
960 lines
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2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
{- P2P protocol over HTTP
- Copyright 2024 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2024-07-11 15:42:32 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
2024-07-09 01:11:01 +00:00
module P2P.Http (
module P2P.Http,
module P2P.Http.Types,
module P2P.Http.State,
) where
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
import Annex.Common
2024-07-09 01:11:01 +00:00
import P2P.Http.Types
import P2P.Http.State
import P2P.Protocol hiding (Offset, Bypass, auth)
import P2P.IO
import P2P.Annex
import Annex.WorkerPool
import Annex.Concurrent
import Types.WorkerPool
import Types.Direction
import Utility.Metered
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
import Servant
import Servant.Client.Streaming
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as LI
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO.Unsafe
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
type P2PHttpAPI
= "git-annex" :> SU :> PV3 :> "key" :> GetAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV2 :> "key" :> GetAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV1 :> "key" :> GetAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV0 :> "key" :> GetAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV3 :> "checkpresent" :> CheckPresentAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV2 :> "checkpresent" :> CheckPresentAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV1 :> "checkpresent" :> CheckPresentAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV0 :> "checkpresent" :> CheckPresentAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV3 :> "remove" :> RemoveAPI RemoveResultPlus
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV2 :> "remove" :> RemoveAPI RemoveResultPlus
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV1 :> "remove" :> RemoveAPI RemoveResult
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV0 :> "remove" :> RemoveAPI RemoveResult
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV3 :> "remove-before" :> RemoveBeforeAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV3 :> "gettimestamp" :> GetTimestampAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV3 :> "put" :> PutAPI PutResultPlus
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV2 :> "put" :> PutAPI PutResultPlus
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV1 :> "put" :> PutAPI PutResult
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV0 :> "put" :> PutAPI PutResult
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV3 :> "putoffset"
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> PutOffsetAPI PutOffsetResultPlus
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV2 :> "putoffset"
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> PutOffsetAPI PutOffsetResultPlus
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV1 :> "putoffset"
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> PutOffsetAPI PutOffsetResult
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV3 :> "lockcontent" :> LockContentAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV2 :> "lockcontent" :> LockContentAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV1 :> "lockcontent" :> LockContentAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV0 :> "lockcontent" :> LockContentAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV3 :> "keeplocked" :> KeepLockedAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV2 :> "keeplocked" :> KeepLockedAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV1 :> "keeplocked" :> KeepLockedAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> PV0 :> "keeplocked" :> KeepLockedAPI
:<|> "git-annex" :> SU :> "key" :> GetGenericAPI
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
p2pHttpAPI :: Proxy P2PHttpAPI
p2pHttpAPI = Proxy
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
p2pHttpApp :: P2PHttpServerState -> Application
p2pHttpApp = serve p2pHttpAPI . serveP2pHttp
serveP2pHttp :: P2PHttpServerState -> Server P2PHttpAPI
serveP2pHttp st
2024-07-08 18:20:30 +00:00
= serveGet st
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
:<|> serveGet st
:<|> serveGet st
:<|> serveGet st
:<|> serveCheckPresent st
:<|> serveCheckPresent st
:<|> serveCheckPresent st
:<|> serveCheckPresent st
:<|> serveRemove st id
:<|> serveRemove st id
:<|> serveRemove st dePlus
:<|> serveRemove st dePlus
:<|> serveRemoveBefore st
:<|> serveGetTimestamp st
:<|> servePut st id
:<|> servePut st id
:<|> servePut st dePlus
:<|> servePut st dePlus
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
:<|> servePutOffset st id
:<|> servePutOffset st id
:<|> servePutOffset st dePlus
:<|> serveLockContent st
:<|> serveLockContent st
:<|> serveLockContent st
:<|> serveLockContent st
:<|> serveKeepLocked st
:<|> serveKeepLocked st
:<|> serveKeepLocked st
:<|> serveKeepLocked st
:<|> serveGetGeneric st
2024-07-08 17:26:02 +00:00
type GetGenericAPI
= CaptureKey
2024-07-11 15:26:03 +00:00
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
:> StreamGet NoFraming OctetStream
(Headers '[DataLengthHeader] (SourceIO B.ByteString))
:: P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> B64Key
2024-07-11 15:26:03 +00:00
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler (Headers '[DataLengthHeader] (S.SourceT IO B.ByteString))
serveGetGeneric st su@(B64UUID u) k =
-- Use V0 because it does not alter the returned data to indicate
-- Invalid content.
2024-07-11 15:26:03 +00:00
serveGet st su V0 k cu [] Nothing Nothing
-- Reuse server UUID as client UUID.
cu = B64UUID u :: B64UUID ClientSide
2024-07-08 17:26:02 +00:00
type GetAPI
= CaptureKey
:> CU Required
:> BypassUUIDs
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> AssociatedFileParam
:> OffsetParam
:> IsSecure
2024-07-09 21:30:55 +00:00
:> AuthHeader
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> StreamGet NoFraming OctetStream
2024-07-08 17:26:02 +00:00
(Headers '[DataLengthHeader] (SourceIO B.ByteString))
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:: APIVersion v
=> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> v
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe B64FilePath
-> Maybe Offset
-> IsSecure
2024-07-09 21:30:55 +00:00
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler (Headers '[DataLengthHeader] (S.SourceT IO B.ByteString))
serveGet st su apiver (B64Key k) cu bypass baf startat sec auth = do
conn <- getP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth ReadAction id
bsv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
endv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
validityv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
finalv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
annexworker <- liftIO $ async $ inAnnexWorker st $ do
let storer _offset len = sendContentWith $ \bs -> do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar bsv (len, bs)
liftIO $ atomically $ takeTMVar endv
liftIO $ signalFullyConsumedByteString $
connOhdl $ serverP2PConnection conn
return $ \v -> do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar validityv v
return True
enteringStage (TransferStage Upload) $
runFullProto (clientRunState conn) (clientP2PConnection conn) $
void $ receiveContent Nothing nullMeterUpdate
sizer storer getreq
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ waitfinal endv finalv conn annexworker
(Len len, bs) <- liftIO $ atomically $ takeTMVar bsv
bv <- liftIO $ newMVar (filter (not . B.null) (L.toChunks bs))
2024-07-11 15:42:32 +00:00
szv <- liftIO $ newMVar 0
let streamer = S.SourceT $ \s -> s =<< return
2024-07-11 15:42:32 +00:00
(stream (bv, szv, len, endv, validityv, finalv))
2024-07-11 15:57:55 +00:00
return $ addHeader (DataLength len) streamer
2024-07-11 15:42:32 +00:00
stream (bv, szv, len, endv, validityv, finalv) =
S.fromActionStep B.null $
2024-07-11 15:42:32 +00:00
modifyMVar bv $ nextchunk szv $
checkvalidity szv len endv validityv finalv
nextchunk szv checkvalid (b:[]) = do
updateszv szv b
ifM checkvalid
( return ([], b)
-- The key's content is invalid, but
-- the amount of data is the same as the
-- DataLengthHeader indicated. Truncate
-- the response by one byte to indicate
-- to the client that it's not valid.
, return ([], B.take (B.length b - 1) b)
2024-07-22 20:23:08 +00:00
nextchunk szv _checkvalid (b:bs) = do
updateszv szv b
return (bs, b)
nextchunk _szv checkvalid [] = do
void checkvalid
-- Result ignored because 0 bytes of data are sent,
-- so even if the key is invalid, if that's the
-- amount of data that the DataLengthHeader indicates,
-- we've successfully served an empty key.
return ([], mempty)
updateszv szv b = modifyMVar szv $ \sz ->
let !sz' = sz + fromIntegral (B.length b)
in return (sz', ())
-- Returns False when the key's content is invalid, but the
-- amount of data sent was the same as indicated by the
-- DataLengthHeader.
2024-07-11 15:42:32 +00:00
checkvalidity szv len endv validityv finalv =
ifM (atomically $ isEmptyTMVar endv)
( do
atomically $ putTMVar endv ()
validity <- atomically $ takeTMVar validityv
2024-07-11 15:42:32 +00:00
sz <- takeMVar szv
atomically $ putTMVar finalv ()
return $ case validity of
Nothing -> True
Just Valid -> True
Just Invalid -> sz /= len
, pure True
waitfinal endv finalv conn annexworker = do
-- Wait for everything to be transferred before
-- stopping the annexworker. The validityv will usually
-- be written to at the end. If the client disconnects
-- early that does not happen, so catch STM exception.
liftIO $ void $ tryNonAsync $ atomically $ takeTMVar finalv
-- Make sure the annexworker is not left blocked on endv
-- if the client disconnected early.
2024-07-11 15:26:03 +00:00
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar endv ()
void $ tryNonAsync $ wait annexworker
void $ tryNonAsync $ releaseP2PConnection conn
sizer = pure $ Len $ case startat of
Just (Offset o) -> fromIntegral o
Nothing -> 0
getreq offset = P2P.Protocol.GET offset (ProtoAssociatedFile af) k
af = AssociatedFile $ case baf of
Just (B64FilePath f) -> Just f
Nothing -> Nothing
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe B64FilePath
-> Maybe Auth
2024-07-22 20:23:08 +00:00
-> RawFilePath
-> IO Validity
clientGet clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) k su cu bypass af auth dest = do
2024-07-22 20:31:39 +00:00
startsz <- tryWhenExists $ getFileSize dest
let mo = fmap (Offset . fromIntegral) startsz
2024-07-22 20:23:08 +00:00
withClientM (cli k cu bypass af mo auth) clientenv $ \case
Left err -> throwM err
Right respheaders -> do
2024-07-11 11:56:55 +00:00
b <- S.unSourceT (getResponse respheaders) gatherByteString
2024-07-22 20:23:08 +00:00
liftIO $ withBinaryFile (fromRawFilePath dest) WriteMode $ \h -> do
2024-07-22 20:31:39 +00:00
case startsz of
Just startsz' | startsz' /= 0 ->
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek startsz'
2024-07-22 20:23:08 +00:00
_ -> noop
2024-07-22 20:31:39 +00:00
len <- go 0 h (L.toChunks b)
let DataLength dl = case lookupResponseHeader @DataLengthHeader' respheaders of
Header hdr -> hdr
_ -> error "missing data length header"
if dl == len
then return Valid
else return Invalid
2024-07-11 15:50:44 +00:00
2024-07-22 20:31:39 +00:00
go n _ [] = return n
go n h (b:bs) = do
let !n' = n + fromIntegral (B.length b)
B.hPut h b
go n' h bs
2024-07-11 15:50:44 +00:00
cli =case ver of
3 -> v3 su V3
2 -> v2 su V2
1 -> v1 su V1
0 -> v0 su V0
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
2024-07-11 11:56:55 +00:00
gatherByteString :: S.StepT IO B.ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
gatherByteString = unsafeInterleaveIO . go
2024-07-11 11:56:55 +00:00
go S.Stop = return LI.Empty
go (S.Error err) = giveup err
go (S.Skip s) = go s
go (S.Effect ms) = ms >>= go
go (S.Yield v s) = LI.Chunk v <$> unsafeInterleaveIO (go s)
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
type CheckPresentAPI
= KeyParam
:> CU Required
:> BypassUUIDs
2024-07-10 03:44:40 +00:00
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> Post '[JSON] CheckPresentResult
:: APIVersion v
=> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> v
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
2024-07-10 03:44:40 +00:00
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler CheckPresentResult
serveCheckPresent st su apiver (B64Key k) cu bypass sec auth = do
2024-07-22 15:26:22 +00:00
res <- withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth ReadAction id
$ \conn -> liftIO $ proxyClientNetProto conn $ checkPresent k
case res of
Right b -> return (CheckPresentResult b)
Left err -> throwError $ err500 { errBody = encodeBL err }
:: B64Key
-> ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64UUID ServerSide
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe Auth
-> Annex Bool
clientCheckPresent key clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) su cu bypass auth =
liftIO $ withClientM (cli su key cu bypass auth) clientenv $ \case
Left err -> throwM err
Right (CheckPresentResult res) -> return res
2024-07-10 03:44:40 +00:00
cli = case ver of
3 -> flip v3 V3
2 -> flip v2 V2
1 -> flip v1 V1
0 -> flip v0 V0
2024-07-10 03:44:40 +00:00
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
type RemoveAPI result
= KeyParam
:> CU Required
:> BypassUUIDs
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> Post '[JSON] result
:: APIVersion v
=> P2PHttpServerState
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
-> (RemoveResultPlus -> t)
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> v
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler t
serveRemove st resultmangle su apiver (B64Key k) cu bypass sec auth = do
2024-07-22 15:26:22 +00:00
res <- withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth RemoveAction id
$ \conn ->
liftIO $ proxyClientNetProto conn $ remove Nothing k
case res of
(Right b, plusuuids) -> return $ resultmangle $
RemoveResultPlus b (map B64UUID (fromMaybe [] plusuuids))
(Left err, _) -> throwError $
err500 { errBody = encodeBL err }
2024-07-10 13:19:58 +00:00
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ServerSide
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe Auth
2024-07-10 13:19:58 +00:00
-> IO RemoveResultPlus
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
clientRemove clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) key su cu bypass auth =
2024-07-10 13:19:58 +00:00
withClientM cli clientenv $ \case
Left err -> throwM err
Right res -> return res
2024-07-10 13:19:58 +00:00
cli = case ver of
3 -> v3 su V3 key cu bypass auth
2 -> v2 su V2 key cu bypass auth
1 -> plus <$> v1 su V1 key cu bypass auth
0 -> plus <$> v0 su V0 key cu bypass auth
2024-07-10 13:19:58 +00:00
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
type RemoveBeforeAPI
= KeyParam
:> CU Required
:> BypassUUIDs
:> QueryParam' '[Required] "timestamp" Timestamp
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
:> Post '[JSON] RemoveResultPlus
:: APIVersion v
=> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> v
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Timestamp
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler RemoveResultPlus
serveRemoveBefore st su apiver (B64Key k) cu bypass (Timestamp ts) sec auth = do
2024-07-22 15:26:22 +00:00
res <- withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth RemoveAction id
$ \conn ->
liftIO $ proxyClientNetProto conn $
removeBeforeRemoteEndTime ts k
case res of
(Right b, plusuuids) -> return $
RemoveResultPlus b (map B64UUID (fromMaybe [] plusuuids))
(Left err, _) -> throwError $
err500 { errBody = encodeBL err }
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ServerSide
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Timestamp
-> Maybe Auth
-> IO RemoveResultPlus
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
clientRemoveBefore clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) key su cu bypass ts auth =
withClientM (cli su key cu bypass ts auth) clientenv $ \case
Left err -> throwM err
Right res -> return res
cli = case ver of
3 -> flip v3 V3
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
type GetTimestampAPI
= CU Required
:> BypassUUIDs
2024-07-10 14:23:10 +00:00
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> Post '[JSON] GetTimestampResult
:: APIVersion v
=> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> v
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
2024-07-10 14:23:10 +00:00
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler GetTimestampResult
serveGetTimestamp st su apiver cu bypass sec auth = do
2024-07-22 15:26:22 +00:00
res <- withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth ReadAction id
$ \conn ->
liftIO $ proxyClientNetProto conn getTimestamp
2024-07-10 14:23:10 +00:00
case res of
Right ts -> return $ GetTimestampResult (Timestamp ts)
Left err -> throwError $
err500 { errBody = encodeBL err }
2024-07-10 14:23:10 +00:00
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64UUID ServerSide
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
2024-07-10 14:23:10 +00:00
-> Maybe Auth
-> IO GetTimestampResult
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
clientGetTimestamp clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) su cu bypass auth =
withClientM (cli su cu bypass auth) clientenv $ \case
2024-07-10 14:23:10 +00:00
Left err -> throwM err
Right res -> return res
2024-07-10 14:23:10 +00:00
cli = case ver of
3 -> flip v3 V3
2024-07-10 14:23:10 +00:00
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|>
v3 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
type PutAPI result
= DataLengthHeaderRequired
:> KeyParam
:> CU Required
:> BypassUUIDs
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> AssociatedFileParam
:> OffsetParam
:> StreamBody NoFraming OctetStream (SourceIO B.ByteString)
2024-07-11 16:20:07 +00:00
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> Post '[JSON] result
:: APIVersion v
=> P2PHttpServerState
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
-> (PutResultPlus -> t)
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> v
-> DataLength
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe B64FilePath
-> Maybe Offset
-> S.SourceT IO B.ByteString
2024-07-11 16:20:07 +00:00
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler t
servePut st resultmangle su apiver (DataLength len) (B64Key k) cu bypass baf moffset stream sec auth = do
validityv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
let validitycheck = local $ runValidityCheck $
liftIO $ atomically $ readTMVar validityv
tooshortv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
content <- liftIO $ S.unSourceT stream (gather validityv tooshortv)
2024-07-22 15:26:22 +00:00
res <- withP2PConnection' apiver st cu su bypass sec auth WriteAction
2024-07-22 16:50:21 +00:00
(\cst -> cst { connectionWaitVar = False }) $ \conn ->
liftIO (protoaction conn content validitycheck)
`finally` checktooshort conn tooshortv
2024-07-11 16:20:07 +00:00
case res of
Right (Right (Just plusuuids)) -> return $ resultmangle $
PutResultPlus True (map B64UUID plusuuids)
Right (Right Nothing) -> return $ resultmangle $
PutResultPlus False []
Right (Left protofail) -> throwError $
err500 { errBody = encodeBL (describeProtoFailure protofail) }
2024-07-11 16:20:07 +00:00
Left err -> throwError $
err500 { errBody = encodeBL (show err) }
protoaction conn content validitycheck = inAnnexWorker st $
enteringStage (TransferStage Download) $
runFullProto (clientRunState conn) (clientP2PConnection conn) $
protoaction' content validitycheck
protoaction' content validitycheck = put' k af $ \offset' ->
let offsetdelta = offset' - offset
in case compare offset' offset of
EQ -> sendContent' nullMeterUpdate (Len len)
content validitycheck
GT -> sendContent' nullMeterUpdate
(Len (len - fromIntegral offsetdelta))
(L.drop (fromIntegral offsetdelta) content)
LT -> sendContent' nullMeterUpdate
(Len len)
(validitycheck >>= \_ -> return Invalid)
offset = case moffset of
Just (Offset o) -> o
Nothing -> 0
af = AssociatedFile $ case baf of
Just (B64FilePath f) -> Just f
Nothing -> Nothing
-- Streams the ByteString from the client. Avoids returning a longer
-- than expected ByteString by truncating to the expected length.
-- Returns a shorter than expected ByteString when the data is not
-- valid.
gather validityv tooshortv = unsafeInterleaveIO . go 0
go n S.Stop = do
atomically $ do
writeTMVar validityv $
if n == len then Valid else Invalid
writeTMVar tooshortv (n /= len)
return LI.Empty
go n (S.Error _err) = do
atomically $ do
writeTMVar validityv Invalid
writeTMVar tooshortv (n /= len)
return LI.Empty
go n (S.Skip s) = go n s
go n (S.Effect ms) = ms >>= go n
go n (S.Yield v s) =
let !n' = n + fromIntegral (B.length v)
in if n' > len
then do
atomically $ do
writeTMVar validityv Invalid
writeTMVar tooshortv True
return $ LI.Chunk
(B.take (fromIntegral (len - n')) v)
else LI.Chunk v <$> unsafeInterleaveIO (go n' s)
-- The connection can no longer be used when too short a DATA has
-- been written to it.
checktooshort conn tooshortv =
liftIO $ whenM (atomically $ fromMaybe True <$> tryTakeTMVar tooshortv) $
closeP2PConnection conn
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
2024-07-11 16:20:07 +00:00
-> Maybe Auth
-> Maybe Offset
-> AssociatedFile
-> FilePath
-> FileSize
-> Annex Bool
-> Annex PutResultPlus
clientPut clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) k su cu bypass auth moffset af contentfile contentfilesize validitycheck = do
checkv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
checkresultv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
let checker = do
liftIO $ atomically $ takeTMVar checkv
validitycheck >>= liftIO . atomically . putTMVar checkresultv
checkerthread <- liftIO . async =<< forkState checker
2024-07-22 16:50:21 +00:00
v <- liftIO $ withBinaryFile contentfile ReadMode $ \h -> do
when (offset /= 0) $
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek offset
withClientM (cli (stream h checkv checkresultv)) clientenv return
case v of
Left err -> do
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar checkv ()
join $ liftIO (wait checkerthread)
throwM err
Right res -> do
join $ liftIO (wait checkerthread)
return res
2024-07-22 16:50:21 +00:00
stream h checkv checkresultv = S.SourceT $ \a -> do
bl <- L.hGetContents h
v <- newMVar (0, filter (not . B.null) (L.toChunks bl))
a (go v)
2024-07-22 20:23:08 +00:00
go v = S.fromActionStep B.null $ modifyMVar v $ \case
(n, (b:[])) -> do
let !n' = n + B.length b
ifM (checkvalid n')
( return ((n', []), b)
-- The key's content is invalid, but
-- the amount of data is the same as
-- the DataLengthHeader indicates.
-- Truncate the stream by one byte to
-- indicate to the server that it's
-- not valid.
, return
( (n' - 1, [])
, B.take (B.length b - 1) b
2024-07-22 20:23:08 +00:00
(n, []) -> do
void $ checkvalid n
return ((n, []), mempty)
(n, (b:bs)) ->
let !n' = n + B.length b
in return ((n', bs), b)
checkvalid n = do
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar checkv ()
valid <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTMVar checkresultv
if not valid
then return (n /= fromIntegral nlen)
else return True
baf = case af of
AssociatedFile Nothing -> Nothing
AssociatedFile (Just f) -> Just (B64FilePath f)
len = DataLength nlen
2024-07-22 16:50:21 +00:00
nlen = contentfilesize - offset
offset = case moffset of
Nothing -> 0
Just (Offset o) -> fromIntegral o
cli src = case ver of
3 -> v3 su V3 len k cu bypass baf moffset src auth
2 -> v2 su V2 len k cu bypass baf moffset src auth
1 -> plus <$> v1 su V1 len k cu bypass baf moffset src auth
0 -> plus <$> v0 su V0 len k cu bypass baf moffset src auth
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|>
_ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
type PutOffsetAPI result
= KeyParam
:> CU Required
:> BypassUUIDs
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
2024-07-07 16:59:12 +00:00
:> Post '[JSON] result
:: APIVersion v
=> P2PHttpServerState
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
-> (PutOffsetResultPlus -> t)
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> v
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler t
servePutOffset st resultmangle su apiver (B64Key k) cu bypass sec auth = do
res <- withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth WriteAction
(\cst -> cst { connectionWaitVar = False }) $ \conn ->
liftIO $ proxyClientNetProto conn $ getPutOffset k af
case res of
Right offset -> return $ resultmangle $
PutOffsetResultPlus (Offset offset)
Left plusuuids -> return $ resultmangle $
PutOffsetResultAlreadyHavePlus (map B64UUID plusuuids)
af = AssociatedFile Nothing
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe Auth
-> IO PutOffsetResultPlus
clientPutOffset clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) k su cu bypass auth
| ver == 0 = return (PutOffsetResultPlus (Offset 0))
| otherwise =
withClientM cli clientenv $ \case
Left err -> throwM err
Right res -> return res
cli = case ver of
3 -> v3 su V3 k cu bypass auth
2 -> v2 su V2 k cu bypass auth
1 -> plus <$> v1 su V1 k cu bypass auth
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|>
_ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
type LockContentAPI
= KeyParam
:> CU Required
:> BypassUUIDs
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
:> Post '[JSON] LockResult
:: APIVersion v
=> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> v
2024-07-08 18:00:23 +00:00
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Handler LockResult
serveLockContent st su apiver (B64Key k) cu bypass sec auth = do
conn <- getP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth WriteAction id
let lock = do
lockresv <- newEmptyTMVarIO
unlockv <- newEmptyTMVarIO
annexworker <- async $ inAnnexWorker st $ do
lockres <- runFullProto (clientRunState conn) (clientP2PConnection conn) $ do
net $ sendMessage (LOCKCONTENT k)
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar lockresv lockres
-- TODO timeout
liftIO $ atomically $ takeTMVar unlockv
void $ runFullProto (clientRunState conn) (clientP2PConnection conn) $ do
net $ sendMessage UNLOCKCONTENT
atomically (takeTMVar lockresv) >>= \case
Right True -> return (Just (annexworker, unlockv))
_ -> return Nothing
let unlock (annexworker, unlockv) = do
atomically $ putTMVar unlockv ()
void $ wait annexworker
releaseP2PConnection conn
liftIO $ mkLocker lock unlock >>= \case
Just (locker, lockid) -> do
liftIO $ storeLock lockid locker st
return $ LockResult True (Just lockid)
Nothing -> return $ LockResult False Nothing
2024-07-22 22:55:12 +00:00
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe Auth
2024-07-22 22:55:12 +00:00
-> IO LockResult
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
clientLockContent clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) k su cu bypass auth =
2024-07-22 22:55:12 +00:00
withClientM (cli k cu bypass auth) clientenv $ \case
Left err -> throwM err
Right res -> return res
2024-07-22 22:55:12 +00:00
cli = case ver of
3 -> v3 su V3
2 -> v2 su V2
1 -> v1 su V1
0 -> v0 su V0
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|>
_ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI
type KeepLockedAPI
2024-07-09 00:18:55 +00:00
= LockIDParam
:> CU Optional
:> BypassUUIDs
:> IsSecure
:> AuthHeader
:> Header "Connection" ConnectionKeepAlive
:> Header "Keep-Alive" KeepAlive
:> StreamBody NewlineFraming JSON (SourceIO UnlockRequest)
:> Post '[JSON] LockResult
:: APIVersion v
=> P2PHttpServerState
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> v
2024-07-09 00:18:55 +00:00
-> LockID
-> Maybe (B64UUID ClientSide)
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> IsSecure
-> Maybe Auth
-> Maybe ConnectionKeepAlive
-> Maybe KeepAlive
-> S.SourceT IO UnlockRequest
-> Handler LockResult
serveKeepLocked st _su _apiver lckid _cu _bypass sec auth _ _ unlockrequeststream = do
checkAuthActionClass st sec auth WriteAction $ \_ -> do
_ <- liftIO $ S.unSourceT unlockrequeststream go
return (LockResult False Nothing)
2024-07-08 18:20:30 +00:00
go S.Stop = dropLock lckid st
go (S.Error _err) = dropLock lckid st
go (S.Skip s) = go s
go (S.Effect ms) = ms >>= go
go (S.Yield (UnlockRequest False) s) = go s
2024-07-08 18:20:30 +00:00
go (S.Yield (UnlockRequest True) _) = dropLock lckid st
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
2024-07-09 00:18:55 +00:00
-> LockID
-> B64UUID ServerSide
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe Auth
2024-07-22 20:56:44 +00:00
-> (TMVar Bool -> IO ())
-- ^ The TMVar can be filled any number of times with True to send
-- repeated keep locked requests, eg to keep a connection alive.
-- Once filled with False, the lock will be dropped.
-> IO ()
2024-07-22 23:44:26 +00:00
clientKeepLocked clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) lckid su cu bypass auth a = do
2024-07-22 20:56:44 +00:00
keeplocked <- newEmptyTMVarIO
tid <- async $ a keeplocked
let cli' = cli lckid (Just cu) bypass auth
2024-07-22 20:56:44 +00:00
(Just connectionKeepAlive) (Just keepAlive)
(S.fromStepT (unlocksender keeplocked))
2024-07-22 20:49:05 +00:00
withClientM cli' clientenv $ \case
2024-07-09 00:18:55 +00:00
Right (LockResult _ _) ->
2024-07-22 20:56:44 +00:00
wait tid
Left err -> do
wait tid
throwM err
2024-07-22 20:56:44 +00:00
unlocksender keeplocked =
S.Yield (UnlockRequest False) $ S.Effect $ do
return $ S.Effect $ do
2024-07-22 20:50:11 +00:00
stilllocked <- liftIO $ atomically $ takeTMVar keeplocked
2024-07-22 20:56:44 +00:00
return $ if stilllocked
then unlocksender keeplocked
else S.Yield (UnlockRequest True) S.Stop
2024-07-22 20:49:05 +00:00
cli = case ver of
3 -> v3 su V3
2 -> v2 su V2
1 -> v1 su V1
0 -> v0 su V0
_ -> error "unsupported protocol version"
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|>
_ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|>
v3 :<|> v2 :<|> v1 :<|> v0 :<|> _ = client p2pHttpAPI