vicfg: New command, allows editing (or simply viewing) most of the repository configuration settings stored in the git-annex branch.
Incomplete; I need to finish parsing and saving. This will also be used for editing transfer control expresssions. Removed the group display from the status output, I didn't really like that format, and vicfg can be used to see as well as edit rempository group membership.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 179 additions and 45 deletions
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ module Command.Status where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Text.JSON
import Data.Tuple
import Common.Annex
import qualified Types.Backend as B
@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ import Remote
import Config
import Utility.Percentage
import Logs.Transfer
import Logs.Group
import Types.Group
import Types.TrustLevel
-- a named computation that produces a statistic
type Stat = StatState (Maybe (String, StatState String))
@ -70,11 +69,10 @@ fast_stats :: [Stat]
fast_stats =
[ supported_backends
, supported_remote_types
, remote_list Trusted "trusted"
, remote_list SemiTrusted "semitrusted"
, remote_list UnTrusted "untrusted"
, remote_list DeadTrusted "dead"
, group_list
, remote_list Trusted
, remote_list SemiTrusted
, remote_list UnTrusted
, remote_list DeadTrusted
, transfer_list
, disk_size
@ -129,14 +127,14 @@ supported_remote_types :: Stat
supported_remote_types = stat "supported remote types" $ json unwords $
return $ map R.typename Remote.remoteTypes
remote_list :: TrustLevel -> String -> Stat
remote_list level desc = stat n $ nojson $ lift $ do
remote_list :: TrustLevel -> Stat
remote_list level = stat n $ nojson $ lift $ do
us <- M.keys <$> (M.union <$> uuidMap <*> remoteMap
rs <- fst <$> trustPartition level us
s <- prettyPrintUUIDs n rs
return $ if null s then "0" else show (length rs) ++ "\n" ++ beginning s
n = desc ++ " repositories"
n = showTrustLevel level ++ " repositories"
local_annex_size :: Stat
local_annex_size = stat "local annex size" $ json id $
@ -176,14 +174,6 @@ bloom_info = stat "bloom filter size" $ json id $ do
return $ size ++ note
group_list :: Stat
group_list = stat "repository groups" $ nojson $ lift $ do
m <- uuidsByGroup <$> groupMap
ls <- forM (M.toList m) $ \(g, s) -> do
l <- Remote.prettyListUUIDs (S.toList s)
return $ g ++ ": " ++ intercalate ", " l
return $ show (M.size m) ++ multiLine ls
transfer_list :: Stat
transfer_list = stat "transfers in progress" $ nojson $ lift $ do
uuidmap <- Remote.remoteMap id
@ -228,7 +218,6 @@ backend_usage = stat "backend usage" $ nojson $
map (\(n, b) -> b ++ ": " ++ show n) $
reverse $ sort $ map swap $ M.toList $
M.unionWith (+) x y
swap (x, y) = (y, x)
cachedPresentData :: StatState KeyData
cachedPresentData = do
@ -299,3 +288,4 @@ aside s = " (" ++ s ++ ")"
multiLine :: [String] -> String
multiLine = concatMap (\l -> "\n\t" ++ l)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Vicfg where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Common.Annex
import Command
import Annex.Perms
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.Group
import Logs.Trust
import Logs.Group
import Remote
def :: [Command]
def = [command "vicfg" paramNothing seek
"edit git-annex's configuration"]
seek :: [CommandSeek]
seek = [withNothing start]
start :: CommandStart
start = do
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpCfgFile
createAnnexDirectory (parentDir f)
liftIO . writeFile f =<< genCfg <$> getCfg
vicfg f
vicfg :: FilePath -> Annex ()
vicfg f = do
vi <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO "vi" $ getEnv "EDITOR"
-- Allow EDITOR to be processed by the shell, so it can contain options.
unlessM (liftIO $ boolSystem "sh" [Param "-c", Param $ unwords [vi, f]]) $
error $ vi ++ " exited nonzero; aborting"
r <- parseCfg <$> liftIO (readFileStrict f)
liftIO $ nukeFile f
case r of
Left s -> do
liftIO $ writeFile f s
vicfg f
Right c -> setCfg c
data Cfg = Cfg
{ cfgTrustMap :: TrustMap
, cfgGroupMap :: M.Map UUID (S.Set Group)
, cfgDescriptions :: M.Map UUID String
getCfg :: Annex Cfg
getCfg = Cfg
<$> trustMapRaw -- without local trust overrides
<*> (groupsByUUID <$> groupMap)
<*> uuidDescriptions
setCfg :: Cfg -> Annex ()
setCfg = error "TODO setCfg"
genCfg :: Cfg -> String
genCfg cfg = unlines $ concat
[intro, trustintro, trust, defaulttrust, groupsintro, groups, defaultgroups]
intro =
[ com "git-annex configuration"
, com ""
, com "Changes saved to this file will be recorded in the git-annex branch."
, com ""
, com "Lines in this file have the format:"
, com " setting repo = value"
trustintro =
[ ""
, com "Repository trust configuration"
, com "(Valid trust levels: " ++
unwords (map showTrustLevel [Trusted .. DeadTrusted]) ++
trust = map (\(t, u) -> line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel t) $
sort $ map swap $ M.toList $ cfgTrustMap cfg
defaulttrust = map (\u -> pcom $ line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel SemiTrusted) $
missing cfgTrustMap
groupsintro =
[ ""
, com "Repository groups"
, com "(Separate group names with spaces)"
groups = map (\(s, u) -> line "group" u $ unwords $ S.toList s) $
sort $ map swap $ M.toList $ cfgGroupMap cfg
defaultgroups = map (\u -> pcom $ line "group" u "") $
missing cfgGroupMap
line setting u value = unwords
[ setting
, showu u
, "="
, value
com s = "# " ++ s
pcom s = "#" ++ s
showu u = fromMaybe (fromUUID u) $
M.lookup u (cfgDescriptions cfg)
missing field = S.toList $ M.keysSet (cfgDescriptions cfg) `S.difference` M.keysSet (field cfg)
{- If there's a parse error, returns a new version of the file,
- with the problem lines noted. -}
parseCfg :: String -> Either String Cfg
parseCfg = undefined
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import qualified Command.Semitrust
import qualified Command.Dead
import qualified Command.Group
import qualified Command.Ungroup
import qualified Command.Vicfg
import qualified Command.Sync
import qualified Command.AddUrl
import qualified Command.Import
@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ cmds = concat
, Command.Dead.def
, Command.Group.def
, Command.Ungroup.def
, Command.Vicfg.def
, Command.FromKey.def
, Command.DropKey.def
, Command.TransferKey.def
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified Remote
import qualified Backend
import Annex.Content
import Logs.Trust
import Types.TrustLevel
import Logs.Group
import Utility.HumanTime
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ addCopies :: String -> Annex ()
addCopies want = addLimit . check $ readnum num
(num, good) = case split ":" want of
[v, n] -> case readTrust v of
[v, n] -> case readTrustLevel v of
Just trust -> (n, checktrust trust)
Nothing -> (n, checkgroup v)
[n] -> (n, const $ return True)
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module Locations (
@ -183,6 +184,10 @@ gitAnnexHtmlShim r = gitAnnexDir r </> "webapp.html"
gitAnnexUrlFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexUrlFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> "url"
{- Temporary file used to edit configuriation from the git-annex branch. -}
gitAnnexTmpCfgFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexTmpCfgFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> "config.tmp"
{- .git/annex/ssh/ is used for ssh connection caching -}
gitAnnexSshDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexSshDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "ssh"
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ module Logs.Trust (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ trustSet :: UUID -> TrustLevel -> Annex ()
trustSet uuid@(UUID _) level = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
Annex.Branch.change trustLog $
showLog showTrust . changeLog ts uuid level . parseLog (Just . parseTrust)
showLog showTrustLog .
changeLog ts uuid level .
parseLog (Just . parseTrustLog)
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.trustmap = Nothing }
trustSet NoUUID _ = error "unknown UUID; cannot modify trust level"
@ -72,38 +74,34 @@ trustMap = do
Just m -> return m
Nothing -> do
overrides <- Annex.getState Annex.forcetrust
logged <- simpleMap . parseLog (Just . parseTrust) <$>
Annex.Branch.get trustLog
configured <- M.fromList . catMaybes <$>
(mapM configuredtrust =<< remoteList)
logged <- trustMapRaw
configured <- M.fromList . catMaybes
<$> (mapM configuredtrust =<< remoteList)
let m = M.union overrides $ M.union configured logged
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.trustmap = Just m }
return m
configuredtrust r =
maybe Nothing (\l -> Just (Types.Remote.uuid r, l)) <$>
maybe Nothing readTrust <$>
getTrustLevel (Types.Remote.repo r)
maybe Nothing readTrustLevel
<$> getTrustLevel (Types.Remote.repo r)
readTrust :: String -> Maybe TrustLevel
readTrust "trusted" = Just Trusted
readTrust "untrusted" = Just UnTrusted
readTrust "semitrusted" = Just SemiTrusted
readTrust "dead" = Just DeadTrusted
readTrust _ = Nothing
trustMapRaw :: Annex TrustMap
trustMapRaw = simpleMap . parseLog (Just . parseTrustLog)
<$> Annex.Branch.get trustLog
{- The trust.log used to only list trusted repos, without a field for the
- trust status, which is why this defaults to Trusted. -}
parseTrust :: String -> TrustLevel
parseTrust s = maybe Trusted parse $ headMaybe $ words s
parseTrustLog :: String -> TrustLevel
parseTrustLog s = maybe Trusted parse $ headMaybe $ words s
parse "1" = Trusted
parse "0" = UnTrusted
parse "X" = DeadTrusted
parse _ = SemiTrusted
showTrust :: TrustLevel -> String
showTrust Trusted = "1"
showTrust UnTrusted = "0"
showTrust DeadTrusted = "X"
showTrust SemiTrusted = "?"
showTrustLog :: TrustLevel -> String
showTrustLog Trusted = "1"
showTrustLog UnTrusted = "0"
showTrustLog DeadTrusted = "X"
showTrustLog SemiTrusted = "?"
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ module Remote (
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.Generic
import Data.Tuple
import Common.Annex
import Types.Remote
@ -100,7 +101,6 @@ nameToUUID n = byName' n >>= go
Nothing -> return $ byuuid m
byuuid m = M.lookup (toUUID n) $ transform double m
transform a = M.fromList . map a . M.toList
swap (a, b) = (b, a)
double (a, _) = (a, a)
{- Pretty-prints a list of UUIDs of remotes, for human display.
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
module Types.TrustLevel (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -15,6 +17,19 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Types.UUID
data TrustLevel = Trusted | SemiTrusted | UnTrusted | DeadTrusted
deriving Eq
deriving (Eq, Enum, Ord)
type TrustMap = M.Map UUID TrustLevel
readTrustLevel :: String -> Maybe TrustLevel
readTrustLevel "trusted" = Just Trusted
readTrustLevel "untrusted" = Just UnTrusted
readTrustLevel "semitrusted" = Just SemiTrusted
readTrustLevel "dead" = Just DeadTrusted
readTrustLevel _ = Nothing
showTrustLevel :: TrustLevel -> String
showTrustLevel Trusted = "trusted"
showTrustLevel UnTrusted = "untrusted"
showTrustLevel SemiTrusted = "semitrusted"
showTrustLevel DeadTrusted = "dead"
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ git-annex (3.20121002) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* watch, assistant: It's now safe to git annex unlock files while
the watcher is running, as well as modify files checked into git
as normal files.
* vicfg: New command, allows editing (or simply viewing) most
of the repository configuration settings stored in the git-annex branch.
-- Joey Hess <> Mon, 01 Oct 2012 15:09:49 -0400
@ -257,6 +257,12 @@ subdirectories).
Removes a repository from a group.
* vicfg
Opens EDITOR on a temp file containing most of the above configuration
settings, and when it exits, stores any changes made back to the git-annex
* fsck [path ...]
Add table
Reference in a new issue