add a UUIDDesc type containing a ByteString
Groundwork for handling uuid.log using ByteString
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 94 additions and 74 deletions
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ data AnnexState = AnnexState
, globalnumcopies :: Maybe NumCopies
, forcenumcopies :: Maybe NumCopies
, limit :: ExpandableMatcher Annex
, uuidmap :: Maybe UUIDMap
, uuiddescmap :: Maybe UUIDDescMap
, preferredcontentmap :: Maybe (FileMatcherMap Annex)
, requiredcontentmap :: Maybe (FileMatcherMap Annex)
, forcetrust :: TrustMap
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ newState c r = do
, globalnumcopies = Nothing
, forcenumcopies = Nothing
, limit = BuildingMatcher []
, uuidmap = Nothing
, uuiddescmap = Nothing
, preferredcontentmap = Nothing
, requiredcontentmap = Nothing
, forcetrust = M.empty
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ setDifferences = do
warning "Cannot change tunable parameters in already initialized repository."
return oldds
, if otherds == mempty
then ifM (any (/= u) . M.keys <$> uuidMap)
then ifM (any (/= u) . M.keys <$> uuidDescMap)
( do
warning "Cannot change tunable parameters in a clone of an existing repository."
return mempty
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import Annex.InodeSentinal
import Upgrade
import Annex.Perms
import Utility.UserInfo
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Utility.FileMode
import System.Posix.User
@ -68,14 +69,14 @@ checkCanInitialize (AutoInit False) a = fromRepo Git.repoWorkTree >>= \case
giveup "Not initialized."
genDescription :: Maybe String -> Annex String
genDescription (Just d) = return d
genDescription :: Maybe String -> Annex UUIDDesc
genDescription (Just d) = return $ UUIDDesc $ encodeBS d
genDescription Nothing = do
reldir <- liftIO . relHome =<< liftIO . absPath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath
hostname <- fromMaybe "" <$> liftIO getHostname
let at = if null hostname then "" else "@"
v <- liftIO myUserName
return $ concat $ case v of
return $ UUIDDesc $ encodeBS $ concat $ case v of
Right username -> [username, at, hostname, ":", reldir]
Left _ -> [hostname, ":", reldir]
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ setupSpecialRemote' setdesc name remotetype config mcreds (mu, ss, c) = do
(c', u) <- R.setup remotetype ss mu mcreds weakc dummycfg
configSet u c'
when setdesc $
whenM (isNothing . M.lookup u <$> uuidMap) $
describeUUID u name
whenM (isNothing . M.lookup u <$> uuidDescMap) $
describeUUID u (toUUIDDesc name)
return name
{- Returns the name of the git remote it created. If there's already a
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ type Configs = S.Set (FilePath, Sha)
{- All git-annex's config files, and actions to run when they change. -}
configFilesActions :: [(FilePath, Assistant ())]
configFilesActions =
[ (uuidLog, void $ liftAnnex uuidMapLoad)
[ (uuidLog, void $ liftAnnex uuidDescMapLoad)
, (remoteLog, void $ liftAnnex remoteListRefresh)
, (trustLog, void $ liftAnnex trustMapLoad)
, (groupLog, void $ liftAnnex groupMapLoad)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ getRepoConfig :: UUID -> Maybe Remote -> Annex RepoConfig
getRepoConfig uuid mremote = do
-- Ensure we're editing current data by discarding caches.
void groupMapLoad
void uuidMapLoad
void uuidDescMapLoad
groups <- lookupGroups uuid
remoteconfig <- M.lookup uuid <$> readRemoteLog
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ getRepoConfig uuid mremote = do
Nothing -> (RepoGroupCustom $ unwords $ S.toList groups, Nothing)
Just g -> (RepoGroupStandard g, associatedDirectory remoteconfig g)
description <- fmap T.pack . M.lookup uuid <$> uuidMap
description <- fmap (T.pack . fromUUIDDesc) . M.lookup uuid <$> uuidDescMap
syncable <- case mremote of
Just r -> liftIO $ getDynamicConfig $ remoteAnnexSync $ Remote.gitconfig r
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ getRepoConfig uuid mremote = do
setRepoConfig :: UUID -> Maybe Remote -> RepoConfig -> RepoConfig -> Handler ()
setRepoConfig uuid mremote oldc newc = do
when descriptionChanged $ liftAnnex $ do
maybe noop (describeUUID uuid . T.unpack) (repoDescription newc)
void uuidMapLoad
maybe noop (describeUUID uuid . toUUIDDesc . T.unpack) (repoDescription newc)
void uuidDescMapLoad
when nameChanged $ do
liftAnnex $ do
name <- uniqueRemoteName (legalName newc) 0 <$> Annex.getGitRemotes
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ getConfirmAddDriveR drive = ifM (liftIO $ probeRepoExists dir)
askcombine = page "Combine repositories?" (Just Configuration) $
$(widgetFile "configurators/adddrive/combine")
isknownuuid driveuuid =
ifM (M.member driveuuid <$> liftAnnex uuidMap)
ifM (M.member driveuuid <$> liftAnnex uuidDescMap)
( knownrepo
, askcombine
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ getLogin sshinput = geti inputUsername ++ "@" ++ geti inputHostname
getConfirmSshR :: SshData -> UUID -> Handler Html
getConfirmSshR sshdata u
| u == NoUUID = handlenew
| otherwise = handleexisting =<< (M.lookup u <$> liftAnnex uuidMap)
| otherwise = handleexisting =<< (M.lookup u <$> liftAnnex uuidDescMap)
handlenew = sshConfigurator $ do
cmd <- liftAnnex $ gpgCmd <$> Annex.getGitConfig
@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ start _ = giveup "Specify a repository and a description."
perform :: UUID -> String -> CommandPerform
perform u description = do
describeUUID u description
describeUUID u (toUUIDDesc description)
next $ return True
@ -100,7 +100,9 @@ cleanupSpecialRemote u c = do
unknownNameError :: String -> Annex a
unknownNameError prefix = do
m <- Annex.SpecialRemote.specialRemoteMap
descm <- M.unionWith Remote.addName <$> uuidMap <*> pure m
descm <- M.unionWith Remote.addName
<$> uuidDescMap
<*> pure ( toUUIDDesc m)
specialmsg <- if M.null m
then pure "(No special remotes are currently known; perhaps use initremote instead?)"
else Remote.prettyPrintUUIDsDescs
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ seek o = do
expire <- parseExpire (expireParams o)
actlog <- lastActivities (activityOption o)
u <- getUUID
us <- filter (/= u) . M.keys <$> uuidMap
descs <- uuidMap
us <- filter (/= u) . M.keys <$> uuidDescMap
descs <- uuidDescMap
commandActions $ map (start expire (noActOption o) actlog descs) us
start :: Expire -> Bool -> Log Activity -> M.Map UUID String -> UUID -> CommandStart
start :: Expire -> Bool -> Log Activity -> UUIDDescMap -> UUID -> CommandStart
start (Expire expire) noact actlog descs u =
case lastact of
Just ent | notexpired ent -> checktrust (== DeadTrusted) $ do
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ start (Expire expire) noact actlog descs u =
d <- liftIO $ durationSince $ posixSecondsToUTCTime c
return $ "last active: " ++ fromDuration d ++ " ago"
_ -> return "no activity"
desc = fromUUID u ++ " " ++ fromMaybe "" (M.lookup u descs)
desc = fromUUID u ++ " " ++ fromUUIDDesc (fromMaybe mempty (M.lookup u descs))
notexpired ent = case ent of
Unknown -> False
VectorClock c -> case lookupexpire of
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ repository_mode = simpleStat "repository mode" $ lift $
repo_list :: TrustLevel -> Stat
repo_list level = stat n $ nojson $ lift $ do
us <- filter (/= NoUUID) . M.keys
<$> (M.union <$> uuidMap <*> remoteMap
<$> (M.union <$> ( fromUUIDDesc <$> uuidDescMap) <*> remoteMap
rs <- fst <$> trustPartition level us
countRepoList (length rs)
-- This also handles json display.
@ -59,6 +59,6 @@ perform t name c = do
cleanup :: UUID -> String -> R.RemoteConfig -> CommandCleanup
cleanup u name c = do
describeUUID u name
describeUUID u (toUUIDDesc name)
Logs.Remote.configSet u c
return True
@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ getList o
let l = (hereu, "here", heretrust) : zip3 (map uuid rs) (map name rs) ts
return $ filter (\(_, _, t) -> t /= DeadTrusted) l
getAllUUIDs = do
rs <- M.toList <$> uuidMap
rs3 <- forM rs $ \(u, n) -> (,,)
rs <- M.toList <$> uuidDescMap
rs3 <- forM rs $ \(u, d) -> (,,)
<$> pure u
<*> pure n
<*> pure (fromUUIDDesc d)
<*> lookupTrust u
return $ sortBy (comparing snd3) $
filter (\t -> thd3 t /= DeadTrusted) rs3
@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ showLog outputter cs = forM_ cs $ \c -> do
sequence_ $ compareChanges (outputter keyname)
[(changetime c, new, old)]
mkOutputter :: M.Map UUID String -> TimeZone -> LogOptions -> FilePath -> Outputter
mkOutputter :: UUIDDescMap -> TimeZone -> LogOptions -> FilePath -> Outputter
mkOutputter m zone o file
| rawDateOption o = normalOutput lookupdescription file show
| gourceOption o = gourceOutput lookupdescription file
| otherwise = normalOutput lookupdescription file (showTimeStamp zone)
lookupdescription u = fromMaybe (fromUUID u) $ M.lookup u m
lookupdescription u = maybe (fromUUID u) (fromUUIDDesc) (M.lookup u m)
normalOutput :: (UUID -> String) -> FilePath -> (POSIXTime -> String) -> Outputter
normalOutput lookupdescription file formattime logchange ts us =
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ start :: CommandStart
start = do
rs <- combineSame <$> (spider =<< gitRepo)
umap <- uuidMap
umap <- uuidDescMap
trustmap <- trustMapLoad
file <- (</>) <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir <*> pure ""
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ runViewer file ((c, ps):rest) = ifM (liftIO $ inPath c)
- the repositories first, followed by uuids that were not matched
- to a repository.
drawMap :: [RepoRemotes] -> TrustMap -> M.Map UUID String -> String
drawMap :: [RepoRemotes] -> TrustMap -> UUIDDescMap -> String
drawMap rs trustmap umap = Dot.graph $ repos ++ others
repos = map (node umap (map fst rs) trustmap) rs
@ -88,7 +88,9 @@ drawMap rs trustmap umap = Dot.graph $ repos ++ others
filter (\u -> M.lookup u trustmap /= Just DeadTrusted) $
filter (`notElem` ruuids) (M.keys umap)
uuidnode u = trustDecorate trustmap u $
Dot.graphNode (fromUUID u) $ M.findWithDefault "" u umap
(fromUUID u)
(fromUUIDDesc $ M.findWithDefault mempty u umap)
hostname :: Git.Repo -> String
hostname r
@ -100,10 +102,10 @@ basehostname r = fromMaybe "" $ headMaybe $ splitc '.' $ hostname r
{- A name to display for a repo. Uses the name from uuid.log if available,
- or the remote name if not. -}
repoName :: M.Map UUID String -> Git.Repo -> String
repoName :: UUIDDescMap -> Git.Repo -> String
repoName umap r
| repouuid == NoUUID = fallback
| otherwise = M.findWithDefault fallback repouuid umap
| otherwise = maybe fallback fromUUIDDesc $ M.lookup repouuid umap
repouuid = getUncachedUUID r
fallback = fromMaybe "unknown" $ Git.remoteName r
@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ nodeId r =
u@(UUID _) -> fromUUID u
{- A node representing a repo. -}
node :: M.Map UUID String -> [Git.Repo] -> TrustMap -> RepoRemotes -> String
node :: UUIDDescMap -> [Git.Repo] -> TrustMap -> RepoRemotes -> String
node umap fullinfo trustmap (r, rs) = unlines $ n:edges
n = Dot.subGraph (hostname r) (basehostname r) "lightblue" $
@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ node umap fullinfo trustmap (r, rs) = unlines $ n:edges
edges = map (edge umap fullinfo r) rs
{- An edge between two repos. The second repo is a remote of the first. -}
edge :: M.Map UUID String -> [Git.Repo] -> Git.Repo -> Git.Repo -> String
edge :: UUIDDescMap -> [Git.Repo] -> Git.Repo -> Git.Repo -> String
edge umap fullinfo from to =
Dot.graphEdge (nodeId from) (nodeId fullto) edgename
@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ commit o = stopUnless shouldcommit $ next $ next $ do
commitMsg :: Annex String
commitMsg = do
u <- getUUID
m <- uuidMap
return $ "git-annex in " ++ fromMaybe "unknown" (M.lookup u m)
m <- uuidDescMap
return $ "git-annex in " ++ maybe "unknown" fromUUIDDesc (M.lookup u m)
commitStaged :: Git.Branch.CommitMode -> String -> Annex Bool
commitStaged commitmode commitmessage = do
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ diffCfg curcfg newcfg = Cfg
diff f = M.differenceWith (\x y -> if x == y then Nothing else Just x)
(f newcfg) (f curcfg)
genCfg :: Cfg -> M.Map UUID String -> String
genCfg :: Cfg -> UUIDDescMap -> String
genCfg cfg descs = unlines $ intercalate [""]
[ intro
, trust
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ genCfg cfg descs = unlines $ intercalate [""]
gline g val = [ unwords ["config", g, "=", val] ]
line setting u val =
[ com $ "(for " ++ fromMaybe "" (M.lookup u descs) ++ ")"
[ com $ "(for " ++ fromUUIDDesc (fromMaybe mempty (M.lookup u descs)) ++ ")"
, unwords [setting, fromUUID u, "=", val]
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ genCfg cfg descs = unlines $ intercalate [""]
, line' "numcopies" (show . fromNumCopies <$> cfgNumCopies cfg)
settings :: Ord v => Cfg -> M.Map UUID String -> (Cfg -> M.Map UUID v) -> [String] -> ((v, UUID) -> [String]) -> (UUID -> [String]) -> [String]
settings :: Ord v => Cfg -> UUIDDescMap -> (Cfg -> M.Map UUID v) -> [String] -> ((v, UUID) -> [String]) -> (UUID -> [String]) -> [String]
settings cfg descs = settings' cfg (M.keysSet descs)
settings' :: (Ord v, Ord f) => Cfg -> S.Set f -> (Cfg -> M.Map f v) -> [String] -> ((v, f) -> [String]) -> (f -> [String]) -> [String]
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
{- git-annex uuids
- Each git repository used by git-annex has an annex.uuid setting that
- uniquely identifies that repository.
- UUIDs of remotes are cached in git config, using keys named
- remote.<name>.annex-uuid
{- git-annex uuid log
- uuid.log stores a list of known uuids, and their descriptions.
@ -16,8 +10,8 @@
module Logs.UUID (
) where
import Types.UUID
@ -28,15 +22,16 @@ import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs
import Logs.UUIDBased
import qualified Annex.UUID
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
{- Records a description for a uuid in the log. -}
describeUUID :: UUID -> String -> Annex ()
describeUUID :: UUID -> UUIDDesc -> Annex ()
describeUUID uuid desc = do
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change uuidLog $
showLog id . changeLog c uuid desc . fixBadUUID . parseLog Just
showLog id . changeLog c uuid (fromUUIDDesc desc) . fixBadUUID . parseLog Just
{- Temporarily here to fix badly formatted uuid logs generated by
- versions 3.20111105 and 3.20111025.
@ -68,19 +63,20 @@ fixBadUUID = M.fromList . map fixup . M.toList
isuuid s = length s == 36 && length (splitc '-' s) == 5
{- The map is cached for speed. -}
uuidMap :: Annex UUIDMap
uuidMap = maybe uuidMapLoad return =<< Annex.getState Annex.uuidmap
uuidDescMap :: Annex UUIDDescMap
uuidDescMap = maybe uuidDescMapLoad return =<< Annex.getState Annex.uuiddescmap
{- Read the uuidLog into a simple Map.
- The UUID of the current repository is included explicitly, since
- it may not have been described and so otherwise would not appear. -}
uuidMapLoad :: Annex UUIDMap
uuidMapLoad = do
m <- (simpleMap . parseLog Just) <$> Annex.Branch.get uuidLog
- it may not have been described and otherwise would not appear. -}
uuidDescMapLoad :: Annex UUIDDescMap
uuidDescMapLoad = do
m <- (simpleMap . parseLog (Just . UUIDDesc . encodeBS))
<$> Annex.Branch.get uuidLog
u <- Annex.UUID.getUUID
let m' = M.insertWith preferold u "" m
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.uuidmap = Just m' }
let m' = M.insertWith preferold u mempty m
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.uuiddescmap = Just m' }
return m'
preferold = flip const
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
{- git-annex remotes
- Copyright 2011-2018 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2011-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Remote (
@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ module Remote (
) where
import Data.Ord
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ import Config
import Config.DynamicConfig
import Git.Types (RemoteName)
import Utility.Aeson
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
{- Map from UUIDs of Remotes to a calculated value. -}
remoteMap :: (Remote -> v) -> Annex (M.Map UUID v)
@ -92,13 +96,16 @@ remoteMap' mkv mkk = M.fromList . catMaybes <$> (mapM mk =<< remoteList)
{- Map of UUIDs of repositories and their descriptions.
- The names of Remotes are added to suppliment any description that has
- been set for a repository. -}
uuidDescriptions :: Annex (M.Map UUID String)
uuidDescriptions = M.unionWith addName <$> uuidMap <*> remoteMap name
uuidDescriptions :: Annex UUIDDescMap
uuidDescriptions = M.unionWith addName
<$> uuidDescMap
<*> remoteMap (UUIDDesc . encodeBS . name)
addName :: String -> RemoteName -> String
{- Add a remote name to its description. -}
addName :: (IsString t, Monoid t, Eq t) => t -> t -> t
addName desc n
| desc == n || null desc = "[" ++ n ++ "]"
| otherwise = desc ++ " [" ++ n ++ "]"
| desc == n || desc == mempty = "[" <> n <> "]"
| otherwise = desc <> " [" <> n <> "]"
byUUID :: UUID -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
byUUID u = headMaybe . filter matching <$> remoteList
@ -170,8 +177,9 @@ nameToUUID' n = byName' n >>= go
NoUUID -> Left $ noRemoteUUIDMsg r
u -> Right u
go (Left e) = do
m <- uuidMap
return $ case M.keys (M.filter (== n) m) of
m <- uuidDescMap
let descn = UUIDDesc (encodeBS n)
return $ case M.keys (M.filter (== descn) m) of
[u] -> Right u
[] -> let u = toUUID n
in case M.keys (M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k == u) m) of
@ -189,7 +197,7 @@ prettyPrintUUIDs header uuids = do
descm <- uuidDescriptions
prettyPrintUUIDsDescs header descm uuids
prettyPrintUUIDsDescs :: String -> M.Map UUID RemoteName -> [UUID] -> Annex String
prettyPrintUUIDsDescs :: String -> UUIDDescMap -> [UUID] -> Annex String
prettyPrintUUIDsDescs header descm uuids =
prettyPrintUUIDsWith Nothing header descm
(const Nothing)
@ -200,7 +208,7 @@ prettyPrintUUIDsWith
:: ToJSON' v
=> Maybe String
-> String
-> M.Map UUID RemoteName
-> UUIDDescMap
-> (v -> Maybe String)
-> [(UUID, Maybe v)]
-> Annex String
@ -209,7 +217,7 @@ prettyPrintUUIDsWith optfield header descm showval uuidvals = do
maybeShowJSON $ JSONChunk [(header, V.fromList $ map (jsonify hereu) uuidvals)]
return $ unwords $ map (\u -> "\t" ++ prettify hereu u ++ "\n") uuidvals
finddescription u = M.findWithDefault "" u descm
finddescription u = fromUUIDDesc $ M.findWithDefault mempty u descm
prettify hereu (u, optval)
| not (null d) = addoptval $ fromUUID u ++ " -- " ++ d
| otherwise = addoptval $ fromUUID u
@ -237,9 +245,9 @@ prettyListUUIDs :: [UUID] -> Annex [String]
prettyListUUIDs uuids = do
hereu <- getUUID
m <- uuidDescriptions
return $ map (prettify m hereu) uuids
return $ map (fromUUIDDesc . prettify m hereu) uuids
finddescription m u = M.findWithDefault "" u m
finddescription m u = M.findWithDefault mempty u m
prettify m hereu u
| u == hereu = addName n "here"
| otherwise = n
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Types.UUID where
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.UUID as U
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto
@ -56,7 +57,17 @@ instance ToUUID U.UUID where
isUUID :: String -> Bool
isUUID = isJust . U.fromString
type UUIDMap = M.Map UUID String
-- A description of a UUID.
newtype UUIDDesc = UUIDDesc B.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Monoid, Semigroup, IsString)
fromUUIDDesc :: UUIDDesc -> String
fromUUIDDesc (UUIDDesc d) = decodeBS d
toUUIDDesc :: String -> UUIDDesc
toUUIDDesc = UUIDDesc . encodeBS
type UUIDDescMap = M.Map UUID UUIDDesc
instance Proto.Serializable UUID where
serialize = fromUUID
Add table
Reference in a new issue