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{- git-annex repository initialization
- Copyright 2011-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
2014-01-26 16:36:31 -04:00
module Annex.Init (
2013-11-05 15:29:56 -04:00
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Git.Objects
2011-10-04 00:40:47 -04:00
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs.UUID
import Logs.Trust.Basic
import Logs.Config
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.RepoVersion
2011-10-04 00:40:47 -04:00
import Annex.Version
import Annex.Difference
import Annex.UUID
2016-10-17 14:58:33 -04:00
import Annex.WorkTree
import Config
import Config.Files
import Config.Smudge
import qualified Upgrade.V5.Direct as Direct
import qualified Annex.AdjustedBranch as AdjustedBranch
import Annex.Environment
import Annex.Hook
import Annex.InodeSentinal
import Upgrade
import Annex.Tmp
2013-08-04 13:07:55 -04:00
import Utility.UserInfo
2016-06-13 14:54:34 -04:00
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Annex.Perms
2013-08-04 13:07:55 -04:00
import Utility.FileMode
import System.Posix.User
import qualified Utility.LockFile.Posix as Posix
2019-09-12 14:11:19 -04:00
import Data.Either
2013-08-04 13:07:55 -04:00
import qualified Data.Map as M
checkCanInitialize :: Annex a -> Annex a
2019-02-08 13:20:24 -04:00
checkCanInitialize a = inRepo (noAnnexFileContent . Git.repoWorkTree) >>= \case
Nothing -> a
Just noannexmsg -> do
warning "Initialization prevented by .noannex file (remove the file to override)"
unless (null noannexmsg) $
warning noannexmsg
giveup "Not initialized."
genDescription :: Maybe String -> Annex UUIDDesc
genDescription (Just d) = return $ UUIDDesc $ encodeBS d
genDescription Nothing = do
reldir <- liftIO . relHome =<< liftIO . absPath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath
2013-04-03 03:52:41 -04:00
hostname <- fromMaybe "" <$> liftIO getHostname
let at = if null hostname then "" else "@"
v <- liftIO myUserName
return $ UUIDDesc $ encodeBS $ concat $ case v of
Right username -> [username, at, hostname, ":", reldir]
Left _ -> [hostname, ":", reldir]
initialize :: Maybe String -> Maybe RepoVersion -> Annex ()
initialize mdescription mversion = checkCanInitialize $ do
{- Has to come before any commits are made as the shared
- clone heuristic expects no local objects. -}
sharedclone <- checkSharedClone
{- This will make the first commit to git, so ensure git is set up
- properly to allow commits when running it. -}
ensureCommit $ Annex.Branch.create
initialize' mversion
initSharedClone sharedclone
u <- getUUID
{- Avoid overwriting existing description with a default
- description. -}
whenM (pure (isJust mdescription) <||> not . M.member u <$> uuidDescMapRaw) $
describeUUID u =<< genDescription mdescription
-- Everything except for uuid setup, shared clone setup, and initial
-- description.
initialize' :: Maybe RepoVersion -> Annex ()
initialize' mversion = checkCanInitialize $ do
unlessM isBareRepo $ do
2013-11-05 15:29:56 -04:00
hookWrite preCommitHook
hookWrite postReceiveHook
unlessM (isJust <$> getVersion) $
setVersion (fromMaybe defaultVersion mversion)
showSideAction "scanning for unlocked files"
scanUnlockedFiles True
unlessM isBareRepo $ do
hookWrite postCheckoutHook
hookWrite postMergeHook
AdjustedBranch.checkAdjustedClone >>= \case
AdjustedBranch.InAdjustedClone -> return ()
AdjustedBranch.NotInAdjustedClone ->
2016-06-02 16:59:15 -04:00
ifM (crippledFileSystem <&&> (not <$> isBareRepo))
( AdjustedBranch.adjustToCrippledFileSystem
-- Handle case where this repo was cloned from a
-- direct mode repo
2016-06-02 16:59:15 -04:00
, unlessM isBareRepo
createInodeSentinalFile False
uninitialize :: Annex ()
uninitialize = do
{- Will automatically initialize if there is already a git-annex
2012-12-13 00:45:27 -04:00
- branch from somewhere. Otherwise, require a manual init
2017-02-11 09:38:49 +00:00
- to avoid git-annex accidentally being run in git
- repos that did not intend to use it.
- Checks repository version and handles upgrades too.
ensureInitialized :: Annex ()
ensureInitialized = getVersion >>= maybe needsinit checkUpgrade
needsinit = ifM Annex.Branch.hasSibling
( initialize Nothing Nothing
, giveup $ "First run: git-annex init"
{- Checks if a repository is initialized. Does not check version for ugrade. -}
isInitialized :: Annex Bool
isInitialized = maybe Annex.Branch.hasSibling (const $ return True) =<< getVersion
{- A crippled filesystem is one that does not allow making symlinks,
- or removing write access from files. -}
probeCrippledFileSystem :: Annex Bool
probeCrippledFileSystem = withEventuallyCleanedOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do
(r, warnings) <- liftIO $ probeCrippledFileSystem' tmp
mapM_ warning warnings
return r
probeCrippledFileSystem' :: FilePath -> IO (Bool, [String])
2013-08-04 13:07:55 -04:00
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
2017-10-24 12:17:38 -04:00
probeCrippledFileSystem' _ = return (True, [])
2016-05-05 15:48:58 -04:00
probeCrippledFileSystem' tmp = do
let f = tmp </> "gaprobe"
writeFile f ""
r <- probe f
void $ tryIO $ allowWrite f
removeFile f
return r
probe f = catchDefaultIO (True, []) $ do
let f2 = f ++ "2"
nukeFile f2
createSymbolicLink f f2
nukeFile f2
preventWrite f
-- Should be unable to write to the file, unless
-- running as root, but some crippled
-- filesystems ignore write bit removals.
ifM ((== 0) <$> getRealUserID)
( return (False, [])
, do
r <- catchBoolIO $ do
writeFile f "2"
return True
if r
then return (True, ["Filesystem allows writing to files whose write bit is not set."])
else return (False, [])
checkCrippledFileSystem :: Annex ()
checkCrippledFileSystem = whenM probeCrippledFileSystem $ do
warning "Detected a crippled filesystem."
setCrippledFileSystem True
{- Normally git disables core.symlinks itself when the
2016-05-10 14:42:57 -04:00
- filesystem does not support them. But, even if symlinks are
- supported, we don't use them by default in a crippled
- filesystem. -}
whenM (coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $ do
warning "Disabling core.symlinks."
setConfig (ConfigKey "core.symlinks")
(Git.Config.boolConfig False)
probeLockSupport :: Annex Bool
probeLockSupport = do
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
return True
withEventuallyCleanedOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do
let f = tmp </> "lockprobe"
mode <- annexFileMode
liftIO $ do
nukeFile f
let locktest =
Posix.lockExclusive (Just mode) f
>>= Posix.dropLock
ok <- isRight <$> tryNonAsync locktest
nukeFile f
return ok
probeFifoSupport :: Annex Bool
probeFifoSupport = do
2013-08-04 13:07:55 -04:00
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
return False
withEventuallyCleanedOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do
let f = tmp </> "gaprobe"
let f2 = tmp </> "gaprobe2"
liftIO $ do
nukeFile f
nukeFile f2
ms <- tryIO $ do
createNamedPipe f ownerReadMode
createLink f f2
getFileStatus f
nukeFile f
nukeFile f2
return $ either (const False) isNamedPipe ms
checkLockSupport :: Annex ()
checkLockSupport = unlessM probeLockSupport $ do
warning "Detected a filesystem without POSIX fcntl lock support."
warning "Enabling annex.pidlock."
setConfig (annexConfig "pidlock") (Git.Config.boolConfig True)
checkFifoSupport :: Annex ()
checkFifoSupport = unlessM probeFifoSupport $ do
warning "Detected a filesystem without fifo support."
warning "Disabling ssh connection caching."
setConfig (annexConfig "sshcaching") (Git.Config.boolConfig False)
checkSharedClone :: Annex Bool
checkSharedClone = inRepo Git.Objects.isSharedClone
initSharedClone :: Bool -> Annex ()
initSharedClone False = return ()
initSharedClone True = do
showLongNote "Repository was cloned with --shared; setting annex.hardlink=true and making repository untrusted."
u <- getUUID
trustSet u UnTrusted
setConfig (annexConfig "hardlink") (Git.Config.boolConfig True)
{- Propigate annex.securehashesonly from then global config to local
- config. This makes a clone inherit a parent's setting, but once
- a repository has a local setting, changes to the global config won't
- affect it. -}
propigateSecureHashesOnly :: Annex ()
propigateSecureHashesOnly =
maybe noop (setConfig (ConfigKey "annex.securehashesonly"))
=<< getGlobalConfig "annex.securehashesonly"