Closes#285, Hitting Esc should close tags popup
Fixes various UI issues and problems adding tags on Minefield
Still getting autocomplete self-destruction
If anyone's out there, now would be the time to test this.
Missing icons for the new types -- I could try to get some of those now, or we could just launch. Maybe we'll just launch. But really, might want to test this. Just sayin'.
Including in the DB, which it turns out isn't really all that bad (thanks, among other things, to SQLite's ability to DROP tables within transactions without autocommitting (which MySQL can't do))
Changed creator type <label> to <toolbarbutton> -- hopefully won't have any ill effects with other platforms' default themes (I haven't checked)
Moved some metadata pane CSS from overlay.css to zotero.css
- Currently requires user to enter dates in SQL format if they want to change the access date, but at least it doesn't mangle the dates anymore
- Uses new function ScholardammitZotero.Date.dateToSQL(Date date [, Boolean toUTC])
- Utilities.lpad() now forces _string_ to a string so that .length exists
- Unrelated: now returns false if the item didn't change
In other words, show both "Shakespeare" and "Shakespeare, William" in the drop-down, and if the latter is chosen, save both fields
One issue is that since the autocomplete is by default limited to the width of the textbox, longer entries get truncated (though you can see them with a mouseover), and that may not be easy to fix.