sim file parser and generator
The generator doesn't emit the best possible connect commands, but it does output something valid. Eg, an input like: connect A <-> B <-> C <-> D becomes: connect A <-> B <-> C connect C <-> D Also: connect A -> B <- C becomes: connect A -> B connect C -> B Which could be improved. Also disconnect commands are not prettified at all, but probably there's no reason to.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 172 additions and 54 deletions
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ data SimCommand
| CommandNotPresent RepoName RawFilePath
| CommandNumCopies Int
| CommandMinCopies Int
| CommandTrustLevel RepoName String
| CommandTrustLevel RepoName TrustLevel
| CommandGroup RepoName Group
| CommandUngroup RepoName Group
| CommandWanted RepoName PreferredContentExpression
@ -305,13 +305,12 @@ applySimCommand' (CommandNumCopies n) st = Right $ Right $ st
applySimCommand' (CommandMinCopies n) st = Right $ Right $ st
{ simMinCopies = configuredMinCopies n
applySimCommand' (CommandTrustLevel repo s) st = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
case readTrustLevel s of
Just trustlevel -> Right $ Right $ st
applySimCommand' (CommandTrustLevel repo trustlevel) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simTrustLevels = M.insert u trustlevel
(simTrustLevels st)
Nothing -> Left $ "Unknown trust level \"" ++ s ++ "\"."
applySimCommand' (CommandGroup repo groupname) st = checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
Right $ Right $ st
{ simGroups = M.insertWith S.union u
@ -8,8 +8,11 @@
module Annex.Sim.File where
import Annex.Sim
import Annex.Common
import Annex.Common hiding (group)
import Utility.DataUnits
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.Group
import Git.Config (isTrueFalse)
import Data.Char
import Text.Read
@ -26,56 +29,173 @@ parseSimFileLine :: String -> Either String [SimCommand]
parseSimFileLine s
| "#" `isPrefixOf` s = Right [CommandComment s]
| all isSpace s = Right [CommandBlank]
| otherwise = case words s of
("init":name:[]) ->
Right [CommandInit (RepoName name)]
("initremote":name:[]) ->
Right [CommandInitRemote (RepoName name)]
("use":name:rest) ->
Right [CommandUse (RepoName name) (unwords rest)]
("connect":rest) ->
parseConnect CommandConnect rest
("disconnect":rest) ->
parseConnect CommandDisconnect rest
("addtree":name:rest) ->
Right [CommandAddTree(RepoName name) (unwords rest)]
("add":filename:size:repos) ->
case readSize dataUnits size of
Just sz -> Right [CommandAdd (toRawFilePath filename) sz (map RepoName repos)]
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse file size \"" ++ size ++ "\""
("step":n:[]) ->
case readMaybe n of
Just n' -> Right [CommandStep n']
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse step value \"" ++ n ++ "\""
("action":repo:"pull":remote:[]) ->
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionPull (RemoteName remote))]
("action":repo:"push":remote:[]) ->
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionPush (RemoteName remote))]
("action":repo:"getwanted":remote:[]) ->
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionGetWanted (RemoteName remote))]
("action":repo:"dropunwanted":[]) ->
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionDropUnwanted Nothing)]
("action":repo:"dropunwanted":remote:[]) ->
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionDropUnwanted (Just (RemoteName remote)))]
("action":repo:"gitpush":remote:[]) ->
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionGitPush (RemoteName remote))]
("action":repo:"gitpull":remote:[]) ->
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionGitPull (RemoteName remote))]
("seed":n:[]) ->
case readMaybe n of
Just n' -> Right [CommandSeed n']
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse seed value \"" ++ n ++ "\""
("present":repo:file:[]) ->
Right [CommandPresent (RepoName repo) (toRawFilePath file)]
("notpresent":repo:file:[]) ->
Right [CommandNotPresent (RepoName repo) (toRawFilePath file)]
-- TODO rest
_ -> Left $ "Unable to parse sim file line: \"" ++ s ++ "\""
| otherwise = parseSimCommand (words s)
generateSimFile :: [SimCommand] -> String
generateSimFile = unlines . map unwords . go
go [] = []
go (CommandInit (RepoName name) : rest) =
["init", name] : go rest
go (CommandInitRemote (RepoName name) : rest) =
["initremote", name] : go rest
go (CommandUse (RepoName name) what : rest) =
["use", name, what] : go rest
go (CommandConnect (RepoName name) (RemoteName remote) : rest) =
handleconnect name remote rest
go (CommandDisconnect (RepoName name) (RemoteName remote) : rest) =
["disconnect", name, "->", remote] : go rest
go (CommandAddTree (RepoName name) expr : rest) =
["addtree", name, expr] : go rest
go (CommandAdd f sz repos : rest) =
(["add", fromRawFilePath f, showsize sz] ++ map fromRepoName repos) : go rest
go (CommandStep n : rest) =
["step", show n] : go rest
go (CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionPull (RemoteName remote)) : rest) =
["action", repo, "pull", remote] : go rest
go (CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionPush (RemoteName remote)) : rest) =
["action", repo, "push", remote] : go rest
go (CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionGetWanted (RemoteName remote)) : rest) =
["action", repo, "getwanted", remote] : go rest
go (CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionDropUnwanted (Just (RemoteName remote))) : rest) =
["action", repo, "dropunwanted", remote] : go rest
go (CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionDropUnwanted Nothing) : rest) =
["action", repo, "dropunwanted"] : go rest
go (CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionSendWanted (RemoteName remote)) : rest) =
["action", repo, "sendwanted", remote] : go rest
go (CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionGitPush (RemoteName remote)) : rest) =
["action", repo, "gitpush", remote] : go rest
go (CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionGitPull (RemoteName remote)) : rest) =
["action", repo, "gitpull", remote] : go rest
go (CommandSeed n : rest) =
["seed", show n] : go rest
go (CommandPresent (RepoName repo) f : rest) =
["present", repo, fromRawFilePath f] : go rest
go (CommandNotPresent (RepoName repo) f : rest) =
["notpresent", repo, fromRawFilePath f] : go rest
go (CommandNumCopies n : rest) =
["numcopies", show n] : go rest
go (CommandMinCopies n : rest) =
["mincopies", show n] : go rest
go (CommandTrustLevel (RepoName repo) trustlevel : rest) =
["trustlevel", repo, showTrustLevel trustlevel] : go rest
go (CommandGroup (RepoName repo) group : rest) =
["group", repo, fromGroup group] : go rest
go (CommandUngroup (RepoName repo) group : rest) =
["ungroup", repo, fromGroup group] : go rest
go (CommandWanted (RepoName repo) expr : rest) =
["wanted", repo, expr] : go rest
go (CommandRequired (RepoName repo) expr : rest) =
["required", repo, expr] : go rest
go (CommandGroupWanted group expr : rest) =
["groupwanted", fromGroup group, expr] : go rest
go (CommandMaxSize (RepoName repo) maxsize : rest) =
["maxsize", repo, showsize (fromMaxSize maxsize)] : go rest
go (CommandRebalance b : rest) =
["rebalance", if b then "on" else "off"] : go rest
go (CommandComment s : rest) =
[s] : go rest
go (CommandBlank : rest) =
[""] : go rest
handleconnect name remote (CommandConnect (RepoName name2) (RemoteName remote2) : rest)
| name == remote2 && name2 == remote =
let (chain, rest') = chainconnect remote rest
in (["connect", name, "<->", remote] ++ chain) : go rest'
handleconnect name remote rest =
["connect", name, "->", remote] : go rest
chainconnect name (CommandConnect (RepoName name2) (RemoteName remote2) : rest)
| name == name2 = case rest of
(CommandConnect (RepoName name3) (RemoteName remote3) : rest')
| remote2 == name3 ->
let (chain, rest'') = chainconnect remote3 rest'
in (["<->", remote2] ++ chain, rest'')
_ ->
let (chain, rest') = chainconnect remote2 rest
in (["->", remote2] ++ chain, rest')
chainconnect _ rest = ([], rest)
showsize = filter (not . isSpace) . preciseSize storageUnits True
parseSimCommand :: [String] -> Either String [SimCommand]
parseSimCommand ("init":name:[]) =
Right [CommandInit (RepoName name)]
parseSimCommand ("initremote":name:[]) =
Right [CommandInitRemote (RepoName name)]
parseSimCommand ("use":name:rest) =
Right [CommandUse (RepoName name) (unwords rest)]
parseSimCommand ("connect":rest) =
parseConnect CommandConnect rest
parseSimCommand ("disconnect":rest) =
parseConnect CommandDisconnect rest
parseSimCommand ("addtree":name:rest) =
Right [CommandAddTree(RepoName name) (unwords rest)]
parseSimCommand ("add":filename:size:repos) =
case readSize dataUnits size of
Just sz -> Right [CommandAdd (toRawFilePath filename) sz (map RepoName repos)]
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse file size \"" ++ size ++ "\""
parseSimCommand ("step":n:[]) =
case readMaybe n of
Just n' -> Right [CommandStep n']
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse step value \"" ++ n ++ "\""
parseSimCommand ("action":repo:"pull":remote:[]) =
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionPull (RemoteName remote))]
parseSimCommand ("action":repo:"push":remote:[]) =
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionPush (RemoteName remote))]
parseSimCommand ("action":repo:"getwanted":remote:[]) =
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionGetWanted (RemoteName remote))]
parseSimCommand ("action":repo:"dropunwanted":[]) =
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionDropUnwanted Nothing)]
parseSimCommand ("action":repo:"dropunwanted":remote:[]) =
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionDropUnwanted (Just (RemoteName remote)))]
parseSimCommand ("action":repo:"gitpush":remote:[]) =
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionGitPush (RemoteName remote))]
parseSimCommand ("action":repo:"gitpull":remote:[]) =
Right [CommandAction (RepoName repo) (ActionGitPull (RemoteName remote))]
parseSimCommand ("seed":n:[]) =
case readMaybe n of
Just n' -> Right [CommandSeed n']
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse seed value \"" ++ n ++ "\""
parseSimCommand ("present":repo:file:[]) =
Right [CommandPresent (RepoName repo) (toRawFilePath file)]
parseSimCommand ("notpresent":repo:file:[]) =
Right [CommandNotPresent (RepoName repo) (toRawFilePath file)]
parseSimCommand ("numcopies":n:[]) =
case readMaybe n of
Just n' -> Right [CommandNumCopies n']
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse numcopies value \"" ++ n ++ "\""
parseSimCommand ("mincopies":n:[]) =
case readMaybe n of
Just n' -> Right [CommandMinCopies n']
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse mincopies value \"" ++ n ++ "\""
parseSimCommand ("trustlevel":repo:s:[]) =
case readTrustLevel s of
Just trustlevel -> Right [CommandTrustLevel (RepoName repo) trustlevel]
Nothing -> Left $ "Unknown trust level \"" ++ s ++ "\"."
parseSimCommand ("group":repo:group:[]) =
Right [CommandGroup (RepoName repo) (toGroup group)]
parseSimCommand ("ungroup":repo:group:[]) =
Right [CommandUngroup (RepoName repo) (toGroup group)]
parseSimCommand ("wanted":repo:expr) =
Right [CommandWanted (RepoName repo) (unwords expr)]
parseSimCommand ("required":repo:expr) =
Right [CommandRequired (RepoName repo) (unwords expr)]
parseSimCommand ("groupwanted":group:expr) =
Right [CommandGroupWanted (toGroup group) (unwords expr)]
parseSimCommand ("maxsize":repo:size:[]) =
case readSize dataUnits size of
Just sz -> Right [CommandMaxSize (RepoName repo) (MaxSize sz)]
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse maxsize \"" ++ size ++ "\""
parseSimCommand ("rebalance":onoff:[]) = case isTrueFalse onoff of
Just b -> Right [CommandRebalance b]
Nothing -> Left $ "Unable to parse rebalance value \"" ++ onoff ++ "\""
parseSimCommand ws = Left $ "Unable to parse sim command: \"" ++ unwords ws ++ "\""
parseConnect :: (RepoName -> RemoteName -> SimCommand) -> [String] -> Either String [SimCommand]
parseConnect mk = go []
go c [] = Right c
go c [] = Right (reverse c)
go c (r1:"->":r2:rest) =
go (mk (RepoName r1) (RemoteName r2):c)
(chain r2 rest)
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ seek _ = do
let getpath = GetSimRepoPath $ \u -> tmpdir </> fromUUID u
let st = emptySimState rng repobyname getpath
st' <- runSimCommand (CommandInit (RepoName "foo")) st
>>= runSimCommand (CommandTrustLevel (RepoName "foo") "trusted")
>>= runSimCommand (CommandUse (RepoName "bar") "here")
>>= runSimCommand (CommandConnect (RepoName "foo") (RemoteName "bar"))
>>= runSimCommand (CommandConnect (RepoName "bar") (RemoteName "foo"))
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Here is an example sim file:
# remove foo's remote bar and see if a new file added to foo reaches bar
disconnect foo -> bar
add foo foo.mp3 2mb
add foo.mp3 2mb foo
step 5
Add table
Reference in a new issue