whitespace fixes
This commit is contained in:
33 changed files with 97 additions and 100 deletions
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ updateTo pairs = do
dirty <- journalDirty
(refs, branches) <- unzip <$> filterM isnewer pairs
if null refs
{- Even when no refs need to be merged, the index
{- Even when no refs need to be merged, the index
- may still be updated if the branch has gotten ahead
- of the index. -}
then whenM (needUpdateIndex branchref) $ lockJournal $ do
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ needUpdateIndex branchref = do
- given ref of the branch. -}
setIndexSha :: Git.Ref -> Annex ()
setIndexSha ref = do
lock <- fromRepo gitAnnexIndexLock
lock <- fromRepo gitAnnexIndexLock
liftIO $ writeFile lock $ show ref ++ "\n"
setAnnexPerm lock
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ type AlertMap = M.Map AlertId Alert
{- Higher AlertId indicates a more recent alert. -}
newtype AlertId = AlertId Integer
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
firstAlertId :: AlertId
firstAlertId = AlertId 0
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ syncAlert rs = baseActivityAlert
[Tensed "Syncing" "Synced", "with", showRemotes rs]
, alertData = []
, alertPriority = Low
scanAlert :: [Remote] -> Alert
scanAlert rs = baseActivityAlert
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ changeFailedPushMap a = do
v <- getAssistant failedPushMap
liftIO $ atomically $ store v . a . fromMaybe M.empty =<< tryTakeTMVar v
{- tryTakeTMVar empties the TMVar; refill it only if
{- tryTakeTMVar empties the TMVar; refill it only if
- the modified map is not itself empty -}
store v m
| m == M.empty = noop
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type Handler = FilePath -> Assistant ()
runHandler :: Handler -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> Assistant ()
runHandler handler file _filestatus =
either (liftIO . print) (const noop) =<< tryIO <~> handler file
either (liftIO . print) (const noop) =<< tryIO <~> handler file
{- Called when there's an error with inotify. -}
onErr :: Handler
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ onDel file = case parseTransferFile file of
finished <- asIO2 finishedTransfer
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ do
{- XXX race workaround delay. The location
- log needs to be updated before finishedTransfer
- runs. -}
- log needs to be updated before finishedTransfer
- runs. -}
threadDelay 10000000 -- 10 seconds
finished t minfo
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ xmppClient urlrenderer d = do
inAssistant = liftIO . liftAssistant
{- When the client exits, it's restarted;
- if it keeps failing, back off to wait 5 minutes before
- if it keeps failing, back off to wait 5 minutes before
- trying it again. -}
retry client starttime = do
e <- client
@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ promptSecret msg cont = pairPage $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $
InputSecret <$> aopt textField "Secret phrase" Nothing
case result of
FormSuccess v -> do
case result of
FormSuccess v -> do
let rawsecret = fromMaybe "" $ secretText v
let secret = toSecret rawsecret
case msg of
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ promptSecret msg cont = pairPage $ do
then cont rawsecret secret
else showform form enctype $ Just
"That's not the right secret phrase."
_ -> showform form enctype Nothing
_ -> showform form enctype Nothing
showform form enctype mproblem = do
let start = isNothing msg
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ instance Yesod WebApp where
isAuthorized _ _ = checkAuthToken secretToken
{- Add the auth token to every url generated, except static subsite
- urls (which can show up in Permission Denied pages). -}
- urls (which can show up in Permission Denied pages). -}
joinPath = insertAuthToken secretToken excludeStatic
excludeStatic [] = True
@ -90,45 +90,45 @@ data RepoListNotificationId = RepoListNotificationId NotificationId RepoSelector
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance PathPiece SshData where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece NotificationId where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece AlertId where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece Transfer where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece PairMsg where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece SecretReminder where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece UUID where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece BuddyKey where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece PairKey where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece RepoListNotificationId where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
instance PathPiece RepoSelector where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ performRemote key numcopies remote = lockContent key $ do
stopUnless (canDropKey key numcopies have tocheck [uuid]) $ do
ok <- Remote.removeKey remote key
next $ cleanupRemote key remote ok
uuid = Remote.uuid remote
cleanupLocal :: Key -> CommandCleanup
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ fixLink key file = do
return True
{- Checks that the location log reflects the current status of the key,
in this repository only. -}
- in this repository only. -}
verifyLocationLog :: Key -> String -> Annex Bool
verifyLocationLog key desc = do
present <- inAnnex key
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ perform srcfile destfile = do
unlessM (Annex.getState Annex.force) $
error $ "not overwriting existing " ++ destfile ++
" (use --force to override)"
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir destfile)
liftIO $ moveFile srcfile destfile
Command.Add.perform destfile
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ cleanup :: UUID -> String -> R.RemoteConfig -> CommandCleanup
cleanup u name c = do
describeUUID u name
Logs.Remote.configSet u c
return True
return True
{- Look up existing remote's UUID and config by name, or generate a new one -}
findByName :: String -> Annex (UUID, R.RemoteConfig)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Annex.Content
def :: [Command]
def = [addCheck check $ command "uninit" paramPaths seek
"de-initialize git-annex and clean out repository"]
"de-initialize git-annex and clean out repository"]
check :: Annex ()
check = do
@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ perform dest key = do
tmpdest <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpLocation key
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir tmpdest)
showAction "copying"
ok <- liftIO $ copyFileExternal src tmpdest
if ok
then do
ifM (liftIO $ copyFileExternal src tmpdest)
( do
liftIO $ do
removeFile dest
moveFile tmpdest dest
thawContent dest
next $ return True
else error "copy failed!"
, error "copy failed!"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM
def :: [Command]
def = [noCommit $ noRepo startNoRepo $ dontCheck repoExists $
command "webapp" paramNothing seek "launch webapp"]
command "webapp" paramNothing seek "launch webapp"]
seek :: [CommandSeek]
seek = [withNothing start]
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ setConfig (ConfigKey key) value = do
{- Unsets a git config setting. (Leaves it in state currently.) -}
unsetConfig :: ConfigKey -> Annex ()
unsetConfig (ConfigKey key) = inRepo $ Git.Command.run "config"
[Param "--unset", Param key]
[Param "--unset", Param key]
{- Looks up a setting in git config. -}
getConfig :: ConfigKey -> String -> Annex String
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ encryptCipher (Cipher c) (KeyIds ks) = do
let ks' = nub $ sort ks -- gpg complains about duplicate recipient keyids
encipher <- Gpg.pipeStrict ([ Params "--encrypt" ] ++ recipients ks') c
return $ EncryptedCipher encipher (KeyIds ks')
recipients l = force_recipients :
concatMap (\k -> [Param "--recipient", Param k]) l
-- Force gpg to only encrypt to the specified
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ remoteNamed n constructor = do
return $ r { remoteName = Just n }
{- Sets the name of a remote based on the git config key, such as
"remote.foo.url". -}
- "remote.foo.url". -}
remoteNamedFromKey :: String -> IO Repo -> IO Repo
remoteNamedFromKey k = remoteNamed basename
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Common
import Git.Types
{- Runs an action that causes a git subcommand to emit a Sha, and strips
any trailing newline, returning the sha. -}
- any trailing newline, returning the sha. -}
getSha :: String -> IO String -> IO Sha
getSha subcommand a = maybe bad return =<< extractSha <$> a
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ uninitialize = do
{- Will automatically initialize if there is already a git-annex
branch from somewhere. Otherwise, require a manual init
to avoid git-annex accidentially being run in git
repos that did not intend to use it. -}
- branch from somewhere. Otherwise, require a manual init
- to avoid git-annex accidentially being run in git
- repos that did not intend to use it. -}
ensureInitialized :: Annex ()
ensureInitialized = getVersion >>= maybe needsinit checkVersion
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ makeMatcher :: GroupMap -> UUID -> String -> Utility.Matcher.Matcher MatchFiles
makeMatcher groupmap u s
| s == "standard" = standardMatcher groupmap u
| null (lefts tokens) = Utility.Matcher.generate $ rights tokens
| otherwise = matchAll
| otherwise = matchAll
tokens = map (parseToken (Just u) groupmap) (tokenizeMatcher s)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ gen r u c = do
{ uuid = u'
, cost = cst
, name = Git.repoDescribe r
, storeKey = store r buprepo
, storeKey = store r buprepo
, retrieveKeyFile = retrieve buprepo
, retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap buprepo
, removeKey = remove
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ gen r u c = do
uuid = u,
cost = cst,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = store dir chunksize,
storeKey = store dir chunksize,
retrieveKeyFile = retrieve dir chunksize,
retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap dir chunksize,
removeKey = remove dir,
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ rsyncParams r = do
o <- getRemoteConfig r "rsync-options" ""
return $ options ++ map Param (words o)
-- --inplace to resume partial files
-- --inplace to resume partial files
options = [Params "-p --progress --inplace"]
commitOnCleanup :: Git.Repo -> Annex a -> Annex a
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ gen r u c = new <$> remoteCost r veryExpensiveRemoteCost
uuid = u,
cost = cst,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = store this,
storeKey = store this,
retrieveKeyFile = retrieve this,
retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap this,
removeKey = remove this,
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ gen r u c = do
uuid = u,
cost = cst,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = store hooktype,
storeKey = store hooktype,
retrieveKeyFile = retrieve hooktype,
retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap hooktype,
removeKey = remove hooktype,
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ gen r u c = do
{ uuid = u
, cost = cst
, name = Git.repoDescribe r
, storeKey = store o
, storeKey = store o
, retrieveKeyFile = retrieve o
, retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap o
, removeKey = remove o
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ checkPresent r o k = do
-- to connect, and the file not being present.
Right <$> check
check = untilTrue (rsyncUrls o k) $ \u ->
check = untilTrue (rsyncUrls o k) $ \u ->
liftIO $ catchBoolIO $ do
withQuietOutput createProcessSuccess $
proc "rsync" $ toCommand $
@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ rsyncRemote o callback params = do
ps = rsyncOptions o ++ defaultParams ++ params
{- To send a single key is slightly tricky; need to build up a temporary
directory structure to pass to rsync so it can create the hash
directories. -}
- directory structure to pass to rsync so it can create the hash
- directories. -}
rsyncSend :: RsyncOpts -> MeterUpdate -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
rsyncSend o callback k src = withRsyncScratchDir $ \tmp -> do
let dest = tmp </> Prelude.head (keyPaths k)
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ rsyncSend o callback k src = withRsyncScratchDir $ \tmp -> do
rsyncRemote o (Just callback)
[ Param "--recursive"
, partialParams
-- tmp/ to send contents of tmp dir
-- tmp/ to send contents of tmp dir
, Param $ addTrailingPathSeparator tmp
, Param $ rsyncUrl o
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ gen r u c = new <$> remoteCost r expensiveRemoteCost
uuid = u,
cost = cst,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = store this,
storeKey = store this,
retrieveKeyFile = retrieve this,
retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap this,
removeKey = remove this,
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ gen r u c = new <$> remoteCost r expensiveRemoteCost
uuid = u,
cost = cst,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = store this,
storeKey = store this,
retrieveKeyFile = retrieve this,
retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap this,
removeKey = remove this,
@ -314,10 +314,10 @@ getCreds c u = getRemoteCredPairFor "webdav" c (davCreds u)
davCreds :: UUID -> CredPairStorage
davCreds u = CredPairStorage
{ credPairFile = fromUUID u
, credPairEnvironment = ("WEBDAV_USERNAME", "WEBDAV_PASSWORD")
, credPairRemoteKey = Just "davcreds"
{ credPairFile = fromUUID u
, credPairEnvironment = ("WEBDAV_USERNAME", "WEBDAV_PASSWORD")
, credPairRemoteKey = Just "davcreds"
setCredsEnv :: (String, String) -> IO ()
setCredsEnv creds = setEnvCredPair creds $ davCreds undefined
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ data CommandCheck = CommandCheck { idCheck :: Int, runCheck :: Annex () }
- a list of start stage actions. -}
type CommandSeek = [String] -> Annex [CommandStart]
{- c. The start stage is run before anything is printed about the
- command, is passed some input, and can early abort it
- if the input does not make sense. It should run quickly and
- should not modify Annex state. -}
- command, is passed some input, and can early abort it
- if the input does not make sense. It should run quickly and
- should not modify Annex state. -}
type CommandStart = Annex (Maybe CommandPerform)
{- d. The perform stage is run after a message is printed about the command
- being run, and it should be where the bulk of the work happens. -}
@ -35,13 +35,12 @@ canWatch = True
canWatch = False
/* With inotify, discrete events will be received when making multiple changes
* to the same filename. For example, adding it, deleting it, and adding it
* again will be three events.
* OTOH, with kqueue, often only one event is received, indicating the most
* recent state of the file.
{- With inotify, discrete events will be received when making multiple changes
- to the same filename. For example, adding it, deleting it, and adding it
- again will be three events.
- OTOH, with kqueue, often only one event is received, indicating the most
- recent state of the file. -}
eventsCoalesce :: Bool
eventsCoalesce = False
@ -53,14 +52,13 @@ eventsCoalesce = undefined
/* With inotify, file closing is tracked to some extent, so an add event
* will always be received for a file once its writer closes it, and
* (typically) not before. This may mean multiple add events for the same file.
* OTOH, with kqueue, add events will often be received while a file is
* still being written to, and then no add event will be received once the
* writer closes it.
{- With inotify, file closing is tracked to some extent, so an add event
- will always be received for a file once its writer closes it, and
- (typically) not before. This may mean multiple add events for the same file.
- OTOH, with kqueue, add events will often be received while a file is
- still being written to, and then no add event will be received once the
- writer closes it. -}
closingTracked :: Bool
closingTracked = True
@ -72,9 +70,8 @@ closingTracked = undefined
/* With inotify, modifications to existing files can be tracked.
* Kqueue does not support this.
{- With inotify, modifications to existing files can be tracked.
- Kqueue does not support this. -}
modifyTracked :: Bool
modifyTracked = True
@ -86,11 +83,11 @@ modifyTracked = undefined
/* Starts a watcher thread. The runStartup action is passed a scanner action
* to run, that will return once the initial directory scan is complete.
* Once runStartup returns, the watcher thread continues running,
* and processing events. Returns a DirWatcherHandle that can be used
* to shutdown later. */
{- Starts a watcher thread. The runStartup action is passed a scanner action
- to run, that will return once the initial directory scan is complete.
- Once runStartup returns, the watcher thread continues running,
- and processing events. Returns a DirWatcherHandle that can be used
- to shutdown later. -}
type DirWatcherHandle = INotify.INotify
watchDir :: FilePath -> Pruner -> WatchHooks -> (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO DirWatcherHandle
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import System.Posix.Env (setEnv, unsetEnv, getEnv)
import Common
newtype KeyIds = KeyIds [String]
deriving (Ord, Eq)
deriving (Ord, Eq)
stdParams :: [CommandParam] -> IO [String]
stdParams params = do
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ module Utility.JSONStream (
import Text.JSON
{- Text.JSON does not support building up a larger JSON document piece by
piece as a stream. To support streaming, a hack. The JSObject is converted
to a string with its final "}" is left off, allowing it to be added to
later. -}
- piece as a stream. To support streaming, a hack. The JSObject is converted
- to a string with its final "}" is left off, allowing it to be added to
- later. -}
start :: JSON a => [(String, a)] -> String
start l
| last s == endchar = init s
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import System.FilePath
viaTmp :: (FilePath -> String -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
viaTmp a file content = do
pid <- getProcessID
let tmpfile = file ++ ".tmp" ++ show pid
let tmpfile = file ++ ".tmp" ++ show pid
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
a tmpfile content
renameFile tmpfile file
Add table
Reference in a new issue