- Fix list download logic
- Close bar when clicking "View Item"
- Don't show "Move to Trash" if item isn't editable
- Download new list if cached version differs from client
- Reduce height of notification bar
- Switch to a slightly darker red
- Check for retracted items using data from Retraction Watch
- Show an X next to retracted items in the items list, and show a
scary message at the top of the item pane with more info and links.
- Lookup is done in a privacy-preserving manner using k-anonymity --
the server is unable to determine the specific items that exist in
the client, so people who don't sync don't need to share any library
data (though the server doesn't log the lookups anyway).
- Pop up an alert when new items are found
- Show a confirmation prompt when citing a retracted item
- Support items without DOIs or PMIDs
- Add a proper PMID field and expand DOI to more item types so these
values don't need to be parsed out of Extra
- Clear the banner immediately when all possible fields are cleared
instead of waiting a few seconds
When doing Restore to Online Library from a backup that was never
file-synced, 'mtime' and 'md5' can be null, but we don't want to clear
existing properties on the server.
- Support items within collections and searches:
- Fix the 'itemKey' parameter:
- Select library root if collection/search not specified
If an object changed on both sides and the changes were either
non-conflicting or identical but there were other local changes, the
local object was incorrectly being marked as synced, causing it not to
be uploaded until it was next modified locally.
- Revert to single-line mode after closing
- Don't add newline if Shift-Enter is pressed in an empty textbox
- Hide progress meter in multi-line mode until beginning search
Applied to all styles with ids matching 'apa($|-)'
Currently limited to colons, but Juris-M/citeproc-js#74 may extend this
to other punctuation
This adds "English (UK)" to the locale list, which allows for "tag
colours" and allows dates to be recognized in d/m/y form.
I changed "color" and "license" on Transifex, but I'll leave other words
for others to change. If we stick to Oxford spelling, there probably
won't be too much else.
The error is triggered upon initial interaction with a doc after Zotero
restart or if new external citations (copied into the document) are
peresnt and `session.updateSession()` is called without a subsequent
`session.updateDocument()` call. `session.updateSession()` is called
without a subsequent `session.updateDocument()` call every time the
user cancels a citation insert.
More specifically, `session.updateSession()` is called every time a
citation dialog is invoked. It retrieves all citations and writes them
into a local `session.citationsByIndex` object. Moreover, it marks
each citation that hasn't seen before in a `session.newIndices` object.
`session.newIndices` is there to ensure that we load every new citation
into citeproc upon document update. This object is built by marking any
citation that does not appear in the previous invocation's list of
citations as new. However, if the document is never updated (because the
user cancels the insertion) then the new indices are not loaded
into citeproc. This commit fixes that, by excluding citeproc unloaded
items from the previous invocation's citation list.