoName -> SimState SimRepo -> Either String a -> Either String a
checkNonexistantRepo reponame st a = case M.lookup reponame (simRepos st) of
Nothing -> a
Just _ -> Left $ "There is already a repository in the simulation named \""
++ fromRepoName reponame ++ "\"."
checkKnownRepo :: RepoName -> SimState SimRepo -> (UUID -> Either String a) -> Either String a
checkKnownRepo reponame st a = case M.lookup reponame (simRepos st) of
Just u -> a u
Nothing -> Left $ "No repository in the simulation is named \""
++ fromRepoName reponame ++ "\"."
checkKnownRemote :: RemoteName -> RepoName -> UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> (UUID -> Either String a) -> Either String a
checkKnownRemote remotename reponame u st a =
let rs = fromMaybe mempty $ M.lookup u (simConnections st)
in if S.member remotename rs
then checkKnownRepo (remoteNameToRepoName remotename) st a
else Left $ "Repository " ++ fromRepoName reponame
++ " does not have a remote \""
++ fromRemoteName remotename ++ "\"."
checkValidPreferredContentExpression :: PreferredContentExpression -> v -> Either String v
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr v =
case checkPreferredContentExpression expr of
Nothing -> Right v
Just e -> Left $ "Failed parsing \"" ++ expr ++ "\": " ++ e
simRandom :: SimState t -> (StdGen -> (v, StdGen)) -> (v -> r) -> (r, SimState t)
simRandom st mk f =
let rng = mkStdGen (simRng st)
(v, rng') = mk rng
(newseed, _) = random rng'
in (f v, st { simRng = newseed })
randomRepo :: SimState SimRepo -> (Maybe (RepoName, UUID), SimState SimRepo)
randomRepo st
| null repolist = (Nothing, st)
| otherwise = simRandom st
(randomR (0, length repolist - 1)) $ \n -> do
let r = repolist !! n
u <- M.lookup r (simRepos st)
return (r, u)
repolist = M.keys (simRepos st)
randomWords :: Int -> StdGen -> ([Word8], StdGen)
randomWords = go []
go c n g
| n < 1 = (c, g)
| otherwise =
let (w, g') = random g
in go (w:c) (pred n) g'
genSimKey :: ByteSize -> SimState t -> (Key, SimState t)
genSimKey sz st = simRandom st (randomWords 1024) mk
mk b =
let tk = genTestKey $ L.pack b
in alterKey tk $ \kd -> kd { keySize = Just sz }
genSimUUID :: SimState t -> RepoName -> (UUID, SimState t)
genSimUUID st (RepoName reponame) = simRandom st (randomWords 1024)
(\l -> genUUIDInNameSpace simUUIDNameSpace (encodeBS reponame <> B.pack l))
simUUIDNameSpace :: U.UUID
simUUIDNameSpace = U5.generateNamed U5.namespaceURL $
B.unpack ""
newtype GetExistingRepoByName = GetExistingRepoByName
{ getExistingRepoByName :: String -> Either String SimRepoConfig
instance Show GetExistingRepoByName where
show _ = "GetExistingRepoByName"
data SimRepoConfig = SimRepoConfig
{ simRepoConfigUUID :: UUID
, simRepoConfigIsSpecialRemote :: Bool
, simRepoConfigGroups :: S.Set Group
, simRepoConfigTrustLevel :: TrustLevel
, simRepoConfigPreferredContent :: Maybe PreferredContentExpression
, simRepoConfigRequiredContent :: Maybe PreferredContentExpression
, simRepoConfigGroupPreferredContent :: M.Map Group PreferredContentExpression
, simRepoConfigMaxSize :: Maybe MaxSize
deriving (Show)
newSimRepoConfig :: UUID -> Bool -> SimRepoConfig
newSimRepoConfig u isspecialremote = SimRepoConfig
{ simRepoConfigUUID = u
, simRepoConfigIsSpecialRemote = isspecialremote
, simRepoConfigGroups = mempty
, simRepoConfigTrustLevel = def
, simRepoConfigPreferredContent = Nothing
, simRepoConfigRequiredContent = Nothing
, simRepoConfigGroupPreferredContent = mempty
, simRepoConfigMaxSize = Nothing
addRepo :: RepoName -> SimRepoConfig -> SimState SimRepo -> SimState SimRepo
addRepo reponame simrepo st = st
{ simRepos = M.insert reponame u (simRepos st)
, simRepoState = M.insert u rst (simRepoState st)
2024-09-09 21:20:13 +00:00
, simConnections = M.insert u mempty (simConnections st)
, simGroups = M.insert u (simRepoConfigGroups simrepo) (simGroups st)
, simTrustLevels = M.insert u
(simRepoConfigTrustLevel simrepo)
(simTrustLevels st)
, simWanted = M.alter
(const $ simRepoConfigPreferredContent simrepo)
(simWanted st)
, simRequired = M.alter
(const $ simRepoConfigRequiredContent simrepo)
(simRequired st)
, simGroupWanted = M.union
(simRepoConfigGroupPreferredContent simrepo)
(simGroupWanted st)
, simMaxSize = M.alter
(const $ simRepoConfigMaxSize simrepo)
(simMaxSize st)
u = simRepoConfigUUID simrepo
rst = SimRepoState
{ simLocations = mempty
, simIsSpecialRemote = simRepoConfigIsSpecialRemote simrepo
, simRepo = Nothing
, simRepoName = reponame
mkGetExistingRepoByName :: Annex GetExistingRepoByName
mkGetExistingRepoByName = do
groupmap <- groupMap
trustmap <- trustMap
pcmap <- preferredContentMapRaw
rcmap <- requiredContentMapRaw
gpcmap <- groupPreferredContentMapRaw
maxsizes <- getMaxSizes
nametouuid <- Remote.nameToUUID''
remoteconfigmap <- readRemoteLog
return $ GetExistingRepoByName $ \name ->
case nametouuid name of
(u:[], _) -> Right $
let gs = fromMaybe S.empty $
M.lookup u (groupsByUUID groupmap)
in SimRepoConfig
{ simRepoConfigUUID = u
, simRepoConfigIsSpecialRemote =
M.member u remoteconfigmap
, simRepoConfigGroups = gs
, simRepoConfigTrustLevel =
lookupTrust' u trustmap
, simRepoConfigPreferredContent =
M.lookup u pcmap
, simRepoConfigRequiredContent =
M.lookup u rcmap
, simRepoConfigGroupPreferredContent =
M.restrictKeys gpcmap gs
, simRepoConfigMaxSize =
M.lookup u maxsizes
(_, msg) -> Left msg
-- Information about a git repository that is cloned and used to represent
-- a repository in the simulation
data SimRepo = SimRepo
{ simRepoGitRepo :: Repo
, simRepoAnnex :: (Annex.AnnexState, Annex.AnnexRead)
, simRepoCurrState :: SimState SimRepo
, simRepoUUID :: UUID
instance Show SimRepo where
show _ = "SimRepo"
{- Inits and updates SimRepos to reflect the SimState. -}
updateSimRepos :: SimState SimRepo -> IO (SimState SimRepo)
updateSimRepos st = updateSimRepoStates st >>= initNewSimRepos
updateSimRepoStates :: SimState SimRepo -> IO (SimState SimRepo)
updateSimRepoStates st = go st (M.toList $ simRepoState st)
go st' [] = return st'
go st' ((u, rst):rest) = case simRepo rst of
Just sr -> do
sr' <- updateSimRepoState st sr
let rst' = rst { simRepo = Just sr' }
let st'' = st
{ simRepoState = M.insert u rst'
(simRepoState st)
go st'' rest
Nothing -> go st' rest
initNewSimRepos :: SimState SimRepo -> IO (SimState SimRepo)
initNewSimRepos = \st -> go st (M.toList $ simRepoState st)
go st [] = return st
go st ((u, rst):rest) =
case simRepo rst of
Nothing -> do
let d = simRepoDirectory st u
sr <- initSimRepo (simRepoName rst) u d st
let rst' = rst { simRepo = Just sr }
let st' = st
{ simRepoState = M.insert u rst'
(simRepoState st)
go st' rest
_ -> go st rest
simRepoDirectory :: SimState t -> UUID -> FilePath
simRepoDirectory st u = simRootDirectory st </> fromUUID u
initSimRepo :: RepoName -> UUID -> FilePath -> SimState SimRepo -> IO SimRepo
initSimRepo simreponame u dest st = do
inited <- boolSystem "git"
[ Param "init"
, Param "--quiet"
, File dest
unless inited $
giveup "git init failed"
simrepo <- Git.Construct.fromPath (toRawFilePath dest)
ast <- simrepo
((), ast') <- ast $ doQuietAction $ do
storeUUID u
-- Prevent merging this simulated git-annex branch with
-- any real one.
recordDifferences simulationDifferences u
let desc = simulatedRepositoryDescription simreponame
initialize startupAnnex (Just desc) Nothing
updateSimRepoState st $ SimRepo
{ simRepoGitRepo = simrepo
, simRepoAnnex = ast'
, simRepoCurrState =
emptySimState (simRng st) (simRootDirectory st)
, simRepoUUID = u
simulatedRepositoryDescription :: RepoName -> String
simulatedRepositoryDescription simreponame =
"simulated repository " ++ fromRepoName simreponame
simulationDifferences :: Differences
simulationDifferences = mkDifferences $ S.singleton Simulation
runSimRepo :: UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> (SimRepoState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, t)) -> IO (SimState SimRepo, t)
runSimRepo u st a = do
st' <- updateSimRepos st
case M.lookup u (simRepoState st') of
Just rst -> case simRepo rst of
Just sr -> do
((st'', t), strd) <- (simRepoAnnex sr) $
doQuietAction (a rst)
let sr' = sr
{ simRepoAnnex = strd
let st''' = st''
{ simRepoState = M.adjust
(\rst' -> rst' { simRepo = Just sr' })
(simRepoState st'')
return (st''', t)
Nothing -> error $ "runSimRepo simRepo not set for " ++ fromUUID u
Nothing -> error $ "runSimRepo simRepoState not found for " ++ fromUUID u
updateSimRepoState :: SimState SimRepo -> SimRepo -> IO SimRepo
updateSimRepoState newst sr = do
((), (ast, ard)) <- (simRepoAnnex sr) $ doQuietAction $ do
let oldst = simRepoCurrState sr
updateField oldst newst simRepos $ DiffUpdate
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
{ replaceDiff = const . setdesc
, addDiff = setdesc
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
, removeDiff = const $ const noop
updateField oldst newst simTrustLevels $ DiffUpdate
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
{ replaceDiff = const . trustSet
, addDiff = trustSet
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
, removeDiff = const . flip trustSet def
when (simNumCopies oldst /= simNumCopies newst) $
setGlobalNumCopies (simNumCopies newst)
when (simMinCopies oldst /= simMinCopies newst) $
setGlobalMinCopies (simMinCopies newst)
updateField oldst newst simGroups $ DiffUpdate
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
{ replaceDiff = \u -> const . groupChange u . const
, addDiff = \u -> groupChange u . const
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
, removeDiff = const . flip groupChange (const mempty)
updateField oldst newst simWanted $ DiffUpdate
2024-09-17 15:37:25 +00:00
{ replaceDiff = replaceNew preferredContentSet
, addDiff = preferredContentSet
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
, removeDiff = const . flip preferredContentSet mempty
updateField oldst newst simRequired $ DiffUpdate
2024-09-17 15:37:25 +00:00
{ replaceDiff = replaceNew requiredContentSet
, addDiff = requiredContentSet
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
, removeDiff = const . flip requiredContentSet mempty
updateField oldst newst simGroupWanted $ DiffUpdate
2024-09-17 15:37:25 +00:00
{ replaceDiff = replaceNew groupPreferredContentSet
, addDiff = groupPreferredContentSet
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
, removeDiff = const . flip groupPreferredContentSet mempty
updateField oldst newst simMaxSize $ DiffUpdate
2024-09-17 15:37:25 +00:00
{ replaceDiff = replaceNew recordMaxSize
, addDiff = recordMaxSize
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
, removeDiff = const . flip recordMaxSize (MaxSize 0)
updateField oldst newst getlocations $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = \k newls oldls -> do
let news = getSimLocations' newls
let olds = getSimLocations' oldls
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
setlocations InfoPresent k
(S.difference news olds)
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
setlocations InfoMissing k
(S.difference olds news)
, addDiff = \k ls -> setlocations InfoPresent k
(getSimLocations' ls)
, removeDiff = \k ls -> setlocations InfoMissing k
(getSimLocations' ls)
2024-09-09 15:28:30 +00:00
updateField oldst newst simFiles $ DiffUpdate
2024-09-17 15:37:25 +00:00
{ replaceDiff = replaceNew stageannexedfile
2024-09-09 18:07:52 +00:00
, addDiff = stageannexedfile
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
, removeDiff = const . unstageannexedfile
2024-09-09 15:28:30 +00:00
let ard' = ard { Annex.rebalance = simRebalance newst }
return $ sr
{ simRepoAnnex = (ast, ard')
, simRepoCurrState = newst
2024-09-09 15:28:30 +00:00
setdesc r u = describeUUID u $ toUUIDDesc $
simulatedRepositoryDescription r
2024-09-09 18:07:52 +00:00
stageannexedfile f k = do
let f' = annexedfilepath f
2024-09-09 15:28:30 +00:00
l <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink f' k
2024-09-20 14:34:52 +00:00
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $
takeDirectory $ fromRawFilePath f'
2024-09-09 15:28:30 +00:00
addAnnexLink l f'
2024-09-09 18:07:52 +00:00
unstageannexedfile f = do
liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink $
annexedfilepath f
annexedfilepath f = repoPath (simRepoGitRepo sr) P.</> f
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
getlocations = maybe mempty simLocations
. M.lookup (simRepoUUID sr)
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
. simRepoState
setlocations s k =
mapM_ (\l -> logChange NoLiveUpdate k l s)
data DiffUpdate a b m = DiffUpdate
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
{ replaceDiff :: a -> b -> b -> m ()
-- ^ The first value is the new one, the second is the old one.
, addDiff :: a -> b -> m ()
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
, removeDiff :: a -> b -> m ()
2024-09-17 15:37:25 +00:00
replaceNew :: (a -> b -> m ()) -> a -> b -> b -> m ()
replaceNew f a new _old = f a new
:: (Monad m, Ord a, Eq b)
=> M.Map a b
-> M.Map a b
-> DiffUpdate a b m
-> m ()
updateMap old new diffupdate = do
forM_ (M.toList $ M.intersectionWith (,) new old) $
\(k, (newv, oldv))->
when (newv /= oldv) $
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
replaceDiff diffupdate k newv oldv
forM_ (M.toList $ M.difference new old) $
uncurry (addDiff diffupdate)
2024-09-09 18:52:24 +00:00
forM_ (M.toList $ M.difference old new) $
\(k, oldv) -> removeDiff diffupdate k oldv
:: (Monad m, Ord a, Eq b)
=> v
-> v
-> (v -> M.Map a b)
-> DiffUpdate a b m
-> m ()
updateField old new f = updateMap (f old) (f new)
suspendSim :: SimState SimRepo -> IO ()
suspendSim st = do
-- Update the sim repos before suspending, so that at restore time
-- they are up-to-date.
st' <- updateSimRepos st
let st'' = st'
{ simRepoState = freeze (simRepoState st)
writeFile (simRootDirectory st </> "state") (show st'')
freeze :: SimRepoState SimRepo -> SimRepoState ()
freeze rst = rst { simRepo = Nothing }
restoreSim :: RawFilePath -> IO (Either String (SimState SimRepo))
restoreSim rootdir =
tryIO (readFile (fromRawFilePath rootdir </> "state")) >>= \case
Left err -> return (Left (show err))
Right c -> case readMaybe c :: Maybe (SimState ()) of
Nothing -> return (Left "unable to parse sim state file")
Just st -> do
let st' = st { simRootDirectory = fromRawFilePath rootdir }
repostate <- M.fromList
<$> mapM (thaw st') (M.toList (simRepoState st))
let st'' = st'
{ simRepoState = (finishthaw st'') repostate
return (Right st'')
thaw st (u, rst) = tryNonAsync (thaw' st u) >>= return . \case
Left _ -> (u, rst { simRepo = Nothing })
Right r -> (u, rst { simRepo = Just r })
thaw' st u = do
simrepo <- Git.Construct.fromPath $ toRawFilePath $
simRepoDirectory st u
ast <- simrepo
return $ SimRepo
{ simRepoGitRepo = simrepo
, simRepoAnnex = ast
, simRepoCurrState =
-- Placeholder, replaced later with current
-- state.
emptySimState (simRng st)
(simRootDirectory st)
, simRepoUUID = u
finishthaw st rst = rst
{ simRepo = case simRepo rst of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just sr -> Just $ sr { simRepoCurrState = st }