Follow-up to 58f515058
with a better approach: if no full-text cache
file, just get text directly without indexing. In the one existing use
of `attachmentText`, attachment merging, this is better anyway, because
we might be deleting the file, so there's no point wasting time
inserting words into the database.
2005 lines
60 KiB
2005 lines
60 KiB
Copyright © 2009 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Primary interface for accessing Zotero items
Zotero.Items = function() {
this.constructor = null;
this._ZDO_object = 'item';
// This needs to wait until all Zotero components are loaded to initialize,
// but otherwise it can be just a simple property
Zotero.defineProperty(this, "_primaryDataSQLParts", {
get: function () {
var itemTypeAttachment = Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('attachment');
var itemTypeNote = Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('note');
var itemTypeAnnotation = Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('annotation');
return {
itemID: "O.itemID",
itemTypeID: "O.itemTypeID",
dateAdded: "O.dateAdded",
dateModified: "O.dateModified",
libraryID: "O.libraryID",
key: "O.key",
version: "O.version",
synced: "O.synced",
createdByUserID: "createdByUserID",
lastModifiedByUserID: "lastModifiedByUserID",
firstCreator: _getFirstCreatorSQL(),
sortCreator: _getSortCreatorSQL(),
deleted: "DI.itemID IS NOT NULL AS deleted",
inPublications: "PI.itemID IS NOT NULL AS inPublications",
parentID: `(CASE O.itemTypeID `
+ `WHEN ${itemTypeAttachment} THEN IAP.itemID `
+ `WHEN ${itemTypeNote} THEN INoP.itemID `
+ `WHEN ${itemTypeAnnotation} THEN IAnP.itemID `
+ `END) AS parentID`,
parentKey: `(CASE O.itemTypeID `
+ `WHEN ${itemTypeAttachment} THEN IAP.key `
+ `WHEN ${itemTypeNote} THEN INoP.key `
+ `WHEN ${itemTypeAnnotation} THEN IAnP.key `
+ `END) AS parentKey`,
attachmentCharset: "CS.charset AS attachmentCharset",
attachmentLinkMode: "IA.linkMode AS attachmentLinkMode",
attachmentContentType: "IA.contentType AS attachmentContentType",
attachmentPath: "IA.path AS attachmentPath",
attachmentSyncState: "IA.syncState AS attachmentSyncState",
attachmentSyncedModificationTime: "IA.storageModTime AS attachmentSyncedModificationTime",
attachmentSyncedHash: "IA.storageHash AS attachmentSyncedHash",
attachmentLastProcessedModificationTime: "IA.lastProcessedModificationTime AS attachmentLastProcessedModificationTime",
}, {lazy: true});
this._primaryDataSQLFrom = "FROM items O "
+ "LEFT JOIN itemAttachments IA USING (itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN items IAP ON (IA.parentItemID=IAP.itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN itemNotes INo ON (O.itemID=INo.itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN items INoP ON (INo.parentItemID=INoP.itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN itemAnnotations IAn ON (O.itemID=IAn.itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN items IAnP ON (IAn.parentItemID=IAnP.itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN deletedItems DI ON (O.itemID=DI.itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN publicationsItems PI ON (O.itemID=PI.itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN charsets CS ON (IA.charsetID=CS.charsetID)"
+ "LEFT JOIN groupItems GI ON (O.itemID=GI.itemID)";
this._relationsTable = "itemRelations";
* @param {Integer} libraryID
* @return {Promise<Boolean>} - True if library has items in trash, false otherwise
this.hasDeleted = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID) {
var sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM items JOIN deletedItems USING (itemID) WHERE libraryID=?";
return !!(yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(sql, [libraryID]));
* Returns all items in a given library
* @param {Integer} libraryID
* @param {Boolean} [onlyTopLevel=false] If true, don't include child items
* @param {Boolean} [includeDeleted=false] If true, include deleted items
* @param {Boolean} [asIDs=false] If true, resolves only with IDs
* @return {Promise<Array<Zotero.Item|Integer>>}
this.getAll = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID, onlyTopLevel, includeDeleted, asIDs=false) {
var sql = 'SELECT A.itemID FROM items A';
if (onlyTopLevel) {
sql += ' LEFT JOIN itemNotes B USING (itemID) '
+ 'LEFT JOIN itemAttachments C ON (C.itemID=A.itemID) '
+ 'WHERE B.parentItemID IS NULL AND C.parentItemID IS NULL';
else {
sql += " WHERE 1";
if (!includeDeleted) {
sql += " AND A.itemID NOT IN (SELECT itemID FROM deletedItems)";
sql += " AND libraryID=?";
var ids = yield Zotero.DB.columnQueryAsync(sql, libraryID);
if (asIDs) {
return ids;
return this.getAsync(ids);
* Return item data in web API format
* var data = Zotero.Items.getAPIData(0, 'collections/NF3GJ38A/items');
* @param {Number} libraryID
* @param {String} [apiPath='items'] - Web API style
* @return {Promise<String>}.
this.getAPIData = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID, apiPath) {
var gen = this.getAPIDataGenerator(...arguments);
var data = "";
while (true) {
var result = gen.next();
if (result.done) {
var val = yield result.value;
if (typeof val == 'string') {
data += val;
else if (val === undefined) {
else {
throw new Error("Invalid return value from generator");
return data;
* Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getAsyncInputStream-compatible generator that yields item data
* in web API format as strings
* @param {Object} params - Request parameters from Zotero.API.parsePath()
this.apiDataGenerator = function* (params) {
var s = new Zotero.Search;
s.addCondition('libraryID', 'is', params.libraryID);
if (params.scopeObject == 'collections') {
s.addCondition('collection', 'is', params.scopeObjectKey);
s.addCondition('title', 'contains', 'test');
var ids = yield s.search();
yield '[\n';
for (let i=0; i<ids.length; i++) {
let prefix = i > 0 ? ',\n' : '';
let item = yield this.getAsync(ids[i], { noCache: true });
var json = item.toResponseJSON();
yield prefix + JSON.stringify(json, null, 4);
yield '\n]';
// Bulk data loading functions
// These are called by Zotero.DataObjects.prototype._loadDataType().
this._loadItemData = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID, ids, idSQL) {
var missingItems = {};
var itemFieldsCached = {};
var sql = "SELECT itemID, fieldID, value FROM items "
+ "JOIN itemData USING (itemID) "
+ "JOIN itemDataValues USING (valueID) WHERE libraryID=? AND itemTypeID!=?" + idSQL;
var params = [libraryID, Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('note')];
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
let itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
let fieldID = row.getResultByIndex(1);
let value = row.getResultByIndex(2);
//Zotero.debug('Setting field ' + fieldID + ' for item ' + itemID);
if (this._objectCache[itemID]) {
if (value === null) {
value = false;
this._objectCache[itemID].setField(fieldID, value, true);
else {
if (!missingItems[itemID]) {
missingItems[itemID] = true;
Zotero.logError("itemData row references nonexistent item " + itemID);
if (!itemFieldsCached[itemID]) {
itemFieldsCached[itemID] = {};
itemFieldsCached[itemID][fieldID] = true;
var sql = "SELECT itemID FROM items WHERE libraryID=?" + idSQL;
var params = [libraryID];
var allItemIDs = [];
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
let itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
let item = this._objectCache[itemID];
// Set nonexistent fields in the cache list to false (instead of null)
let fieldIDs = Zotero.ItemFields.getItemTypeFields(item.itemTypeID);
for (let j=0; j<fieldIDs.length; j++) {
let fieldID = fieldIDs[j];
if (!itemFieldsCached[itemID] || !itemFieldsCached[itemID][fieldID]) {
//Zotero.debug('Setting field ' + fieldID + ' to false for item ' + itemID);
item.setField(fieldID, false, true);
var titleFieldID = Zotero.ItemFields.getID('title');
// Note titles
var sql = "SELECT itemID, title FROM items JOIN itemNotes USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE libraryID=? AND itemID NOT IN (SELECT itemID FROM itemAttachments)" + idSQL;
var params = [libraryID];
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
let itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
let title = row.getResultByIndex(1);
//Zotero.debug('Setting title for note ' + row.itemID);
if (this._objectCache[itemID]) {
this._objectCache[itemID].setField(titleFieldID, title, true);
else {
if (!missingItems[itemID]) {
missingItems[itemID] = true;
Zotero.logError("itemData row references nonexistent item " + itemID);
for (let i=0; i<allItemIDs.length; i++) {
let itemID = allItemIDs[i];
let item = this._objectCache[itemID];
// Mark as loaded
item._loaded.itemData = true;
// Display titles
try {
catch (e) {
// A few item types need creators to be loaded. Instead of making
// updateDisplayTitle() async and loading conditionally, just catch the error
// and load on demand
if (e instanceof Zotero.Exception.UnloadedDataException) {
yield item.loadDataType('creators');
else {
throw e;
this._loadCreators = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID, ids, idSQL) {
var sql = 'SELECT itemID, creatorID, creatorTypeID, orderIndex '
+ 'FROM items LEFT JOIN itemCreators USING (itemID) '
+ 'WHERE libraryID=?' + idSQL + " ORDER BY itemID, orderIndex";
var params = [libraryID];
var rows = yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(sql, params, { noCache: true });
// Mark creator indexes above the number of creators as changed,
// so that they're cleared if the item is saved
var fixIncorrectIndexes = function (item, numCreators, maxOrderIndex) {
Zotero.debug("Fixing incorrect creator indexes for item " + item.libraryKey
+ " (" + numCreators + ", " + maxOrderIndex + ")", 2);
var i = numCreators;
if (!item._changed.creators) {
item._changed.creators = {};
while (i <= maxOrderIndex) {
item._changed.creators[i] = true;
var lastItemID;
var item;
var index = 0;
var maxOrderIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
let row = rows[i];
let itemID = row.itemID;
if (itemID != lastItemID) {
if (!this._objectCache[itemID]) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not loaded");
item = this._objectCache[itemID];
item._creators = [];
item._creatorIDs = [];
item._loaded.creators = true;
if (!row.creatorID) {
lastItemID = row.itemID;
if (index <= maxOrderIndex) {
fixIncorrectIndexes(item, index, maxOrderIndex);
index = 0;
maxOrderIndex = -1;
lastItemID = row.itemID;
if (row.orderIndex > maxOrderIndex) {
maxOrderIndex = row.orderIndex;
let creatorData = Zotero.Creators.get(row.creatorID);
creatorData.creatorTypeID = row.creatorTypeID;
item._creators[index] = creatorData;
item._creatorIDs[index] = row.creatorID;
if (index <= maxOrderIndex) {
fixIncorrectIndexes(item, index, maxOrderIndex);
this._loadNotes = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID, ids, idSQL) {
var notesToUpdate = [];
var sql = "SELECT itemID, note FROM items "
+ "JOIN itemNotes USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE libraryID=?" + idSQL;
var params = [libraryID];
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
let itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
let item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not found");
let note = row.getResultByIndex(1);
// Convert non-HTML notes on-the-fly
if (note !== "") {
if (typeof note == 'number') {
note = '' + note;
if (typeof note == 'string') {
if (!note.substr(0, 36).match(/^<div class="zotero-note znv[0-9]+">/)) {
note = Zotero.Utilities.htmlSpecialChars(note);
note = Zotero.Notes.notePrefix + '<p>'
+ note.replace(/\n/g, '</p><p>')
.replace(/\t/g, ' ')
.replace(/ /g, ' ')
+ '</p>' + Zotero.Notes.noteSuffix;
note = note.replace(/<p>\s*<\/p>/g, '<p> </p>');
notesToUpdate.push([item.id, note]);
// Don't include <div> wrapper when returning value
let startLen = note.substr(0, 36).match(/^<div class="zotero-note znv[0-9]+">/)[0].length;
let endLen = 6; // "</div>".length
note = note.substr(startLen, note.length - startLen - endLen);
// Clear null notes
else {
note = '';
notesToUpdate.push([item.id, '']);
item._noteText = note ? note : '';
item._loaded.note = true;
if (notesToUpdate.length) {
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
for (let i = 0; i < notesToUpdate.length; i++) {
let row = notesToUpdate[i];
let sql = "UPDATE itemNotes SET note=? WHERE itemID=?";
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(sql, [row[1], row[0]]);
// Mark notes and attachments without notes as loaded
sql = "SELECT itemID FROM items WHERE libraryID=?" + idSQL
+ " AND itemTypeID IN (?, ?) AND itemID NOT IN (SELECT itemID FROM itemNotes)";
params = [libraryID, Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('note'), Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('attachment')];
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
let itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
let item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not loaded");
item._noteText = '';
item._loaded.note = true;
this._loadAnnotations = async function (libraryID, ids, idSQL) {
var sql = "SELECT itemID, IA.parentItemID, IA.type, IA.authorName, IA.text, IA.comment, "
+ "IA.color, IA.sortIndex, IA.isExternal "
+ "FROM items JOIN itemAnnotations IA USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE libraryID=?" + idSQL;
var params = [libraryID];
await Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
let itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
let item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not found");
item._parentItemID = row.getResultByIndex(1);
var typeID = row.getResultByIndex(2);
var type;
switch (typeID) {
case Zotero.Annotations.ANNOTATION_TYPE_HIGHLIGHT:
type = 'highlight';
case Zotero.Annotations.ANNOTATION_TYPE_NOTE:
type = 'note';
case Zotero.Annotations.ANNOTATION_TYPE_IMAGE:
type = 'image';
case Zotero.Annotations.ANNOTATION_TYPE_INK:
type = 'ink';
throw new Error(`Unknown annotation type id ${typeID}`);
item._annotationType = type;
item._annotationAuthorName = row.getResultByIndex(3);
item._annotationText = row.getResultByIndex(4);
item._annotationComment = row.getResultByIndex(5);
item._annotationColor = row.getResultByIndex(6);
item._annotationSortIndex = row.getResultByIndex(7);
item._annotationIsExternal = !!row.getResultByIndex(8);
item._loaded.annotation = true;
this._loadAnnotationsDeferred = async function (libraryID, ids, idSQL) {
var sql = "SELECT itemID, IA.position, IA.pageLabel FROM items "
+ "JOIN itemAnnotations IA USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE libraryID=?" + idSQL;
var params = [libraryID];
await Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
let itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
let item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not found");
item._annotationPosition = row.getResultByIndex(1);
item._annotationPageLabel = row.getResultByIndex(2);
item._loaded.annotationDeferred = true;
this._loadChildItems = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID, ids, idSQL) {
var params = [libraryID];
var rows = [];
var onRow = function (row, setFunc) {
var itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
// If we've finished a set of rows for an item, process them
if (lastItemID && itemID !== lastItemID) {
setFunc(lastItemID, rows);
rows = [];
lastItemID = itemID;
itemID: row.getResultByIndex(1),
title: row.getResultByIndex(2),
trashed: row.getResultByIndex(3)
// Attachments
var titleFieldID = Zotero.ItemFields.getID('title');
var sql = "SELECT parentItemID, A.itemID, value AS title, "
+ "FROM itemAttachments A "
+ "JOIN items I ON (A.parentItemID=I.itemID) "
+ `LEFT JOIN itemData ID ON (fieldID=${titleFieldID} AND A.itemID=ID.itemID) `
+ "LEFT JOIN itemDataValues IDV USING (valueID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN deletedItems DI USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE libraryID=?"
+ (ids.length ? " AND parentItemID IN (" + ids.map(id => parseInt(id)).join(", ") + ")" : "")
+ " ORDER BY parentItemID";
// Since we do the sort here and cache these results, a restart will be required
// if this pref (off by default) is turned on, but that's OK
if (Zotero.Prefs.get('sortAttachmentsChronologically')) {
sql += ", dateAdded";
var setAttachmentItem = function (itemID, rows) {
var item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not loaded");
item._attachments = {
chronologicalWithTrashed: null,
chronologicalWithoutTrashed: null,
alphabeticalWithTrashed: null,
alphabeticalWithoutTrashed: null
var lastItemID = null;
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
onRow(row, setAttachmentItem);
// Process unprocessed rows
if (lastItemID) {
setAttachmentItem(lastItemID, rows);
// Otherwise clear existing entries for passed items
else if (ids.length) {
ids.forEach(id => setAttachmentItem(id, []));
// Notes
sql = "SELECT parentItemID, N.itemID, title, "
+ "FROM itemNotes N "
+ "JOIN items I ON (N.parentItemID=I.itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN deletedItems DI USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE libraryID=?"
+ (ids.length ? " AND parentItemID IN (" + ids.map(id => parseInt(id)).join(", ") + ")" : "")
+ " ORDER BY parentItemID";
if (Zotero.Prefs.get('sortNotesChronologically')) {
sql += ", dateAdded";
var setNoteItem = function (itemID, rows) {
var item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not loaded");
item._notes = {
rowsEmbedded: null,
chronologicalWithTrashed: null,
chronologicalWithoutTrashed: null,
alphabeticalWithTrashed: null,
alphabeticalWithoutTrashed: null,
numWithTrashed: null,
numWithoutTrashed: null,
numWithTrashedWithEmbedded: null,
numWithoutTrashedWithoutEmbedded: null
lastItemID = null;
rows = [];
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
onRow(row, setNoteItem);
// Process unprocessed rows
if (lastItemID) {
setNoteItem(lastItemID, rows);
// Otherwise clear existing entries for passed items
else if (ids.length) {
ids.forEach(id => setNoteItem(id, []));
// Annotations
sql = "SELECT parentItemID, IAn.itemID, "
+ "text || ' - ' || comment AS title, " // TODO: Make better
+ "FROM itemAnnotations IAn "
+ "JOIN items I ON (IAn.parentItemID=I.itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN deletedItems DI USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE libraryID=?"
+ (ids.length ? " AND parentItemID IN (" + ids.map(id => parseInt(id)).join(", ") + ")" : "")
+ " ORDER BY parentItemID, sortIndex";
var setAnnotationItem = function (itemID, rows) {
var item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not loaded");
rows.sort((a, b) => a.sortIndex - b.sortIndex);
item._annotations = {
withTrashed: null,
withoutTrashed: null
lastItemID = null;
rows = [];
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
onRow(row, setAnnotationItem);
// Process unprocessed rows
if (lastItemID) {
setAnnotationItem(lastItemID, rows);
// Otherwise clear existing entries for passed items
else if (ids.length) {
ids.forEach(id => setAnnotationItem(id, []));
// Mark either all passed items or all items as having child items loaded
sql = "SELECT itemID FROM items I WHERE libraryID=?";
if (idSQL) {
sql += idSQL;
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
var itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
var item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not loaded");
item._loaded.childItems = true;
this._loadTags = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID, ids, idSQL) {
var sql = "SELECT itemID, name, type FROM items "
+ "LEFT JOIN itemTags USING (itemID) "
+ "LEFT JOIN tags USING (tagID) WHERE libraryID=?" + idSQL;
var params = [libraryID];
var lastItemID;
var rows = [];
var setRows = function (itemID, rows) {
var item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not found");
item._tags = [];
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
let row = rows[i];
item._loaded.tags = true;
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
let itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
if (lastItemID && itemID !== lastItemID) {
setRows(lastItemID, rows);
rows = [];
lastItemID = itemID;
// Item has no tags
let tag = row.getResultByIndex(1);
if (tag === null) {
tag: tag,
type: row.getResultByIndex(2)
if (lastItemID) {
setRows(lastItemID, rows);
this._loadCollections = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID, ids, idSQL) {
var sql = "SELECT itemID, collectionID FROM items "
+ "LEFT JOIN collectionItems USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE libraryID=?" + idSQL;
var params = [libraryID];
var lastItemID;
var rows = [];
var setRows = function (itemID, rows) {
var item = this._objectCache[itemID];
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not found");
item._collections = rows;
item._loaded.collections = true;
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
noCache: true,
onRow: function (row) {
let itemID = row.getResultByIndex(0);
if (lastItemID && itemID !== lastItemID) {
setRows(lastItemID, rows);
rows = [];
lastItemID = itemID;
let collectionID = row.getResultByIndex(1);
// No collections
if (collectionID === null) {
if (lastItemID) {
setRows(lastItemID, rows);
* Copy child items from one item to another (e.g., in another library)
* Requires a transaction
this.copyChildItems = async function (fromItem, toItem) {
var fromGroup = fromItem.library.isGroup;
// Annotations on files
if (fromItem.isFileAttachment()) {
let annotations = fromItem.getAnnotations();
for (let annotation of annotations) {
// Don't copy embedded PDF annotations
if (annotation.annotationIsExternal) {
let newAnnotation = annotation.clone(toItem.libraryID);
newAnnotation.parentItemID = toItem.id;
// If there's no explicit author and we're copying an annotation created by another
// user from a group, set the author to the creating user
if (fromGroup
&& !annotation.annotationAuthorName
&& annotation.createdByUserID != Zotero.Users.getCurrentUserID()) {
newAnnotation.annotationAuthorName =
await newAnnotation.save();
// TODO: Other things as necessary
* Move child items from one item to another
* Requires a transaction
* @param {Zotero.Item} fromItem
* @param {Zotero.Item} toItem
* @param {Boolean} includeTrashed
* @return {Promise}
this.moveChildItems = async function (fromItem, toItem, includeTrashed = false) {
// Annotations on files
if (fromItem.isFileAttachment()) {
let fn = async function () {
let annotations = fromItem.getAnnotations(includeTrashed);
for (let annotation of annotations) {
annotation.parentItemID = toItem.id;
await annotation.save();
if (!Zotero.DB.inTransaction) {
Zotero.logError("moveChildItems() now requires a transaction -- please update your code");
await Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(fn);
else {
await fn();
// TODO: Other things as necessary
this.merge = function (item, otherItems) {
Zotero.debug("Merging items");
return Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
var replPred = Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate;
var toSave = {};
toSave[item.id] = item;
var earliestDateAdded = item.dateAdded;
let remapAttachmentKeys = yield this._mergePDFAttachments(item, otherItems);
yield this._mergeWebAttachments(item, otherItems);
yield this._mergeOtherAttachments(item, otherItems);
for (let otherItem of otherItems) {
if (otherItem.libraryID !== item.libraryID) {
throw new Error('Items being merged must be in the same library');
// Use the earliest date added of all the items
if (otherItem.dateAdded < earliestDateAdded) {
earliestDateAdded = otherItem.dateAdded;
// Move notes to master
var noteIDs = otherItem.getNotes(true);
for (let id of noteIDs) {
var note = yield this.getAsync(id);
note.parentItemID = item.id;
Zotero.Notes.replaceItemKey(note, otherItem.key, item.key);
Zotero.Notes.replaceAllItemKeys(note, remapAttachmentKeys);
toSave[note.id] = note;
// Move relations to master
yield this._moveRelations(otherItem, item);
// All other operations are additive only and do not affect the
// old item, which will be put in the trash
// Add collections to master
otherItem.getCollections().forEach(id => item.addToCollection(id));
// Add tags to master
var tags = otherItem.getTags();
for (let j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) {
let tagName = tags[j].tag;
if (item.hasTag(tagName)) {
let type = item.getTagType(tagName);
// If existing manual tag, leave that
if (type == 0) {
// Otherwise, add the non-master item's tag, which may be manual, in which
// case it will remain at the end
item.addTag(tagName, tags[j].type);
// If no existing tag, add with the type from the non-master item
else {
item.addTag(tagName, tags[j].type);
// Trash other item
otherItem.deleted = true;
toSave[otherItem.id] = otherItem;
item.setField('dateAdded', earliestDateAdded);
for (let i in toSave) {
yield toSave[i].save();
// Hack to remove master item from duplicates view without recalculating duplicates
Zotero.Notifier.trigger('removeDuplicatesMaster', 'item', item.id);
this._mergePDFAttachments = async function (item, otherItems) {
let remapAttachmentKeys = new Map();
let masterAttachmentHashes = await this._hashItem(item, 'bytes');
let hashesIncludeText = false;
for (let otherItem of otherItems) {
let mergedMasterAttachments = new Set();
for (let otherAttachment of await this.getAsync(otherItem.getAttachments(true))) {
if (!otherAttachment.isPDFAttachment()) {
// First check if master has an attachment with identical MD5 hash
let matchingHash = await otherAttachment.attachmentHash;
let masterAttachmentID = masterAttachmentHashes.get(matchingHash);
if (!masterAttachmentID && item.numAttachments(true)) {
// If that didn't work, hash master attachments by the
// most common words in their text and check again.
if (!hashesIncludeText) {
masterAttachmentHashes = new Map([
...await this._hashItem(item, 'text')
hashesIncludeText = true;
matchingHash = await this._hashAttachmentText(otherAttachment);
masterAttachmentID = masterAttachmentHashes.get(matchingHash);
if (!masterAttachmentID || mergedMasterAttachments.has(masterAttachmentID)) {
Zotero.debug(`No unmerged match for attachment ${otherAttachment.id} in master item - moving`);
otherAttachment.parentItemID = item.id;
await otherAttachment.save();
let masterAttachment = await this.getAsync(masterAttachmentID);
if (masterAttachment.attachmentContentType !== otherAttachment.attachmentContentType) {
Zotero.debug(`Master attachment ${masterAttachmentID} matches ${otherAttachment.id}, `
+ 'but content types differ - moving');
otherAttachment.parentItemID = item.id;
await otherAttachment.save();
Zotero.debug(`Master attachment ${masterAttachmentID} matches ${otherAttachment.id} - merging`);
await this.moveChildItems(otherAttachment, masterAttachment, true);
await this._moveEmbeddedNote(otherAttachment, masterAttachment);
await this._moveRelations(otherAttachment, masterAttachment);
otherAttachment.deleted = true;
await otherAttachment.save();
// Later on, when processing notes, we'll use this to remap
// URLs pointing to the old attachment.
remapAttachmentKeys.set(otherAttachment.key, masterAttachment.key);
// Items can only have one replaced item predicate
if (!masterAttachment.getRelationsByPredicate(Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate)) {
await masterAttachment.save();
return remapAttachmentKeys;
this._mergeWebAttachments = async function (item, otherItems) {
let masterAttachments = (await this.getAsync(item.getAttachments(true)))
.filter(attachment => attachment.isWebAttachment());
for (let otherItem of otherItems) {
for (let otherAttachment of await this.getAsync(otherItem.getAttachments(true))) {
if (!otherAttachment.isWebAttachment()) {
// If we can find an attachment with the same title *and* URL, use it.
let masterAttachment = (
masterAttachments.find(attachment => attachment.getField('title') == otherAttachment.getField('title')
&& attachment.getField('url') == otherAttachment.getField('url')
&& attachment.attachmentLinkMode === otherAttachment.attachmentLinkMode)
|| masterAttachments.find(attachment => attachment.getField('title') == otherAttachment.getField('title')
&& attachment.attachmentLinkMode === otherAttachment.attachmentLinkMode)
if (!masterAttachment) {
Zotero.debug(`No match for web attachment ${otherAttachment.id} in master item - moving`);
otherAttachment.parentItemID = item.id;
await otherAttachment.save();
otherAttachment.deleted = true;
await this._moveRelations(otherAttachment, masterAttachment);
await otherAttachment.save();
await masterAttachment.save();
// Don't match with this attachment again
masterAttachments = masterAttachments.filter(a => a !== masterAttachment);
this._mergeOtherAttachments = async function (item, otherItems) {
for (let otherItem of otherItems) {
for (let otherAttachment of await this.getAsync(otherItem.getAttachments(true))) {
if (otherAttachment.isPDFAttachment() || otherAttachment.isWebAttachment()) {
otherAttachment.parentItemID = item.id;
await otherAttachment.save();
* Hash each attachment of the provided item. Return a map from hashes to
* attachment IDs.
* @param {Zotero.Item} item
* @param {String} hashType 'bytes' or 'text'
* @return {Promise<Map<String, String>>}
this._hashItem = async function (item, hashType) {
if (!['bytes', 'text'].includes(hashType)) {
throw new Error('Invalid hash type');
let attachments = (await this.getAsync(item.getAttachments(true)))
.filter(attachment => attachment.isFileAttachment());
let hashes = new Map();
await Promise.all(attachments.map(async (attachment) => {
let hash = hashType === 'bytes'
? await attachment.attachmentHash
: await this._hashAttachmentText(attachment);
if (hash) {
hashes.set(hash, attachment.id);
return hashes;
* Hash an attachment by the most common words in its text.
* @param {Zotero.Item} attachment
* @return {Promise<String>}
this._hashAttachmentText = async function (attachment) {
if ((await OS.File.stat(await attachment.getFilePathAsync())).size > 5e8) {
Zotero.debug('_hashAttachmentText: Attachment too large');
return null;
let text;
try {
text = await attachment.attachmentText;
catch (e) {
if (!text) {
Zotero.debug('_hashAttachmentText: Attachment has no text');
return null;
let mostCommonWords = this._getMostCommonWords(text, 50);
if (mostCommonWords.length < 10) {
Zotero.debug('_hashAttachmentText: Not enough unique words');
return null;
return Zotero.Utilities.Internal.md5(mostCommonWords.sort().join(' '));
* Get the n most common words in s in descending order of frequency.
* If s contains fewer than n unique words, the size of the returned array
* will be less than n.
* @param {String} s
* @param {Number} n
* @return {String[]}
this._getMostCommonWords = function (s, n) {
// Use an iterative approach for better performance.
const whitespaceRe = /\s/;
const wordCharRe = /\p{Letter}/u; // [a-z] only matches Latin
let freqs = new Map();
let currentWord = '';
for (let codePoint of s) {
if (whitespaceRe.test(codePoint)) {
if (currentWord.length > 3) {
freqs.set(currentWord, (freqs.get(currentWord) || 0) + 1);
currentWord = '';
if (wordCharRe.test(codePoint)) {
currentWord += codePoint.toLowerCase();
// Break ties in locale order.
return [...freqs.keys()]
.sort((a, b) => (freqs.get(b) - freqs.get(a)) || Zotero.localeCompare(a, b))
.slice(0, n);
* Move fromItem's embedded note, if it has one, to toItem.
* If toItem already has an embedded note, the note will be added as a new
* child note item on toItem's parent.
* Requires a transaction.
this._moveEmbeddedNote = async function (fromItem, toItem) {
if (fromItem.getNote()) {
let noteItem = toItem;
if (toItem.getNote()) {
noteItem = new Zotero.Item('note');
noteItem.parentItemID = toItem.parentItemID;
Zotero.Notes.replaceItemKey(noteItem, fromItem.key, toItem.key);
await noteItem.save();
* Move fromItem's relations to toItem as part of a merge.
* Requires a transaction.
* @param {Zotero.Item} fromItem
* @param {Zotero.Item} toItem
* @return {Promise}
this._moveRelations = async function (fromItem, toItem) {
let replPred = Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate;
let fromURI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(fromItem);
let toURI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(toItem);
// Add relations to toItem
let oldRelations = fromItem.getRelations();
for (let pred in oldRelations) {
oldRelations[pred].forEach(obj => toItem.addRelation(pred, obj));
// Remove merge-tracking relations from fromItem, so that there aren't two
// subjects for a given deleted object
let replItems = fromItem.getRelationsByPredicate(replPred);
for (let replItem of replItems) {
fromItem.removeRelation(replPred, replItem);
// Update relations on items in the library that point to the other item
// to point to the master instead
let rels = await Zotero.Relations.getByObject('item', fromURI);
for (let rel of rels) {
// Skip merge-tracking relations, which are dealt with above
if (rel.predicate == replPred) continue;
// Skip items in other libraries. They might not be editable, and even
// if they are, merging items in one library shouldn't affect another library,
// so those will follow the merge-tracking relations and can optimize their
// path if they're resaved.
if (rel.subject.libraryID != toItem.libraryID) continue;
rel.subject.removeRelation(rel.predicate, fromURI);
rel.subject.addRelation(rel.predicate, toURI);
await rel.subject.save();
// Add relation to track merge
toItem.addRelation(replPred, fromURI);
await fromItem.save();
await toItem.save();
this.trash = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (ids) {
var libraryIDs = new Set();
ids = Zotero.flattenArguments(ids);
var items = [];
for (let id of ids) {
let item = this.get(id);
if (!item) {
Zotero.debug('Item ' + id + ' does not exist in Items.trash()!', 1);
Zotero.Notifier.queue('trash', 'item', id);
if (!item.isEditable()) {
throw new Error(item._ObjectType + " " + item.libraryKey + " is not editable");
if (!Zotero.Libraries.get(item.libraryID).hasTrash) {
throw new Error(Zotero.Libraries.getName(item.libraryID) + " does not have a trash");
var parentItemIDs = new Set();
items.forEach(item => {
item.synced = false;
if (item.parentItemID) {
yield Zotero.Utilities.Internal.forEachChunkAsync(ids, 250, Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (chunk) {
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
"UPDATE items SET synced=0, clientDateModified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP "
+ `WHERE itemID IN (${chunk.map(id => parseInt(id)).join(", ")})`
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
+ chunk.map(id => "(" + id + ")").join(", ")
// Keep in sync with Zotero.Item::saveData()
for (let parentItemID of parentItemIDs) {
let parentItem = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(parentItemID);
yield parentItem.reload(['primaryData', 'childItems'], true);
Zotero.Notifier.queue('modify', 'item', ids);
Zotero.Notifier.queue('trash', 'item', ids);
Array.from(libraryIDs).forEach(libraryID => {
Zotero.Notifier.queue('refresh', 'trash', libraryID);
this.trashTx = function (ids) {
return Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
return this.trash(ids);
* @param {Integer} libraryID - Library to delete from
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Function} [options.onProgress] - fn(progress, progressMax)
* @param {Integer} [options.days] - Only delete items deleted more than this many days ago
* @param {Integer} [options.limit] - Number of items to delete
this.emptyTrash = async function (libraryID, options = {}) {
if (arguments.length > 2 || typeof arguments[1] == 'number') {
Zotero.warn("Zotero.Items.emptyTrash() has changed -- update your code");
options.days = arguments[1];
options.limit = arguments[2];
if (!libraryID) {
throw new Error("Library ID not provided");
var t = new Date();
var deleted = await this.getDeleted(libraryID, false, options.days);
if (options.limit) {
deleted = deleted.slice(0, options.limit);
var processed = 0;
if (deleted.length) {
let toDelete = {
top: [],
child: []
deleted.forEach((item) => {
item.isTopLevelItem() ? toDelete.top.push(item.id) : toDelete.child.push(item.id)
// Show progress meter during deletions
let eraseOptions = options.onProgress
? {
onProgress: function (progress, progressMax) {
options.onProgress(processed + progress, deleted.length);
: undefined;
for (let x of ['top', 'child']) {
await Zotero.Utilities.Internal.forEachChunkAsync(
async function (chunk) {
await this.erase(chunk, eraseOptions);
processed += chunk.length;
Zotero.debug("Emptied " + deleted.length + " item(s) from trash in " + (new Date() - t) + " ms");
return deleted.length;
* Start idle observer to delete trashed items older than a certain number of days
this._emptyTrashIdleObserver = null;
this._emptyTrashTimeoutID = null;
this.startEmptyTrashTimer = function () {
this._emptyTrashIdleObserver = {
observe: (subject, topic, data) => {
if (topic == 'idle' || topic == 'timer-callback') {
var days = Zotero.Prefs.get('trashAutoEmptyDays');
if (!days) {
// TODO: empty group trashes if permissions
// Delete a few items a time
// TODO: increase number after dealing with slow
// tag.getLinkedItems() call during deletes
let num = 50;
limit: num
.then((deleted) => {
if (!deleted) {
this._emptyTrashTimeoutID = null;
// Set a timer to do more every few seconds
this._emptyTrashTimeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
this._emptyTrashIdleObserver.observe(null, 'timer-callback', null);
}, 2500);
// When no longer idle, cancel timer
else if (topic === 'active') {
if (this._emptyTrashTimeoutID) {
this._emptyTrashTimeoutID = null;
var idleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1"].
idleService.addIdleObserver(this._emptyTrashIdleObserver, 305);
this.addToPublications = function (items, options = {}) {
if (!items.length) return;
return Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
var timestamp = Zotero.DB.transactionTimestamp;
var allItems = [...items];
if (options.license) {
for (let item of items) {
if (!options.keepRights || !item.getField('rights')) {
item.setField('rights', options.licenseName);
if (options.childNotes) {
for (let item of items) {
item.getNotes().forEach(id => allItems.push(Zotero.Items.get(id)));
if (options.childFileAttachments || options.childLinks) {
for (let item of items) {
item.getAttachments().forEach(id => {
var attachment = Zotero.Items.get(id);
var linkMode = attachment.attachmentLinkMode;
if (linkMode == Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_LINKED_FILE) {
Zotero.debug("Skipping child linked file attachment on drag");
if (linkMode == Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_LINKED_URL) {
if (!options.childLinks) {
Zotero.debug("Skipping child link attachment on drag");
else if (!options.childFileAttachments) {
Zotero.debug("Skipping child file attachment on drag");
yield Zotero.Utilities.Internal.forEachChunkAsync(allItems, 250, Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (chunk) {
for (let item of chunk) {
item.synced = false;
let ids = chunk.map(item => item.id);
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
`UPDATE items SET synced=0, clientDateModified=? WHERE itemID IN (${ids.join(", ")})`,
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
`INSERT OR IGNORE INTO publicationsItems VALUES (${ids.join("), (")})`
Zotero.Notifier.queue('modify', 'item', allItems.map(item => item.id));
this.removeFromPublications = function (items) {
return Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
let allItems = [];
for (let item of items) {
if (!item.inPublications) {
throw new Error(`Item ${item.libraryKey} is not in My Publications`);
// Remove all child items too
if (item.isRegularItem()) {
allItems.forEach(item => {
item.synced = false;
var timestamp = Zotero.DB.transactionTimestamp;
yield Zotero.Utilities.Internal.forEachChunkAsync(allItems, 250, Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (chunk) {
let idStr = chunk.map(item => item.id).join(", ");
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
`UPDATE items SET synced=0, clientDateModified=? WHERE itemID IN (${idStr})`,
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(`DELETE FROM publicationsItems WHERE itemID IN (${idStr})`);
Zotero.Notifier.queue('modify', 'item', items.map(item => item.id));
* Purge unused data values
this.purge = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
if (!Zotero.Prefs.get('purge.items')) {
var sql = "DELETE FROM itemDataValues WHERE valueID NOT IN "
+ "(SELECT valueID FROM itemData)";
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(sql);
Zotero.Prefs.set('purge.items', false)
this.getFirstCreatorFromJSON = function (json) {
Zotero.warn("Zotero.Items.getFirstCreatorFromJSON() is deprecated "
+ "-- use Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getFirstCreatorFromItemJSON()");
return Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getFirstCreatorFromItemJSON(json);
* Return a firstCreator string from internal creators data (from Zotero.Item::getCreators()).
* Used in Zotero.Item::getField() for unsaved items
* @param {Integer} itemTypeID
* @param {Object} creatorData
* @return {String}
this.getFirstCreatorFromData = function (itemTypeID, creatorsData) {
if (creatorsData.length === 0) {
return "";
var validCreatorTypes = [
for (let creatorTypeID of validCreatorTypes) {
let matches = creatorsData.filter(data => data.creatorTypeID == creatorTypeID)
if (!matches.length) {
if (matches.length === 1) {
return matches[0].lastName;
if (matches.length === 2) {
let a = matches[0];
let b = matches[1];
return a.lastName + " " + Zotero.getString('general.and') + " " + b.lastName;
if (matches.length >= 3) {
return matches[0].lastName + " " + Zotero.getString('general.etAl');
return "";
* Returns an array of items with children of selected parents removed
* @return {Zotero.Item[]}
this.keepParents = function (items) {
var parentItems = new Set(
.filter(item => item.isTopLevelItem())
.map(item => item.id)
return items.filter(item => {
var parentItemID = item.parentItemID;
// Not a child item or not a child of one of the passed items
return !parentItemID || !parentItems.has(parentItemID);
* Generate SQL to retrieve firstCreator field
* Why do we do this entirely in SQL? Because we're crazy. Crazy like foxes.
var _firstCreatorSQL = '';
function _getFirstCreatorSQL() {
if (_firstCreatorSQL) {
return _firstCreatorSQL;
var editorCreatorTypeID = Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('editor');
var contributorCreatorTypeID = Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('contributor');
/* This whole block is to get the firstCreator */
var localizedAnd = Zotero.getString('general.and');
var localizedEtAl = Zotero.getString('general.etAl');
var sql = "COALESCE(" +
// First try for primary creator types
"CASE (" +
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators IC " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1" +
") " +
"WHEN 1 THEN (" +
"SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1" +
") " +
"WHEN 2 THEN (" +
"(SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)" +
" || ' " + localizedAnd + " ' || " +
"(SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1)" +
") " +
"ELSE (" +
"(SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)" +
" || ' " + localizedEtAl + "' " +
") " +
"END, " +
// Then try editors
"CASE (" +
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID}` +
") " +
"WHEN 1 THEN (" +
"SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID}` +
") " +
"WHEN 2 THEN (" +
"(SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID} ` +
"ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)" +
" || ' " + localizedAnd + " ' || " +
"(SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID} ` +
"ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1) " +
") " +
"ELSE (" +
"(SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID} ` +
"ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)" +
" || ' " + localizedEtAl + "' " +
") " +
"END, " +
// Then try contributors
"CASE (" +
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID}` +
") " +
"WHEN 1 THEN (" +
"SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID}` +
") " +
"WHEN 2 THEN (" +
"(SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID} ` +
"ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)" +
" || ' " + localizedAnd + " ' || " +
"(SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID} ` +
"ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1) " +
") " +
"ELSE (" +
"(SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators " +
`WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID} ` +
"ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)" +
" || ' " + localizedEtAl + "' " +
") " +
"END" +
") AS firstCreator";
_firstCreatorSQL = sql;
return sql;
* Generate SQL to retrieve sortCreator field
var _sortCreatorSQL = '';
function _getSortCreatorSQL() {
if (_sortCreatorSQL) {
return _sortCreatorSQL;
var editorCreatorTypeID = Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('editor');
var contributorCreatorTypeID = Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('contributor');
var nameSQL = "lastName || ' ' || firstName ";
var sql = "COALESCE("
// First try for primary creator types
+ "CASE (" +
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators IC " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1" +
") " +
"WHEN 1 THEN (" +
"SELECT " + nameSQL + "FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1" +
") " +
"WHEN 2 THEN (" +
"(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)" +
" || ' ' || " +
"(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1)" +
") " +
"ELSE (" +
"(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)" +
" || ' ' || " +
"(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1)" +
" || ' ' || " +
"(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators " +
"LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT " +
"ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=O.itemTypeID) " +
"WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 2,1)" +
") "
+ "END, "
// Then try editors
+ "CASE ("
+ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID}`
+ ") "
+ "WHEN 1 THEN ("
+ "SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID}`
+ ") "
+ "WHEN 2 THEN ("
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)"
+ " || ' ' || "
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1) "
+ ") "
+ "ELSE ("
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)"
+ " || ' ' || "
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1)"
+ " || ' ' || "
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${editorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 2,1)"
+ ") "
+ "END, "
// Then try contributors
+ "CASE ("
+ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID}`
+ ") "
+ "WHEN 1 THEN ("
+ "SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID}`
+ ") "
+ "WHEN 2 THEN ("
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)"
+ " || ' ' || "
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1) "
+ ") "
+ "ELSE ("
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1)"
+ " || ' ' || "
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1)"
+ " || ' ' || "
+ "(SELECT " + nameSQL + " FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators "
+ `WHERE itemID=O.itemID AND creatorTypeID=${contributorCreatorTypeID} `
+ "ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 2,1)"
+ ") "
+ "END"
+ ") AS sortCreator";
_sortCreatorSQL = sql;
return sql;
let _stripFromSortTitle = [
'<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">',
'<span class="nocase">',
].map(re => Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp(re, 'g'));
this.getSortTitle = function (title) {
if (!title) {
return '';
if (typeof title == 'number') {
return title.toString();
for (let re of _stripFromSortTitle) {
title = title.replace(re, '');
return title;
return this;