more indentation. must stop.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 183 additions and 185 deletions
@ -173,58 +173,58 @@ startDaemon assistant foreground webappwaiter
logfd <- liftIO . openLog =<< fromRepo gitAnnexLogFile
pidfile <- fromRepo gitAnnexPidFile
go $ Utility.Daemon.daemonize logfd (Just pidfile) False
go d = startAssistant assistant d webappwaiter
go d = startAssistant assistant d webappwaiter
startAssistant :: Bool -> (IO () -> IO ()) -> Maybe (String -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> Annex ()
startAssistant assistant daemonize webappwaiter = withThreadState $ \st -> do
dstatus <- startDaemonStatus
liftIO $ daemonize $ run dstatus st
run dstatus st = do
changechan <- newChangeChan
commitchan <- newCommitChan
pushmap <- newFailedPushMap
transferqueue <- newTransferQueue
transferslots <- newTransferSlots
scanremotes <- newScanRemoteMap
branchhandle <- newBranchChangeHandle
pushnotifier <- newPushNotifier
run dstatus st = do
changechan <- newChangeChan
commitchan <- newCommitChan
pushmap <- newFailedPushMap
transferqueue <- newTransferQueue
transferslots <- newTransferSlots
scanremotes <- newScanRemoteMap
branchhandle <- newBranchChangeHandle
pushnotifier <- newPushNotifier
urlrenderer <- newUrlRenderer
urlrenderer <- newUrlRenderer
mapM_ (startthread dstatus)
[ watch $ commitThread st changechan commitchan transferqueue dstatus
mapM_ (startthread dstatus)
[ watch $ commitThread st changechan commitchan transferqueue dstatus
, assist $ webAppThread (Just st) dstatus scanremotes transferqueue transferslots pushnotifier commitchan urlrenderer Nothing webappwaiter
, assist $ webAppThread (Just st) dstatus scanremotes transferqueue transferslots pushnotifier commitchan urlrenderer Nothing webappwaiter
, assist $ pairListenerThread st dstatus scanremotes urlrenderer
, assist $ pairListenerThread st dstatus scanremotes urlrenderer
, assist $ pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap pushnotifier
, assist $ pushRetryThread st dstatus pushmap pushnotifier
, assist $ mergeThread st dstatus transferqueue branchhandle
, assist $ transferWatcherThread st dstatus transferqueue
, assist $ transferPollerThread st dstatus
, assist $ transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue transferslots commitchan
, assist $ daemonStatusThread st dstatus
, assist $ sanityCheckerThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan
, assist $ mountWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ netWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ netWatcherFallbackThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ transferScannerThread st dstatus scanremotes transferqueue
, assist $ configMonitorThread st dstatus branchhandle commitchan
, assist $ pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap pushnotifier
, assist $ pushRetryThread st dstatus pushmap pushnotifier
, assist $ mergeThread st dstatus transferqueue branchhandle
, assist $ transferWatcherThread st dstatus transferqueue
, assist $ transferPollerThread st dstatus
, assist $ transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue transferslots commitchan
, assist $ daemonStatusThread st dstatus
, assist $ sanityCheckerThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan
, assist $ mountWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ netWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ netWatcherFallbackThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ transferScannerThread st dstatus scanremotes transferqueue
, assist $ configMonitorThread st dstatus branchhandle commitchan
#ifdef WITH_XMPP
, assist $ pushNotifierThread st dstatus pushnotifier
, assist $ pushNotifierThread st dstatus pushnotifier
, watch $ watchThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan
, watch $ watchThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan
watch a = (True, a)
assist a = (False, a)
startthread dstatus (watcher, t)
| watcher || assistant = void $ forkIO $
runNamedThread dstatus t
| otherwise = noop
watch a = (True, a)
assist a = (False, a)
startthread dstatus (watcher, t)
| watcher || assistant = void $ forkIO $
runNamedThread dstatus t
| otherwise = noop
@ -40,16 +40,16 @@ orderedList = do
if not $ null l
then return l
else handle =<< Annex.getState Annex.forcebackend
handle Nothing = standard
handle (Just "") = standard
handle (Just name) = do
l' <- (lookupBackendName name :) <$> standard
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.backends = l' }
return l'
standard = parseBackendList <$> getConfig (annexConfig "backends") ""
parseBackendList [] = list
parseBackendList s = map lookupBackendName $ words s
handle Nothing = standard
handle (Just "") = standard
handle (Just name) = do
l' <- (lookupBackendName name :) <$> standard
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.backends = l' }
return l'
standard = parseBackendList <$> getConfig (annexConfig "backends") ""
parseBackendList [] = list
parseBackendList s = map lookupBackendName $ words s
{- Generates a key for a file, trying each backend in turn until one
- accepts it.
@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ genKey' (b:bs) source = do
case r of
Nothing -> genKey' bs source
Just k -> return $ Just (makesane k, b)
-- keyNames should not contain newline characters.
makesane k = k { keyName = map fixbadchar (keyName k) }
fixbadchar c
| c == '\n' = '_'
| otherwise = c
-- keyNames should not contain newline characters.
makesane k = k { keyName = map fixbadchar (keyName k) }
fixbadchar c
| c == '\n' = '_'
| otherwise = c
{- Looks up the key and backend corresponding to an annexed file,
- by examining what the file symlinks to. -}
@ -81,35 +81,33 @@ lookupFile file = do
case tl of
Left _ -> return Nothing
Right l -> makekey l
makekey l = maybe (return Nothing) (makeret l) (fileKey $ takeFileName l)
makeret l k = let bname = keyBackendName k in
case maybeLookupBackendName bname of
Just backend -> do
return $ Just (k, backend)
Nothing -> do
when (isLinkToAnnex l) $ warning $
"skipping " ++ file ++
" (unknown backend " ++
bname ++ ")"
return Nothing
makekey l = maybe (return Nothing) (makeret l) (fileKey $ takeFileName l)
makeret l k = let bname = keyBackendName k in
case maybeLookupBackendName bname of
Just backend -> do
return $ Just (k, backend)
Nothing -> do
when (isLinkToAnnex l) $ warning $
"skipping " ++ file ++
" (unknown backend " ++ bname ++ ")"
return Nothing
{- Looks up the backend that should be used for a file.
- That can be configured on a per-file basis in the gitattributes file.
chooseBackend :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Backend)
chooseBackend f = Annex.getState Annex.forcebackend >>= go
go Nothing = maybeLookupBackendName <$>
checkAttr "annex.backend" f
go (Just _) = Just . Prelude.head <$> orderedList
go Nothing = maybeLookupBackendName <$> checkAttr "annex.backend" f
go (Just _) = Just . Prelude.head <$> orderedList
{- Looks up a backend by name. May fail if unknown. -}
lookupBackendName :: String -> Backend
lookupBackendName s = fromMaybe unknown $ maybeLookupBackendName s
unknown = error $ "unknown backend " ++ s
unknown = error $ "unknown backend " ++ s
maybeLookupBackendName :: String -> Maybe Backend
maybeLookupBackendName s = headMaybe matches
matches = filter (\b -> s == b) list
matches = filter (\b -> s == b) list
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ getMatcher' = do
{- Adds something to the limit list, which is built up reversed. -}
add :: Utility.Matcher.Token (Annex.FileInfo -> Annex Bool) -> Annex ()
add l = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.limit = prepend $ Annex.limit s }
prepend (Left ls) = Left $ l:ls
prepend _ = error "internal"
prepend (Left ls) = Left $ l:ls
prepend _ = error "internal"
{- Adds a new token. -}
addToken :: String -> Annex ()
@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ limitExclude glob = Right $ const $ return . not . matchglob glob
matchglob :: String -> Annex.FileInfo -> Bool
matchglob glob (Annex.FileInfo { Annex.matchFile = f }) =
isJust $ match cregex f []
cregex = compile regex []
regex = '^':wildToRegex glob
cregex = compile regex []
regex = '^':wildToRegex glob
{- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to be present
- in a specfied repository. -}
@ -97,21 +97,21 @@ limitIn name = Right $ \notpresent -> check $
if name == "."
then inhere notpresent
else inremote notpresent
check a = lookupFile >=> handle a
handle _ Nothing = return False
handle a (Just (key, _)) = a key
inremote notpresent key = do
u <- Remote.nameToUUID name
us <- Remote.keyLocations key
return $ u `elem` us && u `S.notMember` notpresent
inhere notpresent key
| S.null notpresent = inAnnex key
| otherwise = do
u <- getUUID
if u `S.member` notpresent
then return False
else inAnnex key
check a = lookupFile >=> handle a
handle _ Nothing = return False
handle a (Just (key, _)) = a key
inremote notpresent key = do
u <- Remote.nameToUUID name
us <- Remote.keyLocations key
return $ u `elem` us && u `S.notMember` notpresent
inhere notpresent key
| S.null notpresent = inAnnex key
| otherwise = do
u <- getUUID
if u `S.member` notpresent
then return False
else inAnnex key
{- Limit to content that is currently present on a uuid. -}
limitPresent :: Maybe UUID -> MkLimit
@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ limitPresent u _ = Right $ const $ check $ \key -> do
else do
us <- Remote.keyLocations key
return $ maybe False (`elem` us) u
check a = lookupFile >=> handle a
handle _ Nothing = return False
handle a (Just (key, _)) = a key
check a = lookupFile >=> handle a
handle _ Nothing = return False
handle a (Just (key, _)) = a key
{- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to have the specified number
- of copies. -}
@ -139,18 +139,18 @@ limitCopies want = case split ":" want of
Nothing -> go n $ checkgroup v
[n] -> go n $ const $ return True
_ -> Left "bad value for copies"
go num good = case readish num of
Nothing -> Left "bad number for copies"
Just n -> Right $ \notpresent f ->
lookupFile f >>= handle n good notpresent
handle _ _ _ Nothing = return False
handle n good notpresent (Just (key, _)) = do
us <- filter (`S.notMember` notpresent)
<$> (filterM good =<< Remote.keyLocations key)
return $ length us >= n
checktrust t u = (== t) <$> lookupTrust u
checkgroup g u = S.member g <$> lookupGroups u
go num good = case readish num of
Nothing -> Left "bad number for copies"
Just n -> Right $ \notpresent f ->
lookupFile f >>= handle n good notpresent
handle _ _ _ Nothing = return False
handle n good notpresent (Just (key, _)) = do
us <- filter (`S.notMember` notpresent)
<$> (filterM good =<< Remote.keyLocations key)
return $ length us >= n
checktrust t u = (== t) <$> lookupTrust u
checkgroup g u = S.member g <$> lookupGroups u
{- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to be present in all
- repositories in the specified group. -}
@ -163,15 +163,15 @@ limitInAllGroup :: GroupMap -> MkLimit
limitInAllGroup m groupname
| S.null want = Right $ const $ const $ return True
| otherwise = Right $ \notpresent -> lookupFile >=> check notpresent
want = fromMaybe S.empty $ M.lookup groupname $ uuidsByGroup m
check _ Nothing = return False
check notpresent (Just (key, _))
-- optimisation: Check if a wanted uuid is notpresent.
| not (S.null (S.intersection want notpresent)) = return False
| otherwise = do
present <- S.fromList <$> Remote.keyLocations key
return $ S.null $ want `S.difference` present
want = fromMaybe S.empty $ M.lookup groupname $ uuidsByGroup m
check _ Nothing = return False
check notpresent (Just (key, _))
-- optimisation: Check if a wanted uuid is notpresent.
| not (S.null (S.intersection want notpresent)) = return False
| otherwise = do
present <- S.fromList <$> Remote.keyLocations key
return $ S.null $ want `S.difference` present
{- Adds a limit to skip files not using a specified key-value backend. -}
addInBackend :: String -> Annex ()
@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ addInBackend = addLimit . limitInBackend
limitInBackend :: MkLimit
limitInBackend name = Right $ const $ lookupFile >=> check
wanted = Backend.lookupBackendName name
check = return . maybe False ((==) wanted . snd)
wanted = Backend.lookupBackendName name
check = return . maybe False ((==) wanted . snd)
{- Adds a limit to skip files that are too large or too small -}
addLargerThan :: String -> Annex ()
@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ limitSize :: (Maybe Integer -> Maybe Integer -> Bool) -> MkLimit
limitSize vs s = case readSize dataUnits s of
Nothing -> Left "bad size"
Just sz -> Right $ const $ lookupFile >=> check sz
check _ Nothing = return False
check sz (Just (key, _)) = return $ keySize key `vs` Just sz
check _ Nothing = return False
check sz (Just (key, _)) = return $ keySize key `vs` Just sz
addTimeLimit :: String -> Annex ()
addTimeLimit s = do
@ -65,29 +65,29 @@ showProgress = handle q $
- The action is passed a callback to use to update the meter. -}
metered :: (Maybe MeterUpdate) -> Key -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex a) -> Annex a
metered combinemeterupdate key a = withOutputType $ go (keySize key)
go (Just size) NormalOutput = do
progress <- liftIO $ newProgress "" size
meter <- liftIO $ newMeter progress "B" 25 (renderNums binaryOpts 1)
liftIO $ displayMeter stdout meter
r <- a $ \n -> liftIO $ do
incrP progress n
displayMeter stdout meter
maybe noop (\m -> m n) combinemeterupdate
liftIO $ clearMeter stdout meter
return r
go _ _ = a (const noop)
go (Just size) NormalOutput = do
progress <- liftIO $ newProgress "" size
meter <- liftIO $ newMeter progress "B" 25 (renderNums binaryOpts 1)
liftIO $ displayMeter stdout meter
r <- a $ \n -> liftIO $ do
incrP progress n
displayMeter stdout meter
maybe noop (\m -> m n) combinemeterupdate
liftIO $ clearMeter stdout meter
return r
go _ _ = a (const noop)
showSideAction :: String -> Annex ()
showSideAction m = Annex.getState Annex.output >>= go
go (MessageState v StartBlock) = do
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.output = MessageState v InBlock }
go (MessageState _ InBlock) = return ()
go _ = p
p = handle q $ putStrLn $ "(" ++ m ++ "...)"
go (MessageState v StartBlock) = do
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.output = MessageState v InBlock }
go (MessageState _ InBlock) = return ()
go _ = p
p = handle q $ putStrLn $ "(" ++ m ++ "...)"
showStoringStateAction :: Annex ()
showStoringStateAction = showSideAction "Recording state in git"
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ doSideAction' b a = do
o <- Annex.getState Annex.output
set $ o { sideActionBlock = b }
set o `after` a
set o = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.output = o }
set o = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.output = o }
showOutput :: Annex ()
showOutput = handle q $
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ showEndFail = showEndResult False
showEndResult :: Bool -> Annex ()
showEndResult ok = handle (JSON.end ok) $ putStrLn msg
| ok = "ok"
| otherwise = "failed"
| ok = "ok"
| otherwise = "failed"
showErr :: (Show a) => a -> Annex ()
showErr e = warning' $ "git-annex: " ++ show e
@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ maybeShowJSON v = handle (JSON.add v) q
{- Shows a complete JSON value, only when in json mode. -}
showFullJSON :: JSON a => [(String, a)] -> Annex Bool
showFullJSON v = withOutputType $ liftIO . go
go JSONOutput = JSON.complete v >> return True
go _ = return False
go JSONOutput = JSON.complete v >> return True
go _ = return False
{- Performs an action that outputs nonstandard/customized output, and
- in JSON mode wraps its output in JSON.start and JSON.end, so it's
@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ setupConsole = do
handle :: IO () -> IO () -> Annex ()
handle json normal = withOutputType go
go NormalOutput = liftIO normal
go QuietOutput = q
go JSONOutput = liftIO $ flushed json
go NormalOutput = liftIO normal
go QuietOutput = q
go JSONOutput = liftIO $ flushed json
q :: Monad m => m ()
q = noop
@ -23,30 +23,30 @@ usage header cmds commonoptions = unlines $
, "Commands:"
, ""
] ++ cmdlines
-- To get consistent indentation of options, generate the
-- usage for all options at once. A command's options will
-- be displayed after the command.
alloptlines = filter (not . null) $
lines $ usageInfo "" $
concatMap cmdoptions scmds ++ commonoptions
(cmdlines, optlines) = go scmds alloptlines []
go [] os ls = (ls, os)
go (c:cs) os ls = go cs os' (ls++(l:o))
(o, os') = splitAt (length $ cmdoptions c) os
l = concat
[ cmdname c
, namepad (cmdname c)
, cmdparamdesc c
, descpad (cmdparamdesc c)
, cmddesc c
pad n s = replicate (n - length s) ' '
namepad = pad $ longest cmdname + 1
descpad = pad $ longest cmdparamdesc + 2
longest f = foldl max 0 $ map (length . f) cmds
scmds = sort cmds
-- To get consistent indentation of options, generate the
-- usage for all options at once. A command's options will
-- be displayed after the command.
alloptlines = filter (not . null) $
lines $ usageInfo "" $
concatMap cmdoptions scmds ++ commonoptions
(cmdlines, optlines) = go scmds alloptlines []
go [] os ls = (ls, os)
go (c:cs) os ls = go cs os' (ls++(l:o))
(o, os') = splitAt (length $ cmdoptions c) os
l = concat
[ cmdname c
, namepad (cmdname c)
, cmdparamdesc c
, descpad (cmdparamdesc c)
, cmddesc c
pad n s = replicate (n - length s) ' '
namepad = pad $ longest cmdname + 1
descpad = pad $ longest cmdparamdesc + 2
longest f = foldl max 0 $ map (length . f) cmds
scmds = sort cmds
{- Descriptions of params used in usage messages. -}
paramPaths :: String
Add table
Reference in a new issue