itemType comes from the column name in the tree view, so it makes most sense to do it there. Otherwise, Zotero was complaining about invalid field somewhere
Instead of limiting charsets to a fixed list, dynamically populate it
with any charset name of less than 50 ASCII characters. Previously,
unknown charsets were discarded.
Zotero.Item.prototype.attachmentCharset now always returns a charset
name. It can be set with either a name or a charsetID.
- Remove the unused 'originalPath' column in itemAttachments
...with fewer modifications, since one (better debug info on an invalid
yield value) was implemented in Bluebird and the other (detecting a
thrown error that doesn't properly extend Error) we should just fix in
our code.
.save calls ._initSave(), _saveData(), _finalizeSave() internally passing `env` object to each to act as an environment for passing around variables
* _initSave should determine if the save is possible and return a promise for either `true` or `false`. It should also set up the environment, e.g. determine if this `isNew`
* _saveData performs the actual saving to the database, but should not do any terminal steps in the save process so that any extending classes could extend this method to write additional data to the database
* _finalizeSave should perform any finalization before the data is committed to the database.
_recoverFromSaveError is called with `env` and an error that occurred. This method should perform any recovery steps, e.g. discarding the save and reloading the item from the database into the cache.
* getDomDocument: returns a detached DOMDocument object
* dom2text (TODO): Currently just returns Node.textContent, but is intended to return Zotero-formatted string based on text formatting in the DOM and the Zotero.Item field that the text is meant for
It's way too slow, though, since the whole list is regenerated after
- The arguments to Zotero.Item.prototype.clone() have changed, and it no
longer takes an existing item or copies primary data. To create an
in-memory copy of an item, use the new Zotero.Item.prototype.copy().
- Zotero.Item.prototype.getUsedFields() now gets in-memory fields rather
than the fields in the database
Our modifications no longer include a custom yield handler to
automatically call all() on yielded arrays (which maintained Bluebird
1.x behavior). It's now necessary to call all() or similar explicitly.
Also fixed a few incorrect yields hidden by that behavior.