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{- user-specified limits on files to act on
- Copyright 2011-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Limit where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified Utility.Matcher
2011-09-18 20:14:18 -04:00
import qualified Remote
2011-10-04 00:40:47 -04:00
import Annex.Content
2015-12-15 15:34:28 -04:00
import Annex.WorkTree
import Annex.Action
import Annex.UUID
2019-01-23 12:39:02 -04:00
import Annex.Magic
import Annex.Link
import Logs.Trust
2015-04-30 14:02:56 -04:00
import Annex.NumCopies
import Types.Key
import Types.TrustLevel
2012-10-08 15:18:58 -04:00
import Types.Group
2013-05-24 23:07:26 -04:00
import Types.FileMatcher
import Types.MetaData
import Annex.MetaData
import Logs.MetaData
import Logs.Group
import Logs.Unused
import Logs.Location
import Git.Types (RefDate(..))
import Utility.Glob
import Utility.HumanTime
import Utility.DataUnits
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
2014-02-11 01:35:11 -04:00
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
2013-05-26 18:14:03 -04:00
{- Some limits can look at the current status of files on
- disk, or in the annex. This allows controlling which happens. -}
data LimitBy = LimitDiskFiles | LimitAnnexFiles
{- Checks if there are user-specified limits. -}
limited :: Annex Bool
limited = (not . Utility.Matcher.isEmpty) <$> getMatcher'
{- Gets a matcher for the user-specified limits. The matcher is cached for
- speed; once it's obtained the user-specified limits can't change. -}
getMatcher :: Annex (MatchInfo -> Annex Bool)
2011-09-19 01:03:16 -04:00
getMatcher = Utility.Matcher.matchM <$> getMatcher'
getMatcher' :: Annex (Utility.Matcher.Matcher (MatchInfo -> Annex Bool))
getMatcher' = go =<< Annex.getState Annex.limit
go (CompleteMatcher matcher) = return matcher
go (BuildingMatcher l) = do
let matcher = Utility.Matcher.generate (reverse l)
Annex.changeState $ \s ->
s { Annex.limit = CompleteMatcher matcher }
return matcher
{- Adds something to the limit list, which is built up reversed. -}
add :: Utility.Matcher.Token (MatchInfo -> Annex Bool) -> Annex ()
2011-09-19 01:57:12 -04:00
add l = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.limit = prepend $ Annex.limit s }
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
prepend (BuildingMatcher ls) = BuildingMatcher $ l:ls
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
prepend _ = error "internal"
{- Adds a new syntax token. -}
addSyntaxToken :: String -> Annex ()
addSyntaxToken = either error add . Utility.Matcher.syntaxToken
{- Adds a new limit. -}
addLimit :: Either String (MatchFiles Annex) -> Annex ()
addLimit = either giveup (\l -> add $ Utility.Matcher.Operation $ l S.empty)
{- Add a limit to skip files that do not match the glob. -}
addInclude :: String -> Annex ()
addInclude = addLimit . limitInclude
limitInclude :: MkLimit Annex
limitInclude glob = Right $ const $ matchGlobFile glob
{- Add a limit to skip files that match the glob. -}
2011-09-18 20:14:18 -04:00
addExclude :: String -> Annex ()
addExclude = addLimit . limitExclude
limitExclude :: MkLimit Annex
limitExclude glob = Right $ const $ not <$$> matchGlobFile glob
matchGlobFile :: String -> MatchInfo -> Annex Bool
matchGlobFile glob = go
cglob = compileGlob glob CaseSensative -- memoized
go (MatchingFile fi) = pure $ matchGlob cglob (fromRawFilePath (matchFile fi))
go (MatchingInfo p) = matchGlob cglob <$> getInfo (providedFilePath p)
go (MatchingKey _ (AssociatedFile Nothing)) = pure False
go (MatchingKey _ (AssociatedFile (Just af))) = pure $ matchGlob cglob (fromRawFilePath af)
addMimeType :: String -> Annex ()
addMimeType = addMagicLimit "mimetype" getMagicMimeType providedMimeType
addMimeEncoding :: String -> Annex ()
addMimeEncoding = addMagicLimit "mimeencoding" getMagicMimeEncoding providedMimeEncoding
addMagicLimit :: String -> (Magic -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe String)) -> (ProvidedInfo -> OptInfo String) -> String -> Annex ()
addMagicLimit limitname querymagic selectprovidedinfo glob = do
magic <- liftIO initMagicMime
addLimit $ matchMagic limitname querymagic' selectprovidedinfo magic glob
querymagic' magic f = liftIO (isPointerFile (toRawFilePath f)) >>= \case
-- Avoid getting magic of a pointer file, which would
-- wrongly be detected as text.
Just _ -> return Nothing
-- When the file is an annex symlink, get magic of the
-- object file.
Nothing -> isAnnexLink (toRawFilePath f) >>= \case
Just k -> withObjectLoc k $
querymagic magic . fromRawFilePath
Nothing -> querymagic magic f
matchMagic :: String -> (Magic -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe String)) -> (ProvidedInfo -> OptInfo String) -> Maybe Magic -> MkLimit Annex
matchMagic _limitname querymagic selectprovidedinfo (Just magic) glob = Right $ const go
cglob = compileGlob glob CaseSensative -- memoized
go (MatchingKey _ _) = pure False
go (MatchingFile fi) = catchBoolIO $
2019-01-23 12:39:02 -04:00
maybe False (matchGlob cglob)
<$> querymagic magic (fromRawFilePath (currFile fi))
go (MatchingInfo p) =
matchGlob cglob <$> getInfo (selectprovidedinfo p)
matchMagic limitname _ _ Nothing _ =
Left $ "unable to load magic database; \""++limitname++"\" cannot be used"
2011-09-18 20:14:18 -04:00
2019-09-19 12:20:35 -04:00
addUnlocked :: Annex ()
addUnlocked = addLimit $ Right $ const $ matchLockStatus False
addLocked :: Annex ()
addLocked = addLimit $ Right $ const $ matchLockStatus True
matchLockStatus :: Bool -> MatchInfo -> Annex Bool
matchLockStatus _ (MatchingKey _ _) = pure False
matchLockStatus _ (MatchingInfo _) = pure False
matchLockStatus wantlocked (MatchingFile fi) = liftIO $ do
islocked <- isPointerFile (currFile fi) >>= \case
2019-09-19 12:20:35 -04:00
Just _key -> return False
Nothing -> isSymbolicLink
<$> getSymbolicLinkStatus (fromRawFilePath (currFile fi))
2019-09-19 12:20:35 -04:00
return (islocked == wantlocked)
2011-09-18 20:14:18 -04:00
{- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to be present
- in a specfied repository. Optionally on a prior date. -}
2011-09-18 20:14:18 -04:00
addIn :: String -> Annex ()
addIn s = do
u <- Remote.nameToUUID name
hereu <- getUUID
addLimit $ if u == hereu && null date
then use inhere
else use (inuuid u)
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
(name, date) = separate (== '@') s
use a = Right $ checkKey . a
inuuid u notpresent key
| null date = do
us <- Remote.keyLocations key
return $ u `elem` us && u `S.notMember` notpresent
| otherwise = do
us <- loggedLocationsHistorical (RefDate date) key
return $ u `elem` us
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
inhere notpresent key
| S.null notpresent = inAnnex key
| otherwise = do
u <- getUUID
if u `S.member` notpresent
then return False
else inAnnex key
{- Limit to content that is currently present on a uuid. -}
2016-02-03 13:23:34 -04:00
limitPresent :: Maybe UUID -> MatchFiles Annex
limitPresent u _ = checkKey $ \key -> do
hereu <- getUUID
2013-04-03 03:52:41 -04:00
if u == Just hereu || isNothing u
then inAnnex key
else do
us <- Remote.keyLocations key
return $ maybe False (`elem` us) u
2013-04-25 23:44:55 -04:00
{- Limit to content that is in a directory, anywhere in the repository tree -}
2016-02-03 13:23:34 -04:00
limitInDir :: FilePath -> MatchFiles Annex
limitInDir dir = const go
go (MatchingFile fi) = checkf $ fromRawFilePath $ matchFile fi
go (MatchingKey _ (AssociatedFile Nothing)) = return False
go (MatchingKey _ (AssociatedFile (Just af))) = checkf (fromRawFilePath af)
go (MatchingInfo p) = checkf =<< getInfo (providedFilePath p)
checkf = return . elem dir . splitPath . takeDirectory
2013-04-25 23:44:55 -04:00
{- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to have the specified number
- of copies. -}
addCopies :: String -> Annex ()
addCopies = addLimit . limitCopies
limitCopies :: MkLimit Annex
limitCopies want = case splitc ':' want of
2018-06-04 12:12:56 -04:00
-- Note that in case of a group having the same name as a trust
-- level, it's parsed as a trust level, not as a group.
[v, n] -> case parsetrustspec v of
Just checker -> go n $ checktrust checker
Nothing -> go n $ checkgroup (toGroup v)
[n] -> go n $ const $ return True
_ -> Left "bad value for copies"
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
go num good = case readish num of
Nothing -> Left "bad number for copies"
Just n -> Right $ \notpresent -> checkKey $
go' n good notpresent
go' n good notpresent key = do
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
us <- filter (`S.notMember` notpresent)
<$> (filterM good =<< Remote.keyLocations key)
return $ length us >= n
checktrust checker u = checker <$> lookupTrust u
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
checkgroup g u = S.member g <$> lookupGroups u
parsetrustspec s
| "+" `isSuffixOf` s = (<=) <$> readTrustLevel (beginning s)
| otherwise = (==) <$> readTrustLevel s
{- Adds a limit to match files that need more copies made. -}
addLackingCopies :: Bool -> String -> Annex ()
addLackingCopies approx = addLimit . limitLackingCopies approx
limitLackingCopies :: Bool -> MkLimit Annex
limitLackingCopies approx want = case readish want of
Just needed -> Right $ \notpresent mi -> flip checkKey mi $
go mi needed notpresent
Nothing -> Left "bad value for number of lacking copies"
go mi needed notpresent key = do
NumCopies numcopies <- if approx
then approxNumCopies
else case mi of
MatchingFile fi -> getGlobalFileNumCopies $
fromRawFilePath $ matchFile fi
MatchingKey _ _ -> approxNumCopies
MatchingInfo {} -> approxNumCopies
us <- filter (`S.notMember` notpresent)
<$> (trustExclude UnTrusted =<< Remote.keyLocations key)
return $ numcopies - length us >= needed
approxNumCopies = fromMaybe defaultNumCopies <$> getGlobalNumCopies
{- Match keys that are unused.
- This has a nice optimisation: When a file exists,
- its key is obviously not unused.
limitUnused :: MatchFiles Annex
limitUnused _ (MatchingFile _) = return False
limitUnused _ (MatchingKey k _) = S.member k <$> unusedKeys
limitUnused _ (MatchingInfo p) = do
k <- getInfo (providedKey p)
S.member k <$> unusedKeys
{- Limit that matches any version of any file or key. -}
limitAnything :: MatchFiles Annex
limitAnything _ _ = return True
{- Limit that never matches. -}
limitNothing :: MatchFiles Annex
limitNothing _ _ = return False
2012-10-08 15:18:58 -04:00
{- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to be present in all
- repositories in the specified group. -}
2012-10-10 12:59:45 -04:00
addInAllGroup :: String -> Annex ()
addInAllGroup groupname = addLimit $ limitInAllGroup groupMap groupname
limitInAllGroup :: Annex GroupMap -> MkLimit Annex
limitInAllGroup getgroupmap groupname = Right $ \notpresent mi -> do
m <- getgroupmap
let want = fromMaybe S.empty $ M.lookup (toGroup groupname) $ uuidsByGroup m
if S.null want
then return True
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
-- optimisation: Check if a wanted uuid is notpresent.
else if not (S.null (S.intersection want notpresent))
then return False
else checkKey (check want) mi
check want key = do
present <- S.fromList <$> Remote.keyLocations key
return $ S.null $ want `S.difference` present
2012-10-08 15:18:58 -04:00
{- Adds a limit to skip files not using a specified key-value backend. -}
addInBackend :: String -> Annex ()
addInBackend = addLimit . limitInBackend
limitInBackend :: MkLimit Annex
limitInBackend name = Right $ const $ checkKey check
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
check key = pure $ fromKey keyVariety key == variety
variety = parseKeyVariety (encodeBS name)
{- Adds a limit to skip files not using a secure hash. -}
addSecureHash :: Annex ()
addSecureHash = addLimit $ Right limitSecureHash
limitSecureHash :: MatchFiles Annex
limitSecureHash _ = checkKey $ pure . cryptographicallySecure . fromKey keyVariety
{- Adds a limit to skip files that are too large or too small -}
addLargerThan :: String -> Annex ()
addLargerThan = addLimit . limitSize LimitAnnexFiles (>)
addSmallerThan :: String -> Annex ()
addSmallerThan = addLimit . limitSize LimitAnnexFiles (<)
limitSize :: LimitBy -> (Maybe Integer -> Maybe Integer -> Bool) -> MkLimit Annex
limitSize lb vs s = case readSize dataUnits s of
Nothing -> Left "bad size"
Just sz -> Right $ go sz
2012-10-28 22:09:09 -04:00
go sz _ (MatchingFile fi) = case lb of
LimitAnnexFiles -> lookupFileKey fi >>= \case
Just key -> checkkey sz key
Nothing -> return False
LimitDiskFiles -> do
filesize <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $
getFileSize (fromRawFilePath (currFile fi))
return $ filesize `vs` Just sz
go sz _ (MatchingKey key _) = checkkey sz key
go sz _ (MatchingInfo p) =
getInfo (providedFileSize p)
>>= \sz' -> return (Just sz' `vs` Just sz)
checkkey sz key = return $ fromKey keySize key `vs` Just sz
addMetaData :: String -> Annex ()
addMetaData = addLimit . limitMetaData
limitMetaData :: MkLimit Annex
limitMetaData s = case parseMetaDataMatcher s of
Left e -> Left e
Right (f, matching) -> Right $ const $ checkKey (check f matching)
check f matching k = not . S.null
. S.filter matching
. metaDataValues f <$> getCurrentMetaData k
addTimeLimit :: Duration -> Annex ()
addTimeLimit duration = do
start <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
let cutoff = start + durationToPOSIXTime duration
addLimit $ Right $ const $ const $ do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
if now > cutoff
then do
warning $ "Time limit (" ++ fromDuration duration ++ ") reached!"
shutdown True
liftIO $ exitWith $ ExitFailure 101
else return True
addAccessedWithin :: Duration -> Annex ()
addAccessedWithin duration = do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
addLimit $ Right $ const $ checkKey $ check now
check now k = inAnnexCheck k $ \f ->
liftIO $ catchDefaultIO False $ do
s <- R.getFileStatus f
let accessed = realToFrac (accessTime s)
let delta = now - accessed
return $ delta <= secs
secs = fromIntegral (durationSeconds duration)
lookupFileKey :: FileInfo -> Annex (Maybe Key)
2020-07-10 14:17:35 -04:00
lookupFileKey = lookupKey . currFile
checkKey :: (Key -> Annex Bool) -> MatchInfo -> Annex Bool
checkKey a (MatchingFile fi) = lookupFileKey fi >>= maybe (return False) a
checkKey a (MatchingKey k _) = a k
checkKey a (MatchingInfo p) = a =<< getInfo (providedKey p)