After uploading a note to the API, the local version may be overwritten with
the sanitized version in the API write response. This commit prevents the note
from being resaved when the note is clicked, reformatted by TinyMCE, and
clicked away from, which would result in an endless resync cycle. Instead, the
note is only resaved (and marked for syncing) when the user manually makes a
Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
If the API returns a modified item after an upload (e.g., to strip invalid
characters), don't update the Date Modified field when saving those changes to
the local version (though it would still be good to avoid API-side changes as
much as possible).
And omit in ZFS file sync requests
The API previously didn't allow these properties to be set for group items,
because they were set atomically during the file upload process, but 1) that's
not really necessary (makes a little sense for 'filename', but not really a big
deal if an old file is renamed on another computer before the new file is
synced down) and 2) skipping them results in the properties getting erased
after items are uploaded and the empty values returned by the server overwrite
the local values.
Before 5.0 we performed a regexp on new item data values to determine if
they were integers and saved them natively in SQLite if so. We no longer
do that, but setField() used strict equality when checking for changes,
so an item could be marked as changed when comparing to a new string
value (e.g., from a write response from the API, which always returns
strings). To avoid that, this converts all old values in the DB to
strings and saves all incoming values as strings automatically. (This
should also help with searching and some other things.)
Since the search might return items in libraries that haven't yet been loaded,
we have to get those items asynchronously and load their data explicitly. Need
to test this with a large document to make sure it still properly populates the
list with search results and then adds matching cited items.
Bulk-loads data for objects that are potentially in different libraries. This
would generally be used to load necessary data for cross-library search
results, since those results might include objects in libraries that haven't
yet been loaded.
This avoids errors for a missing 'feeds' table during tests, when the callback
started in Zotero.Feeds.init() runs but the Zotero object has been torn down
and the database hasn't yet been reinitialized.
Until we have a consistent way of sanitizing HTML on client and server, account
for differences manually. More differences between HTMLPurifier and TinyMCE
should be added as necessary.
Would be better not to start until after the initial library's items had
been loaded, but that's a little awkward to do from non-window code.
Might make more sense when there's only Standalone.
Mozilla removed support for xpinstall.signatures.required in Fx47 Beta
before making an unbranded build available, so a source installation
won't currently run.
extensions.zotero.sync.debugUploadPolicy = {1, 2}
1 to prompt, 2 to throw
This can be used to test sync functionality without altering the server
state unexpectedly. When prompting, the request body, if any, is logged
to debug output.
Previously, item-dependent menu options in the context menu of
collectionsTreeRow types other than 'collection' weren't updated after
the asynchronous loading of the items. The menu is now updated for all
types, so, e.g., "Empty Trash" is now updated properly after items in
the trash have been loaded.
- Fix upgrading of Mozilla-style attachments/storage file paths on upgrade
(requires re-upgrade)
- Save relative paths using forward slashes for consistency, and convert
to platform-appropriate slashes on use