sim: implement ActionGitPush and ActionGitPull
These don't actually need to do any git actions, instead they just merge the simLocations. Had to make simLocations use a vector clock, because it is possible for two simulated repositories to end up with different opinions about the location of a key. Just like with real git-annex, whichever location change was made most recently wins out. The vector clock is simply advanced each time the simulation is run for a step. Since there is no real parallelism in the sim, that's sufficient.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 115 additions and 37 deletions
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ data SimState = SimState
, simRebalance :: Bool
, simGetExistingRepoByName :: GetExistingRepoByName
, simHistory :: [SimCommand]
, simVectorClock :: VectorClock
deriving (Show)
@ -89,11 +90,12 @@ emptySimState rng repobyname = SimState
, simRebalance = False
, simGetExistingRepoByName = repobyname
, simHistory = []
, simVectorClock = VectorClock 0
-- State that can vary between different repos in the simulation.
data SimRepoState = SimRepoState
{ simLocations :: M.Map Key (S.Set UUID)
{ simLocations :: M.Map Key (M.Map UUID LocationState)
, simIsSpecialRemote :: Bool
, simRepo :: Maybe SimRepo
@ -101,18 +103,44 @@ data SimRepoState = SimRepoState
instance Show SimRepoState where
show _ = "SimRepoState"
setPresentKey :: UUID -> Key -> SimRepoState -> SimRepoState
setPresentKey u k rst = rst
data LocationState = LocationState VectorClock Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype VectorClock = VectorClock Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newerLocationState :: LocationState -> LocationState -> LocationState
newerLocationState l1@(LocationState vc1 _) l2@(LocationState vc2 _)
| vc1 > vc2 = l1
| otherwise = l2
setPresentKey :: VectorClock -> UUID -> Key -> SimRepoState -> SimRepoState
setPresentKey vc u k rst = rst
{ simLocations =
M.insertWith S.union k (S.singleton u) (simLocations rst)
M.insertWith (M.unionWith newerLocationState) k
(M.singleton u (LocationState vc True))
(simLocations rst)
getSimLocations :: SimRepoState -> Key -> S.Set UUID
getSimLocations rst k =
maybe mempty getSimLocations' $
M.lookup k (simLocations rst)
getSimLocations' :: M.Map UUID LocationState -> S.Set UUID
getSimLocations' = M.keysSet . M.filter present
present (LocationState _ b) = b
newtype RepoName = RepoName { fromRepoName :: String }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype RemoteName = RemoteName { fromRemoteName :: String }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
remoteNameToRepoName :: RemoteName -> RepoName
remoteNameToRepoName (RemoteName n) = RepoName n
data SimCommand
= CommandInit RepoName
| CommandInitRemote RepoName
@ -149,6 +177,14 @@ data SimAction
deriving (Show)
runSimCommand :: SimCommand -> SimState -> Annex SimState
runSimCommand (CommandStep n) st
| n > 0 = case randomRepo st of
(Just (repo, u), st') ->
let (act, st'') = randomAction u st'
in runSimCommand (CommandAction repo act) st''
>>= runSimCommand (CommandStep (pred n))
(Nothing, st') -> return st'
| otherwise = return st
runSimCommand cmd st = case applySimCommand cmd st of
Left err -> giveup err
Right (Right st') -> return st'
@ -158,16 +194,13 @@ applySimCommand
:: SimCommand
-> SimState
-> Either String (Either (Annex SimState) SimState)
applySimCommand (CommandStep n) st
| n > 0 = case randomRepo st of
(Just (_repo, u), st') ->
let (act, st'') = randomAction u st'
st''' = applySimAction u act st''
in applySimCommand (CommandStep (pred n)) st'''
(Nothing, st') -> Right $ Right st'
| otherwise = Right $ Right st
applySimCommand c st =
applySimCommand' c $ st { simHistory = c : simHistory st }
applySimCommand' c $ st
{ simHistory = c : simHistory st
, simVectorClock =
let (VectorClock c) = simVectorClock st
in VectorClock (succ c)
:: SimCommand
@ -214,22 +247,23 @@ applySimCommand' (CommandAdd file sz repo) st = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
{ simFiles = M.insert (toRawFilePath file) k (simFiles st')
, simRepoState = case M.lookup repo (simRepoState st') of
Just rst -> M.insert repo
(setPresentKey u k rst)
(setPresentKey (simVectorClock st) u k rst)
(simRepoState st')
Nothing -> error "no simRepoState in applySimCommand CommandAdd"
applySimCommand' (CommandStep _) _ = error "applySimCommand' CommandStep"
applySimCommand' (CommandAction repo act) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ applySimAction u act st
applySimAction repo u act st
applySimCommand' (CommandSeed rngseed) st = Right $ Right $ st
{ simRng = mkStdGen rngseed
applySimCommand' (CommandPresent repo file) st = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
case (M.lookup (toRawFilePath file) (simFiles st), M.lookup repo (simRepoState st)) of
(Just k, Just rst) -> case M.lookup k (simLocations rst) of
Just locs | S.member u locs -> Right $ Right st
_ -> missing
(Just k, Just rst)
| u `S.member` getSimLocations rst k ->
Right $ Right st
| otherwise -> missing
(Just _, Nothing) -> missing
(Nothing, _) -> Left $ "Expected " ++ file
++ " to be present in " ++ fromRepoName repo
@ -239,9 +273,10 @@ applySimCommand' (CommandPresent repo file) st = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
++ fromRepoName repo ++ ", but it is not."
applySimCommand' (CommandNotPresent repo file) st = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
case (M.lookup (toRawFilePath file) (simFiles st), M.lookup repo (simRepoState st)) of
(Just k, Just rst) -> case M.lookup k (simLocations rst) of
Just locs | S.notMember u locs -> Right $ Right st
_ -> present
(Just k, Just rst)
| u `S.notMember` getSimLocations rst k ->
Right $ Right st
| otherwise -> present
(Just _, Nothing) -> present
(Nothing, _) -> Left $ "Expected " ++ file
++ " to not be present in " ++ fromRepoName repo
@ -293,15 +328,46 @@ applySimCommand' (CommandRebalance b) st = Right $ Right $ st
-- XXX todo
applySimAction :: UUID -> SimAction -> SimState -> SimState
applySimAction u (ActionPull remote) st = undefined
applySimAction u (ActionPush remote) st = undefined
applySimAction u (ActionGetWanted remote) st = undefined
applySimAction u (ActionDropUnwanted Nothing) st = undefined
applySimAction u (ActionDropUnwanted (Just remote)) st = undefined
applySimAction u (ActionSendWanted remote) st = undefined
applySimAction u (ActionGitPush remote) st = undefined
applySimAction u (ActionGitPull remote) st = undefined
:: RepoName
-> SimAction
-> SimState
-> Either String (Either (Annex SimState) SimState)
applySimAction r u (ActionPull remote) st = undefined
applySimAction r u (ActionPush remote) st = undefined
applySimAction r u (ActionGetWanted remote) st = undefined
applySimAction r u (ActionDropUnwanted Nothing) st = undefined
applySimAction r u (ActionDropUnwanted (Just remote)) st = undefined
applySimAction r u (ActionSendWanted remote) st = undefined
applySimAction r u (ActionGitPush remote) st =
checkKnownRemote remote r u st $ \_ ->
simulateGitAnnexMerge r (remoteNameToRepoName remote) st
applySimAction r u (ActionGitPull remote) st =
checkKnownRemote remote r u st $ \_ ->
simulateGitAnnexMerge (remoteNameToRepoName remote) r st
:: RepoName
-> RepoName
-> SimState
-> Either String (Either (Annex SimState) SimState)
simulateGitAnnexMerge src dest st =
case M.lookup dest (simRepoState st) of
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to find simRepoState for " ++ fromRepoName dest
Just destst -> case M.lookup src (simRepoState st) of
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to find simRepoState for " ++ fromRepoName src
Just srcst -> Right $ Right $
let locs = M.unionWith
(M.unionWith newerLocationState)
(simLocations destst)
(simLocations srcst)
destst' = destst { simLocations = locs }
in st
{ simRepoState = M.insert dest
(simRepoState st)
checkNonexistantRepo :: RepoName -> SimState -> Either String a -> Either String a
checkNonexistantRepo reponame st a = case M.lookup reponame (simRepos st) of
@ -315,6 +381,15 @@ checkKnownRepo reponame st a = case M.lookup reponame (simRepos st) of
Nothing -> Left $ "No repository in the simulation is named \""
++ fromRepoName reponame ++ "\"."
checkKnownRemote :: RemoteName -> RepoName -> UUID -> SimState -> (UUID -> Either String a) -> Either String a
checkKnownRemote remotename reponame u st a =
let rs = fromMaybe mempty $ M.lookup u (simConnections st)
in if S.member remotename rs
then checkKnownRepo (remoteNameToRepoName remotename) st a
else Left $ "Repository " ++ fromRepoName reponame
++ " does not have a remote named \""
++ fromRemoteName remotename ++ "\"."
checkValidPreferredContentExpression :: PreferredContentExpression -> v -> Either String v
checkValidPreferredContentExpression expr v =
case checkPreferredContentExpression expr of
@ -499,7 +574,7 @@ updateSimRepos parent getdest st = do
updateSimRepoStates :: SimState -> IO SimState
updateSimRepoStates st = go st (M.toList $ simRepoState st)
go st' [] = return st
go st' [] = return st'
go st' ((reponame, rst):rest) = case simRepo rst of
Just sr -> do
sr' <- updateSimRepoState st sr
@ -619,12 +694,16 @@ updateSimRepoState newst sr = do
updateField oldst newst getlocations $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = \k oldls newls -> do
let olds = getSimLocations' oldls
let news = getSimLocations' newls
setlocations InfoPresent k
(S.difference newls oldls)
(S.difference news olds)
setlocations InfoMissing k
(S.difference oldls newls)
, addDiff = setlocations InfoPresent
, removeDiff = setlocations InfoMissing
(S.difference olds news)
, addDiff = \k ls -> setlocations InfoPresent k
(getSimLocations' ls)
, removeDiff = \k ls -> setlocations InfoMissing k
(getSimLocations' ls)
updateField oldst newst simFiles $ DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff = const . stageannexedfile
@ -651,8 +730,7 @@ updateSimRepoState newst sr = do
getlocations = maybe mempty simLocations
. M.lookup (simRepoName sr)
. simRepoState
setlocations s k ls =
mapM_ (\l -> logChange NoLiveUpdate k l s) (S.toList ls)
setlocations s k = mapM_ (\l -> logChange NoLiveUpdate k l s)
data DiffUpdate a b m = DiffUpdate
{ replaceDiff :: a -> b -> b -> m ()
Add table
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