Instead of My Publications being a separate library, have it be a
special collection inside My Library. Top-level items can be dragged
into it as before, and child items can be toggled off and on with a
button in the item pane. Newly added child items won't be shown by
For upgraders, items in the My Publications library will be moved into
My Library, which might result in their being duplicated if the items
weren't removed from My Library. The client will then upload those new
items into My Library.
The API endpoint will continue to show items in the separate My
Publications library until My Publications items are added to My
Library, so the profile page will continue to show them.
When refreshing, if fewer than 100 tags to show, just create them from
scratch instead of updating the full set. Otherwise, remove the full set
from DOM and add it back in after updates to avoid reflows (from #1204).
There are various things that could be done to optimize this further
(avoiding unnecessary sorting during full refreshes, calculating a hash
of the full set and not updating it every time), but we should probably
just replace it with @tnajdek's React version first.
- Make version copyable
- Include "What's new" link to changelog
- Update some links and descriptions
- Replace dev credits with a nice statement like in the Firefox About pane
Not ideal -- we can't reduce the height of separators, so there's too much
padding between sections -- but still better (and way better on Linux, where a
thick black line was being drawn instead of the light dashes on macOS).
- New flat theme (with padding tightened a bit from the default to fit
in right-hand pane)
- Adds search/replace within notes
- Adds URL autolinking
- Image pasting/dragging is now properly disallowed (though TinyMCE 4
has hooks that may allow us to actually support this by automatically
creating attachments)
- New blockquote style with color bar
- Replaces custom context menu on link click with built-in version
- Fix display of pop-ups, which are now modal dialogs within the note
frame instead of pop-up windows, to stay fully within the frame
- Localize (more important now that there are tooltips)
- Support image dragging
- Update elements list for HTML5, for better drag-and-drop?
- Move directionality control to context menu instead of taking up
toolbar space?
- Evaluate other plugins for potential inclusion
- Show additional controls in separate note window?
- Fix opacity of text in tooltips
Closes#451, closes#421
And change "Changes take effect in new windows" to "Changes take effect
after restart"
(The note font size still requires a restart, as do the shortcut keys in
the Advaned pane.)
This also reworks how the collection context menu is built to do more in
JS instead of XUL, though it can't do it all in JS because some
localized strings are in zotero.dtd and are used in standalone.xul too.
- Only show first pane (without Sharing pane) if no files or files
aren't included
- Update authorship checkbox to reflect file include setting to avoid
- Clarify in intro text that license applies to files, not notes --
notes here are no different than notes in any public library, so it's
sort of up to the user to clarify those if they're substantial enough
for it to matter
- Adjust alignment of authorship checkbox if more than one line
- Allow clicking on non-editable abstract field to expand/collapse it
- Change cursor when hovering over abstract to show it can be toggled
- Default abstracts to expanded
- Hide notes, tags and related for feed items in itembox
- Add feed support for <enclosure> elements
- Add feed syncing methods for synced settings (additional work is
needed on the sync architecture to download synced settings from the
- Change feed item clear policy to be less aggressive
- Adjust for deasyncification
- Disable translate-on-select
- Closeadomasven/zotero#7, Remove context menu items from feeds
If 'pdf' flag is included in object POSTed to saveSnapshot, import the
PDF directly and save as top-level item. Currently the PDF is
redownloaded -- there might be a better way to get the PDF data over
without redownloading. (It uses passed cookies, though, so gated PDFs
should still work.)
- Fix spacing on Windows and Linux in latest Firefox versions
- Tweak icon colors on Windows and OS X
- Adjust Z SVG to take up full height, so Z is a full 16px instead of
14px with slight anti-aliasing
- Use generated PNGs instead of SVG for Z toolbar icons, to remove the
need for complicated size rules
- Add separate platform-specific .svg files that are used by a
zotero-build script, make-z-icons, to generate the Z PNGs; the main
SVG is still used directly in the menu panel and customization
palette, with platform media queries to determine the coloring
Improves UX of sync authentication.
The account is now linked and unlinked and an API key related to
the client is generated transparently in the background.
The API key is deleted on unlinking.
No sync options are allowed before linking an account.
This will appear much less frequently, since non-conflicting field changes on
both sides can be resolved automatically, but genuine field conflicts still
require manual conflict resolution.
The merge pane is no longer editable, since the itembox code to do that is
async and can't run in a modal window, but it's not really necessary,
particularly with conflicts happening less frequently.
- Remote item deletions
- File conflicts
- Maybe handle some edge cases where the conflicted items fail to save
And fix save button hover height on Windows, which somehow got out of
whack again.
Might need further tweaking on Linux
Need to find a better way to do these buttons...
Since modal windows (e.g., the Create Bib window and the Quick Copy site
editor window) can't use yield, style retrieval
(Zotero.Styles.getVisible()/getAll()) is now synchronous, depending on a
previous async Zotero.Styles.init(). The translator list is generated in
the prefs window and passed into the Quick Copy site editor, but it's
possible the translators API should be changed to make getTranslators()
synchronous with a prior init() as well.
For new installations, a panel will show for the Z icon with a ">"
button to go to a second panel for the save icon. For existing
installations, a panel will show just for the save icon. In both cases,
the panels are non-auto-hiding but are dismissed if clicked on or when a
new content page is loaded.
There's also a new close button, but it's not enabled currently. Might
be useful for panels with embedded links where an accidental click on
the panel alone shouldn't close the panel (like the Firefox customize
mode wizard).
- Simplified schema
- Tags are now added without reloading entire tag selector
- On my system, adding 400 tags to an item (separately, with the tag
selector updating each time) went from 59 seconds to 42. (Given that
it takes only 13 seconds with the tag selector closed, though,
there's clearly more work to be done.)
- Tag selector now uses HTML flexbox (in identical fashion, for now, but
with the possibility of fancier changes later, and with streamlined
logic thanks to the flexbox 'order' property)
- Various async fixes
- Tests