- Scholar.strToDate() accepts a string date and returns an object containing year, month, day, and part
- capture access date whenever URL is captured
- updated Zotero.dot to use new namespaces
Closes#208, tags overflow pane
This is kind of cheating, but it works, and as long as we can live with a 170px min-height, I'm not going to take the time to figure out how (and whether) this can be fixed.
- About panel now gets version number automatically
- Change version from 1.0a1 to 1.0b1
* Important: If you're on an SVN install, you need to rename the scholar@chnm.gmu.edu text file in your profile extension directory to zotero@chnm.gmu.edu *
XPI installs will (I think) update automatically, since I kept an entry in updates.rdf with the old GUID
This needs to be replaced with a 24-bit PNG with a transparent (rather than white) background -- Dan, you can either send that to me or go ahead and replace it yourself (I'd do it but I don't know the kerning, etc.)
Using a -1px bottom margin to get infinite height (a la Fitts's Law) when maximized, though I haven't tested on Windows or Linux -- let me know if clicking the screen edge doesn't work for you
Proper labels for saved searches, hiding rather than disabling irrelevant menu options, added "New Saved Search..." to menu, made file and bibliography export work with saved searches, added "Export Library..." option to Library drop-down
addresses #214, add footnote support to word integration
- the third icon on the Zotero Word toolbar is now reserved for "Document Options," which, for now, means on the selection of styles
- the Document Options window will, for now, appear the first time you create a citation. the default style probably belongs in the Scholar preferences window.
- you can now generate citations in both footnote and in-text citation formats. you can't yet switch between them on the fly, but that should be coming soon...
- Ibid is not yet implemented. again, coming soon.
- select() new collections and saved searches on creation
- Show all collections in search dialog Collection condition drop-down, not just top-level ones -- eventually there should probably be some sort of level indication to show hierarchy
- Don't allow a search to define itself as a savedSearchID condition. Right.
- Fixed a couple bugs in Collection condition creation that would've made such searches often not work
- Added saved search 'add' support to collectionTreeView notify(), and send the right trigger from Scholar.Search
Implemented isBefore and isAfter operators and added to date conditions -- currently have to type dates in SQL format, but we'll have a chooser or something by Beta 2 (this should probably be a known issue)
Added isLessThan and isGreaterThan to 'pages', 'section', 'accessionNumber', 'seriesNumber', and 'issue' fields, though somebody should probably check me on that list
Removed JS strict warning on empty search results
- Added support for tabbing between fields, which unfortunately we don't get for free from tabindex because of what we're doing with labels and textboxes. (The textbox being tabbed away from is deleted before the blur() completes, so it doesn't know where it's supposed to go next.) Basically replicated the built-in functionality for all the text fields -- can add on special tricks for creator adding/removing later.
- Increased spacing between rows slightly and adjusted margins to get rid of shifting when switching between label and textbox -- this also fixes the annoying clicking-off-a-textbox-to-the-lower-portion-of-a-label-below-it-doesn't-select-the-label problem.
not yet implemented:
- formatted in-text citations, rather than placeholders
- footnotes
- selection of citation style (for now, only APA is available)
- support for non-ASCII characters
- exclusion of notes from select items window
- Windows support (although it shouldn't be difficult)
- probably much more...