Dan Stillman
Fixes #62 , Cache notes count for items
2006-06-25 05:43:00 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fixed error in History.add() call in Item.save() that was breaking new item inserts
2006-06-25 05:26:53 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
Better handling of itemTypes, and improved date handling in PubMed scraper.
2006-06-25 05:03:01 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fixes #66 , Need a function to get typeID given typeName
- Added methods getID(idOrName) and getName(idOrName) to Scholar.CreatorTypes and Scholar.ItemTypes to take either typeID or typeName
- Removed getTypeName() in each and changed references accordingly
- Streamlined both classes to be as similar as possible
2006-06-25 04:35:11 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
Addresses #68 , figure out way to have scrapers work for gated resources behind proxies. We can now access pages through an EZProxy. We need to know what alternatives to EZProxy exist in order to support them. Also, fixes some spacing issues in browser.js.
2006-06-25 04:30:43 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Begin to work undo functionality into data layer -- currently just for Item.save()
History.undo()/redo() now reload the item, though changes won't show in open metadata pane due to #71
refs #67
2006-06-25 04:11:19 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
Temporary fix to get ingested item types right until #66 is implemented
2006-06-24 21:44:36 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
- Search results scraping for TLC. This is the last of the library scrapers.
- Minor fixes to ingester utilities.
2006-06-24 15:38:53 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Replaced all instances of "Firefox Scholar" (not counting the repository URL) with "Scholar for Firefox" for now
2006-06-24 09:08:12 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Addresses #5 , Add as many item types as possible
New item types from Elena
2006-06-24 08:28:37 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fixes #61 , creator caching sometimes malfunctions
2006-06-23 22:00:39 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
- Make generalized function for finding search results case insensitive
- Scrape DRA search results
2006-06-23 20:09:48 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
- Make events listening for DOMContentLoaded listen for load, because DOMContentLoaded does not seem ready for prime time (hey, it's undocumented, what can you expect)
- Make Amazon scraper work with multiple documents
- Fix bugs in processDocuments
- Make Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.getItemArray() willing to take an array of DOM nodes to search for links, and finally take advantage of the fact that objects have no length
2006-06-23 03:02:30 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
The Voyager scraper now actually works on the search results page.
2006-06-22 20:50:57 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
- Made ingester automatically create hidden browser objects, given a window object. This should make things much easier for both David and me.
- Multiple item detection code is now a part of the scraperJavaScript, rather than the scrapeDetectCode, and code to choose which items to add is part of Scholar.Ingester.Utilities, accessible from inside scrapers. The alternative approach would result in one request (or, in the case of JSTOR, three requests) per new item, while in some cases (e.g. Voyager) only one request is necessary to get all of the items.
2006-06-22 15:50:46 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Scholar.History -- i.e. undo/redo functionality
Partially integrated into data layer, but I'm waiting to commit that part until I'm sure it won't break everything
2006-06-22 14:01:54 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
Beginnings of search result scraping (does not yet actually do the scraping, but does present the menu)
2006-06-22 02:43:40 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Don't break the extension right before we show it
2006-06-21 16:06:41 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Set repository check timer to 1 hour during development
2006-06-21 16:04:45 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
- Remove load eventListener after it has been called once
- Capture editors from Google Books
2006-06-21 15:18:18 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
- Make Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.loadDocument() attach an event handler to load rather than DOMContentLoaded to resolve an issue with the Ex Libris/Aleph scraper (VCU)
- When possible, corporate creators/contributors are categorized with their own RDF types (prefixDummy + "corporateCreator/corporateContributor)
- Remove extraneous debug code in extensions
2006-06-21 01:41:07 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Scholar.inArray(needle, haystack) and Scholar.arraySearch(needle, haystack) -- versions of the PHP functions for JS
2006-06-20 17:32:40 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
Fix overly optimistic JSTOR scraper
2006-06-20 17:06:41 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- DB parameters can now be bound using the native JS type rather than by specifying the type explicitly (e.g. Scholar.DB.query(sql, [1, 2, "hello"]) -- for use when the data is generated internally and trusted, obviously
- Don't try to display an SQLite error when it's "not an error" (i.e. when the error is in something else)
- Switch to nsIFile instead of nsILocalFile to retrieve the profile directory
2006-06-20 15:42:01 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Typo in trigger() call in Collection.addItem() (thanks David)
2006-06-20 15:28:20 +00:00
Dan Stillman
QA testing of extension performance aboard trains
Fix in Collection.erase() -- when the DB methods started returning values in their native type, the collection id became an int rather than a string and "new Array(this._id)" became a length declaration rather than an elements declaration
2006-06-20 15:23:44 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
- Move commonly used scraper functions to ingester.js, rather than re-defining them in each scraper. This breaks Piggy Bank compatibility in our scrapers, but we will still be able to export our scrapers in a Piggy Bank compatible form.
- Better handling of scraper RDF to item mapping.
- Improved date handling. All scrapers now return ISO-style dates when possible.
2006-06-18 19:04:32 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
- Make scrapers return standard ISO-style YYYY-MM-DD dates. Still need to work on journal article scrapers.
- Ingester lets callback function save items, rather than saving them itself.
- Better handling of multiple items in API, although no scrapers currently implement this.
2006-06-17 21:21:15 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Restore the statement.reset() in valueQuery() that I accidentally deleted in r216
2006-06-16 22:17:46 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Display SQLite error in exceptions thrown from commitTransaction() and rollbackTransaction() (like the ones on field value updates that I'm trying to figure out at the moment)
2006-06-16 22:15:07 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Change the DB query functions to return values of the actual types they are, rather than to return everything as strings -- this will prevent the need for parseInt on COUNT(*) values, etc. and is generally better
This will temporarily break the display of numeric fields on the interface side
2006-06-16 21:44:41 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix Item.numNotes() and Item.getNotes() to work on items not yet in the DB (return 0 and [], respectively)
2006-06-16 21:33:03 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Add dateCreated and dateModified columns to itemNotes
Update itemNotes.dateModified on item update
2006-06-16 16:09:18 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Trigger notify('modify', 'item', noteID) on note modify
Added method Item.updateDateModified to just change the date -- used on note updates
Delete item notes on item delete
2006-06-16 15:57:52 +00:00
Dan Stillman
2006-06-16 15:18:01 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Add note contents to search
2006-06-16 08:04:01 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Many-to-one item note support in the schema and data layer -- still some issues on (I think) the interface side
2006-06-16 07:32:48 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Make the retry interval 60 minutes, not 60 seconds
2006-06-15 21:24:04 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Added a timer to run repository checks while the browser is up
Added a separate retry interval so that the extension retries sooner after failures (browser offline, request failure, etc.)
Revision 200 -- w00t i am victorious
2006-06-15 21:06:24 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Added Scholar.HTTP.browserIsOffline() and changed doGet() and doPost() to return false if so
2006-06-15 16:52:46 +00:00
Dan Stillman
_getDBVersion() caches the version number, so make sure _updateDBVersion() updates it
2006-06-15 16:28:11 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Added automatic scraper update mechanism (more details on Basecamp: http://chnm.grouphub.com/C2687015 )
- Removed localLastUpdated field from scrapers table and renamed centralLastUpdated to lastUpdated; updated scraper queries accordingly
- Added query in scrapers.sql to update version table 'repository' row to prevent immediate downloads of newly installed scrapers
- Get version property from extension manager in Scholar.init() and assign to Scholar.version
2006-06-15 06:13:02 +00:00
Dan Stillman
JS Date() takes months 0-11, for reasons that are far from clear
2006-06-14 16:59:29 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Don't be dumb
2006-06-14 15:41:25 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Moved the Scholar.Hash constructor out of the main Scholar constructor, where I had put it for some reason -- ignore
2006-06-13 15:14:22 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Scholar.Date.sqlToDate(string sqldate) -- function to convert SQL-formatted date (e.g. '2006-06-13 11:03:05' or '2006-06-13') into a JS date object
2006-06-13 15:07:08 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Wrapper functions for XMLHTTPRequest in scholar.js, stolen and adapted slightly from Simon's ingester code (those override the mime type to text/plain and only use responseText, I assume to conform to the Piggy Bank API, so unfortunately we can't use the same ones elsewhere)
Scholar.HTTP.doGet(url, onStatus, onDone) and Scholar.HTTP.doPost(url, body, onStatus, onDone) -- onStatus and onDone are callbacks to call on non-200 responses and the response body, respectively
2006-06-13 14:53:38 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Changed schema of scrapers table to use single GUID for scraperID
Assigned guids to scrapers, replaced INSERT queries with REPLACE queries, and removed table DELETE query at top -- this will allow scrapers to be updated without deleting any others that may exist (e.g. that someone is developing, third-party, etc.)
2006-06-12 15:43:24 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Move CreatorTypes constructor in code -- ignore
2006-06-12 13:08:36 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Cache creator type names to prevent repeated DB lookups in CreatorTypes.getTypeName()
2006-06-12 13:05:30 +00:00