add basic Word integration. to see it in action, copy to Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Startup/Word. if the gods are with you, you should see a new toolbar the next time you open Word.

not yet implemented:
- formatted in-text citations, rather than placeholders
- footnotes
- selection of citation style (for now, only APA is available)
- support for non-ASCII characters
- exclusion of notes from select items window
- Windows support (although it shouldn't be difficult)
- probably much more...
This commit is contained in:
Simon Kornblith 2006-08-28 05:38:37 +00:00
parent a976d4cd0e
commit c2c82e3c54
4 changed files with 352 additions and 2 deletions

BIN Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -202,7 +202,9 @@ CSL.prototype.createBibliography = function(items, format) {
// add line feeds
if(format == "HTML") {
var coins = Scholar.OpenURL.createContextObject(item, "1.0");
string += '<span class="Z3988" title="'+coins.replace("&", "&amp;")+'"></span>';
if(coins) {
string += '<span class="Z3988" title="'+coins.replace("&", "&amp;")+'"></span>';
if(this._class == "note") {
output += "<li>"+string+"</li>\r\n";
@ -215,6 +217,8 @@ CSL.prototype.createBibliography = function(items, format) {
output += index+". ";
output += string+"\\\r\n\\\r\n";
} else if(format == "Integration") {
output += string+"\r\n\r\n";
@ -760,6 +764,8 @@ CSL.prototype._escapeString = function(string, format) {
return newString;
} else if(format == "Integration") {
return string.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
} else {
return string;
@ -820,7 +826,7 @@ CSL.prototype._formatString = function(element, string, format, dontEscape) {
if(style) {
string = '<span style="'+style+'">'+string+'</span>';
} else if(format == "RTF") {
} else if(format == "RTF" || format == "Integration") {
if(element["font-style"] && (element["font-style"] == "oblique" || element["font-style"] == "italic")) {
string = "\\i "+string+"\\i0 ";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Scholar.Integration = new function() {
var _contentLengthRe = /[\r\n]Content-Length: *([0-9]+)/i;
var _XMLRe = /<\?[^>]+\?>/;
this.ns = "";
this.init = init;
this.handleHeader = handleHeader;
this.handleEnvelope = handleEnvelope;
* initializes a very rudimentary web server used for SOAP RPC
function init() {
// start listening on socket
var sock = Components.classes[";1"];
serv = sock.createInstance();
serv = serv.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIServerSocket);
// bind to a random port on loopback only
serv.init(50001, true, -1);
Scholar.debug("Integration HTTP server listening on"+serv.port);
* registers a SOAP method
function registerSOAP(name, callback) {
_registeredSOAP[name] = callback;
* handles an HTTP request
function handleHeader(header) {
// get first line of request (all we care about for now)
var spaceIndex = header.indexOf(" ");
var method = header.substr(0, spaceIndex);
var uri = header.substr(spaceIndex+1);
if(!method || !uri) {
return _generateResponse("400 Bad Request");
if(method != "POST") {
return _generateResponse("501 Method Not Implemented");
} else {
// parse content length
var m = _contentLengthRe.exec(header);
if(!m) {
return _generateResponse("400 Bad Request");
} else {
return parseInt(m[1]);
* handles a SOAP envelope
function handleEnvelope(envelope) {
Scholar.debug("Got SOAP envelope");
envelope = envelope.replace(_XMLRe, "");
var env = new Namespace("");
var xml = new XML(envelope);
var request = xml.env::Body.children()[0];
if(request.namespace() != this.ns) {
Scholar.debug("SOAP method not supported: invalid namespace");
} else {
var name = request.localName();
if(Scholar.Integration.SOAP[name]) {
if(request.input.length()) {
var input = request.input.toString();
var vars = new Array();
vars[0] = "";
var i = 0;
colonIndex = input.indexOf(":");
while(colonIndex != -1) {
if(input[colonIndex+1] == ":") { // escaped
vars[i] += input.substr(0, colonIndex+1);
input = input.substr(colonIndex+2);
} else { // not escaped
vars[i] += input.substr(0, colonIndex);
vars[i] = "";
input = input.substr(colonIndex+1);
colonIndex = input.indexOf(":");
vars[i] += input;
} else {
var vars = null;
// execute request
var output = Scholar.Integration.SOAP[name](vars);
// ugh: we can't use real SOAP, since AppleScript VBA can't pass
// objects, so implode arrays
if(!output) {
output = "";
if(typeof(output) == "object") {
for(var i in output) {
if(typeof(output[i]) == "string") {
output[i] = output[i].replace(/:/g, "::");
output = output.join(":");
// create envelope
var responseEnvelope = <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<m:{name}Response xmlns:m={this.ns}>
// return OK
return _generateResponse("200 OK", 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"',
} else {
Scholar.debug("SOAP method not supported");
* generates the response to an HTTP request
function _generateResponse(status, contentType, body) {
var response = "HTTP/1.0 "+status+"\r\n";
if(body) {
if(contentType) {
response += "Content-Type: "+contentType+"\r\n";
response += "Content-Length: "+body.length+"\r\n\r\n"+body;
} else {
response += "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"
return response;
Scholar.Integration.SocketListener = new function() {
this.onSocketAccepted = onSocketAccepted;
* called when a socket is opened
function onSocketAccepted(socket, transport) {
// get an input stream
var iStream = transport.openInputStream(0, 0, 0);
var oStream = transport.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0);
var dataListener = new Scholar.Integration.DataListener(iStream, oStream);
var pump = Components.classes[";1"]
pump.init(iStream, -1, -1, 0, 0, false);
pump.asyncRead(dataListener, null);
* handles the actual acquisition of data
Scholar.Integration.DataListener = function(iStream, oStream) {
this.header = "";
this.headerFinished = false;
this.body = "";
this.bodyLength = 0;
this.iStream = iStream;
this.oStream = oStream;
this.sStream = Components.classes[";1"]
this.foundReturn = false;
* called when a request begins (although the request should have begun before
* the DataListener was generated)
Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype.onStartRequest = function(request, context) {}
* called when a request stops
Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function(request, context, status) {
* called when new data is available
Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype.onDataAvailable = function(request, context,
inputStream, offset, count) {
var readData =;
if(this.headerFinished) { // reading body
this.body += readData;
// check to see if data is done
} else { // reading header
// see if there's a magic double return
var lineBreakIndex = readData.indexOf("\r\n\r\n");
if(lineBreakIndex != -1) {
if(lineBreakIndex != 0) {
this.header += readData.substr(0, lineBreakIndex+4);
this.body = readData.substr(lineBreakIndex+4);
var lineBreakIndex = readData.indexOf("\n\n");
if(lineBreakIndex != -1) {
if(lineBreakIndex != 0) {
this.header += readData.substr(0, lineBreakIndex+2);
this.body = readData.substr(lineBreakIndex+2);
if(this.header && this.header[this.header.length-1] == "\n" &&
(readData[0] == "\n" || readData[0] == "\r")) {
if(readData.length > 1 && readData[1] == "\n") {
this.header += readData.substr(0, 2);
this.body = readData.substr(2);
} else {
this.header += readData[0];
this.body = readData.substr(1);
this.header += readData;
* processes an HTTP header and decides what to do
Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype._headerFinished = function() {
this.headerFinished = true;
var output = Scholar.Integration.handleHeader(this.header);
if(typeof(output) == "number") {
this.bodyLength = output;
// check to see if data is done
} else {
* checks to see if Content-Length bytes of body have been read and, if they
* have, processes the body
Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype._bodyData = function() {
if(this.body.length >= this.bodyLength) {
if(this.body.length > this.bodyLength) {
// truncate
this.body = this.body.substr(0, this.bodyLength);
var output = Scholar.Integration.handleEnvelope(this.body);
* returns HTTP data from a request
Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype._requestFinished = function(response) {
// close input stream
// write response
this.oStream.write(response, response.length);
// close output stream
Scholar.Integration.SOAP = new function() {
this.getCitation = getCitation;
this.getBibliography = getBibliography;
function getCitation(parameters) {
var myWindow = Components.classes[";1"]
var io = {dataIn: null, dataOut: null};
if(io.dataOut && io.dataOut[0]) {
var item = Scholar.Items.get(io.dataOut[0]);
var creator = item.getCreator(0);
return [io.dataOut[0], "{{"+creator.lastName+"}}"]
function getBibliography(vars) {
// get items
var itemIDs = vars[1].split(",");
var items = Scholar.Items.get(itemIDs);
return Scholar.Cite.getBibliography(vars[0], items, "Integration");
/*Scholar.Integration.registerURL("/", "text/plain", function(vars) {
return "Hi there! The HTTP server is working!";
Scholar.Integration.registerURL("/getBibliography", "text/html",
function(vars) { return Scholar.Integration.Cite.getBibliography(vars) });
Scholar.Integration.registerURL("/getCitation", "text/html",
function(vars) { return Scholar.Integration.Cite.getCitation(vars) });*/

View file

@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ Cc[";1"]